o O O 3 O O O 1BJJJJI .JUOJUUU.! BIL, '.' IVIien and How to Eat FruitLive Oysters and Peaclics. From Forney's Philadelphia Tress. A writer in Chambers' Journal says that fruit should be eaten alive, like oysters. o There is an edge to the taste of a fresh opened oyster, which, I surfpose, comes from the surprise he feels at being sudden ly scooped from the shell. In a few min utes this gives place to a feeling of alarm; and then in an hour or two, io one of des pair. When lie is laid out with his breth ren in a dish, the whole brood is hopeless and sad. They may still taste of life, but it is of life disappointed.. But the freshly opened oyster has no time to grow feverish or melancholy. lie is caught in a slate of serene unconsciousness of sorrow. lie has a sound mind in a sound body, and is therefore wholesome and nice. Allow him to reflect before his dissolution, and tho brightness of his spirit is gone. But the quick operation of detaching him from tha shell sends a spasm through his being, which startles all the latent excellence which he may possess, into sudden and ti.nque perfection. If eaten at this crisis of healthful powers, he conveys all the gratification an oyster is capable of giving to the superior animal man. - So, analogously, I believe, it is in eating fruit. It must be eaten alive before the reaction begins to set in from its severance from '16 e life-caying stem. While a plum, for example, hangs upon its stock, it is in some kind of magnetic correspondence with all the powers of nature ; it shares the life of the earth and the sky ; it has Rinshinc in its veins, and dew in its cells. Cut it off. and in time it dies, corrupt, un wholesome : and everv movement in its progress fron? life to death is marked by a iecadence of that essence which makes fruit delicious. Therefore, supposing that you pluck it ripe, the sooner a plum is eaten, the better ior you. mis or course applies most to tender, thin-skinned fruit. A firm apple dies slowly. A nut holds out long, against the debasing influeuce of separation from its source of life. But plums, figs, peaches, apricots, and straw berries, begin to sutler directly after they are gatuere.i. This is the case even with pines, which are susceptible of bruises, but they containsuch apparent surplussage c f flavor that the first stage of their decay is not perceived, except by a cunning palate. I think the morning is the best lime for fruit. I am not quite sure, though. The afternoon is good. But I don't recom mend fruit with the dew on it. Let the fruit t its own breakfast before you eat it yourself. It breakfasts on early sun shine and dew. It takes these good things, and then smiles upon itself and the world, jutt as you do half an hour after a pleas.ant breakfast. Eat it while it is in this humor, by no means in the raw and early morning-, thus you have the young freshness and virgin flavor of the fruit. It has another character later ia tho day, when it is filled with sunshine; then I tah.k it is sweeter. It does not express, perhaps, the same- exquisite accuracy of characteristic flavor, but its capacity for richness is tli-m at its fullest stretch. It pulp is not less niiey, though it is more general than special in its character; and, moreover, it impresses you With a sense of the contrast between the dry, weary air of the day, and the reserve of freshness latent in the hanging plum. Would it be possible for any cunning magician in words to convey a sense of the favor of various fruits? I think not. "When I try. Uio difficulty is radical and speckle; it doc.j not lie in my impotence of language. It is merely a small and fiint elfort to describe the currant as fharp; the nectarine, clean, quick and juicy; the peach, mellow, melting and high-bred; the apple, sound and mascu line; the pear, subtle and yet firm; the grape, generous; the "strawberry, tender, yet distinct and fragrant; the gooseberry, vulgar yet pleasant; the raspberry, sweet; the cherry fleeting and pulpy. It is of no use trying. It is not my fault; tlit.1 fault lies in the inadequacy of language to de fine the sensation which shall be appro priate to the flavor ol fruit, and yet con vey the peculiar property of the several sorts. I will not attempt a definition of them. Put I protest against the coarse ness of the intellect which does not per ceive, in eating, that it is brought into contact with the subtlest and most distinc tive difference which can characterize any thing which, like fruit, is known under one name. Each ant in an anthill knows his companions. Darwin several times car ried ants from one hill to another, inhab ited apparently by tens of thousands of a-ts; but the strangers were invariably detected and killed. Thinking there might be a family odor by which they were re cognized, he put some ants from a very large fiest into a bottle strongly perfumed with assafcetida, and restored them after twenty-four hours. At first they were threatened by their companions, but soon recognized and allowed to pass. Cuke ion Tootijachk n dt says: A subscriber sends us the following, said to be an infallible cure for the tooth ache, and for the benefit of poor suuerin humanity we publit-U it. As Ate have O never before heard of this cure one among len thousand it would be well for those who suffer with the most terrible of all aches to give it a trial. He says, when ' your tooth is aching, place ycur finger on the back of your neck, just beueath the hair oi your head, and press until you dis cover a ghootiug pain iu your tooth (caused by the pressure of the sympa thetic nerve of the tooih), place just over the spot a Cy plaster; you wiil expeiienee almost instant relief after the plaster be gins to draw. Q 3u x - Ccre fou Low Spirits. Exercise for the body, occupation for the mind, are the grand constituents for health and happi ness. Motion is a great preserving prin ciple of nature, to which even inanimate things are subject; for the winds, waves, and the earth itself are restless; and the waving of trees, shrubs and flowers, is known to be au essential part of their economy. A fixed rule of taking several hours exercise 'every day, if possible in the open air, if not, under cover, will be almost certain to secure cne exemption from disease, as well as from attacks of low spirits, ennui. Ccre ior Foisox Oak. A correspond ent of the Alia gives this as a cure for poison oak: Simply bathe the parts pois oned with hot water, as hot as can be borne; keep increasing the temperature till it can no longer be used without burn ing. Press a soft towel against the parts so as to absorb the water, and avoid rub bing; then apply a rather strong solution of strong navy, or plug chewing tobacco on the poisoned places and let it dry. The solution is best when the water is hot. I have tried this and have been cured, or very nearly so, in two to four days at the most. A Bed-Bc Antidote. A lady who tried this simple method of extirpating the repulsive bed-bug, is kind enough to give a profession of faith in the efficacy, through the columns of a newspaper : If any of your readers need a sure remedy for bed-bugs, they can have mine and cleanse the house of this troublesome ver min without expense. They have only to wash with salt water, filling the cracks where they frequent with salt, and you may look in vain for them. Salt seems inimical to bed-bugs, and they will not trail through it. I think it preferable to all ointments, and the buyers require no certificates as to its genuineness. A Chester farmer, having noticed that every farm, advertised for sale is situated in or near some city or village, easily ac cessible to railroad stations, churches, and school-houses, has new and commodious buildings, is well watered, etc., advertises his farm as being very far removed from any public road ; the buildings neither new or in good repair ; and the land needs enriching. The cattle, such as they are. raised upon the fodder of the place (brakes, dogacamus, and hardback), he will sell or give to purchaser of the farm. The other day, brought an account from Maine of the shooting of a person in church by the accidental discharge of a pistol which a tutor of youth thought fit to carry in his coat pocket. Now we have from Florence that a priest who was in a on being requested by a theatre there policeman to take off his hat while the play was going on, drew a revolver and seri ously wounded the impertinent fellow. A young pupil of the New Orleans gram mar school was scolded by his mother. " Sammy, Sammy," said she, " why did you do that ? You might have known you would hurt yourself." How could I know, mother ?" replied the youngster, as the pain from his bruised shin ceased a mo ment, ' am I a future tense? " An apprentice sailor fell from the ': round top" to the deck, stunned, but little hurt. The captain, exclaimed, in surprise, "Why, where did you come from ?" From the north of Ireland, yer honer." was the prompt reply, as the poor fellow gathered himself up. The Lady. The aim of a real lady is always to be natural and unaffected, and to wear her talents, her accomplishments, and her learning, as well as the newest and finest dresses, as if she did not know sic had them about her. SPECIAL XOTICES. Diiiltnoinn.il Tioilgc Xo. 1, A. and f A. M. Holds its regular communi 7X: VW rations on thfl ttrsf. rind Tltr.-l S.if urrtavt in each month, at 7 o'clock. from the 20th of September to the 20th of March, and 7 K o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 20th of September. Brethren iu good standing are invited to attend. By order of Vf. M. Oregon I.oage o. 3, I. O. of O. F.-- 0-p!:V' Meets every Wednesday even ssfi ing at 7 o'clock, iu Masonic Hall, Main street. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. X. CJ. Clackamas Division Vo. 3, S. of T. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon City. Members of the Order are invited to atttud. Bv order W. P. Willamette Lodge No. 15 T. O. G. T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. cornerof Mam and Filth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By ordsr of W. C. T. Valcable Land for Sale Cheap We know of 430 acres of good lands for sale in this county, being the Innd claim of J. L. Stout, in what is known as theRingold settlement. It will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, on verv fair terms. This land is only 12 rriles from Oregon City. For further information atmlv tcTN. W. Randall. ef this city, or of J. L. Stout, Unity, Baker's Bay, W. 1 ., or ot Andrew stout, in the above mentioned settlement. 13:ly JJ SE PAIN KILLER FOR CHOLERA AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS. -O- Fet Boils, Cuts, Bruises, and Scalds, Old Sores, Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Tooth ache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, and Rheu matism, Frosted Feet, Felons," SORE THROAT, SUDDEN COLDS, COUGHS, &c. dowl TJ u theSe' aud J"011 W,1! never uo wunout iu Its success us a valuable family medicine has induced others to imi tate and counterfeit the Pain KilSr? BEWARE OF COUSTERFIITS. COURTESY A MERICAN EXCHANGE. (Late LIXCOLX HO USE,) K: 84 Front street, Portland Oregon. L. P. W. QUIMBY, Proprietor - 'Late of Western. Hotel.) This house is the most commodious in the State, newlv furnished, and it will be the en deavor of the proprietor to make hts guests comfortable. The Baggage W agon will al ways be found at the landing on the arrival of steamships and river boats, carrying bag gage to the house free of charge pOSMOPOLITAX HOTEL. FORMERLY ARRIGONl'S, FRONT St., PORTLAND. W.R.SEWALL and J.B.SPRENGER PROPRIETORS. Th Pronrietors of this well known Ilonse having superior accommodations, guarantee ...a: . :.r..4w.,i f. fill trlietS- I euurcsisin.iiuii .... o": . ,, , t. The Hotel Coach will oe in auenuance PnnMT rmsspnerera ana nacsasre 10 anu irom the Hotel, free of charge. ('tf Office Oregon and California Stage Co. s. n SMITH. Geo. B. COOK. The OCCIDENTAL, FORMERLY ESTER X HOTEL. N Cor. First and Morrison Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. jfcff" Messrs. Smith & Cook have taken this !! L-nnwn lIons refitted and refurnishes it throughout, built a large addition, making thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged tne j dining and sitting rooms, making it by far j the best Hotel in Portland. A call trom the traveling public will satisfy them that the above statements are true. SMITH & COOK, Proprietors. N. B. Hot and cold baths attached. 40.tf JJARLOW IX THE HOTEL Business Again. TTAVING TAKEN GEO. A. SHEPPARD II as copartner in the business and leased the celebrated CLIFF HOUSE, of Oregon City, for the term of one year, we would say to the public, come on, we are ready for you, and wiil accommodate yon to the best of our ability. BARLOW & SHEPPARD. August 21 .-tf. jpW COLUMBIAN HOTEL. Cor. FRONT and MORRISON Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. j6S The most Comfortable Hotel in the City. Board and Lodging, from one to two dollars per day, according to rooms occupied. Free Coach to and from the house. 40tn EDWARD CARNEY, Proprietor. piOXEER HOTEL, No. 5 North Front Street, between A and B Streets. Portland Oregon. PATRICK MORRISSEY, Proprietor o jgarThis well known Hotel has been newlr Furnished and Refitted, and offers superior accommodations to the 1 raveling Public, and is situated near the steamship landing. Board and Lodging per week 5 00 " " " day 1 00 j&lf Coach to and from the Hotel, free of charge. (40.tf JTEW YORK HOTEL, (Dentfches Gaftliaus,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland. Oregon. H. ROTHFOS, J. J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. Board per Week $5 00 " with Lodging G 00 " " Day 1 QQ gHADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. 31 A IX S TREE T, Oregon City. O Beat BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced and the Proprietor in- vites the attention ot the lovers ot this popular amusement to them. T II E li A li 1 S S UP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch, Irish and bum boa aireauj famous Vwnskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OV DRAUGHT. je3S"Fnmilies supplied. " THOMaS M. HARRY, Dispenser. MPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY ftlL.Keep constantly on hand foi sale, flour Midlnisrs. liran and cnicKen t eeci, fames pinching feed must furnish the sacks Jacob Stitzei.. James B. Upton. STITZEL & UPTON, Heal Estate Urokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. $T VVill attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate in all parts of the Citv and State. Special attention given to the sale of Last Portland property. Address P. 0. Box 402, Portland, Oregon. STITZEL & UPTON, 19.tf j Real Extale Brokers. Marble Worlt. A. J. MONROE, Dealer in California, Vermont and Italian Marbles, Obelisks Monuments, Head and Fool Stones, Salem Oregon. Mantles and Furniture Marble furuished to order. !23t A LARGE IX VOICE OF SEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! T7R0M THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE- I tv and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jeffcrsoa st. between 2d and 3d. l'ortland, Uregon. G. II. ATKINSON, Seci ciarr. 52.1 j and Treas. Oregon Tract Society JOHN F. MILLER, Successor to J. F. 31 1 LEERS,- Co., MANUFACTURER OF ANP DEALER IX Soots sinl &f iocs ! At the Oregon City Boot and Shoe Store, Mam street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies', Gents', Boj-s', and Children's Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. I,OGUS & ALBRIGHT, excelsiorE MARKET ! Corner of Fourth and Main streets. QUE G ON CITV. jO- Keep constautly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, PORK, mitTTAV VP I T M5i i.xTViiW TT A TVr VyUiviX rxj jjAjj-iij. , iixiuiu, riUlVJfciLiJlijU L Uitiv, LAHL, And everything elso to be found in their line of business. OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UUL Harvest of 1869! ! Selling off to Close Business, And no HllIBUG ! Tlie Entire Stoclc! OP DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, COTS AND SHOES, Mens Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated ' Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to be sold Regardless of Price ! tt2L- To convince yourself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner I. SELLING, South of Tope 5 Co.'s Tin Stwe, Oregon City. Painting', laiiitiiig HOUSE, SIGN, AND Steamboat Painting Graining, Gilding, China Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds Wood and Marble ! Executed as icell as can. be done on the Pacific Coast. Examine our tcork and Judge for yourselvss. jeSEvery order attended to with care and ! expedition, C. E. 31 U lilt A Y, West Door Ralston s linck, Main st., Oregon City w. a. aldrich. j. c. merrill. john- m chares M'CRAKEN, MERR1LL& CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oiegon Packet Lines. Importers ot San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee, Rice, and Pulu. Agents for Provost -s & Co. s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. V ill attend to the Purchase, bale or Ship- ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDKICII, MERRILL & CO., Nos 204 and 20o California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL Jfc CO., K North FroutStreet, Portland. HATSI HATS! HATS! OF EVERY STYLE j Large Quantities can U Found c AT J. C MEUSSDORFFEU & BRO.'S S. Tfr. corner of Morrison and Front streets, I'ortlaiid, Oregon. Also Caps of erery stj le, and Boys' and Girls' Hats in larire varieties. Give us a call ami examine. J. F. JONES & Co., Corner of Main and Second Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Steam Coffee and Spice Wills, The best Chartrcs, Old Government Java Grouud Coffee, and all kinds of Spices, al- ways on hand. Orders solicited and niompt- iv nuea. 32:tt HOME MANUFACTURE. J. E. PATTON, Successor to III GGIXS 4- COMPANY, No. 8 Front Street, Portland, Oregon, Is now manufacturins a superior article of Chemical, Olive, Pale and Brown Family Soap which he will sell at fcjau Francisco prices. JOBINSOX'S Celebrated Magic Soap Powders! Prepared in C, 12, and 2-1 lb. Boxes, READY FOR WA SUING ! This is cheaper than Common Soap. It removes Paint, Tar, Pitch and dirt of every de'scriptiou ; and which has given such gen eral satisfaction, by p raving that your wash mgcan be done with one-bait the time and labor of the old mode. Thus labor saved is money made; as wash-boards, machines and hard rubbing to wear out clothes, is entirely dispensed with, and the washing for a dozen persons can be done in two hours. Thus the cost of your yashing being three-fourths less than by any other process, as you use no otner soap. Ihese Prepared Powders orhoap have not only proved themselves superior for washing any and all kinds of goods, but proved after one year's use not to injure in the slightest degree any fabric of the finest texture ; and, also the finest article for the hands, as it makes them soft and white, as well as your clothes. It also keeps 3'our bands from chapping when exposed to the air. e defy the world to produce its superior for washing any and all kinds of goods. Our object is to save your time, expense. bard labor, aud especially the woman who has to wash. We take pleasure in announcing a few of the many iadie names by their consent who have used our Prepared Magic Soap Powders, trom six months to one year : PORTLAXD. SALEM. Mrs. C. S. Silvers, 44 A. C. Gibbs, 44 Dr. Watkins, W. II. Bennett, 44 H. W. Davis, 44 R. Wilcox, 44 J. Knott, 44 Ladd. Mrs. Sis W. Brown, 44 Dr. McCurdy, 44 I. R. Moores, 44 Maj. Berry, 44 Pelaney, 44 Graves, Union Hotel. THE STATE AT LARGE. Amity Mrs. Jos. Watt; Lafayette Mrs. A R Burbank ; Dayton Messrs James & Ol den ; Forest Grove Messr.-Combes & Buxton Corvallis Messrs Brings & Kizer ; Albany Mrs. J. li. Springer, Mrs. Irwin ; ZM-.Mrs Barger; Lebanon Mrs. Ralston ; Jefferton M Walter.; Oregon City-Just introduced, ior saie Dy mercnanis generai:v. Manutactory, Pine St., bet. Front and Jtirst, Portland, Oregon. lra i. ROBINSON & WHEN THE BELL RINGS LOOK OUT FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE. Now is the Time to While they are At Cost ? 9 (Fori Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacoh & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, . I have decided to Sell off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS, BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY ; BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths : BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS : CLOTHING : FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIMERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. f A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a large stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. ACKERMAN, m:4T- All kinds of Produce Bought.-. i?RAGS WANTED. HOME MADE FURNITURE! WERTHEIEIER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, OUEGOY CITY, TAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORMING the public that lie has now on baud a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualifies of Rich and Medium Furniture ' Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers. He MANUFACTURES FURNITURE Utdng good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State, hence h can warrant his goods to be as represented, and he is prepared to fill all ordeis with promptness. He would call the attention of the public to bis salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of desirable 'joods iu the State. M. WERTHKIJIER. Main street, Oregon City. OREGON CITY BREWERY ! IIEXllY IlUJ2I5i:U Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of EAGER BEER, As i?ood as can be obtained anywhere in the St,al. Orders solicited nd promptly filled. J. lYIcHenry, 94 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. si Has on hand, and is constant ly receiving direct from the East,a lare and carefully selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, Lamps, etc., all of which he offers at prices to suit the time-, at Wholesale and Retail, Dealers will do well to call and exam ine his stock, and learn his prices, before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN MYERS. II. C. MYERS. J. MYERS & BRO., UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OREGON CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY JOOIf, GROCERIES, ROOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM C A S S I M F R E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. 3jFWe will also pay the highest price for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent in good merchantable produce. &S Give us a call and satisfy yourselves. AVAGOX AND &3 Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his prem:scs,"at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing ueatlv, qnieklv and cheap ly done. DAYlDSMini. Opposite Excelsior Mtrktt Buy your Goods ! going Cheap ! ays Qvnly! John m. isA.coar9 Successor to JOHN FLE3IIXG, At Channel $ JUarner'ti old ' ta id, lately oc cupied by S. Ackerrnan, Main street, Orrgon City, Oregon. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IMS CdB C2 SSI. 9 ssji9 etc, V17TLL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox HAND V t a large and well selected .-tock of Rooks .Stationery, and Drugs, comprising ia part Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Books, Theological and Relig ious Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Day School Books, 12? GPvEAT VAEIETY. Blank Books in Erery Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Books, and Time Books, Draicing,Trac ing and Tissue Paper, Port folios, and PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', Maynard db jYoves,7 and David's Inks, Mucilage. Sheet Music, Music Paper, and JXotc Books. All of Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Voi iety of Drugs and Patent Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. KIT School Teachers, and parents of Schol ars will find it to their Advantage to inspect my stock and prices, before purchasing else where. (US' Rooks Imported to Order. Orders res pectfully solicited and promptly filled. , ft'jS" Agent for the Francisco Times, and Eastern periodicals, and paper. JOHN M. BACON. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1840, at the old stand, 3Iuin Strict, Oregon City, Oreijon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, aad Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to he as represented. Repairings done on short notice, and thaukful for past favors. CLAE.K GREENMAN, City Drayman, OREGOX CITY. trS, All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and fieipht of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted promptly and with care. WALL AM ET WORKS COMPANY! 1AM EMQME And Boiler Builders ! Xorth Front and E sts., SLMil Portland, Oregon. THESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efficiently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years gives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MIIXS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &C, &C. Manufacture and Renoir 3ficl In ttrn rf nil Hnds. 1ROX SHUTTER WORK at San IrancMcn coe-t and freight. Wheeler ik Ran dall's Patent Grinder and. Amalgamator. Dtnwar's and Steven's Self Adiusf.lnn Pntent Piston, Packing, either 'applied to oil or new strata cyUruhrs. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and (.ae cebi tiara iron. S:ly safe Thomas Charman ! Successor to CHARM AN 4- BRo.t rpHE DEATH OF MY BROTHER HAo JL compelled me asain to chan. .k of the firm of CHARMAN & BItO to h THOMAS CHARMAN-havingrchSS J the estate all the interest held by my b J, f er in the stock of good. owned bv CharT & Brother, taking Effect Jamiarj 'Sd, S Tlae Business Will be Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist in part, of the following branches of trade' : Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats, Cops, Boots and Shoes Fancy Jfotions, Perfumery And Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Colors, Dye Stuffs and Varnish, Qucensware, Crockery d- Lamps Sash, Doors, and Window Blinds Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, ' Rope, and Eails Of Every Description. I ask Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. -0- GROCERIES OF EVERY VARIETY. Farming Implements OF ALL KINDS. j&3"Attention will be paid to any business left with me on Commission. Notice. My Business with all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a gold basis but Legal Tender will be re ceived at the market quotations. Agent WELLS FARGO A CO. 15?" I desire to say to all who favor me with their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders sh ill r meet with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are as good as'any house in Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as any House in uood standing in tho Ptate. I will not be undersold by an v one Please give me a call and examine for your selves. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, Respectfully vours, THOMAS CHARMAN. J G. SNEATII, WHOLESALE GROCER, 32 Front Street, Portland. GOODS B-Y THE PACKAGE, FOR CASH, AT SAN FRAiS CISCO PRICES, and Freight. jTSOrders Piomptly filled iH San Francis co, if desired. " Uo.tj JX THE CIRCUIT COURT Of the State of Oregon fur Clackamas County Simon 8. Markham.plttf, vs. lie n v Oliver and Elvira Oliver defts". Suit in equity to foreclose moitgage. To Henry Oliver and Elvira Oliver defts: In the name of the State (if Oregon : You are required to appearand arwwer the com. pi. lint filed against you in said court, in ths above entitled cause, within ten das after ihe service of this Sunimgns upon you, if served in Clackamas County, or iweiry dajs if served in any other count- in sa:d"State. And unless yu appt ar and answer said com plaint in s;iid time, or on or before the first dir of the term of said Court commenchis next after the expiration of six week from the publication ot this Summons, to-wit : On The fourth Monday of October, A. D, li;;t, the Plaintiii will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint, namely : A judgment against you for the sum of three hundred and three dollars and thirty-three cents (f:!n3.3!-lyO) in IT. S. gold coin, and interest thereon s'nee L'Ttli May, 1C7, at ten per cent, per month, and for a decree foreclosing your equity of re demption in the property described in com plaint, to-wit: Lot No, 4 iu block No.-io", in the town of Oregon City, Clackamas countv. Oregon, and for the costs andisbur.-ement of this suit. By order of Hon. W. W. Upton Judge. JOHNSON AMcCOWN, Sept. 17. ISG'J 15.6t. Pltff's Attorney;. THE CIRCUIT COURT Of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Ptter Paquet, plaintiff, r. Ne'soa Allison, defendant. Suit to foreclose Mort gage. To Nelson Allison, Defendant : In the mine of the State of Oregon, you are required to appear and answer the crm plaint hied against you in said court, in the above entitled cause within ten days after the ser vice of this summons upon you, if Jcivetl ia Clackamas county, or twenty davs if served in any other county in said State. And un less yon appear and answer said complaint in said time, or on or before the first day of the term of said ccurt,commencing next after the expiration of six weeks from -the publication of this summons, to wit : On the fourth Monday in October, A. I. 18i. the plaintifT will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint, namely a judgment against vf-u for the sum of . in United States gold or silver coin, and interest since M-y 6h, ls:l, and' for a decree foreclosing a mortgage on laud d-'scrioed in complaiat ; also, for costs and disbursements. : . .. By order of Hon. W. W. Upton, Judge. JOHNSON AMcCOWN. 4-ct- Attorneys for Plaintiff. QOUXTY COMMISSIONERS'". NOTICE. All persons who have heretofore pure!) as ed lots of ClackamasCounty.in what is known as the "County Addition to Oregon Citv," Clackamas County, Oregon, and who have not received deeds fur the sain?, are herehv notiued that the Countv t mukc. TiinoE?' LTrOX FRESENTATION OF THLIIt BONDS for the same. This notice is also intended to apply to the successors to Lie right of Dr. John McLaughlin, to have seventy four lots reserved from the operation 4 sam! ' s-cLa"ghliu's conveyance to the coun ty. The County is ready to convey the saae upon proper selection and proof. by order of the County Court. iiAti J-M. FRA'ZER, County Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the estate of JOHN FOSTER, deceased. Notice is hereby given that I, Isaac M. Foster, Administrator of the estate of the above named John Foster, deceased, have filed in the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, my final account in said estate, and asked for its approval, and that I be dis charged from further liabilities as such Ad ministrator, and that Monday the 4th day of October, A. D. 1809, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, at the Court House in Oregon City, in Clackamas Countv, State of Oregon, has been appointed by the said County Court as the time and place for hearing and settling said account. At w hich said time and place, any person interested in said estate may ap pear and file exceptions in writing to said account, and contest the same. , ISAAC M. FOSTER, Administrator. Sept. tho Uth A. D. 15GD-41.it