1 1 o O YOIi. OIMON CITY, OREGON, SATUB I AY, AUGUT 88. NO. 4LS 5 "r "R ""RI8 $ I fe , The Weekly Eutekpmbe. j i,j:moci:atic j-aper, FOK THE Business Man, the Farmer Me FAMILY CIRCLE. PVBMSIIED EVEttY SATURDAY AT THE OfV-7C-Corncr of Fifth and Main streets Jon Liiy, v o TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION: cindri C;y one year, in advance, $2 00 iK-ivftUHCr to be mode at the risk of and at the expuise of Agents. TERMS of A D YER RISING ,n,tT.t advertisements, including all ,1 nut ice?, j ot 1 -Mines, J-'Ol- our- On'-niu, oue year ) i.-i'ne.-PCard, 1 square one year 1 w.$ 2 50 1 00 $120 00 GO 40 12 BOOK AND .OR PRINTING. t6- xijc Enterprise office is supplied with V,.. iiii''. approved styles of type, and mod M U'ilLN'K PKESKS, wl.ieh will enable t.y 1'iinuietor to do Job 1'iiuting at all times Nat, Quick and Cheap ! Work solicted. '"iu:i'i't-'r" tfii.-fart'i'tnn upon a Sped ba-ttJ. '" JOHN MYERS, Financial Agent. BUSINESS CARDS. V. c JOHNSON'. O V. O. M COWN. Notary Public. joiinson & Hccowar, O.'.gon Cit j, On gov. cTi- Will attend to all business entrusted to :iie i:i a:iv oi i-ae courts m t.ie ciuik, t. ni--.n.'v,Nea.tiate loans, sell real estate tr, radicular att our (.'.1!. uiliou i v e n to contested A. C. tiiiiU.S. C. W. 1ARR1SII, a i:d Coin, vf Jjecus. rt 1 I ry i it'n GIBBS & PAEKISH, Mtomevs and Counselors at Law, Portland, SOMEBODY'S DAItLIXG. The following exquisite little poera was written by Miss Marie Laeoste. of Savan noh, Ga., and originally published, we tLink, in the Southern Churchman. It will commend itself, by its touching pathos, to all readers : Into a ward of the white-washed walls, "Where the dead and the dying' lay ; "Wounded by bayonets, shells and balls; Somebody's darling was borne one day. Somebody's darling ! So young ami so brave ; Wearing still, on his pale sweet face, Soon to be hid by the dust of the grave, The lingering light of his boyhood's grace. Matted and damp are the curls of gold Kissing the snow of the fair young brow. Tale are the lips of delicate mould ; Somebody's darling is dying now. Back from the beautiful, blue-veined faco Brush every wandering silken thread ; Cross his hands as a sigu of grace ; Somebody' darling is still and dead. Kiss him once for somebody's sake, Murmur a prayer soft and low, One bright curl from the clustertake; They were somebody's pride, you know, Domeoouy s nam. naei restea mere : "Was it a mother's soft and white I And have the lixs of a sister fair Been baptized in those waves of light ! God knows best. lie Avas somebody's love ; Somebody's heart cihiined him there, Somebody wafted his name above, Night and morn, on the wings of prayer. Somebody wept when lie marched away, Looking so handsome, brave and grand ; Somebody's kiss on his forehead lay Somebody clung to bis parting hand. Somebody's watching anl waiting for him, Yeanling to hold him again to her heart ; There he lies with the blue eyes dim, And the smiling, child-like lips apart. Tenderly bury the fair young deal, Fausing ty drop on his grave a tear ; Carve on the wooden sl;tl at his head " Somebody's darling lies buried here I" or r icr -Ou :..r:ck I.U-k. Oregon. Alder street, in Cartel's IIKIJ., j. x. noLPii. j. n. it Ilitcliell, Dolph a Smith, A! torn ens and A. SMITH Counsellors at Laxc Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty . Oiliee o'-er the old Post Ollice, Front l'ortlaud. Oregon. Logan, Ehattnc & Killin, ATTOUXKYS AT LAW, Xo. Trout Sti-ct t, I'iJ Stiiirs, THE 15KST Yt IFE IX TII13 WOULD. pAtiJ: & THAYKIi, ATTORXEVS AT LAW OFF I Civ-In Cr Staik e s rtreet: Puildiu., i, Puriland, cornrr of ;;ii:t( J. F. f. r !.!'. CAPL J. C. 1IOUILAXD. :dOin:LANi ATTORNEYS AT LAW, (''. FRONT and I V Sill NO TON Sts. POllTliANH, OllKOON. II. W ATKINS, M. I)., ' SU!U; LUX. r.-itiLAXD, Orkgcu. o fFFICE' Front street Hesidence cor ner i'i M lin and Seventh streets. J. WELCH, DENTIST. n-tiitrdly LocaUd at Oregon City, Oregon money, T 1 1 T mm, ana m:iKes mm live -I -t . t T i 1 irootl for tlie family songs, and read the newspapers, so x can talk: about the thin its lie's interested in, and trv so hnrd to be entcrtaininor. It's very strange. And then lier oval face'brirrliten- ed into sudden brillance, and the sjtarkles stole into her eve;: for the quick car had detected her husband's footsteps on the stairs, rm. ,. . . i xih; next moment lie came in. "Well, pet, how are you?" with playtul pmch of her cheek. a Tl 7 7 f iik.lv bu.'nu ooiiuois lor vou. Where are my Ikdit Hnvos ' O ----- O Herbert ! you are not going iiway again t jl must, xy;tiy. There are a lot of fellows oino- to drive to Hih Bridge, and I'm one of the party. You can go over to my mother's for dinner, orsend for one of Your menus, or something. There, Sil( 1 long m isil fr when I please Jl KO03IS With Dr. Saffarrans, on Main st. A. li. KKLL. K. A. TAKKEH. BULL l PAREBH. T5 " My jk MXi iL B Axn DEAi.rns Cicm teals, Patent Medicines, Paints, 0 Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, Arul every article kept in a Drug Store. Main Street, Ua?jon City. jj o c; v s A; a l it n. i a n t . its iiii a ! Comer of Fourth and Main streets. CilKtiON CITY. 3 Keep constantly on hand all kinds of frt-Mi and sa'.t meats, such as BEEF, TOKlv. MUTTON, VEAL, CORNED P.EEF, HAMS, IMCKELED POKE, LAUD, everj thing else to be found in their line t business i i A i JOHN II. SCIIUAM C J 7) 7T A'C IT 1 7? rr 'SS, etc.. etc. Luiutactui-cr and Dealer in M i in S 'tr(t, OregGn City, fiTWiIie! to represent that he is now as we'd prepared ty furnish any article in his line a '-e truest e.-;abli.-!imeut in the State, lie j-artu-ula.ly icpiests that an examination of i.:s j-tock be made before buviticr elsewhere. 112 gltONT STREET, rillST STREET. Near iiornson Street. Near Yamhill. K.AST l CAHALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST HlX'EiVED: Pest Selection in the City! I onipnsir.cr all the leading and lwsiiranrf known, such as llcukert's, Tirroll'ss, FowV Houghton- t Coulidije's, K cod's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of ai-uts and bovs' "ear-. AJso Mile's, Sieberiich's, Hurt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public ia general are invited to call and examine our stock which we will sell cheaper than ever. ' 1 . S. l!oots made to order, and an assort Keat ci our make coostaullv on haud. BY AMY KAXDOLHI. " The best wife in the world !" said Herbert Ainscourt. " Ul course 1 dare say, re- snonded 3Ir. Portcross. " But what's your exact idea of the best wile m the world: Jones says he's got the best wife in the world, because she keeps his stockings darned", takes him to church three times of a Sunday, and never lets him have an idea of his own Jenkins says lit s got the same identical article, but Jenkins' wile keens all the monev. draws his x "iiit l y xv - 111 111U H.lCiv vtarlor is too i j - to use." " Oh but Daisy isn't a bit ogre- a little submissive, soii- oicei thing that hasn't an idea except what, you what is relict-led from me. I tell old fellow, Em the master of my own house ; I come please, and go when I Daisy never ventures on a word of reproach." "Then, you ought to be asham ed of yourself, larking around at the clubs as you do, dissipated bachelor fashion." " Ashamed ! what of?" t1j- T cniMncA vimi rYT'r cmnn duties to your wife V" " Where's the harm ? My wife doesift care." " Irobably you think so because she is quiet and submissive; but if she were to object " Object ! Pd like hear her try it." 7. "Xow look here, Ainscourt, your wife may be a model wife, I ut you certainly are not a model hus band. People are beginning to talk about the way you neglect that pretty little blue-eyed girl." "I'll thank people to mind their own business. Neglect her, indeed! Why, man, I love her as 1 love my own soul." "Then, why don't you treat her as if you did " Oh, come, Portcross, that ques tion just shows what a regular old bachelor you are. It won't do to make too" much of your wife, un less you want to spoil her." Mr. Portcross shook his head. "That sounds scllish. I don't like the ring of that metal." And he went away, leaving Mr. Ainscourt to finish his game of bil liards at leisure. " What a regular old fuss budget Portcross is," laughed the latter. "Always poking his nose into somebody else's business. There's one comfort I never pay any attention to what he says." Meanwhile Mrs. Ainscourt was sitting alone in her drawing-room, her too little white hands lightly locked in one another, and her fair head slightly dropping a delicate little apple-blossom ot a woman, with blue, wistful eyes and curly flaxen hair; looking more like a grown-up child than a wife of twenty-one summers. m "O dear!" sighed Daisy. "It is so dull here. I wish Herbert would come home. He never spends any time with me nowa days, and I practice all his favorite 11 T -i f goou-nye, puss, i m m a deuce ot a hurry." And with one careless kiss press ed on the quivering damask rose of a mouth that was lifted up to him, he was gone. Daisy Ainscourt neither went to her mother-in-iaw, nor sent for one of her girl-friends. She spent the evening all alone, pondering on the shadow which Avas fast overgrow ing her life. "What shall I do?" thought the little timid, shrinking wife " Oh, what shall I do ?" But, child as she was, Daisy had a strong, resolute Avoman's heart withm her, nor was coming to a decision. " Daisy," said her her the next day, " you haven't any objections to my attending the Orion Bal Masque?" " Are masked balls nice places, Herbert ?" " O yes, everybody goes ; only I thought I'd pay you the compli ment of asking whether- you dis approved or not. " Well ahem not very well, this time, Daisy. You see, Mrs. Fenchurch really hinted so strong lv for me to take her, that I couldn't help it." " Very well," assented Daisy, meekly, and Herbert repeated within himself the prvan of prais husband to 4? . -I r- mm :o with you s he had chanted in Mr. Portc-ross' ears : " The best little wife in the world !" But, notwitstanding all this, Mr. Ainscourt was not exactly pleased, when, at the selfsame Bal Masque, during the gay period of unmask ing, he saw his wife's innocent face crowning the picturesque costume of a Bavarian peasant girl. "Hallo!" he ejaculated, rather ungraciously, " iron here !" "Yes," Dais lrlish smile, went ! And oh, Herbert, bod v 1 1 1 sy, npsed with a " You said evcry- it nice ?" if Inni IIJ1J Is isn't Air. Ainscourt said no more, but Mrs. Fenchurcli found him a very stupid companion for the remainder of the evening. He was late at dinner the next day ; but late as he was, he found himself more punctual than his wife, and the solitary meal was half over before 3Irs. Daisy tripped in, her cashmere shawl trailing over her shoulders, and her dimpled cheeks all milk with the fresh wind. " Am I behind time ? Pcally I am sorrv ! But we have been driving in the park, and " We ! Who are vre ?" growled her husband. " Whv, Colonel Adair and I the Colonel Adair that vou go out with so much." " Xow, look here, Daisy ! ' ejac ulated Mr. Ainscourt. rising from the table and pushing back his chair, "Adair isn t exactlv tr man I want vou to drive with !" " But vou go everywhere with "The duecetake woman's rights!" ejaculated the irate husband. "Of course I don't believe in them, but it's the fashion to belong to a club, and such a nice place to go to evenings. I am dull here eve nings, Herbert. Herbert's heart smote him, but he answered, resolutely : " I beg you will give up this ridiculous idea. What do women want of clubs ? " What men do, I suppose. "But I don't approve of it at all. " You belong to three clubs, Herbert. " That's altogether a different matter. " But icloj is it different ? Hem ; why ? because; of course anybody can see why it's self-evident. " I must be very blind, said Mrs. Ainscourt, demurely, "but I confess I can't discriminate the essential difference. Herbert Ainscourt said no more, but he did not at all relish the change that had lately come over the spirit of Daisys dream. She did change somehow. She went out driving, here, there, and everywhere. He never knew when he Avas certain of a quiet evening Avith her; she joined not only the club, but innumerable societies for a thousand and one purposes, Avhich took her away from home almost continually. Mr. Ainscourt chafed against the bit, but it Avas useless. Daisy always had an excuse to plead. Presently her mother-in-law bore down upon her, an austere old lady in black satin and a chestnut-brown wig. " Daisy, you are making my son Avretehed." "Am I?" cried Daisy. "Dear me, I hadn't an idea of it I What is the trouble ?" " You must ask himself," said the mother-in-law, avIio belicwcd sen sible old lady in young marrie people's settling their oavh difficul ties. " All I know is the bare fact. So Daisy Avent to the dr room, Avherellerbert lay on the sofa pretending to read, but in realitA' brooding over his troubles. " What's the matter, Herbert, ?" said Daisy, kneeling on the floor beside him, and putting her soft, cool hands on his fevered broAV. "The matter? Nothing much, ohIa' I am miserable, he sullenly answered. "But Avhy ?" she persisted. "Because you are so changed." " IToio am I changed ?" " You are luwer at home ; you haA'C lost the domesticity Avhich Avas, in my CArcs, your greatest charm. I never have you to myself inv more. Daisy, don t vou see how this is embittering my 'life IWIiROTS. d The varieties of parrots best known to this country, and gener ally kept, are six in number, name ly, parrots, cockatoes, macaws, parakeets, love birds, and lories, though those latter are more rare ly kept, on account of their being so proficient in speaking as mot of the other kinds, though their plumage is exceedingly gay and beautiful. It is said that macaws are the best talkers of the Avhole species, providing they are reared from the nest. And not only are they auie to talk, but they also sing in a pe culiar, soft voice. Tho' perhaps not in volume, certainly in sweetness and soilness, part icularly the green, or grass parrakeet. fine tne cockatoo is the hardiest of the par rot tribe, and the most easily tam ed, it is at the same time the most difficult to teach to talk at all avcII. Its di-jjosition is, lioweAcr, more gentle, and its obedience more mi- plicit than that of the other species. The gray, or ash-colored Afri can parrot is A ery docile, and re ceives its lesson Avith great apti tude, hence it is the most general favorite, though the common green of those old-fashioned projecting porches, so that when a person stood on the same side of the street as the door he could not see the first floor. One day the parrots had been hung outside the first floor AvindoAY, and so hidden from a per son approaching the door. A person knocked at the gate. " Who's there ?" said tho green parrot. A reply AAas made, "The man Avith the leather." The bird answered. " Oh ! Oh !" and then became silent. After Availing some time, and not finding the door opened, the 2erson knocked a second time. " Who's there ?" - repeated the green parrot. " Who's" there ?" cried the man outside, " AIiy don't you come and open the door !" " Oh ! Oh !" repeated the parrot. This so enraged the man tht,t he furiously rang the bell ! " Go to the gate," shouted out a new A'ice, Avhieh proceeded from the grey arrot. " io the crate! repeated one. " YrTiat " Xewgate !" responded the grey parrot ; Avhich so enraged the man that, stepping back into the road to have a view of his mockers, he saw for the first time he had been outAvitted simply by a couple of parrots. Amazon parrot, from the little at- A great friend of mine, captain tention it requires, and being easi- Gf alnerehant vessel trading bc ly tang it to speak, shares the fa- tween East India and England, vor bestowed upon the gray-color- lPrl several parrots of different ed one. kinds. He told me the other day j-uv v, mei oi uun iiuiac iui.i in mat one oi jus cocicatoos was nis his possession a green parrot which constant companion when writing, has an extraordinary fluency in its that it never disturbed him or tore conversation and variety of ex- his papers, as parrots are apt to, pressions, so much so that it is but "sitting by the inkstand on the hoped the bird avuI take a prize at table, watched Avith evident atten the ensuing sllOW at the Crystal tion e:ieh imrvprnent of tho. iH'ii. soon as its owner From some accidental cause, my opens the door or me room m inend thought by pamt poisoning, which it is usually kept, in a most it lost its feathers one bv one, until it became quite naked, and gradual ly the man, not seeing gate ?" palace. natural A'oice it exclaims, 1 dear, come green " P -e 1 . , - and Kiss your pretty iv wasted away. beauty ; or n us master knocks at the door, it immediately shouts, " come in, come in, pa, and give us a kiss, and a thousand more." This done, the parrot shouts, "Hip, hip three cheers for the Queen;" and ping up the bird in flannel, tried to instantly begins to dance to preserve its lite, but in A'am. After tune, " Polly, put the kettle murmuring 'Your cookey's so vcrv on, andAve u nave tea, repeating, ui, - several times, it uieu. aiki or rather singing the Avords per- the more extraordinary part of the him !" re ui ?" I dare say but vou and I Iaao different persons." " Xoaa', dear Herbert," interposd Daisy, willfully misunderstanding him," aou knoAV I never Avas a bit proud, and the associates that are good enough for my husband are good enough for me. Let me giA'c you a few more oysters." Ainscourt looked sharply at his wife. Was she really in earnest, or Avas there a mocking undercur rent of satire in her tone? But he could not decide, so artless Avas her countenance. I'll talk to her about it sometime, Avas his internal decision. "Daisy," he said, carelessly, Avhen dinner Avas over, "I've asked old Mrs. Barberry to come and spend the day with you to-mor-roAV. " Oh, have you ? I'm sorry, for I am engaged out to-morrow." " You! 'Where?" " Oh, at Delmonico's. I've join ed n. Woman's Kicrhts Club, and " - ' ' Ave meet there to organize. "Does it make you unhappy she asked, softly. " You KnoAV that it does, Daisy." "And do you suppose thatTike itn0rbert ?" " What do a'ou me " I mean that I passed the first year of my married life in just such a lonesome way. 1 ou had no do- mesticity. v. inns, ctrives, ounarus and champagne suppers, engrossed your Avhole time. I, your Avife pined at home, alone." " But, Avhy didn't you tell me that you were unhappy ? " Because you Avould liaAe laugh ed at the idea, and called it only a woman's Avium. 1 avc Avere first married, to fritter aAvav neither time nor breath in idle complaints. I hae not com plained ; I luwe simply folio Aved your example ; if it Avas not a good one. AA'hose fault was that ? Not mine, surely." " Xo, Daisy, not yours." " I don't like this kind of life," Avent on Daisy, " it is a false excite ment a hollow diversion ; but I persist in it for the same reason, I suppose. Avas thv mat you fashion. did, because it Xow tell me Herbert, whether you prefer sfash ionable icife. or Daisy?" " Daisy a thousand times her!" " But Dais- cannot get alon Arith a theatre-going, club-living husband." " Then she shall have a husband Avho finds his greatest happiness at his own hearthstone whose wife is his dearest treasure who has trie the experience of surface, and finds it unsatisfactory. Daisy, shall we begm our matrimonial career anew frcm this time ?" And uaisA' s wmsperea answer was: "Yes." " But Aviiat must you have tho' of me all this time ?" she inquired of him, alter a little A7iule. "I know what I think now " "And what is that?" "I think," said Mr. Ainscourt with emphasis, " that you are the best Avne m the world. 7 One day, Avhile my menu Avas Avrlting, it suddenly hopped on the paper, and pressing its face against his cheek, said " Your cookey's so ill, your cookey's so very ill." This hip, hurrah ! quite affected my friend, who, Avrap- d ping up the bird m llannei, ti o preserve its life, but in A'ain. le murmuring 'Your cookey's s is that iity friend had no rec- of haA'ing used these iectly. Again, slie lrecpiently says, story J.et the dear Avaiter bring 1 oily ollection x bit of bread, for she really wants i words before the bird, nor could he ler dinner, and numbers oi imi- learn that any of the sailors had ar observations, such as "Who'll taught it to repeat them. It seem- give thirty guineas for the pretty ed as if the parrot had been unable tccii beaut a-, then she Avill ride in to give utterance to his feelings at her carriage, the dear t or again, the right time, m Avon Is heard pre- 4 Oh, you cookeA7 rough, Avliy did viousiy m the ship or on the shore. A'ou pronusc to marry me, aim .Another erson ot my acpiamt- lidn't?" This bird is most aitec- ance Avho Avas Aery fond of pets, had tionale, and ncA'cr' alloAVs its mas- a number of rabbits, guinea pigs, er to leaA-e the room Avitliout giv- and other pets contmcd on a large ing it a kiss or snaking its toot. grass-plat. Among these animals It has a lovely green plumage, a line rose-crested cockatoo used to and belongs to the A'ariety Avhich Armidcr, not only fearlessly, but is not commonly supposed to talk, without inflicting any injury to the namely, the parakeets, but it is said rest of the animals. One day my Ahen they do talk they excel all inend procured a large, wmte An tlie rest of the tribe. gola rabbit, which he placed Avitii My brother-in-laAV, a captain of the others on the grass lat. TJie a large sailing vessel, frequently new arrival attracted the attention touched at the ports on the avcs- of the cockatoo, who straightway tern coast of Africa, at different walked toward the rabbit, It did times possessed two gray parrots, not seem to be afraid of the ap- one ot Avhich, from having had proach, as being Avlute, like itself, some hot Avater thro AA'n on its head perhaps it thought there Atas some accidentally, lost all its feathers affinity between them. "When the permanently. Being frequently cockatoo had draAvn quite close to asked what Avas the cause ot lus the rabbit, lie put his beak to the bald pate, he used to reply, " I car of the animal, and shouted out was scalded; but Avhenever he saw " Who arc you?" Mv friend roar- an old gentleman passing by iiitlie cd at the consternation such a sa street, or cuter the room Avith a bald lute caused to the rabbit, ayIio head 5 - , he AA'Otild be sure to shout a correct changing of "You have been scald ed," and then turning lo the com pany, he Avould add, "He's been scalded." out, Avith fc '7 bounded off Avithfull speed to the A. father end of the enclosure. Parrots are vcrv particular about their food. An old lady once told me that the servant Avhose place it Avas to supply the bird with oat- dog i m n rr Jin n o Another of his parrots had been meal porridge neglected to do so brought up by one of the sailors, one morning; accordingly, the mis but unfortunately had been taught tress put in its cup some soaked to swear in a most horrible man- bread. He looked at it some time, ner. My brother-in-law had him tasted it once or tAvice, sat and ap ducked in the water well whenever parently considered the matter; he heard him. swear. This tended and then, dashing his bill in, he to cure him of the habit, but one threw it all out, first on one side day a man AA-asAvashed overboard, and then on the other, saying be am! the body being recovered and tween each sputtered mouthful, placed on deck, the parrot hopped " Nasty mess ; nasty mess." The around it often, shaking his head same bird heard its mistress say from side to side gravely, and one day, " Oh dear ! I have lost my swearing, purse ! and immediately exclaimed. saying, " You've been " i " "Hoav A'ery provokin!" ex- l crnaps. alter all. tho nnrrnt M r j 1 it, brdoi irrrxl f r Ti'.n .. . 1,. ,. you've been SAvearing. I haA-e recently found an tremely good story of a parrot, that belonged to O'Kccfe, the ac- Avhich is vouched for as true in the tor, was the most remarkable ever strictest sense. A tradesman occu- knoAvn in England. Among other pving a shop in the Old Bai!ey,iust accomplishments, it Avould sin opposite to the prison (Newgate), God save the King, through, Avith- posscssed two parrots, a gray and out missing a single AA'ord or los a green one, Avhich had been taught ing the tune. While doing so it to speak. When a knock Avas Avould also keep time, moving his heard at the street-door the green head from side to side in a perfect parrot used to speak; but Avhen the manner. This bird could never be street bell was rung, then the grey induced to sing on Sunday. Vari- parrot ansAvered. N ow the house ous tricks were played in order to I in which their owner lived had one 1 effect this purpose ; it Avas kept in confinement, placed in darkness, etc., but all devices failed. It was never known to sing on the Lord's day. King George HI heard of the fame of this parrot, and of its proficiency in ringing the national anthem, and resolved to Avitness its performance in per son. This was arranged, but not a note would the bird utter in the presence of the King. Disconcert ed and disappointed, the King turned away ; but no sooner hall his Majesty reached the threshold than the parrot Avith a peculiarly sAveet, tender -oice, commenced. God saA c the King. Hi'? 3Injc?ty turned, and Avith hand raised to keep silence among the attendants, listened in rapt attention to the birds's song, Avhich is said to haA e been perfect. lie offered O'lveefe a large sum of money for the par rot, but it Avas refused. Its owner Avas often in difficulties, being of an cxtraA'agant disposition, and resorted to the strange expedient of raising money by pawning poor Poll. He alwavs redeemed it, howewer, and regained possession. It is said Avhen this bird died, itss skin was purchased by the trustees of tho British Museum, Avhile tlie skeleton is preserved in the Museum, at Oxford. Another friend of mine possess es a parrot Avho always discrimin ates between the sexes and con dition of life of its master's visitors. If a gentleman comes av ell dressed he is in variably saluted with Avhat a get up ! Avhat a savcII you are ! If an old lady.it says Oh, Avhat a fright ! Avhat a pair of nut crack- ! if a voting ladv, he begins to and fondle, and saA'S, in a A ery soothing tone Is she not nice? Is she not.. nice ? But Avhen a clergyman appears, ho instantly, in the gravest and most solemn tones, such as forbid any feeling of levity at the mo ment, addresses him with the Avords Let us pray ; let us pray ; AA'ith a pause betAveen the sentences. The anecdotes about parrots are so extremely numerous that it is difficult to decide Avhich are the best and most likely to please, but at the risk of plagiarism I must transcribe the following, Avhich I have lately met with : An Ameri can parrot that had been taught to AvhistJe in the way Avhich generally attracts the notice of dogs, Avas sitting in his cage one day at the shop-door, Avhistling Avith all his might. 1a' chance a large passed by. The animal he heard the call of his master, sud denly turned about and ran toAvard the cage of tho parrot. This move ment rather alarmed the bird, Avho instantly screamed out Get out, you brute ! Avhich caused the aston ished dog to hastily retreat, leaving those in the shop convulsed with laughter at the joke. Some of these anecdotes seem to imply the existence of more than merely imitative pOAVcr. I do not discuss puzzling questions about in stinct or reason in animals, but my anecdotes are but specimens of Avell-attested facts concerning jar rots. Tea is Ad cocate. -aQ-- o Stuiidv Facts to Think Owett. The debt of over two billions of dollars Avas contractd to sustain the Constitution Avhich is the gOA'ern ment, or the basis upon which this government stands. The money Avhich was derived from sals of the bonds has "tjocii used to destroy tho Constitution, Avhile a portion of the States are reduced to provinces and ruled with a despotism Avhich has no par allel even in the liussian empire. Wehave no Republic, such us con templated by the Constitution. Is it just and right then that not only this generation, but those who come aiter us,shall be bound to pay this debt, Avhich was the means used to destroy the government of our fathers ? Ikrvc avc the right to mortgage the blood, and muscle of those A'et unborn to pay the cost of Mongrel fraud and Mongrel extraA agance ? Will he be a kind or righteous father who fastens a chain of debt and slavery on his children? These questions naturally spring up and must be met Avith the sim ple answer yes, or no, by the vo ters of this country. loma Cop perhead. A lady, who was suffering un der a slight indisposition, told her husband that it was Avith the greatest difficulty she could breathe and the effort distressed her exceed in"ry "1" wouldn't try, my9 dear," soothingly responded the husband. The price of passage has been reduced on the Columbia river. G o O o o o 0O O o o o o 0 o o o 0 k i 7 I