The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, October 02, 1869, Image 2

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4 !
QTIj'c iUctkln '(gntcrpnst
Oregon City, Oregon , .
D. 21. ilcKEXNEY, Eutcr.
. o
October 2, 1859.
By an act of Congress passed on the
3rd of March, 18C9, making appropria
tions for the year ending June the 30th
1870 the following liberal appropriations
were made, viz:
For compensation of the Secretary of
H ar, chief clerk, 4 clerk ot class lour;
for additional to one clerk of class four a?
disbursing clerk (200) ; for 7 clerks ot
class three ; 3 clerks of class two ; 8 clerks
of class one : one
messeger ;
sistant messengers ; and one laborer in
Lis office $ -1G;5G0
For coxtixukxt expenses of the of
fice as follows : for blank books,
stationery, labor, books, maps,
extra clerk hire, and tniscella
ncous items 10,000
For 3 clerk s of class four. 0 clerks
of class three, 27 clerks of class
two, 20 clerks of class one. and
O 2 messengers 00.15'J
For contingkxt expenses of this
ofiice, as follows : For blank
books, stationery, binding and
miscellaneous items 1..000
For I clerks of class four; 8 clerks
of class three: 20 clerks of class
two ; 75 clerks of class one ; 3')
copyists ; one superintendent
ot the building; 1 messenger ;
J. assistant messcn;
For contingent expenses ot this
ofiice, as follows : For. blank
books, stationery, binding, and
miscellaneous items
For chief clerk; 1 elks of class four
1 clerk of class three ; also 3
clerks of class three authorized
by clause in act of February 2.3,
ISC.'J ; I'rouided, Said clerks
jdiall not be continued after the
30th of June 1870 ; 2G clerks of
class two ; 30 clerks of class
one; and 2 messengers.,
For coxtixoknt expenses of this
office, as follows : For blank
books, stationary, binding, and
ni,sce7'ieoi.9 item:? 10,000
ori'iei: ov co.Murss.utY gexkuai..
For 1 clerk of class four; 1 clerk
cf class Ihree; 10 clerks of class
two; 20 clerks ot class one; one
messenger and 2 laborers. . . .
For coxtix(.j:XT expenses ot this
office as follows: For office rent
fuel, and lights, repairs, two
watchmen and f to 3 laborers. . . .
(It will be observed that "two
laborers'' are provided for
twice, in this department.)
oi- t'ici: ok sv:kgeox okxehaTj.
For 1 clerk of class four; 1 clerk
of class three; 2 clerks of class
two; 10 clerks of class one: one
messenger and 1 laborer 19,610
For eoxTixc.EXT expenses of this
office as follows : For blank
books, binding, stationery, a:ul
miscellaneous items 19,000
For 5 clerks of class four; 1 clerks
of class three: !
of class
two; 3 clerks of class one; t-vo
messengers, and 1 laborer. . . . 2C,4S3
For co.vriXGF.xr expenses of this
office, as follows: For blank
books, stationery, binding, and
muiccltanccus items 3,500
For chief clerk; 3 clerks of clas3
four ; 2 clerks of class three ; 5
O clerks ot class two ; cieiKs oi
class one; two messengers, and
one laborer 28,010
For coxtincfnt expenses of t lis
office, as follows: For blank
bofrks. stationery, binding, and
miscellaneous items 2,000
office of military justice. (?)
For 1 clerk of class four; 1 clerk
of class three ; 1 clerk of c!a.S3
two; and 2 clerks of class one. 7,200
For coxtet;kx r expenses of this
office, as follows : For blank
books, stationary, binding, and
miscellaneous items 1,000
GVr gcw-iral purposes cf Ihe War
Department building. For com
pensation of Superintendent. 4
watchmen, and two laborers cf
the building ; and for labor,
fuel, light and miscellaneous
items 20,000
t -i f
Making a total of direct appropri
ations for those offices for this
year of
Contingent .
Total $611,110
Now let ns compare with the foregoing,
appropriations lor the same offices, made
under a Democratic administration. T.y
an act approved on the 2d of June, 1S5S,
making appropriations for the year end
ing Juno the 30lh, 1S50. wo Cud the fol
lowing sums appropriated, viz :
For compensation of Secretary of War.
and the clerks, messengers, and laborers
in Ula office, including " contingent ex
penses " $ 27.500
For compensation of clerks and
messengers in the office of the
Adjutant t.eneral. including
contingent expenses'
Tor compensation of clerics' and
messengers in tho oOioo of tho
Quartermaster General, includ
ing il contingent expense". .
For compensation of clerks and
messengers in the office of tho
Paymaster General, including
contingent expenses'"
For compensation of clerks, la
borers an4 messengers In tLo
office of the Commissary Gen
eral, including "contingent ex
penses'7 For compensation of the clerks
and messengers in the office of
the Surgeon General, including
" contingent expenses"
i'or compensation of the clerks
and messengers in the office
of the Chief Engineer, includ
ing -contingent expenses". . .
For compensation of the clerks
and messengers in the office of
the Colonel of Ordnance, in
cluding '-contingent expenses.
(There was no such office then as
"Military Justice.")
Making a total of
Appropriations for eight departments
under a Democratic Administration, being
four hundrsd and ninety-nine thousand
six hundred and eighty dollars less than
the appropriations for the same offices
under Radical domination.
If there was not such an immense debt
hanging over this country, and if the peo-
nlft r, not navinr? such burdensome
taxes, collected off them for the ostensible
purpose of paying this National debt,
'these extravagant appropriations might
not be finite so odious.
. , , , , . , ,
fraudulently fastened upon this govern
ment by the party in power, and the Fed
eral taxe3 are collected from the laboring
and producing classes for the ostensible
purpase of paying it, we are compelled
to denounce such uncalled for and extrav
agant appropriations of the public funds,
as dishonest, and a flagrant outrage upon
Justice and decency.
Great is Radicalism for the opulent,
and those in high places, but it is a grind-
- "iti iiii -i.i 1
ing mui-stone, 10 me muorer, ana me per-
son of moderate means, and especially so,
if he is a white man.
By a telegram, which appears in to
day's paper, it will be seen that Papa
Grant is going to Pennsylvania to save
from destruction, if possible, his political
friends in that State ; and, if he cannot
save them, to soothe them in their dying
agony. From present indications, that
State will assuredly go Democratic, not
withstan Jing the August presence of his
imperial majesty, General Grant, and he
will have to perform the mournful duty
of soothing his expiring partizans. We
have no doubt that his Republican parti
zans feel exceedingly hnppin having a
President, and in that President, a politi
cal Papa who will willingly neglect his
official duties for the purpose of elec-
uoneerning, ana assisting in carrying otatc,
District and County elections for his party
friends. Yet, such actions, on the part of
the Chief Executive, manifests a weakness
m u.m unu is moruiymg to au iruc amek-
iciNb at Dome, or abroad.
The same dispatch also informs us that
tho clerks in tho departments, who hail
trom 1 ennsylvania, (and perhaps many
who do not legally belong there.) are to
be graated leave of absence, long enough tion of that party, and their own individu
to go to Pennsylvania aud. vote in the al desire and intention, to enfranchise
coming election. And not only so, but
.heir fay is to go on all the same,as if they
had remained at their posts. Tho public
funds, collected from the laboring and
producing classes by a burdensome taxa-
tion, is to be used in paying men for go-
ing to Pennsylvania and voting the lie-
publican ticket. Is this right? Many
men cheerfully submit to the heavy taxa
i : . . 1 . . , .1 1 il. . l . i j i t
uou, uimu'u up uv tue none mas me
money thev pay will be that much to lin.iKbitiu- n.o hht, vain
hope. The money is to be used for the
benefit of the republican party,and not for
the United States. Laboring produc-
ing tax paying men will do veil to think
of these things, and then in casting their oods peculiarities. And we must say
next vote act according to the promptings tbat whcn we sco others so indtilSing, it
of conscience and patriotism, instead of forccs uP.n ns C0,icllis; that the
party. person doing so is advocating a cause
that has no merit, and ho is endeavoring
COATISGEST KXPE.VSES." to divert attention from its natural weak-
ness ; or, that he may have a good cause.
By looking over the Republican appro- but bas not lbe ability to handle it, and do
priations. given in to-day's daper, it will it Justice.
be seen that they are heavy ou "contin- Such being our view of this matter, it
gent expenses.-' And they give the items "ls hardly necessary to add, that we have,
for which such contingent appropriations until very recently, been very considera
wcre made, with much apparent frank- bly astonished atthe manner in which the
ness; but let us examine this matter a Editor of tho Oregonian, the leading Re
little, niibl iran lwnoruf tiiSfato line nmilwil
It will be seen that the appropriations ill-natured epithets to the Editors of Dom
for expenses, by this act, ocralic journals, and particularly, to the
gives to each office named, the average Editor of the Extekpkisk, instead of en
sum of $10,000 ; and the items named, for gaging in the courteous and legitimate
which such contingent appropriations are discussion of the political issues of the
made, are generally, blank books, stationc- diy. At first, we regarded such a dtsposi
ry, binding and miscellaneous items. Now, tion on tho part of the Editor of that pa
aay person of ordinary sense, must know, per, merely, as the childish freaks of an
that from one to three thousand dollars, over-grown, awkward, illnatured boy.
will purchase all the blank books and But laterly. a certain peculiar note,
stationery, and pay for all the binding re- sounded through that paper has brought
quired in any one of these offices for one us to a different conclusion. It is this:
yeas ; the balance goes for miscellaneous That paper applies the term Assinie to
items. A super-abundance of clerks, Democratic papers with such familiarity
messengers, laborer's, blank books, sta- and unlicensed freedom, that we have ful
tionery every thing necessary has been ly concluded that A IIsix I xkii i
provided for each office, and then this nehi neh i n e is the natural lan-
miscellaneous items' part thrown in for guagc of its Editor, and ior this reason.
good measure. In other words, it is the
donation of money, by Congressmen, as a
friendly gift to the head 6f each office.
The people groan under a burdensome
tax infurnisting this money, and Congres
men thus give it away to their friends,
and loyal supporters, loyalty is a luxuri
ant thing in high places, but how does
Republican loyalty operate on the poor?
Let those who have felt its oppressive
weight answer.
Peksoxal. This week, Jaspor "W.John
son, Esq., late EJUor ot the McMinnville
Courier gave this office a call. We were
absent at tue time, and cannot speak from
observation as to what effect a release
from bis Editorial labors had upon his
appearance, but prcsumo that ho had a
more cheerful look than his successor will
have alter the next June election.
Among all the papers that discussed
the action of Grant in the case of Pratt,
we have found but one to ap-)laud and
fin i a.UePt to i'tity his usurpation, and that
iJ the Imperialist.
Qneiticns Demanding Answers.
1st. If, as alleged by the Republican
press, the Chinese enjoyed the same priv
ileges in the United States, as other for
eigners, before the addition of the Repub
lican amendments to the Chinese treaty,
1 ...... 1 . hrtmlno 1 I (I i il l.TT Oirtt S
WUy WlIC lime uuuvvl KIJ LiiUL
party, at all?
2nd. If the Republicans are opposed to
Chinese suffrage, why did that party pro
pose the 15th amendment to the Constitu
tion of the United States, and why do the
members of that party now work so zeal
ously to secure its adoption?
3d. If the Republican party is opposed
to Chinese suffrage, and intended to ex-
5 i -i ri r ... . 1, . . T . . .-. t T . - r
ciuue vuununcu ..u. iuC una
t-hise, as stated in Senator Williams late
letter to the Oregonian on this snlject,
wny uiu u uutcai cauuu i.-jl ccuaiur
Corbett s proposition to incorporate m
the said l'Ah amendment the declaration,
That Chinamen not born in the United
States, and Indians, not taxed, should not
be deemed or made citizens of the United
4th. Does not the expression used by-
Senator Corbelt, " That Chinamen not boni
in the United States, tc" imply that China
men bom in the United States, are citizens
thereof, and of the State wherein thev re-
side, and are entitled to the elective fran-
chlse . anJ do not the Ealical leaders so
unuritand it. and act according v ?
(See 11th amendment, on this subject.)
5th. If it is not the intention of the Re
publican party to ultimately enfranchise
the Chinese for parlizan purposee, why
do the Radical Press and Party espouse
the cause of the Chinamen with such
warmth, and become their champions
when they are assailed politically,!- other
wise ?
6th. If the Radical leaders do not intend
to enfranchise the Chinese and use them
for the benefit of that party, why does the
Republican press denounce white labor
ers, (many ot wnom are democrats,) as
laboring loafers.'' and keep up a contin
ual howl for more Chinamen and cheap
We propound the foregoing questions in
earnest, and earnestly call upon Senator
vVilliains, the Oreoonian, or any other
champion for universal suffrage, and " the
rjffQts cf the Chinese," to answer them
trulyj anJ sllow if tbcy can that tbo Rc
rublican party, of the present time, is
not ;n ,-lvor of cnfrancbising tbo Chiiu,se
Or. if they cannot make such a showing,
we call upon them to own up like honest
men should do, that all of their love for
the filthy Pagans, springs from the inten
them, secure their votes, and thereby keep
1 the Republican party from crumbling into
the atoms threatened by its present rotten
Unless the foregoing questions are an
swered satisfactorily, they may be kept
standing in this paper for an indefinite
period ot time
I T T r.. -re? -vr-Tc?
A " l .-v-..-!. a ii.
We deprecate the use, by cotemporarics,
of s!an Phrases, or tho application to
cach o(1,er' of eit,,er cIliIaisI' or iH-natured
"ick names and 'Pilhe ana we lve no
lisP(i to i'lnl5e in any such back-
we excuse all such coarse eccentricities.
coming from that source.
Criminal justice in Russia presents
many odd features. Lately an editor, his
publisher, and the boy that had carried
the papers aronnd, were prosecuted. The
editor, who had written the offensive ar
ticle, being a nobleman, escaped with a
small fine. Tho publisher belonged to a
lower class, and was heavily mulcted; and
the poor boy, being the son of a former
serf, received a severe cudgeling.
The following singular phenomenon
is related by a Nashville paper : A young
lady of that city, wearing a highly polish
ed silver pin. was looking at the eclipse
considerably through an ordinary smoked
glass, during the time of the transit, and
afterwards discovered that the eclipse had
daguerreotyped itself upon her pin at the
time the sun was half obscured. The im-
predion remains there permanently, re
sisting the action ot rubbing, as well as
exposure to the atmosphere. This ia a
phenomenon for artists to study upon.
Telegraphic Clippings.
Arctic Expert ti Retumcil.
St Joirxs, X: 13., Sept. 27.
The expedition of Dr. Hayes,
and Bradford the artist, roturued
from the Arctic regions entirely
successful in every object,5 and all
well. They penetrated to the mid
dle ice, in which theTBritish whaler
Alexandria was crushed and lost.
More Presidential Electioneering.
Xkw York, Sept. 28.
It is stated that Hon. John Co-
vode and Senator Wilson visited
the President yesterday, and urged
him, in view of the doubtfulness of
Gov. Geary's election, to visit l'enn
sylvania again. A Fair will soon
beheld at Allentown, lie was urged
to attend. The President replied
that hehad been absent a good deal,
but would try to go. Covodethen
visited Secretary Cox, and obtain
ed a promise that the clerks in his
department should go home and
vote without beinir docked.
Cruel Treatment of Embryo KepuTli
i a ns.
Virginia Citt, Sept. 29.
About 200 membars of the min
crs' Union, headed bv the officers
ot the association ana accompanied
with fife and drum, started out this
afternoon to expel the Chinese from
the works of the Virginia and
Truekec Kailroad. Sheriff Cum
mings of this county,with his depu
ty, and ofiicers from Gold Hill,
were present and read tue not act
of the United States, and ordered
the crowd to disperse and desist
from the unlawful business they
were upon. Atkins,- President of
the Gold Hill Union, replied that
they would lirst do what they had
started in to do, and then disperse.
As they approached tho works the
Chinamen dropped their tools, ran
for their camps, gathered up their
effects and money, and put for the
hills. Xo personal injury was done
to anv one. nor was anv at tern nt
made to injure the Comnanv's'
works. The Chinamen have been
coming into town all the evening,
for protection. This high-handed
outrage cannot fail to be immedi
ately injurious to the interests of the
city. It is reported that work will
be at once suspended on this end
of the road, and its completion will
be indefinitely postponed
Ncw Yorlc Democratic Convention.
Svkacise, Sept. 22.
The Democratic State Conven
tion met at noon. J. Tilden called
the Convention to order and made
an address, criticising the adminis
tration of Grant, and his journeys
about the country; his treatment
of the South ; the 15th amendment;
and strongly condemns the propo
sition to make voters regardless ot
race or color.
IVfiliomil Capital Convention.
St. Lons, Sept. 21.
The executive committee; of the
National Capital Convention, -with
members of the press and other
citizens, held a meeting to-night.
The Governors of the following
States have responded te)thc move
ment, and will send delegates : Illi
nois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Ore
gon, Nevada, Arkansas, Louisiana,
and Missouri. The Governors of
Maine and Indiana decline to ap
point delegates, but the latter will
be represented. A large number
of distinguished public men are ex
pected to 1 e present.
Nashville Election.
Nashville Sept. 25.
The municipal election to-day
passed off quietly. The returns,
which are incomplete, show a ma
jority for Morris, Conservative, of
about 2,500. Conservative alder
men and councilors arc also elected
by a decided majority.
Tlic Coolie Ilmltcr.
Washington'. Sept. 21.
Ivoopmonschap had an interview
with Secretary Doutwell to-day.
The latter stated that the depart
ment had no intention of interfering
with the scheme of Chinese Immi
gration, unless the law was violated.
Koopmansehap left this evening for
Memphis and New Orleans: thence
to attend the Louisville Commer
cial Convocation.
Agricultural Department Report.
"WASiirxr.Tox, Sept. 21.
The month!' report of the De
partment of Agriculture for August
says of corn : "Unless the close of
the season is very favorable, there
must be 150,000,000 bushels less
than a full crop !"' Cotton will be
reduced, in the yield from the Caro
linas to Alabama, and there will be
a material increase from Missouri
to Texas. The probabilities at pres
ent favor a yield of 2,750,000 bales.
The wheat crop as a whole is larger.
The only States showing a decrease
are Illinois, Michigan, Iowa and
California. - Fruits have yielded a
bundantly; apples in a less degree
than other species.
Earthquake at St. Thomas.
Havaxa. Sept. 27.
St. Thomas advices arc to the
18th. Three shocks'of earthquake
had occurred. Seventeen stores
had closed, and business was sus
pended. No lives are known to
have been lost. General alarm
- ! prevailed.
St. Thomas advices are to the
9th. Uaez had defeated the rebels
besieging Agua.
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
SrruxGF!Ei.r, Mass., Sept. 29
The 12c)uhlican says that Win.
A. Kichardson has "resumed his
position as Assistant Secretary of j
the Treasury.
Druggists and tlic Revenue Laws
Washington-, Sept. 39.
The special commissioner of In
ternal revenue decides that whole
sale apothecaries and druggists do
ing business under a regular license
must cease to sell liquors in quan
tities less than a half-pint at a time,
or pay the special tax required of
liquor dealers. This decision cov
ers the sales of alcohol over live
hundred gallons at a time.
Cuming of an Oil Train.
Ni:w Yokk, Sept. 21.
Last night an oil train on the
Erie railroad took fire, three miles
west of Pergen city. Peforo any
ears could be detached or removed
the entire train was enveloped.
Twelve tank cars, filled with oil,
were burned, involving a loss of
Oil Cars IJurnetl.
. Nkw York. Sept. 39.
Two oil cars on the Hudson riv
er railroad ran olf the tiack in this
city, last evening, caught fire and
exploded. Loss $5,000.
Vessi 1
Nr.w OnuiAxs, Sept. 23
The steamshin Trade Vitd was
lost in a gate, on tnc
passengers were saved,
2 lib. rJ he
but nart of
the crew are missintr.
Survivors from tiic Tra-Je Wind.
New Oiu.eaxs, Sept. 29
The steamer Clinton, from Gal
veston, picked up a boat of the
steamer Trade XVind. It contain
ed the Captain, first mate and 13
of the passengers. Tho other boat
is still missintr.
Tlic Oregon Trcuty.
The commissioners under the
treaty between the United Slates
and Great Ibittain, of July, lSG'l,
for the settlement of the claims aris
sing out of the Oregon treaty, have
been in session for some time in
Washington, deliberating on the
claims presented to them, which,
claims, it is to be noted, amount to
the sum of 4,308,702 in gold, for
the Hudson Uay Company, and $1,
108,000 in xold for the 1'uo-et
Sound Company. They have pro
nounced awards in favor of the
Hudson liay Company of .$450,000,
and of the Puet Sound Company
of $200,000. The Hon. A. S. John
son commissioner on the part of the
United States, read an elaborate
opinion in support of his views, and
the Hon. John Ross, commissioner
on the part of Great Dritain, did
the same in the presence ot Hon.
Caleb dishing and Hon. C. D. Day,
counsel for the two governments
respectively. It is probable the
judgement of the commissioners
will be published at full length.
They appear to have diftl-red some
what in their appreciation of the
testimony as to the value, and to
have modified their respective
views as to the amounts to be
awarded rather than incur the haz
ard of further reference. By this
decision a very long controversy,
which on several occasions threat
ened to disturb the amicable rela
tions of the two countries, is
brought to a close. The evidence
and arguments are very volumin
ous, upwards of one hundred and
seventy witnesses, resident in all
parts of this continent ami of Ku
rope, having been examined, and
the proceedings embrace three
thousand five hundred pages of
printed matter. It is considered
satisfactory to find that in so com
plicated and so long-continued a
national dispute the commissioners
of two governments have been able
to accord in opinion. The Hudson
Bay Company, and the l'ugct
Sound Company arc required by
award to release to the United
Slates all the possessory rights be
longing to them in Oregon and
Washington, which were the sub
ject matter of their respective
claims against .the United States.
Forney's Fress.
Discovery of an Immense Cave.
Carlin, Sept. 10. John W. El
lis, an agent of Wells Fargo &, CVs
Express, and F. Gillet, Superinten
dent of the Railroad, arrived from
Mineral Hill yesterday. They
give the most glowing accounts of
the richness of the mines there.
During their stay they discovered
a magnificent cave; the entrance
being so small that it barely admit
ted the passage of a man. After
getting in, a large chamber, with
ceilings fifty feet high, hung with
stalactites, which reflected the light
from the burning torches a myriad
of times, this magnificent" hall
seemed of enchantment, echoing
every sound like the soft notes of
an iEolian harp, and so far away
that the ear failed to penetrate the
distance. So vast was this natu
ral structure, that the explorers,
after traversing its marble lloor for
half a mile, returned to daylight to
speak of the gorgeous scene. An
other party will leave in a few days
to more thoroughly explore this
great wonder.
ISillingliam Bay Coal lUine.
From the Olympic Transcript.
A few statistical items, concern
ing the Pellingham Pay coalmines
mav not oe uninteresiing m mu
readers. The shipments ot coal
for the year ending July 1st, 18G9, J
have been as follows
July. 1SGS Xo shipment.
August 500 tons.
Sept. " ...... ....2.SC0 "
October4' 1,200 "
Nov. " 2.2 "0 "
Dec. " 2.900 "
Jany.l6G9 3.200 "
Feb. ' ... 1735 '
March 3,2 It "
April 1.S20 "
May " 500 "
June '; 725 "
.20,90 4 tons.
The shipment for the remaining
six months of the present year,
will reach about 14,000 tons, mak
ing the shipments for 18G9 about
25,000 tons. During the present,
as well as the preceding year,! 808,
the mine has been on fire and wa
subjected to flooding, Avhich opera
tion closed the mine five months
during the present year, therein
decreasing the shipments of coal
q nit e m a t e ri al 1 y.
The incline or sit-aft of the mine
is now being extended an addition
al 450 feet, making the entire depth
050 flct. So soon as this addition
al depth lias been reached, the mine
will be opened to a capacity of at
least 100,000 tons iter year.
The bunkers, lately erected by
(he company, together with the
new wharf, at a cost of over $i0,-
000, will easilv
coal per day.
clean 500 tons ot
i ney
of 4,000
tons canacitv, and
livering at least 1,000 tons per day
to vessels. The wharf has capaci
ty and machinery of loading three
vessels at the same time.
The flooding of the mine was ac
complished in twelve days, by
means of a ditch, taking water
from -Whatcom creek. The free
ing of the mine was done by means
of two water-cars, t wo tons capac
ity each, and a twelve-inch pump,
with six feet stroke. This combin
ed machinery freed the upper work
of the mine, a depth of 240 feet, in
twenty-two days, delivering to the
surface during that time 81,072
tons, or 20,208,000 gallons of wa
ter. To free the entire mine, two
months and ten days were con
sumed. The mine has been worked to a
depth of 500 feet, and in a north
east direction 2,800 feet. At the
total depth of 050 feet, the works
will lie opened immediately under
Rellingham Ray.
AVitli the machinery there is one
Go-horse hoisting engine, and one
40-iiorsc pumping engine.
Otto Vogel's submarine steam
ship, the plans of which have been
approved-by the Prussian Admi
raiity, is covered with strong plat
ing, ami is entirely below the sur
face of the sea, with the exception
of the deck, which is surmounted
by a vaulted iron roof of immense
strength.. Beneath this covering
heavy guns are placed, so that the
whole greatly resembles a first
rate ironclad. It is said that lie
side all the advantages of such
mee.-of war, the new ship may be
entirely submerged, and in this
position is so completely under
command that it can" out weather a
storm or attack an enemy with
submarine cannon and torpedoes."
Vegel is now engaged in con
structing a large model, 2 4 feet in
1 eng tl i . F,i'!t an?.
TdixisTKii to China. A "Wash
ington despatch of September 28,
says that F. F. Low, of California,
has been appointed Minister Pleni
potentiary and Knvoy Extraordi
nary to China.
o -c - .
Tin: Womux Ouganizino fou a
Stkiki:. A despatch dated Boston
September 58th, says that'the wo
men pantaloon makers of that city
are organizing for a strike for high
er warjes.
Goon Viki.d. Wc are informed
by 3Ir. George Ilorspool that the
yield from the farm belonging to
himself and Messrs. Vount and
I lemmings was very There
was 125 acres of grain planted,
from which thev realized 5,000
bushels of wheat, oats and barley.
This avo think n o-nnd viold .when
-i . . i ' " -1 ; Citivassers, and those wishing territory
the fact is taken mto consideration . signci ,hcm to caiva, should nppiy
that the late season' was a very dry diatcly ia person or by letter, t-j the uud.r
. . - 1 -i i " i sirno 1. a
one, anu manv oiner laiineis mur , .. - . . r.riv
. ' . .. . ! e also have the Opnor;l A .Tncv lor i'
with a total
Foiide- Sentinel.
failure. Grand
New DiscovKRiER. "We arc in
formed that a party of prospectors
who have lately returned from a
tour in the mountains, between the
headwaters of Myrtle Creek and
Xorth TJmpriua river, report the
discovery of extensive diviiK-s,
where they estimate that sixty
cents to the pan may be made
without difficulty. Another party
have gone with a purpose of mak
ing a more thorough examination
of that region. Foseburg Fnsign.
A Washington despatch of the
10th informs the public t hat James
3h Orr has been appointed United
States Marshal for Utah.
A Family Medicine. The Pain
Killer is a pure!y vegetable compound ; an,j
while it is a most efficient remedj- for pain
it is a perfectly safe medicine, even in tl
most unskillful hands. For Summer Com
plaint, or any other form of bowel disease
in children or adults, it U an almost certain
cure, and has, wit!. out doubt, been more Uc.
cessful in cm ing the various kinds of Cholr
than any other known remedy, or the m0t
skillful physrc:an. , In India, Africa an
Cnina, where this dreadful diseas is mote
or lc-3 prevalent, the Pain Killer is consid
ered by the natives, as well as European
reidints in those climates, a sure curt.
We have lonsr known the high cliaraster fit
The Pain rMer, and that it is used win,
rreat success nud satisfaction in ourbet
families. It is the favorite medicine of oor
missionaries in heathen landi.-, where thfT
use It more than all else together for H,e
diseases that abound in those warm climate
It should be kept in every house, in readi
ness fur sudden attacks of sickness. Chr.
If you wish the very host
Cab: net 1'hoU graphs, you mast call ,.
Hit A.DLK V .V KULOJt'SOX, 439 Montgomery
street, Sja a Francisco. Iv47
Elkotro Silicon. This curious and
valuable substance is confidently claimed to
be the best article ever discovered for
cleaning and polishing Gold, Silver and
Plated Ware, and all smooth metallic ur
faces, of whatever description, including
kitchen utensils of tin, copper, brass, steel
At las residence in this eitv, Wednesday
Fett. 2:th, 1-Ml, A. M. Haem.u, Esq., aeVd
,S years.
K. H. HicIasa.iulsoM,
Corner of Front and Oak streets, Pertl&nd.
Of Ileal E.state, (Jroceries, General Mercian
disc and lloix-s,
Every Wednesday and Saturday t
A. B. II icriAnnsox, Auctioneer.
English refined liar und Handle Iron;
English .Square and Octagon Cast steel ;
Horse shoes, Files, Hasps, savr.i ;
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, It. G. Iron ;
a i. so :
A large assortment of Groceries andLiquori
A. I. RiciiATmsoy, Auctioneer
icw Advertisements. Q
otice: lff
On the 17th ult. a person who M I
said his name was MASON, left in my pos
session a Horse, Saddle, and Bridie.
Any person having 'any claim upon thn
Horse, must make his claim known within
ten d.iys from this date, or the properly w.ll
be sold to pay charges.
Oct. 2d, 1609. JOHN MYEItS,
47 2t) Sheriff of Clackamas Count r.
Doors Windows !
fLook at his Stock befor
purchasing elsewhere,
Rooms 7 and S Carter's Block,
A POCKET BOOK, between Cuttine
ville and Oregon City, on the. main roat.
Ihe book contained greenbacks to tie
amount cf 0, and twj promissory iw!e
on John R. i.ake for .rno each. Also, -t!ier
notes, of no v.Vue to any one but t!.e owner,
as payment is stopped on them. The findiT
can keep the 20 currency, if he wll ret urn
the balance to the undei signed at this dtfi-e.
4.2t S1110S. FITCH.
A jSjlendid J look for Agents.
Wo men of the Ago!
Being narratives of the lives find deeds of
the most prominent women of the present
generation. Anions whom are
And over 40 others, by the most prominent
authors ot our day and time.
It is an elcprant octavo volume, beautiful
illustrated with numerous linely execiit--.
steel engravings, ana containing nearly 70
As a literarv production, it contains tho
hist essays and finest thoughts of mi'?T'
the mrwt. rt mini unit writM- of the urc-rt1
Kv- TIim is tha be work ever r-hewl
Pacific Coast, for Greeley' American CoJ
and arc ready to supply, through cur nge"!"
all who desire it.
Having als the pole agency for Morse'
Celebrated Fountain Pens", we are prepsrel
to furnish "canvassers with a capital article
. 11. II. R VNCKOFT & Co ,
Publishers, COO Montgomery St.,
4.".." iSan Franc'sco, ('
Come j-oung and come old,
Come where cheap good arc soa :
The place we will easy to fcnd,
It's at A. Levy's old stand.
Cigars and Tobacco to suit,
Ammunition and Powder to short.
Kitties and Dollies Candies and Nut"";,.,
Sugar and Coffee the of very best kma.
Always remember, and bear in your m
Goodi of all kinds.ioo numerous to menu.
Only to a few we've caiiea your
Piease call and see for yourselves, ,
And you'll always find our s well supple
Oliiccs of the Western Union Telegraph
and Wtlls, Fargo & Co.'s Impress t