The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, June 19, 1869, Image 2

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CTJjc UJcdtln (Enterprise
Oregon City, Oregon ,
June 19, 1869.
Tlic Election in Washington. Terri
The election of Mr. Garfield as delegate
to Congress from Washington. Territory,
under all the circumstances, is a signal
illustration of what may be accomplished
by earnest, determined work, and we con
less that we are agreeably disappointed
at tho result. "We were inclined to the
opinion that the Republican party had a
majority of the legal voters of that terri
tory : but the opposition which confront
ed Mr. Garfield at the onset of the cam
paign was enough to appal any but the
do ton t heart.
Besides the Democratic party, properly
speaVing, there appeared to be a wide
spread disalTection among Republicans,
and thKmdicatioiis were that it would be
impossible- unite the party in support
of the nomine". Put as the canvass pro
gressed it became evident that the disaf
o lection in the parly Vv-as mostly on the
surface, and extended but little beyond
t. nnv.hil ciioue." many of whom had
been raised from the obscurity to which
they belong, and to which they will soon
return by the man whom they t reach er-
ously conspirci to defeat. Appreciating
hi superior ability, and jealou3 of his
personal popularity, they determined, by
the most cowardly means ever resorted to
in political life, to defeat his election. The
extent of this treachery is hardly yet
known, but enough is knowu to consign a
majority of the Federal appointees to an
eternity of. infamy. They may as well
commence making up their accounts at
once, for the day of settlement is at hand.
The election of Mr. Gar tie Ul under
these circumstances, is a triumphant v'uli
6ation of his character, and is the result,
in a very great measure, of his own per
sonal exertions. Seeing what he had to
moot, bo " rolled ur his sleeves and went
to work," and his speeches among the
people appear to have been a succession
of triumphs. From, the first day of the
canvass his prospects brightened, until
election day, when the people, in thunder
tones, spoke the verdict which seals the
doom of Democracy and treachery, in
Washington Territory.
In striking contrast to the conduct of
the official clioue was the action of Hon.
Ih.wooD Evax.s, who, it will be remember
ed was nominated by President Grant, as
Associate Judge, in Washington Territory,
but who wdfc rejected by the Senate, for
supposed sympathy with the Johnson
Democracy. Forgetting this severe re
buff, Mr. Evans worked with a will for
the election of Mr. Garfield, showing that
whatever may have been his short com
ings in the past, he was willing to show
his faith by his works.
Indeed the entire party went to work,
and we dare say will continue to work
until the newly appointed Federal officials,
who have betrayed their triends, are re
moved from ojlicc ! and replaced by bet
ter men. Let Gov. Flanders, Marshall
llitz, Judge Dennison, Assessor Howe,
Collector Wilson, and any others irho have
betrayed, their parly feel the weight of the in
fluence which has elected Hon. Salucius
Garfield as Delegate to Congress, in spite
of their treachery.
We have been anticipating with pleas
ure, the accomplishment of this great un
dertaking. And now the deed is done.
The last rail has been laid, the last spike
driven. The iron-horse has traversed the
continent from Sacramento to the modern
Athens. On the 10th of May. a little
more than four years ago, Irom the day
ground was broken the strokes of the
hammer were heard from one side of the
continent to the other, as the work was
finished. We can but regard this as the
eighth wonder of the modern world.
Difficulties which would have seemed in
surmountable in the infancy of railroads
have vanished. The track which has giv
nn fm rnnntrv inter-oceanic communica
tion, and bound together its remotest
nnrfa with bands of iron, has found its
way over and through the mountains,
climbing up their rugged sides or tunnel
ing its way through the rocks, tilling up or
bridging over deep canyons stretching
across hitherto unknown sections of coun
try supposed to be, in the geographies of
our childhood, trackless deserts, until it
has united the fresh and bonyant civiliza
tion of remote west, with the more staid
civilization of the east. How well the
work has been done, it is not for us to
judge. It has unquestionably been the
object of the companies who have had it
in charge, to bring their lines together as
soon as possible. And in doing this, they
have no more than kept space with the im
patience of the people. There can be no
doubt that much of the work has been
done to serve a temporary purpose, but
if the communication which has been es
tablished can be maintained, we can feel
that we have a Pacific railroad, and that
in due time all defects in the construction
of the read will be remedied. Let us
hope that those in charge will exercise
such care as to avoid those terrible acci
dents which are not unfrerpient upon the
opening of new lines. We have not the
time, nor space, r.or means at hand, to in
vestigate the swindle said to have been
perpetrated upon tho government by
those connected with this enterprise.
There is such joy in view of its comple
tion, among the people, that they feel al
most ready to forgive those who have '
stolen from the pockets of so intangible a
person as Uncle Sam.' Unlike other
railroad enterprises in this country, this
has been almost exclusively under gov
ernment patronage. It has been a work
of national and not of local interest, and
therefore of national pride. Hitherto
railroads have been built when the
growth of communities has demanded
them, and there has been sufficient wealth
among individuals to carry forward the
work. In this case, the lines starting
from points of civilization have been run
General Johnson, of the McMinnville
ntrier, and the "impractical schoolmas
ter" of the Portland Herald, are just now
o-.vwed in a spirited discussion of the
" time honored principles." The General
does not appear disposed to submit meek
ly ' to certain theories advanced by the
school master, and has declared that cer
tain doctrines of the Herald are not
found in his copy of the Democratic Decal
ogue, in reply to which the school-master
reads the General a lecture, and with a
supercilious air " kicks him out" of the
party. 3 hit the General coraes back at
the pedagogue in such a style as to lead
to the conclusion that the rod and ferule
have lost all their terrors for him.
This controversy derives its principal
interest from the fact that each party
claims to represent the " views' of the
Democratic party both are steering for
the Democratic paradise, but disagree as
to the proper channel ; both are prescrib
ing for the same patient, but one insists
that the case requires a strong dose of
lepudialion, while the other thinks a
Chinese bath will answer the purpose bet
ter, with ait occasional dose of moonshine
in homeopathic quantities. In this con
troversy we think the General has de
cidedly the advantage. The school
master exhibits the most check the Gen
eral the most pluck; The sehool-rnaster
the most tact; the General the most brains:
The school master the most Democraev
the General, the most decency. The
out into the wilderness opening up hither
to unexplored sections for purposes of
settlement. We may expect ere long re
see a belt of population extending sever
al miles in either direction from the rail
road line and reaching across the entire
country. Drigham Young has already
shown us what can be done by means of
irrigation in reclaiming the -wilderness,
ami we shall not be surprised to see the
" Great American Desert" of our child
hood concord with towns and cities, and
bringing forth the productions of the
earth for the sustenance of a teeming pop
ulation. It is hardiy possible to enumerate all
the advantages that will accrue to the
world at large, to the people of this coun
try, and especially of this coast by the.
opening of this road. These are of a po
litical, commercial, industrial and social
character. Howies in his work. Our
New West," speaks of meeting people
all along the overland route, who were
waiting anxiously for the coming of the
cars, because they wanted to go nome.
Some were dissatisfied and wished to re
turn east to remain. Others wished to
visit their old homes, and return again to
their new ones. Yet among all who had
emigrated from the Eastern States and
left friends behind them there was an
earnest desire for u closer connection with
their old homes. Is it not true that there
are thousands of families scattered over
this coast, from the Eastern States that
have cherished the feeling that when
their fortunes were made they would re
turn to their former homes and enjoy
them, who, nowtthat the distance in time
has been reduced to a narrow Space, will
feel that they are so closely connected
with the cast that they can content them
selves to remain where they are. build up
homes, surround themselves with those
things which tend to buildup, and refine
society and thus make their western
homes equal or superior to their Eastern
ones. The railroad will do more to bring
about this result than all other influences
The industrial and especially the min
ing interests upon this coast will receive
a new impetus. It is in consequence of
these interests that the road has been so
rapidly completed. And now there will
be a revolutionary influence. Mining must
have been slow and expensive, when all
the machinery had to be carried six thou
sand miles by water, and then three or
four hundred miles inland over rough
mountain roads, by means of rude contriv
ances for carriages, in many instances.
Now the railroad can take everything
that is required in short time from the
machine shops of the east. Enterprise
will be quickened, the work will be
more thoroughly and systematically per
formed. The greatest "advantages how
ever are those" which will accrue to the
commerce, not only of our own country,
but of the whole " worid. Though these
advantages industry Trill also be quicken
ed. The pas-age to Asia- from our East
erd ports and irom Europe, will be much
shortened. This work is a long step in
the direction of making the whole world
neighbors With the completion of the
Sues canal we shall have rapid steam
communication with every important na
tion on the globe. And this will form a
new safeguard against national .disorder
and consequent war. In a political point
The Iriends of East Portland bsgin to feel
an air of conSdence m the place which is
truly refreshing, and their hopes are well
founded. The fact that East Portland has
already made astonishing progress is readily
observed by visitors to the place, and what
is to follow may easily be imagined fy those
who in the least realize the age in which we
live. Enterprise and Progress are the watch
words, and the Sentinels at East Portland
are on duty. We found ourself in that place j
cue day last week, and being surrounded by
much that contributes to the building of an
important city, we made memorandums and
here give our readers a faint glimpse of the
promising town.
The situation of East Portland, on the right
bank of the river opposite her big sister,
Portland-on-Wallamet, is so well known that
we need scarcely refer to the fact of its many
advantages, in a commercial way, so in order
to be as brief as possible we will proceed
to decipher the hastily made moms, above
ref-.-n ed to.
The first thing which attracted onr eye af
ter leaving the Portland Ferry boat, at the
East Portland landing, was the existence e-t
the Drdies, Umatilla and Salt Lake telegraph
line. The chief attraction a few Avceks later
will be the Oregon Central Railroad. Hie
next present indication of prosperity on the
most direct route, was the East Portland
Bank, .lames Ik Stephens President, Dr. A.
SI. Loryea and II. Logan Tellers, Hamilton
Boyd Secretary, This institution is in a new
building of ample dimensions, is supplied
with proper safes, is furui-hed handsomely,
and wears a business like appearance not or
dinary for small towns we should be proud
of such a bank in Oregon City. The busi
ness transactions at this bank, although so
recently established, show that it is to per
form an important part in the progress of the
place The East Portland Homestead Asso
ciation will soon be prepared to dispose of
lots and blocks on the Stephens' Addition to
East Portland, on one, two, or three year's
time, and money will be advanced to parties
purchasing, to assist them in building upon
the lots, the principal to be paid back in
monthly instalments. This plan will rapidly
increase the number of actual residents at
East Portland. Dr. Loryea, we presume, is
amongst the originators of this movement
as he has had the plan m view for several
years, to our knowledge, and his experience
observation and enterprise, will greatly fa
cilitate matters . . .Property in East Portland
is steadily advancing in price and at pres
ent rates purchasers are sure of good interest
on ari investment, inasmuch as there can no
longer be a doubt in the minds of any with
respect to the sneedv construction of the
Oregon Central Railroad. Pen. Holladiiy &
Co., contractors, have large real estate inter
ests at East Portland, and the Railroad Com
pany have decided to construct an extensive
wharf on that side, and for such purpose sev
eral blocks of land, adjacent to the river,
have been secured. The Company's car and
machine shops, which at present are some
considerable distance from the river, in the
vicinity of the place where the first ground
was broken for the road in April of last year,
will anon be moved to the river bank. . . .The
Oregon Asvlum for the; Insane, Dr. J. C.
Hawthorne proprietor, is located on one of
the finest sites in Oregon, at East. Portland.
There are at this time one handre d'patien ts in
the institution. Miss Dix, the philanthropist,
paid the Asylum a visit a few days before
wo were in East Portland, and she pronounc
ed it tb.e finest private establishment she had
ever vUited. . . .The Erooklyn Flouring mill,
and three saw mills, are located upon the
addition of Mr. Stephens, nnd there is, near
by, a water-power equal to any in Oregon,
excepting, that at this city, which is not
equalled, in the entire circuit of the globe.
Mr. Stephens will soon visit the Atlantic
States, and it is his intention while in the
east to purchas3 pipe for the introduction
of gas and water, to the entire place We
found several flourishing Orders in existence
in East Portland, and visited Washington
(Masonic) Lodge, U. D., in company with
Messrs. A. B. Richardson, Dorcey, Joyce,
and others, with profit to our knowledge.
This Lodge is in a most excellent condition,
and will do much good. The officers art) :
J. V. Pratt, V. IL; John Harrison, S. W;
S. Parker, J. W. ; A. M. Loryea, S. D.; J.
Elam, J. D Orient Lodge No. 17, I. O.O
P., J. Kenworthy N. G.; P. Kelly. V. G.; John
Dolan II. S.; T. G. Beatfy, Treasurer, meet
weekly in the same hall East Portland
Lodge No. 1G, I. O. G. T.; C G. Devine W. C.
T.; Miss Fairchild, W. V. T.; with a member
ship of forty-six, also meet in the same hall,
which is nicely carpeted and furnished. . . .
There are in East Portland at this time, two
School Houses, and a graded school it is ex
pected will be established next year. Epis
copal services are held regularly by Rev. Mr.
Sell wood, (father of Rev. J. W. Sell wood of
this Parish.') The M. E. Church own" an edi
fice there, and meet regularlv Mr. Han-
sen lias a une nursery; anu iur. is. i era an,
Sexton at Lone Fir Cemetr-, which is locat
ed a short distance out from East Portland,
deals in choice shrubbery. Mr. Pevr Johns
has a large taunary then, noted for the ex
cellent quality of its leather. There are
two or three shops in the place, one of which
is owned by Mr. Thomas Parrot t, and Mr.
Bernard, carries on the saddlery and harness
business in the place. Cabinet making is
carried on bv Horace Minor : brick laying
by II. Casonfplasering by M. Kenedy; a wood
vard by Thos. Fitch ; music teaching by Geo.
Buchanan ; Drewry by II. Ludwig; tin smith
ing bv J. & Co.,; butchering and rnar-
et bv Fr.qna A: Talbot , Livery Stable by J
AVtclily Commercial lit view.
Extekpwsk Office,
Oregon City, June Vi, IS60. )
The Oriflamme was unable to carry all
the freight offered, and left a goodTull
cargo on the wharf at Portland last Tues
day evening. The market below is look
ing up. brighter than common, and it is
ho have
,w, i,,j,h w,tnHunr twh j lOTimwwwwMiiiiiaawv'Jfciwwiiwj
Edam ami bv i. Tram or. lho last named
gentleman also carries on a hotel, and another
hotel is being erected by Thomas Atkinson,
la addition to which, Mrs. Flush keeps an
(.xcellcut boarding house.... In the dry
sroods trade will be found good stocks at the
store of Fershirn. Dolan A; Co,; Nat Lane,
and C. Hosford, P. M., Mrs. Ilosford carries
on the business of a milliner and dress mik
er. . . .Rafferty & EaS'erty are just opening a
choice lot of drugs at the East Portland
Dispensary ; Pr. Mack has also a stock of
drugs and medicines, and offers his profes
sional sei vices to the public. We cannot
expect to enumerate all the business of East
Portland, nor could we visit each, but the
above will afford some idea of the place at
this time. Tho buildings are principally of
confidently hoped that farmers w
held on to their grain will yet receive a
fair p. -ice for it.
On the 14th the following prices were
quoted in San Francisco market :
Flour Market quiet. About 500 bbls
Imperial Oregon City brand, will go tor
ward to New York and Eoston by the
next steamer.
Wheat 450 sks. coast. SI 40 per hun
dred pounds, 500 sks. the same, $1 42a ;
800 sks. fair bay milling. SI 40 ; 500 sks.
good shipping. $1 55. The extreme rate
for choice is Si o'O.
Barley P.evond the sale of one round
lot of sks. old. quotations still nom
inal. Oats 200 sks. Oregon. SI 70 : 100 sks.
Oregon. SI 4l 75 ; 300 sks. choice
Oregon. SI 80. We quote California at
SI 1 .)(;. 1 75.
At these rates per 100 los. m ban
Frauci.sco wheat should be worth C8 to 70
cents in Portland. We look for an ad
vance on the prices soon after harvest.
If nothing happens more than ordinary,
Oregon will have 3,000,000 bushels for
export this fall. The crop in California is
not heavy the crop in Europe is light
the United Kingdoms are already asking
for grain.
The New York produce market is re
ported very quiet and steady at SI 05,
1 70 ; spring wheat very active and ad
vancing. Flour Nominal. Liverpool wheat
0s 5d.
Prices in Oregon remain nominal for
most kinds of produce, but if the markets
below continue steady, even, at present
rates, advances are certain.
tfr-t O
When at Portland last week wc observ
ed a massive grain wagon, under the shed ol
a wagon shop, which had been constructed
for a tanner in tne San ,!osc alley, tanior
nia. This wagon is calculated to carry five
tons, and be drawn by a team of eiuht or 1
ten mules. The wheels of this vehicle are
about six feet in diameter; tire '.!? inches
whie by 1 inch thick ; felines :!" inches deep ;
spokes' .1 inches broad. The " bed" is com
posed of a frame, resting upon the bolsters,
made of heavy lumber, moitiecd, 'with sub
stantial stakes. This Oregon Wagou, in a
Fourth of July Procession, drawn lv a yoke
of cattle like the mammoth ox, 316. Hoed,
would be a sight worth seeing.
We have found much that was both in
teresting and useful, in the Atlantic, Month
ly for June. T. W. ITigginsen gives r.s his
finishing chapters; Trowbridge gives an
interesting account of the Oil Regions of
Pennsylvania. Other articles worthy of
special mention are " Earthbuakes."' and
Dr. Clarke's account of the origin and
principles of Budhism. The number is
not as interesting as some, and much bet
ter than others.' It still holds its place
relatively to other magazines.
"Our Young Folks"1 for June, con
tains a number of prize Puzzles. Rebuses.
etc. This is an interesting feature of this
magazine. 1 ue rMory ot a juu ooy oc
cupies the opening pages as usual. There
are some good tilings about this -Bad Hoy"'
after all. lie is not a 'muff" by any
means, but he is wide awake; and yet we
think we could 1md bettor models for our
boys. We hoe-), however, that he will
"come out?' all right in the end.
On Saturday last the scholars of the
Episcopal Sabbath School of this- city,
together with the schools of PorOand,
Milwankie and Vancouver, enjoyed a pic
nic at pleasant drove. The ride was free
by the steamer Senator, and the Pastors
and Superintendents express thanks for
the favor, and take pleasure also an ac
knowledging the uniform courtesy and
kindness of the officers of the steamer on
that occasion.
It is not astonishing that Democrats
who talk loud against Chinese employees.
ar their almost constant employers be
cause Democracy is composed of strange
inconsistences. The, Chinese are employ
ed generally in hotels and the propri
etor of the States Rights Fishery informs
us that ho shall employ chinamen next
year. Now, Col. White and Mr. Aldrich
are both opposed to Chinese labor, it we
correctly understand the matter.
While, in Portland last week we were
shown by Mr, WN E. Cooper, a rod of Oswego
Trou, rc-ded at some San Francisco mills.
The workmen in. Mr. Cooper's employ pronounce-this
iron tqtal to. any in the world.
Mr. Cooper took a pk-e of it in our pres
ence and bent it over the anvil, co'd, near
ly double yet it neve? "cheeked." Me
chanics are now using aii the- Oswego Iron
that they ean obtain, and. ife is a real pity
that the Osveg fron works are actually
dead and have been delivered, ovct io the
sexton for buriuk
Mr. Walter MofTitt is- stilt contiituing
his improvements at Portland. He is row
engaged in making extensions- to the New
York, Liverpool and China wharf: IL
has lately fitto-d up his First street fbtatt
lishment in One style -ami th.e frone doors
carved, of Oregon Cedar, are the fin
specimens of workmanship in thai; line
which we have seen. These tioors. were
carved by Mr. W. F. Wilcox
Deputy U. S. Marshal Do-lam called
upon us on yesterday, en route to Port
land after a trip on official business up
the Wallamet. lie was forced to close
out a firm m CorvalSss on involuntary
The Jacksonville paper says :
The railroad promises to bring ns
any number of sight-see-ers and ad
venturous tourists from the East the
coming summer. California, with
her picturesque vallies, her rugged
mountains and her big trees, may
satiate their curiosity for a while;
but if they wish to sec truly tine
scenery, some of the grandest
touches of nature's variegated work
manship, let them come to Ore
gon. Koguc River Valley alone,
is a sight well worth crossing the
continent to behold. Xo matter
from which direction it is entered,
the sight that greets the traveler is
grand and transporting, and beau
tiful beyond all powers of the pen
or pencil to describe.
The two Table Koeks. standing
out like impregnable fortress, over
looking and frowning down upon
as finest valley as man could wish
to inhabit, never fail to attract at
tention ; while 3Lt. Pitt, Alt. dia
mond, and one or two other tow
ering peaks lift their snow-white
crests high toward Heaven to com
plete the splendor of the picture
we have before us. But our great
est natural curiositv, and one that
may well rival the world-renowned
Falls of Niagara, or Aiammoth
Cave of Kentucky, is the deep
sunken Lake, situated on the sum
mit, of the Cascades, near the road
leadino- to Fort Klamath. The wa
ter is seen from the top of the
mountain, many thousands of feet
below the surface, and resembles a
great well, dug out and walled up
bv tne hand 01 .jehovaii. mis
1hen is the nlace for those in search
nf wonderful phenomena. Here is
" J.
the " landot endless lorests,
u where rolls the Oregon."
The Herald seeks consolation
for the defeat in AVaskington Ter
ritory by abusing the policy of
nominating renegade Republicans
on the Democratic ticket, and to
strengthen its position refers to
the late State election in Oregon
when " the Democracy nominated
bed rock, hardshelled representa
tive men." What does Pen llay
den think of this ? If Jo Smith "is
a hardshell what is Pen Ilayden?
Xcw Advertisements.
cw Advertisement.
mat i b w a l
United States of America.-
Senators "Williams and Cor-
bett are now. at home in Portland.
Senator Williams was serenaded
at the Cosmopolitan, on his arrival
in San Francisco. He was loudly
annlauded for stating that the pol
icy of the present Administration
would be liberal towards the peo
ple of the Southern States, m ol
der to insure, a speedy and thor
ough reconciliation between all sec
tions of the country. He was also
applauded for stating that the in
terests ot the coast demanueu the
speedy construction of a northern
railroad to connect Oregon with
California. Alter giving three
rousing cheers for the Senator and
bidding him good night the crowd
dispersed. The Oregon Iferahl
hopes to hear Senator Corbett on
the 15th Amendment before the
city election, as, it says: "It is
his his duty to aid the party that
is in consonance witu his views on
this tho great leading epiestioii be
fore the country, by all the means
within his power. He owes it to
himself. He owes it to this coast.
He owes it to the country." Wheth
er Senator Corbett is witling to be
"captured" in this manner, re
mains to be ;.-een.
Bet. Stark and Washington.
Dealers in
Pancy and Toilet Articles,
Fine Wines, Brandies, and Whiskies,
For Medicinal Purposes.
Brushes and Perfaniciics,
Of the Latest Styles and
Finest Qualities.
Cooking Extracts, Essential Oils,
Herbs, etc., etc.,
And an Assortment of all I'opula?
lenient Eleciieii'ies.
Everything Kipt hi a
First Class Drugstore
At Greatly Reduced Prices !
Sonthivg Synqy 25 Cents.
Citrate Mu'jnesia 25 Cents.
Brotvii's Bronchial Troches 25 Cents.
And Other Articles in Proportion.
I .
-.-.A mV ' -
Cash Capital $1,000,000 !
ricciicai and Surgical Aid
physician's Prescriptions Carefully
Compounded, under the Special
Svjiervisioit, of
of vimv. the work is of crreat importance
With such close connections with th'M vrocd, hat Mr, O. C. Devine is nninufricturinjr
cast, it will h imTnhl snv deniA- I s;v 000 brick this season at his East Portland
school master writ most, the General srext? to lay the Inundation of n senarute vard. to be used somewhere ; 20D.oy0 v.-cr?
m.- v :. . " , . , L .. i f .-.! t-.nrnin.. last week. Piirker H:ir-
ntes beat. 16 is Hard to loreseo what i lieit' on tne racm ; uoa.? i - ; ;. t ,
th. result will be, hut if the General had I S ome rao an-l inore j 5';
nation. 1 ae whole nation is thus bonr.u.
together with iron bounds which cannot
easily be broken. May our pravers as-
cen'L ',v5c t'le prayers of the venerable
Ir. Todd, offered up as the last blow was
struck completing the work. that God's
blessing may ret upon it. ?o loa. a? tho
control of tho Herald, and the school-mas-
ter were put upon the Courier the Herald
v.-Quhl be the better paper of the two.
Tlu younj lcu'u'S of Josephine county
buTo discovered a nc.v name for a bajirr.
T'.e tor's down that w:ivcaU th?fn hnrzin
;i'.h i acj ; r i the giiis ou.?:ht to kajv :"
things betoken prosperity. Last Portland
Iras cannot tne sounu i uie iianuner in ine
Kast, and is rising to her tVct getun.S", ready
io say- when the tide of prosperity reaches
us " ail together" .... Dr. Loryea has spent
some time in the East recently, and is per
kaps only currying out the plans which he
i.a-i rt-conunemied to a.i urcg.miaus to be
1:UK umoii' which the ends were braird t prepared for the new era m the 1-story of
together, shall remain.'' ' yur sutc-
Ax Okeoont Soukce of Wealth.
In a !nte issue of the. Snn Fran
cisco Times we find the following
notice of the Coose Bay coal fields.
The coal business at Coose Jay is
making a rapid and renewed devel
opment ; since tne commencement
of the shipping of coal from that
point in 1SCG to this point, never
has that branch of industry looked
so favorable as at present. Ye und
erstand that the East port Coos Bay
Coal Mining Company intend to
ship large quantities to this mark
et hencefortli. The members are
Levi Stevens, I. Raymond, J. S.
Dean, Oliver Eldridge, Clans Sprec
klcs VT. II. Sharp and J. Lawrence
Pool. From the report of Mr. Ash
burner, the mining engineer, who
has made a thorough survey of the
coal field of Coos Bay, it appears
that the coal produced from the
mine of this company is of the
qualitv known as brown coal ; that
it is of a superior quality for do
mestic purposes, is remarkablv
clean, leaves but little ash, burns
without disagreeable odor, and can
be laid down in San Francisco at a
cost of seven dollars per ton. The
mine-belonging to the. above com
panv comprises six hundred and
forty acres of land underlaid by
the coal deposit.
JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance
And Executive O-inmittfe.
HENRY D. COOKE, Vice P-eskh-r.f.
EMERSON W.PEET, Secretary iul Actuary
E. 8. TURNER, Assistant Secretary.
FRANCIS G. SMITll,M.O.,. Medical Dircctt-r.
J. EWING MEARS, M. 1)., Asdstaut.
VvM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, I). C,
and Geo. HARDING, Philadelphia,
Attorneys. -
Philadelphia, Claren .-e H. Clark, .T;,y CK;
F. Rat ck ford Starr, ,1. Hinckley Chirk, !Jru.
i-h Tyler, Y . (1. Mom-head.
Vr'aslmiirtoa, Iienrv I. Cooke, E. A.TM.:1H
Wm. E. Chandler, John D. Defre.-s.
New York, Edw. Dodge, II. C. Fhnestk
J. K. BARNES, Snrsr. Gcn'l. IT. S. A.
3J. HORWITZ, Chief "f Med. Dent. U. S.A.
U. V. P.L1SS, M. i.
WeiSs, Fargo & Co.
Dr. A. II. KAIiL,E18KIta.
OFFICE In Cree's Building, corner of
Front and Stark streets, Portland. o-':tl
All persons having claims against the
undersigned are requested to present the
same for payment. And those indebted
must make immediate settlement
Oregon City, June IT, ISfi'j.
J. F. JONES & Co.,
Corner of Main and Second Streets,
Steam Coffee and Spice Mills,
The best . Chart res. Old Govornment Java
Ground Coffee, and all kinds of Spices, al
ways on hand. Orders solicited and prompt
ly lined. ;;-:tt
(Up stairs, bet. Front and First sts.)
The election for city officers in
Cortland Avtll take-mace on the 21st
Hie Democrats have nominated
bankruptcy and seized the steamer Ann j Dr. .1. A. Chapman for Mayor, Hon.
revenue lavr. i A jjGvejov for recorder, I). Ja-
cobi, for marshal I ; Y.Y . Trimble
for attorney ; IL i Block, Treas
urer ; S. F. McCoy, assessor.
The Closing Examinations of ihe last
Term of the School Year, will be held in all
the Departments of the City Seminary, on
JUXB 23l and Ji4tl, 1SG9.
On the forenoon of Friday, the 2."th. the dis
tribution of CERTIFICATES of Qualifica
tion and ROLLS OF HONOR, obtained dur
ing the Term, will be made.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
interested iu the cause of Education, to at
tend. S. D. POPE, Principal.
Odd Fellow's Hall
"VJOTICE is herebr civen ta'i a.i Assess
1N meiit (No. 4) ot 2o tcr cent., payable on
or before the 1st day of .uly, -"'', t the
office of the Secretary, vas levied f?" f
HALL ASSOCIATION, by the Board of
Directors at their Hictiing &n ihe lith dr.y ot
June, 1SHI.
X. W. RANDALL Pnsubnt
F. O. JPCowx. Secretary. 3'2.t
for infringements of the
She was tied np at the month of Mary"s-
Hon. J. IT. Mitchell has received an
invitation to deliver an oration on the 4th
of Jufy at Rosolmrg. Having already ac
cepted the invitation to go to Olym.pia. on
that occasion, he is of coarse nnahle to
comply with tho wishes of his frier; tU at
Itosebnrg. Oregon ian.
Mr. L. P. y. Qnlmby. flie popular
host or the American Exchange, and W.
R. Sewell, one of hosts of the Cosmopoli
tan, are members of the Republican Con
vention . to meet in Portland this evening
for the nomination of a city ticket.
Mr. Markwood has left with ns a
branch, bearing plums which resemble
smut balls. The disease is unknown to
ns. and we have not been able to find any
person who can account for it. Good
fruit grew on the same tree.
The Evening Commercial reached ns
on last Thursday Hie first cony we had
seen l'r a, week..
Many a philosopher who
thought he had an exact knowl
edge of the whole hunum race lias
been in i sort ibly cheated in the
choice of a wife.
The oilieial vote of Washing
ton Territory will show a majority
of nbent lob votes in favor of Gar
field. -O -V -
There Avill be a meeting of the
directors of the new transportation
company at Monmouth on Zslon-
day the 21st.
(Successor to G. C. RIDER,
Corner of
Opposite Hurgreii ? Shiiiuters,
Spring Hair, Feather, VqoIjT&gss
Policies issued on all themes! pi -lar
plans, including the RETURN PRFV'i V,
PLAN, by which plan all the premiums p '
will be returned at the death of thep-"
insured, together with the full amount c: i
Policy. I
The Cash Capital of $l.COOX0I
United States Treasury!;
Z?" And the Premium Reserve, or w '
surance Fund, is invested in or loaned i
the following securities, and no other. I
Real Estate Bonds and Moi
gages, on unencumbered
Ileal Estate! ;
Iouble tlic Amomit Iianol
&5' Oregon made Furniture constantly
kept on hand. Furniture Repaired, cleantd
and varnished. :S2:tf
The Pence Jubilee in IJoston,
opened on the IGth,
according: to
Of Oregon Citv, are hereby notified that the
books of the Ci'tv Assessor be placed in
the hands of the City Collector
On tlix 23rd of Jane, ISO",
for the purpose of colic-tins the city taxe.-.
Rv order of the Council , ,-,,.,,.
t JAS. A- SMITH, IU- i
Stoc7cs of the Xfnited Slates .'
StocJcs of the Severed. S-'rtfs
Stocks of Irtcorporotiyl C''
Preuias Paia Geld or QXX&
Adopted by this Ccmpany
SA From 25 to 45 per Ce:
A . I. lZJAA'S, T-l. D"
Northwest cor. Stark and Front
Poitl-jnith (Jr