The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, July 03, 1869, Image 1

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    v f w-, .v- - . . w,-,
..Be'. ---5"; . - ' - ..- ... ,
pAGE & THAI iiK,
OFFICE In Crce'a Building, corner
Front and Stark streets, Portland. 3'2:tf
J T. CAFLES. J- C. if CBF.LA?:D.
K. o. m'cowx.
INotary Public.
Oregon City, Oregon.
nur care in any of the Courts of the State,
Collect money .Negotiate loans, sen real estate
tc. Particular attention given to contested
Land cases.
o Mitchell, Dolph & Smith,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
Solicitors t7i Chancery and Proc
tors in Admiralty .
lr Office oer the old Post Office, Front
street, Portland, Oregon.
Kut-ary Pufdic and (Join, of Deeds.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law,
Portland, Oregon'.
OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's
brick block.
Logan, Shattuck & Killin,
q No. UK) Front Street, Up Stairs,
'; T
Three Rooms; Well, and all the conven
iences for a man and his wife or for an of
hce. Rent cheap.
t'-rmanently Located at Orgon City, Oregon.
HOOMS With Dr. SnfTarrn.hs, on Main fit.
rvjst CTZ2 JSSLm
(Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. H. B. Co.)
OFFlCli-Xt Residence, Main street Ore
P'n City, Oieffon.
..SURGEON', Poutlastd, Orkgc n.
OFFICE 93 Front street Residence cor
ner of Main and Seventh streets.
Established since lS49,at the old stand,
Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.
An Assortment of Watches, Jetv
elry, aad Seth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to he a represented.
l.epainnjis done on short notice,
band thankful for past favors.
Savier, LaRoque & Co.,
tt"LKeep constantly on hand foi sale, flour
Midlines, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties
pun liinsi feed must furnish the sacks.
City Drayman,
onmox city.
t All orders for t.hp deliVerV of merchan-
riUe or packages and freight of whatever des
- cription. to any part pf the city, will be exe-
cuied promptly mid with care.
Comer of Fourth and Main streets
Ksr Keep constantly on hand all kinds of
fre-h and salt meats, such
Ayl everything else to be found in their line
of business.
John ii. sciiiwUt.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
etc., etc.,
) Main St-eet, Oregon City,
1 Wishes to represent that he ifj Tiort as
ell prepared to furnish any article in bis line
M the larcrest establishment in the State. He
; rarticularly requests that an eSafnlnation of
Vi5 Htock be made betore baying elsewhere.
Kavlng purchased the interest
of S. Cram, in the well known
I lsLk 1 111 CilAJiUCj Al nm
$ One door west of Excelsior Market. Oregon
i City, announce that they will at all times
i Keep j;ood horses ard carriages to let, at
i reasonable rates. Horses bought and sold
or kept by the day or week.
Corner of Jlain and Third streets.
Oregou City Oregon.
I "
1 t'-Blacksmiihine in all its branches; Wasr
i Pn making and repairing. All work warrant
' fd to give "satisfaction.
Main Street, Oregon City.
M.BROWN, Proprietor, thankfuf for past
favors, solicits a continuance of the same.
And the very best qualities of Wines, Liqnors
and Ciza.
t9? Pigs' Feet, Tripe. Herring, Oysters
&ud fc'ardinca constantly on hand. '
I stood by the marge of the summer sea
As the day was quietly dying,
When the waves were lulled iu a dreamless
And the seamews plaintively cryingi
The broad red disk of the setting sun
Was poised on the mighty ocean.
And the wavelets were breaking one by ohe
On the shore, with a dreamy motion.
But a gorgeous curtain of blue and gold
Now fell on the sleeping billow,
And the sun, like a monarch infirm and old,
Reclined on his glowing pillow.
But again a change, as he sank to rest ,
.3, cobbh of surpfvisi.-.g g3&ry,
For the hues that trembled on ocean's breast,
Mocked the wonders of Eastern story.
Slowly these beauties all passed away,
As I saw Night's shadow descending,
And I deemed it well, such a perfect day
Should have such a perfect ending!
I am entirely at a loss to khow
what to do with that boy said
Mrs. Barton to her husband, with
much concern oh her face, and in
an anxious tone of voice. " I nev
er yield to his imperious temper ;
I never indulge him in anything :
I think about him, and care about
him at all times, but see no good
While Mrs. Barton was speaking,
a bright, active boy, eight years
of age, came dashing into the room,
and, without heeding any one,
commenced beating with two
large sticks against one of the window-sills,
and making a deafeninp-
" Incorrigible boy !" exclaimed
his mother, going quickly up to
him, and jerking the stick out of
his hand : can I not teach you ei
ther manners or decency? I have
told you a hundred times that
when you come into a room where
any one is sitting you must be qui
et. Go up-stairs this moment, and
do not let me see your face for an
The boy became sulkv in an in
stant, and stood where he was,
pouting sadh
"Did you hear what I said? Go
up-stairs, this moment!"
Mrs. Burton spoke in a very an
gry tone, and looked quite as angry
as she spoke.
Slowly moved the boy to the door,
a scowl darkening his face,that was
but a moment before so bright and
cheerful. His steps were too de
liberate for the over-excited feel
ings of the mother; she sprang to
ward him, and seizing him by the
arm, pushed him from the 1'oom
and closed the door after him."
I declare I arn out of all heart!"
she exclaimed, sinking down Upon
a chair. "It is line upon line, and
precept upon precept, but all to no
good purpose. That boy will break
ray heart yet.'
3Ir. Barton said nothihg, but he
saw plainly enough that it teas not
all the child s fault. He doubt'
ed the use of speaking out and say
ing this unequivocally, although
he had often and often been on the
point of doing so involuntarily. He
knew the temper of his wife so well,
and her peculiar sensitiveness about
everything that looked like charg
ing any fault upon herself, that he
feared more harm than good
would result from an attempt on
his part to show her that she was
much more than half to blame for
the boy's perverseness of temper.
Once or twice the little fellow
showed himself at the door", but
was driven back with harsh words
until the hour for tea arrived. The
sound of the ten-bell caused an in
stant oblivion of all the disagreea
ble impressions made on his mind.
His little feet answered the wel
come summons with a clatter that
stunned the ears of his mother.
"Go back sir," she said sternly
as he opened the dining-room door,
and sent it swinging with a lond
concussion against the wall, " and
see if you cannot walk down-stairs
more Tike a bo v. than a horse."
Master Henry Withdrew, pout
' ' . . -
ing out his rosy lip3to the distance
of nearly an inch. He went np
ght of stairs, and then re
" Go up to the third story,
where you first started from, and
come down quietly all the way, or
you shall not have a mouthful of
" I don't want to," whined the
"Go up, I tell you, this instant,
or I will send you to bed without
anything to eat.'
This was a threat that former ex
perience had taught him might be
executed, and so he deemedlt bet
ter to submit than pay too dearly
for having his own way. The dis
tance to the third story was made
in a few light springs, and then he
came pattering down as lightly;
and took his place at the table
quickly, but silently.
"There there, not too fast ; you
have plenty to eat, and time enough
to eat it in."
Henry settled hinself down to
the table as quietly as his mercur
ial spirits would let him, and tried
to wait until hfe was helped, but in
spite of all his efforts to do so, his
hand went over into the bread
basket. A look from his mother
causedt him to drop the slice he
had raised it teas not a look xchere
there icas much1 aeffciion. While
wattmg; to; be - helped his hands
Were busy .wilhThJs knife and fork,
making a most unpleasant clatter.
"Put down tour hands!" harshly
spokeh, remedied this evil, or rath
er sent the active movement from
the little fellow's hands to his feet,
that commenced a swinging mo
tion, his heels striking noisily
against the chair.
"Keep your feet still!" caused
this to cease.
After one or two more reproofs,
the boy was left to himself. As
sodn as he received his cup of tea
he ppured the entire contents into
his saucer and then tried to lift it
steadily to his lips. In doing so
he spilled one-third of the contents
upon the tablecloth.
'Have I not told you over and
over again, you bad boy, hot to
pour the whole of your tea into
your saucer? Just see what a mess
you have made With that clean
tablercloth! I declare I am out of
patience With Vou! Go aicaii
from the table this instant!'
Henry went crying away, not in
anger but in grief. He had spilled
his tea by accident. His mother
had so many reproofs and injunct
ions to make that the bearing of
them all in mind xcas impossible.
As to pouring out all his tea at
a time, he had no recollection tj
any interdictton on that subject)
although it had been made over
and over again very often. In a
little while he came creeping slow
ly back and resumed his place at
the table, his eyes on his mother's
Mrs. Barton was sorry that she
had sent him away for what was
only an accident. She felt that
see had hardly been just to the
thoughtless boy. She did not there
fore, object to his coming back,
and said, as he took his seat:
"Next time, see that you are
more careful. I have told you
again and again not to fill your
saucer to the brim ; you never can
do it without spilling the tea on
the table-cloth.'
This even was not spoken in
A scene somewhat similar to this
was enacted at every mectl ; but im
stead of improving in his behavior
the boy grew more- and more heed1
Mr. Barton rarely said anything
to Henry about his unruly manner;
but when he did, a Word was
That word was always mildly
but firmly spoken. He did not
think him a bad boy, or difficult
to manage; at least he had never
found him so.
"I wish I knew what to do with
that child," said Mrs. Barton, af
ter the little fellow had been sent
to bed an hour before his time, in
consequence of some violation of
law and order; "he makes me con
stantly feel unhappy. I dislike to
be scolding him for ever ; but what
can I do? If I did not curb him
in some way, there Would be no
living in the house With him. I
am afraid he will cause us a great
deal of trouble."
Mr. Barton sat silent. He want
ed to say a Word on the subject,
but he feared that its effect might
not be what he desired.
" I wish you would advise me
what to do, !Mr. Barton," said his
wife, a little petulantly. "You
sit and do not say a single word,
as if you had no kind of interest
in the matter, What am I to do?
I have exhausted all my own re
sources, and feel completely at a
"There is ft way which, if you
adopt it, I think might do good,"
said Mr, Barton with a slight ap
pearance of hesitation. " If you
would speak gently to Henry, I am
sure you would be able to manage
him far better thnn you do,"
Mrs. Burton's face was crimsof!
in an instant. She felt the reproof
deeply het self-esteem was severe
ly wounded, peak gently, in
deed f' she replied ; " I might as
well speak to the wind. Iant
scarcely heard note, at the top of
my voice."
As her husband did not argue
the matter with her, nor say any-'
thing that was calculated to keep up
the excitement under which she
was laboringj her feelings in a lit
tie while quieted down, ajad hef
thoughts became active. The
words " spefilc gently" were con
stantly in her mind, and there was
a reproving import in them.
On going to bed that night she
could not get to sleep for several
hours ; her mind was too busily en
gaged in reviewing her conduct to
ward her child.
She clearly perceived that she
hadtoo frequently sufferedjher mind
to get excited and angry, and that
she was often annoyed, at-trifles
which Ought" to have been over
" I afh afraid I have been unjust
to my child, she sighed over and
over again, turning restlessly upon
het pillow, " I will try and do
better," she said to herself, as she
rose iil the morning feellhg but lit
tle refreshed from her sleep.
Before she was ready to leave
her room, she heard Henry's voice
calling her from the chamber where
he slept. The tones were fretful
He wanted some attendance, and
was crdng out for it in a manner
that instantly disturbed the even
surface of the mothers feelings.
She was about telling him angrily
to wait till she could finish dress
ing herself, when the words "speak
gently" seemed whispered in her
ear, l heir enect was magical; the
mother's spirit was subdued.
" I will speak gently," she mur
mured, and went in to Henry, who
was Still crying out fretfully.
"What do you want, my son?"
she said, in a quiet, kind voice.
The boy looked up with surprise;
his eye brightened, and the whole
expression of his face was changed
in ah instant.
"I cannot find my stockings ma
ma," he said,
" There they are, under the bu
reau,' replied ALrs. Jarton, as
gently as she had at first spoken,
" Oh yes, so thev are!" cheerful--
ly replied Henry; I coitkl not see
them anywhere.
;ct)id you think
bnngthem ?
This was said with n. smile, and
in a tone so unlike his mother, that
the child looked up again into her
face with surprise that was, as Mrs.
Barton plainly saw, mingled with
" Do you want anything else ?'
she asked.
" No, mama," he replied cheef-'
fully ; "I can dress myself now."
This first little effort was crown
ed with the most encouraging re
sults to the mother; she felt a deep
peace settling in her bosom, the
conciousness of haivng gained a
true victory over tendencies of both
her own heart and that of her boy.
It was a little act, but it was the
first-fruits ; and the gathering even
of so small a harvest was sweet to
her spirit.
i or the first time in many months
the breakfast-tftble was pleasant
to all, Henry never once interrupt
ed trie conversation that passed at
intervals between his father and
. 1 TTT1 1 i , r-
motner. v hen ne asked lor any
thing it was in a way pleasing to
all. Unce of twice Mrs, Barton
found it necessary to correct some
little fault in manner, but the way
in Which she did it did not in the
least disturb her child's temper, and
instead of not seeming to hear her
words, as had almost always been
the case, Ac regarded all that ions
said and tried to do as she icished.
" There is a wonderful power in
gentle words," remarked Mr. Bar
ton to his Wife, after Henry had
left the table.
" Yes wonderful indeed ; their
effect surprises me."
"Love is strong."
Days, weeks, months, and years
Went by; during all this time the
mother continued to strive very
earnestly with herself', and very
kindly with her child. The happi
est results followed ; the fretful,
passionate, disorderly hoy became
even-minded and orderly In his hab
its. A word, gently spoken, Was
all-powerful in its influence for
good, but the least shade of harsh
ness would arouse his stubborn
will, and deform his fair young
Whenever mothers complain to
Mrs. Barton of the difficulty they
:i ? . t t "i i ,
nnain managing ineir children, she
has one piece of advice to give, and
hat is, " Command yourself, and
"speak gently
The Columbia River Manu
facturing Company have organized
as follows : President, J. B. Knapp-Vice-President,
N. W. Spaulding ;
Secretarv, S. W. Backus : Treasurer
D. W. Grant.
CS? Warrants, Subpoenas, etc.,
sold at $1 per 100, at this office.
" List'bu to the Mocking Bird.
A friend of oars has been to
seei find hear George Greene's
mocking bird and goes off1 in the
lollowinsr : " Gr&ene has had. the
taste to import the finest mocking
bird we have seen 1ft Oregon. It
fills the air all arouhd the Carter
Block with volume of the most
delicious notes, singing as mirth
fully as if in its native woods and
chapparel of the coast below. It
goes through the round of aits
ffom ballad to opera, pourifjg
forth strains irregular in tone and
ehangin trTaptdt'f -into all the
songs of all the birds it ever heard.
The canaries find it a rival of more
power than Beach's brass band,
and can only throw in a gentle
twitter while it is taking breath.
Its language isnecessarily Castil
lian, not having yet been broken
into Dixie or Yankee Doodie. It is
calm as a successful office holder af
ter election, amid the clatter of
glasses, billiard balls, and drays
and trucks of the noisy street. The
wine beneath him cannot equal his
own power as a " mocker," and
the Philharmonics, in full chimes,
would only attract his attention
for a moment, and he Would then
overwhelm them with his torrent
of " wood notes wild." This canta
trice(?) deserves the highest kind
of a reception, the freedom of the
city in a gold seed tray, and from
the people and press generally, all
the " notes of admiration," in full
chorus. Let us hope that no fami
ly arrangements will impair her(?)
Voice such as occurred to the" glor
ious " Jenny," that its exquisite
strains may delight the promenade
for years to come." OrecjOnian.
Science and War. The Lorn
don Peace Society has for some
years past been actively promul
gating its views Oh the Continent
of Europe, fls well as at home.
Its foreign auxiliaries arc now
(aided by increasing popular in
telligence) developing into active
and influential associations with A
valuable literature of their own.
From a r eceht eloquent address by
M. Frederick Passy, Secretary of
one of these continental bodies (the
Paris League of Peace,) we ex-
tract the following striking allu
sion to the effect on warfare of the
modern scientific improvements :
" YY ar used to be a duel ; a fright
ful one, but yet grand and atirac
tivei The combatants knew and
appreciated those with whom they
foUght, Courage, perseverance,
physical strength, and the union of
strength with foresight, still avail
ed much, whatever might be the
risks as to success or defeat. Man
Was still something even amid the
most fearful onslaughts of brute
force. He felt that it Was so and
was proud of it. But in ouf own
day, science has advanced, and
has brought to perfection not only
the arts of production but those of
slaughter. She has reduced war
almost suddenly to a mere mechan
ical operation. It is scientific
butchery !' as a contemprary wri
ter (31. Gueroult, in the Opinion
jationale) has energetically ex
claimed. W e now make use of
killing machines. We deliver to
them men, the flower of our youth,
and they give them back to us
corpses. Under these conditions
the interest of conflict, and almost
all conflict itself, disappears. We
have but huge executions, charac
terized by horror alone. The sold-
the officer, the general are now
no more, literally, than flesh for
cannon. Thought and feeling wiii
revolt with disgust in face of these
vast and stupid butcheries." leaCe
Society's Papers
. .
Josh Billings welcomes spring
as follows :
" Spring came this year as much
as usual, hail butuous virgin, 5000
years old and upwards, hale 2nd
harty old gal welcum tew York
State and parts adjacent. Now
the birds jaw, now the cattle hol
ler, now the geese warble' noW the
kats sigh, now the pigs skfeam,
and natur is frisky i the rifttious
bed-bug and the nobby cockroach,
are singing Yankee Doodle and
' coming thru the rhi. Now may
be seen the muskeetef", that gray
outlined criter ov destiny, solitary,
and alone, examining his last years
bill, and now may be heard, with
a naked ear, the hoarse shaifghigh
bawling in the barnyard."
The population of Illinois is
about twice that of Massachusetts,
but her area is about seven times
as great, to say nothing of the
greater fertility of her soil and her
more favorable climate.
Why is a hen immortal ? be
cause her son never sets.-
mscKmurfcous items.
What is worse than raining
cats arid dogs ? Hailing cabs and
Gen Joe Lane who was on
the Democratic riational ticket With
Breckinridge in 1860, has joined
the Roman Catholic Church.
Wilson's Circus i9 on the way
up to Oregon hdving performed at
Colusfc lately. It contains seVferal
excellent performers, with the ini
mitable Harry Jackson as clown.
The movement in favor of -sepa-
arationbf Ibe ufcper peninsula from1
Mtehi.htn .it.for. ii
jilichijfan and. its erection into a
State or Territory by itself, by
the name of Superior, is gaining ih
strength, and petitions are circu
lated and obtain manf signers.
In the rich heavy lands of the
West and 0'n some of the clayey
farms in New England, cow-yards
are often sad places for male or fe
male to sit down in and milk from
one to a d5zen cows. The Ohio
Farmer recommends that such
yards be paved with blocks of
wood. Logs of aflv size may be
1 w w
drawn np during the winter, cut
into blocks of equal length, say six
inches' and squared at leisure. Af
ter smoothing off the surface ofth
yard, lay the blocks as closely to
gether as possible, and fill the in
terstices with gravel.
The generally received opinion
that the American aloe, or century
plant, blossoms only once in a hun
dred years appears to be not al
ways sustained by filets. One of
these rare plants, in the posession
of Messrs. .frost, at the Genessee
Valley Nurseries, in Rochester,
how glVes clear indications of
blossoming. This plant is believed
to be over seventy years old. There
is a case on record oi a century
plant which blossomed m Dover
shire, England, in 1820 itt the
youthful age of nineteen. It put
forth 1 0,000 flowers. A plant
,4 n "1? i i
too- ' s4k
ty-six years old. The number of
- - w
W and about five inches In length,
How fo DbstUoy AVts. The
following is recorfimendeci to care
ful housewives as a way of rid
ding cltfsets of these little pests :
.Procure a large sponge? wash it
well arid press it dry, which will
leave the cells quite open;
spuiMc uvci iu Dvuic wmic ugar,
and place it Where the ants are
troublesome. They will soon col-
lect upon the sponge and take up
their abode in the cells. It is only
necessary to dip the sponge in
scalding hot water, which Will wash
them out dead. Put oft more su-
ar auu bcl iuu trap ior a new nam.-
Od1 Fellowship. The Grand
Lodcte of the United States will
hniA itc f
0 .
ciscOj m September. Represents
--- m ucc
t- , x m, . - .
roaui auu urooaoiv over ine urnon
r-acinc also, inosewhomay vis-
'V"c w" 'o j t1
ges in posession oi ine xwyai rur-
pie egree, u recommended y
me iiepresentatives oi his mate,
Past Graftds, of the Royal Ftirple
Degree, when vouched for by manner and that if the atmos
the Representative By special phere more tranSparent
resolution, adopted during a ses- afler a snower, it is because it is
sion, Royal Purple Degree mem- cleansed of this dust, and not, as
oers, wno are noi rasi wanas,
may uc auxuutcu witness mc Ul-
stallation of Grand officers only.
Women. Tho St,
Louis Jicpubhcan is severe upon ago an English parish church at
men of Massachusetts for abandon- Atherstone, England, was, as all
ing that State, and leaving the wo- houses of worship had been, entire
men behind them, and it draws a ly open and available to all wor
cottpftfison between the Yankee shippers, but it entered the mind
and the European method of doing of an eldetly lady that she would
the Same thing. It says: "One prefer to know where to sit. It
hundred thousand of the male pop- was unpleasant to think that any
ulation emigrate singly, in the ex- person shcaild be placed beside her.
pectation of establishing them- She accordingly begged to be al
eelves m the West, Where they are lowed to put up a piece of board
eure to find an easier' life and bet- ing to screen herself off from tho
ter chances to accumulate wealth Ttiat. nf tiro tir-n-ll Vn -.
J . - ' I
than in their own over populated
ciaie, xo maKe tneir prospects
certain,, tney f act dinefently from
x.iuuau emigrants, meyaonot Then art 6ld gentleman thought
etnoarrftss themselves by taking he would like to havs some accom
the female members of their fami- rilodation reserved for him. This
ies with them, but leave their old
Homes singly, and never think any
more of supOTting those. Whom
T A iuark
the difference. One hundred thou-
sand American women arp hnmn.L.wi;ni,T inn. a larsrc share of
ess in their native State, because
their nearest relatives and natural
protectors stole away from them,
Innumerable foreigners come in
every day, and every female
among them finds at once a home," I
, What May Be. Itf 1815, Elk
ana Watson, Benjamin' Franklin's
friend, predicted that hi 1900 the
population of the United States
would be 100,000j000i Assuming
this to be the case, that ih 1870,
our population will number 42,000,
000: in 1880, 56,000,000 find so
on to the end of the ; century, we
can form some idea ,of the great
developement which awaits trade
and commerce. There is, in fact,
no limit to which our commercial
ramifications can be extended, and
wise legislation, the remof al of re-1
!"a i i T ' -n
natural laws, will soon
make us the greatest commercial
nation upon the globe. A West-
era gentleman facetiously remarked
at a New York banqnet, a few
days since, in a speech glorifying
the Northwest, that Paris, London
and ViefJna would eventually be
compelled to come to city of Law
rence, Kansas, to obtain their fash
ion plates. It is hot too much to'
predict, however, that our commer
cial relations and influences will in
time exefeise a controlling influ
ence over the entire world.
An English .ISTickname. The
eSpressio " goddem," as signify
ing an Englishman, is of most re
spectable antiquity' Beaumarchais
makes " Figaro" declare that it is
the groundwork of th English
language, on which the essential
basis being once given, a great va
riety of phrases may be composed.
But this view was peculiar to Beau
marchais. " Goddem," or, rather,
" un goddem," in the French of
the people, signifies, and has signi
fied for at least four centuries and
a half, simply ah Englishman. It
Was so used by Joan of Arc, in
whose honor a great religious com
memoration was lately held at
Orleans. In one of the discourses
pronounced, the fact was recalled
that before going int6r battle at
the gates of Orleans the Maid was
euerea some mncn, wnicn sne ae-
offered some lunch, which she
chned. siting, "Keep it, I will
come and eat it presently, with a
" Crardex le, je viend-
r,"" tL !4 T(m,I
ness in this retoly, which .1$
3 novel
but not wholly disafffeeahle in the
mouth of the charming young hero
ine and saint whom the Bishop
of Orleans now proposes should be
officially canonized. Pall Malt
An:. -Professor H. Wild has con
iinued bis interesting investigations
Upon tins subject in Germany, and
the conclusion Hi which he arrived
is highly remarkable, the Scientific
lieview states. He finds that dry
air is father more transparent than '
aamp air, though common obser-
vation of the clearness of the at-
mosphere after a shower, or in dry
rather without log, would induce
a contrary belief. He gives for
wie coemweni vi ury air, quite ex-
empt from dust in suspension , and
seen through a thickness of one r v.., a ftmo. t
"cucn ui uicoauic J.oox t o: J.XX
01v akA a
13 eg- O., and 719 m.m. pressure,
99030 It h theref0re evident that
in ordinary circumstances, dust in
suspension in the air diminishes its
trncn.orxr in n VPrv ma,i-J
R(1mp t o,,,.
saturated with dj
OF TIIK Pew SvftTT-xr
VV V HIV "VllU, -4- KJ OUUiiCX U1U
this appear, than another wanted a
partition to enable her to enioy, as
her own, some particular spot.
closing in the church for private
tmrnoses v it interior such art
irregular and patchy appearance,
that it was presently resoiveu to
building : which was.
thf. fvTienses being defrayed by a
familv well known in the neigh-
borhood. And so this pew system
has grown and grown on Until it
has become ingrameu m xngiaa
church life
, f
. -; I -
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