o O 0 0 8? O G3 0 O o o o o 0 o o o 0 0 G O 0 o 0 G 0 o Ai JSjiglisli Husband to liis Italian i Wife. From Story's Graffiti D'ltalia. What a constant jealousy gnaws your heart ! It tires me out; day after day Some little worry from nothing you start Something's hidden in what I say, Something's hidden in what I do; That heart of yours is never still, It cannot be sure that lam true, But spies and pries about for ill. Frankly I speak the whole of my mind Once for all let it serve or not; I am not one of that showy kind, Fair outside with an inward rot. I Ijve you! Will not that suffice? No ! 1 must say it again and again, And embroider it over with flatteries, O:- all I have said and done is vain. Trust me ! trust me my simple love! If you suspect me, that love will ifc'e. I cannot bear to be forced to prove Every moment its honesty. Ali ! you say I'm so still and cold ! Well! I cannot be other than what I am; I cannot squander a lump of gold A3 I could a little tinsel sham. You your jewels must always wear; What is their use if they are not shown ? I keep mine with a miser's care, And love to count them o'er alone. I cannot abide that the world shoald observe q What it thinks is nothing to me; I was born with a sense of reserve q That is shocked by love's publicity. You have a richer heart, if yon will, That scatters about its wide largess; Your love a keeping like mine would kill All that you feel you must express. Your love seeks for the light and sun, And gives its perfume to every breeze ; The bees get its honey every one Its beauty whoever passes sees. Mine, like a well, is still and deep; Cold, you say it is, like a well; L'ut though like a biook it will not leap, And a joy forever one tale to tell, It still is real ; and when the year Hath silenced the brook with its shallow laugh, The well's cool waters will still be clear, Where those who trusted may surely quaff. I cannot, like Sarto, publish your face In every Madonna, Sibyl, and Saint, Or praise to the world your beauty and grace In a thousand sonnets sweet and faint. Dut this is the head's work more than the heart's; Skill and genius they show, no doubt ; L'ut the painter and poet may give to their arts What they leave their ladjT, perhaps; with out. Trust me, dear, with j'our eyes so black And full of passion these eyes of blue Though your excess of expression they lack, Are not the less sincere and true. I caunot fondle you every hour With many a pretty and gallant phrase, Ilain out my love as a cloud its shower ut trust me and leave me my English ways. There is a man in Bcnedicta, M.o, avIio raises a large quantity of apples every year, and sells them for fifty cents per pushel, as he thinks that is aho;t what they are -worth, -while lie might often get four times as much. Xeither will he sell more than four or five bush els to one person, as he is deter mined his apples shall not Le specu lated upon. We also know a man, says the 3Iachias lujuLltca), not far from here, who sells potatoes at fifty cents per bushel and no more. Jle says the Almighty revealed to him, face to face, that if he made a practice of that, his potatoes should never rot, and he says they never have. At a late exhibition at irmin ham, England, there were 5,747 pens or coops of fowls. Of gray cDorking alone there were 272 coops and of games 482 coops, with 153 coops of game Bantams. Some choice birds were valued at very high rates. A La Fleche cock was held at 25, and some of the Dork ings as high as 100. Some heavy weights arc reported. The prize gander, Toulouse, weighed 37-L pounds; the pair of ducks, Rouen, l!H pounds; the prize turkey 33 founds. It can safely be said there is a poultry fever in England equal to anvthinir we have here. The English patent harness blacking, which is commended for keeping leather soft, and giving it a, good polish, is made by dissolv ing together, over a slow lire, three ounces of turpentine, two ounces of white wax ;then add one ounce of ivory-black and one drachm of in digo, to be well pulverized and mixed together. When the wax and turpentine are dissolved, add the ivory-black and indigo, and stir till cold. Apply very thin, brush afterwards, It is said the lumber regions in the northern parts of Wisconsin are infested by mice, as if a plague of Egvpt had come upon the coun try. They have overrun the him lu r camps, and even drove the hjorses and cattle from their feed boxt s ; eat clothing, boots, socks and caps, nest in the beds, tfce. hi very supply team now goin-v into t lie pirmeries" has a box of cats upon it. The population of 31incsotais timatel at 45,000. The wheat crop of the past year is estimated at 1 0.ooo, 000 busheis. llie num ln r of miles of railroads in opera tion is 550 , heing I2S more than in Cuke Foii Rheumatism. Dur ing the recent cold and wet weath er we have heard so many people complain of rheumatism, that we give the following sure cure lor the benefit of suffering humanity. Boil a small pot of potatoes, and bathe the part affected with the water in which the potatoes were boiled, as hot as can be applied, immediately before going to bed, and you can wrap the drapery of your couch about you and lie down to pleas ant dreams, undisturbed by that horrible twinge that racks the body with pain and drives sleep from your eyelids. - Acorns have been introduced into the London corn-market and sold at from 3 to 4 per ton, equal to forty bushels, of fifty-six pounds each. Kiln-dried acorns have also been offered at 7 per ton, but at this price are not con sidered remunerative, on account of the great waste in drying them. The acorns are used for feeding swine. The largest known tree in Kan sas is at the mouth of the Fall riv er, on the Osage lands. It is a ma hogany oak, nine feet in diameter and about thiry-feet in circumfer ence, and runs straight up as an ar row forty feet without limbs. The United States surveyor took the di mensions of this tree, and' they are now on record at Washington. According to experiments made at the Michigan Agricultur al College, the amount of milk con sumed by pigs to produce ' one pound of increase was, for the first week, 7.20 pounds; for the second week,. 70 pounds; for the third week, 12.52 pounds; for the fourth week, 10.50 pounds. Hence the younger the animal, the more rap idly it gains. The citizens of Portland are working with a spirit that does them credit, to celebrate our glorious Fourth of July in a grand style. Our Fathers of Free dom would rejoice could they see that even in this far oil' country the spirit of 1776 re vive?, and our freedom is prized with our lives. Our city, doubtless, will be crowded with visitors on that day; the citizens of Portland should do all in their power to en tertain them well. Kohn & Fishel have such an immense and elegant stock ot Cloth ing and Goodsin their line, and have reduced prices to such an extremely low figure, that it surely will be a pleasure to strangers to know their store is No. 91, Front Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. Oregon. L,ortge No. 3, I. O. of O. V. v; iueeis every vveunesaay even- IT A-. ITT 1 1 0 ing at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, fiW Main street. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. A". G. Willamette Loilge Xo. 131. O, i. T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms b.l-j. corner ot Mam and r ltth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By ordttr of W. C. T. Clackamas Division. IVo. 3, S. of T. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon City. Members of the Order are invited to attend. By order W. 1 Mult noinah LiOlge Vo. 1, A. I"', anil g A. M. -Holds its regular communi 'Nvif cations on the First and Third Sat urdav m each month, at 7 o'clock. from the 2uth of September to the 20th of March, and 7', o'clock from the 2th of March to the 20th of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By oi der of W. M. P AI-ST KILLER. We beg leave to call the attention of the public to this, long celebrated and unri valled Family Medicine. The Pain Killer is a purely vegetable compound, and while it is a most efficient remedy for Pain, it is a perfectly safe medicine even in the most no skillful hands for Summer Complaint, or any other form of bowel disease in children or adults, it is an almost certain cure, and has without doubt been more successful in cur ing the various kinds of Cholera, than any other 'known remedy, or even the most skill ful physician. In India, Africa and China, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prevalent, the Pain Killer is considered by the natives, as well as European resideuts in those climates, a Sure Remedy. (30 4t Wool! Wool!! Wool!!! -o- J. Myers & Brother, under the Court House, Oregon City, will pay the highest prices rul ing tor Wool. A large quantity is wanted. 2G.tf) Harvest of 1869! ! Selling off to Close Lusincss, Ami no HUMBUG ! Tlte 32iftiire Stoclt! OF DEY GOODS. EEADY-MADE CLOTHING, .BUOTS AIJD SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Children' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to be sold Regardless of Price! t3, To convince yourself with respect viis matter, call at the old corner. to I err i ivn Sowih tfPope 3- Co:-s TinStore, Or-son City, PORTLAND BUSINESS. CHA5. HODGE . . CHAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. IV". SXELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, FaRNISJIES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS Materials, ana jOruagists' sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. 35.) DIEEOT IMPORTATIONS ! ! XEW AND ELEGANT STYLES -OF- Bed-Room 'SUITES. Just received and placed in the warereems, -OF 1GG, 1GS, 170, 173 Pirst street, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON. PARLOR SETS IX TERRY, IN PLUSH, AND IN HAIR-CLOTH New Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment ef HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE! Lounges and Spring beds. JEST The trade supplied with goods in original packages, on reasonable terms. HURGREN & SHINDLER. OREGON BAKERY! F. 0PITZ, PROPEIETOK, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, Bet. Washington and Stark sts. MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF CEACKEES! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QRACKERS Will always be sold below San Franciscc prices. All orders promptly attended to. OREGON IMKEKY, First at., Portland, Oregon. C. II. JU'VISRS, PLUMIMG, OAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, Xo. 110 First Street Portland Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot, Water Boilers, Marble Top Washstands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBOW, RETURN BEXDZ. MPPLES, BUS111XGS, Ac, for St tam, Water and (Jas. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Guages, Whistles 'fallen Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Cecks, and ali kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, &c. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great eare, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. Jl. MYERS. A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OllEGOMAK UUllDliNG, No. 5 "Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. Music books, magazines, news papers, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. J. McHenry, 94 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. cs Has on hand, and is constant ly receiving direct from the East,a large and carefully selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, Lamps, etc.. all of which he offers at prices to suit the tim.es, at Wholesale and Retail, ZS?" Dealers will do well to call and exam ine his stock, and learn bis pi kes, before purchasing elsewhere. P. FERRY, BROKER, Portland. Oregon. Cor. Front amd Washington Sts. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insurance Company. 3FGovernment Securities, Stocks,Bonds and Real Estate boug'ut and sold on Com mission. TF ANYBODY wants to see a VFT.nPT- X PEDE, go to A. Levy's who has oc to to raffie. Take a chance. ' PORTLAND BUSINESS. JOHN WILSON, XO. 119 Front Street, (la Whites New Block,) Dealer in Dry Goods and Clothing, Invites attention to his EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT or DRESS GOODS, Trimmings, Buttons, Coat Bindings, White Goods, Embroideries, Zephyr Wool Yarns, Cloakings, Tweeds, Cassimeres, Flannels, Blank ets, Linen Goods, Staple Cottons, La dies' and Misses' Underwear, Fancy Goods, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Fans, 'etc., etc. FINE CLOTHING for GENTS and BOYS, in Beaver, Cassicoere and Castor Beaver. Doe Pants. Silk Yelvet Vests Silk Ties and Cravats, h B Shirts, Night Shirts, Silk, All Wool and Merino Un dershirts and Drawers, Socks, and al most everything in the furnishing line for men and boys. MACHINE TWIST, 1 oz spools for Tailors, Shoemakers, etc., in Black, White and Orange, Letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G. MACHINE TWIST for Dry Goods Trade, 1U0 Yard Spools, ail colors. BUTTON HOLE TWIST for Tailors and Dressmakers, by JOILV WILSOS. N. B. GROCERIES at Lowest Market Prices. A MERICAN EXCHANGE. (late LINCOLN HOUSE,) No. 84 Front street, Portland. Oregon. L. V. W. QUIMI3Y, PiioriUETOR, Late of Western Hotel.) This house is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be the en deavor of the proprietor to make his guests comfortable. The Baggage Wagon will al ways be found at the landing on the arrival of steamships and river boats, carrying bag gage to the house free of charge 112 131 FRONT STREET, FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street. Near Yamhill. KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Benkert's, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Houghton & Coolidge's, Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of gents' and boys' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberlich's, Burt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Onr customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly on hand. WALTi New CAltPETIlYGS VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WIN DO W-SHADES, PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE-CURTAINS, &c, &c. We Would Call the attention of par ties fitting up houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is ONE OF THE C02IPLETEST Oil the Fsiciilc osxst! Ow Goods being specially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern States, we can sell AT THE LOWEST SaiiF'i'sntisco Prices. WALTER BROS., No.. 89 Front street, between Alder 35.) and Washington, Portland Oregon LBERT BARTSCII, PIANO MAKER, THIRD STREET, PORTLAND OREGON. Between Taylor and Salmon. Having had an extensive experience in the largest cities of Europe and America, respectfully announces to the public of Oie gon and Washincton Territory that he is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS on Pianos and Melodemis. Tuning attend d to with great care. New strings alwa3rs on hand, and Base Strings made to order. Orders from abroad promptly attended to, and all work guar anteed. All charges at San Frant isco rates. Portland, April 12, 1809. Mr. Albert Bartsch. piano maker, has reniodled and renovated an old piano be longing to ine, which now has an extraor dinary good sound and appearance. The work done on it is of tte most substantial character and made in a workmanlike man ner. With the greatest pleasure I recom mend him to the public of Portland as a No. 1 mechanic. Yours, JACOB STITZEL. Portland, April 12, 1809. I take this opportunity of certifying to the capability of Mr. Albei t Bartsch, of this citv, as ajirst-clats piano maker and repairer, hav ing repaired and tuned pianos for my scholars and myself. It is with great pleas ure that I recommend him to the citizens of Portland and vicinity, and trust that he will receive a liberal share of patronage II. GUDl5 ORQB. HATS! HATS! HATS! OF EVERY STYLE In Large Quantities can be Found AT JL C MEUSSDORFFER & BRO.'S S. W. corner of Morrison and Front streets, Portland, Oregon o Also Capsoferery style, and Boys' and Girls Hats in large varieties. Give us a call and examine. "US'TICES BLANKS, of every descrip tion. printed at the Fxterfrkk office MISCELLANEOUS. nM. BROUGHTON. Contracor and Builder, Main St., OREGON CITY. JKs Will attend to all work in his line, con sisting ia part of Carpenter and Joiner woTk framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly attended to. JpARR & BROTHER. BUTCHERS & MEAT VENDERS. J8S" Thankful for past favors of the public respectfully ask a continuance of the same. We shall deliver to our patrons all the best qualities of Stall Feed Beef, also Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on luesdays and Saturdays ! HIarlle H'oil. A. J. MONROE, Dealer inCalifornia, Vermont and Italian Marbles, Obelisks m r -r-r - Monuments lleaa and foot Stones, W Salem Oregon. Mantles and Furniture Marble furnished to order. I 23t 1511 Ml til S9 HOUSE. AND Steamboat Painting Graining, Gilding, China Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds Wood ;uk1 Ms!rl!e! Executed as wall as can be done on the Pacific Coast. Examine our work and Judge for yourselcss. jgfSEvery order attended to with care and expedition. C.E.MURRAY, West Door Ralston's Brick, Main st., Oregon City HOME MADE tub WERTHEIMER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniturs, OltKGOX CITY. TAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORMING the public that he kas now on hard a large invoice of SQUARE AKT) EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS BED-STEADS. LOL'NGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the atte ntion of buyers. He MANUFACTURES FURNITURE Using good materials, and empioyii.'g th very best mechanics in the State, hence h can warrant his goods to be as represented, and he is prepared to till all orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of desirable goods in the State. M. WEIITIIEI3IER. Main street, Oregon City. WALL AMET IRON WORKS COMPANY! Iron Founders, STEAM EftiOSSE And Boiler Builders ! North Front andE sts., Portland, Oregon. T HESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and etliciently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years gives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &C, &C., &C, Manufacture and Repair Machinery of all kinds. IRON SHUTTER WORK at San Fraru-isco cost and freight. WheeUr Ran dal? 8 Patent Grinder and AmtiJsm-mntor fJvmarJs and Steven's Self Adjusting Patent Piston Packing, either applied to old or new steam cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Sioes and dies, if tlie best hard iron. ' :y u 'OR SALE. A Dwelling House and 8 Lots, In a desirable location in Oreson Citv. at a bargain. Time will be tnven for a part of iwe purcnase money. II ILL PERFECT. JK3P" Inquire of JAMES M. MOORE. Oregon City. OREGON CITY BREWERY ! HENRY I1UMBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. TAKE NOTICE. This is to warn all per sons concerned, that hereafter the under signed wishes it distinctly understood that he does not intend to fight fisticuff. May2oth, 1869. JOHN GORDON. WANTED ! Farmers and others pleas take notice, that 1 am prepared to purchase all the Wool that offers, pay in 2 therefor the highest prices . S. ACKERMAN. Oreoa City, April 2Sfb, 1-30. (jtf . I I '- l, . OREGON CITY BUSINESS. Thomas Charman Successor to CHARMAN 4- JBRO.r THE DEATH OF MY BROTHER HAS compelled me acain to chance thsnnm of the firm of CHARMAN & BRO. to that of i liiUMAb CHARMAN having purchased of me c&uue an me interest held by my broth er in the stock of good owned by Charman & Lrother, taking effect January 3d, 1869. TIte llusiucss Will be Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in part, of the following branches of trade : Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Notions. Perfumery And Patent Medicines. Paints, Oils, Colors, Dye Stuffx and Varnish, Queensware, Crockery & Lamps Sash, Doors, and Window Blinds, Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Rope, atid Nails Of Every Description. I ask Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. -0- GROCERIES OF EVERY VARIETY. Farming Implements OF ALL KINDS. SAttention will be paid to any besiness left with me on Commission. Notice. My Business with all who favor me with their patronage, will be dooe on a gold basis but Legal Tender will be re ceived at the market quotations. Agent WELLS FARGO Jk CO. I desire to say to all who favor me with their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders shall meet with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are as good as any house in Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as any House in good standing in the State. I will' not be undersold by any one Please give me a call and examine for your selves. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, Respectfullv vours, THOMAS CHARMAN. PEEMIUM GAN,GPLOWS. As the age in -which we live demands progress in Farming Implements as well as in all other branches of indus try, tee have entered extensively upon the Manufacture of the Celebrated Ff'eil Caiiss: Flow ! Belter known inOregon as the WOL GAMOT PLO W. Th is Plow com . bines all the desirable points of a "per fect implement, being simple in con strvction, cheap, durable, and of light draft. The only Premiums which u'ere awarded to Gang Plows at the great Implement trial at Mattoon, Sept. 4, 1S66. by the State Agricultural soci ely of Illinois, were awarded io this Ploic. The following is an extract from the Report of the Commissioner (,f Agriculture, Jor the year 1800, and ma V be found on page 24 G of that re port : T.ie Gang Plow made by J. C. Pfeil, Arenzville, Cass county Illinois, is received with no lilt le favor in the west. Almost in credible stories are told of its excellence and eificiencv in plowing the prairie iields of Illinois and other States. ' The depth of the turrow is regKtated by the crank-axle, which is so arranged tlwit the ploughs can be driven deeper or shal lower at the pleasut eof the driver, when the team is moving.bv means of the lever. We also manufacture sulkey plows for small boys, or infirm persons who are unable to manage a team of three pr four horses. This gang or sulkey plow, will cut a fur row from 2 to 10 inches deep. "The committee who tested the draught of this plow with a dynamometer state, that it ran lighter by 140 pounds.than other plows when running at the same depth, and heU by the plowman while on toot." Eggf With this Plow one man can do more icork than two men can do W'.'h walking Plows, and the same amount of team Hence, it will be. seen that it will more than pay for itself in one season's plowing. We will also manufacture the WEB-F00T GANG PLOW! A X D T U E Web-Foot Walking Plow ! Roth patterns of Mr. Lewis invention for which patents have been applied for, and which have, withstood practi cal tests with the lest results. receiving flattering testimonials wherever seen or tried. jeSf jYow, the Farmers of Oregon are invited to give the Oregon City Manufactory a trial Do not purch ase a Ploio of any description until you have examined our make and prices, as v:e are determined to sell at less than importer's rates, by giving you a more durable article, and a guar antee warranting the same. For further information address LEWIS & POLLOCK, OUKGOS tiTY. gHADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET, Oregon City. The above named popular re soit has been thorouirhlv renovat ed and repaired during the past season and is now open to the public, fully complete in all its appointmets. Two of the Best BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Bourbon already famous, for hot Whiskies and Punch. je3f- Families supplied. HO T C OFFEE AND O YSTERS, At all hoars for the convenience of patrons. YyOOL WANTED. ANY QUANTITY?! By WEDDING AT IWMEi ids cards aeatly Trint,i '1 Office. at U F OR SALE. One Splendid Building lot; 33 feM . bjltk5 feet deep, in the very heart of V city. Cheap as dirt. K APPLY AT THIS OFFlcj, i T70R SALE. JL' A family Residence in thfo city-p,, 3,000 will be sdd for lew than th? ibout the premises as neat as cost AH about the Call early ATTlHSQFFlCl-4 l TO LET. JL Thrpp T?rnma W'oH znif sTf iha iences for a man and bis wife or for lice. Rent cheap. -. vunre. aa of.;" APPLY7- AT THIS OFFICE S IIERIFF SALE. Ky virtue of an order and decree of forrx-w of Mortgage, issued out of the Circuit Court in favor of HENRY W. EDDY, and hI? L. MARSHALL, and SAKAH A. MAKsbTt? his wife, and H. Lverdmer and E. Beobee firm of EVE1SDINU& 15EE15EE, for certain L'" of money as described in said decree, to- it-r j sum of ThreeThousand one Hundred and Sev i four Dollars, $3,174.00, and interest as dn in said decree, payable to Henry "NV. Eddv f United States gold coin, and the further su'iiV i Three Thousand three Hundred and seven Dollars and 30-100, ?S,377.50-100, and ir" i Cst as described in said decree, payable to Kv" I 1 ding and Beebee, in United States gold coin t, to me directed, I did on the first day of June D. 1SGD, levy upon the property described in Ui utcirc, n ib j-nstiiiiiim m a point on uotct:, wnn uusmuiug ill a point On f ' load leading fromPortland toMilwaukie laeha--42 links south, and 10 chains 12 links et r.f quarter post lietween Sections 23 and 2G in Tost ' ship 1 South Range 1 East, thence east 21 eh 73 links, thence South34.V E 2 chains 20 linK : a post, thence N 88 15' E to the donation cLv of Hector Campbell, thence Southerly aW land of Campbell 55 1-2 chains to the land ot n' Luelling, thence S 8S30' W along said Ludh " land, to a stake from which a lir tree 4 ineW.' " diameter tears S 78 30' W 14 links, thenoe 6r -30' W 35 chains 10 links, thence S 2 E, 64 eini," ' 40 links, thence S 80 11 chains 2 links toT -east line of said road, thence by said road orf I 23 V 6 chains 30 links, to the X E corner t -lands belonging to Mc Donald, and the S E onr' . ner of land of Lambert & Miller, thence N 85' W 6 chains 40 links, thence N 31 31 W 4 rW I 50 links, thence N 10 45' W 7 chains 50 li r thence N 28 30' W 8 chains, thence X is . chains, thence N5 W 28 chains 70 links, toil i place of beginning, containing 360 acres, more.? less Notice is therefore hereby given that co f Tuesday . the Sixth day of July A. D. 1SC0. in front of the Court ilou'se in Onot i City, at the hour of 12 o'clock, M., I will proetrc to sell, at Public Auction, to the highest bidder u f United States gold coin, the above described ml I to satisfy said judgments, interest, costs and ac t cruing costs, JOHN MYERS, Sheriff t 30:-5t- Clackamas County. ' Oregon City, June 1st, 1S69. is", L4J rr. - o o "2 11 p x ;t 0 11 ti 4- C2 E 5 0 O 5 X r. 1 2 C c !-' 1-3 ,-y; V o c "S r 1 2-3 5 c.pe 2 3 O o o c y r z: -" EC 1 E S i " ts 9s IV C - -CD..C- French Medical Office? Dr. JULIAN PERRAULT, : Doctor of Medicine of the. Faculty t Paris, Graduate of the Univer-" I sity Queen's College, and ' Physician of the St. John Raptiste Society of San Francisco. Ir. Perravlt has the pleasure to i'nftra patients and others seeking confidential medical advice, that he can be consulted at his office, Armory Hall Building. NortheaM j corner Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Francisco. Sooms No. 9, 10, H, firi ' floor, up stairs, entrance either on Moat-j gomery or Sacramento streets. Pr. Perraitlt s studies-have been almost exclusively devoted to the cure of the vari ous forms of Nervous and Physical Debiiitv. the results of injurious- habits acquired in youth, which usually terminate in impotence ' and sterility, and permanently induce all the concomitants of old age. Where a secret in firmity exists, involving the happiness of a ; life and that of others, reasoD and mor ality dictate the necessity of its removal, for ; it is a fact that premuture decline of the vigor of manhood, matrimonial unhappines5, compulsory single life, etc., have theirsources in causes, the jrerm of which is planted iir early life, and the bitter fruit tasted longaf- ; tei ".yards; patients, laboring under this com- piaint, will complain of one or more of the following symptoms: Nocturnal emissions, pains in the back and beadr weakness of 1 m niory and sight, discharge from the Ure- ; tha on going to stool, or making water, the intellectual "faculties are weakened, losof memory ensues, ideas are clouded, and there is a disinclination to attend to business, or even to reading, writing,or society of friends, etc. The patient will probably comp'ain of dizziness, vertigo, and that the sight and hearing are weakened, and sleep dis turbed by dreams, melancholy, sigbinf, , palpitations, coughs aiif" slow fever ; while some have external rheumatic p&ins, and numbness of the body. Some of the most common symptoms are pimpies in the face, ; and aching in different parts of the body. Patients suffering from this disease should apply immediately to Da. Pehrault, either in persons or by letter, and he will guaran tee a cure of seminal weakness in six to eight weeks. Patients suffering from venerial diseases in any stage, Gonorrhea Gleet, Sticturef, Bubo Ulcers, Cutaneous eruptions, etc., will b:-treated successfully. All Svphillitic and Mecurial Taints entirely removed Irom tie system. Dr. Perrault's diplomas are in his office, where patients can see for themselves, that they are under the care of a regularly educated practitioner. The best references givea if required. Patients suffering under chronic disease8, can crll and examine for themselves. We invite investigation ; claim not to knew evervthing, nor to cure everybodv, but we do claim that in all cases taken under treat ment, we fulfill our promises. We particu larly request those who have tried this boast ed doctor, and that advertised phvsician, tilj worn out and discouraged, to call upon us Low charges and quick cures, Ladies suffering from any complaint inc dental to their sex, can consult the doctor with the assurance of relief. FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS. Dr. Perraitlt is the only agent in Cat ,3V nia for Dr. Riot's Female monthly pill Their immense sale has established then reputation as a female remedy, unapproach ed and far in advance of every other remedy suppressions and irregularities, and othei obstructions in females. On the receipt ot 5 these pills will be stnt by mail or express to any part of the world, secure from curi osity or damage. Persons at a distance can be cured at home by addressing a letter to Dr Perrault; corner of Sacramento and Montgomery scs., rooms 9, 10 and 11, or box S73, P. O. San Francisco, stating the case as minutely possible, general habits of living, occnpi tioa,tc. 1 3;6ua V 1 I