o o o o o o o o 0 G O 0 O o o 0 O O o 0 o o O O O O o Q 3 0 -It- A V EVE 13 1 IT. Milton's blindness was the result of over-work and dyspepsia. One of the most eminent Ameri can divines has, for some time, been compelled to forego the plea sure of reading, has spent thousands of dollars in vain, andjbst years of time, in consequence of getting up several hours before day and -I 1 . I 1 11 a TX fcUKiying uy amneiai lignt. ms eyes will never get well. Multitudes of men and woman have made their eyes weak for life, by the too free use of the eye-sight in reading small print, and doing line sewing. In view of these thing's, it is well to observe the fol lowing rules in the use of eyes. Avoid all sudden changes be tween light and darkness. begin to read, or write, or sew coming from darkness to a bright light. Never read by twilight, or moon light, or of a very cloudy day Xevcr read or sew directly in front of the light, or window, or door. It is best to have the light fall from above, obliquely over the left shoulder. Xevcr sleep so that, on first awaking, the eyes shall open on the light of a Avindow. Do not use the eyesight bv light so scant, that it requires an Jeliort to discriminate. Too much light creates a glare, and pains and "confuses the sight. The moment vou are sensible ot an effort to distinguish, that moment cease and take a Avalk, or ride. As the sky is blue and the earth green, it would seem that the ceil inghould be of a bluish tinge, and the carpet green, and Avails of some nielloAvtint. The moment you arc instinctive lyprompted to rub the eyes, that moment cease using them. If theeyclids are glued together on waking up, do not forcibly open them; but apply the saliva Avith the hngcr it is the speediest dilu tent in the world then Avash the eyes and face in warm Avatcr. Cal ifornia Farmer. A GOOD GAME. Now and then at a picnic, or when a group of young folks, and older ones too, for that matter, are seated together on the piazza or on the lawn, under Avide-sprcading trees, it is jdeasant to know of some good resting game, sort of mental croquet that does not compel one to cret out and run about in the hot sunshine. Such a game is the Planting Game. Any number may play it, and an excellent wit-sharpener it is. It consists of impronitu flower-conundrums, iriveii and answered in the following fashion: Plant a child begging for his sick father, and Avhat tAvo llowers and a tree Avould spring up ? Anemone, Fir, Poppy. (Any money for Pop- Plant a friend speaking to a heart broken girl, and Avhat three trees and a flower would-row '? Yew, Pine, Ileart's-ease. (You pine for, hcart's-ease.) Plant the sun and Avhat flowers? Morning-Glory and Daisy (Day's eye). Plant Shakespeare, and Avhat flower Avould grow? " Sweet Wil liam." Plant Dr. Johnson and Robert 15 urns, and what two Mowers Avould Ave have? " Pachelor's and "Kagged Iiobin." Button," This game may be made A'cry amusing by playing upon the names of Aveli-known persons in the room or community. There is no limit to its resources, having the entire vegetable kingdom to select from. As for rules, there arc none. Any one can ask and any one may answer avIio can. Ilcarth&IIome. An Irishman complained to his physician that he stulled him so much Avith drugs that he Avas sick a long time alter lie got well. It cost tAvelvc thousand dollars a year more to run the White House under Grant, than John son or Lincoln, several of Grant's' pets and relatives being emploved simp ly to Avait on each other.' Ax Item fob 1i.acksmitiis.- The Alta California gives the fol lowing as a, Aveldmg recipe : A Wel ding mixture by which cast-steel can be joined to cast-steel, or to ordinary sieel ort5 iron, is prepared x , ,uo caieinea borax witii cal cined kmc and calcined sal-ammoniac and steel filings. This, when .applied to the surfaces to be joined, will promote their union at a cher- mi' cosetluentlv, without altering either the qualify or shape of the two portions thus joined. o - , The Arabs allow a man to di vorce himself from a wife Avho docs not make good bread. A baby is said to be like wheat because it is first cradled, then thrashed, and Mindly becomes the Mower of the family. .A THE TREATY WITH CHINA, From the Daily Oregonian. August?, 1SG8. The following- is the treaty re cently concluded between the'lXm ted States and the Chinese Empire, and ratified by the Senate, July 24th, 18G8: Additional Articles to the Teeatt Ba tweex the United States of America, and the Ta-Tsing Emfire, of the lSih op Jlne, 1S5S. Whereas since the conclusion ot the treaty between the United States of Amer- ca and the TaTsing Empire (China) of the IStu ot June, 1858, circumstances nave arisen showing the necessity of additional articles therto. the President of the United States and the august sovereign of the Ta Tsing Empire having named the plenipo tentiaries, to-wit: the President of the United States of America, William II Seward. Secretary of State, and his Majes ty the Emperor of China, Anson Bmliiig ame. accredited us his Envoy Extraordin ary ' and Minister Plenipotentiary, and Chih Kang and Sun Chia Ku, of the second Chinese rank, associated high envoys and ministers of his said Majesty, and the said plenipotentiaries, after having exchanged their full powers found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the fol lowing articles : Aktjclk 1. His Majesiy the Emperor of China, being of the opinion that in making concessions to the citizens or subjects of foreign Powers of the privilege of residing on certain tracts of lands, or resorting to certain waters of that empire for the pur poses of trade, he has by no means relin quished his right of eminent dominion over the said lands and waters, hereby agrees that no such concession or grant shall be construed to give to any Power or party which may be at war with or hostile to the United States the right to attack the citizens of the United States or their property within the said lands or waters; and the United States, for them selves, hereby agree to abstain from offen sively attacking the citizens or subjects ot any Power or party or their property with which they may hi at war on any. such tract of lands or waters of the said empire ; but nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent the' United States from resisting mi attack by any hostile Power or party upon their citizens or their property. It is further agreed that if any right or interest in any tract ofland in China has been or shall hereafter be granted by the Government of China to the United States or their citizens for pur poses of trade or commerce, that grant shall in no event be construed to divest thehinosc authorities of their right of jurisdiction over persons and property within said tract ot land, except so far as the right may have been expressly relin quished by treaty. Ai:t. 2. The United States of America and his Majesty the Emperor of China, believ ing that the safety and prosperity of com merce will thereby best be promoted, 2gree that any privilege or immunity in respect to trade or navigation within the Chinese dominions which may not have been stipulated for by treaty, shall be subject to the discretion of the Chinese Government and may be regulated by it accordingly, but not in a manner or spirit incompatible with the treaty stipulations ot the parties. Art.. 3. The Emperor of China shall have the right to appoint consuls at ports of the United States, who shall enjoy the same privileges and immunities as those which are enjoyed by public law and treaty in the United States by the consuls of Great Britain and liusia, or either of them. Aut. 4. The twenty-ninth articles of the treaty of tbe 18th of June, 1S53, having stipulated for the exemption of Christian citizens of the United States and Chinese converts from persecution in China on account of their faith, it is further agreed that citizens of the United States in China of every religious persuasion and Chinese subjects in the United Stales shall enjoy entire liberty of conscience and shall be exempt from all disability or persecution on account ot their religious faith or worship in their country. Cemeteries for sepulture of the dead ot whatever nativity or nationality shall be held in respect and free from disturbance or profanation. Aitr. 5. The United States of America and the Emperor of China cordially re cognize the inherent and inalienable right of man to change his home and allegiance, and also the mutual advantage of the free migration and emigration of their citizens and subjects respectively from the one country to the other, for purposes of cu- riosiiy, trade, or as permanent residents. The high contracting parties, therefore, join in reprobating any other than an en tirely voluntary emigration for the pur poses. They consequently agree to pass laws making it a penal offence for a citi zen of the United States to take Chinese subjects either to the United States or any other foreign country, without their free and voluntary consent respectively. Akt. G. Citizens of the United States visiting or residing in China shall enjoy the same privileges, immunities or exemp tions in respect to travel or residences" as may there be enjoyed by the citizens of subjects of the most favored nation, and, reciprocally, Chinese subjects visiting or residing in the United States shall enjoy the same privileges, immunities and ex emptions in respect to travel or residence as may there be enjoyed by the citizens or subjects of the most favcred nation. Aut. 7. The United States and the Em peror of China, recognizing in the present progress of nations a favorable tendency toward unity of civilization, and regard ing a unify of money and a unity of weights and of measures as favorable to that great object, do hereby agree that they will use "their influence and efforts to obtain the establishment, by the general agreement of natious, of representative coins having a common value, and also a common standard of weights and measures for all countries. Art. 8. The United States freely agree that Chinese subjects shall without hin derance on account of their nationality or religion be admitted to all schools, col leges and other public educational insti tutions, without being subject to any re ligious or political test: and, on the other hand, his Majesty the Emperor of China agrees that citizens of the United States may freely establish and maintain schools, in thateuipire at those places where for eigners are permitted by treaty to reside. Aut. 9. The United States, always dis claiming and discouraging all practices of unnecessary dictation and intervention by one nation in the affairs or domestic ad ministration of another, do hereby freely disclaim any intention cr right to inter vene in the domestic administration cf China in regard to the construction of railroads, telegraphs or other material in ternal improvements. On the other hand his Majesty, the Emperor of China, re serves to himself the-right to decide the time and manner and circumstances of in- tiwuiung such improvements within his clom.auons. wvh this mutual understan.l- mg it is agreed by the contracting parties Jul u7 time hereafter his imperial Majesty shall determine to construe h.-0 J ctmraeter mentioned, within the empire and shall make application to the UniteC COURTESY OF States or any other Western l ower foi facilities to carry out that policy, the United States will, in that case, designate and authorize suitable engineers to be employed bv the Chinese Government and will recommend to bther nations an equal compliance with such application, the Chinese Government in that case pro tecting such engineers in their persons and property, and paying them a reason able compensation for their services. In faith whereof the respective Plenipo tentiaries having signed this treaty and hereto affixed the seals of their arms. Done at Washington the 4th day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand cif'ht hundred and sixty-eight. WILLIAM II. SEWAPJ), ANSON BUELINGAME, CIIIII KANG SUN CIIIA KU. SPECIAL NOTICES. Oi t'SOJi IiOslge Ko. 3, I. O. of O. I sujf.' Meets eyery Wednesday even ing at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, 0 Main street. . Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. X. a. Clacltamsis Kivisitm No. 3, S. of T. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon City. Members of the Order are invited to attend. By order W. P. 2iultiiomal Lo?!e No. 1, A. ami A. M. -Holds its regular communi cations on the 2 it's t and Third Sat urdavx m each month, at 7 o'clock. from the 2nh of September to the 20th of March, and 7, o'clock from the 2eth of March to the 20th of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order ef W. M. Saddlery. J. II. Schram, of this City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness ia Use State. He will have at kat 50 sets of all grades, from fine to com mon, fmishtd and ready for sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. He is bound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buj' of him. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and his work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county will think of this, when they want any articles in his line. Valuable Laxd for Sale CiiEAr We know of 4S0 acres of good lands for sale in this county, being the land claim of J. L. Stout, in what is known as Ihellingold settlement. It will be sold i:i lots to suit purchasers, on very fair terms. This land is only 12 miles from Oregon City. For further information apply to I. V. llanda'l, of this city, or of J. L. Stout, Unity, Baker's Bay, W. T., or of Andrew Stout, iu the above mentioned settlement. , lC:ly JARLOV IS THE HOTEL Easiness Again. HAVING TAKEN CEO. A. SI! EPF Alt D as copartner in the business and leased the celebrated CLIFF HOUSE, of Oregon City, for the term of one year,we would say to the public, come on, we are ready for you, and will accommodate you to the best of our ability. BARLOVV & SHEPFAIiD. August 21. -tf. A ME RICA N EXCHANGE. ( la le L 1XCOLX JIO USE No. 81 Front srte, PoiUaiul Oregon. L. V. W. QUIMBY. pKoi'KiEToit, Later U'ettcrn, Hotel.) This house is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be the cr deavor of the proprietor to make his guey comfortable. The Baggage Wagon will al ways be found at the landing on the arrival of steamship's and river boats, carrying bag gage to the house free of charge QOSMOrOLITAX HOTEL. FORM E IlL Y ARli IG ONES, FRONT Sr., PORTLAND. Y.H. SEWALL and J.B.SPREKGZLl r n o 1' it i !: t o II s . Tlie Proiriutors of this well known Tlonse hiiving superior accommodations, guarantee entire satisfaction to all quests. t3L The llutel Coach Vv'ill be in attendance to convey passengers and baggage to and Ircm the llotel, free of charge. (-lutf Ollice Oregon and California Stage Co. E.STKKN HOTEL. PORTLAND, OREGON. S. D. SMITH & GEORGE B. COOK, P It O P It I E T O It S . This vre'd known Houso has been newly furnislied, enlarged by 211 addition of thirty rooras, hot and cold baths attached, and is now the best Ilotet in the city of Portl.uul. iotf SMITH & COOK, Proprietors. jTEW COLUMBIAX HOTEL. Cor. FRONT and MOPJ1ISON Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. j7T The most Comfortable llottd in the City. Board and Lodging, from one to two dollars per day, according to rooms occupied. Free Coach to and from the house. 40tn EDWARD CARNEY, Proprietor. piONEEIl HOTEL, No. 5 North Front Street, between A and 13 Streets, Portland Oregon. PATRICK M0ERISSEY, Proprietor o JSrS"Th;s well known Hotel has been newly Furnished and Refitted, and offers superior accommodations to the Traveling' Public, and is situated near the steamship landing. Foard and Lodging per week .Jo 00 " " " day T 00 iTi Coach to and from the Hotel, free of charge. (40.tf JEW YOUK HOTEL, (Deutfehes Gafthans,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland, Oregon. H. EOTHFOS, J. J. W1LKEKS, PROPRIETORS. Board per Week " " " with Lodging. , " " Day . 0 00 . 1 CO g HADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET, Ore gin City. O Best BILLIARD TABLES in. O EEC, OX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. T H E B A II 1 S S UP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors ano Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Uourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE ox draught. j3 Families supplied. ' TUOMaS M. LARRY, Dispenser. BANCROFT LIBRARY. arvest of 1889! ! Selling off to Close Business, ILiacI no I TIac Entire Stocfe! OF DBY GOODS. READY-HADE CLOTHING, C0TS AND SHOE Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Chilurcas' HATS AND CAPS. - n ! rti J V1 4 Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, vYiciis, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to le sold Regardless of Price! 3, To convince j-onrself ivith re?pect to this matter, call at the old corne r. I. SELLING, South of Toje Sy Cu.'s Tin Store, Oregon City. HOUSE, tk vv v s rr i rr. . AND bteamboat rainting Graining, Gilding, China, Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds a 11 st Executed as icell t.s cat), be done vn the Pacific Coast. Examine our work and Judge fur youraclcss. tlfFvery order attended to with care and expedition, C. E. JSIUHUAY, "West Door IJalston's Crick, Main f t.., Oregon City V.'. A. ALDlilCII. J. C. JJKUU1LL. JOHN" M CliAKKX WORMEHj MERRILL & 00. SIIIl'FIXG, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Mereliants, GENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oi eijon Facket Lines. Importers ot San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich I&Iand Sugars, Coffee, Kice, and Fulu. Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Hour, Grain, Bacon, Lard & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. AVill attend to the Purchase, Sa!e-or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in ev York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDUIC1I, MERRILL & CO., Nos iiol and 2uo California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., 10 North Front Street, Portland. IT. V OF LVEItY STYLE Quantities can la Found In Large AT J. C MEUSSBOREEER & BSC'S S. TF. corner of 3forrison and Front streets, Portland, Oregon. O Also Caps of erery style, arid P-oys' ar;(! Oii ls' Hats in large varieties. Give us a call and examine. " J. F. JQHE3 & Co., Corner of Main and Second Sheets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Steam Coffee and Spice Hills, The best C'nartres, Old Government Java Ground CoR't e, and all kinds of Siices, fd wavs on hand. Orders solicited and prompt ly 'idled. Z'2:Vl HOME MANUFACTURE J. E. PATT0N, Successor to 111 G GINS .5- COMPANY, No. 8 Front Street, Portland, Orcgo:1, Is now manufacturing a superior article cf Chemical, Olive, Pale and Rrown Family Soap wh'.ch he will sell at Saa Francisco prices. lOBINSON'S Celebrated Majic Soap Powders ! I'repared in (, 12, and 21 lb. Poxef, READY FOR WASHING! This is cheaper than Common Soap. It removes Paint, Tar, Pitch and dirt of every description ; and which has given such gen eral satisfaction, by proving that your wash ing can be done with one-half the time and labor of the old mode. Thus labor saved is money made ; as wash-boards, machines and hard rubbing to wear out clothes, is entirely dispensed with, and the washing for a dozen persons can be done in two hours. Thus the cost of your washing being three-fourths less than by any other process, as 'ou use no other soap. These Prepared Powders or Soap have not only proved themselves superior for washing any and all kinds of goods, bat proved after one year's use not to injure in the slightest degree any fabric of the tinest texture ; and, also the finest article for the hands, as it makes thera soft and white, as well as your clothes. It also keeps your hands from chapping when exposed to the air. We defy the world to produce its superior for washing any. and all kinds of goods. Our object is to save your time, expense, hard labor, and especially the woman who has to wash. We take pleasure in announcing a few of the many ladies' names by their consent who have used our Prepared Magic Soap Powders, from six months to one year : rOUTLAXD. SALEM. Mr?. C. S. Silvers, " A. C. Gibbs, " Dr. Watkins, W. II. Bennett, II. W. Davis, " R. Wilcox, " J. Knott, " Ladd. Mrs. Sis W. Drown, " Dr. McCurdv, " I. It. Moored, " Maj.Rerry, " Delaney, " Graves, Union Hotel. THE STATE AT LAECS. Amity -Mrs. Jos. Watt; Eaf.iytife- -Mrs. A R liurbank ; Dayton Messrs James & Ol den ; Forest Grove Mcssr-Combes & ILixton Corralit Messrs Rrisrgs & Kizer ; Al'muti Mrs. J. 13. Springer, Mrs. Irwin ; DaUa?,.irs Larger; Lebanon Mrs. Ralston ; Jc!er.un Mrs Walters; Ort'jun City Amt introduced, for sale by merchants generally. . Manufactory', Pine St., bet. Front and First, l'ortlaud, Oieiron. lC:?-m S. ROBINSON & "--"N . T lt 1 I -T3k WHEN THE BELL RINGS LOOK OUT FOE THE L0C01I0TI iow Is the Time to While they are -o- &S' "anstf Fig Having purchased the enlii'e Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand hitcly occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of verv desirable jyoods on hand, I have decided to vSeli off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact 1 ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES PRESS GOODS. I1ALMORALS, 1 1 ATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY ; 1R OWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS. -all widths:' LOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS : CLOTHING : FINE IJLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSLMERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. pS5 A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a larire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. . ACKICR M A?f , pf All kinds of Produce Bought,- gv r.t?I!AGS WANTED. BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES. PIES, GROCERIES, CONFECTION ERY. & ii 5 u B a &. Mill l'roprictcrs of the long established LINC0LH BAKER VI West 3i!e I5Ia.iii iSlictt, Oregon City Oregon. Talc idea sure instating to the public that they have formed a copartner ship or the purpose of letter Accommodating their Patrons! And that they v: ill continue the Manu facture of Bread, Pies, Calces, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda Crac'.ers, fyc. $-c. 0TJE STOCK OE GS.GCEPJE3, Has Icen Doubly Increased ly this change, and will be kept, complete In Every Department. Goods will 1)3 Delivered in the City, lrce of expense to imrchascrs, and or ders from a distance rcill be careful a filled and promptly dispatched. We Sell as Cheap as tlic Cheapest ! Call, Examine, and lRICE our stock Before Purchasing EUcichcrc. The highest Cash prices paid for coun try produce. L. PTLT.FR, A F. M1LLFR. HOME IADS 1 3 WEITHSIER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, OltKUO.V CITY, rp.KE8 TILS MMT1IOD OF INFORMING I the public that lie has now on hand a large invoice ef SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, JJUKEAUS. BEDSTEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture ! Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers. He M AKUACTUSES FUENITURE Using good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State, licnco h can warrant his goods to be as represented, and he is prepared to fill all orders with prom ptness. He would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment oi do Arable yoods in the State. Main street, Oregon Citv. CEEGQH CITY BEE WE II Y ! IIEXKY I1U3215EL,, Having purchased the above Drcvery wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a Xo. 1 quality of LAG E It BE LB, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. ISAAC FAR R Successor io FAR II EH OTHERS, BUTCHER AND MEAT VENDER. Z5" Thankful for past favors of the public respectfully asks a continuance of the same, lie shall deliver to h;s patrons all the Lest qualities of Stall Feed Reef, also Mutton,' Pork, PouliiT etc., as usual twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays XUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip O tioa. tjviatci at the F:;rKKi'ia.j: ufciee. Buy your going Cheap ! inly ! S3, W Successor to JUJEY FLE3IEYG, At Charmao & Warner's old stand, lately oc cup ltd by S. Aclnrman, Juit street, Orrgoti City, Oregon. IMPOllTEU AND DEALEit IN ES COD C3E 3 1 'wBsj '"ijj WILL KEEP. CONSTANTLY ox II AND a lare and well selected stock of Looks Stationery, and Drugs, comprising in part Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Medical, Mining, and. Scientific Books, Tiicological and Relig ious Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Day School Books, IK GE AT VARIETY.. Blank Books in Every Slide, Pass Books, Mi mora v dam Books, and Time Books, Drawing; Trac- ing and Tissue Paper, Portfolios, and PHOTO GBAPHIC A L 33 U M S , Arnolds', Maynard it' Xoijes,1 and David's Inks. Mucilupc' Sheet JMllStC. i r Eote Books. All : Which he will Sell at the Lowest 'rices. A General Variety of Drugs and Patent. Medicines, Constantly on hand, fur sate. if School Teachers, and parents of Schol a:s w:ll find it to their advantage to inspect my stock and pi ices, before purchasing else whero. X-.ir Pooka Lnpoi ted to Order. Orders res pectluliy so'ic'ted and prom pi ly filled- Agent fort lie S-ai Francisco Times, and Eastern periodicals, and paoers. JOHN M. BACON. W. F. KIG-HFIELB, Established since lfJ-iO.at the old stand, Mum Street, Oregon City, Oreyon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, aad Seth Thomas' -w-oin-ht feSr-'T;! Clocks, ail of which are warranted !- 10 l,e a!J represented. i.epainngs doj;e on short notice, Sand thankful for past favors. CLAEK GREEliMAli, 3nxK. CitY Drayman, M J l-W- OEEGOX CITY tr. All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, Mill be exe cuted promptly and with care. . WALL AM ET mn WORKS COMPANY ! And Boiler Builders! rrpXortli Front antlE Fts., 1 Portland, Oregon. rpiIKSK WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the JL bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and hare facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efliciently. We have secured the services of Mr John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years 'ivts mm a thorough knowledge of the various kinds ot machinery required for minincr and milling purposes. -We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &C, 'C. ini rmm JFTT .t fT- Manufacture and. Rep,,!? Zladune-rv of all IRON SHUTTER WORK at n troncixm co,t un.l freight. WUeler & Ran 'fads J at en t (,ru,der an I. Amalgamator ingwar sand Sieve f SelfAdjaHinh EcUeni listen Eaekmy, edler ay, tilled to oil or new f feani cycler tjaarlz Siau.ixrs, Shoes and Thomas Oiiarniaxi ! Successor to C1IAKMAX URo rpiIE DEATH OF MY RROTI1FR ti JL compelled mc again to change til "AS of the firm of OH ARM AN & PRO tr! i 16 THOMAS CIIARMAN-havingpurch laCf the estate all the interest held iy Bk cr in the stock cf good. owned bv Pi, Totlv & Brother, taking eliect January 3d, 1 869 011 Fill be Carried on as Usual 1 AND A FULL-STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist part, of the following brauchesof trade -ln Dry Goods and Clothing, dials, Caps, Boots 'and Slices laucv Motions, lrf urn And Patent Medic, vies Paints, Oils, Colors, Dye Stuffs and Varnish, Qaeaisicare, Crockery it-Lamp, Sash, Doors, and Window Blinds Hardicare, Tools and Cutlery . Rpet and Nails Of Every Descripd I ask Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. GROCERIES O F E VEll Y VARIETY. s-armmg implements OF ALL KINDS. jgAttention 'will be paid to any business left with me on Coinmisiion. Notice. My L'usiness with alUwho favor me with their patronage, wii! be done on 4 oold basis but Legal Tender will be re ceived aft ho market quotations. Agent WELLS FARGO A CO. ZtT I desire to say to all who favor n;e with their patronage that I sisal! use my btCt ability to please them, and all orders shxll meet with prompt attention. My faciiitif's for doing business are as good as" any boue in Oregon, and I pledga myself to sell as Cheap as any House in good landing in t! State. 1 will not be undersold by anyone Please give me a call and examine for yunr- seives. fhankitig you for past favors, I remain, Rep "-cf fully you: THOMAS CHAR MAX. J0HPJ F. MILLER, Successor to J. F. MILLER- Co., MANUFACTURER OF AND I)KAl.Elx At the Oregon.- Ci'y Boot and bhn Store, Main street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies', Cents-, Boys', and Chilihcn'i Doots and Shoes, on hand or made to erdtr. R. I 13 A K CLA Y, (Formerly Snrgeon to the Hon. H. B. Co) OFFICE At Residence, Main street 0r gon Cit3 Oresjon. Jacob STiTaui.. J vMr.s Vt. Uitu.v. STI7ZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front, ami Wash inrjlon streets, PORTLAND, " OREGON. -57 Will attend the snle and pur 1' ot Real Iwr.te in ail pa: Is of !l:("ity-i il t tte. Special attention g;wu to lua salco; East Portlaiid pi jerly. Pox 4:i,:, Poril ind. Orern. . Address P. O. STiTZlIL .1- UPfOX, " lO.tf ; I.'e d E.dtle Brofon. 1. 3 tp. !j Ix, TrTflJH0TI, 1 Dealer in Calif or 1 11 a. Vermont and Italian Marbles, Ob uuonursicnis, ncaa ana jpuoi Stones, ri U. Salkm On kg on. Mantles and Furniture Marble furuisbd to order. i'2 t If . r r 1 1 ii . A LARUE INVOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Becks! T7ROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOtIS JV ly and Various other Publishing Houses: For sale by the subscriber, on Jelfcrsos st. between 'id and C-d. 1'ortland, (riiron. C. 1L ATKINSON, Sccfetusy. 52.1 1 and Treas. Oreiron Tract , X THE CIRCUIT COUKT Of the State of Oregon f.,r C!a:kvir County. Martha E'ener Kayl;frn pl:''- vs. A:exaucr i;a divorce. ybera defendant. i To Alexander Envbern, DcfonJant: Is the name of the Slate of Oregon, von arc required to appear and answer tiie ccnji'.a.J filed against you in said coiut, in t!ieHl;'5 entitled cause within ten days alter ihc no vice ef this summons upon von, if ftuveJi: tlays in any other couniy in ti. less vou appear a:;d answer .-ai J ecu in said time, as on or befcre the first of the ttrnis of said ccurt, happening after the exjiiratiou cf six weeks frjai ' publica'ion of this summons, to wit : On the fourth Monday in Ot'tJ' A. P. Sf.;. the plainliC" will apply 'J tL' c.rurt for the relief demanded in the c-j- ..l...! ..n..... ,-1:.-. r.Tl til.' ground of adulteiy, and inhunnm tre:itna"-', and personal indignities. By order of Kos W. W. Upton, J u ilce. 'W. T. MATLOCK, 3S.6L Attorney for l'h the ciiircxnjirr Of the State of Oregon for Clackamas Cow- John X. Smith and Marv Ann Sar.th tiffs, vs. Josephine Kliuler and vW-' defendants. Suit in eouitv. jU To John II. Martin and Theresa Mario; ' of paid Defendants ; ... In the name of the State of Oregon, 1 are hereby required to appear and "-'f the complaint hlciragainst you in thea''-;, entitled suit, within i. n dnys from the c., of the service of this Sumnlons upony-, served within this county; or, if serveJ in anv other county of " this State, t-.L'L " twenty days from the date of the scrv; this Summons upon you. And hf-roa., dcr of publication of a Summons LasC made in the above entitled suit, in ruJs;".vi of said Order, you are further -?., i". unless you aMear in said Court ly ' day of the ue'xt term following the tion of six weeks :ub';caiion of turn j ,, mons, (the first publication being A-5;" r ISOiL) and said next term cemmeucua said County on Monday, October th,Vf; id to ansv,- Plaintiff wilt apply to the Comt for tae demanded therein, i'.y orJer of ifo'- ' Upton, Judge 1th Judicial Linnet. S. IIUELAT, Atwi"'-.,. in 7i'i lor l'iaij-11--