i o O o 4 0 o 0 o o 0 O o o o o GO 0 0 o 0 o o o o o o G o NEW VARIETY OF WHEAT. What its name is Emblematical of The DesMoines licgistcr, hi noticing a new variety of wheat p-roAvii in Polk count v, Iowa, called J- ' - - ' r the "Copperhead Wheat 11 savs it: Fanners from different sections of the country report that the hind of wheat known as " Copperhead "Wheat" stood the Avct weather bet ter than any other. "Whisps of wheat of this and of the Goose va riety, grown in adjoining fields, have been shown us, and while the last named variety was "blighted badly, the other had but very few o heads in it but were perfect. That it has a; very disagreeable name everybody admits, but that it is a "hardy, ilood proof grain, seems to be proven by the experience of practical men. The copperhead was the emblem of liberty, adopted by the patriots of the revolution, who fought for and established our Republican 4i-m rvT (jni-fvymfiit. The name was never "disagreeable" to any citizen of the United States, but the tories of 1770 and the radicals of 18G9, who are "purps" of the Fame litter of Imperial despotism. Political copperheadism is like the wheat of tljat name it never falls down, mildews nor rots, on account of the destructive influence of radi calism, any more than the wheat of that name does, on account oi tne disastrous iloods which have fallen the present season, for a sign of God's displeasure, on account of the wickedness and corruption of the radical party in endeavoring to convert our republican form of gov ernment into a consolidated Impe rial despotism, with national bank ers and other untaxed bondholders lor rulers,and the working men and women for their slaves. Eeohulc Constitution. Fj-edtiie FEurr trees It must he apparent to every reflecting per son that the material round about n fruit-tree, -which renders import ant aid in the production of line j fruit ot any "kind, must necessarily he more or less exhausted after a vine, hush, or tree has produced abundant crops for several success ive seasons. For example : A large pear-tree or apple-tree vail frequently yield from ten to six teen bushels of fruit annually. 3Iany trees have produced more than twice these quantities at one crop. After a fe-w seasons, the material that the roots must bo supplied w ith, in order to develop fruit, will be more or less exhausted. For this reason, fruit begins to fail; and the failure is often attributed to the east -wind, or some mysterious at mospheric influence, -when, in reali ty, the sole cause is starvation, arising from an impoverished soil. The remedy is to feed the roots of all hinds of fruit-trees with lime, -wood-ashes, gypsum, chip-dirt, bones, fishes, and any thing that Avill renovate an impoverished soil. It is evident that fruit-trees can not produce fine fruit out of noth ing, or out of such material as may be desirable for some other pur pose. Hearth and Home. A Boy's Composition ox Toe. I like ice. "When its cold I like it best. Ice is good for a great many tilings. It is good to skate on3aud its good to make ice cream. I like to skate. Sometimes I lend my skates to Lizzie Jones, and she lets me Luckel them on for her. she wears striped stockings, v. ith red -white and Blue running around them, and her legs look like a stick n of candv. Father savs ice is good in cobblers. I dont know -why it is better in cobblers than any other ways. I suppose I shall be a great deal -wiser when I grow up. I like ice cream with plenty of vanilla in it. There's more ice cream in the summer than in the -winter, and more ice in winter than in summer there are heaps of things I don't understand. Mother says if I eat too much ice cream it will make my stomach hurt. I eat all I want oj but I am careful not to cat too 0 much, because mother says not to. When next winter comes Lizzie Jones and I are going to skate G some more. There will not be any more winter until summer comes. The seasons are mighty cold in this country. Sometimes winter comes before summer, and sometimes sum mer comes before winter. Father says I may have a new pair of hkates next summer. AVhcn I get to be a man, I am going to pour red stuff on the ice, To warm it. be O fore I put it in my mouth, like fi- ther does. (joppcrta(. An elderly gentlemen, return o Ing home on Sunday from church, lands entered at the land office at began to extol the merits of the j Olympia, Y. T under the several sermon to his son. The following short dialogue tells the story : "I have heard, Frank,'' said the old gentleman, one of the most delightful sermons ever delivered before a Christian society. It car ried me to the crates of heaven. " Well, I think, replied Frank, q you had better have dodged in, for you Avill never have suchanoth er chance. A Point "Well Put. We clip this from the San Francisco Her ald: One hundred Chinamen will live in a ho trie, the whole of which would be occupied by one white laborer and his family. This is a fact demanding the consideration of those of our citizens who em ploy their money in building houses for laboring people to live in. ThcFe one hundred Chinamen will perform the work of fifty white men : tli white men are out of em- ploymeir;; they have been dis charged, and their places filled with" chcip Chinese laborers. The white laborers must seek employ ment elsewhere, and their families go with them. Forty-nine houses are unoccupied, and landlords have not yet devised a practicable scheme for collecting rents from tpiirmiless houses. Continue to crowd out the white laborer and fill his phec with Chinamen, and not many months will pass away before 4 To Let' will embellish the doors and windows of hundreds of JwoHin' Louses vvitliin our towns and citiea The result is inevit able. Billings and Bees. The bum ble bec is one uv nature's sekrets. They v-robablv have a destiny tew till, and are probably necessary, if a fellow only knew how. They live apart from the rest of man kind ia little circles, numbering about seventy-five or eighty souls. They are born about haying-time, and aiv different from any bug I know uv; they are the biggest when just born. They resemble some men in this respect. Their principal bizness is making poor honey, but they dou't make eny tew sell. Boys often rob them out uv a whole summer's work, but there is one thing about the bumble bee that boys always watch dreadful close, and that is their helm. I had rather not have all the bumble bec honey there iz be tween here and the city uv Jerusa lem, than to have a bumble bee Jilt me with his helm when he comes round suddin'. They are different from other war vessels; the helm always minds the bum ble bee. American crraveyra-ds yield some curious fragments in the way of epitaphs; "but we have never yet met with such a marvelous combination of business and pathos as is contained in the following obituary notice, culled from a Spanish journal : "This morning our Saviour sum moned awav the iewelcr Sicbald lllmaga from his shop to another and a better world. The under signed, his widow, will weep upon his tomb, as will also his two daughters, Hilda and Emma, the former of whom is married, and the latter is open to an olier. 1 he funeral will take place to-morrow. His disconsolate widow. " Vekoniqce It.lmaoa. "P. S. This bereavement will not interrupt our business, which will, be carried on as usual, only our place of business will be re moved Irom .No. 3 lessi do leisn turiers to No. 4 Hue de Missionaire, as our grasping landlord has raised our rent. A couple of Yankee girls put a bull frog into the hired man's bed to see if they could set him to talk. Daniel threw the frog out of the window and never said a word. Soon after he put a bushel of chestnut burs into the cxirls bed, and about the time he thought they would make the least -shadow, Daniel went to their door and rat tled the latch furiously. Out went the light and in went the girls, hut they didn't stick, though the bras did. Calling them, he begged them to lie quiet, lie only wanted to know if they had seen anything of that pesky bullfrog, he'd "in two dollars to find him. A xtw edition of Greenbacks. In addition to the new fractional currency the Treasury Department vrill soon issue new United States notes of the denomination of one dollar. The plates tor thee notes arenowhoin engraved. The vig nette of Chief Justice Chrise in the left face of the notes vrill be taken oil" and a bust of "Washington sub stituted. Thi-5, and changes in the vignettes recently made on the face of the fractional currency, is in accordance -with an act of Congress prohibiting the vignettes of persons now living from being on the face ot the Uniited States cunencv. N. T. JPmld. Land Business-. TVe are in debted to Jacob J.Clark, Esq., Reg- - Ustcr, for the following list of acts of Congress, during the month of July, 1 SCO: Sold for cash, 2,032-54-100 acres ; entered under home stead act, 3,028 87-100 acres ; en tered under donation act, 802 38 100 acres; declatory statements filed on GOO 25-100 acres; entered with military bounty land war rant, 1 GO acres. Total for July, 7, 524 O-i-100 acres. Ohjmpla Zrans-cript. An Irishman inst from the sod was eating some old cheese, when he 'found,3 to his dismay, that it contained living inhabitants. "lie jabcrs' said he, "does your chase in this country have ekiider?" "Whales xsv Mackekel. The Monterey Democrat reports whales in large numbers in the Bay of Monterey. Seven were baedinoneweek by the whalers in that place. Mackerel have also made their appearanee, after an absence of many years. SPECIAL NOTICES. Oregon LtOtlgc Io. 3, I. O. of O. V.- ZXZ'tti, Meets every Wednesday even &fe ing at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, Main street. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. Willamette Lodge No. 151. O, G. T Meets everv Saturday evening, at the room3 S.E. corner of Minn and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By order of . O. i. Clacltamas Division No. 3, S. of T. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon Citv. Members of the Order are invited to attend. By order . P. Mulinoiuali L.oli;e Ko. 1, A F. ami A. "I. Holds iis regular communi Vacations on the First and Third Sat nrdovs in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 20th of September to the iiOth of March, and 7i o clock irom the 'ioth ot Maxell to the '200.1 of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of Yf. M. ASIATIC CHOLERA THE STRONGEST PROOF OF INTRINSIC MERIT. Dear Sin I ouahl to hare acknowledged, Ions ago, the box of Pain Killer you had the goodness to send tne. Its coming was most providential. I believe hundreds of lives were saved, under God, by it. The Cholera appeared here soon afier we received it. We reported at once to the Pain Killer, using as directed for Cholera. A list was kept of all to whom the Pain Killer was given, and our native assistants assured us that eight out of everv ten to whom it was prescribed tecov ered. It has proved an incalculable blessing to mul tardea ot poor peopie tnroughout a this region. Our native preachers are never willing to go out on their excursions with out a supply of the Pain Killci. It give them favor in the eves of the people, and ac cess to families by whom., otherwise, they would be very indifferently received. Believe me, Faithfully Yours, J. M. JOHNSON" Missionary, S0.lt) Swaiow, China 2AItLOW IX THE HOTEL Business Again. X A VI NO TAKEN GEO. A. SIIErPAUP a as copartner in the business and leased the celebrated CLIFF HOUSE, of Oregon City, for the term of one year, we would say to the public, come on, we are ready for you, and will accommodate von to the best of" our ability. DAHLOW & SllEPI'AKD. August 21. -tf. MEUICAN EXCHANGE. date LIXCOLX HOUSE, Ho. 84 Iroitt street, Fnrtianu Oregon. L. V. W. QUDIBY, I'ltorniKToi:, Late (f 1 Tester it Hotel.) This honr,e is the most commodious in the State, newlv furnished, and it will be the en deavor of the proprietor tojnakehts guests comfortable, ihe Luggage Wagon win al ways be found at the landing on the arrival of steamships and river boats, currying ba gac to the house tree ot charge c OSMOPOLITAX HOTEL. FORMERLY AKEICONES, FRONT St., TORTLANP. W.E.SSWALL and J.3.SPSENQES F R O P R I E TORS. The Proprietors of this well known House having superior accommodations, guarantee entire satisfaction to all guests. t:JL The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to convey passengers and baggage to and Irom the" Hotel, free of charge. (iutf OHice Oregou and Cahiornia Stage Co. W ESTER X HOTEL. Y V PORTLAND, OREGON. S. 13. 52HTH Cc GEOUGE B. GOGS, PROPRIETORS. This vre'l known llor.se has brcn newly furnislicfl, enlarged by an nduition of thirty rooms, hot and told baths attached, and is now the best Hotel in the citv of Portland, irtf SMITH & COOK, Proprietors. "NTEVT COLUMBIA HOTEL. Cor. FRONT and MORRISON Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. jO" The most Comfortable Hotel in the City. Board and Lodin, from one to two dollars perda', according to rooms ocenpied. Free Coach to and from the house. 40tn EDWARD CARNEY, Proprietor. piOXEEIl HOTEL, No. 5 North Front Street, between A end B Streets, Portland Oregou. PATEICK HQEItlSSEY, Proprietor o ftli-This -well known Hotel baa been newly Furnished and Relitted, and offers superior accommodations to the Traveling Public, ar,d is sitnated near the steamship landing. Hoard and Lodging per week 00 . a ' dav 1 00 Cmrh in and from the Hotel, free of charce. i0-tf "XTEW YORK HOTEL, (Dentfchcs Gafthaus,) No. IT Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landins, I'ortland, ure-on. II. EGTJirds, J. J. 7ILEENS, PROPRIETORS. Eoard per ee.c " with Lodging. . . 0 oo 1 00 Day. HADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. 3IAIX STREET, Ore gun City. Best BILLIARD TABLES in. OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention vt uie loveis 01 una ponular amusement to them. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED Tr;f-, -ill tv.p choicest dualities of Liuuora an Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alrcadj famous Whiskies and Punch, viso STAFFORDSHIRE STONE ugaa jit : OX DHAUGIIT. ' jery 'Families supplied. ' TUOilAS II. BARRY, Dispenser. Harvest of 1869! ! Selling off to Close Business, Asacl sno MIX lie ISsatli'C Stoel. of DSY GOODS. BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, SCOTS AND SHOES, liens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to be sold Regardless of Price! To convince yourself with respect to thia matter, call at the oM corner. 1. SELMA, South of love 8c Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon City HOUSE, SIGN. Lh--'-Ljr' AND A. ?"-J- aintlng Graining, Gilding, China Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds Wood sina! Msi5lIc I Executed as v:M ax can be done on the Pacific Coast. Examine our work and Judge J or yourtalvss. 5-Every order attended to with care and xpedition, C. JJ. MUERA Y, Wefct Door llalston's I'.rick, Main St., Oregon City Sixteen Years in Oregon. TIIE Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers (and as many new ones as may not be acquainted with the fact) that he still continues to operate at the FHAITKXilH BOOK STOH3, 105 Trent Street, Portland, (exactly orrosiTE mount hood) Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL LOOKS, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, IXSTRUCTIOX EOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. BAS:3, VIOL, CJUITAU and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, MISCELLAXEO US BOOKS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, KEY7SPAPKUS, MAGAZINES, GLOBUS, PRESSES, PENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article in the above line KOMS LSAIIUFACTURE. Successor to 1IIGGIXS C03IPAX1 No. 8 Front Street, Portland, Oregon, Is now mannfacturinc a superior article of Chemical. Olive, Pale and JJrown l amily boas) which he Will seil at ban lrancisco pnctfs. JOBIXSON'S Celebrated Magic Soap Powders! Prepared in G, 12, and 24 lb. Boxes, READY FOR WASHING! TIitk w pTipnnr.r than Common Soap. It removes Paint, Tar, Pitch and dirt of everv description : and which lias iven suca jren evl .satisfaction, bv proving that yuur wash in" can be done with one-half the time and labor of the old mode. Thus labor saved is ninnov made : as wash-boards, machines and hard rubbing to wear out clothes, is entirely dispensed with, and the washing for a dozen nprsons can be done in two hours. Thus the cost of your washing being three-fourths less than by any other process, as you use no other soap. These Prepared Powders or Soap have not only proved themselves superior lor washing anv and all kinds ol goous, oat provea auer one year's use not to injure in the sughtes denree anv fabric of the finest texture ; and also the finest article for the hands, as it makes them soft and white, as well as your clothes. It also keens your hands from channinz when exposed to the air, V.'e dei'v the world to produce its superior lor washing any and an wnas oi goous. Our obiect' is to save vour time, expense hard labor, and especially the woman who has to was a. We take pleasure in announcing a few of the many ladies' names by their consent who have used our Prepared Magic Soap Powders, from six uaontiis to one year : POUTLAXD, SALEM. Sirs. C. S. Silvers, " A. C. Gibus, " Dr. Walking W. IL Pennett, " II. Wr. Davis, " IL Wilcox, " J. Knott, " Ladd. TITS STA.1 Mrs. Sis Wr. Brown, " Dr. McCurdv, " I. II. Moores, " 31 a j. Berry, " Deianey, " Graves, Union not el. Z AT LARGE. Amity Mrs. Jos. Watt; lerfi wttc -Mr: A R Burbank ; Dayt-on Messrs James Jfc OI den ; Purest Grove Messr.-Combes & Buxton Corralli Messrs Briggs & Kizer ; Alfanii Mrs. J. B. Springer, Mrs. Irwin ; I)(dla,ilrs Birder; leoanm ,Mrs. Kalston ; .Jr-tirron Mrs Walters; Oregon City Just introduced, for sale by merchants generally. Manufactory, Pine st., bet. Front and First. Portland, Oregon. 16:3m S. ROBLNSOX & 1l Il WHEN THE BELL RINGS mam mZc mil. - fiw is trie i ime m While they are ? 0 Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, 1 am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I hnve decided to Sell olf at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATb of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY; L'HOWX AND PLEACHED MUSLIXS. all widths : BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING ; FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIM ERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; IiOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. ST- A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a largo stock of Gents' Furni.-diing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. 7zsjr ,11 kinds of Produce Bought."?. BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES. PIES, G ROCER I ES, CON V 1 ! C T ION E 1 1 Y. Hew FsrrnI iller & Miller! l'roprietors of the long established NCOLN BAKERY! West Ssilc Strt'ft, Oregon City Oregon. Talc pleasure instating to the public that they have formed a copartner ship for the purpose of letter Accommodating their Patrons ! And that they icill continue the. Manu facture of Pread, Pies, Lakes, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers, -c. -c. 0UII STOCK OF GROCERIES, Has been Foully Increased by this change, and tall be kept complete In Every Department. Goods will be Delivered in tlie City, Free of expense to -purchasers, and or ders from a, distance icill becarcfuly filled and promptly dispatched. We Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest ! Call, Examine, and PRICE our slock Pefore Purchasing Elscicicre. The highest Cash prices paid for coun try produce. J L. DTLLER. A F. MILLER. HOME HADE i M ia fi il Li h l Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, OIlTiOOV CITV, rnAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORMING the public that be has now on hand a large invoice ot SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Mcuium Furniture ' Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, whicn merits the attention of buyers He II AITTJF ACTUPvES FTONITTJItE Usinsr good materials, and emplovins th verv best mechanics in the State, hence In can warrant his gooos to be as represented and he is prepared to till all orders will promptness. He would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the mos complete assortment of desirable yoods in the btate. Main street, Oregon Citv OREGOU CITY BREWEET! mm HENRY IlUrSBEI,, Having purchased the above Brewerv wish cs to inform the public that he is now piepar ea to iuanuiacture a -o. l qaniuy oi LAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere In the btale. Orders solicited and promptly filled ISAAC FARE, Successor to EARR B II OTHERS', BUTCHER AND MEAT TENDER. Thankful for past favors of the publi respectfully asks a continuance of the same lie shall deliver to h:s patrons all the be- qualities ot Stall Jt ecu Beef, also Mutton Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on l ucsdays and Saturdays ! TUSTICES' BLANKS, of every doserin ei tion; printed at the Fxterpiil-e office name Li A J b JL, B ksuy yo '5 going Cheap ! 5?;Cr RAGS ANTED. n Successor to JOHN ELEMIXG, At Clmrma'! IVttrnei'tt old stand, lot 'Ay oc citd'd. ijy S. Ac?;e-iari, Main street, Oregon Cihi, Oreaon. IMPOliTKR AXU DEALER IX GD CU T?3 t A Tr Ti "n ffl F P VJTILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox If AND j f Y a large and well selected stock of Looks taticnciy, and Drugs, comprising in part Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Books, Theological and Relig ious Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sa blath and Pay School Books, III G H EAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Every Style, Pass Books, Mtmoraadmn Books, and Time Books, Braicing, Trac ing and Tissue Paper, Portfolios, and PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', Maynard & No yes David's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Music Paper, and Note Looks. All of Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Variety of Drugs and Patent. Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. PTiT" School Teachers, and parents of Schol ars will hud it to their advantage to inspect inv stock and prices, L-ei'ore purchasing else where. ZT Rooks Imported to Order. Orders res pectfully solicited and promptly tilled. U1T Agent for the b'au Erantisco 'I'imes.RuH Eastern periodicals, and pa p-crs. JOilX M.RACOX. Established since lSl'J.at the old stand, Alain Strett, Oregon City, Oreyon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, and Scth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. l'epamngs done on short notice, jand thankful for past favors. CLAEK GPvEEITMAIT, City Oraystian, Tc&es OR EG OX CITY tirZL, All orders for the deliver of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, w ill be exe cuted promptly and with care. WA'LL A MET F012 HI .. la i 9 L And Poller Guilders! rriTf -f3 -N ort u r rout and ii, &ts.. I S ".i lKiittj Mk9 THESE WORKS AHE LOCATED OX the bank of the river, one block north of Conch's Wharf, and bare facilities for turn "ig out machinery promptly and eflieipniK- W e have secured the services of Mr .!tin Nation, as Director of the Works, whose cx- perience on this coast for fifteen years ives Is) him a tnorough knowledge of the various I tiou of six weeks publiSaiun of this Sin kinols cf machinery required for mining and I wons, (the first puLIL-athm being Acgast A, iiii.nuji p ii i poses. v e are preparea to exe cute orders for all elapses of machinery and boiler works, such as MIXIXG AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ HILLS S S "MINING PUMPS ! ! &c, ckc, &C, Manufacture and Repair Machinery of all hinds. Ill OX SHUTTER WORK at San Iranciseo coet and freinht. Wheeler p Ran dalFs Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. Dun-jar's and Steven's SAf AdJuHina Eatent Piston Packing, either applied to old or new steam cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shots and dies, if the best hard iron. Z:j ZMLjjgiit ii in iiiwwiimaimi Gliarmaii ! Tiiom an Successor to CI U UMAX fy JDllO., r-pHE DEATH OF ?I V DUO TIIF.R Has j compelled nie ajrain to change the name ot the lirrn of OHAUMAN it lilCO. to that of THOMAS CI I AliM AN having purchased of the estate all the interest held by my broth er in the stock of gooL owned by Charman & Brother, taking eiJect January ui, iscy. Will lie Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in part, of the following branches of trade: Dry Goods and Clothing, JIafs, Cops, Loots and Shoes, l'anci Notions, Perfumery And Patent Jfedftincs. Paints, Oils, Colors, Pye Stuffs and Varnish, Queenswarc, Crockery Lamps Sash, Poors, and JVindoiv Blinds,. Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Pop)e, and- Nails O f Every Pcscription. I ask Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. G P O CP P IP S OF E YPR Y VARIETY. implements U I I I n I 3 OF ALL KINDS jeirAttrntiQnvw;iIi;.o paid to any business left with me u. .lison. In otic:-:. My J';ii?iness with clllio favor me with th.eir patronage, will be done on a ;oli uasis but Legal Tender will be re ceived at the mark ft ((notations. Agent WLLLS FARGO ctCO. I desire to say to all who favor me with their patronage that I shiii! use my bet ability to piease them, and all orders shall meet "with prompt attentuo. My facilities for tloiiiLT business ate as good as anv house in Oiegon, and 1 pledge myself to sell as Cheap as any House in uoocl standing in tho Slate! I will nut be undersold by any one I Tease give me a cull and examine for your selves. " Thanking von for jiast favors. I remain, Respect full v vours, IHOMAS CJIARMAX. Siurew to .. E. JIJ LI.fi 11 go., jiaxi facti;i:lii of and ukalku ix At ike Oregon City Boot and Shoe Store, jLtLaln t r si net . THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies-, Gents', U y, and Children's Boots and Shoes, o:i liand or made to order. - F. BARCLAY, (Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. R. Co.) OEE1CE At Residence, Main street Ore gon City, Oieson. J X I I IE C II l C V IT C OL" J i T Of the State cf Oregon, for Clacka mas Conn v. Olive Armstrong piiff ( Tliorn-as A,nn?trong Ifl ) T.. 'VI t,.s-..f.r.-.-.i,i .7 .'. .7 ,, 4 . O In the name, of the State of Oregon : You are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in said Court, ia the above enii'.led e inso within ten davs alter Sue service of tins trtunmous ! upon von, if sorvoil in Clack. eouniv, aildlov twiity days if rved in any ;; And unless yeni '- county m sanl kit; 'pear and answer said complaint in ?:ii-l time, or or. or before tho first day of dio term of said Court, happening next alter the expiration of six weeks from the pu Iieation of this Sum mi' ii- to-wi On Ihfii. 7Po;id:r of (.'ctobrr. A. V. LVS''. the plamtiii v. jII apply ccurt for tho relief demanded in the com plaint, namely, a divorce from you, oa the ground of adultery. By order of lion. W. YV. Fpfon. Jndce. JOHNSON eC McCOYN. riaintiff 's Attoi-nevs. July l. vu. ct X TILE ClIK'lT couirr Of the State of Oregon fir Cla-kamas County. JIartha Elcncr Uaybtrn jdaintili', .. Alexander llaybern defendant. Suit tor divorce. To Alexander llaybern. Defendant: In ihe name of the State of Oxygon, you nie required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against vim in said court, in the iibnve entitled cause within ten days after the ser vice of this summons noon von, if seived in Clackamas county, or twenty days if served in any other county m said State. And un less you appear and answer said complaint in said time, an on or before the first day of the terms of said ccnit, happening next after the expiration of six weeks from ta'J publication f tins summons, to wit : On the fourth Jfondat in (,Qtoba A. 1. 18tU. ihe plaintiff w'll! apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint, namely a di voice from you, on the giound of adultery, and inhuman treatment, and personal indignities. By order of Hon. Y. Upton, Judce. YY T. MVTLOCK, 3S.Gt. Attorney for l'lahrii;!. THE CIRCUIT COURT Of the State of Oregon for Clackamas Coun ty : John X. Smith and Mary Ann Smith. I'laiii tiffs, vs. Josephine KUnckr and ethers defendants. Suit in equity. To John II.Alartiuaud Theresa Martin, fir of wid DcfaitlanU: In the name of the State of Oregon, Yon are hereby required to appear and aii.-wer the complaint iiletl against' j'ou in the above ent;tut suit, within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you. lf served within this county; or, if se rved with in any other couutv of ibis State, then m twenty d.ivs from ihe date of the service ol this Summons upon yon. And whereas, - ! der of publication of a Susunious has been ma.1r in tlio ,..io;;h ,1 i...t in pursuance i if n...'v rvsh.-r notitied that ' unless j ! dav of vou appear in sai l Court by Ine the next t.-rm JoMowmg toe eii"- said Countv on Alondag, October 2uth, 18G9, and if vou fad to answer sai 1 comfd:- . hft Plaintiff Will apply to the Court for ttf demanded therein. Dy order of Hon. w . Upton, Judge 4th Judicial District. S. HULLAT, Attorney 40.7t) for Plantti JaV. PJBI.T1A xnATLVKXI'o edatthe ENTEUI'RISE OFITCh. -TTEDDIXG. AT 110ME; AND VISiT VV iug cards neatly I'rinted at UUj office. o O O ;. . -1