- 4, w 1 'A t t O o o o o o ? Iff ss n. on ljc lUcckhj (Enterprise. TOWN AXD COUNTY. improvement of Navigation at tfrc gon City. It is a fact well known to residents of Oregon, and to persons who Lave visit ed the Willamette valley, that the ob struction to navigation occasioned by the falls in the Willamette River at this place, has been a great annoyance, not only to . :., , ino- ihn River. persons engaged in but to shippers also. Iloats on the lower river can run up to this point, but no fur ther, and up to 1SC7, boats on the Upper Willamette could couie down toCanemah, half a mile above the wharf of the boats on the lower river, and no further, and passengers had to make the trip between the boats by land, and freight and bag gage had to be transported by laud the .same distance, frequently occasioning vexatious delay, and damage to goods. At first, the portage was made by wagons and over the County road, and afterwards by means of a tram road. Eut these have bw-en, in a measure, superseded within the past few years by more substantial im provements and conveniences. In loo, The Peoples' Transportation Company began building u break water, extending from a point within 250 feet of the landing for the boats on the lower river, to Canetnah. which, with the main shore on the East side, forms a basin. In two years after it had been commenced, the work was so far completed as to be serviceable, and, in ordinary stages of water, boats on the upper river, could pa.s into this basin, and thereby go around and below the falls, to a point within L'."0 feet of the boat landing, below the falls. The Company then b.vi . a large ware house, extending from the boat landing at the lower end of the basin, to Hie boat binding fur the lower river boats, through which, passengers and freight could be conveniently, and safe!- passed from one boat to the the other, at any season of the year, or in any kind of wheather This breakwater and ware house, has cost the company up to this time, about one hundred and thirty thousand dollars, and upon these improvements the Com pany paid to Clackamas county, in lbGS, the sum of $2,25'.).'.)'.), taxes for that year, but notwithstanding such heavy expenses, river transportation must pay pretty well, for this enterprising company has now a large force at work, cutting away rock, and deepening the channel at the place where the upper, or guard lock is to be in their proposed canal, and they say, that they intend to continuously push the Owork ahead until the canal is completed. The East Side Railroad runs parallel with, and close to the river, and is rapidly progressing towards the completion of the first twenty miles, and those engaged in water transportation are preparing to compete with it. These facts show a rapid development of this whole valley, if nothing more, for if there was not an increased demand lor transportation, men of capital would cer tainly not incur such heavy expenses to increase the facilities of transportation. And if this valley develops as rapidly during the next four years, as it has in the past four, there will be an abundance of business for both Railroad and river. Anything that is of Oregon invention is of course a great deal better than other inventions. On Thursday our attention was directed to a new novelty which will hereafter be known as Haines' Patent inch-fastner.,? It is without question just the thing for Packers, equestrians and equestriennes. Not having had very ex tensive experience as a packer we of course should allow our judgment in this matter to be inilucnced somewhat by the judgment of persons better acquainted with the business, hence we referred the gentlemanly proprietor of this new -invention to our old friend, Mr. A. 13. Richardson, of Portland, whose experiences as a packer, in the early days of Washoe, qualify him to give an opinion upon Its merits, worth something. o It is useless for any one to try to be better "fitted" than Myers, 110 First street Fort land, can do for them. For gapipe Myers is certainly the man you should employ. We would call attention to the fact that Myers has jnst received a splendid lot of new pumps. If you need anything in his line, call upon him. Sec advertisement. The State Agricultural Society will hold its next Annual State Fair on the grounds of the Society at Salem, begin ning on the 11th day of October. As usual, weEshall expect to see Clackamas County well represented. We believe that there is not a branch of business car ried on in this city, but what could take first and second premiums if the mechanics would allow themselves to compete. o Mr. 1). Wright is now canvassing this county for a work entitled " The Sights and Secrets of the National Capital.- It is an interesting book and is well worth lis price. Mr. Wright soes to Yamhill county next. -IVrpont Thayer delivered some Shakespearean readings in this city lat evening, which were highly entertaining Mr. Thayer will take a trip up the valley and deliver readings at the principal towns. C-Utr Meeting. The Southern Motw dists held a camp meeting on Eagle Creek ia this county, commencing Aug. 12th and ending on tho 17th, which resulted in 3o additions to the Church. o Mr. D. Wright is authorized to t-pp,-.; subscriptions to the lLsiLiinn. 4 IUTEIiARY NOTICES. Love and Liberty, by Alex. Dumas, e great French author, is in press, and will be published in a few days, by T. B. Petterson & Brothers, Philadelphia. Any thing that Dumas writes is entertaining. and it will command a very large sale, being a narrative of the French Revolu tion of 1792, the interest is intense from the first- page to the last. The price is only $1 75. bound in cloth. The follow ing new books are having immense sales, and should be read by all : Mrs. South worth's " Pride's Fate." " Changed Brides." " How He Won IIer,?; and Fair Play' Mrs. Stephens' " Curse of Gold," "Mabel's Mistake," and Doubly False, "" The Woman in Red," and " TLe Breitmann's Ballads" in one eloth volume with a glossary. Pktek's Mlsical Monthly. Wo have received the August Number of Peters' Musical Monthly, published by J. L. Peters, New York, at $3 per annum. It contains eight excellent j.eicts of new music, among which may be named a song, God help my boy at Sea ; Comii g Step, a March; Golden Chimes, a Mazourka, and the Honey Suckle Waltz. California Mkotcal Gazette. The Medical Gazette for August. Published by A. Roman & Company San Francisco, at live dollars a year, is before us. It is a monthly Journal of Medical and Surgical Science, and we should" think, invaluable to the medical profession. The present number contains articles on Abscess of the of the liver, and the manner of treating it. American and European Medical Science, Chemistry of the Cinchona Barks ur.d Vesicle, absorption, as well as many other articles of interest. Sax Fuaxcisco Illustrated News. We have received Xo. 1 of Vol. 1 of the above paper. It is aot quite up to its Eastern cotemporaries in artistic skill, but is quite creditable. As might be ex pected the scenery and art of the Pacific coast furnish the subjects for the majority of its illustrations. Tim Manufacturer axd Builder. Yvro have received the August Xo. of this most excellent Monthly, published by Western & Company, New York, at SI 50 per annum. It is filled with varied and instructive matter, -interesting to every reading person, and should be read by every manufacturer, mechanic and build er in the country. Amkrtcax Agriculturist. We have re ceived the August number of the Ameri can Agriculturist, published by Orange Judd A: Co. New York at SI 50 per year. It intelligently and fully discusses the va rious operations of farm life, and is inval uable to all engaged iu agricultural pur suits. The American- Stock Journal. All kinds of Stock-keeping, Farm and Dairy matters are treated of in a clear and pop ular style in this Journal. Its articles are all timely and full of interest and should be read by all having the care of Farm Stock of any kind. The recipes it con tains for the cure of sick, injured or dis eased Animals are worth a hundred-fold its cost. Specimen copies sent free. Ad dress, NT. P. Boyer & Co., Publishers, I'urkesburg, Chester Co., Pa. Balt.ou'.s Magazine. We have received the September No. of this Magazine, pub lished by Elliott, Thomas and Talbott, Boston, at $1.50 per year. As usual it contains a large amount of entertaining reading matter. J. 1. Underwood, Mail Acrent passed through tins place on last Monday morn ing on his vay to Cuttingviilo, Molalla and otlier interior ofiices. Mr. Uinler wood is energetic in the discharge of his duties and it is to he hoped that he will eilect Feme good of this coast. ia the mail service There will be services at St. Paul's (Episeoi)al) church, in this city, to-morrow evening at the usual hour. Sunday school and Bible class at two o'clock r. M. o o A CAII1. Having lost my house and all my house hold goods, by fire, some four weeks since, and having been aided by the kind ness of friends to commence house-keeping again, I hereby tender my sincere thanks to the citizens of Clackamas county for their liberal aid ; and also to Mrs. E. Kemp, and Mrs. Wm. Dalton, of East Portland, through whose exertions liberal donations were made for my benefit. JOSEPH P.ALLISON. August 23rd 1SC9. A ILIIAI DAVIDSO.V, Oili e, Xo. 61 IVoiit Street, Adjoining' the TelcTaph Office, Portland Oregon. SPECIAL COLLECTOR of CLAIMS, Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every description, throughout Oregon and the Territories, WILL P.E MADE A SPECIALTY, and promptly collected, as well as with a due regard to economy iu all business matters entrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punctually. 10 tf HEAL. ESTATE DEALER. Electro SiLicox.-Tbis curious and valuable substance is confidently claimed to I ip thp. het article ever discovered for cleaniner and polishing Gold, Silver and Plated Ware, ana all smootn meuuuc mu facos, of whatever description, including kitchen utensils of tin, copper, brass, steel, etc. " Ix Time of Peace Prepare for War." So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Balm, an unequaled preparation for Dysentery, Diarrhoea, and Cramp. The instantaneous relief of Burns, Bruises and Sprains. Not a Subject of Doubt. That Newtil's Phunocary Syrnp is the most ef fective and never "faiiing remedv for affec tions of the throat and lunzs. ' SIMILIA SDilLLBlTS CTJEATUB. IIUMFMItElTS' EI022EOJATIII SPECIFICS HAol?0Vi:i' FK0M THE MOST AMPLE lnJSe'a cmire success: Simple-c,7iflT-E-flK'1CEt aml liable. They are the So rimfe8 ?crl'9ctly adapted to popular use, ".h. ""stakes cannot U made in Pei"fnrt harmless ss to be free from dan per and so efficient to bo always reliable. all Z,,uafCd the hi?het commendation from an, and will always render satisfaction. Eos. Cents 1, Cures Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations. it r ,rm Worm fever, Worm Colic.25 y l"lli?-ConcorTectliin-ofInfantsa3 SI 8, 9, 10, 11, t ti tt ti wiarriuca ot Children or Adults.. 25 tyseiuery. Griping, Bilious Colic.25 wit-i-a-AEormis, Vomiting 23 .25 .25 ISyspepsiia, Bilious Stomach......2u his ppi essed, or Painful Periods. . .25 12, " Whttes.toZ profuse Periods 25 i ro.iW Cough, Diincuit BreathingV.25 14. The folluicinri ore. n?n r.i,t in !s,7, nn,i na sent at the mine prices given befow V4y tt Jf.e.xcr & Assae.ChillFever, AgnetSO il' ll 1 ile. l-'Jind or bleedin-' 50 1 "FUaimy, and sore or weak r-3res50 'atarris.acato or chronic, InflnenzaSO Vl2oopii3j"-Coii-Is,vioienteough50 Astisitta, oppressed Breathing 50 l .ar lisicliar;c.inipaircdhearing50 Scroi ilia. enlarged frlai:ds.svellinfts50 eijeraIBcbility.pLysicahveakuc!is0 XSropsy, and scanty Secretions 50 8ea-S2ciiiiess).siclness from riding50 Jtitliiey-JJjseP.se, CJraycl 750 Kervous ieSi5Hy Semirsal -L-niissjioiis, involnntiry " J)is- charges 1 00 Sore y2ov.i ii. Canker so I rliia ry Weak ucss. wetting bedr0 Painful SserSocls;, with spasms. .50 S!s.eriiij;-: at change of life... . 100 Kpilepsyjasms.btitus'Danccl (X) Xinlillieria, ulcerated sore throat. 50 1!, 0, " 21, " 3, 23, " 24, " 20, " 97 tt 88, 29, " B0. " 81, S.'5, - FAMILY CASES Of 35 to CO large via Jr.;. morocco or roseyvooti case, coist:iniij; Kecilie for every ordinary cILiejift,o a family I subject to, and books of directions From 810 to &33 Binallcr family and Travelijiir cae, with 20 to as vials from $5 to $3 Specifics' for all invate Blseascs.both lor Curiiiij v.r.d for iVfveatlvc treatment, iu vials and pocket cases,$2to$5 - POSD'S EXrSACT, C!nrcs Eurjis. I2ruis;c?, Lamencnn Sorcnes.jo re Tli v o aS.Kwrainss. 'ii'o o tJi atlie, Kara cite, Neuraiia. iiSiefnsa iisiii, Iiwlaj.-o. S'lles, Solis. 5I:s''s yore lives, Sileetiina- or tlie i.xiz Nose, Slomacii, croi l'iles; Corns, lull Cfrs. Old Koros. l7 ..zi' Octs.; Pints, $1.00 ; fZn?liCe, lkmCtlIc except TOND-S EX aiACT, by the case or single box, are sent to any part ol the country, by mail or express freo Of charge, on receipt of the price. Address Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Company, uiuce ana lcpot, 2o. bOi Buoauwat, New York. Dr. ITrMriir.EYs is consulted daily at bis offlc" personally or by letter, as above, for all forms of oieease. TOR SALE BY ALL DIIUGGISTS. :ii A U C Tl ON A AD COMMISSION A UCTI O N E E II ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merchan dise and Horses, Ecery Vedncidou and Saturday ! A. 15. niciiABDscN,. Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron ; English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, Files, Kasps saws ; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, It. G. Iron ; a lso : A large assortment ot" Groceries and Liquors A. 15. Eicii.vKcsox, Auctioneer I AW PAUTNEKI IIP. JAS. K.KELLY, .T. 1 1. XIF.FT, bet. 2-1 ami wis. j Col-uaiia an. I ;th s;s. Jas. K. Kelly and J. li. Keel, under the firm name of KELLY .t HEED, Will practice Jaw in the Courts of Oregon. Ofiice on First .street, near Alder, ovei- the new Post ufiice room, Portland. (ietf LAXSIXG STOUT. Attorney and Counselor at Lav, P OPT LAN 1, O HFG ON. Officft Uiur the United States District Court Room. Front street. 4.vtf T) G. bXEATli, WI 10LESAI.E C. HOCE R, O.v x- i. will. JwlCC.-, ir JiviAiiU. GOODS BY THE PACKAGE, FOR CASH, SAN FRANCISCO PIHCES, and Freight. irOrder Promptly filled iu San Frsicis- co, if desired. (-tO.tf 7"JI. UTTETt & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. GI FRONT STREET, UNDER COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, -10.3m) Portland, Oregon. p G. STEWART, Xo. 100 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. gs Watchmaker Jlfl And Jeweler. And "Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox & Gibbs' Letter "G" Serring Machines, which are now being sold singly at cost, or whole sale less than cost. Oulier goods at greatly reduced rates. C-i '-tf IMPORTEU AND DEALER IS Segars, Tobacco. Pipes, Stationery CUTLERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c. o tn- No. S3, corner of Front and Washing ton streets, fire roof brick store, called the Old Corner, opposite American Exchange, Portland, Oregon. 37.3m WASHING- HUBS EASY, BY USING THE Automatic Clothes Washer and Boiler ! rp HE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE I times, as it does away with rubbing and wear and tear on Clothes. An ordinary wahine can be done in from one to two honrs-SAYES TIME, LABOR AM) . EX PENSE. Warranted to give entire satisuc, tion. For sale by J.C. MARDY, Manufacturer, 115 Front street, one door north of 41 tf Taylor street, Portland. uoids. Jironchitif ieuraigia, Toothache, Faceache. weattat-iipss i-L-iir-ii-jr-ho AV 7iJ,lellmtti!i:. Kheuniatic pains.. 25 coal It, ' 6 (tp'a VJ 1,1 VJAL&icitA directions contcuii mg uouble wan titles each. for. so NATIONAL LIFE IrlSUDAHOE CGMP'Y ! 3 iliaiitasscl4iA, OF THE Uhiteb States ofAmeeica. JVASIHXGTOX, B. C. Brant-h CHce at PliilatJelpliia, Where the business of the Company 13 transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. O EIUECTOUS : Philadelphia, Clarence ILCIark, Jay Cooke, F. Italehfoni SUut, J. Hinckley Clark, Geo. F. Tyler, W. G. Moorhead. Washington, Henry D. Coolie, E.A.Rollins Win. E. Chandler, John I). DclVees. NewYoik, Edw. Dodge, 11. C. Euhnestock. OPFICEKS : CLARENCE II. CLARK, President. JAY COOKf, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice P-esident. EMERSON W.l'EET, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITILJLD., Medical Director. J. EWING MEARS, M. IX, Assistant. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C, aud Gko. HARDING, Fhiladdphia, Attorneys. ihe iviost Successful Life Insurance Company of The World ! Having issued in the first TEN months of its existence, ,395 Policies, - INSURING 15,142,800 Dollars ! This Company ail'ords to its Policy Holders psiifsct rm TJHTHTl i'y its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, by its Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 TER CENT. BY ITS HeUirn Fremitus) Finn ! -o- Wells? Fargo &oa GEXERAL AGEXTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. V, E. HALE MANAGER. 1. I ELMS, M. ID.5 AGEKT FOR OI1EGOX. OFFICE IX CHEF'S EEIFDTXG, (Up stairs, bet. Front and First sts.) EXTRAXCU OX STARE STREET, P0ETLAHD, Oregon. S. 08 POPE, LOOAL AGENT, OREGON CITY. GEXEKAL AGJEXTSJ JAY COOKE & CO. No. 21G Rroadway, N.Y. General Agents for Xcw York and North era New Jersey. J. U. Orvis and D. C. "Whitman, Managers. E. VT. CLARK & CO. Rankers, No. 35 South Third street, Philadclphia,:General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey. C. S. Russell, Manager. JAY COOKE & CO. Washington, General Southern Agent.?. E. S. Turner, Manager. J. A. ELLIS & CO. Chicago, General Agents lor Jihno'.s-, "Wisconsin, Iowa and Mien. JOHN W. ELLIS & CO. No. 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and Central and Southern Indiana. S. A. KEAN & CO. Detroit, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. D. "W. Kean, Manager, T.B. EDGAR, St. Lords, General Agent for Missouri and Kansas. C. OrTia, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Boston, General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tucker Man ager. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. TVi song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, General Grrent for the DoEusion cf Canadi. - rH -.- AT J . 'J o ro CHAS. HODGE. .C1IAS. E. CALEF..CEO. W. SXEL1. HOBGE, CALE? & Go., DEALERS IX DBU&S and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VARXSIIES, UBCSIIFS, P'ilXTZES Materials, ana irvgjhtJ Sundries. 07 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. DIRECT NEW AND ELEQAIiT STYLES -OF- IA f. ti PCX 'SUITES. J ust received and placed in the warercorns, or ico, ir,8, iro, 13 First street, corner of Salnon, PORTLAND, OREGOX. PARLOR SETS J7 TERRY, IN I'LUSU, AND IN IIAIR-CLOTH. ITc-w OraarAeatal Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment f HOUSEHOLD TUBITITUHS ! Lounges and Spring beds. 2?" The trade sujUed iciih goods in original packages on reasonable terms. HURGPvEN k SI1INDLEP. O It i: GON JEZ JEsL lit X'. i i"i(0JL" Xljj JLCfi-i. FIE S T S TREET, P O R TLA ND, Ret. Washington and Stark sts. M A X I" FA CT r HE II OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OP BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY Q RACK EES Vt'ill always be sold below San Francisc; pticcs. All orders promptly attended to. OREGON LUKE31Y, Eu-U Evrtland. Oi-cjon-. Ls o iiil IvlL zL lU h.h T'if Jits- 'itri f1 ct t- oi't rfo. HO first titieet. I'ortlai-d Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot. Water Boilers, Marl's Top Washsta?:ds, Sheet Lead and Block Tin Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrciiglit Iron Fipos3 all Discs. TEE- ELBOW.s, J2ETEEX EEXDZ XI PILES, P.USIIJXGS, d-c, Jul' StoO.ii, Wu'ii:!1 (lud ird. ALSO Scotch Tabes, Water Guagcs, Whistles Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Angle, aud Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, &c. Hotels, public buildings, raid private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. II. MYERS. A. G. WALLIN GTS Pioneer Ocofc Bindery OIIEGONIAN BUIJLDING, So. 5 "VTasIiiiigtoii. Street, TORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to tho trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. 04 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. '-- Has on hand, and is constant ly receiving direct from the East,alarc;e and carefully selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Flatcd Vare, Lamps, etc., all of which lie oilers at prices to suit the times, at Wholesale and Retail, 23?" Dealers will do wei! to call and exam ine his stock, and learn his prices, before purchasing elsewhere. QP. FERRY, EROKER, Portlaxd. Or.EGwr. Cor. Front and JVashingfon Sts. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insurance Company. S?"Government Securities, Stock,Ponds and Real Estate bought and sold on Com mission. JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaUcque & Co., ORFGOX CITY. r;rnTveep constantly on hand fot sale, fioar Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties parching fec-d must larniaa tue saclis. j JJOTICE. Ohago of Time I o UNTIL FCnTIIEE NOTICE Tiia , People's Transpcrtalion Co.'s STEAMER ! Aleut op. Sexatos r..i, ..-j Will leave the Conipany'3 dek, Portland Every morning at 5 o'clock, Sundays ex cepted, Connecting at Oitgoa City with steaiaurs for SALEr1 AHD DAYTON, ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, V"EDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATUlDAY, Of each week. ; o ; Cr?" Meals provided for passengers on board steamer ALERT, at Fiftr cents. A. A. McCULLY, President. August 11, p-(io.tf) W. A. ALDIUCir. J.C. Mr.Rnt-. JOHN II CRAKKX p. s:--i k 1 ': ( J vi:!:"-' p .- :.$ SHIPI'ING, COHHISION AND A GENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, JTjL Hawaiian anil Oietron Packst Line.?. Importers of San Quentin ai.d Carmen Inland Salt, Sandwich Iblaud Snirs, Collee, Rice, and Pulu. ' Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Ve:-etahle5, I'iekles and Viuf'ar. Dealers in Hour. Grair.. Pacm. Lard & ' Fruit. Lime, Cement and I'la'ter. Will attend to the Purchase, Suio or Shin ment of Merchandise or Produce in Nev York, San Franci.-sco, Honoluln, er Portland. ALDRiCH, -MERRILL A: CO., Nos il:j-i and 20G Calif;. rnia Street, San irancisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., lf.5 North Front Street, Portland. VELVETS, BP-USD ELS, THEE E - PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, Will DO 17-SHADES, P A PES - II A IT G I IJ G S , L AC E - G U T A I IT S, Czz., &o. We Wcvld Call the allcrJion of pur tics filling iiv houses, or Lcir.? in need of anything in our line To. our Stock, which is OXE OF THE COHPLETEST Oil tSl3 -o Our Goods Icing specially selected at the factories in England and the Eastern States, zee can sell AT THE LOWEST No. SO Front street, between Alder 3..) and Vv'asldngton, Portland Oregon Jacob St:xzel. J.4:.ies B. Uvtox. STITSEL & UPT0IJ, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and I Vash iny ton stree ts, PORTLAND, OREGON. J7 VVill attend to the sale and rurehase of Heal Estate in ail parts cf the City and State. Special attention rriven to the sale of East Portland property. Address I'. O. Box 4;12, Portland, Oretron. ST1TEL & UPTON. " lO.tf J J.r;l Er.:tc Fiu.k'.rs. o A Dealer in California, Vermont and Italian Marbles, Obelisks f- I a Monuments, Head and Fool r'"- Stones, ' r L Salesi Oregon. lA Mantles and Furniture Marble furnished to order. J 23 1 OF EVERY STYLE In Larzre Quantities can It Found AT J. C ELETJSSDOSFPES & 3R0S S. TF. corner of Morrison and Front streets, Portland, Oregon. o Also Caps of every style, and Roys' and Girls' Hats iu large varieties. Give us a call and examine. i i uiat; IX bO,, Corner of Main and Second Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Steam CcUse and Spice Kilb, The best Chartres, Old Government Java Ground Coffee, and all kinds of Spices, al ways on hand. Orders solicited and prompt ly filled. 32:tf A LARGE IX VOICE OF EE IV Sunday School and Gift Eceks ! I7R0M THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jdlerscn St.' between 2d and 3d, Portland, Ortpon. G. 1L ATKINSON. Secretary, 52.1 1 and Treas. Oregon Tract Society RENTAL NOTICE. nOIIE AGAII7. x?Trr!TV. Durincr mv tour ef two rears ?4-ri in the Eastern States I "have VrHVSf spared neither time nor -U-iLilJ money to make niyse'f per fectly familiar with at:d master of mv pro fusion. Those Ies-.il in r the b;-; i V;ctk that the nature of the case wiil admit of can h'n-1 me at my oUlce, lot Front street, two doors oove McCoraiick s Rook Store, Portland, Oregon DR. J. G. GLENN. ) vi. Ytas Laye tri J t'very remedy but the 6.NG .uf l. l.y its utrinsi'.s iao;it, to supersede all eim--. r j voii.r.it:!- n:;. It is j(ot sartuisintf you should bcr Tl'jcfa::t to try KomeiUif clso after the mauy (V-v-nr.iei:ts yoa huvo laade of trashy compouad w.-u J oa tlivi i:uLlio as a ccruia cur; but HI WELL'S : Pnlmoaary Syrup s renlly thm Vr.P.Y BF?T rraorfy ever compound- br tuc euro ,ry.y.v.;h, .1.;. :-orc Throat, stpaia, -.K't 11! C-.u.-h. 1 r,i;..-hiii ;aii!i Consumption. Tboa :ur!,.it;i pvi..:;o iu t:ai:i;.riii.i and Oresuii haye lep rcidy teiitilltea by the surprijiiaij curative power- HE WILL'S Pulmonary Syrup iti l w5:h rr.o r,.-ror:l pivo it tlif;r ttrqnaliflf 1 pppro '"i,iU- i -dr.-? e::rsv-lves to ail who are ua t-.i::-i:r.t---.l:th thl. th" ;;r-.-.-.tci-t l'ui-Kiccar-f tho 114.- llf ;f all ducoov-s f the Throat auj HI WILL'S ; ! '11 f TV? (Tk ! j U f S'tlT) V V X F 3 ss cared thcusac-'s ar.J it v. 11! euro VOL" if yoa ttf This invnliinhlvj ir.r-'iirv? i.-j p.i?ant to the tnst-j ywitairsr. inrJin and ;T.-i-gthci,ii in its e'lecLs; civ-i;-:y f.vo fro: i ail po;si!.i-.;.i or d-.-lyterioUi drug. Oi I j.rf.T'.:y l:-;nal.-'.-.o aaJ'.-r all c;reuni.t.-uices. C. ; s troai ra.ir.y pr'-TniaeKt citizens of Sa fruaciito acceaii'utiy t-veiy Let tie cf : -t - !- O-r r.rn::":TOX h P As'T;ts, San rranclsco. A EVv'AYS SAFE! Ahvays Fffectual, -t-.z. r ever and Ai'r.o i s i;or-il;!r aiiH of. iecfiny cured by Dr.'E. CO Oi" EE'S Univer fal Magnetic Bim. HO B 0 IJ 0 PUBLICO!" 1EULY A VECUlTAni.E FRF PA RA TiUX. None genuine vithout signature of W. It. Stroncr. I1EDINGTUN, IIOSTETTER & CO., 410 and -US Fi ::.nt it., San Francisco Sde anj exclusive Agents. HEBIEGTG2T, KCSTETTES & CO.'S ESSENCE OF r'i ; This valuable preparation, containing In a highly concentrated loria all the properties of Jamaica C hirer, has Lexeme one of the most pop-.dar domestic rernedic-rs lor all diseas cs of ihe stomach end digesiive organs. As it tonic, it will be foniul invaluable to all person recovering from debility, whether produced by lever or otherwise; Tor while it imparts tt the system all the piiow and vigor that ear b? produced by wine or Li amir, it is free from the reactionary eilects that tallow the use oi sph-iti cf a;.y i:Iiid. It is also an xcellent remedy for females vho sulicr hom dinicidt rioustraation, giving almost immc-diate relief to the spasms that eo IVeoucntly accompauy tliat peiiud. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, canned by riJing in a railroad car, cr by sea sickness or other causes. It is ai.-;,i valuable as .in erciemal arrdlrntinn for Gout. KheimiiitisCT. Xeurf'cj,i, etc. IxEUE',u lO, I LOST JJ TE'I. ly Co., HC ar.d IIS Front tt, San Francisco. Use Eleeti-o Silicon, Crllagic Crilliant. &.u-hvtxvii iiubiiAiijll & Co. 3 For the Handkerchief. This article, posscfinrr tho most deliejvio fragrance of Flowers, is unerpialled as a per fume for the Handkerchief. Used in bathing it imparts strength and en ergy to the pytem, ana cives tout softness and delicacy to tho skin go much desired by all J IT REMOVES SUXBUEX, FRECKLES PIMPLES, Diluted with water it makes an elegant den tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to'tlie teeth sweetness to tiia breath, and renders the gums hard and of a beautiftd color. It should always be used after shaving dilat ed with wafr. a it rePeves all '-ammatiuu-REDIXGTOX, HOSTETTEI: $ Co. 410 and 4.13 Front tt.. Kan Francisco. ELE C TE O STLICOX, - 01: - Direct from Jx'a.iure's Labraiory. The Pest article ever tli-covcred for cleans ins and Polishing Gold. Silver and Plated ware, and r.H smooth Metaho Surfaces, of whatever description, inciudinir Kitchen uten sils of Tin. Copper, Era-?, Steel, etc, To Jewelers and Workers in Gold and Sil ver Plato the Electro-Silicon is of inestimable value ; the time saved, and the vexation pre vented by its'u-e, will forever endear Its nanio to ad who have had evideneet-f its merits, REVIXGTOX, IIOSTETTER fy Co. Sole Agents, Sa.i Franc tsco, XTOR FLAVORING, IIFDIEGTOX, IIOSTETTER Sy Cv EXTRACTS re "iC te- Rcdin5ton, Hcstcticr & Go's 0 USE NO OTHER. Unexcelled for Tcilct Use and for the TJaib. vi W5sv -v. v o o 0 0 o O I i i CO i I