The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, June 19, 1869, Image 1

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Ov-om City, Oregon.
rS- Will attend to all business entrusted to
our care in any of the Courts of the State,
Collect money .Negotiate loans, sell real esta.e
etc. Particular attention given to contested
Land oases
! Mitchell, Dolpli t Smith,
1 Attorneys and Counsellors at Laiv,
i Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc-
tors in Admiralty.
I ,-" office o,?cr the old Tost Office, Front
; MrWt, IWtUnd.reOjii.
A. C. ti7l7Bs". f f. C W. PARRISH,
i Xolury Pabhc and torn, oj Deeds.
AtLorvcvs and Counselors at Law,
"Portland, Okegon.
OFFICII Oa Aider street, in Carters
l.nck iJ.):k.
Logan, Shattuck &. Killin,
o. !' Front Street, Up Stairs,
, 1j)UTLANI), 01IEGOX.
C.W'l.K.-'. J. 0. MOKELAXD.
. Fill) ST und IYAS1IIXGTOX Sts.,
utiij LiCitle-l at Oregon City, Oregon.
HooMS With Dr. Saffarrans, on Main st.
I .J s I2S C He9
- (Foi merly urre.ii to the Hon. II. H. Co.)
nFFIC F-XX. Residence, Main street Ore-
t'l'ti City, Oiecn.
! 1'I!C EON. 1i:tlani, Okecu n.
o 7-7-7' !!," Front si
tu-r nt .M.iin jiiul Seventh
reet Residence cor
streets. jMPKftlAL mills.
Savier, LaF.oque & Co.,
ore a ox CITY.
tr.Keeo constantly on hand foi sale. Hour
JIuiiiiii;-;, !!M!i and Chicken Feed, Parties
yivfi;nL,' feed must furnish the sacks.
tity uraymau,
,' All orders for the delivery of merchan-;-
"i' pa- kaes arid freight of whatever des
!i(itM!i, to ;uiy part of the city, -will be exe
f i.e. promptly and with care.
crka.m .saloo:
; fain street, one door North of the
Lincoln Ihikcry, Oregon City.
B. F. Newman, Proprietor.
3 The proprietor is now prepared to tarnish
th public with Ice-Cream whenever ihe
weather will permit, also Soda, Sarsaparilla,
ttc constantly on hand.
J 1'io-Nic patties, and excursions supplied.
V attended on short notice.
(2,1. tf
U O G U S S; A 1 II II I G II T ,
Comer of Fourth and Main streets.
t Ar Keep constantly on hand all kinds of
ft- and salt moats, such as
At,l everything else to be found in their line
Ot ii'lSHK'SS.
John ii. sciiram.
; facta tor und Dealer in
Mi in St ?, Orsgon City,
S-Wir-hes to represent that he is now as
well ptvtiared to furnish any article, in his line
as tie largest establishment in the State. He
Wfticulariy reijuosts that an examination of
nin tin Ui nude Wfore buying elsewhere.
AXP'.'.KW WIl.US. Wil. UKlH'fillTON'.
..i1 .y-mg purchased the interest
. V Cram, in thu w-.m! l-imn-n
One done west 0f Excelsior JIarket, Oregon
, i.!i.)uncc tnat thov will at a t
T guot horses ar d
carriaiiet; to let. at
f ' ,- to SMITH Cc
Wi'l-Smith and Wanon JSaker.
1 Ci rner of Main and Third street,
-'reou City
v'Rlafksmithinu in all its brandies: Wao--
B' tRinu- and repaoinii. Ail work warrant-
rlj yrive afsfact!on.
Jf'iin Street, Oregon City.
Y'',()X. l'roprietor. thankful for past
solicits a coniinuatjce of the fame.
"i'llf1 verv l,nt nonlifie of Wines, r.innnri:
WvrJ 1 1
i? ' Tis' Iet. Tripe. Ilerrinir. Ovsters
jhardiiivs constantlv on hand.
"ll'lislieil ;in(--.- 110 ;t tha oLl
Strctf, Oregon t' '.. On ion. '
An Assortment of Watches, Jew
elry, Seth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to be as represented.
l.epairinjrs done on short notice,
md thankful for past favor.
t o
l '. fllUlIU
rFfin ssa&jM is nuwT i
THc Grave of the Heart.
There is in every heart a grave,
A secret, holy spot,
Filled with the memory of one
This busy life knows not.
Low down, and deeply dug it lies ;
This cherished grave unseen ;
And 3-ears of blighting care thas pass,
Make not this grave less green.
With jealous love we keep it fresh
Through many wint'ry years;
And when the world believes us gay,
We water it with tears.
Not for one cause alike do each
Their secret sorrow bear;
Perchance some meurn living death
Yet still a grave is there.
There is within my heart a shrine,
All wholly given to him;
No dearer treasure e'er could make
Its lights burn low or dim.
Oh ! there are things within this life
Which strangely, deeply thrill ;
In music's softest, sweetest notes,
We hear a voice long still.
We deem the act a wanton one
Upon a grave to tread;
We pass in silent reverence
The resting of the dead
Then on the sacred hidden spot
Let us not press too near,
Remembering that to every heart
Its secret grave is dear.
Grow t la of our Country.
From the New York Tribune, April 20.
The Ninth Census is to be taken
a little more than a vear hence, and
a 7
already speculation is active as to
its results. Will our past ratio of
increase in population be main
tained, in view of our fearful losses
by the late civil war? We think
it cannot be. In our judgement,
this country has now one million
fewer inhabitants than it would
have had but for that war; and our
losses are not yet complete, since
the untimely death of so many
young and vigorous men is certain
to reduce the number of births in
the next and even in the subse
quent decade. It is said that far
fewer children are born than for
merly, because of the reiuctanee of
wives "to assume the perils and
cares of maternity; but we hope to
learn that the prevalence of this
feeling has been much exaggerated.
The talk of Xew England having
fewer children born than those of
foreign parentage lias just this ba
sis: Half of the young men and a lull
third of the young women of Xew
England rarentaue migrate wan
tier off "go West" and their
... j?"
rjuspring ugure in tne census re
turns of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, etc.,
while Europeans in youthful vigor
replace the "sons of the pilgrims"
in their ancestral seats, and bear
children to be enumerated at Bos
ton, Providence, Lowell, and our
Manchester. We cannot believe
that the vigor or the virtue of the
old Xew England stock has de
parted. The late Elkanah Watson, writ
ing in 1815 on the progress of pop-
uiaiiou m tne emieu states, said:
In 1810 it was 7,239,903. The
increase from 1790, the first census
under the Constitution, has been
about one-third of each census.
Admitting that it will continue to
increase in the same ratio, the re
sult will be as follows :
1S-20. . .
1S30. .
It0. .
1S.V). .
1G0. .
170. .
18so. .
;-oo. .
. 9,625,754-
. 12.SS3.C.45-
. 17,ll5,-26-
.' 2S,lSV),Gt;7-
. 31,7113.824-
. 42,358,432
. 5(7,450,2-11
. 77.inv.isy
-Tt was 9,fi3.S,151
-It was 12,Srti;,02O
-It was 17.002,506
-It was 28,191,870
-It was 31,445,089
It will be seen that the calcula
tion, though surprisingly near the
actual result, runs a little ahead of
last year, though Texas had been
annexed and Xew Mexico and Cal
ifornia conquered, meantime, as
Louisiana had been a few years be
fore Mr. Watson wrote. Deduct
all. that we have gained by these
extensions of territory, and our
population in 1800 would have fall
en very considerably short of the
estimate, though we believe it was
then overstated. The census, or at
least, a good part of it was taken
by persons whose compensations
were based on the numb.ers re
turned: hence a strong temptation
to exaggerate. We believe the
population of this city, for instance,
was made 100,000 more than it ac
tually was. We hope to see extra
ordinary pains taken next year, the
lists returned carefully scrutinized
and revised, and all persons who
shall suppose thev lmvn f iilml to
be enumerated or have been enu
merated twice, publicly invited to
make themselves manifest.
We judge that our population in
1870, fairly enumerated, will fall
considerably below Mr. Watson's
i estimate, though it will somewhat
exceed forty millions. That
less re-enforced bv future annexa
tions, it will in 1000 fall considea
bly below one hundred million
cannot reasonably be doubted.
At the last session of the Legis
lature a law Avas adopted submit
ting to people of the Territory the
question of calling a Constitution
al Convention, preliminary to ask
ing for admission into the Union.
At the time of the passage of the
bill it was thought that Northern
Idaho would be annexed, and what
with the gain of population -from
that quarter and the increase from
immigration, it Mas believed that
we would have the population and
wealth that would authorize us to
ask admission into the Union. Our
expectations in that regard have
not been realized, and hence it is
doubtful whether, at this time, the
people of the Territory are pre
pared to flavor the State movement.
One or two papers published on the
Sound have referred to the meas
ure in terms of approval, but even
these fail to indicaie that there is a
current of sentiment running
that way. The misfortune with
the great majority of the newspa
pers in the Territory is : that they
are mere personal organs, and on
ly pipe the will of their masters
and not the popular will. In this
condition of affairs, the piping of
certain papers in favor of a Con
stitutional Convention, simply indi
cate that ambitious individuals see
a chance for an election to the U.
S. Senate. With them, all consid
erations that relate to the public
good are lost sight of, and the one
sole idea is that of obtaining pow
er and place. As a necessary re
sult, those " personal organs" are
without influence, and their favor
ing a measure is calculated to
dampen it, rather than improve its
prospects. It is in this condition
we find the movement for a State
governnent, and it is owing to the
character of its advocates that we
fear it will find little favor" with
the people. That it is desiable
that we should get out of Territor
ial pupilage, is a proposition that
commands universal assent, and
should our people vote in favor of
calling a Convention, it is quite
certain that a year or two must
elapse before our admission. In
the meantime, all the indications
point to a large increase in our
population and a material augmen
tation of onr taxable resources.
The luget Sound Kailroad and the
Walla Walla IJailroad improve
ments that are sure to be consum
mated within the coming two years,
will add vastly to our wealth, and
in their turn will follow a tide of
immigration that will warrant us
in aspiring to the dignity of State
hood. Taking this hopeful view
of the near future, and disregard
ing the wishes of aspiring dema
gogues, we think there is enough
in this State movement to entitle
it to the favorable consideration of
voters without respect to cliques,
factions or parties. Statesmeoi.
Every St. Patrick's day the
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (with
his wife, if he has such an interest
ing possession,) and a grand suite
of various officers, goes in state to
the Castle of Dublin, and shows
himself, at a window or on a bal
cony, while the guard is being
' mounted," in the Castle yard.
This year, Earl Spencer, an Eng
lish nobleman playing the role of
Irish Viceroy, complied with the
old custom, and, with his wife, ap
peared on the balcony. The lady
wore a green tabinct dress, and the
Viceroy had the left breast of his
coat ostentatiously covered with a
collection of shamrocks, about the
size of a soup-plate such, also,
being the regulation-mode of try
ing to " blarney" the Irish, by
their English rulers. Peing a wo
man, rather young and certainly
good-looking, the populace Avho
had croAvded into the Castle yard,
cheered the Vice-queen. After
that, they went in, as usual, to
amuse themselves as has been
done, in that place, and on that
occasion, from time immemorial.
Mr. Fowler, who is a banker in
London, and also Tory member
for the Cornish borough of Penryn,
thought it worth while to bring
this matter before Parliament, and
ask the Irish Secretary whether it
Avas true, as reported in the Times
and other nexvspapers, that at
guard-mounting in the Castle yard,
in Dublin, on St. Patrick's day,
the populace indulged in rex'elry
of a dangerous form, and aftcr
Avards expressed their hatred of
England by groaning and hissing
the National Anthem in the pres
ence of the Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland ? The ofiicial reply Avas
that, in the Castle yard, a few
" roughs" got up a dance for
short time (which Avas the danger
ous revelry complained oi ) ; that
nothing but good humor prevail
ed : that alter the bands left the
vard the-crowd broke up and went
peaceably to their homes ; and that
there was a certain amount of hiss
ing and groaning when the Xa
tional Anthem was played, at the
close of the proceedings, but not
greater than in former years on
the same occasion, nor than may
be heard, more or less, at the
theatres." The Irish Secretary
added : " I am sorry to say that it
has been a Aery bad and offensive
habit on the part oi the lowest of
the population of Dublin, on some
oi these occasions to express dis
approbation of the National An
them not, I believe out of any
personal disrespect to her Majesty,
but thinking that it is an emblem
of Ihitish connexion, I suppose."
So ended the explanation. There
is a general belief, arising out of
tne statement oi a popular song,
that there is a death-penalty, or a
least several years' penal servitude
for the terrible offence of " Wear
ing of the Green" in Ireland. If
so, Prince Alfred Patrick Victo
ria's third son, Avho arrived in
Dublin, on the 5th of this month,
on a visit of some Aveeks, has
placed himself in peril, for he wore
a green neck-tie Avhen he disem
barked. Moore lamented the con
dition of affairs in Ireland,
Where 'tis treason to love her and death to
but the Cockney-Cornish member
of Parliament evidently AAxmld set
down a street dance as treasona
ble, and send to the block or gal
Joavs the person Avho should hiss or
groan Avhen " God Save the
Queen" Avas played by a band of
uniformed hirelings, avIio arc kept
in discipline and loyalty mainly by
fear of the cat-o'-nine-tails. That
Irishmen, of a sanguine tempera
ment, casting aside for a few min
utes their causes for dissatisfaction
with the British misrule, and ex-
cited oy lively music ant l the
smiles of the Vice-queen, arrayed
in verdant tabinet, should have ex
hibited how they can "cover the
buckle," ought not to be imputed
as a crime. It is absurd to charac
terize an 'impromptu dance as
" revelry of a dangerous form."
31 en rue seldom dangerous Avhen
they strike into harmless mirth,
and Irishmen are surely not to be
denounced because they prefer
their own "St. 1 'at rick's Day in
the Morning," Avith its beautiful
alternation of mirth and sorrow, to
the solemn dignity of" God Save
the Queen," the authorship of
Avhich air L doubtful, some author
ities declaring that one Dr. Jonn
Pull compose! it, Avhile others be
lieve that it is merely an adapta
tion from an old French melody.
The Irish have no enmity to Queen
Victoria, even though her dislike
to their country is Avell knoAvn,
but they are angered because so
little has been done by the British
government and Parliament to
better their condition. Ea'ch iioaa
the landlord and tenant question
has been shelved by Mr. Gladstone
until next year, Avhile the less
pressing grieAance of the Irish
Church has been taken up. For
ney's .Press.
New York Correspondence X. II. Statesman.
New York is a place Avhere a
vast amount of hard xvork is done,
and yet it contains a large number
of loungers, the richer class of
whom are termed " men about
tOAvn." This name signifies those
Avho are rich enough to do noth
ing but mischief. "They keep fast
horses and fast women ; and it is
this class Avho support the jockey
clubs and other Avorthless institu
tions. One cannot be much of a
"man about toAvn" on less than
810,000 a year, and some of this
class spend five times that amount.
Some of these are single, and some
are married ; but the tie matrimo
nial is not of much aceount AA'ith
them, and a Avife is never alloAved
to stand in the Avay of other at
tractions. Indeed, "the better
half" is not much troubled Avith
her husband's society. The man
about town ovrns a box at the
opera for himself, and perhaps two
or three for female friends of a
special character. He has a splen
did turn out, though his team, fleet
as it may be, is not as fast as him
self. He may oavh a yacht, and
have stock in a race course. Avith
out interferipg Avith his general
character for idleness ; and, indeed,
he maAT have an interest in some
business whose burden is borne by
others, while lie shares the profits
Among this class some are dispos-
eu to include iselmont, the banker,
who lives in the Fifth aA-enue, and
is a fancy man in many different
Avays. Ilis connection with the
Pothschilds gh'es him an income
of 8100,000, which will enable him
to cut quite a dash. Leonard Je
rome, the rich stock speculator, is
also claimed to be one of the num
ber ; but whether he is or not, he
knows how to make the money
fly. He is probably spending lar
ger sums than any man of his
years in the citAr. The wild ex
travagance manifested bv some of
these men about toAvn exceeds all
belief, and the sums which they
annually expend Avould be a for
tune to a man of moderate desires,
IT .1 i
nowever, they generally arrive
soon at the end of their purse, and
then sink rapidly to the loAvest
srage oi dissipation, and disappear
in the general current oi misery.
In one of our inland towns has
dwelt a man Avhose name is identi
cal Avith that of the famous inven
tor of India rubber goods. He
had arrived at advanced years and
had accumulated a fortune. His
tAvo sons went to NeAV York and
commenced business as stock bro
kers and at the same time entered
the ranks of our "men about
town." One of them soon aban
doned himself to splendid dissipa
tion : and it is said that in three
years he spent 90,000. It is said
that his attendance on the "Black
Crook," and the infamous concom
itants of that most debauching ex
hibition, cost him $30,000. The
result is the ruin of the concern and j
all of its best friends. One young
relative Avho had a snug fortune
has been forced to sell a beautiful
mansion to meet his endoisement
of their paper, Avhile the father and
mother haA C abandoned their home,
and Avith their ruined sons haAre
gone South either in the hope of
retrieA'ing their fortunes or hiding
their miseries from the eves of
those avIio kncAV them in their
prosperity. A more deplorable
shipAvreck than this is seldom met.
Another instance of the mad prod
igality of these men about toxvn
is found in an off-shoot of the great
Costar family. AVe used to see
this fellow dashing through Broad
way Avith his splendid team and
scattering money in all the ave
nues of dissipation. But the time
came Avhen the AA'riter (then a
clerk) had to dun him for a bill of
dtv cents. He ran through Avith
$500,000, and from a splendid suite
of rooms in a Broachvay hotel he
went the street and soon disap-
eared. The average life of a man
about toAvn is about five years.
hough some Avho haA'e strong con
stitutions may resist the ravages of
lissipation twice that length of
Washington Correspondence Cincinnati Times.
Hanging about the front of the
Metropolitan every day, and some
times peering in the doorway, for
notice lias been served upon him
to keep out of the hotel, is a gray-
laircd, broken-down old man, hob
bling painfully along Avith a cane,
or he has the gout, besides seA'eral
dnds of rheumatism, avIio has been
as Avell known in Washington for
thirty years jiast as the most dis
tinguished statesman in the land.
This is the famous " Beau Hick
man," or what there is of him.
His eccentricities have furnished
columns of paragraphs for newspa
pers all over the country, though
to see him iioav one Avould natural
ly Avonder Iioav he ever came to
get a national notoriety. He
couldn't have done it anywhere
but in Washington.
Take him anywhere else in the
Avorld and he Avould simply be
considered a common nuisance,
and treated accordingly. lie be
longs to some rare old Virginia
family (tradition says) and gained,
the title " Beau" some thirty years
ago, when he had money, by the
style he used to affect at the Vir
ginia Springs and other places of
public resort. He boasts of haAT
ing been on terms of easy familiar
ity Avith Clay, Calhoun, Benton,
and the rest avIio figured at the
capital Avhen the Beau Avas in his
prime, and no doubt they did tol
erate and patronize him. If he
had any Avit in those days, or was
in the least manner entertaining,
there is not the slightest indication
of it remaining. He wears a
seedy, half military cloak OA er his
shoulders all the time ; his hat is
of a defunct style, but neatly
brushed ahvays, and an eye-glass
dangles in front of him from a rib
bon. There are several little
points about him that show the
dilapidated dandy.
His custom for years was to col
lect a dollar apiece from all Con
crressmen. and those Avho had se
cured Government positions in
Washington, on their first arriva
at the capital. He only asks for
a quarter now, and is ready to
take anything that is offered, eAren
a three-cent piece. He mourns
OAer a degenerated Republic, anc
says there are no men of brains at
Washington any more. He leans
against a pillar of the hotel, and
smiles scornfully at our great
American statesmen as they pass
.bgglcston, trader, and the rest
and mutters words of gloom and
bitterness. Poor old Beau Hick
man ! He ought to be pensioned
and laid aAvav, for he is about the
only link that connects v asmr.g
ton present, with Washington past.
The folloAving letter, which is
found in the London Athcnceam,
from the Avell-knoAvn American ar
chaeologist, Mr. E. G. Squier, puts
it is to be hoped, a lasting quietus
.1 1 - -a
on the class ot stories to which
it refers. . Mr. Squire sars:
There is a poor kind of trifling
common to a part of the Ameri
can rjress, consisting of a kind of
cross betAvecn sensationalism and
satire, best expressed by the word
hoaxing." Lately it has taken
the direction of monstrously absurd
stories about archaeological discov
eries, ehiefiV in our Western States,
laving a latent intent to ridicule
a crack-brained sol-clistant archa3ol-
ogist who is iioav preambling those
regions a very type of gobe-moiir
(fiery. Of this character is the ar
ticle "Extraordinary Discovery."
referred to in the Athenemon of Feb
ruary 13th, and Avhich made its
irst appearance in the ATissouriHe
publican, giving an account of an
alleged ancient tunnel under the
Mississippi river, opposite St. Lou
is. Substantially the same story
lad been previously published,
Avitn tne dmerence tnat, instead oi
a tunnel, ast vaults, Avonderful in
monuments of "Asyrian type," had
A 1 A 1 I- t A A 1 J
iceii discovered hewn in the stony
depths of Bock Island. I have be-
fore me a long letter from a Vienna
savant earnestly inquiring into the
particulars of the discovery of "im
mense subterraneans" in the cliffs
of the Palisades, on the Hudson
rh-er, just above this city, and ex
pressing surprise that American ar
chaeologists ha-e not given the
Avorld a better account of them
than had appeared in the papers.
For three years, not long past,
every man in the United States, in
any way known in Europe as a
student of archaeology, Avas pester
ed Avith inquiries about certain bold
impostures, called: "The Holy
Stones ;" alleged to have been
found near Newark, Ohio, in an
ancient mound Xand which Avere
coA'ered Avith HebreAV inscriptions,
including an epitome of the Deca
logue. This hoax, however, got
some credit abroad from the kind
of endorsement it received from
the late secretary of the American
Ethmological Society a very Avor
thy gentleman, but the incarnation
of credulity. In this respect the
country neA cr produced his coun
terpart, except, perhaps, in the
late Henry It. Schoolcraft, the
compiler of that monstrous moon
calf of pseudo-science, " Historical
Notes on the History and 'Condi-!
tion of the Indian Tribes" publish
ed by authority of Congress, Avho
seems really to haA'e believed in
av hat was known as "The Grave
Creek Stone," bearing an inscrip
tion in "characters resembling the
I t unic." Jo. Smith's golden plates
from a rnound in Western New
York, on Avhich Avas inscribed the
Book of Mormon, it is only fair to
si'.v, were discoArered before the
Grave Creek inscription or the Ho
ly Stones, and, " when found" a sec
ond time, should be preserved in
the same museum with them.
I could enumerate numbers of
these hoaxes, relating to Mexico
and Central America, including
those of the " Chevalier Pontelli,"
in Guatemala, of which the illustra
tions astonished the readers of the
picture papers of France, England
and Germany; and also, those re
lating to the extraordinary MSS.
found at Oaxacingo (Hoax by-jingo!),
in South Mexico; but the
game is not worth the candle.
Ax Old It jpkobate. Isaac Lus
ti a man CO years of age, was
convicted of perjury in San Fran
cisco, May 21st, and recommended
to the mercv of the Court. He is
Avorth $60,000, and perjured him
self to escape payment of a debt
of -SOS
Nebraska has wisely avoided the
errdrs of most new States in run-"
ning into debt. Two years ago, a
new capital was "located" 50
miles west of the Missouri river,
in one of the richest agricultural
districts off the State. The town
is called Lincoln. There are salt
springs and inexhaustable quarries
of jblue and wnite limestone in that
vicinity. The State simply used
the proceeds of hef public lands
to found a capital, erect all the ne
cessary buildings, including a State
House, Lunatic Asylum, Universi
ty, Agricultural College and Peni
tentiary. It has recently ordered
a sale of 1,800 lots in the city of
Lincoln, which already contains
1,500 inhabitants ; and at the same
time, 40,000 acres of rich land will
be sold near the town.
It is now estimated, that after all
the lands have beeil sold, which are
necessary to raise funds for the
completion or the buildings enu
merated and the Capitol building
is already far advanced the lands
reserved by the State will then be
Avorth more than the whole area
was valued before any movement
for a capital was made. Not a dol
far of taxation will be required tor
accomplish this great work; and
after it is completed, the State will
have such large resources that tax-
ation thereafter will be only a nom
inal matter.
There was a time when such op-""
portunities were within reach in'
this State. It is too late to recov-"
er what has been lost. But it is not -too
late to say that this time forth -taxation
in this State shall be stead
ily diminished. JBidletin.
The IsraMus of Suez MARi"
time Canal. -This greiit work rap1""
pidly approaches completion. On
the 1st of next October the Medi
terranean and the red sea will min-
gle their waves together. On the
16th of March the waters Of the
firstnamed sea were brought into
the Bitter lakes. The day was
one of Festival in Egyht. The
Viceroy was present wherf, the
sluice grites -were opened and the
entire pbpulati&n, occasions Ori
the anniversary of his advent to
the throne, the Viceroy gave a
grand ball at his new palace at Gez
ireh, on the banks of the Nilei
More than 3,000 people were invit-
ed, and, until six o clock in the
morning, were sumptuously enter
tained amid the splendors of the
Viceregal Summer Palace. The
Chalouf, where the work is being
prosecuted at present, is situated
near the southeastern extremity of
the Bitter lakes, and within twelve
miles of Suez. The ground at this
point is very hard and stony, with
a stratum of conglomerate rock,
so that it is necessary to make the
excavation by manual labor alone"
without introducing water and
dredges, as in the Serapeium cut--ting.
Thousands of men are here
employed under the direction of
French officers, and tiiey are paid
according to the cubic feet of earth
they dig out.
Traix on the Chinese. Greo.
Francis Train, in his reply to the
committee inviting him to a pub
lic dinner, said:
Can 't you see that England is
using the same intrigue to put the
Irish against the Chinese that Exe
ter Hall used to place them against
the negro. They were'playing yoti.
You must stand by the Chinese,
and use them to do the hard labor
on your public works, and elevate
yourselves above them. All who
are in favor of this, say " Aye1
(An unanimous MAye" was roared
out.) This settles the Mominrf
Call. (Loud applause and cheerSi)
Why not organize at once to take
down tho British flag in California
and wheel the State into the Union
on the greenback platform ? Must
thirty-seven States came to one?
Specie payments and free trade arc
both links of the same English.
sausage,made out of the same Eng
lish clog! Will you continue to
sell England whole skins for a six
pence and buy back the tails for a
shilling ? or will you make Califor
nia a great wool growing State?
Will not bankers who first repudi
ate greenbacks, and to-day repudi
ate silver, by-and-bv repudiate tho
American Republic ?
The editor of the Minneapolis
Tribune rides the velocipede at the
rate of a mile in six miUutes. Ho
says : "The labor is equal to sawing
Avood for that length of time at a
rt right smart gait," but then there
is agood deal more fun in it, than irt
saAving wood.
Zd& Ask your neighbor to sub
ecribe for the Enterprise