i-JIii.-.i.lJ.l.U'J!!'JlU.as r. o G 0 0 O 0 O TIIJL'i SWELLS. Hen' that noisy lot of swells Silly swells ! What a deal of trashy talk their company foretells I How they chatter, chatter, chatter In the ballroom of anight! Making such a fearful clatter, A if KomeiWng were the matter, And had put them in a fright O ivimng time, time, time j (Never thinking it a crime) "With the foolish conversation to the little, Q laughing belles. Of the swells, swells, swells, swells, Swell? s wells, s w e 1 s . While a-walkiug and a-talking with the belles. Seohoso clsrlpaied swells Drunken swells ! O What a tale to temperance that tinsy tum ble tells ! In the startled air of night PJngSg bells with great delight, And singing songs with all their might, Although the words they do not quite Distinctly utter, Heeling, reeling, reeling. Standing, standing, kneeling, Ilolliug, rolling, rolling, On their homeward journey strolling. With a resolute endeavor Now. n'v. to sit. or never. Side by side with their companions in the gutter. In the nutter Ann in arm with their companions :a tnc gutter. FKOTECTION TO KEWSPArKK PrBUSnERS. The following are the laws of Congress touching the liability of subscribers to newspapers: 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers who have not paid, or der their papers stopped,the publisher raay continue to send them until paid. 3. If subscribers refuse or neglect to take their papers from the office, they are held responsible until they settle the bill and order the paner disontinued. A If subscribers remove to another p'ae without informing the publishers, and their papers are continued to tiie former direction, they can be he.d re- s T) o n -S I j Y.Thc Couris have decided that refusing to take a paper from the office, or remov ing !vnd leaving it uncalled for is prune f'"?j Vvi.ler.ce of intentional fraud on the 'part of the subscriber. O o o See thor-e horrid dandy swells Scented swells ! What a world of vapid talk their company compel? ! J low disgusting their flirtation, And affected adoration Of everv exclamatio n Of the belles ! Oh. maidens young and single ! I. est your ear with pain should tingle ! Never listen to the jingle Of the swells Of the swells, swells. swelR swells, Swells, swells, swells to thD jingling and the dingling cf the Saddleiiy. J. II. Schrara, of this City, is now manufacturing the hest SadJlery and Harness in the State. He will have at Ieat "0 sets of all Grades, from fine to com mon, finished and ready for sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. lie is hound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buy of him. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, nvl his work bears a-nmst excellent reputation ?!.rrp.l. We hone that citizens of our own county will think of this, when they want any articles in hi? line. Yaicable Land for Sale CnEAr We know of 4S0 acres of good lands for sale in tins county, being the land claim of J. L. Stout, in what, is known as IheRingold settlement. It will be sold in lots to suit purchaser?, on very fair terms. This land is only J 2 miles from Oregon City. For further information apply to N. W. Randall, of this city, or of J. L. Stout, Unity, Baker's Bar, W. T. or of Andrew Stout, in the above mentioned settlement. 33:ly JOHN F. MILLER, Successor to J. F. MILLER Co., MAACFACTCRER OF AXD DEALEK IS Boots smkI Allocs I At the Oregon City Boot and Shoe Store, Main street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies', Gents', Boys', and Children's Coots and Shoes, on hand or made to oruer. PAUL KICHTEPi & Co., (Successor to G. C. RID Eli,) Corner of rj FIRST & SALMON STREETS, l-T,-rV-j Opposite Hurgren di Mrindkr's, PORTLAND, OREGON. M A S'T F A CT L" RE H OF Spring, Hair, Feather, Wcol,rEoss AI3B FULU BEDS! ANP DEALEK IS BLANKETS, BED-SPREADS, COUNTER PANES, COMFORTERS, SHEETS, PIL LOW CASES AND ALLKINDS OF BEDDING MATERIALS. :WIIEN THE BELL RINGS LOOK OUT FOE TEE LOCOMOTIVE. Thomas Successor to CHARM AN BRO., 1; SJ "While ilicy are going Ciicap jfcSF" Oregon made Furniture constantly kept on hand. Furniture Repaired, cleaned and varnished. :2:tf New 4ol(i IMtssg -AT- Electro Silicon .-This curious and valuable substance is confidently claimed to be the best, article ever discovered for eleauing and polishing Cicid, Silver and Pialed Ware, and ail smooth metallic sur-f;ic-s, of whatever description, including kitchen utensils of tin, copper, brass, steel, tic. -e' " In Tim?: or Peace Prepare for Wat:." So git a bottle of Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Balm, an uncqualcd preparation for Dv-senterv, Diarrhoea and Cramp. The ! instantaneous relief of Durns, Bruises and Sprains. .: Warsruits, Subjxt'nas etc. sold at 61 ior 100, at this oilice. Xcarlv ono tlioufind mew arc r.oe cn2Ma'c-l on tlic St. Paul aiid P;h:ilic K:iil;-oad, sorae of wlioni have bee a at v-ork on the Ttiion j'-ilie. Koad. C.irs are r.lrcndy ruirtii;ui sixtv miles -vcst of St. Paul, and the ties ore oat for nine- Not a Subject of Dorrr. That y-mile Marlhf r. loo track a jO-i Xe well's Plumonary Sj-rap is the most et- 1a"" down at the rate Ot' hall fi mile j h,etive and never failing remedy for affec- nodnv. It U ex)eeted that otu? 110113 ,f yalal"S3 lamdrod and ?ixty r.nloH ol t!:e road Avill bo coiiiietcd boforo too S'aOV llios. Ore-son. Loilge Xo. 3, I. O. or O. V j 0'r:r:i--,, Meets every Wednesday even- A la odd lilac far s-unerior t o ing at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, tnaeiilaa:e. nifiVebentado bv dissolv- ' Main street. 'n.p m nn r-nn-d ouantitv ot I McratiTS of the Order are invited to attend THE STOTvE OF S- D. FRANCIS, FARMERS 'WILL FIND A READY AND PERMANENT MARKET, AND WILL RECEIVE THE BEST PRICES CURRENT FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. O WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPPLY OF FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, AND SYHUF3 OF TIlS BEST BRANDS, AND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, PROVIS IONS AND STATIONERY, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD at low morns. o Call and examine for yourself before Purchasing elsewhere ! SPECIAL NOTICES. MOTTO Do unto others as you would thai others xhould m unto vou. Oregon City, March 2 1S69. I22.tf -o- 0 W ww Mi v h 6 C of Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. Messrs Jacob 5c Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that "firm, X am now Letter prepared than ever to otfopd to the wants of my customers, and-having a double ,v - . " . - i -w- i amount of verv desiraole goods on nana, i have decided to Soil o!f at C: -t for the next Sixtv Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ash vou to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DliESS GOODS. BALMOR ALS, HATS cf various descriptions; CLOAKS, se.eli a.i Cireuhr and Sdoka ; KID GLOYKS, boot unulity : HOSIl'RY ; BROWN :ntD ELLA CUED MUSTJXS. ell -vMLIi? : jjOOTS ND S;iOi:s : II ATS AND CAi'S ; CLOTHING ; FIN I! BLACK. DflrlSS SUITS ; C SS1MK!I1'1 SI' ITS : mTLTaOi: DEAYKil SUITS ; BOYS' ANI YOUTHS CLOTIIIXG. all sire? and qnal;tios. r"o A SUIT Til AT WILTj SUIT ANYBODY all on the moot reasonable terms. ALo a. I a rire sioek ef Cients' FurniIiuif: Goods. r:'(U'U;;i ES A well polectud aori'.Ment. npilE DEATH OF MY BROTHER HAS JL compelled me apain to chance the name of the tirra of CHAPMAN & BRO. to that of THOMAS CHAPMAN having purchased of the estate all the interest held by ray broth er in the stock of good. owned by Charman A Brother, taking effect January 3d, lSG'.J. HsPi5;" "pM 3 r f j a (f fir; Will fee Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will he kept up by me, and will eonsist, in part, of the following branched of trade : Dry Goods and Clothing, I fats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Notions, Perfumery And Patent Medicines. WANTED ! Tamers zxxi ethers pkasc take notice, that 1 am prepared to purchase all the Wool that oilers, paying therefor the highest prices . S. ACKUliMAX Oregon City, April 2Sth, 1S69. (25.tf Y7 00L WANTED. A 21 Y QUANTITY!! Dy THOMAS CHARMAN. 0-ec;on Citr X?Tnr1 f 1rl I t fTl I f I -O- ACM IEW FIE1! JACOB W08T5IAS. THOMA3 R. V1ELD3 liot viiunr, .nllin a fourtli of ;iU'oliol tr.il a little a'tir.i. This will kee p any length of timo when "Willar-.ietfe riOIs;c No. 151. O.G. T Meets everv Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o d:ieed HI cloSOtl iMittle, anil WIHJ 0'clocU. Yisiting members are invited t I'astea horn, wood and mother ol'! attend. Dycnof AY. C. T . O O C;irl. To Uevov?, I'ltKCKins. Cos metics sold lor the -purpose are of- ten d.-uiirerous. 1 he best plan, attend. Py order to nuihe a lotion of sour mil k ano ;i small quantity of seraped lsorse radisliP; let -ihis staitd 1rom six to twelve hours then u-e it to wash the parts afieeted, tv.'ice or thrieea Claclsamas Division No. 3, S. of T. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon Citv. Members of the Order are invited to w. r. Wortman & Fields! Oregon City, Oregon. tEALESS IX Provisions of all Kinds ! Wines and. Liquors ! Confectionery, Spices ! Canned Fruits and Meals And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar ESSTie highest market prices paid, for country produce. rt?7" All kin dr. of Drodneo ionglskrr" : I'.Kk.v:). ru v;::u'i; ;. cakiis. piks; GKOCUIUUS, COXiT-X"lTOXi-:U . j&J L A :L kJ - - O Proprietors cf the long estahll.-'ued t '' ": b ' .' ' !' f'-'- 6'i. Cm i I yiUGS WANTED. i i Ji Li : d Paints, Oils, Colors, j)ye Stuffs and Varnish, Qucensware, Crockery & Lamps Sash, Poors, and Window Blinds, Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Pope, and Nails Of Every Description. 1 ash Especial Attention to tny FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. GROCERIES. OF EVERY VARIETY. 'arming implements '3 OF ALL KINDS. r. b ri t Sm 1 k W 'in 6 1 Vt.t Slain S:rci1. i;lV.f: Pcmi-kixs axi) Src.Ai:. An ex llItnoiaIi Iottge No. 1, A. !'. and f A. 31. Holds it.-s regular eommuni y'V cations on the Krt and T lard Sat . rdnyz in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2 u'th of September to the 2 ith ot Mych, and 7 A o'clock from the 2oth of March to the L'Uth of September. Drethremn good standing are invited to attend. By order of W. M. o Oellent (paahty 01 sugar is l;emgj zrr: :: r.uide from the common held pump- j f jITOLEILA How to Ct.e i kin. In Jlungary siwrral targe factories have been in operation since IS fit. The yield is ahout oedifv icr ceit of sn?;ar. it h m ot At tho commencement of the Diarrhoea which always precedes an attack of the Chflera, take a tjaspoonlui ot the l'm Kil ler in fnrar and '.Viiter, (hot if convenient), and then bathe ircelv the stomach and bow la i.e. '.c.fs (''re i. that ih'y have J.w:e:l a cp:r r '') ship" for the purpose Letter Acconncdatiiir: t-Lcir Patrons ! And that they iciil continue the Manu facture of Bread, I'ics, Cakes, Boston, Bvtter, Sugar and Soda Crachers, A;c. ?yc. c, f 1 i r r- r J. " r T A f 1 -vecr-ior Vhrtrr:ii' IVer.-nu'st old '; (f, 1atJyoe- .:(,. if,7 A-':: n:'D y ,'.;i, at rut, Oregon Oily, Oregon. IMPOPTMit ANi) DMALKR DJ :e?-s: d:s sS) y.s ees t rs f l I V- ! :i -i h it tj o tJ ; "i r o -7 1---,; 'w "" CUP, STOCK 0? GH0CZILISS, CITY BAKI3KY" ! MA IX STREET, OR EG OX ClTY. BARLOW &, FULLER (Successors to Wortman &Sheppard.) Keep constantly on hand ww." 1,a- t'io t- -i-ta 1 i-vc" th'it ! el with the Pain Killer clear. Should the , - i diarrhoea or cramps centiiiiu, repeat the . oeet; S'lgar. I dose every lifteen or twenty minutes till the ViNKCAr. Ir..vxT. If nr. alt can Lerrr. iinoil t'iiiriu'. It hehmgs to the genns of inngals( Priiie'di- patient is relieved. In extreire cases, two or more teaspoor.fuls may xe given at 3 dose The. Pain Killer, as an internal remedy has no enual. In casf-s of Summer Com plaint, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Asthma, it cupm in one niht. by" taking it internally, O Via qinn''V). : )and is easilv propo- j and batiditj with it freely. Its action is like - ated hv tollowin-the annexed re-1 '?rt-lc' wheteXternally api.lied to vw . -r , -i Put ns. Scil'is or sprains, bor tooth acne GOlpO : l hnu a. pound Oi ;,.. t iUii t6 trv it. In short, it is a P.xin hiv: f.r.f-ar and half a rvint of! Kit:r. The VSm Killer io sold by all deajers -'T ., . 1 ' :n T'lt-mlv Mediclnea, S-1.5t Wfi ' CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds ! Has leen DovUv Increased by this 1 changt, and xcill be kept complete In Every DipartmetU. Goods will fee Delivered in the City, ITILL llY.r.V CONSTANTLY on II AND V al.sn.-e and well.selectcuUtock of Hooks Slationery, acd Drags, comprising in part Standard and Miscellancovs Pools, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Books, Tin-ohgical and Relig ious Books, Juvenile and Toy Beaks, Salbnlh and Bay School Boohs, III GREAT VARIETY. Blank Boohs in Every Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Bonks, and Time Books, Drawing, TraC ing and Tissue Paper, ' Port folios, and tnr Attention will be paid to any business left with me on Commission. Notick. My Pusincss with all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a old basis but Legal' Tender will be re ceived at the market, quotations. Agent Yv'PLLS FA it GO & CO. j-TT I desire to say to all who favor me with' their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders shall meet "with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are as good as any house in Oregon, and I pledga myself to eH as Chean as any House in iroou standing in the Stde I will not be undersold by any one Pk'i'so give me si call and eimri'iio for your selves. 1 hanking yoti for past favors; I remain, itesnf-t (Vi'lv vor.rs, THOMAS CHAPMAN. J. Myers & Brother, under the Court House egoii City, will pay the highest prices rul ing t'or Wool. A large quantity is wanted, '-hi.tf) Or jfOll SALE. One Splendid Building lot; 33 feet fron by le-3 feet deep, in the very heart of this citv. Cheap as tiirt. APPLY AT THIS OFFICII. SALE. A family Pesidence. in this city House cost 3,000 will be old for less than that. AH about the premises as neat as wax Call early AT THIS OFFICE. JOTICK. All persona Laving drums' ngninst the unders'gued are requested to present the same for payment. And those indebted must make immediate settlement. JACOB fc PKOT1IER. Oregon City, Jane 17, ISM. jSTOTICE. To whom it may concern . My wife Snroh has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation this is to warn all persons not to harbor or give her credit for I will p;iy no debts of her eontrattinc 3 4. 'it Mav 11th ISO'.'. WM. W. COCI1PAX. ISSOLUTIOX. The firm of Fair Brothers is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Business will be carried on as usual by Isaac Farr. Pills duo the Pi rn may be uakf to either one of the mi uer si-ned. ISAAC FA PR. June lhUh, 1C10. JOHN FA PP. 0 jQ ISSOLUTIOX. Notice is hereby given that the Co-partnership heretofore existing between the un dersigned, under the firm name of J. F. Mil ler &' Co., in Oregon City, Clackamas county Oregon, has been dissolved by mutual con sent. JOHN P. MILLER. June Iftth ISoO. .7. V. SHATl'UCK. Free of expense to purchasers, and or- n-rrrn t t?tt ?t dcrs frL a distance v:iil beearefaly ? K 0 TO GlIiC ixLBJSiS, filled and promptly dispatched. Arnolds', Maynard cfc A oyes,' and David's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Orders in this Line will meet vri PROMPT ATTENTION ! We Sell as Che?? as tlic Cheapest ! Call. Examine, and PRICK our sic-tic Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Music, Music Taper, and Nolo Books. IKT3jV:ITJ3M: GANGPLOWS. As the age in which we live demands progress in Farming Implements as well as in all c'lwr blanches cf indus tri, we have entered extensively upon tlic Mannfaeturc of the Celebrated Flell Gaisg Flow I Better knoicn inOregon as the VOL GA MO Tl'LOl V, Th is P2w com . bines all the desirable points of a per fect implement, being simple in con sfruction, cheap, durable, and of light draft. The only Premiums wlueh were awarded to Gang Plows at the great Implement trial at Mutton 11, Sept. 4, 18C0. by the Stale Agricultural Soci etif of Illinois, were awarded io this Plow. The following is an extract from the Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, for the year 1800, and may be found on page 240 of that re port : "The Gang Plow ma.'le by J. C. Pfeil. Arenzvdle, Cass county Illinois, is received with no little favor in tho west. Almost in credible stories are told of its excellence and efficiency in plowing the prairie ields of Illinois a?id ot'oer States. " The ueoth of the furrow is regulated by TTi'ATi-J OF JOHN GU1B15LK Deceased. Jl2j Notice is hereby given by the under sucned, Hxecvuer of the last will and testa ment of the above iia'POd John Cribble de ceased, to his creditors, and all persons having claims against Ids estate, to exhibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, t the nndcrsig'r.'id, at the law-office of I). M. McKenney, in Oregon City. Cinckamas county, Oregon, wit In n six months after the Unit publication of this notice. ANDUEVV E. G KIBBLE, f..V!t Executor. .July the 10th, If XX OTICE. The wnders'gned having leaded the Ore gon House to Messrs. J. II. Lauteiback and 5. J. Hiudei man, gives this notice to ail j.eisoas indebted, to call and ssttle their ac counts up to July 'ith. All persons having claims against me, wiil please present their y.i.tt JACOB BOEHM. NOTICE; la hereby civen that the City Council ef Orcson Citv Will receive bids at the Council Cluiinber on Saturday the 17th iust., tor ?h furuishini; of material, and the const ruction of a building tor the Fire Department of Oregon City, in accordance with the plan and speeiiieatiou on tile at the Couucd CI -.amber. By order of the Council. JAS. A. SMITH, .T5.2S Record r H -4 V'i.tV?i XjUIJ - 1 KJ 111.1 BARLOW & Pi.. s;?nitu-r t'iom in Lnix o o quart ; ot wntt" till Vv'C-ll li.-sol veil, QALE OF GOVEllNMENT BUILDINGS, then ii!::ce tho mixture hi a woml-i O 1 , 1 tVi'l lv nld at pnblie pale, at Camp tn OV Sv(-nO ptd, COVer It OVfi', allt j r v vih, Oreann, at 1 o-iock P. 3L, oa the place lu'lund tho stove ia a -warm i tu day of Aiast. l-so:), to the hi?it bidder for sil uatiOn. 1't r.OOUt SIX or SOVen I Camp O. F. tititli, Orefrou. cunshstmjf of twenty- vul-vi vein vill fiii,1 tnit-Mr mi tlio two buiilinars,eoiistrueted of stone,adoe and soil. A Otjvs OU 111 Tina llonting On lilt The L-nitet States reserves the right to hold top a tough, licshy substance this i the vinegar plant ; the mixture v ill have turned to vineg;ir, but of a'poorer qualit y than vill le inanu iaeturcl -without its aid, Nov," prepare a mixture as Wtbro, and when coolisit lav over it the vine Also keep on hand all kinds of 1-AMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAMBOAT STORES! And ail Articles used for Culinary Purposes ! hold possession of such of these lmildinq;s as may con tain stores at the time of sale, until all the stores are removed. The removal is now going on and will be pushed rapidly to completion. 36.it, 11UFUS SAXTON, Bvt. Brig-. Gen. Chkf Qr. Mas. Dept. Col. O HATS! HATS! HATS! OF EVKRY STYLE ear plant. A iit of lathing or ! Largs Quantities can la Found slimgle snouid oe )iaced upon the mixture hel'ore )laeiug the plant oyer it, as the vinegar is of a purer quaiitv it" the plant does not lie u wholly upon it. Set it behind the stove or beside the range, covering it closely, and, in two Aveelcs or move, taste it ; if sharp vinegar, bottle, it, and continue your manu facture. The vinegar is of a dark color but of far better quality than what is bought generally for cider vinegar, but lias never seen apple?. It is probable that vhat is termed the "mother m vinegar is closely AT J, C HEVESDOHFFES. & BPvO.'S S, IE. corner of Morrison and Front streets, Portland, Oregon. o Also Caps of erery stvle, and Boys' and Girlo Hats in large varu ".es. Give us a call and examine IPS! i lit I I5 1 till 1S2 -.- HOUSE, BARLOW & FOILEP, Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail ! The highest Cash pri-zs paid for coun try produce. L. PT'.LTin. a. v. :,:i.li:;-. IiL. 0i V-xl Vt.l , t.,o crank..!xlc v.hich is so arranged that A General Variety of Drugs and paicni Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. H0HS MADE P 1 P f; O T n P f?7 ? i '-'wi-.. f;if Schorl Teachers, and parents of Schol ar will timl it to their advantage to inspect nv Ptock aud 11 rices:, before purehasins: tdsc- Tf.iperte.l t OrJcr. Orders res- it? i ana" proniprlv iillc.l. Ar : ?. f-.r the Sm Frvncisco Times, and n 'ical :. and p-p'-r-?. .7(s:iX .M.T'.ACOX. Land 0.f--ce, Oregon City, Oregon, ) June "Jo, ISfjy. t To John C. Cottreil: You are hereby' notified that George V. Kemp has applie.i at ihis ofiice to he periaitted to contest your I v in est cad Entry. No. ;7 for the S. V. i ! Section ", T. 7 N. K. 4 W., al!c-ing- that von have abandoned the same for more thnti the plor.iihs can be driven deeper or shal- f six months lart past ; and you are tnrtber -180,0(10 Is of WOOL ! ! WANTED! BY TIIE Attention is also directed to the fact that nohody else sells ihe FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! A3?- In short. Farmers and the public gen erally, are invited to call at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reason able. Ail kinds of produce taken in exchange tor -oods. BARLOW & FULLEU Harvest of 1889! ! Selling off to Close Business, And iao HUMBUG ! Manufacturer of and loaler in Furniture, Qiir-co-v crrv. rpAKKS THIS :iiLTif;';;()F I.TOt-.MlXG JL the public that he haa now oa hand a large invoice of squart: and extension tables, BUREAUS, BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture, ! Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which me; its the attention of bayeis. tr tut a Krm? a PTTTnQ V77t?"tf TT7T7! v! ! 'tSlierrs, OREGON CITY WOOLEPI I1ILLS OHEGOX CITV, OREO ON o "Who have iust re-opened the Mill after lower at the pleasure of the driver, wnen the team is niovinr,by means of the lever. AVe also manufacture sr.! key jilows for small boys, or infirm persons who are nnabie to manage a. team of three or four horses. This gang or suikey plow, will cvt a fur row from '2 to 10 inches dee). "The committee who tested the draught of this pio'7 with a dynamometer state, that it ran lighter by 140 pounds, than other plows when running at the same depth, and held by the plowman while on foot."" ? With this Plow one man can do more icork than two men can do iritji walking Plows, and the same amounts of team. Hence, it will be. seen that it will more than pay for itself in one season's plowing. notified tint the case will be heard at this oiiiee on Thursday the 5th day of August, l'jij'.t, at 10 o'clock a. m. OWEN WADE, Tiepster. 314 1 HENUY WAHREX, lleeeivcr. lOlt SALE. In a desiraMc location in Oregon City, at a bargain. Time wiil be. civen tor a part ot the purchase moncv. TITLE rEKFECT. 3" Iron; re ol JAMES M. MOOT1E. Oreeon Citv. IVc will also manufacture, the WEB-T0 0T GANG PLOW! A N I) T II E WebFoot Walking Plow ! Both patterns of Mr. Lewis' invention it fome of the llnest. and best qualities cf rroods manufactured on the Facinc coast, f ccusiStm? oi an iauu AND OF G O allied to this plant, and inikt h cnnilovcHl by those vho vlcsiro to produce ;x t: vir.egttr dait"! vvith- maro ia this maimer is extremely &LlluViZ,T IT 2,lilDIlig s-mall. and, as it is a condiment sol universally eni?)loyed m culinary braining, Gilding, matters we recommend it to o;ar readers. AVc do not think th.at there is anytliin deleterious in its properties, and it would certainlv ot vinegar -vlio would ho mmhlc ! ,?llfk aVe,,i ? rn done on. 1U Pacific - ' It -'( -;. r.r.anune our trork ondJvul 'fe,r A small wooden bttiter hrici China Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds vToovl stud MuiIIc ! m tv'.iula v,o an excellent utensil tor its preparation, as it could be cov ered tilrhtiv. G O STEvery order attended to -with care and :-itticii, c. E. MURRA Y. m cl Door Kaiston'B Brick. Main st. Oregon City DEY GOODS, READY-HADE CLOTHING, EC0TS AND SHOES, Hens' Ladies, Misses' aad Chilarena' HATS AITD CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glas: and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to be sold HegardSess of Fries I tiju To convince yourself "with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. Usintr good material-, and employing th very bestinechan;-- in the .State, hence he can warrant his is tobo as represented and he is prepared to till all orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of desirable yoc-ds in the 2,!ain street, Oregon City. OKEG0IT CITY BEEEEY! HE Nil Y 11 U SBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish- j - cs to lntorm tne pauiic- iuru i;e is now prepar ed to mauufactare a No. 1 :mihiy of LAGER BE EH. As rood as can be obtained anyirhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Il'trd Times. invl (ill lii'ls Flannels, Ehaikds and Yam, Vv'hich the Company arc now offering at greatly reduced prices. V'o invite all rnerclmnt;t to give us a call at the Mill, or at the agencies of L. White Co., Portland; or Broymnn I'.ro., Salem: or Brown Bros. & Co.. San Francisco. Any desired styles of goods, made to order, on short notice. It. JACOB, Managing Agent O. C. M. t rr Company. a thorough refitting, aiid nre now turning for which, patents have been applied for, and wrack have, withstood practi cal tests with the best results, receiving pattering testimonials wherever seen or tried. JKsy Now, the Farmers cf Oregon are invited to give the Oregon City Manufactory a trial. T)o not jjuxch ase a Plow of any description until you have examined 0W make and 'prices, as we are determined to sell at less than importer'' s rates, by giving you a more durable article, and a guar antee warranting the same. For further information address LEWIS k POLLOCK. "7 1 X AL SETTLEM EN T. Jn County Court of Clackamas Count?, State of Oregon : In the matter of the estate of John Killi' deceased: To the heirs, creditors, and all persons interested in taid estate, you &r notified that II. Killia. administrator of said estate has filed his final account and asked to be discharged from such administration, and the Court has fixed Monday, the 2nd deny of Angus', 18G'J for the bearing or" said application, when you can appear ami be heard and tiie ohjec- tions to the allowance of such account and, i discharge, if you desire so to do. Y. T. MATLOCK. 33.it) County Jmhrc. OTICE. OREGON' CITY, "yM. J3R0UGHT0X. Contracor and Builder, Main St., 0 It EC. OX CITY. 3-Tvill attend to all wcrk in Irs line con sisting is part of Carpenter and Joiner woik framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly attended to. "TUSTICES BLANKS, of every ue -cr'p I tion. printed at the FT;;r;rai-K office W. ?. KIGKFIELD, Established since 18!0,at the old stand, Main Strict, Oregon City, Oregon. p An Assortment of vV atches, Je-w-r dry, aad Scth Thomas weight f 'i Clocks, all of which are warranted v. 'Jt to be as represented. 'V Bepairings done on short notice, inu tuaulitul lor past t avers. em. CLASS GEEEITMA2T, tir, Ail orders for the deli very of mcrchan- ov-e or pacKagei and treight ot whatever des rf ivpr .5- Co.'s Th'-Store. 1 OI$ PRIXTi:. 'JKATLY r"!;PT. 1 cri'? on-to an P3rL nf 11,0 city, v, ill be c.c- " Orfgo C'i'i'. 1 O cd at tho E'TLBriii:-i; Or'FICE. cUvCu pron'r-t-y and with care. gHADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIX STREET, Oregon City. - n i l t i Aiie aoovo nameu popular re sort has been thoroughly renovat ed and repaired during the past season and is now open to the public, fully complete in all its appointreets. Two of the Best BILLIARD TABLES in, GREG OX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention cf the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous, for hot Whiskies and Punch. W Families supplied. HO T C OFF EE A XD O YSTERS. At all hours for the convenience of patron iTMEL heap:- FKTNTEI), XJ At iha Eutcrpriss 02kef Is hereby giveu to all whom it may eon corn, that the People's Transportation "C'1fl!" pany and other parties interested have U' with the Recorder of Oregon Citv, a J'' tion to the City Council oi' Orezou Citv str ing for the vacation of that portion of Vhc- street in said city lying south ot the r-;11 between lots seven and eight, in Block N(, Two, in said city continued westerly. 3iK between that point and the People's Tp1'- portation Company's basin, and also ot th? continuation of Third street and of the leys running through Blocks one and in said city, lying between the East line said Water street and the YYillamette River. . and that paid petition will be heard on Men- V day August Otii lSt',0. .. . The People's Transportation Comranv bv -A. A. McCUL'LY. Presideat. . GEORGE MARSHALL, C1IAS P. CHUKC11, . -J. W. LEWIS. S. L. POLLOCK By order of the Council. JAMES A. SMITIi. ; 35.5 1 . Recorder A. J. BI0KR0E, Dealer inCalifornia, Vermont and Italian Marbles, Obelisks qAI Monuments, Head and loot ' ; Stones, W?v Salem Oregon. I Mantfrs and Furuiturc Marble i'tin,!j2- V to order. Lk 5 U o