4: o C O o o o 0 4 'i o She lUcekln ntcumsc. ! TOWS AM) COU.Vl'Y. Blackberries are ripe, and abundant. Iu this county. Mrs. Hay den of Vancouver, and the Sisters of Charity, recommend Robinson soap, advertised in this paper Ask for it. j Ttwiirl lint one thousand persons ning six miles in three mmmes and a half. I lf,s h "an?e oi a business firm is kept it is said tnat one 1 j He describes the river a being a s.icces- constantly before the public, some new were in attendance nt the iock ; sion of caacade3 and rapids, running j firi1 may start up, and. by liberally ad carop meeting on Sunday last, J.ev.-.ir.. tj,r0-ugh nanw an,i crooked defiles in the ! Vtrtls,n?' ln a very short time take the Sn,.Minn. nreac led 111 WC loieiiuuu. Work on the u. t,. u. - ; o. c. j:. k has cora- menced. Track win no i;uu No. 2 to Portland first The first iron will i be landed at Mihvaukie. TV.mf in the streams of this county j ore now about as fine as they ever get to i r.Hies from Portland make frequent I raids, of late. wl.efl vtPMmer La- I The fine littU si.lt (hnf Ih'i Lake, owned by J. C. Trullinger, t)f Oswego, paid our city a viait a few davs ago. Bishop Moni? of this Diocese, will preach at St. Paul's (Episcopal) church this evening, and to-morrow morning and evening. . o- Bead the New Advertisements. And observe closely the remarks of Mr. John "Wilson, at the top of the filth column on the fourth page. TT,.r, T V.' f.'..vn. t 1lf15 on two or f'iree occasions of late. illuminated our j id our of his Sanctum by the pleasant smiles countenance, and the tine. niaTitv of his na- It is expected that the committee of: 1 - - I , ,, ............. , . a site for the erection of buildings suita ble for the Fire Department, will report at the meeting of the Council on Monday evening next. The city council have levied a tax of O ) miiis on mo uouar lor tins year, ine roll will be placed in the hands of the the collector, as will be seen by notice cl-euhere in this paper, on the 2Jd in ' Mailt. q -We wish you tn road the advertise ment of the National Life Insurance Co., ia this paper next week we will tell you something more favorable about it. If vou have any idea ot insuring, call upon "Dr. F.liis. Capt. Banghrnan returned home from White Pine about two weeks ago. He is now looking about Prget Sound. We lope someday soon to see Capt. Baugh viui airain at the wheel. . . The Hook and LaIder company of this city, attlietr last meeting adopted the name of Cou ub:.y. The Host' company lave adopted the name Eoi XT.MX. The machines, are about completed for busi ness and they will compare favorably with any in the State. Tn Justice Court, before A. "Wessels of Union, on the -1th inst.. judgement was rendered in favor of Mrs. 11. K. Barlow, against Win. Happ. for the sum of $21 50 and costs on a civil suit to recover mon ey only. Both parties were satisfied with the decision. The enertaiument given at Washing ton Hall, on two evenings of last week b v a few of the young ladies and gentlemen of this city as a complimentary benefit q!o Mr. J. A. Smith was a great success. We find oarself too closely pursued for time, to speak of the parts performed in detail. Mr. and Mrs. Bates will' probably ap pear in this city at Washington Hall, on Thursday evening next. The programme will consist of recitations from Shakspeare. in costume, with a select afterpeice. We trust that our citizens will turn out to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bates on this occa sion. Geo Francis Train moves westward in eavy force. He delivers from two to twelve three-hour speeches per day, be- Otdes traveling five to a thousand miles. Jle goes out to furnish gas to illuminate the line of the Pacific Railroad. O. II. My res. 110 First St., Potland, is to furnish the pipe. A. Wessels Esq.. has frequently sent us parcels of choice vegetables this season, from his garden in Union precinct. Judg ing from the appearance of these we must say that Mr. Wessels is not alone en terprising, in the cultivation of his farm, but undoubtedly has struck it rich in soil, lie deserves much credit for the example he has set to others, by reducing the forests of this county to a farm, o At the last meeting of the city council Judge Smith, of the law firm of Mitchell, Dolph YSsiit.ru appeared for the P. T. Co., -and asked for tlie vacation of Water street for the uses of the comn vnv in construct ing . Canal for Oav!tion mmnca The oouoj mauer. together wit i the oaocrs. was referred to Citv Attorney McCown, iuid further action will be taken in the prcniHo'i on Monday next -. V. If. Vaughn, father of the boy i- i anh Vaughn, who was admitted to bail H the- sum of $8,000 for his appearance . i - to answer fo the kiilincr of A. I). La r kin. .;ias also oeon held to aopoar at the, nert terin of the Circuit Court to answer to tho cliargy ot assault upon Supervisor Ilar- or Intone to kill, wo are not'positive which. The oxaminaiion in tlui rns. .f f.v.. was heard before Justice Maxwell Uamsbv of Uppea Molalla. " ' ' .i 11 Kl it-! -We understand that Doctor n T TT McCord. oil Sunday evening last took oc casion to denounce us for Charging llim for work performed. If Doctor J. If. Me- i ('ord Avill prove to lis that he. is not a! dead heat ; a supreme bilk; and will show that 7J.v "practices are not demoralizing, j amount paid us. I lis trick of lreemg himself from ropes was fully exposed in this city oil Sunday evening. We consid - it him a " bea-rock spiritualist, one whom the mass ot believers in those phe - noniena would openly denounce at any nT!oo!.cv steamer Shoshone, built at old Fort Boise ! for the Salt Lake trade, and since but ; 0f little service, is now lying about sev- ntv-2ve miles above .uewisTon, ana may 1,- expected at Celiio soon after the next I Jmtry j increasing in population nearly I II experience, an entire success : Simple rise In the Snake River. Capt. Smith sue- ,7, ywaw- and no I 1 ceeded in bringing her through the Great I tcI how oM t!ie place may be. there are j itmvlt ! that inistakes cannot be made in Cunvon. which has Ueen the terror ot al! navigators heretofore, and in one instance i accomplishing the astonishing feat of run- , and rise like a vessel at sea. and reciuir- ing unerring skill imd dexterity to prevent ner irom being uasiiea to pieces on the rocks. Jle succeeded, however, in brino-- ing her through the most dangerous part of the river in entire safety, but lack of water prevented him from passing certain PomU, where it wid be necessary to let hZ WZt Is Cer" ! ; igation on record, and would only be at- lmpted by one who has braved the ter- We expect, soon to hear of the success of Messrs Tickers and Evans, who have gone up to bring the boats of the Oregon t Montana Transportation Co., to Pe:ile Orille Lake. Tiiis city furnishes a number of skillful pilots for the Vallamet river, and when occasion requires, we can spare one or two to bring our neighbors boats in out of the wet. Capt. Smith was accompanied by Johnny Anderson as Engineer, a fireman, and three deck hands. Making six per sons iu all. Mr. S. Ackerrnan. having purchased ' oaei-u j of the best in the Stale, may hereafter be found at the new stand. This transaction gives ...r. ACuerman a very extensive j :rll, '-? ,' ' ""-""notice to the contrary, are considered as will oe neceaiv o reduce largely, in ,,-u!,inr tn onnt.imm ..!,-intinn lauac i uuui iui: in: I MU'.lv. hence he has determined to sell at cost for the next sixty days. There is no hum bug about this. Mr. Ackerman invites all of his old customers around to see him at tlie new place of business. Jacob Broth ers wish us to extend thanks to their old customers and recommend Mr. Ackerman as their successor, and advise their old patrons to call as usual, when they will be accommodated by their successor the. SJino in tone-! ii'uf Thi This change iu business is an important matter ,,,.,. I .ur. t.atpu .kicoo wi.i soon uuu e lor iviiop.-, to take a paner from tlie office, or remov to be absent perhaps six months during -UVr an)1 ieaving it uncalled for is 2vhnt wiiicli time the whole busmess of the j fi;(.;e evidence of intendonai fraud on the wr.-gon city agencv ami management or . tl , ooteu ... iit wot do couuucieo his brother Mr. I. Jacob. During his absence East Mr. Balph Jacob will pur chase additional m tchinery for the works. The mill is now busily employed on the finest of fabrics, and we are informed rhat the goods made here are sought for in the most fashionable circles of San Francisco. The parties interested in this change of business have been so busy that they have not had time to prepare advertisements, which will appear next week. Mr. J. M. Bacon w ill occupy the stand made vacant by Mr. Ackerman, moving the post office and book store into that place. v -tv o , Tlie sum of $G0() has been appropri ated from the road fund, for the improve ment of the route leading up the bluff at this city from the head of Seventh street. We hope to see some good work done in that vicinity on this appropriation. There is not a road about here, excepting the main thoroughfare between Portland and Salem, that is. traveled so much as this hill route. If the petition which is to be pre sented at the July term, is received with favor by the County Court, and a new road is granted from the intersection of John Quincey Adams and Sixth streets, by the most direct route via the farm of .Mr. Holmes, etc.. the people of this city may soon begin to realize that they have a road to drive upon. The hill road must be cut tb)wn considerably in order to make the upper story " of the city ac cessible to the inhabitants. But we are aware of the fact that that this would be attendant with heavy expense, and that it will require time to accomplish the object hence small favors are thankfully re ceived. The attention of the people living South-east of this city should be directed to the matter of a road leading from Ca nemah to Parrott Creek. It is certain that the Railroad will destroy the County road leading parallel with the river, but we are informed that a practicable route may be found over the bluff, which will not in crease the distance, and when completed would really be a better road than can be had along the bottom. The Railroad com pany olfered to build this road at. one time, but from some cause their propo sition was not accepted, and so far as the public are aware now. nothing definite has been done about the matter. As there will be a meeting of the County Commis sioners soon, we are asked to call their at tention to the subject, and recommend ac tion on tiie part of the people We have received from Smith Pros., Puena Vista, Polk County, several samples of stone ware which chaliengcscoinparison with the best earthen ware ever imported. This firm has been slowly, bat surely gain ing a foothold upon this branch of trade in O'-jgon, fin some five years past, and it rejoices us to know that at last they have strength enough to resist an further im portations. The slone wave of Jhiena Vis ta should bo purchased by every dealer in tho Btate. Not a'ons because it is an Oregon production but because it is the best article one can buy. It has in its manufacture no prisonous compounds and is warranted. An order for butter crooks, milk pans, preserve jars. jugs, etc.. etc.. should be entrusted to Smith Pros., Pucna Vista. Poik Count are careful shippers. Oregon. Thev On several occasions of late the boys of Oregon Ccity have been caught in acts of vi'ence pei-'uHrrt'i utjou the Chinese. I The -Ucst 'Vt !lt of thi charactei that ha., eoiue to our knowledge: occurred m tront tiie Court Hon? lew evenings since 1 Sheriff Myers. Officer Kelly, and others '.en- present, ana r-isen.i atyer uuixeu bo- ; bcr scilsc to the bovs: intimating that if i ; their navtnts did lint cn.l..ivnr tn nnt a ! st0P to snch actions, it would be necessa- j T for the officers to use the means ia their ; power to suppress the practice. j j . fAP SOT-t.n1 f, . t, ,. 1 . , . 3 1!1 tue PPr 1 ; "antI-'i from time to time. Ifourciti - ; generally wouid take the little trouble I : to lniorm us ot local events aloe to make a much hi- we do even now. jTlS Some say that It is no use lor tLem to advertise, that they have been in the place in business all their lives, and every- , .vuU1 iuuu oiicn people seem to ; forget to take in consideration that our ! lading place; some , . 10 otner parts, and strangers fill j r P!act's- 1" this age of the world.ua- place of the older ones, and the latter rust out. as it were, and be ibrgotton. No man ever lost money bv judicious adver tising. ,u Newspapers, hy enhancing the value of property in their neighborhood. and giving the locality in which ther are published a reputation abroad, benefit all, j Particularly if they are merchants or real the sum they pay for their support. "Be- j Sidf'SJ. CVPl'V l5f till! oUl-.r l,r... 1.,.11.1., i pride in having a paper of which he is not -j ashamed, even though he should pick it up in New York or Washington. A good-; looking, thriving, live newspaper helps to ! sell property, gives character to the lo-. ca'.iiy, and in all respects i a desirable I public convenience. If, from any cause. ! the matter in the local or editorial columns j should not be quite up to your standard, j do not cast it aside and pronounce it of no J account, until you are satisfied that there' has been no more labor bestowed upon it ! than is paid for. If vou want a good read-1 fuue sheet, it must be supported. The local press is the power that moves the people.'' rnoTKcrrox to Nswsr.vi'Kii FnujsnERS. The following are the laws of Congress touching the liability of subscribers to newspapers: j. Subscribers who do not give express 2. it subscribers who have not paid, or der their papers stopped. the publisher may continue to send them until paid. o. 1 f subscribers refuse or neglect to take their papers from the office, they are held responsible until they settle the bill and order the paper disontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to another place without informing the publishers, and their papers are continued to the former direction, thov can ho hold re- ,,;!,',. . . ...... o.lhe Courts have decided that refusing nart of the subscriber. A private letter from Dayton. Yam hill Co., informs us that Y'amhiil Lodge. No. 20. I. O. O. F. will soon commence their new Hail. 25 by 70 feet, over Tay lor t Ingnlls' store in that place. It is said they have the best Begalia on the coast, it was made by Mrs. William Cur tis, of Philadelphia. Saddlery. J. II. Schrara, of this City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery land Harness in the State. Be will have at 1 1 Lr- Xi "t tl.i ' l till lUl-'Rii, i 1 Will lllll,' I l I. U I 1 1 rov.i, finished and read' lor sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. He is bound to make a trade with any man wlio wishes to buy of him. lie uses both Oregon, and California leather in his establishment, and his work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county will think of this, when they want any articles in his line. Valuable Land for Sale Cheat1 Wc know of 4S0 acres of good lands for sale in this county, being the land claim of J. B. Stout, in w hat is known as theliingold Settlement. It will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, on very fair terms. This land is only 12 rriles from Oregon City. For further information apply to N. W. Randall, of this city, or of J . L. Stout, Unity, Baker's Bay. W. T., or of Andrew Stout, in the above mentioned settlement. 3 3 : 1 y Electro Silicon. This curious and valuable substance is confidently claimed to be the best article ever discovered for cleaning and polishing Geld, Silver and Plated Ware, and all smooth metallic sur faces, of whatever description, including kitchen utensils of tin, copper, brass, steel, etc. " In Time of Peace Prepare for War." So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Balm, an unequaled preparation for Dysentery, Diarrluea and Cramp. The instantaneous relief of Burns, Bruises and Sprains. Not a Subject of Doubt. That Newell' s Plumouary Syrup is the most ef fective and never failing remedy for affec tions of tlie throat and lungs. AUCTION AS D COMMISSION A. II. MiclisiiMlsoii, AUCTIONE E R ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Par and Dandle Iron ; English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, Files, Kasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, H. G. Iron ; also . A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors. A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. W. A. ALDEICn. J. C. MERRILL. JOHN M CF.-iKEX M'CRAKEN, MERR1LL& GO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF THE CALIFl Hawaiian and Oregon Packet L CALIFORNIA, jines. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island 5? alt. Sandwich Island Sugars, Cotfee, j K.ce an- l uu reserved j prufts Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar, I Dealers in Hour, Graic, Bacon, Lard & , wiR attend to the prchaSe, Sale or Ship, : ment 0f Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco. Honolulu, or Portland. ALDR1CH, MERRILL & CO., Nos lio-l and 2o6 California Street, SanT rancisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., li North FrontStreet, Portland. jr OSHLAND BROTHERS, PORTLAND AUCTION STORE, i 9T I irst sL, rorttand, j jyext Door to Post Ofjice. j the httie trouble 1 xrpporters and Jobbers of Staple and nts we should be Faucy pry Goods. Grain hags. Burlaps, ftirn tter paper than ishinir Goods. S We pay the highest cash i ,u-n"f.tr Wi...T Knrs. aud Hides. SIMULA SIMILIBUS CUEAlTTUE. ixitmi'Iikeys IIOJZEOS'ATIISC SPECIFICS -rr.TmmTi vnnAt TOE MOST AMPLH CU C1UIWV . , J- . c, hiirm ess as iu uc lice irum dan ger and eo efficient aa to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from nil T.ri iii alwavs render satisfaction. all. ami will alwavs renU 1, Cures FCTel,eongL-tiiuii,iuiiiiuiiiiaijuns.Kl 2, ll OrUlM, una i iviiu vuuv;. 'ryiiir-Colic or Teething of Infants KiarrlJcea of Children or Adults.. 25 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, P. S, 10, n, 12, 13, 14, Eysseiitery. Griping, Bilious Colic.25 (,jiosora4uruu, uimung n:jrl. Colds, Bronchitis '25 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache..25 I5ejilacliesSickIIeadache.Vcrtigo23 Dyspepsia. Bilious Stomach 25 Sunprcssetl, or Painful Periods.. .25 Whites, too profuse Periods 25 ('roup. Couh. Dilllcult Breathing. .20 Salt Itlieum.En-sipelas.Ernpti6hs23 E2 Itr-iiisMtf Imsi. Rhtuniatir. li:iina ! 15 All the above art nut vn in I IA LSwith directions cmtaliilna double qvaidities each, for 50 The fdUowinq are afro put vp in rials and are sent at the .ntTe price gicen below. i ever cz iiSiie, cum r ever, Agucs.K) blind or Weeding 50 OptSialniy, and sore or weak EycsSO 'atarrli. acute or chronic.InHueiizaT0 W ; o o p i 11 S- V o 11 1 J . v i ol en tcough."H) Asliirna. oppressed Uroathing 50 liar Ilihcliargcsampairedhearingno Neroi'iiln. enlarged ekmds.swellingsGO JciersiIDelulity,p!!ysicalweaknese5) Krojusy, and scanty Secretions 5a Sea-Sick Mess.siekness from ridin"50 J-.iiney-tIeae, Gravel so Nervous 2cbillty Seminal I-Cmivtioiis, involuntary l)is- titarires 1 00 Sore Month, Canker 50 I "riisary Weakness. wetting be350 I'aiBU'm leriods, with spasms.. 50 KuiEeriiijx at change of life 1 00 Ityilepjfy.Spadins.fct.Vitus'Daucel 00 iJlil!ieria, ulcerated sore throat. 50 17, 13, to, 21, 22, 23, 21, S", ', 27, 28. 20, l, 31, S2, sa. JpPi 211 LY C,l S ES Of 3.1 to GO larjie vials, mororro or rosowood t-ae, contain! tif a ie'i55 for every ordinary disease a family is u2ject to, and Oooits oi direction From $iO to $35 Eiaftller Family and TTravciimr Crtses, w ith 'JO to 2S vials horn $5 to $8 Specifies for all Iri vate Iiseases.hotli lor Curing and lor I'rev iUivo treatment, in vials and pocket cases, $2to$5 POXD'S EXTRACT, Cures ISurus. ISruisos, Lauionoss, Soreuess.ore TIroat,;iiraiii.Tootli acJie, Earache, Neuralgia, ISlicuma tisiu, Kiiimbago, IiJe, oils, stings, Sore Eyes, ISJecdinir of the Iungs, Nose, Stomach, or of JPilcs; Corns, Cl fors. Old Sores. lriee, i oz., 50cis.i Pints, $1 .00 ; Quarts $ 1.75. ' Z'-fr" These Remedies, except POND'S EX TRACT, by the eas.; or single box. are sent -to any part of the country, by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt of the price. Address Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Company, Office and Depot, No. EOSDkoadway, New York. Dr. IIi'MFHRKTS is consulted daily at his office, personally or by letter, as above, for all forma of disease. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PO I ITLAXJ) ! ViJSIXESS. Dv T TT XT 1 T rTT I Me- Mad- Hatch, DENTIST. 3 t? Ct-- The patronage of those desiring First Ciar.s Oj r.ttiiif's, in respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. X. U. yUrim Ury!,- administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance ou Washington street. ENTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my tour of two years in the Eastern States I have spared neither tinia nor monev to make? mvse'f per fectly familiar with and master of my 'pro fession. Those, desiring the best work that the nature of the case will ndniit of can lind me at my oilice, P"i7 Front street, two doors above McCormick's book Store, Portland, Oregon. DR. J. a. GI.ENN. Jacob Stitzkl. James B. Urxox. U J. 1 x J!j II C. U - I. U j Real Estate Erokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Wash iw ton streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. 2T Will attend to the sale and purchase ot Real Estate in ail parts of the City and State. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. O. I'.ox 1i2, Portland. Oregon. ST1TZEL .1- UPTON, 19.tr ) Jicd Kxtatc lro!;trs. JJILDBURGII, BROS., k Co. D. TT. TITLDWRGT-I, ) LOUIS EIXSTF.1N, Portland. L.IHLDHURGH, Han Francisco. Importers and. Vlt"!e.ale Itealers in AH Kinds of Cosfiaa.es ! Scotch r,,dlrhh Whiskies, limn, Gin, lome$L)C lAquors, Wines, cc r, Cl'C. c'CC. POIl TLA A Opposite Failings, Front Street, next door to A. 13. Richardson's. Sixteen Years in Oregon. S, i. M'CORMICK fStwtstJsicl Tin Pioneer Bookcellcr ar.d Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers (and as many new ones as may not be acoiainted with the fact) that he still continues to operate at the FRANKLIN T300K STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland, (exactly orrosiTE moi'xt hood) Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, IXSTJiUCTIOX LOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, j MISCELLANEOUS ROOKS, i CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, j NEWSPAPERS, j MAGAZINES, I GL01JES, ! PRESSES, ! PENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article in the above Iiae. JAKES A. SMITH, OREGON CITY. CITY RECORDER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AND LICENSED CONVEYANCER. Bonds, Deeds, .Mortgages. Agreements, Contracts, and all other kinds of Legal Pa pers drawn up at short notice. Records ex amined, and copyinor done. Especial atten tion given to the adjustment and collection of accounts. IsT" Can be found at the Store of S. D. Francis, Esq.. or at the Court House. 2'itf A. H. KELL. E A pARKEIt. BELL & PARKER. I 11ITGG1STS, AXD PKAI.Er.S IS Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumery Oils, Varnishes, And every article kept in a Drug Store. Main Street, Oregon Citv. 400,000 lbs cf WOOL!! WANTED! I triiii 1 ir.-.i jiiiiim r -r- 1 r iTrnv OHEGON CITV, OREGON o Who have just re-opened the Mill after I a thorough refitting, and are now turning out some of the finest, and best qualities of goods manufactured on the Pacific coast, consisting of all kinds Cassimeres, Doeskins, Tweeds, Hard Times, rind ail kinds Flannels, IHankets and Yarn, Which the Company are now offering at greatly reduced prices. We invite all merchants to give us a call at the Mill, or at the agencies of L. White t Co., Portland; or Hreyman Pros., Salem; or Brown Bros, i'c Co., San Francisco. Any desired styles of goods made to order, on short notice R. JACOB, Macaainor A;ent '27) O. C. M'l'g' Company. AT THE STORE OF S D. FRANCIS, FARMERS WILL FIND A READY AND PERMANENT MARKET, AND WILL RECEIVE TIIE BEST PRICES CURRENT FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. S. I. FKAjVCIS, WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPPLY OF FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, AND SYRUPS OF THE PEST BRANDS, AND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, PROVIS IONS AND STATIONERY, Abb OF WHICH WILL RE SOLD AT LOW PROFITS. 0 Call and examine for yourself hsf ore Purchasing elsewhere ! MOTTO Do unto others as youicoxild that others fhouhl do tinto you. Oregon City, March 25, 1SG0. 22 .tf ITY BAKERY"! JfA IX STREET, OH EG OX CITY, BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Wortman t Smeppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAMBOAT STORES! And all Articles used for Culinary Purposes ! BARL0W& FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells ihe FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! K3 In short. Farmers and the public gen erally, are invited to call at the City Dakery, where the truth will he made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reason able. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. BARLOW & FULLER JACOB WORTMAN, THOMAS B. FIELDS Wortman & Fields! Oregon City, Oregon. DEALEHS IN Family ioeeries ! Provisions of all Hinds ! Wines and liquors ! Confectionery, Spices ! Canned Fruits and Meats ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar Ez5Tke highest market prices paid for country produce. JUST RECEIVED a compound to make fresh Lemonade, the very thing tor Good Templars and Sous of Temperance 1 At A. Levy's. STOP THAT a ti - 1 4 m m x:.in t yct; cv, xt, and we rrr v ' you. Yon h;tv- tvwit cvpry re:tifJy h;it tht ON I iftin'-d, ty its iutriuf-ic. merit. n Niipcieti. all I ir prjtirtfiwis. li i. ri't --uqirisin yu .vhonia Ihj "eieUv-it in rv Sdiiiotliom . i' after th; tiu;ir:- 1 wriincnis you h.ive maao i t" trashy cituiouuUa uiaUtl ou Uic jtuUic as a Ccrtuki cure; but NEELL'S Pulmonary Syrup or iti rnrrt ! . onciis, mh" i tirNit. .r!iirt.- iVh'RiI'iiij; t'ouiih. hroiii-iiiiii ami CosisumjHkm. Ttiou :niul.s t-f iHMple ia t'alifui ni;i funl Oregon have lii.i Ircaily bwucliUeJ by 1I.0 ouriirising carutiv jiowvr. NE WELL'S Pulmonary Syrup irxl with otic rirropl rivo it. thir nnfiniif.oil npr" Ktlion. Wc iiiiw a-'ilri-ss -ur.-eIves o who are 1.11 tciu:u;aiil Willi this, lli greatest 1'arKteca f llin; ajf. 'or tho hoaliiX ff all ihsuabus of the Throji uu4 'uiis, asstuiiig you that NEWBLL'S Pulmonary Syrup us cured thonsamls au;l it will cure YOU iT you irf t. 7hi; invahwhlo 10(1" is plensant. to tho trsto :orthiiii:. healing and stretintheuing in its el'eets; otv iiely lif! fniHi ail (hhsoiious or t!:U5eriMs drut imt jerf.'Ctly harmless uinier jil! ci renin-:! meos. fertifa-ates Iroin laany jirnmineht citizens of Sak Trauciaco accompany tvery bottle of HE WELL'S Pulmonary Syrup JtrniyOTuN .' FO. AiUs, San rran:?PO. ALWAYS SAFE! Always Effectual, Fever and Ague is Speedily and ef fectually cured hy Dr. E. COOLER'S, Univer sal Magnetic Halm. "FRO BONO PUBLICO!" iY Axj Su2W: IllUT.Y A VEGETABLE PREPA RATION. None genuine witliout signatuie of W. It. strong. REMINGTON, II0STETTER & CO., 416 and 41s Front it., San Francisco Sole and exclusive Agents. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO.'S ESSENCE OF ca CJniger. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Oinger, has become one of tho most, popular domestic remedies tor all diseaa es of the stomach and digestive organs. Asa tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debilit', whether produced by fever or otherwise; for while it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that caa produced by wine or biandy, it is free from tlie reactionary etlects that follow the use ol spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea-sicknes3 or other causes. It is also valuable as an external application for Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralmn, etc. REDINGTOX, llOSTETTE'J Co., 4.1G and -flS Front st, San Francisco. Use Electro Silicon, Or Magic Brilliant. RED1NGT0H HOSTETTER & Co.'s For the Handkerchief. . This article, possessing the most delicate fragrance of Flowers, is unequalled as a per fume for the Handkerchief. FOR THE It A Til ! Used in bathing it imparts strength and en ergy to the system, and gives that softness and delicacy to the skin so much desired by all IT REMOVES S UXB UE X, FR ECKLES PIMPLES, Diluted with water it makes an elegant den tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth sweetness to tha breath, -and renders the gums hard and of a beautiful color. It should always be used after shaving dilut. ed with water, as it relieves all inilammation- II El) ING TOX, HOSTETTER tf Co. 41G and -ilS Front st., San Francisco. ELEC TR O SILICON, - OK - Brilliant I Direct from Nature's Lahratory. The Best article ever discovered for cleans ing and Polishing Gold, Silver and Plated ware, and all smooth Metalic Surfaces, of whatever description, including Kitchen uten sils of Tin, Copper, Brass. Stetl, etc, To Jewelers and Workers in Gold and Sil ver Plate the Electro-Silicon is of inestimable value ; the time saved, and the vexation pre vented by its use, will forever endear its name to all who have had evidence of its merits, REDING TOX, HOSTETTER - C. S"le Agents, San Francisco JTOR FLAVORING, REDIXGTON, HOSTETTER $- Co EXTRACTS Are the best. Redington, Hostetter & Co's Florida Water ! USE NO OTHER. Unexcolled for Tuile-t Use and for the JCath. JOID M. BlCOi,' Successor to JOHN FLEMING, Court House Building, Maid Strce 'l) Oregon City, Oregon: IMT0RTER AND DEALER IN in IS QCD A H WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox HAND T a large and well selected stock of Books Stationery, and Drugs, comprising iu part Standard and Miscellaneous Books; Medical, Mining, and Scientific Hooks, Tltcological and Relig ious Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Hay School Hooks, III GREAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Every Style, Pass' Hooks, Memorandum Books, and Time Books, Draxoing, Trac ing and Tissue Paper, Portfolios, and PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', Maynard t Noyes,1 and David's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Music Paper, and Note Books. AU of Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Variety of Drugs and Patent Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. ' . . . t T ff School Teachers, and parents of SchoL ars will find it to their advantage to inspect " my stock and prices, before purchasing else where. xitzr Books Imported to Order. Orders res pectfully solicited and promptly filled. 63" Agent for the San Francisco Times, and Eastern periodicals, and papers. JOHN M.BACON. DREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PIES, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY. flew Firm ! Diller & Miller! Proprietors of the lonj established LINCOLN BAKERY! West Side Slain Street, Oregon City .... .Orejron. Take pleasure in slating to the public that they have formed a copartner ship for the purpose of better Accommodating their Patrons! And that they will continue the Mamt,' facture of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers, -c. -c. OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES, Has been Doubly Increased by this" change., and will be kept complete In Every Department. Goods will be Delivered in the City,. Free, of expense to purchasers, and or-' ders from a distance tcill becarefuly filled and promptly dispatched. We Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest ! Call, Examine, and PRICE our stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. The highest Cash prices paid for coun-iw try produce. L. DILLER, A F. MILLER. - JJOBINSON'S Celebrated Magic Soap Powder ! Prepared in G, 12, and 24 lb. Boxes,' READY FOR WASHING This is cheaper than Common Soap. It : removes Paint, Tar, Pitch and dirt of everv description ; and which has given stlch gen-' eral satisfaction, by proving that your wash ing can be done with one-half the time and labor 01 the old mode. 'Ihus labor saved is -money made ; as wash-boards, machines and bard rubbing to wear out clothes, is entirely dispensed with, and the washing for a dozen persons can be done in two hours. Thus the cost of your washing being thj'ee-fonrths less than by any other process, as you use no other soap. These Prepared Powders or Soap have not only proved themselves superior for washing any and all kinds of goods, but proved after one year's use not to injure in the slightest degree any fabric of the finest texture ; and, -also the finest article for the hands, 'as it' makes thera soft and white, as well as your clothes. It also keeps your hands ironi chapping when exposed to the air. We defy the world to produce its superior ' for washing any and all kinds of goods. Our object is to save your time, expense. hard labor, and especially the woman who has to wash. We take pleasure in announcing a few of the many ladies' names by their consent who have used our Irepared Magic Soap Powders, from six months to one year : PORTLAND. Mrs. C. S. Silvers, " A. C. Gibbs, " Dr. Watkins, W. II. Bennett, " II. W. Davis, " It. Wilcox, " J. Knott, " Ladd. SALEM. Mrs. Sis W. Brown, " Dr. McCurdy, " I. R. Moored, " Maj. Berry, " Delaney, " Graves, Union Hotel. THE STATE AT LARGE. Amity Mrs. Jos. Watt ; IafayetU Mrs. A R Burbank ; Dayton Messrs James & OU den ; Forest Grove MessrsCombes & Buxtou Corvallu Messrs Brijrgs & Kizer ; Albany- Mrs. J. B. Springer, Mrs. Irwin ; )z7a.?,Mrs Barger; Lebanon Mrs. Ralston ; Jefferson Mrs Walters; Oregon City Just introduced, for sale by merchants generally. Manufactory, Pine st., bet. Front and First, Portland, Oregon. 16:3m S. ROBINSON & CO. HOME MANUFACTURE. J. E. PATTOW, Successor to HIGGINS COMpANVr No. S Front Street, Portland, Oregon, Is dow manufacture a superior ar!idy Chemical. Olive, Pale and Brow Family Soap which he will sell at ija Francis eg prictts. Pitt nrttrf?mm tr? O O 0 O