taEE v. f - i i ' i. Q i t.O f 4 4 i h ' o 3 If i o n O O O O O 0 I O 1 o ehclBcckly (Enterprise. TOW J A N 13 . C4iU.N 1' V, -.-1 - ... t -s (ii- TYPE ARE BEING C -NeTANliA 5m TO THE MATLEIALS OF 11, A:vl,vouliLav,thef:.o:eui- branch, - auijiay;t ' """uSdaTm-xt the Ccm,regaLmn ,1 Aocion of Oregon, wui meet at Salem. c.oo- Wilihi nis will return to Ore- C-ou oaVe next steamer from cisco. baa i rau- t . .,,.!.! We '.! IE'!-. WliU.iC 111 liCUith ve him from Portland some yoars ago, died at Honolulu on the I'th of May. 1 -C- 1 r1 J. M. 13a on is collecting a f:r.e !:. oV 'old coins. Ho has one sihvr piece coined in the time of Hei.ry III. The election of Mr. Garfield in Wnsii ,,,.(,'; Territory, on Monday he:;!, as Dei-e-a-e to Co igve". i.? a signal triumph cf principle ever trefoil. - j. y-. V, tcon has for sue Harpers Sell o"o 1 and family slate, whieh is furnish ed with cards of lessons in drawing, line thing- -. - jhe ":rr.i:r oai'.c? -cn the recipient of a bi'a'iiiful boMqurt. last we---k. pre sented bv yn' Cdle W. Cooke. It con tained t',vtty-cix ditfjrent varietiea of rose.-s. T"e are irlad to learn that die reason whv 'he water works appe.uvd ,o fail ia the vicinity of the thmmvrational eimrch recently, was beear..-e ot a plug in the u;aiu having blown oat. The Emmet Guard of Portland will have an excursion and picnic on Ihe 2t!:h. at Pleasant Grove, in this county. The usnai exercises wi'd he had. and a pleas ant time may he anticipated. The Walla met. Falls Ca?;al and Lock CmiKiany have depedted the ls;nos to puy for the entire rin.ht of way and we ; re assured that work wiii he speedily commeticed. Mr. Cioidsmid). Ered'ient .i' the Cutupany, is now at home in Portland, j t( c-Ive our peon so ah oto- - j id its ipiaihy the p:d.:E- The Harvest cf l.s-"3. according to it detent tie t ... oe ; all aeeaams will b jyre.-itly in excess of : Q-.a- frto)i Jr.ne to .: tie nv previous ve-ir ia Oia'on. It has al T 1 ' ready commenced in Chie.kamas conn'y. as may be learned by ith re nee to the new adveriiser.T'tit of ir. fcelii: . . -5- e The Ropebur-r F:.us'm tel's of an Crepe a Heroine, in the Emporia, vd.o propesad to carry out the words of Ihx: To -siioot him on the sput.' v.dien a man. mimed Mulkey o tiered i take down the tars ami Stripes in front, ot her house, arid trail the eame in the dnst. If we cannot cot up a cEebraihm in this city for iS.ifur.lay July ltd. let us ail tro to Portland on Tdor.day. and then, about the 20h of Oeober, or sooner, in-' vite all Portland to come here, ";n our Eailroad Opening Celebration. The af fair at Portland this Faiuth ;"ih) of July will be decidedly (.J t;.vxr. . L0 ' Everybody's friend Mr. Paul Eieh ter. long with Walter Eros., Portland, hr.s establh-hcd in business on Idra own ac count, having purchased the stock and trade of Mr. G. C. Eider, at the corner ol Salmon and First streets, in the turniture and bedding line. We endorse the re mark: that -.Mr. Pitch";- is a crenial fellow. and a good busim'ss mm." and v.e shall bone to see le.m succeed to the extent of hid utmost wishes. In a previous Issue o! the 'ExTKnnusm. we referretl to a new poultry book, lateiy printed hy A. h Wab'p-ir. of "Endand. The author of thus book is Er. 1). W. Erarv. of East Portland prop.rietov tor this State, and adjacent territory, of Eer hin's Paten; i'roc.s- far eua'ing 'ggs. meat, etc.. by whieh tie ran:-1 is lap a, ia good condition for a greed length of time. Mr. Frarv is anxious to got a good ndE- ble man to canvass for the sale o ru to parties iu this coua'y to use the " Ero- The Herald speaking of its evening cotetr.p'rary says : Our neighbor npp-airs to t$ie it special delight in showing up the shortcomincs of our railroad com panies, and never find- rooms for a word of encouragement. These repeated at tacks on the enterprise of the men who propose to nmhl tm' r.m eonioa with hold grace from any paper that proiEs-e-: to have an interest in the eoummrciui IE rospenty ot ourcov. eor.ntv and Mate. want the roads buib. and wiaa-ver will contribute his enterprise or money for that purpne should reeidve the eu cnunigomont and apprtdjaticm of too "pres, and not its censure. Don't threw any stones in the way. neighbor. 0 Certain lending members of Oregon Podge No. I. O. O. P.. deser-. e the hearty thanks of the fraternity at large, for having devised a metho-1 of practical vjrk for the Daughters of IE beeea. Asa result of their libors. rod the sanction of the Grand Lqdge Er Oreoon. whieh md at Sedem list month. V"e have nov- in this Jurisdiction Colfax Eebeeca Degree Io. Eat Salem; and Sehnvler Pcbi-eea Degree No. 2, at Oregon City. This city is really desen ing of No. E but aboin th s w-e do not propose to raise a question. We should like o see th" next Eiree cuceeedtng Lodges, however, named 5-Ucr Bros. Apperscu, Paudail and Pope. --An we have been assailed far stating that Mr. Huntington died from the effects of excessive drink. (And been accused of malicious intent.) we have concluded to notice the paragraphs jut so Er as to con tradict the assertions that enmity ever existed between us and Mr. II. Wo were his friend, and he was a friend to ns. in ..lite, solar as we know. The last ht'ter .vicw with him in our ohEe was a pEa, v.t cr.e-atid the regrets we felt' for 'him. vtueh have lollowed him to hi ..r-.,-. would then have been personally v- pressed. no doubt, h.td we have knnwi and n. which have since h.-en iiVcr'rtained. "t"- contains many excel ic-nt things We never felt a disposition to hate Mr. ' 1or mechanic- or every eh-ss. It is print IP; never had the bast oeca-lo;t for such 0:1 ood paper and fine!;,- illustrated, feeling. Wo have differed in matters cf no- -ct a-wawa litictl ci:ionty but never set down anv-1 aJAUillEU. Ibing in mtlice. and no man, not kindred ' --v-'-vs .,VNs'.a. liu greater resnect for Lis memory than ; On b-ard the t-a-vshup c7.a.,-g.; o, VYripht, v,--', Words of w mt-Ii Oil such occasions a'0v , " iEuy Lanodon-, at seat ia latit-'u.tc-ac not calculated to .x.fien hearts but if aE"i 10rnb Encdu-E lc E' ay ,Vest, at Ex me eivtcnmorarios bavo made anv e - i - eotemnoraries have made anv caul - ut of their personal abuse of 'the Cd - of this pane-, nvr wh"' -v -.n?d EE i- t,-E E--:,,,tE A tl'R - E- till on tcr w a c-! Absence ci we iauitor iov several Iavs this week, has prevented I he usual attention to the Editorial work, hence, ii t!.i.-? number should not be quite up to lie 2U'.nuu; - tI. we beg to oci excused ior it. , V- ' a r,e cia.vns or ... iy.'.'izK: .. ly. will be preyed by G--.pt. V,'n. Ear- i constant chance, t ildn fVir-tV-low. of this c;ty. end Ilr. S. E. ?tor.e, tdso : f,iaye l? other part.., ncd stracrs fill oi- thi c:ty. wi;o are. now traveling ia she In thh a-e of the world nn- Valhunet Viiliev. E.-oeiot j vea by then' "';b ln" '!;t!ne of a business firm w kev.f wlil be held valid at this ofd.e. j ftatitiy before the public some new A pociety for mutual benefit 1 ' . . . ' ' . .1 .... , . ' . . I E V L : t V i;ei vu' or-r;:a:.,'.i uu me ut.i inst.. umon II.l...nn.i! .O' T',,1 .! ... n.O ,:. I. . .-.11 linjll " "I i 1:1 ..... t au IIH' t)iU)W- 111 incf oncers : rretd.-nt. E. Goodman : i V ice rresideni. 1. Conn ; heerei.wy, I Leviu : Ireasurer. il: Vnvxg : Trustr. C Go'd.-teiii. J. Harris. J." Ea'.t and E 1' ; : . olomoTi. At meeuniT of oraiiixatlon the sum of c w is subscribed to m.ke a beianli: a fund. ;,). i ibv Chaman is paying 22 cents for wo; : Titt: E.vvo::: n: !::.'. rs A" :;vr e in!-:- ith t: coLU'-iieiioK i f the i'..- hi road and the rey..Pi!:e.n in the irnr 'o ) of inaiis, thousands of i oald-'s v : 1 . v;i:-di to .supply ; 5 1 -- s iih ,-o;ie h-vd-re!Ed-e:s pop"r prhlid.ed Ea e cf ti:--Reelty Eenotaevo The A : -prb-li-hed at C"hieauo. f--s iv ''-q--rl-or : a he, . Katriiiy n-'-'-'.'s. E :-. r. 1 h er pro.-y nor s.eeodoi. o : Eoe, v.dd-'-avvtike. a.: v.-dve. v;e. ;" eo: '-!a- l-'Ci Uic; UiO ;-. o, ; , vo v.O :. ileVOte.l to C;- i;uere;-; ;';o S-ul. 'i :. A'ivan. : : ei ; i p.'eially to fee p op'.e of ';;:: f, at that it wid iaa di eh-eo-;o-" E.i'.'ifle she-e t'.Vit . . - -.vE od;ar Ea;ienE ihuhEnu i .., ce . Ihaa ei i:-af ea ei !o- the a-.-. - '. th" Eos .1 rd th- ! in -': -i"-r I - to je-1 ..o ' S tO !"'-" '-'id ' i : or a ; si-da-- do- ire-.,., el to : ! I'. . Tae sah-cripde:: o:' the is .' ; .-.:r . v ' v a a a: a' t- ... or i , :,. o ; a ; ;o a' ; v- -p.: Lettt-r.? the Ativan-; Co.. s e thd . ea ' he ro. The OeaeEed Eo- Jon-'. Is unmher o;' tlrst year, an v .!'!.,:.'. It E, been sneeea :n i aa. v. . e,t out; a- hEa it in E a, . ;- bo. rung its any to popular on t a s s.o; est praises the a ad. ave b ' a-i aa;. a ;o-- on Ce " hraEE i 1st . i o ! !;o oe der F h is b- --n. . . as P E ia: at'ag Eh I 1 s b -r d mouih! v. as see i'dOoa ieh.-: a; g-ios ( - A::!".' Ea. "t y FEE 'i a eon'ains c'o.dce ; ;E o id-;.-' arid manners on ub !s'. thing more ale -ut th 1 Eaia.':aa the Magattine is ie.serv:ug of 11 rename, and we h-ne it v'di r Xevv is tho tea- to rt a. -a sa! : it ! h r : id'e ! ,aj . 1' -; d-aei to .V. id -ai . a. .v Co. a; r' Ifrrpcr's ddeo-Ey for dan; series of ardaEs o." -,aa;E'd: a interest. E u;aa;; e pa ' tide on tie1 "d,'V E : d .': :':.." id!ov.o-d V tv. a e da CO: a :ra e v the Plains in rot adod ci idstorieei -ua area- a--."' 's. with sn rt ah iodrv. the, a. . -a tinned bar wh en a-1 u:ueh i; a aiat; well as erdevte.iunie-E. Eaa e -r la ihe even iem.-r of i's wv. u t ;. : : ' lag tie.' ''ooaaiams deiaaaiaa- eraa v. id: it. ami .. .0,! ; ; any ia ma; a a. E- a: n f r d n -a a' d. e.l u a j ex;aa.-.-nt rr a aa.. illy Ea re mc.-I ia ;.-. 1' a . r s cut I'dhodei an ! ' :u;nd;er h-- oaa; O ! , -, In t r-: O Ut a -, I ;v:l,a":a 1 i da. ha a i is a brio! - !,-, are ite-t er p. o i g'd'O whk a cam. EE p rimaa-': .o u: v,-'aE o- 1: 1- d. 'j " a at ;a " ; U -r-- cn r a :-t re -a i tanaEr vre l.av-' ; a-- :e :r. at enl. e!a ti i most val ao.e coiOiabuEer . iiteratni e. to mcdem pcEodleai .EE -a.Es f ; J une opens with an intcr- esbn; iunt oi Pes aeps man aa . a nd the mat Eneat with h vo ' Can; the - on tree. soo-j.';r p...... t: -a, ,d carr i i -aa ..hi .; ed ;E iii'ai'i -ad iai y ea-.maaliy El o V. 1 e Id. E u .. ' -. . o: t arc ate d. ra Eraa.a E e ha.v. at.' o;' ;; o (.-' . v vv ea v.aad 'ti bv the Pub ktm-odf. Eo-ao! i t.aEus oa:-! ; aha ; I.omh'oi ami Fa, via. as aa,: n.o an I ' E 1 odd. Ei..- Table "EE, ia iubuv-'.E-. : aoid a 1 is vtueh to the v ahna cf this 'ia r ; azine. Ed.o ;dt.EEa.e that das hs i. ' ill 1 an impoi b.at placa- iti oar Eo-.-.aare. I We have received; E -. .a. o;' - .E' . a'. , it, id Eoad a weekly journal for the Eoaa 1 and 'd.eE I a Tit's r-aihdrs m 'tiv iry ing things ior bads Cd ;od young. E is 'published hy E t'lta iE, It;'... ,. C.... ..; : Eaik Few, Et vv V.-: The lEaraoE-E'ad Ea. contains poraalis cd E. with sketch os oi eharaett nal contains manv curio eaad Er dune Vts rdee and Harper, -a E d his jour 's i'.d.aa- : and rd- suieE it! the ; taa s e must c il thiotga we m codes i? a lv ,e out o n if-t'es, ye' that it is ab!- teahtcta' Wo have ! -. 'd s ral ealas of ey are -a : . ; -:- lies ia thetr ivr cau be seen caiidtg at this ctiice. Led iti v p,. sl in the J lit . I T f - , O, : h New York, will keen one t'nor-.atgld ed, concerning what is "doing line v 1 new music. Wo had JFi-rj selections of For C -. :,. .-.. ten a:. Witn .is cao.ee derature. an almo-t - 1 "i ei'aiE j mrnals. ! T;,, -'a.. v of the Eo - ' - E d - ,-. ; - " 5 1 i.e-.mm u u ne ;t a . ; ; 1 x-Ji- .;;.r- . J !',,aV 1M i:"ta cat Wishes to represent mat r.e 13 now as 1 Ws 7 '"nf ) HATCI; well PrPaud to birnish any article in his line r . A hLlt- ' the Erpest establishment m tne State. He i o'-iRd W ';-EcE ?-L CI icemah, state cf ; farcicnUiiy reoae&ts that an. entammation of . a-n. ta-ictaascf Amatca. i.;t-k be mde bcEre tnyirg eEcwhere. Z3 Some sa-v tbat It is eo use for then to advertise, that they have been in tLe dace in business ail tbeir lives, and eve-v-ooclv knows the- Such people seem "t0 forget to take D Cor,bW-i!rt w Xm;z::xxxix i . u.? ui.(J nart un, und. by liberally ad- T 0l.lbe ")lder ne3. and the latter r; 4, e. T. 8, 0. 1'. lh " it--, una no t,r.fot!on. t. m ever lest money by judicious adver- iuin -?vspaperi, by enhancing the a;Ue of !iiVT!i'i-f v in tli,. nm.luv'.inn.l anu &'v.s the loealitv in which they are 15 ; puoiicaea a reputation abroad, beneiit ail. E'roenhtriy if th-y are merchant-; or real e-.a e ow.ierrf. thrice the amonat vearl v of e .- u-i ev par for their s-i'irna-t. Ee- r.'. In e' c ery spirited citizen has a laudable ! -id. a naving a paner of wh;eh ne is not even th.n.irh he should pick it ! i no in 1,1 -fw i ors or a.hinffton. A irooii-i v. ; H;.Mi.;.;, intivmpr. live newspaper helps to . ua, I sell 'u..-;'er!v. trives eh.iirae'KT in in.ln-i2h e. . a:;d in ail roso.-e's ii a desirable public convenience. 11. from any car..--e. ; -il! the ruotter in ihe local or editorial columns i :-:,o!:hl not be quite ut to your Ptandard. ! i not ea.st- it- aside and pronounce it of no eolip.-.. uijtit you are satidlod treit ttier- : has ix'e-i no ntoiV I bor bestowed upon it ii paid for. If you want a good read sh"?:. it must be eummrtod. The ; ! !san h-'cai press is the " power that moves the ;. o;de.'; Eaornertox to EEwsr.vrm- Prmnstinns. -Tie; following are the laws of Congress iouE.Iug the liability of subscribers to uowaa apers: E r el.!. -a rib or s win) do not give exm'Cf-a' no. ice io i:ie contrary, are considered as v. i h;ag to eonllnue their subscription. If sat-eribers who have no;, pari, or der i-i-.dr pao o's s! opped.the )iibl:.-her may e mdrine tv rend them, until paid. b. if .-ub.-aribers rei'ie or negh-ct to take ihoir paoers l.aan the odiee. tiieyare lield !. ;!oa.hie until they -ettie the bill and order the paper disontinued. E If Kttbscribers remove to another pbu.-e witutnit informing the publishers, end tledr p ipera are continued to the h-rnier direculoa. they caa be held re- Court -t have decided that refusing a p:tee-J-'om the oidee.or remov Eeaiimrii nnaaded for is prhn-a , tale an ' e'a ..- !"nce of intentional iraud on the part of ti.e subscriber. i S M'Dlv.'.iy. J II. Sehrnni, of this ; Cdy, nev,r namufactiirii-g the best Saddlery : and Harness in the State, lie will have at a-t ."; yf.ts. of rdl grades, from hue to com- ' n-.-'n, thdata d ami rehdy tor nrde next momii, n 1 no.; e than ih it number of Sad-Hes. lie bound to trade e a trade with ;;uv man who wishes to bay of lian. lie uses b..;h Oregon 1 and C.dd'uedi leather ia his establishment. ; ad ci-- vc-i k l-eai s a m-'at exei lient reputation ; .-. cad. V.'e !;e.pe that citizens of our own ' u;ey will think of this, wlan they want any I a". ; la..... in his hue. ' ! ! i Vai.t: a::lk liASD Koi: Salh Cheap We know of d-a) acres of good iambs for la in thi., county, hcinrr the End claim cd d. E Stout, in what is known as IheltingoM j ? tdemeut. It wili be sohi iu lots to suit eer.daeaas, on very fair terms. Tins hind ! is -ady Ft ndb from Oregon City. For 1 tardea' Eheauad oi apply tu N. W. Kandal!, j of t his e:t, or ot J. 1 ,. Mont, Unity, Uaker's ! Lav, V. T., or at Atai;ev Stoat, in the above ia aiuaacd settiement. Id: ly EbthtTtto ?Fi.icoN.-Th:s cut inns nncl gudde substnc:? i-i confidently claimed to ; t b;ot article ever discovered for .nine: dud yrdisldng Cold, Silver ard j o - d Ware. iUe' H smooth metallic snr- j E ,.f jvaaC-" des-uaj-ticn. inctivbr.at E.'-u atansiE ei" tin, topper, brass, steel, j o-? Doust. That 0T A ;;;.;;:( r EcvEds p'.amonary Syrup js the most ef- ! '!'.'.. :uai never bsuin rene Ems of the tin oat ami lungs. Xew Advertisements. T ODINSON'S Adi- Ctkbrated Ilagic Soap Powders ! Prepared in 6, 12, and ill lb. Foxes, R E A D Y F 0 R I V. 1 SUING ! o This cheaper than Common Sean. It removes Pab-.t, Tar, Fitch and dirt of every d a i iathon ; and whi di has given such gen- d sads a -iian, bv provi:r that your wash lug- t:ui! be done with om'-haif ti.e time and !,E e d the Ed mode. Ti. us labor suved is v ma-te 1 'rubbuu as wash-boards, aehine and to wear out clotnes, is entirely (a o i-us-ei wi.iu ar.U ine wai-ning tor a vecai 1 . 1 - i V' :.-! caa be done in two hours. To a-- the eo-a ;-f vour wa-liing being three-fourths less thr.u by any other process, as you use no et E r d i . . s -- i'reptired Powders or Soap have not on:;, j v -veu t eaist-'ve- superior ior asi.insj; f-ttate, newly tarmsnau, ano it win oe toe en- ,iny ma! ad kin is of goods, bat proved after : of.aVor of the proprietor to make his guests ; i.-av y..a;r's. use not t. injure in ihe sltgbu-st , comfortable. The baamaae Wagon will al- h --a a, e any fabric c! the' lincst U stare ; and, w;tvg v,c p,and at the haul ng on" the arrival : -' i!v tucat article for the hands, as it : o- Steamships aua river betas, carrying bag ; : odi-s them s -ft a oi white, as well as your j j..,, to t;,,. j0UHe free of c'uarge ctuiaes. It also keens vour hands tiatni : 1- - . ehao; ha; . hen exposed to the air. V- ticiy the v. e-rld. to produce its superior : for washing any and ad kinds of goods. : Oar ol 'vet is to save vc ur time, expense. h nal i ; o . and especially the woman who h.;s to wash. Y v t .Re pleasure in announcing a few of ihe many ladies u oties by thoir consent v: no have used our Prepared Ma gin Hemp IV-vuers. fa :n sii moat-s to one year : I'OUV' A.VO. SALKM a aaxn. '. . S. silvers, A. pa t : b'-.-a, Ea. Wetaius, UE JI. ihumett, II. W. EavE, It. W 1 x, J. Eaett, E.iud. Mrs. Sis v. Brown, " Dr. M. 'Curdy, . IE .Maorea, Maj. Ihu ry, Dehmey, ( raves, U.-.i-oi .'-,'.'. TH3 STATE AT LAEGK. ..baEyMm. J -. Wa't : EaJ'aiettevr, A R Etobank ; li tyton Messrs James & 01 (Ean ; '. ' -E G:a-- Mes-r-Comhes Jfc lbixton ch aa a o'v Messrs Bricirs At Kizer ; Alkan a;--. .E id. Sariuger. Mrs. Irwin , ''V-is.Mrs ihive-er: IsL f.W-' Mrs. Ralsum ; dejj'i ' rzun hlrh Waiters ; Qr-ou City -iu-t introduced, far s.tli by meribnuis generally. Manufactory, Pine st., bet. Front and First. Portland, Oregon. I,o.;a S. ROBINSON & CO. J OHN II. SCREAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in f-r-EE SADDLES, JIAPNESS, tic. etc. Mzin Si reef, Oregon Cii'j, f.- rfi.resfint tnat ee 13 now as SIIIILIA BIMILIBdS CXTSA1TTITR. "H" Wit FROVEl', FI'-OM TKE MOST AMPLE HE eXr.e"iT.ce. en entire success : birr.p!e ?i-iip't-K!clef.t ntul I lea able. They are the oaiv Mediciuts j-erP.-cf'.y adapted io popular use, ji.j cirnpio tn.i: r.i;t,o-:e3 canaot be made in tj-'";r--r ihf-ra ; so ::;':'i..U-r.- fis to be free from dsui ecr.'ar.d chaacht :'v la be always rel.icble. 'i hi'v bave rai-'.'d ihe h;htvt coiunier.tliition from uflai:d will always leadc esuicfactioa. Nos. Ceat. l. cares Fever. Cor.gesC.on,Inn?mmatins.55 2, " Woi'iiiM. V. oi-ra I-ever, Worm Colic.iS . ... cci . r i i. ., Hisiri iiit . v i vuuuitai in AUUliS. ."a i?yw?tery. Onrur.fr. Ihitons Colics? -iolera-rtIrbtt, Voaiiiinc:. . 'nsis. t.'ohi, Jronhiiis 2.: Nt; iTtIg:ta, Toothache, I'aeache.'.25 I3ealac!esikHe.lache. Vertigo" h?V'; iepiii. Biiieu.-t Stomach as Kap!rv.siel. or J'aii.fal reriou.-j...So XViiite. tco profit .-e i'erleds is :va;. Coi:-h. Lhllculc r.rcftthintr..2r! H i I'. c?j ji . i-h-r-j'. p e la -.Krtipti o i : li5a'Sin;5-.tif!i, i'llu-nraatic Kainn en St '-iC c: - ' - ' ';! if;.e i.'.ai'.i oc Ane, ciuil Pevcr, Attes.tO i'iii eaao vr i.-aje.an,,' a(l Ojviivamiy, nan iore or weak KjXf-OO 'ettvrr.a-a:t or f rre.iiie.IiuluEiizn'ii) X'.'L; ; -. s ,e. i i .v iotc-mcous-btX) , ,-ll. o; ','0.--r -. ., l.e-.--uh:t:;r. . E ..-: v a" - eef:-,iin;:.tire(lhi":arinCO tr: aei o : .v.- a-o ae.! -.'..'a : --,-v, Hoe. -.-.".) be, a'l!t'iKi Uchiiiiy.piiyitcaiweekueeSa'.J ITt ; ;.y. ai'd eieoy S-ei-.ret.ions. . . .5) Sea- l EtiJeasictai-:-- hoia ridiatKl -f. a'llpy-yjsi';,'.::', Ibave,- ,.7j Ki'ioaa'i ieii-Jty SfraSnal 1 jtae involiuo: ry aa'a t CO irro ; .a :- Caaker 'at Vj-f,jit? ry i e:?;i a-fawe - iiuc 1 .::") !.. toa'-i : a a-.'l.:; . ..'i ) - no, SI, 3t. '-) at, fcatiVrh:'; a.' eh:u: a" i tia- 1 (at 2 Adse j a. ;-a.r t. ir -i .V itu.' Daia-el .00 lilpMlJiei'ta, uieeia'.v;! rioi'e threat. 5e v5.vixr f.h-: .viiA Of :s. ?. CO i:ar:r-v vl'il;. inoroeco r i j a'o e ;0 -;;r.. 4Oi 1 in l;x p ' ?ei- vevy orainary cii- b-a n f'aji?sy i.. r.bj.'-et Jo, uti.i L--il;. C((.tii'eviko;a) Ir voai ij: i O to $35 r.niftlh'r " 'y io--; rS"ra. -elir.'r -. r:0 ; ; " fo.ia ,v 5 to $S caeai u-r.i Peiv ae "JoanF0faOa;i 1-a- c .: ? i ; : i ad f r H-,i,ev,:; V ve ti'Lala.e'o. ia v.a't.' aat , o t (o.-.:;, -Uir5 rnren tt,:rae : o ; j';-a!?iM.4, Fion-a a.'- ;:.;va 'VJj c eail. ; Ij Vticth r:fd"a t'H :-ap!-, a. ei( i;dbi. t'.:i;.tt;ia i i . J . ' . '. .- ... a;; o. i'fjr-s, t JoS'Si. -aii ?!r; v. or i -a-;."a ' Xsn- t . . I'-.e-.e. : i;. aja'-a.OiOj'i-'ihsj Cui'iiw, t-e".-; O'ii Ha eea.. ieiha, ,: ZOi-ts. F-Intv-, fl.GO; C 5i;t j t's ot 0. ho'- 'ie . , b ,an...p.., o-- t P d.'ies J. Ti: CT, b ; fa c. a .-o;a,:- ia-a. are fi-jit io cay ja rt e i ha c. -a . ;. f y hi!! or exprei.i, beo it .a i.-.v, oa i , . i i ! a in--. AdJvie? Huir.purevo' Epeeido IIcr.i-jo-paEa.io Elcdioino Company, OiTico and lavput, bo. oP2 Iu:u.i..way, New York. lr. Ilraen'ooi's i ront-alted iau ! y at tdi cfike, pcavoaaay or by kliur, a& ibove, i;r all tonus of chiease. I'OR SALE BY ALL DIfLTGGISTsS. dd ISC dXLAN ECUS. y"M. J HOUGHTON. Gontracod and Haildcr, Main St.. 01 EICON CITY. ffJT Will attend to all work in his line, con sisting in part of Car; rater ami Joiner wi k framing, budding, etc. dubbing promptly attended to. Flli2dlIsi79ilJi:hS2tiI2:od; HOUSL, 'I Eha'-A .- ' '- EavEv,d.avd . P E,a eXs , i- ' - a. SIGN", EE---: h.-'-'' E d a taaa a-af-io... fy di) ax , r , - Graining, CUdhiy, China Giostit'S, Imitations Of all kinds Wood edmct MsitMc ! .'. -a, :' an ; ca car; or roaae rrn f ' Pceifc (.'fue'. E'aoui'i e our vx-rK auUJut'zejor KisTd-lvcrv order attended to with cai exaedilE-n C. K. MURRAY, with care and ' ' VEctt Door Ptid-ton'a Si rick. Main st., Oregon City piKENlX HOTEL. Main Street, Oregon City J. F. Miller & Go., Proprietors The proprietors of the above Hotel take great, pleasure in annoiuu-;ng to the public that they have made prrangements to keep a flrst-chiss home for the traveling publE, and hope to receive a j-ba; e of their patronage. The Heu-e is at. a verv conveniv.it distance from cither landiiur cthhe eteamboat.-, and near the tenter . 1 business. , I'll CAN EXCHANGE. j (J.ite L:C UL, JIUt.J.,.) No. R-i Front Mro-u 1'ortlaiul Oregon. L. P. Ed QEE-'HY. Pi:cvr.iETOU, (Lcdt vf V dtrn Hold.) This houss is '-.-?. meed coromoOious in foe g HADES SALOON. G-. A. HAAS, Proprietor. 21 A IH STREET, Oregsn City. C' ay The above named popular re h? s,7:t has been thoroughly renovat ed and lepaiud Curing the iast season and is new open to the put-dc, Pdiy complete iii all its appoh.tuiets. T'.vo cf the Be.ti VILLI ART) TAR LPS i:i OREGON Have been mri enlaced, r.nd th.e Proprietor in vites the anciition of ihe lovers of this popular amusement to them. T II E B A R I S A UP PLIED With at! the clmiccfct qindbies of Liquors and Cipim. Scotch, Ii-tsis and Rmirbon already ihut o as. for h'-t Wi EkEs and Punch. Families sriadie b HOT COPPER ART) OYSTERS, At ah Lours for tha convenience of patrons. IELVIDEUE SALOON. Main Street, Oregon Cdy. M. BItOVdX, Proprietor, thankful for past favors, solicits a con'inuruiee of the same. FREE LUNCH DAILY, Ard the very best .ptahtics of Wines. Liquors and Ci ?ar?. Zr PiiTs" Feet, Tripe, Herring, 0yster3 and Sardines constantly on hand. W. p. EIGKFISLD, Established since 1813. at the old stand, Main Strut, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew- elrv. aad beth Ihoraas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Pepairings done on short notice, and thankful fc-r past favors. ! ! OKEGOX CITY BUSIXKSS. JAKES A. SEIITH, OUEGOX CITY. JUSTICE OF TFE PF.ACE. AND LICENSED CuNYEYAXCER. Ponds, Deeds. "loidgaces. Agreements. Contracts, and nil ether kinds of Legal Pa pers drawn up at short notice. Eeeorcs ex amiaed. and copy ins done. Especial atten tion pi veti to the adjustment and collection uf a r-count s. tW Chm be found at the Store of S. D. Francis, fbq., or at the Court Eou-e. 2'itf A. H. HELL. E. A. VAKKEII. BSIiIi a PARK BR. AXP DKALKUS IX Chemicals. I'uicnf Medicines, Paint 's Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, Aral every srtkde kept iu a Dreg Store. Main Street, Oregon City. TdoSODll5S of WOOL'.S WANTED! EY THE O KEG 0 X CIT Y S-E-dSEt . . I Ili.M!1 ;ll Or.2G0S CITY ()- OKllCOS "Who have just re-opened the 'dill after a thorough refitting, and are now turning out F,me of the finest, and best qualities cf good manufactured on the Pacidc coast, consisting of all kinds CaSsiih JJ0cs;:i)y, a'! all J:'ids . auias jio'uct,zs fx a n T : 'a "Which the Company are now offering at greatly reduced prices. We invite nil merchants to give us a call at the Mill, or at the agencies of L. W'.ii to & Co., Portland: or Prey in. in Pros.. Salem: or Brown L'tos. E Co.. San Francisco. Any desired styles cf poods made to order, on ?hort notice. It. JACOD, Maragmg Agent iE) 0. C. M'i'g Company. AT '- tie: stoef of s d. fhancis, faieeeis will find a heady and permanent mai.ket, and will EFCLIVE TiEr: BEST I'EICES CUfiltENT POIt ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. 4 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPPLY OF FLOEF, SUGAR, TP A, COFFEE, AND SYRUPS OE THE PE-VT RE AN PS, AND A GOOD ASSO'dTMENT OF OltOCKHIEs, I'ROVIS 10NS AND STAT ff)N LEY, Aid, OF Y-d II I C II W ILL E E S O L D AT LOW FIFO FITS. Cell and examine for yourself lefore Purehaa'utq clscichcrc ! MOTTO Do vr.i-j ci.'tcr?. as you would (hoi Oregon City, March 2s, lr?.p4 22.tf CITY 11 EEY STREET, OR EG OX CITY. 3ABL0W ci FOLLEO, (Successors to Worbmtm & Sheppard,) Keep coiSfltniitiv on huttd CAKES! PIESi BREAD! And Cracker cf all kinds ! Grdsrs in tills Lino will mset witli PHOHPT ATTENTIOH ! BAB LOW & FULLER Also keep on band all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! BTEAMROAT STORES! And all Articles imed for Culinary Purposes ! FULLER D 11 2. U is i.J Se'l a dee assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail! Attention is r.Iso directed to the fact that r.obocly edse sells tha FAMOUS GLEAQON CHEESE ! "3-' In short, Painters and the puhlio gen erally, are invited to cad at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and oar prices rcason- ab'c All kmds ot produce taken jr exe ban so lar goods. B.VRLOW &. FULLER' JACOB WOItTMAX. THOMAS II. FIELDS Wortmasi & Fields! Oregon City, Oregon. IEAL-iL5 IN Provisions of all Kinds : JVines and Liyuirs ! Confectionery, Spices I Cannc d Frui is and Me a ts ! And all ihe Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar tZEfTke highest market prices paid for country produce. JFST RECEIVED a compound to make fiesh Lemonade, the very thing far Gccd Templars and Sons cf Temperance At A..Lf.vvE. ST6? THAT GOIieilB -.'-T3 rT7 tov c i.r?, .rrr vs rzTX i yea. Voa l.bte tri-- I cv-.re rriaffv'y le.t tiie ON'B a -:.a-)-b 1.7 ic-i lan-rari-; r;.ei a. j sepers.-do ad r-na-: ; " aa. ft ; - :'!- Fiares, yaa ':au: 1 td ; . ;. i r y - a a ..:.a ci.-: fatwr tae naiay a" 3 V' a C'.Vd laadf 'f U.t.ihr CotupeUttd oiilcd w t:- p-A'..C as a ct-rtaia tarfj bus lOIlViiiLL'S PiilniGiiary Syrup rrV'r tbe Yrr.Y FFST wr-K-'lr CTrrcrari:r. tr t'aC!ire -I" Coarrus, 'V.K - i"bn5, Asdias., ,VK': a.e (.'o-a'e.boa-... Ian,, aa-.l r.:.suiH .-.. Iha.u--a 1' E o-,;.' .a ..-diarie.H 4.:l jr.H'.t (una- h.nj u:e-ay blai-ElUeJ l-y tao f-ur i .aa Cuuuvu i.ov.aa, PiiMonary Syrup m ivab rere-r---t dvn ft tle-'ir mea-a" -d t?rv' vaaea. V. : new u :a.-a -.ar-a-;v-Mo aii wtowfl aa f i;k li.-.tti'rr c-f iP. dt.-ea.--u.-i f t-e Throat Pulmonary Syrup :-d taoa'aida :.r.a it xs.'.l cure YOU if yon try ;re T'ei inv.it'-:rM- ? -r ' ':: ) ', ae t dv ta.'.: .-, .,- ;, v.a:, . :: ; a - . i . .ia H: r. eikvJ.o i- . ; .; j.-d- f.-o'-I ;.0 5 '-.- -ti:,;-; V e-a.'O-rioas irL.J:iJ ! "v ata ". a l a-...'.. a .- -r eu re;:ia:i?aaa'C C'-'Vor-;'. .-"a i rr-av iT-.'a.i.a-i-: au.cus ol Sai V.::.k.aJ U. ij.i::-- .- .-' tj'.li.' Ol TIT T 5 3 b a f r c EVP AYS SA FE 1 Always Fiabetual, -i. IV Fever and Ague E Speedily and ef 'ectuadv cured i v Da. IE COCd FiEb Univer sal MaemoE Fdai. I IT ' 7 . r- - PUBLICO!5' Vh.E-. xEero 'E.-id-rf VEV TRULY A VEClRTARLi: PREP A RATION. Eeite cuuii.e without sigiiatute of WE it. Strong. FKlbNGfoN. ECETETTLRcc CO.. 4iG and 41S l-'rent s-t.. San Francisco S-de. and exclusive Agents. nEBIEfJIQN, H03IETI: CO.'S ESSENCE OF Jamaiss G-inser. This valuable preparation, containing m a highly concentrated term id I tie properties of Jamaica vha.er, has become one of tae most popular domestic remedies tor all discus es of the stomach and digestive organs. As it tome, it a id he ha ad invaluable to all persons recovering from dalaiby, whether produced bv E ver er otherwise: E-r white it imparts to the ..-te.m al! t e gUvv and vigor that cau b :m aha ed bv wlae or l.a and v. it is free from the r'ued; nary (-deeds si'dits rf aav kind. that EaEw the use oi It is , .;') ati taaulEnt remedy for femaTe-s who saih r frcai dihiciut rao u-trmdum, giving j.lrif-st immediate lelief to the spasms that so treouentiv accompany that period It gives immedhiie. relief to Nausea, caused by riding ia a ladru.id ce.r, or by sea-sicknes or other eausi s. It is a's ad-mb'e rs .m exlrrnal application for (En-t blmuuur'Em. Nenr)lgt:i. etc JiFJ'JlA'GTOX, HOST KIT J-:i ' Co.. 4.1 G ai,d 413 Front st, San Francisco. lse Eleetvo gilicosi, Or?Iagie lirilliawt. EEr-JxIG-TOIT E0S7ETTZZ & Co.'s F!okli2i "Winter ! Fur (he llandkcrcJuef. This article, posses.sipg the rnos delicate fragrance of Flowers, is unequalVed as a per fume for the Handkerchief, FUR TlUi PA Til ! Used in bathing it Poparts strength and en eray to the tc-... , ;!n. r-i-,es that softness nd delicacy t'i the shin so much desired by all IT REMOVER &UXBUKX, FRECRRESfy PIMPLES, Thin tad with water it makes an elegant den tifriee, imparting pei-triy whiJeness tv the teeth ewta-iiio-s to tie; breath, and renders the gums hard ar d of a hcundfi.l coh r. It should always be ns"d after shaving dibit, ed with water, as it rel evs all inflammatiou- HEDIXGTOX, noSTETTRR i? Co. 4 IS and 418 t'riuit st., b'an Francisco. EEEC TR O SILICON, ou - ill t g i e IBrllllsint I Direct from Nature s Lalralory. The L'est article ever discovered for cleans ing and PoEshmr (bald. Silver and Plated ware, and all smooth Metalic Surfaces, of whatever description, in rinding Kitchen uten sils of Tin. Copper, Rra-s. f-teei. etc. To Jewelers and Wot hers in Gold and Sil ver Plate the Electro Silicon is of inestimable value ; the time saved, and the vexation pre reive ! by its ase, will forever-endear its name to all who have had evidence of its merits, REDING TO X Ii OS TETTER Co. s Hole Arcit, Sari Franc'acet -y J70R FLAVORING, RE RING 'PCX, JIGS TETTER C? EXTRA V TS A re the best. Bcdingtcn, Kostettsr & Co'b Florida Wsitcr ! USE NO OTHER. ! UnexcCded for Toilet Use and fcr the Path. "d,,. . v " - d r e:e:i;V-A ' E'.;E PORTLAND BUSINESS. Dr. J, H. HATCH, -afc 'aci 4- Hutch, I) ENTIST, The paircr.age of those desiring hrtt Gus Vpewturv hs respectfully solicited., , Satisfaction hi cad cases guaranteed.: i. Xitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction" of Teeth.,. . Office Corner of Washington and Frou , streets, Portlaud. Entrance on Washington-' street. )EMAL NOTICE. H05IE AGAiN; Duriiiir my 'cur of twoyeaM m the Eastern States I "hnvc spared neither time nor money to make mvsc'f "per fectly familiar with aud master of uiv pro fession. Those desiring the best work that the nature of the ease will admit of can find me at my odice, 107 Front street, two door above Mccormick's Book Store, Portland, Oregon. DR. J. O. GldlNN. Jacob Stitzkl. James K. UrTOx. STITZEL & UPTON, Peal Pxlaie Brokers and General Agents, Comer of Front and Washi union ?lrcel PORTLAND, ' OIIEGON. .-f Will attend to the sale and nurchi ot Real Estate in ail parts of the City and State. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. 0. box Ve2, Portland. Oregon. STiTZEL & UPTON, 13.tf ) Real Estate linkers. HATS! HATS! HATS! OF EYEPvY STYLE In Large Quantities can le Pound AT J. C KETJSSBOSITER & EEQ.'S S. IV. corner of Morrison and Front q streets, Portland, Oregon. Also Capsoferery style, and Boys' and Cirhs' Ilas in large varieties. GiveusacallQ and examine. WALL A 31 E T ISBN WORKS COMPANY I STEAil EiCINE- And Boiler Builders! Portland Oregon. THESE WORKS APE LOCATED ON the bunk of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efficiently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex- . perience ou this coast for fifteen years gives nim a thorough knowledge of the vatflcus kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! " FLOURING MILLS ! SAY MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! " &0., &C, &C. Manufacture and Jit voir Machinery of all lintjt. JJIOX SJIUPTER WORK ' at San. Francisco co-f, and freiqld. ISteder Jan dal"s Patent Grinder end Amalgamator. Jt?ii)ars and Stevetts Self Adj listing J-'at-ent E'EiEoi. J-ar-k imj, either applied iy old or new steam cylinder. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and dies, if "the te-?t hard iron. 3:1 A LT5ERT BAIiTSCII, il PIAKO MAKER, THIRD STREET, PORTLAND OREGOX. Between Taylor and Salmon. Having had an "extensive experience in the largest cities of Europe and America, respectitdly announces to the public of Oie gou and Washington Territory that be is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS 011 Pianos and Melodeor.s. 3" Tuning attend d to with great care . New strings always on hand, and IJase Strings made to older. Orders from abroad promptly attended to, and all work guar anteed. All charges at San Francisco rates. Portland, April 12, 1869. Mr. Albert Barfseh, piano maker, has remedied and renovated an old piano be-, longing to me, which now has au extraor dinary good sound and appearance. Tho work clone ou it is of tbe most substantial character and made iu a workmanlike man- ner. With the greatest pleasure I recom mend him to the public of Portland as a No. 1 mechanic. Yours, JACOD STITZEL. Portland, April 12, 1869. , I take this opportunity of certifying to the capability ot Mr. Albei t uartsch, ot this city, as a firnt cla$ piano maker and repairer, hav ing repaired and tuned pianos for my scholars and myself. It is with great ploas- ure that i recommend him to the citizens of Portland and vicinity, and trust that he will receive a liberal share of patronage. II. GUDIO OTtOR. Sixteen Years in Oregon. s. j, M'eonmcK iMtMUSicl xn6 Fioneer Ecokseller and Fublisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers (and as many new ones as ruav not be acquainted witn the fact) that he still" continues to operate at the FEAKKLIN BOOK STd&Er 105 Front Street, Portland; (EXACTLY OPPOSITE MOUNT HOOD) Where he 13 prepared to furnish SCILOOL BOONS, . STATIONERY. SHEET MUSIC, . . - .eje IXSTR UCTJOX ROOKS for all kinds Musical Instrnmenis. CliriSCII Ml'KlC BOOKS, tMSS VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN BLANK BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. " CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, . LIAGAZINE3, GLOBES. PRESSES,' - , PENS, . Photographic AlbmnaV And every fiber article in the above line. o o o O 0 o G O o o o O O 0 S -a t J p rf EEa., EyEea ad- ;E Ea- -:lEad--aa: X X