0 o o VHES THE CRASS COVERS ME. When the grass .-.hdl cover me, lit: xl to f i -.vi.e-e S:rn lying; When not any wind Eat' blows, Summer !)looii!s, mr wintry snows, Shalt awake me to year ii-ing; Clos above me as yon pass, You will say : " flow kind she was," You will say : " How true she was," When the grass grows over me. When the grass shall cover me, Holden close to earth's warm bosom ; o While I laugh, or weep, cr sing, Nevermore, fur anything ; You will Had in black and blossom, Sweet small voices, odorous, 'Tender pleaders in my cause, That shall speak of me as I was, When the grass grows over me. When the grass sh i ii cover me, Ah. beloved, in my sorrow Ve.y patient I can wait, Knowing that, or soon or late, O There wiii dawn a clearer morrow ; When your heait will moan : " Alas ! Now I know how true she was ; Now I know how dear she was ; " "When the grass ,rrws over rre ! GOOD WORDS ro ii tub i: x Household Receipts. Pohk-Batter Cakes. We will vouch lor tue excellence of tho fob "I l;avo always rig:irbI the Enterprise as ...wins: The best way to e.-ok salt onfoi tL? tho iatid-.mu ::hikit lM"ua ai-. ls lioT. the ferure a rea: service. Hon. ueuige pork is to cat rather thin sbces. ; L. Woods, uove;cor ox ' Oieu-wi. h,.:it !!.Mr!ijar,f., i ! "The Enterprise ueseives to be liberally sup- . . . ""Bo1.'1 cV-il- I norts-i. Hon. S. Ik Mav. becretarv of fctato. " Most cordially do i wish the nterpiiae suc cess. tier. J. F. L'eYore. " The Enterprise lias a straight forward style about it, which is truly commendable. Judge F. A. C'hetsoweth, Corvallis. " I tret as much reliable information from the Enterprise as from any other Oregon journal, if not more." Hon. A.J. Lufur, Portland. " I consider the Enterprise the best Family paper in the State." Hon. W. W. Pace. "Mr. Ireland never wilfully attacks any per son but he is vigorous in his defense of a cause which he deems to be riant. Advocate. " I have caret uliy perused your excellent pa tkt, and 1 am ulad that I can tell our olii and 7IIS:3 IJXX IX PORTliAD. butter or hot fat, dip the slices ia the egg. then into flour, fry till a good brown and lay on a plate dry. You can use the yolk for the gravy, but do not put itVith the meat. A Vegetable Socp. Put a cab bage, four large turnips, and six carrot3 cut up. a piece of celery, and a little sugar, into two quarts of water; boil one hour. Add ooited rice or crudfs of bread, and ; in Indiana. nu!Ch about vou that iseood-lion. pejiper and salt. Let all boil for i Alonzo Delano, Grass Valley, Cab diteea or twenty minutes and serve S . " Th- titerpr i ,e is an able and unecrapromis rf j mg journal. Lon. A. B. Ateachuui, 8uperintena- l!P- I tint of ind: to Aii'airs for Oregon. Qr.vnr.-.vc-P,,!;!!,,-,-,! " To "' !-e M desires to keep posted on v.. oUu,wwi...o. jattairs m Oregon, and to learn the real facts. I fine chickens: take then? up in a ! oull s:i-. subscribe tor the Liuorprise-Ex-Gov. ' , i A. C. DuiiicD, Idaho, large dish; CUt them up. aiid sepd- j "The Enterprise is less pretentious than rate all the joint-bones one irom i ?W l;apvi-s in the state, but it cakulat- ,, J . , ; ea to tio as muen tiool : s anv or tiieui. JJ-uU. another. Then take out the breast- j Jessee Apple-gate, Yoiieaila. bone, add a little of the water they j u Ct e s ewe 1 in. a blade of mace and j T r- T T, ,ipia-M. .fsalt. Cover closely with j T 1 IiIE 0F 1 EACE 1 RKPARE FOFl .mot: -ill h. and put it ia to stew i War." So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper's until tin? fowhs are tender. Serve j Magnetic Ikuin, an uneipialed preparat.on hot in the same dhh. j for Dysentery, Diarrhavi and Cramp. The Pakhi in" Mope of Rovsti.vo Ap- I bistantanuous tv-litf of Darns, Uraisus and " ' ' "' ' Sprains. I'l.E.s. Select the largest apples: i 14 j wwwQfTip:BiiiiiiirL.riLjwtAJjiieiCTti n i win n in t n i m m n mi vra T .-coop oat t!i co iv without cutting i " m" " r" " A sterns. PORTLAND JUSTNESS. CIIAS. HODGE. .CUAS. E. C.VLEF. . OiiO. W". SNELL. EOLGBj CALSF t Co,, DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AXD WINDOW GLASS, VABXISIIES, BRUSHES, PAJXTEES Matenais, ana xjniggisW Sundries. rPAY SATV V!s4 Jkld iiiJ i ii -ii liJ i Li L' lu. -O. i-J L M iiJi -3- 35.) 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. D I !R E C T TX -T -wr -w-r -wn. r- Perhaps no Avoman in tlio vrorld, lias dono more lo alleviate human suttering and mitigate -the hornn-s of prison lil'e or ameliorate the dis tress of the poor and needy, than Miss Dorothea L. Ii. A few days teg-o ho tirrived in Portland, and will perhaps, before she takes her departure, visit all the State institutions. The following ac count of tiiis remarkable woman is taken from the 'American En cyclopedia Dix, Dorothea L., an American hiianthroist, born in Worcester, JNIasstichust'tts. Her j'ather was a j)liysieian, ;md alter his death she supported herself by teaching a select school for young girls in Postou. While thus cnofntred. she was one day pasmg through a street of that city, and overheard two gentlemen who were walking before her conversing upon the Slate Prison at Charleston, and complaining of the neglected con- " 2 . i i ...... riii. i i.., ,, lw.fv,,.,, t, . i ' itiihni oi tne convicis. j neir ivi"1 fi-v uuun, ,va;u .viiv n , marks aiieeted her so powerlullv ' ; ' : ; iiai VCSU Ui i'JUCi quite through: fill the hollow with butter and tine soft sugar; let them - roast ia a slow oven, and serve up ' "fOR SALE, with the svrup. J .1. i Ore Splendid BuiMin? lot; CI feet front Coux Battcu Bread. Take six ; by h)o (Vet deep, in the very heart of this teaspoor.sfuls of Hour and three of, cit-V- Cheap a ;irt. , ., ..I APPLY AT THIS OFFICE, corn meal, with a little talt; sift them, and make a thin batter with "T7,()T j p lour egrs and a sufSieient quantity AV ' "1 " of milk; bake in small pans in a j A family llesidence in this city House quick ovea. cost So,".!u will bo sold for less than that. i Ail about the premises as neat as wax Celery Sauce. Take a large ! Cad early AT Tills OFFICE. bunch of celery, cut it fine, and boil it till soft in a pint of water; thicken it with butter and flour. and season it with salt, pepper and j 'ences for a man and his wife or for an of- i ,,.!.- i tiCe. JtCIlt Chill'!. W'FL AT TlilS Oi i'tLU. IIov ro Boil Potatoes. i: Do you suppose I don't know bow?'' exclaims ugood housewife, I who 1 t. ATiiin :.. i. i.. :.. 4 i ,..-. have boiled more bnsneis oi pota- i . ,v ., . , , 1 !-L rneiit (No. ,j) o ji-r cent. paauleon toes than you are days old I" Ut i or before the l".th day or June, l.S-J'.k at the oflice of the S cretarv. was levied nimn the ri") LET. Three Ttooms; Well, and all the crnven- ci urse vou know. But then, very likely you haven't told all your neighbors: and it is for their bene fit, not vours, that we give the re ceipe. You may look it over, if and see it it is rmht : vou p lease, i Let the potatoes he in cold wa r six hours, at least, before boil ig, (twelve hours for very old ! ,.-.t 1.-.r,f T!um nut (hat she could not rest until she j fhlrn ;ntA i)(,;i;n V: ,,. y, ,t CAPITAL STOCK of the ODD FELLOWS' HALL ASSOCIATION", by the board oi Directors at thvir meetusg on the 1st day of Mav, lsikt. X. W. 1 1 A NT I ) A LL, Pi e s iden t F. O. M'Cdw.v, .Vi cretarij. :iO.-it. had visited the prisoti herself. salted, and the water should be i fr-Hinn oifto Close I)wiiis became deeplv interested in the ; kept at a moderate boil till they i " 1 " " ' welfare of the'unfortunate and suf-1 U( neb . may be tes-ed . . , i with a lork ; then pour oft t.ie a- IHO ii tL itfilt 5 ienng classes, lor wnose ehwauon , U,Y iml K.t th,m M.md -vx ,h,. p;,t j NEW AND J ELEGAHT STYLES r- -0F- -OSUITES,-! Just received and placed in the wareroenis, OF HURQREM d SH1II0LEB S lfiG, 170, ITS First slreet, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND. OREGON". PAPtLOR SETS IN TERRY. IN PLUSH, AND IN II AIR-CLOTH. I-Tew Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment f HOUSEHOLD FUSNITUEE ! Lounges arid Spring beds. The trade supplied with good in original t)ac'aLIe!ii on reasonable terms. HURGREX & SIIINDLER. T3 A 1E& Y ! 0 vha wt pie's y ransportatian company ARE STILL RUNNING THEI Tt S T Ji: . IM BOAT S, IN ADDITION TO WHICIT WE WILL FOON HAVE HIE RAIL W a Y CA ILS. ALLoF WHICH WILL CONTINUE TO BRING THE LATEST S'lYLESOF GOODS AND THE LEST QUALITIES TO ACKERMaN, AT THE OLD STAND, M A I N St., OREGON CITY. TA-N Ly Virtue of a Warr-t pla-d in my hands for thft )Uix.o-e oi eoiiH;ftnir Ucnnquent'IaxcS, due to CheLain-i e'outity, and to i:te Uneeiea, 1 will, on the iOth 'day of Jime, A. 1. 18: Li, e.vpo.-e tbi- sale at Public Auction to tho hjl.ei bidder in Li.su-a Ma:es Cold Coin in haxul vaid tin; iullw'vviiig tracts cr parcels of lard, or ko much thereof as is suLieieiit to pay il.e taxes due thereon lor the vear 18us, togetht-r witn costs. -sate to commence at lo o'clock A. M., ami continue from day to day until sold. Sale to take place in front of the Court liouse Door, in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. NAMES. SjcltiSl?- . i A i C4 cl- o I DESIRE TO SAY TO THE PUIJLIC THAT I HAVE ONE OF THE COAii'LETEbT STOCKS OF EVER BROUGHT TO THE MARKET. WHICH I AM SELLING AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! I will say, COME OXE, COME ALL, and satisfy yourselves that it is so. I have received v' o! the largest stocks ever brought to this inaiket. anticipating a brisk trade, and I am determined that the goods shall be sold. 31 y stock consists in pait of a fine assortment of LADIES DliKSS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY : DROWN AND PLEACHED MUSLINS, nil widths: BOOTS AND SHOES : II ATS AND CAPc ; CLOTHING; FIXE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASS I M Eilil SUITS : SUPERIOR LEAVER SUITS : BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most rea$oaabl Also a larse stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assort -rent. 4. ACKERMAN, At CXiiirm.m Wit n i's Id Slan!. Tr- All kinds of Produce Ronght.-n j?;R AGS WANTED. le terms. liOCiis a u n ti i a n t , Corner of Fourth and Main nine's. OitEnOV C1TV. Jtwfc Keep constantly o i hand all kinds of fre.-li and salt me:.ts. tuch as BEEF, PORK. .MUTTON, VEAL, CORNED BEEF, HAMS, PICK E EE I) PORK. LARD, Gititon i.o.54. Xo. 3, l.O. of O. V. V'.'v "Lets every Wedne.-d.iy even- i::g at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, JI ain street. Members if the Order are invited to attend by order. Ci. IVillaisirilo C:k!c Xo. 1-I. O. c:. -T Meets every Saturda evening, at the roono S.lh coi ner of Main and Fifth streets, r.t 7 i-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited t. atteud. By order of W. 0. T. she labored until ls:U, when, her till dry. Great care should be ta-; f- . i'ealth becoiiiin" impaired she j ken not to let them boil a nv:.ment j JL.s Jlli3.iaLsC SOCll quit her school and embarked tor j f'v are done, as it will ren- j OF K ; . , . ! dcr them waterv. An excel lent j Tyr? y forjTjC! Euroj.e. In 1 , she returned to ! p,nn to oUl potatoes mealy, i ivT. rTrfytTTT..r Tbwt-.n on, ,L.-.. .t i.l K.i'se f to IT- i ... !,.... 0.,..;i info !i .-ioMi i.n.i I XtJD.l Jj X-JLIAjJaU bi U 1 J.lii ft Jf , I Vesti'-'atiu"' the condition ;f lau- i rapidly shake them about, or tak" pers lunacies, and priso.ters. Since !f ' 1S U Miss Dix has given her time j ,,a7USOes should be put into the pot j and influence CUtirelv to this work, before the hvi ilier ones. that, they i aud in the prosecution of it h:s ' nrty be equally done. It requires 1 . l ,w. 1 !1 vb,c ! fr. n f.u-ty lo litiv liiinutes. New , made m;tnv Ionic and laooi kmls ; , ,.,,. t,..lt 1 . . , i ones wiu taij.0 about; liali tout ; lournevs, httvinic visited every j x,tOT3 AKD SHOES, ileDs Ladies, Hisses and Cbildrens' P. 0PIT2, PECrlllETOE, ? FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, Bet. Waslti L' ton and Stark sis. M A N C F A C T 1 : R K It OF ALT. KINDS AND QC A CITIES OF CT;ifIi aiiias liivisioji Xo. 3, S. of T. Avd everything else to be found in their line j llukls its ri,o-u!iir meetings on Friday even 1 ing of cacti week, at Templar Hall, Oregon ? j Citv. 11 embers of the Older sue invited to of l.lUsilKSS. M via b ka u Wa w M W M bi. WJuu it attend. bv ,-s-def Til nit ioii:a U b I. A. t1'. stn:l ?, A. Jf. Holds its tegular eommuni VVci-.tietis on the lrt and Third Sat m each month, at 7 o'clock. ; Irom the -j-ah d' Spteinb'r to the :!'Uh of 1! ,: eh, and 7 A o'clock from t be it !tb of M arch iber. I'.rethren in good . --w s --j ! pi r p. riif,n j to Ul.' 'iii'al o! .-ptemoer. ..ret fVO iC Jll -tirf 2 ! Viii g a ki2 iv3 Jifi, I stambnare invited to attend. """ -" " i Manufacturer of and Li aier in Furniture, j by oier oi W. M. riT r- t-t?o k n i xt ctpv ! m; r'v-'" L"li'iU'i x 'WiUi I rfAKCS TiliS METHOD OF INFORMING p R ACKERS yy t? r c701.jp tin public that be has Sioivua hanu i a lar;-c invoice of Tun Itatjan Gi?ka?k Take 1 beef gull. & eallon of al- i eotuil. A f'a.i'in ot sort water 4 ounces of carbon soda. 1' ounce will be dissolved and add the wa ter and either and then shake it up well and U-t it stand as before and then shake it up well and put it in ounce vials. When using shake the vial and wet the garments with soft water, and then apply the liquid with a sponge. You can Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has qot to he sold Regard eos of Price I Tn convince yourself ith respect to this mailer, call at the oi 1 corner. J. SKLUNG, South ( f Pope !$ Co.'s 'lis: S!:r, Ortgcu City- take grease out of any kin 1 of a j CIIEUIEF SALE. crarnu-nt. and off from silk, with-j-,, , e , , , , . . . - ! ly virtue or an order and decree of of foreclosure of ilortuMur'. isiueU out of the Circuit Court of i State of the Union, examining poorhouses, ltrisons, lunatic? asy lums, and cndtavornig to ju-rsurnle ; Legislatures and iniluential mdi vuluals to take incisures ioi tne j of su!;,h;,te a tlit!ier i (e;1 cnp 0 relief ot the poor and xvretcheu. ; SGj-t. up. Mix to-rether the aico Her exertions conti'ibuted greatly bob beef gall, soda and soap. let. it ,-. !.. .,;.., (' St.-ti. T lmOie stand five or six boars and then it i 1111 loiiiiinit ion ' i 1 v j j i. n. . . Asylums in nearly all the States. InlSts she presented a memorial to Congress asking ibr an appro priation of land to endow hospi tals for the indigent insane, and persevered until Congress appro priated ten million acres. The bill, however, was vetoed bv Pres ident Pierce, on the ground that the. Ca eminent had no power to make such appropriations. 3liss Dix has published several works anonymously. The first, "The Garland of Eiora,M appeared in Doston in lSiR), and wa succeed- cm I bv a unmoor m oooks ior imuhp up. una ir is ivjhIv ior nso. 1 las . st-vea Dollars ku.-i oo-io-, -l:;7:.,vj.D). and inu-v-ren, amontr which were " conver- nvnt will mend all inJs omkw sations about Common Thin-s," . "" 'T'J T a - -I 10 nw air"ctoJ' 1 :t d;ry of ju'e. a. " ,, , it;!- ' x '"'' leat'ior oelting of ail kinds, j lK i w uih.u the propertv dc-.s. rifed iu stud "Alice and Until.' and JUeiling j When vo want to use it take the j decree, to-wit :....i;eui,m n- at a pomr on tho 0IIours'.,' She has alo published :i variety of tracts for pris)ners, aud has -written many memorials to legislative bodies on the subject of lunatic asylums. 3liss Dix is gift- fid H-itll ! 1 U -lll -l vl ' 1 iPVvM K! f. vo.ee, and with "manners that, are ! lt: the cement on and splice, j : . i t , . ., .,ia,. I !"en press tii.-m together, xvhen 3,r w :v chains la links, tm-nee 2'- K, ot chai said to u.sse a iematkalny ('-1 cold it is ready lor use. Ti links. Ounce s so w t chains 2 jmks to 1 P .If th-,f I cirOCCnCS, LrOC.ICry 'ctlSSS ClilCl iriQ-lCCu i Wili rdwavs be sold below Sun Franciscf ' T...,T, , ... T,T,rr, . T 1'"U I ! prices. Ail oiders prom, t!v attMuh,! to. iQU Ahn AND i-AiJiO., -Lt V'-r- -P,- r;t., Tor,, I OKI, CON II KERY, v -; t, , , , ! LOUNGES. DESKS. , , , r I the israte of )rcron tor tho County ot' Cluekama.s, D:amox;) Ckment. Take 1 lb. o1 1 in fav.r of iillNilY W. KLOY,sml atra :11st A. outsoitiiiix or staining white fflne. lb. of Whiten. 1 ! ft- AiAu-y1'''1 j: 1: a 1 1 a akmiai; J, e l his wile, and 11. l.v.-rdltw auU 1: i !eeU:. ot the, quart of rain water. pint off lirniot LVLUDINtifc LLKH rib, torc-naui sums . , , 7) L . ., , I ofmoiicy as descriked in mul (hn-rt-y. re-wit: Ttu; Alcotud. Ptlt the wafer, the glue, j SI,:u ofTIn-eeThousitndono ILmdivd and Seventy and the whiten in 'a pot. and let it I f jar Hollars, :;;.irt.c,i. and ifitcre.it k.j !e-.-'rit.KHi heat Slowly till all is melted, and i m .'h-csve. payahle to Henry W. Eddy, in ,, . ' . , i , , ... :, j l mied l it s mi i com, uud the tur ln.rsum of then pat I'l tlie aicoliol and Stir it Thn.t. p;J1,H;;:H throe Hnndre-! i!nd t-eveutv- S i'ANbS. CHAIRS. And Variant other Qu-di!if of Ilih and Medium Furniture ! i l Forming a complete find dei ruble assort- j meat, which meiits tho atteuiion of buyers, j FLU'IIIIXO, & ST E ill Fitting Establislirnent, So. HO First Nti-ct-t Fortlan'1 Gas Fix! n res. Cooking Ranges, JIol Water Jailer?, JIarbte Tup Wushsands. iShcel Lead and x) loch Tin, ! and be is prepared to Si I aii ordcis will Water Closets. promptness. He would call the attention ot tne pnouc to bis salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of UealraLle goods in tne Stale. 3i. wiatTtivr's:'?. .Main street, Oregon City. F2.'l Itld) CI1 RONOM ETEtta" " Aoj isted and Ilepaii cd in the best ; M.i.mr, uud Warranted. I-7o. Ill Front st., Portlar.d. BaiJi Tubs, Read Pipe. O troUinir intluence over the fiercest maniacs. -Dresident Dacz, of St. Dotnm- go, it is credibly asserted, is wil ing to dispose of his whole Repub lic to the United States, .and has conferred upon his commissioner at Washington, Mr. Fabeus, full pov- cr to annex or to sell. The for eign population, resident merch ants, -and traders favor the scheme; but the blacks, v. hose only idea of a white man is a Spaniard, are not inclined to think so pleasantly of the project. A Washington disuateh savs bottle a' rutin some warm wa- .eaan- uomior lan., co-H.wam-sc locnams , , ., I 42 I m lis s-ou.h, an.. P.- chains 12 lmk . ca-r ot the 'el'. an' ... r Uissolve, and Hien j ,lUlr,cV v),t UHween Section 2-; smd 2ti in Town let if stand a short time and it. is i ship 1 South JduriL-e 1 Ea-r, thenco ea-t 21 cii.-tins ready tor use. Apply it with a ! bnks. thonce so-ajn 4.V j; 2 chains 20 links to - ,J , , - . 1. ;, I a post, il.e.ne.o N ,s,S - i-V L to tin? dot:itso:i cht.sn stick, and always warm the dish. 1. ; ( tl ('arapUr. th-nce onthoriv aSoirr the will mend better. For leather j p,n;i ofCampU-li " 1-2 chains to the Pari ot s.-th take the ends and shave I hern oil' a I Liicilinv, thence S :u' W ulenhaid LneliinK's s m SS ins ly for use. i 4.0 link s, thci.ee S so W i chains 2 jinks to the 1 cast line 01 sain roan, t nonce oy sai 1 ron.i .mktd. PHI) CABBAGE. Take a firm, i 23 3 W O cltams tit) 'links, to th ; N L corner of ,. , , , i ii I lands helotc-nii.!,' to Mi. 2 Vnall. and the S eor- iroTi cabbage, and remove the J I1(.r of 1;uul oi i,amix.r vV i3iil,.r, thenw N h 15' whole of the outer leaves, keeping I W 0 chains 4 ) links, thence N .31 oV W 4 chains . . i 50 links, thence N lU iV W 7 chains 50 hnss, the ball entire. Cut it info lour j thence X 2s 3U' W 8 chains, thence X 15- W 9 quarter?, and subseqnentlv into ! chains, tl.ence X5 W 2s chains 70 links, to the strips, ond place them on"' a hair i I',:ufc t-dnuin?, oontainiic :'.;rt c:-es inm-e or 1 , , , . , i less. . . ..Noru.-o is taeic-tore hci-eov civen ttmt on sieve, or a clean drv c ota. and rr i . i v i j V . sprinkle wnu salt. Let. them re- . T. ... . ', , ., ,. . .' ' . r,-' . .. , , . ,, A. I). lhj.y. in Jif.mtot too Cour;- House in Orecoa main ior tiuve uays. to mlow the;,-:fv ,,f th ,,..,. ,f ,. rtv.i.- j i ,v:n t,r. to sell, at I'm he AucUoti, to tho .l.i-hcst PkI ut in United States uoid coi i, the aliove U scribed land to .-atisfy said judviinvnts, in' rest, costs and ac cruing costs. JOHN AlYKItS. Shcriif ja..";t. ( 'lackaiuas County. Oregon City, June 1st, 1SCX V'rouslit Ircn Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELPOir. IiETERX JJEXDZ XU'PLES, ttCSUIXdS, d-, for SUdii, WaU-r and Gas. A bSO Scotch Tubes, Water Cnagrsl Whistlet Tallon Pumps, Steam Cuages, Globe, Ancle, and Cheek Valves, Guage Cocks. Air Cwcks, and all kinds ot Brass Work. Iluboer Hose, Hose Pipes. Ac. Hotels. pnMie buildinys, und piivate resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens gene rally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with, great cure, and especial attention given to the wauls of this market. C. 31. MYERS. Ho M ANUFACIUESS FUHIJITUilE fr -nt stfiekt, first street, i Near Jlo"i'i-n Street, Near Yamhill. Usincr good muternds and cnjrdoving th j JAST i G A II A LIN. very tieat meiUiauu's in tne I.cii.i' la j can warrant ins eooos to !e as iopo ci..en , Iiev7 ttcfii Oi Xi30Ts anci bnoes Jl'.-T RECEIVED! Rest Select! an in the City! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as HoTikei i's Tirreil's. Fogg's, Hoii-bteti k Cool nine's. Reed's, (iodfrey's and nmnerous (Uiieis, of iieiAs' uud bovs' wear. A bo Mile's, Sicbeli .di's, burl's, San E car cisco and custom-made ladies and REMOVAL ! THE JEWtCLUY C 1 O, I eoaarea s wur. Our cntomera . nd the nnldie in orpnprnl dRR9 nVc' invited to c;'l and ex .mint: our stock, t-t i 1 i . r T , , i i which m- will sell cl'.eapcr than ever. il.StabllSnmeDt, (H J. D. Ailllcr j i. .s.lJi)(ts tnade to order, and an assort- IIAS EEtN UElloVLIJ mc:it ol oui' i:i;iiie consi-to tlv on band. Alderson, C. X.H., Xo. of claim "49," town 2 South ranjte 3 east, designatt d and bounded as follows, Heinuins at the :S.E. corner of said claim (AK) tin nee West along the South line there f si chains, to the south west cor-' m r,th nee N along the west line 2o chains thence E 41 chains, tlit-i ce south 10 70-leO" chains, thence L 40 cl ains. to the East bn. , thence suutii akn? said line to the place of oeginn nir, containing 1GU Acres, more or ie.-s, Value j'200 8 2t) Baraks Caleb, Sees. 1,9,17, 2 -IE 210 (iOO 200 3 20 luawcll O., heirs of f?:JE 100 300 300 4 8, lueek J. ii., 32 1S4K liJO 200 200 3 20 IJ rant on V. W. 2S:ii'. lj 75 75 1 20 Cotiec Laudcrvm. 2.3L R'l 200 200 3 20 inning at a po.nt in Section 31'' T2, 5 R 2 east, the same being the N W cor ner of m. Eoitrer's land c sum, thence E 23 chains, thence South 3 chains 4i5 links, thence W '2S chains, thence N 3t chains, 4:1 links t the place ot beginning,, containing lot Aces, mere or le.-s. Culbc-rtson. Andy 1S4E 160 200 200 3 20" Camell. J.O 32 2MK D2 14-) 140 2 21 Cuutiidil, l:olort, block l'J, lots 4 aud o ) Trustee for Chuich. OieonCity, 75 1 20 Kppcrly John 27 SS.iw 200 700 700 11 20- le cribed a- follows, to-wit;- N- h of the W i of Section 27, T2 SU 1 W, 2UU acre. moie or less. Epperson John SSlw 93 000 300 4 SO Franklin Jasiah 4 2S1F. 100 3 00 300 4 80 (j ruber Jo!m I S 2h-E 4 4 1.0 400 (i 4i Uarviil, ilrs. It. 4 2S1 K 200 4.x 400 6 40. llalnine J as. Mock 1, lot 8, O-wejro. 600 5 8 00. KellOri-sr, Mrs. Al. E. 2S211 20.) 5oo 5JH 8 00- Kno.ter, Wm. 20 and .12 32H 320 Co.!- BOO a fin, Ladd, J. W. 1) and 12 SSnv lt0 2'J0 200 3.2.0 The N E i of the N E . and the W 0f. the N E j of Section 11), and tne N W 4 otV the X W j of Sec ion 20 coutaiuing 1G0 Acres, more or less. Long, C. ii. 3 2Slw 50 200 200 3 20 Love, Addison 3T w 80 400 52 4 Described as fallows : Eeing a part of the la'id claim of Augustus and Elizabeth Ycrgen N "t heation ("Olol") heginning at ihe N W corner of said land claim, thence s-onth j f a m le, thence k of a niiie, thence N 4 of a mde, the .ee W i of" a mde, to the place of beginninr, being part of the sou; h of the S 4 ot Sectiun 2:5, in Sit 1 V, and a part of the XW j o! S. ction 3o, in 1 S R 1 V, containing 80 Acres more or les-. Marshall, A. L. 1S1E 3C0 7000 78 70 41 24 Land described as to lows to-wit : Begin ning at a po-.nt on the road leading troin P01 tlaud to Mil waukie lo& 42-Ioij chaius bouiii, aod lii 1'i-iO 1 chains east of tlie 4 post between .-ectmn- I'll and 20, in Tl S it IE, thei.ee F 21 70-lno chains, thence S 3 -i-V E 2 -20-100 chain.- to a post, thence K So lo' E to the lfUiation la m of Hec tor Campbell, thence souther y silong t!ie land ot said Ca i-phcll ;'oi chains, to the land of Seth Lcelling, thence S hSS'.- W aloiiix said Eui lbng's land claim toastake Iroiw which a tir t.eel inches m diameter bears S T---" 30' V 14 links, thence S 8 3o' V or, U)-i on chains, the.ir.:e S 2" E 04 Id ion ehabis. thence S v'W 11 2 1 0b chains to the cast line of said road, 1 hence by Sai l road X :' W 0 3 0-100 ehains, to the N J-! cor er of the lands hebaiging to Mc D . nald, A S E coi i.i-v of land of Lambert 6 Mhier, then v. X S" lo W t 4'J-HXi ch.iins. the'-a-eX :VC Z'-i' W 4 oo-lO1.' chains thence X 10 4V W 7 50-1'0 chains, thence N -Js- 3o' W 8 eh a. ns. thence X l-" W ; chains, thence X ; W 2.S 70-100 chains to the place of beginning, containing 320 acies, more or 1 ss. .Vfar-h, iu-s. Jto.-e 35 2S2K 320 $00 800 4 f 0 il.ir.-li, Oc-oiao 2S2E 10 200 200 3 20 McCov, X. W. 8 lS-ii-1 li 2J5 54 270 5 45 Morris. Chas b';k 2. lots 3.4, Osweiro, 300 140 2 56 McCorinsutfc, J block 17.) lo;s 2. 3. 4 500 block 171 " 2.3,4.5,0.7 250 i 750 12 00 Newell, X-Chamel hlo.-k 4 lots -!. ,v, Oswt cro, 400 (5 4t 1'ratt, O. C. Pare of Claim Xo. 70, " As described on the maps and plats of the United States 0:1 tile in tae band Office at Oregon City, O'. eg .11, T 2 S R 1 E -d Wil lamette Meii-baii, beginning at the NE corner of said claim, the same being 1 7 to-ibo chains X an I 27 80-I00 chains W from toe 4 sec ti n post in the ea-t boun dary of .-eel ion 20 in T '2 S II 1 F, thence south lo chai is. thence W 7 Oo-loocbains, tlicnce X 10 7-10o chains, thence south 4:i" ::!' E ly ! o-l 00 chiins, to the dace c. beginning, containing lo acres, more or less, and being a pari, of S. W. Shanon'i land claim, assessed at $ I0 " Linn City property lots, 100 1 acker, J. Inn 1 blots 3,4,0,0, .uuvauK:e,24t co btk 30, lot 5 " It do bik 31, lots 5, 6, " l Iteirnan, Daniel, bik , lot 7 O.-w; ero, 76 Seperd, J ii sec 33 5S1 1) 8J 5 183 03 2 00 21 5S1K 100 200 5 2.--I.E 10 50 3S4M 100 250 23 5S1K 40 300 2S212 2 200 30 2-rl U SO 400 250 4 00 400 6 40 75 1 2S 200 3 20 50 80 250 4 00 300 4 SO 200 3 20 400 r 4-' 52L 3oO loo 214 314 0 00 To No 1 fi i Front .st.. comer of Alter j -- - -CarirS Ne,n Hail dim Portland. ! Tj'-7 Ll :A v. fc 1 &h & v. ....... . - " 1 i W f v tMM U ba a hi tmS H W B In Chas It ooilarj S irna Store 1857 ESTABLISHED 1857 No. 80 First Street, Portland, Whoiesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, Grass and Flower Seeds ! "'jjf Where he will be ready to attend to al! manner of workmanship in Ins bne. Watches- and Jewelry repaired in ths most Smith, James Tcniet, Samuel Traeey, ilrs O Trnllniper, I'eer 'X hompson. It 11 Tavlor, G W '1 haiaas, A A Trniiini:er, Jvhn bik V half of lot 2 Oswpi-o. .5oo K n,- Vinson, J S 32 4S1L 22o 4oo "" -Ux 6 4o Wes.iall, ; A b-Ion-s to O. C. 11. lb Co., West Side tiie X hi - ; the XE qr of See 2a, 1"2 s It 1 W, So acres, loo 1 Oo Wadkin, .7 P Co. 9 51 E 8o 3oo So I.Jo 2 lo Walien:'tein. 1-red 33i . Pto 5oo 5oo 8 oo Howell, i- aac 13 51E 10o 3o 3oo 4 ba Mc.Mahan, H W 25 32o 4cx 4oo 6 4a Alien, Henry 33 1S2K 4o So 5o So Ore -oa Citv, 3Iav 21st. l-':0. JOiiX MYFdtS, Sheriff --'If Clackamas Countv. )ik man like manner. J. Lb MILLER. 3 J Sis d j a j J- i y : brine to drain olf. After they ate thoroughly drained, put them into a clean jar. Take as much vi:ie ir.ir as will cover them, and let it simmer over a s!ow fire, with all spice, whole black pepper, coarse brown ginger, and u little pimento. When the vinegar is suuicienUv tlavored, let it eool, and pour it over the cabbage in the jar. which must be stepped down for use, and kent for three months. Y7 00L WANTED. A Ii Y QUANTITY! ! By THOMAS CHARM AX. U-e2"n Citv that the President's movements Eamb Ciu.ps.-Fry them a light TT ANTED ! luive Itot been aellnitclv set tledj b ' ter. then add a little , ) F---" . ... , . t water. Hour, salt, and a dust ot U the Wool that oilVrs. paving tt.ere'or the excepting tn:it he will be absent ; rernr. to jho cravy . 1(.t h browu iimst miccs . s.ackermax. from the Ctll-itul ior nearly two ; and pour it over the ehons. Oregon City, April 2$th, lso;. (2,..tf Bnoit.F.o Lamb Steak. Droil slowly until quite done, then make Wool! Wool!! Wool!!! -o- ,T. Myers .v Brother, under the Court Ilon'e, months. In June he will attend the examination of the cadets at "vl xuiuc, auri in muuoi ! a gravy with fresh butter melted jtoston, xo remain two cr uiree;T d; T T lie has leterminel to snen time in the West alter his vetunp i'"1"1-"'1U !aU!- i T ILL HEADS FRIXTED. from Boston, but where, he does ! Srrwrn Veal. Cat tbe veal in ' 5 At th Enterprise Ofrtei not exactly know, although he says small bits, slew ir, a little water ! "--Er)1N-r" n.-i'j.F SD VlspF if time will permit he may go to -- butter pepper, and sait, until j ing curdstitW prLted at" this tho Pacihc Coast. I tnuer: tiii2kea with a little fiear.i office. All Seeds from tin-tstaldi-hment Aie Warian d En sh uud Genuine, ff ffZ Fon-:gn ond i l).-.me-t:c Diied Fruits vOJII An' V'fft-tables. NiLX Foreign :i I Doires'i Green Eruits aim Vegetables. Vpgetai les a d Fmit Packed with care f..r siiipment. ATr7'.S-Pea Xnts, Brazil Nuts, Wal Nuts, Filberts and Almonds. GliOCi: A77:'.S A selected stock of Choice Groceries, bought txpre-s!y For Family Use. All of which is oflhred for Cash at cash prices. Orders solicited JO fiX O'COXXOU. No. CO First stiect. Portland Oregon. ; rr ostOU, to remain tWO Or three ; hv Moaki aa1 a d- of pe r i Oreg-n City, will pay the highest pi ires nil A. J. Ill lays and witness Peace Jubilee, l and a Fctle salt dissolved in a table' I V,z 'or WooL A iargc l'iauUly !S waatyd i , -n qu ;ft le has determined to spend some- spoon of wafer : ere with .peas. ! "''tt ! e Cl l U r' lONHGE, r 'ifo r n a, I 'e rra nnt wid Italian Marbles, Obelisks - jionumenis, Jicaa, ana i-ooi H Stones. ICzn IS ALE II OttEGnN'. It XO. 113 Front Stactt, (In Whites New block,) Dealer in Dry Goods and Ootldni Invites attention to his EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT O F DRESS GOODS), T.-imming-', Bu'tnns, Coil Bindings, White G'ods, Linbroifbo ies, Zephvr, Wool Yarns. CI .ak ugs. Iweeds, Cass'inerrs. I iannels, LbtnK Cts, Linen Goods, t-'tat le Cottons, dies' and Misses' Underwear. Fancv Goods, Far.i-ois, sun Uinbrellas, Fans, etc., etc. lew A!S PISTOLS BRUSSELS, THE EE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, P A PEE. - II A N G I N G S , L ACE - CUB. T A HIS, &c, &c. ll't? Wonlt Ca'l the attention of par tic jilting np houses, or btiis in lli.cd if 0 niilhir.g in our tine To our Slock, which is OXE OE TIIE COMPLETEST :;0n Hie Fssiclfle Cosist ! FIXE CLOTHING f r GENTS and HOYS, in Reav.-r, Chrssm ere and Cas'or Heaver. Doe Pants S Ik Velvet Vests Silk Ties and Cravats, LB Si' its, Niirht Shins, S!k, All Wool and Merino I'n dersbirls ami luawers, s.cks, -nd al-ino-tevervtbinLr in tiie furnishing line for men and boys. MACHINE TWIST, 1 oz spools for Tailors Ow Good? being specially sehctednt the Inc'orie in Fnglnd ond. the Easier a Stales, we ca". aell AT TEE LOWEST iL4lE'a.5iIro Prices. wal s i; U CSiUS., No. so Front street, between AI.L.v Shoemakers, etc., in : lacK, ;ett and : .) anu u astuiigton, 1 ortiand Oregon Orange, Letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G. " " oTlI EP " Mantles sid Furniture Marble fultushed to order. MACHINE TWIST for Dry Goods Trade, lOU Yard Spools, a.l colors. EUTCIiERS & .MEAT VENDEES. Thank: til tor past favors of the public p"ttay rmr twkt e t-.m,- i ct u 'V :l ; a ro t!!i":!'Ce of the same BuTTON LOLL 1YI.T for Tailors and . Ve ,h-.ll .Vive- to .-.nr patm.-. ad th be-t Dressmakers, by jnnt'.itVs f Stall Fed Beef. alo Matt-n COliX WILSOX, j Potk, Poultry etc., as usual twice a wifdr mi I23t N. B. GROCERIES at LoTrCEt Market Frices. 1 Juadays and Saturdays ! gEALED PKOPOSALS. Ileadquui-ters Depart men" Columbia, ) Oflice Chief (ir.ilivstc r, l or:ar:d, O., May 22, 1809 j By authori y front the Major General con-.macdi.ia: tlie Deoartment, sealed prop .sals will bcieeeived at the olliee of the Post Quartermasters at Fort Boise, I. T., and at Camp Thiee F u-ks, Owyhee, I. T-. up to noon on the l.'th day of June nextIor the deliv ery of the following supplies : FORT BOISE, I. T.: 200,000 pounds of rainOats or jariev. C00,000 pounds of I lav. 22,000 poun.ls of Straw. 850 Cords of wood, for fuel. CAMP THREE FOUKS.CwyliMj. T.r 424,000 pounds of Ilav, baled. 100,000 pounds Straw The Government reserve the ri-ht to receive the whole or any portion of the supplies that mav be contracted br, and to rep-ct anv and all bids. Bids must be in t ri pih ate, the price stated in coin and expressed in writing, n-.t (Lures. The delivery of the supplies must commence as soon as reqnirer bv the Comnmuc'ing Otli er of the Po-t, and contin ed in Mich quantities as the exigen cies of the servico mav detnmd. and be completed t.- ihu 'li ft. ,f V r ..jv i ii ui .vHcuiucr, next. Prop. .sals w II he entertained for the whole or any r.ortinn of thp vnnnlim i....,.t; i .. .,. t n i a ; . v o n - i u.tii iyr, mm niiii ad I es-ed to the Po-t Qvt irtenn ast.-rs at tln-ir res pec ive posts, and marked outsMe, " Proposals for Forage, Straw, or IVooJ, as tie- case may be. R. SAX OX, Bv't ?'- Gafl una Ijr.MiS ., U. S.A. Mat 22 wj Chief Quartermaster. THE GARDIH8 MACHINE P AT UNION BULLS, Three fourths of a mile east of Wn slit's Bridge on the Molalla, will be ready to run on the first day of Junt. is;;9. All work done at this Machine will be w. rra: te l. No wool earded until it is weil pic paied. Wool washed and made ready tor carding, at 4 cents per pound. Rates of carding will be ten cents per pound when grease s isrnishtd. or 12icts it it is not. Ail work t be paid fbr on del very, ia oin or its coaivalent, or the work will be retained until paid for. G. J. TRULLIXGEK, PropriPto. O