0 4 O O o 1 'G C?, O nts. uH-j 1 1 G. OA ii-11 :ha:"' ?' nor.'. ua r. ery, :c. hin2 d ttv3 ii ngfj 3m OS" :ai tCi-ct r kut 3E5 cut ea rn'- SIjc lUtekln (enterprise. TOW A! COT'aTT. Till SumJter of tlie Eiiltiprie "Will be sgnt to many persons who are not subscribers, but whom we should like G to have on our list of Subscribers. If they rould like to be ia thai situation they will please mfl:o it known at this ofJce. Some of our friends desired that the name of this paper shouhl bechanced, cn coming out under Democratic colors. Cut there are several legal advertisements in the paper that have some weeks to run. and to change the n tine at this tiaie would fory the parties to obtain new orders of publication, and to re-publish the Sum mons', notices, etc. the full time, and this would have put tlum to unnecessary trouble and expense, lleneu the old name is retained, for the present at least. On last Monday our friend, U.HITays. l'-ft at our ofiico some choice fruit from Lis fuie el'chard. Many thanks for the favor. -Viiilo out hunting with some friends on la-1 Saturday, J. II. Ra!?:on, E-'p, of this city, lost a fine gold watch, worth one Laud red and fifty dollars. Work is progressing so rapidly upon OlM Fellow's ILi!I, in this city, that mem bers are congratulating themselves that very soon, now, they wiii be able to meet ia their own temple. The, Order is in cc-iient trim here. --Yv e have tried l:ie National IJ.nk Fens, 7-;):), and Greenback, manufactured by t!;o F upire Fen Company,' of New York city. The 7- h'j's are most excellent business pens,, and the Greenback peas are just the hind for ladies. Try theri: yj'hey are f Fkstivai br S'tlu bv J. 31. Ihtoon. . i.. uu v. ednosdav evecrn-fliio 2-oung ladies of this city give an enter t.iimneut for the benefit of Columbia II xk and Ladder Company No. 1. It was yell gotten up. well attended, and all par ties had a good lime. "We understand tho proceeds netted about forty-two dollars. Our friend V P. Fartlow. one of the in bij.sinesssat this place, notwiih- iianding bis farming operations east of ias not reduced his livery stock, b'ecily, bat may yet be found at the old .-bind on Main street, where you can get an Infelli O get: l animal an 1 a good buggy for an even ing drive, or a jaunt anytime, on short notice. O h'i! let.,;-.; Thero will sort-1. n in !'. Methodist Ci:nrch to-morrow, the i'as : a- bciag abs-.mt at tho Confvienco in di - fie Ci;y. 0 S -.vices in the Congregalion.il Church -K-mbjeet of laorning discourse: lielig o fji in the Family." ervies at Si. Pauls (Episcopal) Church at die usual hours, morning and evening. Fi.-hop Morris olaeiatiiur. -V.Vhn-. iv:oive I tl.- August number of lli.-r.rs Mj-j-i-l.-c. It ha an article "npied, Pictures of the Japanese. "" by i.yiirui Abbott, with twenty-seven iiius traii'Ois, whEh, a; .no, U worth a year's subset iption. Jn another column we give an extract from this article a bill of faro for u JapuiK'.-e dinner. Notice has been given by Mr. S. E. ?!ene, of this city, owner of a Pfeil Gang Plow, and arrangements are being perfect ed, to have a complete trial of all gang plows in the State, on the old State Fair Grounds, near Oregon City, (Clackamas), oa Wednesday, the first day of September, FvJ'J, at 1 o'clock F. M. An entrance fee of ?." 00 will be charged and the Flow awarded the premium, by three selected Jtnij's, is to take tho purse. At the last meeting of the City Coun cil an additional S'JOO was appropriated to the work of opening Seventh street. It iJ thought that tins sum will be sufficient to so advance the work as to render it e atain of completion. The County will in all probability soon see the advantages -r be gained fram having one Toad in and out of town in that direction, and help the work along. Citizens who have op posed it. thinking it an enterprise of too great magnitude for the "future Lowell," r.i ay be expected to withdraw their oppo sition. ?ee!ng what has alieady been ac complished, under all the disadvantages, w::h so s'nail amount of monev. Q 1 A frr.Kow Esr.vt'K?-On last Saturday, two men. Joseph Taeharaatid Jacob How ell, were engaged fh sinking a well in this ciiy. fur Mr.. T.J. MeCarver. Tachara was ia tlie digging, and Howell on the o itside drawing up the dirt, with a tub. ePh:dfavr?!, which weighs about 3;) lbs. As Mr. Howell cotrmenced lowering the bib, by some mean? it became detached from the rope, and falling about tifteen feet, struck Mr. Tacbartva glancing blow oa theP front part of tho head, cutiir.g a gash absQt 2 inches long, inillotir.g a se rious, but not necessarily a dangerous, "W-0U3L The skull was not broken. . iMimoviNo Navigation. -There is no river in the United States, vmrhans. ih- is . nurV u.uicu.t o naviganon than the . - t 1 viiy. 1 lie greatest obsiaclerinihe way of a free nas sr.ge of boats, is the gravel bars ia tho cc-n-'er of tiie stream. Nolvrithstandimr t ':.". annoyances, the l T. Company have been idee, by building light draught bo:ij?. to make regular trips to this city during the Vnolo summer, but this season promises to be a poser, unless something is dene, to confine the river within a narrow channel. Tin. work has been commenced, audi the bar just below town U very much iniorov cd. and the boats will have little or no faculty in getting over. The working party will coutmup. th,- 1 F fher pomtc Inioaxt. S.tkm. Prepare your smoked glasses, for you know not what an hour may bring forth, this being the day set for the big eclipse of the sun, which will be visible ia nearly every part of the civilized world. It will ho total and the most notable event of the kind that has occurred in the United States for many years. In taking observations. a cotemporary suggests, that you see that everything of a fluid nature is drained out of your glasses. A Goo; NcMDKii. Wells' Phrenological -Journil for August has the following among ii varied contents : Rev. John P. Newman, b. D.. Chaplain to the U. S. Sen ate ; J. Ed-gar Thompson, President Penn sylvania Failroad Co.; James A. Whitney Henry J. Raymond, the old North Church an incident in the life of Me'ternich- H-hl.. experiences; observations and impressions 01 a uay, or reaamg laces on the rail Marriage Customs, etc.. with norlraira rwi other illustrations. Price 30 cents or a year. S. R. Weils, Publisher. No. 3SU Broadway, N. Y. eitv. -M;ii-vr Adams of the Vancouver Ben- Wo- will lecture in the Methodist Church this evening at 8 p.m. Mr. Adams in forms us that his lecture wall bo neither political nor sectarian' but will relate to' the development of Oregon. By an arrangement made with MY. Ire land wo will finish out advertisements and furnish the paper to those who have paid him for it. Tho August number of ll:,v.rs at ll-miz is on our table. It i., a good num ber, of an excellent family magazine. jrc- Some say that it is no use for them to advertise, that they h i', o been in the -c jo business all their lives, and every body know.- ihe;n. Such peiude seem to r-,-L to take in con. dderation tlutt our aotry is increasing in 'opu!:itsoii near! v '-r cent, every fen years, and no mat- t"i- now old tho ioaee rnav I )c. 1 uere are coiistari t enan; es taking id ace; some move to otner pr.rt. ami stfoe-er-; ii!! o- their places. In this aire of the wurbl.nn- ;S tu. name of a b:i-mess tinn i.s kejit ansi.tatiy beioro toe puo'ic. some new .rms may start up. and. bv liborallv ad- vertidng, in a very short time take the dace of the older ones, and the latter rust out, as it were, and bo forgotten. No man ever lost monev by judicious adver tising. e-- .An excollcnt opportunity hi now ail'ordcd to buy dry gods very low at the st-re of Kohn & Fr-doel, who po.-itively will sell all their dry goods ?t cost, being de teriiiined to ch-se thafc bianh of busiae.-s. A tad at tlu-ir .Ntoro, No. Ui 1'rout dir ect Port larul. will save the purchaser at Isat twenty I'cc eent. Saddle nr. J. II. Schram, of this City, is now mannfat taring thi bet Saddlery and r:rnes in the S'ate. He will have at I. a-t 50 set.-: c'T all grades, from fine to com mon, fiai-hcit ! re.uly tor .i!e next rocin'ii, ao l iiiore than that number of tNiddbjs. lie is boai.d 10 ti)rke a t ratio with any man who wLhcs to bay of him. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, ami ItN work beais ani"St ex ..a beat reputation abroad. We impu t'ait cit:ze!;.s of our own county will think of this, when they want any a: tides ia his I me. , -. Vall'AoLF. Land fop. Sale Ciikap We know of 4$a acies of good lands for sale in this county, being the land claim of J. I.. Stout, in what is known as t-hellingold hvttloment. It will be s. Id ia lots toVait purc'iasers, on very f.dr terms. This land is only 12 iviko tVo:n Cioym City. Fir iurt'lior informaiion ap;dy t S. W. Itaodal!, of this city, or of J. L. fout, Unity, IbikeFs Itay, W. T., or of Andrew ritout, in the ub.ve meutionrd sott'ement. lolly Eisof no S i'li'con .-T'bis cut ious and Viduablo siibstaoice is confidently claimed to b the bf.-t article ever discovered for ck-inin'.: and idi.-:.i;ig Gbl, Silvr and Pi Ot.d Ware, and all smooth metallic sur faces, of whatever description, including kitchen utensiii of tin, copper, brais, steel, etc. 2sot a Kubject of Doubt. That Xewell's Hauionary Syrup is' tlie most ef fective and never failing remedy for affec tions of the threat and lan-'. -5 0 Union Camp MtctrriNG. A Union Camp meeting will be hold on the camp ground, belonging to the M. II Church (South) on Eagle Creek, rear Philip Foster's, in Clackamas county. To commence on Thursday evening August 12th. and in clude the :.ld Sunday (l."'h August.) FLhop Marvin will be present ami preach to the people. All preachers and oil 'pco plc are iuvi!:.l lo iii':n1. L. E. V. COON, P. E. S I'J 'i ' 1. 1 L XO Tit 1 KS. On-gou L.o,1gr' .o. 3, I. O. tf O. V. hu;v, Elects cverj' Wednesday even-V.r-& g ir;g t t 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, Mil in street. Members of the Order are invited to attend Fv order. N. Ci. AVil!amcttc t.ode "o. 13--I. O. C. T Meot. every Saturday evening, at the rood 3 S.E. corner of Mam and Fittb street's, e.i 7 1-S o'clock. Visiting members are invited t;: attend. Fy order of W. C. T. listiiJi s IJivisioii Ko. S. oi"T. Hold.? its iegular niceiings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon Ci!v. Members el toe Order are uiv;t d to attend. J!t order Vv P. 1, A , nii.a n'lar fommuni f A. 31.- JIoIJs its re r 7 Cations on tlie Flrr-t ad Third Sal i,-dn- in f iih mouth, at 7 o'clock. from the h of September to the - oh off M.vieh, sind 71 o'clock from the 42otb of 'larch ' to -..e -2 .!i of Septemt'er. Jre-tnrea in good standing are invited to aifenu. By ojbr of Vr. M. ASIATIC CHOLERA Tlili STRONGEST FIIOOF OF INTRINSIC MEF1T. F"ah Sir I ou ; bt to L.ave acknowledied. lor. - r.gos th- box of Puiu Ki!!er vou had the i provukntial.' ' I bebeve ,)'!t"ii;s-! to send ;r.e. Its comin-' was most hind reus of lives were saved, reader Col, bv it. The tdiolera appealed here soon after we received it. We re-orted at one? t the l';0n KiVlev, using as oire.Ued for Cholera. A Hit was keet of all t w eom the Ihnn Killer was ri vin .'and ou native assistants assured us that ettrht out of ery tea to whom it was prescribed recov t lui- ,n I;a pi'oved an inealcnlahle Idessia" o muliuudes yi poor pe,uie throughout all tois region. ()uv nitive preachers are never wdhng to go out on their e3onrioni wHh out a supply of the Pain Kiilen It -ives taem favor in the eyes of the people, and ac eess .0 xammes i y whora. oihcri,c, thev woulu be very iiadi.lerentlv rteeivt-d Believe me. Faithfully Yours " J. M. JOHNSON', Idissiouarv C0-iO S-.ratew, China. J, TJATiONAL LIFE IIISURAriGE GGMP'Y ! VI 1 o o o & OF THE United States of America. WASHINGTON, D. C. Krach OHoc at Pliiiru'elplilA, Where the business of the Company is transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. o Fhiladelnhia. Clarence Il.Clark; Jv Cooler. F. Uatcbford St ir?-, J. Hinckley Clark, Geo. asbin-ton. Henrv I. Cooko. F. A.Ttollbia Witt. E. Ch.oidler, John 1). Dttiees-. iSc.v lork, Ldw. Dodge, Ii. C.Fahnestock. OFFICERS : CLARENCE II.CbATiK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. IIFNRY D. COOKE, Vice F-esidcnt. EMKP.S.OX W.PEMT, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TUItNEIl, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMIT11.M.D., Medical Director. J. EW1XG MEARS, M. lb, Assistant. WM. F. CHANDLER, Washington, I). C, and Gito. llAi;I)IN(!, I'hiiudeiphia, Attorneys. O The Most Successful Life Insurance Company of The World ! liaring issued in the first TEN mouths of its existence, 3,35 Policies, - INSURING 15,14-2,800 Dollars ! Tins Company dlbrds to its Policy Holders By it:? Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, bj its Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 PER CENT. EY ITS Return Premiism Plan ! o We0s9 Fargo &, Co Ot it-X K I?. A L. A GEM S FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. W. E. HALE MANAGER. A. B. 122i!LIB? Mo AGEfi? FOIi CFtEGOX. office Lx enjjirs buifding, (Upstairs, bet. Front and First sts.) ENTRANCE ON STAR If STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. S, D. POPE, L03AL AGIMT, OREGON CITY. CESERAL AGEXTS i" JAY COOKE CO. No. 210 Broadway, N.Y. General Agents for Xcw York and North ern New Jersey. J. U. Orvis and D. C. V hitman, Managers. E. W.CLARK re CO. Bankers, No. 31 South Third street. rhiladelpni.i.'General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey. C. S. Rasseli, Manager. JAY COOKE & CO. Washington, General Southern Ageufs. E. S. Turner, Jlanager. J. A. EI.LTS & CO. Chicago, General Agents for IMinols, Wisconsin, Iowa and Mian. JOHN Vr. ELLIS CO. No. 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and Central and Southern Indiana. S. A. KEAN ic CO. DetroP, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. D. W. Keaa, Jlanager, T.B- EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agent for "Missouri and Kansas. C. Orris, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Boston. General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tucker Man ager. JOHNSTO:? BROTHERS & CO. Bait-mere, General Agents fbr Maryland,' W. A. Wi song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, General Ggent for the Dominion ol Canada. SIMILIA SIMILlilrJS CUEA1TTUE. II CIl'l-IiSI-: YS' E30ICO?ArFlISC SPECIFICS HAVE PROD, TROll THE MOST AMPI,E experience, an entire success : Sircnlo Prompt Eilicient and Unliable. They are the only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular use so simple that mistakes cannot be made in nsinr them; eo harmless as to be free from dan ger, and s ctlicicnt 85 to be always reliable They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Kcs. Cents. l, cures i evcrs, congestion, Inllammatioiis 23 8. " Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Oolic.il 3, 4, 5, P, 7, P, , 10, n, 12, 13, lb " 1 n nsc-conc or l ectlang of Infautsij IJIarrb cc a of Children br Adults -25 " Uysciitery. Griping, Fdlions Colics 'liolera-:Worbs, Vomiting. -j " Coushs, Colds, Bronchitis ' Piciii-ulia, Toothache, Faccaclie"'j u I leadat'IicsSicklleadache. Vertigo0! " dyspepsia. Bilious Stomach o-j " Suppressed, or l'ainful Periods. "as liftes, too profuse Periods '33 " fron p. Coagli DilHcult Breathim-" ' 2 ' II I5ieu mi. Erysipelas. FruptionVio 15, iiit uHu iiMii Ktientnatic paics..S5 'S !''? uuui c 'J'n i i.i.H iti directions coat'iirang double quantities each, for go The feAlowing are aho tmt vp i.i vials and are rent at the tame prices jii-- a bt hiir lo, " Fever& Aicue, Chill Fever, Arnep.no 1 1, i'ui'if. oiuiu or r.ieeaoi" nn 13, 19, 20, SI, 5-2, 83, 21, 85, 20, 27, S3, Opllsnliuy, and sore or veak EvesoO i'ietarrla. acute or chronic, Inliucimi.iX) VIiooiii!jv-Cou,-h.vioK-ntcouff h 50 Afttlima. oppressed Breathing. 50 ISar iiiScliarscs.impairedhe-arin-.vO Scrofula. enlarged glands,sweiiiusno .iiijcuiiuy,p:iyicaiveakae,ss.f0 .sro?sv. and scaors- S,rro ;ow mi SpaMck eiS,sicloJC?afrora ridiii"-") J I t is e y -iJ i ca m Gravel. "'50 JNcs-votis JSebility Scniisial liiii.i!.Ioiis, involuntary Dis- ciiaiges 1 00 Sore J2oii!!i, Canker 50 I'rinsiry VenScncs.wettinr hcdrQ l;vlni'55.l lei-ioi: with Fpas'ia .no :!:"t.iIJ.K at ehaiee of ii;e 1 k) 1 :i:ep,suu-as.!-u. V itus'Uaneel 00 l!llstuc-i-iu, ulcerated sore throat. ot) 2a, CO, 81, 83. S.i, SI, J A JULY CASES Cf 33 to GO larjrc vials, riororro or rost'iiood ease, -oi:Siuin a speriit- lor every r? innry I2i!cse st lUnsily mi". ;ect E i, and books oi 'directions. I rom $ lO to $33 Baiallor I'amilj'ancl Xravelinis ea-3. with SO t 2 vials irom S5 to $S Specific fore.ll ls-Ii ate 2Iea.e.x.i-o'ih lor 'c!ris niid for revc-nliv treatment, inviab and pocke t cases, $2 to$ 5 ' iMJNK'S HXTKACT, Cnres ISitrns. ISruij-ON. l.:!irr:io-:, Sorwicssi.fjorc 'i'ls ro:i i.Unvni h v. TocJh atho, J:ai-aIie, KcisraJj-.-fa. ii lieu 'au tism, ljunik,t;;o. fife, E2ois, Sijjvs Nore liyes, Swleedia- cf ilia 1,uij'--, Htoiiiacli, oroi'ii2o.s: Corns, LI cers. Old ores, These I'einetlies, except POND'S EX TKACT, hy the ea-e or )ox. are sent to any part ci the cunatty, hy n.ail or express, free I charge, enn-ecelpt of the price. Address Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Company, Office and Depot, No. CC;2 Bkoaiavay, Kew York. TV. IliO'T'Hr.rva UrnrmnHpil i'-:i.-.if ),!, ,.r.;n. jerr-onallyor by letter, as abuve, lor all rorias'c rOR SALE EY ALL DliUGGISTS W. A. ALIirtlCJI. J. C. MliUItl LI.. JOHN M CUKEX M'nmmi, mmmn& go. SilliT'lNtr, COMMISSION AND A Ci;NTS OF Til K CALIF OMNIA, l. Hawaiian and Ou-jjon Packet. Jooes. Importer of -fan Qi!ei!in and Carmen Inland Sidt. Saudvvieh Ulod Sugar-, Coflee, Pice, are! Pch:. ' Agents for Provos.Cs & 0..'s Preserved Fruit', Vegetables, I'iekle- and Vinegar. Deakrst in Mour, Crair. , Pnc.-n, J-ard & Fruit, Lime, C.'onient and Plaster. Will attend to the Pui-chf.se, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produre- in New York, San Fr;u:ci--'co, Hone'rahi. or Foitlnd. alo;:icii, mlkpu.l'a- co., Kuj and LOO California Sneet, Sua Francisco. M'CRAKFN, MFPPILL A CO., p: North Front S;reet, Portland. B, J, H. HATCH, Laic Jluc?: $ JLd-Ji, DENTIST. The patrenr.ge of those desiring i-ir-d Cta.s Oj;-,ttui is resoeet'ully sv.dicitod. Sat i.sfac! ioo in e.H ce.ses cnaranteod. N. U. Nil ("' V.-yd- it dVair. intend for the Painless Extraction of Te-ih. On-irr: ' i7' tier of Vv'ashingter and Fron strQctif, Portland. Entrance on YraihiiXon Stl'sf.t. J)ENTAL NOTICE. IIOIIS AGAIN. rX' faring my four of two years (I .e' r,i -'g 'n Fas'iern States 1 "have kjiZC& spared neither time nor MJCiiJi niouey to make roy&e'f er fectly faiuiliar with or.d master of niv pro fession. Those dc.iiring the best vork that the nature of the case will, admit of can iiod me at my oilice, loT L- rout street, two dooi.s above McOoruiic-k's Luck Store, Portland, Oregon. PR. J. O. G I.ENN. Jacoi; Stitz::l. J '.y.zs C. U.hox. BTITZFiL a U ? T 0 IJ, JRcal Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and IVdshinqlQii slrcef.i, rOiXfLAND, " 0KFG0N. ZT" aPend to the sale and purchase ot Ileal Estate in ; ii p uts cf th City ard State. Special at?enti-.n given to the sale of Fast Fortiarul property. Address P. O. I'ox i'!:?, Portland. Oregon. STiXZli L i'Pl'ON, 19.tf; IUA Ei tie lh-t!;t:rs. J-JILDDUKGII, UilOS., & Co. D. II. IlILPLCIKilJ, ) LOUIS K INST KIN, Portland. L. lilLDBPilOa, Mm Francisco. Importers etrd Whd wit In-alerxiii AH Kliuls of onaiSJ I (:J.. 7 0RTFAXD Opposite Failings, Front Street, n:-xt door to A. P.. Picuard son's-. s HADES SALOON. G. A. IIAAO, Prcprietcr, MAEY STREET, OVcgcn Cit'j. Et BILLIARD TAFLF3 in 01? EG ON Have been ititrounr-cd, and the Proprh-n.-r in vites the ai rent ion f the lovers of this poprdar iUausetnunt to tliein. T II E Ii A R I S S FTP LIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors an j Cigars. Scotch, Jri.-h and Don: hou aivcadj famous WLiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OX DKAUGIIT. W Farailie' snppiied. TP O. S. M. h LARRY, Dispenser. " In Tnic of Peace pRF.PAnr: for- So get a bottle 6f Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Balm, an uuequaled reparation for Dvseuierv, Diarr'nota and Cramp. The instantaneous relief of Barn?, Praises and Sprain;. CHAS. UODGE. .CIIAS. E. CALEF. . GEO. W. SXELL. HOBGE, CALE? &' Co., DEALERS IS DRUGS and MEDIOINES, paints, oils, a;;d tvixeow glass, J A ENISIIES, EE USEES, EAI2STEES Materials, ana Druggists' SunelrUs. 07 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. So.) DIEEOT NEW AND ELEGAUT STYLES -or-. Bed-Room SUITES. F - T- e . Just received and placed .in the warerooms, of mamsM a smmim i ig(, ir, 17 n First si reed, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND, OR KG OX. PARLOR RETS IX TERRY, IN FLUSH, AND IN IIAIR-CLOTII. liZTi Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment f II OUSEHOLD IUENITUHE ! Louises and Spring bechi. VST The trade supplied with goods in original pacrages, on reasonable terms. 11URGREX L SKINDLER. O II E G O X BAKERY! - J P. CPITZ, PHOPBIETOS, FIB S T S TREET, FORTL A XD, BcL Washington and Stark sis. ;ia:;i f ACTfiir.!: or ALL KINDS AND CUALIT1L3 07 O HC Iv EES! Ill; HAD, CAKES AND PASTRY c HI! ACKERS Will ahvavs he sold b low San Franciscc prices. All orders prompllv attended to. OliLGON P VKF.IiY, Fr.A- t., I'trilih , Ore-.on. . II. MYEBg, PLUMBING, GAS & STEAH Filth;; abliIiniGiit, "o. 110 I-'ii-et sSi-eet Gas Fixture?, Cooling Jittngcdy Hot, Water Boilers, Marble Top Waahsldnds, Sheet head and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bath Tabs, Bead Pips. Wrought Iron Firo3, all Sizes. TEES, EL HO rr,v, RETURN EEXDL NIPPLES, BUSHINGS, d-c, f jr Stuam, Wa-r and Gas. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Vr liter Ounces, VTln'-'tlej Tallon 1'oiops, Slcam iuae.?, Globe, Ati.e.le, and Check Yahcs, Gvuge Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kiudsj ot Prass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, &c. TTotels, public buildin, and ptivatc resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steem or hot air apparatus. I invito citizens generally to call ard ex amine rr.r stock, which lias been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants cf this market. C. II. MYERS. A. G. AYALL"C.nGS Pioneer Book Bindery. OIIKGOMAN Ii UJS.DJr-i;, Ko. 3 ""a-iiijrjto5i Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. PLANK ROOKS RULED and POUND to am desire.-J rif.ttcrn. MFSHl JiOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEV,"S PAI'ERS, Etc., bottud in everj variety ol stvle known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. J. Kellenry, FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Oregcs. Has on ha lid, rnd is eontent- ly re-eiv;i!g direct from the Lasta lare and Ciictu'Iy selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, Lamp?, etc., all of which he c'lers at prices to suit tlie tiir.es, at Wholesale and Retail, Z'r'tr" Dealers will do wc'l to call and exam ine his stock-, and Earn Lis prices, before purchasing elsewhere. QP. FERRY, BROKER, For.iLAXD. Okego:?. Cor. Front and W'aFnlngtoA Xfs. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insurance Company. ti?"Governnient Securities, Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold on Com mission. IMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaHoque & Co., OREGON CITY. ft 2,. Keep constantly on hand foi sale, fioar iJ.Iidiiii.-s, Pran and Chicken Feed, Parties perching feed must famish the act5. Si m. , . SOHU WILSON, IVO. 110 Front Street, (I a WLites New Flock.) Dealer in Dry Goods ami Clotliln? Invites attention tg Lis EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT or DRESS GOODS, Trimming, PattoGp. Co-it Findings, White Soods, LnibroMk-ries, Zephyr, Wool Yams, Cloa kings, Tweeds, Cc.ssiiMCrcs, Flannels, Idank ets. Linen Goods, Staple Cottons, La dies' and Misses' Underwear. Fancy Goods, Parasols, Jdua Uc:b!ellas, Fans, etc., etc. FINE CLOTIITNG f.?r GENTS r.nd FOi S, ia Reaver, Casstcreve and Castor' Pe.iver. Doe Pants, S ik Velvet Vests Silk Ties and Cravats, L 15 Sh'tts, Night Shiits, Silk, AU Wool and Merino I n-der.-hirts and Dra'.vets, Soeks, and al most everything in the Cruishin line for men and boys. MACHINE TWIST, 1 cz -pnob for Tailors, .iioemaIers, etc., m ; laci:, Lite and Orange, Letters A, R, C, 1), E, F, G. MACHINE TWIST for Dry Goods Trade, 100 Yard kneels, ad colors. RUTTON HOLE TWIST for Tuilors and Dressmakers, by .XGirx ; itt..: or.. X. B. GROCERIES at Lowest Tdarhet Fiices. MERICAN EXCHANGE. (late LINCOLN HOUSL) Xo. 81 1'roiit shvi, L'c.t t J;t ii 1 Oi ogoii. L. V. W. d'ClEY. J',:or-;i,:TOi:, Latcrf ) A, i :i 1LU I.) This bonr,e is the r;o-c c!!;;niim:s in the Slate, newly furnished, and jt will bo the; en deavor of the proprietor to make his quests comfortable. The Vy..v-.ivrc War-on will al wnys be found at the iei"'-ng on he arrival of steamships and river boats, carrying ba-p a-c to the house free of charge 112 E31 FIRST STREET, Near Yamhill. FRONT STREET, Near Morrison Street. IIAST t C'AHAItllJf. Hew Stock of Loots and Slices JEST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the dig! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as P-rnkorr's, Tirrell's, Fot's, Iloiu-hten & Coobdsje's, Reed's, Godfrey's una numerous othei , of :ents' and bovs' wear. Als Mile's, Sieborii . h's, lhirt's, San Francisco and custoui-iuade ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public In crcneral are invited io call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. 1'. S. Pilots made to order, and an assort ment of our mek'' coi-tantlv on baud. a;ct A1IFjSTIICI VELVETS, ' BEUESEIS, THEE E PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, V7IXJLQ Y7-GII ABES, P A PEE - II A IT G I U G S , LACE- CITE, rf AIITS, &c, db. We Would Call the attention of par tics Jilting vp houseis, or bcdn.er in need of 'anything in our 'line To our Stock, v:lueh is CNE OF THE C02IPLFIEST (In the Pacific Const I Ou' Goods being specially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern Stales, v:c can sell AT TEE LOWEST Ssm l?nclsco Prices. WAL.T.EII DKOS., No. W Front street, between Alder Go.) and Yrashin'jton, Portland Oregon A LBERT ILVRTbCIF, PIA1I0 HAIkEFt, TIIIPD STREET, EOl.'TLAX D OPEGOX. Pctwcen Taylor and Salmon. Having hatl an extensive experience in the largest cities of lb-rope and Amen, respectfully anno-.tnees to the public ot Oie--on and Vsihit)'rton T -rritcrv ihr.t l;o i j prepared to do xEE KiXPS OF KEPAEUS on I'ianos and lle!ede;ji.s, . lei?" Tuutr attend d t-.y vf'ih reat care. New strings aUveys on fund, and F.ese Strings made to o:ler. Ordu;.- fti.-v. abroad promptly attended to, and till v- rl: ;;u ir antced. AIicharp.es v.i sail Fran - is;o i-ate.s. Pei:Tr..:-;r, Ap;i! 12, PNO. 3Tr. Albert Partseh. piarjo maker, l.rs rc-mod'ed and rtnovntrd an chl pp-.no be loTig ng- to roe, which no v.- has an extraor dinary t; -od soand and appearance. To: work d ne on it i., of On; most s-.th.-lantiul character and mad'! i i a vvor'ynar.like man ner. With . tl-e g, iii..; -jdeiourc I rec--.ni- mtnd i;ti:i to f-e pnohe oi b.-nEn i r.s a No i. i meeoai.;j. leer--, JACOP .STFJEEE. ro'irr-ixr-. April I hike t IE- opp.ij tm.ii v of eeitb'x v.--' i Pie capability f Mr. Albert Eari.-eh, vi Lis. ci:y, n r,...f in'jj tepaired e.iid toned pi:-,r;')s for my sciiokt! and mv li'. It Is wi'Jt "re at rdeas- nre that 1 recommend bint to th c iZens of Portland ;nd vicinity, and trust thr.t he will receive a liberal share of pat ron-ve. IE OL'DIO CP.OE. Corner of ilaln and Kecond Sheets, POPTLAND, OPEC on. Steam Ccfo3 ana Spies. Hills, The best Chartre?, Old Government Java Ground Cetfee, at:d all kinds cf Si ices, al ways on hand. Orders solicited and romnt ly tilled. C2:tf A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! F POM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE tv and Varicv-s other PvoUt-hig Houses ! For sale by ,ihe Kohcriber, on JorTersoa s-t. bctween"'2d and Portland, Ortjron. G. H. ATKINSON, Secretary, 2.1 ! and Treas. Oregon Tract Socjcty STOP THATGOUGHING 0?IE OP YOU CAX'T, AXD U'E PITY ' you. Vuu Lave t;i ;d every remedy 1ut the ON S. Estiiicd, by its ictnnsic merit, to supersede all sim" l.ir preparations. It is not surprising you should ba hietnut to try somothintj els alter "tho many riiiic-nts you hitvo maie of trashy coUipauarf? WsteJ oa tiie public as a certain curj but NSWELL'S Pnlmonaiy Syrup1 s Yt-:.j the XT.TN PEST re mody ever comper.de V.r tbu eur.o ef C-e.cchs Colds, Sore Throat, .1st hum, iVkKip:rig Cough, Ilrcimhiiis and Cor.suinptjon. Tkou ::Liais cf people iu CaUloruio. and Oregon bars -boon il ready btaelitted by tho sarprisias cwativo HSWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup ; o.iY.idt mo aeeor-,1 pi re It their cnqiiftlifled flpnrv. ; atioa. Ve now a'rtr'?s enrselves to all who are ua, i icquaintd with this. -the Greatest Pamcea Af tho as j .r th-i healir. ef a'l Cweasca ef the Throat eaf .. HEWELL'S' . Puimonaiy Syrup1 ir.3 cured thousand and it vi'tl cure YOU if you try i. . Tlii3 invnhtablo niedieino Is pleasant to the tastuf. eothine, heulinu" and strengtheiiinpt in its effects; n-ir-.dy tree from a)l poi.-onous or deleterious tirug- in t "perfectly h -inn'ess under all eircutusUuiees. reiiiilcati's from many pruminest cituas of 3a "iHaciieo accouipatiy every Lottie cf MEWSLL'S' PnlEionary Syrup' rr.n:N:TON' tz ex. Agfnf?, San Franctae. SAFE! Always Effectual, - 1 1. . Fever and Apri.e is Speedily and ef-lectnalh- cure d hy Dr. . COOfEU'b Univer sal Magnetic Euhti. t: PRO BOIJO PUBLICO!" IRUEY A VEGETABLE PREPA RATION. None genuine without signature ed' W . ll. Htror-tr. . . ; -PEOINOTON, IIOSTETTER & CO., 41G and 4.1s Fr'.nt t-t., San Francisco Sole and exclusive Agents. EEDIZ7GT0II, IIG3TETTEE, & CO.'S ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger. This valuable .preparation! containing In a highly concrnltated form all the properties o: Jaioiiica (.bner, has become one of tho most pounlar donic.-tic remedies for ail diseas es of ihe stoiiiach and digestive organs. Asa t. nre, it will he found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced -ly Ever or oti crv. i.se: lor while it imparts to the fnvtrrrx ' all tlie plow and vior that can b-i prod tic eu !;y wine or biandy,- it is free from ' the reactionary eficcts that follow the use of spirits o ary kind. ' It is a-iso 'an excellent remedy for femaTea whft si.r.'er from didicult menstruation, giving . :tbno.,t immediate relief to the ppasuis that so frconeiith accompany that period. It ;rives immediate relief to Nausea, cause! by riuinp: iu a railroad car, or by sea-sickness or oilier causes. ... It is also valuable ns an external application for Ci'iut. hheinnatism. Neuralgia, etc. RED IN G TON, liOSTETTEI Co., 41u and 11 3 Eront t, San Francisco. XJe Electro Silicon, - Orllaglc Ilrilliant. vHDillGIGl HOSTETTER & Co.V For the Handkerchief. This article. Tios.seRslKcr the most dp1irst i'r.i.trriince of Flowers, i unequalled as a per fuiiic for ike Handkerchief. . TOR THE EA Til I'scd in batbir:5r it iijinarts stventrth find en.. e-ray to the .system, and Rives that softness -;:nd dcbcr.cy to the skiulso much desired by all - .- . IT REMOVES S FEE UL N, FRECKLES PIMPLES, ' Dilated with water it malces an elegant den-s Fifrice, imparting peaily whiteness to the teeth sweetness to the breath.' and renders tiao ga-r.ss hard and of a" beautiful color.-' I; .liOidd always be uned after shaving" ailnt. -cd v.Tlh wat.-r. tw it relievei ll iidiamrnation- 'R El) ING TO N, J! 0 S TETTER Co. 416 and ili Front .it..Kan Francisco. ELECTRO SILICON, -ou- . Bisect from jadlires Babratorgt The Ec?l arlicle ever discovered for cleans- , in- and Polishitnr (1-dd. Silver and Plated v.'aro, and all smooth Metalic Surfaces, of h.iie er description, inelc.ding Kitchen aten sils of Tin. Copuer, Pras. fctecl. etc, - To Jew-krsb-nd V.'oikers in Gold and Sil- ver F;,.to the. Electro-Silicon is of inestimable -value ; tlie time saved, and the vexation pre-.-reined bv its me, will forever endear its name to all who have bad evidence of its merits, REE ING TON, HOSTETTEIl Co. Sots Agrds, SanFranxitco, "jrOIl FLAVORING,'. RFDINCTON, llOSTETTEE Co . EXTRACTS Are the best. Ecdis2tC, Ilcstettcr & Go's USE NO OTHER. Unexcelled for Toilet Use and for' the Batb, O o o 0 : 0 1 -. , -h -tv ,.- - phttdtmv nv "R&rJr.RnFT LIBRARY.