The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, June 12, 1869, Image 1

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    I ;
1 h
itMilia U II "I '"" J-"J iWW "! : W.i.
" i jut ji k.j. usj . m
s s
SO. 31.
. MITCHELL. J. N. DOLru. A sjiuu
Kitcliell. Dolpli & Smith,
1 . . r
"tortays and Counselors at I,aic,
Solicitors in Chancery, and L roc
tars in. Ai ::iir! tJ
Office o-or the old PostOthce, Portland, Ort iron.
c. v. PAitnisu,
Votary PuHie and a-m. oUetda.
kr'0n AI,Jcr st,e'ct' ,a cai:ei
fcj - " - ; .
log-m, SkaUnck &Kil'in,
A'l TGUXKYri AT LA ..,
'. 1W) Front Street, L ;i S.alrs,
portlanp, oi:D;ov.
p ( ) R TL,M. OR KG ON.
...... . l 1 i I L' V-
J-..-.t4 Origan Citj, Oregon.
f 'ST Will i.tVriid fft ill I b'isiiK-s- entrusted to
inr cue hi asry .f the Courts of the S:at.-.
Coilet't nvn".v.Nesr'-'tiiite reni e.-taie
tC 1 Particular attention yivtu to cotiieitJ
Land .
jTf7 H. W ATKINS, M. D ,
I . UIIGKOX. PoiiTLxxn. Orkg n.
Fmnt s(r tt Residence cor-
O ncrn: M.n and S-eiit!i s-tit-fts
I Wi. F- L5AKCL A V,
(Foi merly urpooti t the II. .a. II. C. Co.)
07-7 C A At Rcsidftu-e, Main .titet Ore
gon City. y oT'-it.
Wood and Willow ware.
1'w'uiCH, CorJofje, etc.,
AND M A ' I." F A C T C i! V. 1! r OF
f Mrooms, l' i 1, Tuhs,
Wiisiilioords. q-o
k- 2l,"i 21 7 Sivcrsmiento St.. San Francisco.
?: lUi Maiden Liuic. N. V. City.
i street, one
of th
Lineal, Jhikcry Qrrgnn Cil-j.
"B; F. K- wma Proprietor.
' The pr iprii-t 'i- is i!w pvr",.ar.-U to tuini-h
the ps.i.In: Ice-Crcaro h- n- ver the
wea'inr w II permit. uUo Soda, Sa. sapai ilia,
f tO.. i'iuistant!- mi ban '.
Pic-Nic parties, a i exe:rs"o!;8 &upjdi- d,
and attended n h . 1 1 v. nc. ('J.'i.t.
pi iy
Savier, LaEcqv.e fs Co.,
our. a on city.
Keen cons'nntlc on ' Md. Hour
JIidia.,rs, I', run and Chi.kineid.
inin iiinu' f'-t d inu-t finni-!) she ;o-'.-
btu''f' to Or ithni it' Co.,
Vagons l Carriages
2(1 and :j Front st., I'orthmd, Oregou.
Ij Warfnns of every thacrjptwv
tni!e to order. Cent ral Jobbing done
with neatness and dixputrh.
3 Ex.
X jL X
25 Front street and :'", Fir.-t ptreet. pcntlnnd.
v nMn.H.m .w.i i " v .
loptne t :tianipoeg, i onnnerciai ;;nu i.iiiaN ei if
Tlnri...r n.iJs. II..v: afulde Fire nrouf
Storage. Cns!vnn nt solicited. -i.x
J. f, MILLKK. J - "v". SH A TTL'e K
? J.F. MILLER t Co.,
3(Ol -lli'l flaI4S i itres will be couth
At the Oirsron Ci'v Jo,,t and $AneurtU. The new
- Store, M-d" alrert.
- Of Ladies'. Cents'. IJ..ys. and Ci.ildron
Boots and Shoes, on hand r made to order.
tx , : v-t
Citr Drayman,
,t All orders f,,r tho tl..livM-v of n erclmn- i
,iiirp.i lM:,., -j.ii oi nirttcvi-r (if- !
"ffplioti. to i(i,y j, tjiC city,
Cute I pinnoit'v and with care."
l in-t ottTON. j
et-xe i
-4X!i;:v WU.I.IS. WM
Hiving purchased
tie interest t.
OT N ( v i 1-1 .!.. ... .11 1
Ope dour w,.-st of Excelsior Ma'ket. Oreron
U, announce that they w;!i at all ti:ne
Keep iiood horses n." d "carnaes to let, at
reft.,n.-ib!e rates. Horses bought and sold
Or Wpt by the dav or Week.
Succc-ttor to SMITH d- MARSHALL,
WBIack-Smith and IVarn Maker,
- . Corner of Main and Third streets
.Oregon City . .
3rdekstnithincr in all if-hr inrhe; Wasr
Q n.akinp: and r-pairireg. All woik wan ant
tl to tr;ve sati.!'actnii.
J. McIIenry,
It rM, (.i,r;fi V V ' r'",,lIU-
TToc K ,.l j :
refuiiv selected stock ,,f "
urocKery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware,
J!,,rs. ail of which be offers nt prices
!!,e fin e' Wholesale and Ketaii, "
i uei,ie,v W1 1o weil to c -H and ex-mv I
his stock, n.nd learn his m- t.f.. :
Parchaaiag elsewhere. '
' TheSnh of Mav is h'rebr denated
I for the purpose of strowi- wisn novei uie
jr raves oi . ur c- mrade.s wu an-u iu
o ti.eir coismrr, the hope t'iat it will
be obs -rvud fro:u ve:ir to year by & the
people." ;xv.cOVgi 6V- J'"j'm Wacr
Ac. 11 H'dq'rs . -J. A'., 2, 5- 1Stj3-
T.c t us gather to the grnund,
Our soldier's graves around,
And .-trew e.ic!i lonely nio.ind
"With the choice-t fl we s of soring ;
And the Hpir t of the brave,
O'er the hind th- die i to save.
Shall keep WAtch while we these oTering
brii.g ;
And when we f irsret t'-eir valcr
G.tve our liberty n-w bi t th,
May their ungrateftd country
Perish from the f ice of earth.
cno vs.
We'il gather to the ground.
Our soldiers' g -ave- around.
And ,!eck each l-.wly tnond
With the fa rest 0 nver- o'er ;
An 1 the 1 m 1 th-y cii d to ave
Stiil shall honor thus her brave,
And forget them never more.
f'h Caen, on bended knee,
Let us mingle siUniiy
The pule a..mona
And tin- d irk bi; e vi !e,
And the, flow'rs of "May,
Wi h forget tn-t.ots and b:iy,
Arid arhinds of spring beauties wet;
And tl.fh- pi. re hi oath shall ascend,
Like a j tacr. 1 ke a praye-,
That our iunduriv fin a hearts as true.
As those thai moulder there.
And year by year we'll come,
"When the flowers are in bloom,
At d we'd deck each hero's tomb
On tli's " D orati ii Day ; "
'Tdl all the S -i; h and North
Shall li'k it with the Fou th.
T-vin lioli s an.l ln-ly days for aye :
ti;e Fouttii and this new May day
Through all the conring years ;
Thai we'll kt-ep with loyal glee,
But thii with patiiot tears.
eiirht vcars the entire range
and method of the newspaper hus-
has undergone a revolution.
class editors are rarer than j
lirst class lawvers or doctors; and j
a lu st class reporter, hkc a thing oi j
i team v,
is a joy lorever, so rare
is he. it is a u'reat nr.staKe that, lo
cal reporting is second-hand em
ployment. It is so considered be
cause second-rate persons so often
till the desks on a daily journal.
But it is in reality an important
position. It requires tact, original
ity, industry, sobrietv1 jood sense-,
intelligcn e e , 1 1 1 c k n e s s . Of con r s c-,
every department of a well con
ducted press calls for all these ex-
cuu press
eellent traits
more or less; and.
: theretore. it i
nartier to etuui) a
A 1
Uian to organize an ar
my, or office, a man-of-war.
During the next fifty years the
t A
press will 'lay
;e most conspie-
uous part in liublic atiairs
It will
j f
; 'C What its SVC01 dKHltS iiaVC
-s -vays C'aimeil lul'
it, e
t what it !
, tias never reauv
been, the '-fourth
j estate.11 t'ltimately, books will
cease to be written. Belles let-
c 1 to the stand-
si -aper
I and every way improvd will prob-
!y supply
tne puone its daliv
1 5l . 11
j mental toou. i nei e is i;u :e reason
! to doubt this; and, as soon as it
comes to be generally understood,
! if imm vome' fellows will
j Iurll aidclrom the old ibirv pro-
fession and take to journalism as
their fathers took to lawand phys-
l-ditors will be less rare than
t hey are now. ana more comperenr.
- " i x
Anybody can write. Bid writing
js die least part of journalism. In
P. ct itor.-ittire ami UailV newspnp
ierare only second cousin, and the
Ult t, .t..- ...
one is a sort ot
poor reunion
the other. Journalism, sti
e 1 1 .
the science of human nature; a
combination of action, and the
(.tor's art at once a reflection and
the thimr itself.
. . . .
The really able journalist must
therefore be not oYdy a man of
thought, but a man af action also.
The. voluptuous literatetir has no
jilace in the modern printing office;
for lie is only useful who can work
at nio-ht ; ';ive up society; subordi
nate las personality to his craft ;
consider himself, while on duty, as
a man on a vovao-,.. bound to serve
ot a ,i-ei,m,r
iis indeed 'a shii-i oi and Mmot I ordinary refreshment room. Each irom abroad with a pardonable ; years.
I lau"!t'd ba1l),u i ! " d,- -vMio-1 drinker ci-ar pride in the elecrant, complete and In this connection we may men
i always m a storm. Ihe billows ; member de.a mg a uinnv oi ei .n, .i i f ;mr,Artmi.o
! - ' , t .ro.. i,:. Friend navs for i tastidious establishment which thev tion another item ot importance,
ot popular nassion are out there or to iieat, liiS liitna, pays u.i . .
nil in urr J.ln L-.f hhi.r ond lo-im-
1 A . . i . . . .
: Tv , ' , , i
mir. ruep her steady to the wind
laiul there is no danger ; but it is!
! u n 1111 10 U'Y to run against tne
; currcnt, or in face of the wind, and
; the least insubordination or inebri-
or lack of skill of officers or
i crow may be fatal.
BTinnesota Club Hcuse.
Ricli ant! Ehsatit ppointn,tts Its
ICxt liveit a ml rIai gtnient.
From the St. Faul Pioneer ari l Democrat.
A few weeks ago we mentioned
the fact of a number of our leading-
citizen?:, having formed them
selves into an Association for the
establishment of a social club in
this city, and gave at the time a
full list of the officers of the Asso
ciation, which is known as the
" .Minnesota Club.' The club now
numbers something like a hundred
members, embracing many of our
wealthy retired citizens a"nd lead
ing business men of St. Paul.
Shortly alter their organization the
Executive Committee of the club
leased the well known former resi
dence of Bardett Presley, Esq.,
on Eiclith street, for a term of
years, and work was at once com
menced in thoroughly overhauling,
repairing and otherwise fitting it
to meet the wants and convenience
of the club. This work has been
in progress for several weeks, and
is so iar completed that the house
was formally thrown open for the
use of the members on Thursday
evening last.
A brief description of the inside
appearance and the management
of tiiis, the lirst Club House ever
established in Minnesota, may not
be without interest to our readers,
and hence we take the liberty of
withdrawing the curtain of exclu
siveness and allowing the public
gaze to rest for a moment upon
what is reserved entirely for the
benefit of the favored few who are
aniontr the " elect.1'
nc I r
siev Mansion, with the
improvements and alterations that
have been made is admirably
adapted for the purposes of the
Association. Its line and impos
ing front gives to its outside ap
pearance an air of aristocratic ex
clusivencss. The wide porch, its
massive Corinthian pillars and the
ncit stamea glass win tows anu
transoms which surround the main
entrance to the building, all be-
i i i
tokens wealtli, ii not refinement.
Entering the toor you hud
yourself in a medium sized hall,
the floor of which is richly carpet-
cu, and its sides and ceiling papei
witn uie nnest saiin ana gout
1 .1 , . . ' 111
innsiied put tier, to winch tne soden-
eu poiiL irom tne sumieci gi;t,
adds additional beauty.
Turnino- to t lie door on
yOUl' 1
right and you enter the reception
room. Tl'iis room is large with
high ceiling, well lighted by large
windows, and by night with an
elegant chandelier. Folding doors
connect, it with a similar room
back of it. The door of both
rooms are covered with rich heavy
carpets of an oak and green pat
tern. The furniture consists of a
huge black walnut centre table,
and easy chairs with seats and
backs covered with light brown
leather and richly upholstered.
These rooms also contain marble
mantles, chess stands, card tables.
The windows are provided
tasty oiled window shades,
Passing through these rooms
you enter the cloak room with
ample provisions lor the accommo
dation of the outer garments oi'
the members. Leaving t'nis you
can, if you please, pass directly
into the
This room is provided with all
the necessary equipments to min
ister to the wants of those who are
athirst, whether he be a membei
1 and regular taud;n of
C - ------ ,r c- .
m c:'oo
the father .Matthew or any other
temperance society, or a devotee
at the shrine of Bacchus. The
floor is covered with heavy hem-
j pen carpet. A line bar occupies
the Eastern side of the room, im-
1 . 1: 1 .... 1.
mediately adjoining which is a
closet, in which is contained an
abundant supply of wines, liquors,
cigars, tve, aa 01 vviuen are uii'j
tZt '-Mid mast nKtIv in marke t. 1
r 11 . i"- 1 ' .1. j. t .
line t ' 1 - - - " v j
In this room is kept the vi.-dtors'
Loo,- whoro every stranirer. wlu
for the time oelf!T IS tne ""UCSt OI
' . . i:
the Club, records?
his name. It
; may as well oe stateei neie unit
I the management of tins room does
not diffi-rin the least from anviwhicii they may invite their mends
i , . , -i n-i L-
vht. he Of( CfS. 1 J1C pi'OCCCaS
I i 1 .-.' w.
goes into tne common ltimi m nc
Club tor the prd'cliase
of further
mimics, ami in tins mam-ci
department is self-sustaining.
"w. ilm 1V -f thi-i Loll n; rnn :
vyo uie 1111 vi tn, "
enter is the Reading Room. This
room is furnished nearly the same
as the reception room. Large
t-nv fhnirvj sofa, and in the center i
- ' .,i,t:,i 1
oi tne room is ;i i-pieucnu. iuu i
black walnut table, Covered with '
the leadiuir daily papers, penodi
cals, Ac. It is the design shortly
to add a choice library to this de
partment. SECOND FLOOR.
Passing from the hall up the ;
,-indinrr stairs which are eleerantlv !
carpeted, and we come to the hall j past year or t-0 iavc becn io-. ; deposited in the banks ot this city
above, on each side of which is a glin?" about appropriatins; a pitlhl a large amount a number of thou
fine large card room, equally asFrom the State Treasury tov ; saiul dollars until they can select
finely carpeted and furnished as ; tlnS purpose, this company" has J a home. They left on Monday
the rooms below, containing whist ! without show or parade, been ex- j fr Sauk Rapids, and will purchase
tables, chess stands, back-gammon pending thousands of dollars in I homes among the fine timber lands
boards, &c. Back of the room on j the employment of agents, and j o1110,11 conty
the east side of the building is a tie distribution of pamphlets and ILe above 18 Xnt .a knv among
committee room, where the busi-; ,,thor dneinnents ettitur fvrfli tlx ' the many acts of this company m
.- - V -.'(TT11LAV 111 ll.1' IlLil. tli V..."1. J i;i 1V.'
ness meetings of the Glub are held.
It is furnished similar to the other
rooms, and is provided with a
secretary's desk and other articles
needed for the transaction of busi
ness. Back of this still and reach
ed by a door leading out of the
Hall is the Wash room. This
room contains a water tank and a
number of marble top wash stands.
Immediately across the Hall
from the Committee room and
Wash room is the Billiard room.
I his room is about SO feet square,
and is intended to contain two of j
Kleeman's finest billiard tables,
tor viiiau ineie is auipie spact
This room was added to the orhjri
nal building by the Club. The
tables cost 81,050, and are expected
from Chicago to-day. The mem
bers will be charged for the use of
these tables, and the proceeds from
this source also paid over to the
general fund. All the rooms
will be adorned with splendid
mirrors, fine paintings, engrav
ings, Ac.
This department will not be put
in operation immediately, although
it is the intention to do so in a few
weeks. There is ample space for
a cooking, and dining or supper
room, and an improved cooking
range will be purchased and put to
use in a short time. This will also
be managed so as if possible to
make it self sustaining, each mem
ber paying for what lie orders.
The expense of fitting up thus
far will not fall far short of 4,000,
to wdiich will be added some 2,
500 more wdien the mirrors, paint
ings, cooking apparatus, ttc, are
complete in their places., ."iA.'iAl.ii-.JIb.Ni A 1 ItULM.
I he entire estaolishment has
been placed in charge of Capt. O.
II. Maxwell as steward, assisted
by two or three waitcrboj-s. A
better selection of a steward could
not have been made. Capt. Max
well is thoroughly at home in his
duties and will discharge them in
a manner to give entire satisfac
tion to the members of the Club.
It needs a careful, experienced,
trustworthy and reliable man for
this position, and all these quali
ties Capt. Maxwell possesses.
By the rules of the Club no
gambling is allowed in the house,
and the doors are to -be closed and
the lights put out not later than
11 p. m. on Sundays, 12 o'clock
Saturdays, and 1 o'clock on other
nights of the 'week. fThe house
will be opened at 7 a. m., every
day. Xo member is allowed to
invite any of his friends in St.
Paul to the house, and strangers
from the State at large or from
abroad, on invitation of a member,
may have the entre to the house,
when accompanied by a member
for a period not to exceed two
weeks in every three months. Any
person desiring to join the club will
be required to have las name pro
1 posed for membership, and be
! f .11 .... 1 . i i . rrr. ;
i oanoiteu 101 oy uie -mu. i
itiation fee at present is $50, and
annual dues -s25, payable semi
annually. We learn, however,
that the initiation fee will shortly
be raised to 8100. The founders
of the club have been very partic
ular in the select ion of those whom
they have invited to join them,
o ti.l -17-1 1 nTicmnn t lin con-wi ciii nt
" v i"-1''"" -1 .-cmv. .-'un
will crovern them in the admission
of new members. A strict observ
ance of the rules of the association
ujc umy unng m-cucu to maitt!
t,.-v 41.:,,,,. .t...i
the Almnesota uiub House" not
only a pleasant place of resort to ; that 200,000 persons will come to
its members, but an institution to j Minnesota from these two coun-
11.1 " , . t Tl." "I il. a - . m 4- V t
: hive ntten nn tor t inir own nnfl
their friend's enjoyment.
The house is now open for the
l: .. . T .....
accoiuinoaaLion una use oi uieiu-
"Ask your neighbor to sub-
r- t-
i nbc for the Enterprise.
St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co.
Accommodations lor Immisrant.
- L.ctttr Iiora Tlitir Ajitiit,
tictttr tioni Tlitir A"iiit. Colonel
From the St. Taul i ioneer and Democrat.
We have frequently had occa-1
sion to make mention of the great, :
systematic and effectual services of
the St. Paul & Pacific Railroad
rv,,, ;,w; ;,m;r.tmn i
from the 0ld world 0 our' State, i
widh. T.mcintnr,.o Fn,- thn T
A ' ;
.uivnntTo-os of "Minneotn 'or
have they stopjed there.
totiifioil witli ;inu-il- in
. ' "
Xot '
thousands to seek a home in our ,
State, they have -one farther and ;
at great expense have fitted up
temporary homes for them on their
arrival, in which they can remain
at little expense until they have
selected, and in some measure
I prepared, a home for themselves.
V e mentioned some time ago the
erection of a large building at
Clear Lake Station, on the line of
I the road for this purpose. Since
thcn t10v imve ntte(l up' a milar
buildnig at Pleasant Valley station,
and now Ave have to mention one
more instance of their generous,
thoughtful care for these poor
exiles from their native land. The
company have taken and fitted up
the large stone warehouse adjoin
ing the offices of the company near
their depot. This substantial ;
structure is 150 feet deep by SO in '
width, with two floors. The com
pany have provided a large cook
ing stove with all the furniture
complete, for the use of emigrants
in cooking, and divided the two
floors by partitions for the accomo
dation of both the women and
men. The w hole establishment is
placed under the charge of Jacob
Christianson, a Norwegian. Here
is ample room to sjielter those
larcre bodies of immigrants who
could not find accommodation at
any hotel, or w ho are too poor to
pay for them. It will answer as a
sort of transfer house, where they
can find not only shelter for them
selves, but storage room for their
baggage until they can be fur
warded to the other immigration
depots of the company along the
line above mentioned, and from
thence scatter out to the homes
they have selected. This is at
once a wise and humane act on
the part of the company, taking
upon themselves as it were, the
entire expenses of an establishment
that it seems to us should be borne
by the city, in part at least.
The Company have just receiv
ed a letter from Col. Mattson,
their special agent in Sweden and
Norway, dated April 8th. It was
written" at Gotten berg, w here he
was superintending the embarka
tion of a colony of both Swedes
and Norwegians aOO in number.
They come by steamer, in charge
of Captain. Lindberg, wdio will
bring them direct through to St.
Paul, where they are expected to
arrive about the 10th of this
month. This colony has been se
lected from among those who are
familiar with stock raising, and
will settle upon the fine meadow
lands on St. Francis river, in Sher
burne county, and engage in stock
raising. Some of them are poor,
and those the Company will en
deavor to find homesteads for, and
the balance, with more or less
means, will take lands of the Com
pany, but will all turn their atten
tion to raising stock, for which
purpose the hauls above mention
ed are admirably adapted, not
withstanding their long neglect,
and often unjust denunciation br
other localities. Col. Mattson was
to return to Christianstadt, in
Sweden, to organize other similar
colonies! He will return to this
country about the 1st of June.
He writes that the excitement in
regard to emmigration to Minne-
sota, m both .Sweden ana orwa
! is wonderful, and constantly on the
; :,.-,..nn nnimiiif nil plnsos the
j uan-tuv '"u"b .
i rich ana tne poor, uuu t-Miuwiw
tries aione, wiuim tne uca,
nhmvinff me llllllteilCC ui imr tour
pany in bringing to our State not
only the hardy sons of Sweden and
! -V 1a, lin n-invo T.V-Pfdth-
ioi va, out -u x.v, -
classes from Germany. About a
year ago a German by the name
of Air? J. J. Pass came out to
j Minnesota through the influence of
3Ir. J. II. Kloos, for a long time
connected with the St. Paul and
Pacific Road. Mr. Pass settled
near Sauk Rapids, in Benton
county. A short time ago he re-
I IT i 1 4-
tunica to tne oia county una gut
married, and on Saturday evening
reached bt. Paul on his return,
accompanied by a party ot some
twenty of his friends irom the old
j 'PI.,.- . r n.-- rill titi
coun5 TVS
provided with
I ins j.iai i aic tin t
means, and have
J. .
settling up the State. It may be
--I.! 1 .1" . 1 ( A A 1
said they do this to benefit them-
selves, una sen ineir lantis. Auat;
they do it to benefit themselves is
undoubtedly true but they do it
ma way to benefit the whole btatc.
They make it no condition that
the immigrant shall settle on their
lands, but on the contrary would
prefer they should take other
lands, and by opening them up,
make theirs more valuable. They
do insist, however, that they shall
come to Minnesota, and to that
end employ an agent to pilot them
through until thev land at St, Paul,
where the provisions made for
their comfort, and to save them
expense as above stated, burdens
all their letters to the friends they
left behind them, and in turn in
duces others to come without the
aid of agents. The State owes a
heavy debt to this company for
its unostentatious and effective la
bors in settling up and developing
the resources of our growing young
C ommoii w e al t h .
Sue is of Ace. The young
lady, Miss Cuba, a beautiful daugh
ter of the sea, is no longer a child.
She has emerged from her swad
dling clothes, attained her majori
ty, and is, by divine right if not
by the laws of Spain, entitled to
be free. She is now considering
the question of a new alliance.
She evidently has no u affinity"
for the old monarchy under which
she has been held in subjection.
If Ave correctly discern her prefer
ence, they are for an alliance with
her next door neighbor, the United
States ; and if this really be her
choice, her preference shall be re
spected. She is of lawful age, is
vigorous, healthy, plucky, and we
think it but rigid that she take
her place in that family of nations
with w hich all her interests are nat
urally most intimately related.
Uncle Samuel has room enough for
all. Boys, if the maiden asks, be
prompt to lend a hand. We re
member Lafayette. Phrenological
"Robert E. Lee, President of
the Washington College, Virginia,
comes out as the latest advocate of
technical eucdation. Probably his
experience as commander in-chief
of the uneducated armies of the
Confederacy has driven him to this
stand. The difference between
the men of the South and the men
of the North on this point was
alone enough to decide the issue of
the rebellion, A mass of men who
condemned labor and modern sci
ence could never long keep the
field against an army in which ev
ery regiment was filled with skilled
mechanics and scientific officers.
Kentucky is joined to her
idols. In Louisville a negro has
just been tried by a Judge Bruce,
of the Circuit Court, and sentenced
to be hung, without being al
lowed the privilege of proving or
attempting to prove his innocence,
because, forsooth, his witnesses
were black. Judge Ballard, of the
United States District Court, has
issued a stay of the proceedings,
and forbidden the sheriff to execute
the sentence. We shall test again
the question whether the sun shall
shine in Kentucky.
The public debt statement
shows a gratifying decrease of
$0,399,070 05 during the month of
April. While Mr. Boutwell has
scarcely had time to develop a fi
nancial policy, the monthly exhib
its since lie has assumed charge of
the Treasury evince excellent man
agement, and are an earnest that in
any plan hereafter adopted econo
my will be the corner-stone.
11)0 spirit of annexaiton to
the United States is abroad among
the Cuban insurgents. This dispo
sition of their island will add a
new motive to the cause for which
they right. It will be a guarantee
that their labors will produce fruit
worthy of a free people.
Until within the past few years,
fallen women have been virtually
ignored by Protestant Christians
as subjects of religious efforts.
They have been given over by so-
ciet-y, with scarcely an effort to
reach and restore them. For every
other class of repenting sinners, a
way and a refuge were open, but
for this there were none. The
have bitterly " abandoned wom
en," abandoned apparently by
God and man, as hopeless and lost;
but the few efforts that have been
made among them have been quite
as successfull as among almost any
other class.
In London' 1,310 reclaimed wo
men, rescued by the " midnight
movement," are at work earning
1 l-.... I... 1. . i.i,.-... rn,
eir aymg on noncst
, -
openea oy uie ostein jl-cijihiu
Guardian society altout four months
since, has had thirteen fallen wom
en under its care. Of these seven
have already given good evidence
as far as man can judge of hav
ing become Christians. One who
was brought to the Asylum against
her will proved n-atractory, and
was sent to the House of Befuge,
One has died peacefully, trusting
in Jesus. And one, n beautiful
girl of fifteen or sixteen years of
ao'c, was legally married, at the
Asylum to her seducer.
The most of them are quite
young girls. They have with one
exception, proved orderly and in
dustrious, gladly doing Avhatever
work was given them and appar
ently feeling very grateful for the
refuge opened for their rescue.
The ladies under whose care the
Asylum is placed feel that only the
grace of God in the heart is strong
to enable their charges to perser
vere in their new life' so they
have made conversines to Christ
the chief aim of all their efforts.
Besides the religious meetings held
twice a week by the lady manag
ers, and family worship each dar
by the matron, the girls hold pray
er meetings among themselves al
most every evening-, and show an
earnest desire to be taught the
way of life.
Statistics gathered by theAmer
can Commission from reliable sour
ces, Loth in Great Britain and in
our lamb show that the the great
est number of fallen women are
seduced between the ages of fif
teen and sixteen. The average
life after they enter upon their
course of sin, is four years. Usu
ally they die at twenty-three to
twenty-five years of age.
In bt. Louis the number of pros
titutes is estimated ato,0C0. In
New York city the number of open
prostitutes is estimated at 7,500,
those w ho visit houses of assigna
tion, 2,500: making a total of 10,
000. Of these, more than l,S0O
die yearly in their sins.
It is very difficult to obtain re
liable statistics on this subject, but
the few within ourrtach ?how that
every year thousands of immortal
souls, belonging to this class of sin
ners, are passing from all around us,
through their dark, rapid course of
sin, down to death, with scarcely an
outstretched arm to arrest and save
them. Thousands of this class
pass from our midst in the morn
ing of their lives every year, in
to eternity, with all their burdens
of guilt upon them with scarce
ly an effort made to lead them to
the lamb of God, wdio did not,
(John, 8th eh. 3d to 12th verses),
and does not, turn away even from
the repenting Magdalen.
Professing followers of the meek
and holy Jesus, is the "disciple
above his master?" Have you 110
duty to try to reach and rescue
those for whom, as well as for you,
a Savior died?
Party lines in Virginia arc
now being determined by the con
Aiding commercial interests of the
State. The competing railroad
lines enter into the contest and
control the issues. This is a heal
thy and encouraging indication.
Although railroads in politics as a
general rule are not conducive to
official integrity and incorruptibili
ty, yet any interest of trade is a
great advance on the ignorant pas
sion and crude nonsense which
have hitherto constituted the web
and woof of Southern political life
and practice.
Annexation is still at issue in
Conada- The Domiuin crumb has
not seriously checked the advance
of the liberals. In the House of
Commons, the other day, the whole,
matter was very freely and fully
discussed, and the question of
" new nationality" advanced and
argued with a confidence which
would secrn to imply coming action.
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