The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, August 07, 1869, Image 2

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SljciDcckin -(Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon ,
D. SI. McKENNEY, Enron.
Jonx Myers, Fixaxcial Agent.
V 3
August 73 1869.
By an article whicli appeared in this
t-aper last week, over the signature of Mr.
Ireland, its former Editor and Proprietor,
the public was apprised of the fact, that
The EsTKitriusE had been transferred to
new proprietors. To give the full partic
ulars of the transaction, would be unnec
essary ; suffice it to sa j, then, that the es
tablishment has been purchased by some
gentlemen of this city, who will continue
the regular publication of The Weekly
Enterprise, and that the undersigned, has
been selected as Its future Editor.
Well knowing that it will be impossible
to produce a paper that will suit all the
various tastes, which exist in this, as well
as every other community, we assume ed
itorial control with dhiidence and many
misgivings as to the result. Eut having
accepted the position, we shall go to work
iu earnest, and endeavor to make The
Exteki-iusk au acceptable county paper.
And now, in compliance with the demands
of a time honored custom, we will indi
cate its future policy.
The perpetuity of a Republican form
of government iu the United States, is a
subject, in which all American citizens
have, or ought to have, a deep, and an
abiding interest. "We feel stich an interest,
and firmly believing that the policy of
the Democratic party, of the present time,
i3 better adapted, than any other, to se
cure that end, we shall advocate the prin
ciples of the Democratic party earnestly,
but courteously, so far as courtesy is
merited by the opposing press.
f r s ''.' i 'tr ... S. f, "I"- -C7S
Vu accept as a conceded fact, that thc I drudgery to direction, from physi
generality of men. of both political par- tal to51 t"Q intellectual foremanship
ties, are honest and sincere in their polili- t t Al t 1
, ... , , 1 L L. and command, over this hundred
cat convictions , and that the adherents ot '
each partv believe that the r-olicv of Chinamen a white foreman for
their own nartv. is Letter palr.ilnted in
enhance the public good, than that of any
Therefore, in the discussion of political
principles we shall endeavor to avoid
calling hard names, and using the slang
style, into which, news-papers sometimes,
inadvertently fall, and instead thereof, we
shall state- the facts clearly and truly, as
they appear by the record, and then,
draw therefrom, natural and legitimate
conclusions. If others can conscientious
ly arrive at different conclusions on the
same state of facts, it is certainly their
right to do so. To add more on this
point, is unnecessary.
lly the payment of taxes, the people
furnish the money for the transaction of
the county business, and it is their right,
to know to whom, and for what this
money is paid out. We propose to fur
rash them full and complete information
on thi3 subject.
In short, in all things, we shall cndeaT
or to advocate tLat which is right, or
likely to be a public benefit, and expose
that which we regard as wrong.
1. M. McKKN'NEY.
"Wheat Ckoi-s. The Xcio Yurie IRrald
of July 17th says :
'There is an enormous breadth of small
grain planted, and had there been no
drawbacks would have produced an un
paralleled crop, so much so, that should
it be damaged to the extent of over one
half we shall still secure a good average
crop. The wheat crop in Illinois. Iowa.
"Wisconsin. Nebraska and Minnesota is in
excellent condition, and in extent beyond
In this part of Oregon wo understand
that the fall wheat will be an average
yields but the spring wheat will fall far
short of it.
ThoiMornirtj Clironlcle of Washington
City July 17th, contains the following
paragraph :
Minnesota has not ratified ihe fifteenth
constitutional amendment. The Legisla
ture declined to act upon a telegraphic
dispatch, and adjourned before the ofiicml
copy was received. At the most onlv
eighteen Slates have ratified the amend
ment up to this time.
-Two thousand men were dieharged
on the Central Pacific Railroad last .Satur-
day. Causa no further use f.u- them
It is mentioned as a singular coinci
dence that the opposing candidates for
Governor of Ohio were both in one rei'i
ment at the beginning of the war. Rose
crans received the commission of colonel
in the 231 Ohio, while Hayes was lienfen-
jiiil tuionei oi the
o.onel of the same regiment. Colo- midst, these pagan barbarians, and
end. Republican candidate, for At-1, . c -r . . ,
?v General, and Connell. IVmoLuie U,C!sts ot clvlIlzcd society, who can
nel 1
3 '. luUi' omee. wore likewise
colonel ami lionteaa-.t colonel in the same
regiment. Morning C.j-o.-u'cV.
hn nhnr.. . I.,!-.,.. . . Tl. -.. !.-. ' t i i ! Ull. I "" ! . ... ....... ' 1 .11.
. . - ; , . command tlie snrcia nn- m a.k hi... "i.i ti,;, ..p...,. ,p., ,K!.H'-e m n ucui, 101 e v
ie: mine iace ot ihe,e, and thousands , . , , J " i -Itmh y . " , j Til eib it for the men that freed u
other like facts, the radical io-r-,i- ;.aueoi uie lvaaieai press, can he inducement is not transient out K
and the Democratic party, as tho party!1 loiii Amendment,
opposed to i; the war for tlie nresorv-.nh ! liufc whatever may be the can
of the Union." Oh consistency, where art '.
Oh consistency, where art :
reiving the Wtsicm Par'
tnou :
we are res
newspaper regularly, published at
coom, U . T.. by J. L. Allison, form
i.. oy i. u. .-Vinson. lermeviv i
'.vertiser Portland, and later still.!
the Democrat, a canmai-a paper i
I oifective service for the Demo- i
f the Ad
editor of
which did
eratie partv in the canv
ass of 1S63.
iscn success
Idaho. We wish Mr. Allifcn
ilia now field.
The Orcgonian of July 29, con
tains the following funny argument
n 1.,.:.,. ToVwif- I
Cl'S alia encouraging v.hijj.u juh- j j
gration :
The following just observations j
are irom me ueau o.
" With owi-r nrriv.'i Or Clieai) lll-
nese labor, Americans and Euro
peans will bo promoted from drudg
ery to direction, from physical toil
to intellectual foremanship and
command. With every accession
of capital,hc diversity of the modes
in which it can be applied, and the
rapidity with which it can be turn
ed over, will afford, the capitalists
a larger income irom a less rate ot
profit. Poth the growth of cheap
r-i and the immigration of
cheap labor, will lessen the cost of
t . i' n it .
production oi an xne uecossanes oi
life, aud hence will lessen thc nom
inal expenses of living. The Labor
Unions will be starting on a false
scent, therefore, if they consent to
drift into hostility to the introdue-
I tion of cheap Chinese or Asiatic
Our friends do not illustrate their
proposition, however, and hence
we hope that they will duly appre
ciate our kindness in illustrating it
for them thus ;
There are one hundred white men
at work on a railroad, or a farm, at
two dollars each, per day. I3ut
one hundred Chinamen come along
apply for this work, and get it from
the white laborers, for the reason
that they will work for a dollar
each, per day.
Then, according to the theory of
the above paragraph, the white
men will be discharged from the
drudgery and physical toil of the
work, the Chinamen will be em
ployed to do it, and the hundred
former white laborers will be im
mediately re-empioyed,at increased
wages, and be " promoted from
CVCTV China laborer.
Such talk may sound very pretty
and present a beautiful and desira
ble picture to short-sighted or un
thinking persons, but unfortunately
for the picture, the result and prac
tice are exactly the reverse of the
In the Woolen Factory, of this
place, many white men and 'icomai
have been relieved of the ''"drudg
ery and i ill vsical toil" bv Chinamen
who took it upon themselves for
less money than the white laborers
could take it and live by their la
bor, but none of the whites thus
relieved, have been promoted from
drudgery to direction, but on the
contrary, have been compelled to
seek other and harder fields of toil,
ere they could labor again, or
remain idle, and take the chances
of starving.
Hundreds of Chinamen arc now
employed on the Oregon Central
Kailroad, occupying tlie places that
ought to be filled with white men,
yet these white men that have been
thus saved thereby from this "drud
gery and physical toil," have not
yet been promoted to take intellec
tual, or other command, over the
Celestials. Andthus It will be al
wavs. Yet, in the face of such facts,
the Republican Journals are zeal
ously endeavoring to allay the fear's,
and blind the eyes of the laboring
man, with the siren song that the
employment of Chinamen will im
measurably benefit him by promot
ing him from drudgery and toil to
intellectual foremanship and com
mand. What absurd nonsense.
Instead of laboring men being
i benefited bv the employment of
iv ' U -n i " n i
Chinamen, they will be deprived
thc means of subsistence for t iiem
selves and families. And all this,
too, to help the wealthy, and for
the purpose of fostering, in our
never lorni a harmonious part of
our social or political system.
'is.: i-ii ;
"?r 'ject of such solicitude, we
have no hesitancy in saying that
la' "incviaii, wlio favors the in -
- ! u u-u,,ul employment of Chi -
; 'utu, to tne miurv or oYlnsion
0? i - . j v.vviiuiuu
,L,0n-nf Amerieans aild Euro -
Vf i Ivuic3't ?moS is not only
IcA asanist ,lhe befet
- --v.-
in! - country, but, is aso
in j un inexcusable enemy of his own
AIOVloof theiaosti hmh-u ciiiiiamcn siiouid u-,11rtn , r -th nn ,i;Tn;nnt:An ,r! gone m my tenv, wa, x so got u
Catastrophe at the AYIiite House
On the 31st of Jul y, the Pacific
i coast was startled by the mornful
iiif - AlIioTiiio -tt-Lir-li i"imo flT;iHTic.l
'iinui tivmv aviv giujjn
line, that the President's favorite
mare iiati died the night before, 1
aud that thc Medical Museum had !
made a post mortem examination1
of the corpse, resulting in nothing
but a disagreement among the!
llU irW i T W) TIlflTll I fil'! AT
"1 t tr p ,1 -l
V 4. W V V A ' t-'KJ 1 J 1 V' J X. Ill V, lllVlil VV.1 .J J i.
the faculty, believing that the mare
had been poisoned, others, of them,
that her death liad been occasioned
by natural causes. Thanhs to the
news association and the telegraph
company for the speedy transmis
jon of this sad, but important in
P ,1'
formation. Yet there is one thiipjr
lacking in the telegram we WQuld
like to know how much the United
iStatifs paid to the Medical" Museum
of Washington City for such im
portant services. -
Put poor grey is dead is gone
Xever more to return to this
earth and help pull the govern
ment machine any more O! lordy,
lonly, loudy what Will become
of us now ?
But, i;i order to prevent a like
occurrence hereafter, this sad event
will, no doubt, suggest to the next
Congress the necessity of submit
ting to the people of the United
States, the following additional
Constitutional Amendment.
AnxiOLi: xvi.
Section I. If at any time here
after, the President's Mare shall be
taken sick, she shall have the right
to be attended by the Medical
Museum of Washington City, or
any other respectable physicians,
or physician, the same as any other
American citizen, without regard
to her stock, color, previous condi
tion of servitude, or place of na
tivity. Section- 2. The Congress shall
have power to enforce this article
by appropriate legislation.
An obscene sheet " up the Co
lumbia" says it's " a lie" to state
that Gift, the California who is
going to China- to get laborers for
the South, is a Democrat. The
statement Ave published regarding
his politics came from the Sacra
mento lie '(;(, a paper that ought
to know. Oreguitiart.
The Sacramento Hecoi'dh a very
loyal sheet, and acts upon thc
proposition that the end justifies
the means, whether,
fair, false,
foul,. or otherwise. Thus one rad
ical paper will start a false report
detrimental to some Democrat,
and per consequence, injurious to
the Democratic party, other radi
cal journals will publish it as a
solemn, truth, and then, when
caught in the falsehood, prove the
assertion to be a fact (?) by the
testimony of each other.
Radical conscience must be made
out of very clastic india rubber,
enclosed in a case of tinkling brass.
lb;cir 3rrxixo. AVo lately met
With Xr. Wright, of Newport, or
near there on the Yaquina Day,
and received valuable information
concerning the parties mining for
gold on the Ocean Decah, above
and below the mouth of that Day.
Alining has been carried on at
different points between Tillamook
and Yaquina, for a year or so past,
and no doubt exists that immense
wealth can be derived from the
sands of the Ocean with good min
ing facilities and prudent inanage
mant. Tlie process for saving the
line gold must be perfected, and
the best means employed. At
present the gold is saved by wash
ing over copper-plates, blankets,
and the results iu some in
stances have been very satisfac
tory. One company of three men,
mining seven miles south of the
mouth of tlie Yaquina Daw
have realized an average of
Sj .'! v fl i-,f,r dan f A tlw-i P.11--..1
-.J u,' la.i ua iv liiw J i , t ti Jt L J f
-j i - , . , ' , i
many disadvantages to contend
o' i ,11 x-.,.- o!
wim. one iei!iaiKaoe juei in uus
connection, is, that the sand wash
ed up, day after pay, by the action
of the waves, has been taken from
the same place, and washed con-j
thc iacts existing to make every
ivK-Jdent of the coast roo-.on eont. -
.?i .-. . l. -
j dent that they have a permanent
prosperity in prospect, for the
1 great fisheries, the culture of oys -
; ters, the inducements tor the com-
: monPioiit, oi a rreat lumberuK-
. ..... 0
munvuu..v .- -""""o
; business, and the fact of the exist -
j ence of vast desposits of excellent
i al, are all of them established
facts that promise population, com -
merce and w ealth to the sea coast
of Oregon. Ama'icaa Cnionict.
Important New3 Items.
Supposed riurtlcr.
From the O.-i-goallcrald we learn
il . :. f1 "Vf.nljn- l.ic'
vuoiiin AiliiCl ulkl vui. viusi.iii, aii
United States army officer, attaeh-
ed to the headquarters of the Dc-
partment of the Columbia, had an
1 7
altercation in the store of 3Ir. Sel-
ler, in Portland. That Gibson
charged MUler with having insiilterl
lllO 01:11,1 . -- v.
charge, and seemed to want to ex
plain, but Gibson immediately
struck him about the head with his
fists, Miller meanwhile simply fend
ing off and retreating, and that as
Miller was going out of thc store
Gibson kicked him in the rear of
his person. Miller died, an hour
and a quarter after the collision.
Col. Gibson was arrested and held
under 810,000 bonds. A pot mor
tem examination of the body was
had by Prs. Poppleton, Chapman,
Giltner and Glisan.andon "Wednes
day the accused had a hearing be
fore Justice Ihill. On the exami
nation the above named physicians
were examined, and concurred in
the following facts : That Miller's
lung was found grown fast to his
left side ; that the aorta, or left ven
tricle of the heart, was found to be
much enlarged and diseased; that
two of the coats of which it was
composed were gone, and that the
remaining one, in certain places,
was very thai and iragiie, and un
able, consequently, to bear much
pressure; and that the deceased
was liable to die any minute, no
matter whether excited or not; that
the blows on the head iiillicted by
the defendant had nothing to do
with his death; his brain was in a
normal condition, the wounds on it
being merely contusions of the scalp
and that about thirteen ounces
of clotted blood were found iu the
pericardium, a sack enclosing the
cused was immedi-
ately discharged, upon the close of
the testimony.
On the night of the 20th of July
riot, wiucii at one tunc
threatened to be of serious conse- i
(paences, occurred iu Cincinnati,
Ohio, on the departure of a visiting
base-ball club from Savannah. The
club was accompanied by a brass
band composed of colored men,
fired on both side
es. jtavor i ins-
bury was )oweriess to quell tlie ri -
ot, and was compelled to call on
Ma jor Oglesby for thc assistance
,,' tlw. ,,., Tlwi ,.P,P o P,..,,
who were said to be Democrats. lioId ihv con of Ihitisir rcjee- mh.,U VJV acre! which ism excess
lhis excited tne mob, and as the tion ol- Uie claims of Irlslx Ameri- j 0f all expectations. There" are no
duo was leaving ior tne boat they ; cun citixens as a present interna- of whe- u f ."riv"
were attacked with sticks, stones j tiolial (,lleion l?etweeii tiiis conn- J
and brickbats, by a mob ol several trv :Ui, Grcat LTitain, superior to "- -
hundred men. Several shots were ; ori.., int ,f the con'ik-t Aitin:sTin A Cuttig Schapk.
-110 J-"y- llt" " -"v"itnat so tar as we can, without ivn- i
escortea xo tno ooai oeiween ia- i (
toons or the 8th iniantry, loilowed
I T 1 i j i 1
oy a mrge crowi or nuunaien, yei -
ling negroes, throwing stones and 1 o-in;r people of Cuba; that if the j Jaii to board it out. She nit Jiea
compelling the soldiers to i-n-e j a.Pninh-tm: ion, on suhjeets in-ol v- dor told tlie Indians that if any
about and threaten to lire. Several j jnr t,0 sovereignty of American I move whi4e men came prowling
persons were wounded, mostly mem
hers of the colored band.
Jlarinc IJisasfcrs.
A special to thc X. Y. Trihvw,
says that thc report of marine dis
asters tor July, shows the loss of
ten steamships, one ship, five barks,
two brigs and lfne schooners, of
the aggregate value of 851,000.
Gov. "Wells is trying to induce
Gen. Cauby not to issue .a orocht
mation announcing the result of the
election in Yirginia, till Congress
is in session, when the matter can
be delayed and passed over. It
will bo remembered that the liber
al party prevailed in the late elec
tion in Yirginia by which Walker
was elected Governor. From this
it is evident that Gov. Wells is at
tempting to be retained in office
through fraud and Congressional
aIaxiioop Suffragi: axp Coxscr
e.nce. All exchange has the fol
lowing :
Governor Wells, the radical can
didate for Governor of Yirginia,
related the following anecdote in
his campaign speeches: Au old
colored man waited upon him at
Richmond a few weeks since and
inquired: "Is you de gobernor V
"Is you de shew eimf gobernor?""
And on finding out the fact told
him he had gotten 8uC for Ids vote
; . . i . i
irom a conservative, out on nemg
t V t S i '7-
i reasoned v,-it ii on the example oi
i T i t i -i
juu.-is ami now ne periMieu aner
the receipt of thirty ieces of silver
for las treason, he came to the con
clusion : 'AVell, the money is
7.i T?.. . .1
j Qnmos Raisii Figs. Ifon.
ilT Ti tt,.-,.i. T
i ii. iv, j it'ia id s 'ii "iui!!"
! hi gar.len several young IF- frees
llp0n which there are a number oi
; this season. The tree- a-e
- about four years old and seem to
1, ; it.:.
tJ 1Ll i6 jiouiiBiiiu vUilLlllIOn.
' -e in n injuns
: Mate Journal.
! Chicago cla
nms to have the
1 most valuable horse m America
Fasha, Jr.," for which -S3 o. 000 U
lias Intel v been refused f :
Telegraphic Clippings.
rite President gets itnotJier Present
Long Praiieh, Au. 2
dent Grant visited Pncksburg, X.
J., to-day, as a guest of. Pol t. !
Campbell, President of. the Pricks-;
burg Land Improvement Com- j
lie was received with warm
welcome irom citizens and alter-1 f. ,j , V
-, - -j ! coal mine, 111 tne mountain district,
wards presented wnh hitv ; acres ne;lr d Ti)roe hnndrvd
ot land. Hie IVesident will visit n Avcro killed outright. Xo
oi-ui-uuv jl' jsii at ins iiouie on uie ,
Hudson in a fow days proceeding Uaid to have bccn attriLuted to
thence to the lute House and nonnv y-e.,t1QV
Saratoga. "
Election in licnta-ijy. Singular, but true : Of the
Louisville, Aug. 2. At an elec- seven members of Lixcolxs Cab
tion in this city, to-day, several j inet, at the commencement of his
rows occurred. Firearms were ; administration, there is only one
ireely used, but no lives lo.-t.
mit, candidate for State Treasurer,
has a majority 111 the city or 5,000.
His majority in the State, over
Whitney, will probably reach 45,-
000. iho returns from various!
sections indicate the election of all
the Democratic candidates for the '
Legislature, except, probably, fif
teen or twenty.
Tlie Canvass i: Tennessee.
Louisville. Aug. 4. The
nol has advicesfrom Nashville, j
wlucii nuroort t be irom a reiia-1
ho t(,in-i-i in:i .niif start !ifv lis-
closures concerning the piots oi j
the Stokes party, ibese ai vices :
assert that it is the intention of j
blokes to assemble a legislature oi
- i 1 T
. t
his own at Nashville, or
btate government, auL cai
government, ana eau nuu..
General Cooper, ot the military j
tnv !K.;ttfi!ic( (ifitera ( .ooner is i
n assistance.
said to be connected with the con-
soiracy, aim tne oi.k
1 .!V;,w,lwd, -ml
municipal aut nornu
Ox 2x asli'lii-
Secret ary
is attempting to pursue
but is said to have the ani
roval of
11 and
i iC
tne inm-
at Washington in lieu of tne mm-
wliich i
s beim
Coo 1 ei
X!ected to
Up i
v the Grand Arinv of tlie llc-
x n
O-'j eel
oi i, Ms move
meat is to create a eonkict cailmij
ior 11. o mterierence oi i.ongr
whicu will he memonuiieii in r
Lorialized in
i 'i-fi ivl to 1 lie s!ibie
. It is repor
" ed tha
proieet Dto:;e
t i 1 1 v L
i gross mci-d.;
Resolutions were passed at the
- 1 tl-,. tr-a .v,,! m tl.
1 lH..ili,crCnt rights of the Xorth and
j SouJi ; that the symoathv of tlie
j 1 t-mocitic part v is with Cubans ;
.. 1 '
en a
oarsehes amendable to
.r- V-. v i;l o-,;.., vor
; u succor and comfort the strug -
citizen-hip, would only exercise
the alacrity which it has observed
toward hunting Cuban refugees
and detaining them at For
on i.;u;
ette until they took the oath, our
national honor would be better
vindicated, and a just demand ior
sympathy be widely gratified ; that
the recent outrages by the Spanish
Government in Cuba, in the exe-
cut ion or -American
citi;:ens witu-
out form of ti
should hav
ceived the mo
it teution
at tlie hands of Grants administra
tion, such as would have been giv
en iu.behalf of outraged American
citizens had the Democrats been
at the head of the Government ;
that it is in vain for the Adminis
tration, and again-t thc wishes of
the Cubans to attempt to acquire
their island by purchase and so
make them citizens of tlie United
States; that it is the duty of every
patriot to demand that the Gov
ernment awake from its reticent
imbecility and endeavor at once
to right the American nation on
these questions of outrage bv
British and Spanish officials on the
sovereignty of American citizen
ship. Gov. Hoffman sent a letter sav
ing that our Government has been
disgraced by its failure to protect
American citizens against injustice,
cruelty and oppression, Avhcther in
Great Fritain or Cuba, and it is the
lammanv 3neetin;.r ast mghc to i i hi- t ho P;ll ,-.r.i vf.--!i-l..s m1K- 90
the Dc
tion. " Let us liave Peace" when
the rights of American citizens are
trampled upon.
In ii;ssi Tnu;!il:s.
Lawrence, Aug. 0. Specials an
nounce an Indian raid on Sheridan,
the western terminm
of the Kan
A number
j. aciiio i '.unload,
, i ...
oi socic were run oil. ike trams
Oil it riinnin-.- il nv-ii.r i 1 r-.?J
"W".-. i ....
K4 . . i.
Clapp. of the (bvernuK'i:t irrintin
Oiuee. has amxmt? cm I -i-lit niiinvju.
tices, two ol whom are colored.
Dublin, Aug. 2. There was a
great demonstration in Limerick
yesterday in favor of the Fenian
prisoners. Twenty thousand per
sons marched in the procession
with oands and banners. A meet
mission oi the Democratic party T ''"-l; U1C nqiuonean nonii
to wipe out that disgrace, and t lie v j natious in Nevada county, is that
will do it at tlie next Administra-1 ot tcV(- Vcrnard, tlie robber fclav-
ing was heid and addressed by va-
nous speakers. Letters to UJad
stone were adopted demanding
tiiC 1'eieiiS
now m mason.
The pro. -codings were mot cnthu- j
siastie, but the tone of discussion '
was material, and no disturbance
0f the neaeo occurred,
1)r0.;llMK ,w 3. A dreadful
i.,,,,. ' T.i i
1 t-ll'f'.. 1-. r. -! f. 1 1 .M-l 1 c
Do-who now sustains tne J-.adical
party, and that is Simon Cameron.
t i ' fAnnfv rP,.i- 1
Land in lannm County, 1 ex-;
as, sells at prices ranging from 82
to An nor nere. united states cur-
reucy, lor unimproved lands; and
lrom' h.Q to A 12 for improved lands.
Wages ore good, 812 to 20 specie
bein0, iaid for farm laborers.
A man lately nVcared in an
Indiana town, VJaVmg "a vest
made out oi the skins ot ten rattle -
.-..,?.-, T.ovf .A o ,.t it I Oil
snakes killed in one day by a Ken-
tuckv fanner.
A fearful and unknown mala-
ino 11 1 dv is now raging among the in
"Por ! habitants of the interior of the
hoh'tnl s ot tee mterior oi
state of Vera Cm?:. People are
a i... i.,, J.. .,,..1 !-. -n-i. !
t I -V .11.- . I j :ii;t,l.-.'M t l ll li il.: i
and villages are deserted
In ihirrland there i
;aid to be
in aqua
urn oi
1 it A A s
uay eve
ning la-t, an infant about two
weeks old, was found on the door
steps of a lady in tlie city. With
the little fellow were baby clothes
aud a twenty-dollar piece, "blas
ter, there is death in the pot.'
. .
New Win.r at.
four davs of the
During the first
week 9,G83 bush-
ele of new wlieat were brought to
Albany. Nearly all of this arrived
on eunesday and i hursuay. i ins
am. 'Hint will lie more than reached
daily in a short time. Tlie wheat-
j js excellent in quality. The yield
Last Sunday a white man and
an Indian were arrested at the-In-!
uian camp near town for' playing
' cards. Tiie Indian paid his line,
I ,.!ll,..M:'.,r 4.-. 1,1,ll.f i!vf ...... A , ,1
i J-n ;Ui'1 vras reieaseu, put me
I 1 . IT -
, i -i i . . i
n-iiite man iiau no monev, and m
i t- -i . , -i t ill
! ut-iauit oi ins line was loei-a a up m
around their camp to tie tneni ana
them to the Court House. A
night or two ail
ards a c
ot white ioaiers made, their ap
pearance in camp, and tlie Indians
undertook-to cany out the instruc
tions they had received from the
ShcrdY. One of the white men cut
an Indian named Jim terribly,
with a knife, and then ran awav.
The other white man was tied and
brought to the Court House, but
was released,
Tlie rascal who cut
the Indian was allowed to escape
on tlie stage, apparently without
an c-iiort to capture
him. ..':(;
O O liJ'ill
Aieu, like their books, at their
ginning and end, have blank
leaves infancy and gray-haired
I old age. Old people' are lon-
.-ii.i, iu , it is liue, ami xueir eve
ning sun lies coldly in the earth,
but they all point to the morning.
Feaii ix Fjioxt. A respectable
old lady was walking along a
country road one day, "when sud
denly her indignation was aroused
on beholding the untidy abode of
a small farmer, who had a heap of
ashes and refuse in front of his
house, whereupon the old lady ex
claimed : "Dear me! how 1 do
hate to see a house with its rear in
front 1
. .1. .. T - 1 T
er, for Sheriff.
J. I'- Doumsby, of Grass
allev, (Nevada county), is au ex-
pert m
tu It i vat m--
raising them lrom the spores.
Portland Academy. Vv e 1
. i A-t i ,
l.-ceived die annual catalogue of
the Portland Academy and Female
seminary, lor the vcar 1SG0. Tho
scJiool year be
-O"-' lliUUlll
.... .
oepeemocr, and is divided into four
Prof Gateh is principal, and, is
assisted by several good teachers.
Tlie course of study marked out.
;ood one, and the Academy
appears to be in a flourishing eon-
The Victoria Colonist announces tha
lluJav City, a new tnwn in, i,
darted . near Olyaipia.
ine editor sava
that he has cewi the " map of this cJw
claimant for the railroad termmns,"
n .i,-;i.uc md.i iu.. i'Liw- pussesses ever"
requisite for a commercial depot p-.,0j
anchorage, a fine harbor, beautifal site" :
etc. The announcement causes soa 1
sensation at Olympia. and the papers tLei '
say it is news to that community. The- I ?
don't believe that a rival city is about ti "
spring into existence, . mushroom-like, s
der their very eyes, and they not know it ;
Many of them would like to see the man ?
Jq f ;.
.ev Aciversiscmeius. V
Thc Proprietors of this well knr v,-r
House renew their thanks to the public f "I
the patronage heretofore so liberally bestow. ' -e
. lluviiiir enlarged and newly fai-nUbo-i
0 'r 'use, we ciaim 10 possess accomii!0(
t!nrs in e re;;tpot hJf,rii)r to M
t - 1
- " i
in t h e Stat e. W U 1TE & It II O A PES.
United Stares Internal Revenue Co!!
torn OUiee Pistiici of Oregon
Notice is hereby given that the annnal
list of taxes for lSf,(. also monthly lists j,-,.
niontli of Anril nn-.l M;iV lr'l-9. iif-'scss.i.t
the County o'f Olackamu-, has beer. ix.'i
' ' bai,.i lor eoliw-. vo? All pities
1 s.... -.. nr..,.i., .
i 1 . , ... , . .-..t - , . V .-
to receiY and receipt for Taxes as,eWer
Sim: list, i wu : special laxes, (iices
income tuxes, taxes on dinars Wat.-l'.-.j
slid Gold and Silver Pice. Utdfss payi.c-.t
is made at the time and place above "s:ie.t.;.
lied, collection will be made bv i raiiu'aa1
I tale of projjc-rtv. . Oil A I'M AX,
Deputy Collector, District of Or Salem, lis
fl f
. j is f 4 lr.$ V .
Bet. Strak and Washington. f
( I.
Dealers i:i
Ft tie Wines, Brandies, avA WltUV? .
For Jfclicvial Purposes.
nisucs ami rcrnimen
6k. JB
Of the Latent S files and
Finest Qualities.
0.s !
licrhs, etc., etc.,
And an Assortment of all Popular
Xi. till VtiU ii.ii Js-V, V ."!
in a
Soothing Syntp .25 Gr
Citrate Jfagnesia '25 ( ''
Brown's Bronchial Troches 'lb Ctt's.
And Other Articles in Proporti .n.
LlcdlcaS and Surgical Ai
Physician s Prescriptions Cant"
Gomjjouiided, under the Special
Svjier vision of
A U C T I O N E E U !
Corner of Front and Oak streets, 1'ort!-
Of Real Estiite, Orocpric-?, Genera! M?ru i'- J
disc and i.loises,
Every Wednesday and. SalurJ"J- t
U. I
Fhapclbh refined liar and I'nule lion;
FtJgHrih Square smd Octagon Cast rtcsi ;
Jlorse shoc.-J, Files, Pips,8rtv-.;
Sjcrows, Fry-pans, .sheet iron, 11. C I'-"' ,
a i. so : .
A large assortment oi" Groceries arJL'.';'-" ''
A. B. Ficiiaiidsox, Auetio!.t'-
Cl Ci C! rn tt t T T -7
. b. U O 1 U h i la j
ixroaxn: and eealeu is
Segars, Tobacco. Pipes, EtaticnciT
t;. No. S3, corner f t' Front and Na
i ion ffreeis, lira prooi oi-ick. muk.-. -
: O d Corner, opposite American i:x;h
' Vnrthliid Orou-
! Uet axd nEAUTirri, styles
-Li -lWlu A1CJ1 U1-J.JM, CO-Si-:
i I !
Or;T,r.n ,r., -.rpTiT'ntH
And we wouU havs thc iiiciid-; of our l i'--' "
us their support. Job I'liiitiniT, vx i'- " ""! '
branvhc-:?, Xc-.-.tlv, (ixdckl-f and Cheaply cx".'
Contracor and Builder,
Main st:, OREGON d'H'. -K3T
Will attend to all work in his hce,
sistins in part of Carpenter and Joiner ,; -
framing, building, etc. Jobbing prvEV
attended to. s