"TFro"116 Oregon SMesnan W rAn o9,ii we learn that John Fitzhngh, fmnW county, has been pardoned f r,V. Penitentiary by Gov. Woods, afw - . SF Last Saturday Hiram J Place, IS!iniinl before Judge Matlock on a ?S ! of insanity, and sent to tie Asylum. cIkiiV i,rut twenty years 3 ,L 1 ,.fVintiMt. lie caiv.c ftZo in April last, but Las failed to "re'truieMtive employment, which f'f to-other wiilbpAcr causes have pro- . j-inity. IIe PPcar3 to b0 dcter i Sunnit ucid.. ill! in- O ... .Tin.- rti.irv. Tills week. r i . Co.. rmr chased from the ' )U,S Transportation Company, the boill-r and engines of the steamer Union. fTr'a bSKtnow being built for the navigsi- tion of tbe Umpqua River. Mr. N. Ilaun, President of the WiUamett 3 team Naviga tion Company during its existence, is one of the parties interested in this enterprise. Uiv success attend hi;nnd his associates ia tliL'irn'.'W unRu-taking. Worthy of Notk. Last evening Mr. N. AV. Hand.il1. handed us an apple ot last vt"irs growth. It Is of the variety known a, lb... Yellow Xiwt.own Pippin' and, from its present appearance, it would until next October. He had several v bushels of these apples, kept them in an v open cellar, and had them fur use until vlihln i very short tirr.e, this one. being ilio iast of t!ie ut. It is to be regretted tint Mr. Randal! did not save a few and j.iit them on exhibition at our coming htate Fair. Tiik l'KNiTKNTSAKV. While in Sa'cm ,it week, we visited ih.e Penitentiary uMOii the invitation of Major Horry, Super intendent. Under his control, every thing goes on in deck like regularity and sys tem. The convicts raise the vegetables neces 0ry for the use of the prison. Observing Hfiine large cabbages, we had one head weiglird. and it weighed 27lbs; there were many more equally large. The po lijtnes raised on the prison grounds were nqa.U'y good. Owing to the fact that the Republican members of the late legislature resigned and broke up that institution before the passage of the. appropriation bill, Major Perry has to make the. prison self support ing. Ihit in order to do so, he is compell ed to sell his brick at six dollars per thou ti.ind. The result of which is, tin; good luynl Halcmjtes. taking advantage of this state of affairs, are erecting many hand m-nie brick buildings this summer. Wonder if Gov. Woods had cheap brick in view when he instigated the Republi can members to resign and burst out the legislative assembly. Lorain for lUc Slnlrsman" (in:l tlie lt, Some men at work upon the canal of the People's Trensportation Company the other day hail to stand in the water, the cotisoqiience of which, was they had damp feet. 2d, Yesterday the sun broke through the clouds in all his resplendent glory. This attracted the attention of Miss Od. I Lewis, and looking tip suddenly , his bright ness caused her to sneeze three times in quick succession. .'5d, There is a lady in this town who can f'inj' sweeter, and scream louder than any 0 .1 I 1 ' 1 A oilier lady we ever heard try. Itl), Our Itien I Kelly'w hen continues t) produce large eggs. LlTSaAUV NOTICES. Ovkui.am) Monthly. The October number of this excellent maga."uo lm. been received. A usual, it is replete wiUGintcrcsting reading matter, among which may be mentioned as of leading rn tereS?, article No. 2 on oar public schools. IV r man's Macjvzink. The October number of this literary treat is before us. and this number is better than its prede cessors. It is published by G. P. l'utman and Son, New York at 1.00 per annum. Pktkk's MrsiCAi.MoNnrT.r. For Septem ber lias been received. As usnsl. il con tains some fine original music. This No. contains the following poise's, among-many others, which we would commend, viz : Jessie, a song ; At home t'jon art rcmcm-lie-rod ; Congenial Hearts, a Mazourka ; Morning Glogy, a mazourka ; and Take me Home, a song. The MANTFACTrnEii and Bltldeh. For September has been received. It is pub lished by Western and Company. New York, at $1.50 per annum, and should be taken by every mechanic iu the land. Tuk Phrenological Journal. ior Octo uku. is full of entertaining reading. Among its contents are: George W. Child the Philadelphia publisher ; Philip Phillips, the well-known Singer; John A. Roebling, the Eminent Civil Engineer; George L. Miller, the Omaha Editor ; Phrenology, is it a Science ? Answers to objections ; The Phrenologist's Prophecy ; Salem Witchcraft an Elaborate Review ; Our Convicts What shall Re done with them? Yaccination is it useful? A new method of Warming Houses ; The Tiger ; The Chinese Question ; Shall we have '"Celestial" Laborers? etc., with portraits and other Illustrations. Only 30 cents, or $3 a year. Address S. R. Wells, Publisher, 389 Broadway, N. IIoiWat Home. This excellent month ly is before us, full of interesting reading matter. Among other things, it contain a bundle of incongruities entitled : "A Chinese Love Song," which we hope our Chinese-loving Republican friends -will cowiilit to memory. Selling1 Chinese Children. A lady resident at Ilongkonr, writes that the selling of Chinese children is a common thinp; and that tliey are iriven to the pi.s in the in t trio r. A s an y Chin aman may re pudiate a wife once a year in the Celestial kingdom, the "divorced or rejected wife is at liberty to save or destroy her children, as she chooses, support or sell them, in Hongkong they sell them when they can ; in other places they are dealt out as swill to hogs. Probably this rie coi.nts for the Chinaman's well known penchant for pork; it is all in the family ; John enjoys the com panionship of his relative while he eats him. This would seem a de velopment ofalFection in advance of that of the FeejeCans,- who con tine their flesh feasts mostly to the stakes furnished by the rHissiona ries who appear to visit those is lands chiefly as caterers for the cannibal cuttsute. But John Chi naman goes one better. He or she, feeds the pigs with Chinese babies, and then eats the pigs. We are not cruel enough to wish an increase of pigs in China, but diavc no doubt that if irost of the Chinese women who are infesting this city should now grow fat on distillery slops, there would be a sudden mortality in the pork market. S. J Call. A IL.L.I.Y3I DAVinSO.V, Aajoiiiins- tlie Tolei-apb OSllef, TortLia 1 Oie-o:;. SrKCIAL COLLECTOR of CLAIMS, Accounts, Notes, Uunds, Drafts, and Merear. tile Claims of every description, throughout Oregon ana t.ie leirttones, ILL HL.MADE ... ... .. . ...... A St'KCIAl.TY, and promptly eol'ectcd, as well as Avitli a due regard to economy in all business auit'vrs entrusted to Ids care and the proceeds paid over punctually. iott URAL ESTATE DEALER. SPECfA L XO TICKS. PIii!tnoin:i!i Licxlgc 5o. 1, A. I1'. ud a . A. M. Holds its regular eommuni 3?" cations on the I'! rut and Tltird Sat ' unlay in eacli month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2oth of .September to the -iOtb of M.'.rch, and 7 5 o'clock from tbe 2oth of March to the 20tb of September. Rrethrcniu good standing are invited to attend. Ry order of W. M. Orrgon IjOtis;1" No. 3, I. O. of O. F. '.i'v Meets every Wednesday even- S&4&f$iz nig at ( o-clock, in Masonic lia'l. Members of the Order arc invited to attend Ry order. X. ti. XIeZecca Degree tjoiSjsCC So. 3, I. O. O. F ,o Meet on tlie Second and F u; th TUESDAY EVEXIXGS. ot each mouth, at 7 o'clock, in O Id Fellows' Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. Vy ordr of N. (5. Cljicli:tttsis Hi vision ?'o. 3, fi. of T. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ' ins of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon Citv. Members of the Order are invited to attend. Ry order W. P. "Willamette rr.tlc Xo. 151. O. G0 T Meets every Saturday evening, at the roonr.c ,S.i-:. corner of Main and Fittb streets, at 1 1-2 o'clock. Yisiting members arc invited tc attend. - R3' ordr of W. C. T. A VERY ECEGETiTJL MAIL G. W. Fonier, a man about five feet six. with a powder-buri ed face, is a very forget ful man. lie. forgot to leave some sixty dol lars.' worth of furniture and other articles bcTongPig to me when he left mj place, on or aoout xne ewi oi .-epiemucr, io-j. Mr. Lenjamin Thomas, of Cathlamct, W. T., informs me that he bought a lot of pota toes from this same powder faced man, and paid him for tnem, but he forgot il unit so thmt to anoilur pitrtij t?n! name day, and then left next morning at two o'clock. Mr. P. E. Fercben, of Astoria, informs me that he handed tins same man l which be agreed to pay to a neighbor of his, Mr R. Elliot, of Cathlamct, but he forgot it and kept the fn.fy. There are other cases that we could men tion, but this is enough for the public to know at present. JOHN II. TTIESSING, Mifwaaile, Oregon, Sept. 2C, 1SG0. uy business connection with the above named John II. Thessing has amounted to thousands of Dollar., and I have at all times found him to be a correct and reliable man. J. R. RALSTON. Oregon City, Sept. 22, 1SCU. G.W. Fonner received of S. Lr.tUiag, of Mdwaukie, Hl"ty-s;x dollars, and forgot to pay it back agreed on. S. LUELLING. I hereby certify ibat G. W. Fonner bor rowed of me ten dollars on th 2."H day of August, which he promised to pay back on the tollowing day, and which he did not do, I, J. M. Frazeh, County Clerk of county and State aforesaid, do hereby certify ilr.it the gentlemen abeve named, to Avit : J. II. Thessing. B. F. Smith and S. Lueiling, are citizens of tlvs county, and are men of un doubted veracity. I have the utmost confi dence in the truthfulness of their statement. In testimony whereof I hereunto sit my name as such County Clerk. J. M. FRAZElt, County Clerk. Sept. 22, 1 SCO. 4G.lt edatthe ENTERPRISE OFFICE. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip tion, printed at the Enterprise office. WEDDING. AT HOME. AND YISIT ing eardo lieatly printed at this office. nor has he ever sent word that he would or And tl. the a?, JAY COOKE & CO. Waebingtoiv Genera? intended to pay the same; consccpeutlv, j 4,,,., in A-aluaUuns, descriptions, Southern Agentv E. S. Turner, Manager, think he wiltully forgets to pay an honest 0f (1.a:iTit-;eS 0f lands, b-ts or other p-Mpcrty. dbt- IF. SM1I1L I ' M PATTERSON, County Assessor J. A. ELLIS & CO. Chicago, General Atrcntf? St.vte of Otgv 1 - for Juino'sr, isconsin, Iovra and Mmn. ' ci.AeMAs'corNTv. WASHING r?IADE EAS, I'Hi.'iiwiii SIMILIA SnCTLIiigs OUEAFTTJE. homeopathic si onryxrte -so , simple that ml& K! . V ' . . ir use. nsin"tb.-m. Zur.,B-K!0 eaunot be made m Cer Snd Vr,' css as to be free from dan They lvc Uortlhi'i t0 Le alwa-va reliable, all and n oi - C hiKhcet cominendation Ironi an, ana U always render Batisfeetion. Cents 1, Cures vera, Congestion, Inflammation"! 3 " V?r"i,?vlni Fever, Worm Colic.25 4' l,r:1"?-C'oliccrTeetl.ingof Infants23 5 ""fja of Children or Adults.. 25 6, 11 41 i M lacIicsyi?klIeaclachc,Yertio25 liyspcissia, Bilious Stomach...... 23 Mi !?5rt-!.! nr ln!V.l TA..r, ,-r lutes, too profuse Periods 25 5.1"?"!'- Consh, Difficult Breathino- .25 15 5"ItMIeuM,Er.veIpela9,Erupti3i835 1 -ir 7.. ,it!cl,!tisMlni. Uhenmatic min3..23 i cordairiun "i V it1"'1 UJM'-1 yiALSMith directions containing double quantifies each, for CO -,JHift?i'u'g :'e ohoputvn'in, rials and 'are at the mme jnces yiren fatmn Vb , A: Ali UC.Cniff Fevor. AnuTJ 1', I'ileS. lllilnl m l,lr.,H,", ftI 13, 19, 3?' 22, a?, 25, 0, , 2S, ptha3iny, and gore or weak EyesoO h.acnte or chronicJnllucnzaoO hooplnr-Coiiri.violcntcouijb50f Astisnsa, oppressed Breathing 50 l.ar iielaarp;e,impairedhearinp.50 Seroi.ila.enlaixecl 2:lands,swelling850 eiicralDcl)ility.phveicahveaknc6s50 Irop.v, and scanty Secretions 50 Nea-sH-kness..icK.ness from ridingM Iiidncy-JUiMoe. Gravel . 50 Nervus liebiJily etnitiai I-nnxsions, iiryoluutarr Dls Chariro , 1 qq Sore iTSouth, Canker 50 Ifrinary Vcahicss.wettiii? becl.0 jt'ai'sisil I.erIoi, Avith spasms GO Si!ireriitscs at change 01 liiV 1 (k) S.:iile5y,Spcspis,St.Yitnmticel IN) iililstlieria, ulcerated eore tlu"oat.50 20, 8o, SI, 3, ai, lL2llf.Y C.1S12S Oi 3." to GO larre rlr.ls, mororro or roscAyocd t-s'sc, rontaining tSiaeae a family s"rjj l-ject to, Riid books or directions i'rom $10 to $35 Em alter family and Travellis ca?es, Avitb 20 to 2-S vials ironi S.j to $S Bpccilica for ali fi.ri ate Btisrases.bo!h for Curing ami for 1'revcnlive treatment, in vials and pocket cases, $2 to$ 5 POND'S EXTIMCT, C.tres 15rsis. 18r;o?, LamrnrKiA kvei 'a1?, , v.. v. ; ... fa... ji. ' aclie, ICaraciic, Notiratjriji, ieiaentna- - ..... i . ,i : (. i i . u 11(11 r 1??"' hVh?tiJ?V ?,lB,-H. Rose, SjowiatJi, or 01 Piles; Corns, 8J1- cer.0!ti ?orcs. Priee, (i 02., iJOcts.i Pints, $1.00 s Quarts, si. 75. ' ' STv Ttiepo liemcdies, except TONTVS EX TRACT, by the case or single box, are Pent to any inrt ot the country, bv mail or express, free Of charge, on receipt of the price. Address Humphreys' Specific - Homeopathic Medicine Company, fficc and Depot, No. SGSBvoadwav, New York. Office : Dr. IIcmphreys is consulted daily at his ofllec personally or by letter, as above, for all forms of disease. FOR SALE BY ALL DUUGGIST3. T II E Commercial DoDartmeret OF THE Porilss sael Acadessay And Female SennsRary. Under tlie Superintendence of T. II. CraAA i'ord. A. L, aiiVutls excidleut iac lities for tbe acquirement of a practical Ibisiie-s Education. Tuition In the Commercial I)i paitment, 12 per Qr. The Course in the ailemlc Department, Resides il e usual English studies, embra ces the Natural Science-, Mathematics, as far as Surveying, and suiiieicnt Latin for p"Ofe-siosil purposes. These Course, sys tematic ami complete wi:h:n themselves, arc especially- vccodh!oi;0I to those who cannot spend six ears in College -iy" Yi.iii,? Ladies a-e under the immedi ate care ot tho Preceptress, Miss Kmi'y J. York. For new Cfttalu.mio. containing names of Graduates and fall information, Addie. a : T. M. GATCII, Principal, 42. J Portland,- Oregon. F, WILLIS trc Go. LIVE v ivT.-rrA. a v ta c t ir wr" OREGON CITY. OREGON. Having recent'ry alded to the Livery Steck new Cat riaues, ItuurKtes and ilorseSj re now prepared at all times to let the same, at reas onable rates. Horses bought and sold, or kept by the day or week. j JRR & MORRISS, iJUTCIIEKS, FOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY. u ZT Will deliver to their patrons all the bet fstvlities of Stall Ft d Hect, also Mutton, Pork,1 t'oultry etc., as usual twice a w ck, on Tuesdays oiid Sutitrdftys ! -ThankfuV for past favors of the public, would respect! till y a-ks a contimiauce of the same. N. lb An ab-jadantsttpplv of sond poultry on hand. JS.tAC PAU1J, P. D. MO-UU1SS. lTSSOLUTIOX NOTICE-. The Co-pavtner.-hlp heretofore existing oetween t lie untiers:-guett, unuei m mni name of DILLKR MILLER, is this day dissolved, bv mutual consent. L. DILLER. Sept Tth, ISOftr A. F. MILLER. The business will be carried cn as usual, by the undersigned, at the old stand, Lincoln Bakery, West side Main street, Oregon City. Sept. 7th, IS'i'j Il.ur L. DlLLElt. rlyO THE TAX-PAYERS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY Not ire is hereby given that the undersign" ed Assessor fur "tbe Co tint v of Clackaiuas, State of Oregon, will atteml at tbe oiliee of the County Cleik of Clackamas County, State" of Oregon, j ()n Jft)))7.(, jU'iJ(7' 2'7ft, XSCO, RY USING THE Automatic Clothes Washer and Boiler ! ririE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE JL times, as it does away aa ith rubbing and wear and tear on Clotnes. An ordinary wa-biii can be dine in from one to two . j.iV'.n TIME. bAUOR AND EX- IFSE Warranted to give entire satisfac, tion. Jror sale ny J.C. MAR OY, Manufacturer, 143 Front street, one door north of jjtf Tavlor street. Portland. 7(,nTT.lvn. Orkcon iJ i t U v Cor. Front and H astungton ,ts. Acent North British aud Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life lnsurar.ee Company. Govfrnnicnt Securities, Stocks,Ronds and Real Estate bought aau sold on Cow-iai&ion. tr-Ji urjlmg, liilions Colic.25 tJsolcrnOlorl) u s, Vomiting 23 nieur: NATIONAL tifE SHSO RANGE eoMP'Y ! OP THE United States of America. JVA5II1XGTOX, D. C. Rrnncli Office at Pnilarfclpnia, Wlicre the business of the Company 13 transacted, and to which all general correspondence ff:rmW? be addressed. O DIRECTORS : rii'ladelphia, Clarence II. Clark. Jay Cooke, F. Kutehtord Starr, J. Hincklev Clark, Gio. V. Tyler, W. C,. Moorhead. AVashinKtou, Henry D. Cooke, E. A. Rollins Win. E. I'liamller, John D. DetVces. New Yoik, Edw. Dodge, II. C. Fahnestock. OFFICERS : CLARENCE II. CLAPR; President. JAi COOKE, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. HENRY R. COOKE, Vice P-esident. EMERSON W.PEET, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS fi. SM ITIl.M.I)., Medical Director. J- E WING MEARS, M. IX, Assistant. wf P ntivniV!! u'.-i. ta, n and Ceo. IIAir?lN0, Philadelphia, Attorney 8. 0 tl Most Successful T ifp C l!OSL OIICCCSSIU1 Jllt Insurance Company ot The World ! Having issued in the first TEX months of its existence, 3,395 Policies, - INSURING 15,142,800 Dollars ! This Company r.flbrds to its Policy Holders PEET SECURITY! I5y its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, by its Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 fER CENT. PY ITS Return Premium Plan S -O- Wells, Fargo EXEIIA AGENTS' FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. V. E. HALE MANAGER. AGEKT FOR OKEGC.V. OFFICE IX CREETS B VIEDIXG, (Up stairs, bet. Front and Fust sts ) ENTRANCE ON STARK STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. f pQ PEj LOCAL AGINTj Oregon cirr. GENERAL AGENTS i JAY C00KE & CO. No. 21(1 Broad way, N.Y. General Agents for New York and Noith ern New Jersey. J. U. Orvis and D. C W b 1 1 m a n , M a n a ge r s. E. W. CLARK A CO. Rankers,- No. S'l SoutW Third street, PhiladelphiaGeneral Agent? for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey. C. S. Russell, Manager. JOHN W. ELLIS & CO. No. 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and' Central and SouthernTndiana. I S. A. KEAN & CO. Detroit, General Agents' for Machijran aid Northern Indiana. D.- AV. Kean, Manager, T. R. EDGAR, Sfe. Louis, General Agen for Missouri and Kansas. C. Orvis, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Roston. General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tucker Man ager. JOHNSTON BROTHERS A- CO. Raltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. Wi song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, General Ggeut lor the pOHiinion of Canada. Hendee's Photograph Gallery. JO" THE ONLY" PLACE IN PORTLAND where you are sure of getting No. 1 Fictuies at all times is at Hendee's Gallery, corner of Fir.-.t aad Morrison streets, where he is as well prepared to do a!! kinds of work as any Gallery in Oregon, and will guarantee as good satisfaction for all his work as can le ad in the State. Pictures of every kind can be had at short notice. Old Pictures can be copied, enlarged anH retouched in Idia Ink, or Oil Colors, AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER PLACE. 4t Orn yy ILL AMETTE NURSERY. Season of 1SG9 70. G. W. WALLING &. Co. would eallp the attention of the public to their large and Avtll assorted stock of fine fruit trees and shrubbery, cons'sting of choice varieties of CHERRIES, PLUife; REARS, APRICOTS, PEACHES, NUTS, RASPPEnniE?, Ac, Ac. Persons desirous of purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest acd best in the State. Orders (with the cadi) sent to the Nursery will be prompely filled and forwa:dcd. JB-SfJrtnictire taken in Kicking Trtt9.Hy Address all orders to G. W. WALLING k Co., 43tf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon. PAUL RICIITER: E.Vf T;i IX AND Mamiracturcr of every variety of FURNITURE, BEDDING, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, DAMASKS, UIli:iOES,S g. $" All kinds of Upholstery TiimnTng constantlA on band. Spring ami Hair Mat t asses of Pest Quality MADE TO OiiDER. JS'f" Southwest corner First and Taylor sts. Portland, Oregon. 45.rm O R E OON 13 Hi F. 0PITZ, PKOPRIEE, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, Bet. Washincton and Sturfc sts. MAXCFACTCRER OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF OEAGKEES! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRT QRACKERS AVill always be sold beloAV San Francises prices. All orders promptly' attended to. OREGON BKEKY, Tirfit t., I'orthtnd, Urcon. C. II. SlYIilE Fitting Establishment, Xo. HO Kirtsl Street , .Poitlund Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot. Water Boilers, Marble Top Washsfands, -Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Wafer Closets, Hath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Fipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELROWt EETURNPENDL NIPPLES; E'CSIJfGS, d, for Steam; Wttfr and (Ja3. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Watcrr Guages, Vfbrrtlet Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, (Robe, AiVdo, and Co'eck Valres", Guage jocks. Air Ccks, and all kinds CI lira Work. Rubber Hose, lose Pipes, Ac. Hotels, public buildings, and private res? df frccs hcTtCd with the latest improvements li i fffoam Or.hof air apparatus. I invite ciffyfens gen'craTJy fo call and ex amine my stock, avTucTi has been seToc'tCd Avith great care, and especial attention given to the Wants of this' market. - (3. II. MYERS. J. R. RALSTOf 5 IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CiTY, OREGO'N. tTfllEUE HE WOULD INVITE HIS T 7 friends, and the public m general, to call and examine his stock-,-consisting ot a general assortment Of Hoots siiatllsLocj ISatts sfitdL Csi.is9 Crockcry'j Groceries, Having fron: many years' experience learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIE IB SMALL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER? SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Sdence the Cry of Portland Piicesrf Oregon City, August 2Sth; 185'J. A LARGE IN tO ICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! I7ROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE : ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson fit. between 2d and 5d. Portland, Ongon. 52.1 and Tieus. Oregon Tract Society G. II. ATKINSON. Secretary. JVJOTICE, Change of Time ! UNTIL FURTHER Xd?rcE the People's Transportation Co.'s STEAMED jjgli Alektor Senatok, Will leave the Company's dock, Portland, Every morning at 5 o'clock, Sundays ex cepted, Connecting at Oregon City with steamers for SA8SfI AU& DAYTON, ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY", FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Ot each week. 0 3?" ?? f-ts protldcd for passengers on board steamer ALERT, at Fifty cent ;. A. A; McCULLY, President. Aiiusl4, l?i;V. t-latf) WALTER BROS. IV A P 'ST'.T'S" "efJ"T2S J.'a w 3 iu. jjlj i. v;oo 1 , 1 1. VELVETS, BRUSSELS T il R E E - PLY,- oil - cloths, Window-shades, PAPER -KAKGIHGS, LACE - CUSTAIHSj &e. &c. Vrre Would Call the ailention af par tics Jilting up houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stocky which is ONE OF THE COMPLETEST On the IPsacille Cosist! Our Goods being sjiccially selected at the Factories in England and the EaslCr rt States ', we can sell AT THE LOWEST SttsiFrraiKcisco Prices. WALTER BROS.f No. SO Front street, between Alder .) and Washington, Portland Oregon Dr. J, H. HATCH, Pate Mack 4- Hatch, DENTIST, The patronage of those desiring Iirst Class Operation, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. R. Nitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington st reet. J)EXTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During rny 6nr of two years in the Eastern States I haA'e snnrcd lifithft timo t r r iUlfiiJ money to mak' ryseif per fectly '! h'ia'f with and master of my ro fession. Tliose desiring the best Tvcrk that the nature of the case will admit of can find me at my otlice, 107 front street, f tfo d66rs above McCormick's Rook Stdfe, I'ortland, Oregon. DR. J. G. CEENN. , yM. BROUGIITON. Contracor and Builder, Mahr St., OREGON CITY. &5 Wil? at ItnS to all Tfork in his line, co& sisting in part of Carpenter, and Joiner woi framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptl attended tj. fII. tjTTPnt & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS,-N AND CfENTS' FUI1NISUING GOODS. O Ci FRONT STREET, UNDER COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, 4o.3m) rortle-nd, Oregon. pG. STEWART, No. 109 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. r? Watchmaker fj! And Jeweler- : And Dealer m CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox & .Gibbs' Letter "G" Sei'rs'g Machines, which are now being stild singly at cost, or whole sale less than cost. Other goods at greatly reduced rates. (4r.tf A. G. WALLTNG'tf Pioneer Book Bindery OREGON IAN RUILDING, So. 5 AViisIiiiiJftoii Sti-'tet, PORTLAND, OREGON. RLANK ROOKS RULED and BOUND to a'nv desired pattern. MUSIC ROOKS, MAGAZINES:, NEWtS PAPERS, Etc., boirrrd in every variety of style known" fo fhe trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended td. 112 131 FRONT STREET,- FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street. Near YarttiiH.- KAST & CAHALIN. Kew St05k of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Dest Selection in the City ! Coriiprising all theleading and best brands Known, such as Renkert's, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Houghton & Coolidge's, Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of cents and boys wear. Also Mile's. Sieberlich's. Unit's San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children s wear. Our customers and the public in seneral are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. 1 . o. Moots made to order, and an assort- 1 ment of our make coustamtly on hand STOP THAT GOOGHI 03XE OP YOTJ CAsV'T, AVD WE PIT Y J you. You have tried every remedy bat the OXK ij2U!iod, by its intrinsic meiit, to supersede all sim raf preparations. It is not surprising you shonW b eluctaat ta try something else after tbe rnany : erinictit3 you have mado of trashy coWpcuiiJ bicted- a tho public as a certain curw; but WEWELL'S Pulmonary Syruj s really tho TT.F.Y PHT tWaedy ever coTnpomVAi r tbe euro f T Conphs, folds. Horn Throat, Asthuw, A'hoopini; Conh,Broiieni:;sanl fonsin:ptAn. TKou ands of people in California nr Orejion havo rfn JreaUy bueliued by the surprising cttrutivo puvci it NE M h Pulmoiiary Syrup ' ir.d with one accord give it thMr unrpirdificd r.ppi" Kitio. We now a.'drf'ss ourseJvc's to all who r.ru un crpiaintod with this, tlio greatest l:anaeea cif tlie ; or the healing of all Iiaci.ii.J uf U10' 'fhruaV j. i L,ungs, aasuiiai; you that NEWBLL'S ulmonary Syrup has cured thousands Rii it will cure YOU i f you if This invalnnhlo tnodicincT i rlasant to'tlie tnst, :oolhing, healing and strciigiheuini; m us eaecis; n irely free froai all po:-oin-Mit rr deleterious drug ud perfectly harmless under all cirebnTsLuii-y. Certificates from many ron:iuer.l vai'v.ui cf Sa frauciico accompany every buttlu cf Pulmonary Syr tip fcfTiTNGTON tz CO. Agents, 5an rnsicuw. ALWA YS SA FE ! A H ays EffectnaL Ferer and Atri.e is Speedily and ef fectually cured bv Dr. E. COOLER'S Univer sal Magnetic Eafrn. . "PRO BONO PUBLICO!" TRULY A VEGETABLE PREPA RATION. None genuine without siguatsie of W. R. Strong. RED1NGTON, HOSTETTER & CCt.. 410' and Front st., San Francisert hrole and exclusive A cents. REDINGTOIl, HOSTETTER &G0S ESSENCE OF This valuable preparation, containing lrr a h?whly cinccntrntcd form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger, has become one of tho most rnpnlnr domestic remedies for all diseas es- of the stomach and digestive organs. As it tonic, rt Avill bb found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise: lor while it impacts to the system all tlie glow ,gnd vigor that can hi produced by wine or hi atidy, it is free from O the reactionary ejects that follow the use or spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for fcmaTcs who suffer from difficult menstruation, givlnjr almost irr?med'ate relief to ihe spasms that so frequently accompan' tliat period. It gives immediate relief to Ifausea, caused by riding in a radread car, cr by sea sicknes or other causes. It is also valuable .is an external application, for Gout. Rheumatism. Neuralgia", etc. REDING TON, HOSTETTLT Co., 4IG and 418 Front st, San Francisco. Uac Kiecfro Silicon, OrHlMsrie Itrilllnit .- REDINGT01T HOSTETTER & Co.'s ITtoricIsi, "Waler For the Handkerchief. This article, possessipg the mos delicate fragrance of Flowers, is unequalled- as a ier fume for fhe Handkerchief. FOR THE BATH! Used in oft thing- it f.mparts strength and en ergy to the system, and gives that softness and delicacy to the skin so much desired by alt- IT REMOVES StNBULN, FRECKLES' - PIMPZES, Diluted with water it makes an clejranf oin- trfrice, imparting pearly whiteness to ihe tee th sweetness to tbs breath, and , renders the gums hard and of a beautiful color. It should always be used after phavins diltit. ed with water, as it relieves all infipTumation- II EDING TON, HQS TETTER Co. 41G and 418 Front St.. Kan Fraacisco. ELECTRO SILICON, - ou - Magic 2111111 ii22l ! Direct froni Nature's Labraiory. The Pest arficle ever discovered for clean ing afifd Polishing Gold. Silver and Plated ware, and all smooth Mctalic Surfaces, of whatever description, including Kitchen iUii sils of Tin, Copper, Rrass, Steel, etc. To Jewelers and Workers in Gold and Sil ver Plate the Electro-Silicon is of inestimable value ; the time saved, and the vexation pre vented by its use, will forever endear its name to all AA-ho have had eviiencsof ibs merit-v. REDING TON,. HOSTETTER CVT Sole' Agents, San Francisco- JTOR FLAVORING, REDING TON, HOSTETTER S,- Co ENT PACTS Are the ligst. Redington, Hostetter & Co's Ploiida Water ! USE NO OTHER. Unexcelled for Toilet Use and fgr the Bath. s - o O o o O o o o G O O