The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, June 05, 1869, Image 3

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A (X
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."lit ft'
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ri itioii-. t
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pidn.-ui :
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. day on
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ted Stat''
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te-dav. tw
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of sam su
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I;. ,011 'J
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erd V'1 ,
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: ).,.! hi 1 t
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i.lrfd'tti ti;:
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ch r.vw
Approved. Aprn 10. ISCO.
,.M,?.i-'s of tn" Ij n Mtrtci or Ami r
irt in 0t'?r..vfl.ww'iM,
'ih itthsa-t entitle I "'An act imnn tn-
tixeson distilied stori s and tohncco, a id
,-ot er ur -o-es u 'f u.. i-.v.mitv,
ViK.;;i h'l dre.l nod -ixty eight, be a i.end,
T1.1t ei t be am-nh-l 'o th t in
casr , f ,i d:st Her or o.-'ii in r aj-tm attia
cn. t -d p.i ,r t( h twentie h of July.
cight,-.:en h'liidre-l and sixty-e'gh or, a tract
.. a.--
follows, to wit :
or Io". 1 t
u! hc u .dr'r a 1- a e or oilier -vi-
tl'.-H.. " '" ...... v .
V,iS liot t r; :i ed I v tfie laws of the
U It c I
;t:tt T()
b.; r c rde
uf it a ex
ti'h- was t
in or.o-r to he v. did ur th" tim?
ion, or in any c-ise where t e
:, it d has Continued to !e i 0 li i
jr;.tio:i, or where U.; onrr l p sese.i of
th-' fee i.'.it . r.ctun'.ered with a i. ort.ig -x-
:'. il
ie cr.l-.-i pri r to tun a d
twent ctii ... July, e ,f.''ijte n hood:
d n l six
tho fee is
tv-e 1,,'ir, ;
I: 'Id "V i
illd II- t
or w on.
Icmiiie c-veit. iniiior, pe so i of
DIM 1, or ol. .er person 5 i.-apabl of
in i , , - i - .-i:t. ji r ill!
bi'iiJ ,n. ;V b- taken ;it loo di.-cr tin d tlie !
f'om.nin I .in.; - a nrnv .led f .r in said sec
., ..,;.r.. iUaiic.e MNii.-iaauoihSiU't,,!,,. T r-,-, 7-,: , r - ,
v !hv? t :l!':r:- ' to I,. ui ;n ..m.-ii. .t...t t..v . 1 . ' I'''?'J 1 f gral't i.l an "3 mad
,i .i I . l-.-i.i.i ; " . f i : ' I " - ' l't..l I MM lJir ' M ii t I i l T I S u f ! i - ' ""UUiiiU
f vt!i; t t'fs ai f i ....t.i-"- tJ t;-h.t:-:e.l t-l.-ie u.-i o.-ti-j i iU , J Ju'1 t",e
; , . p F". i : ' i i S .i t . ..i... r,. ....' v:a . ili.-o ui.a b:t;xs.x. ei.tit.ed "
,V ';. iit,s an," or toe s,id ; .....Jc . t.. cfaod ,nd ,,tv i :t k ,u ' T' t?lli,1 l,h" c 5tru !l"
So ll.-An ac'to amenu ,in:i lennwai-- " , . " -,..u .-uues uonnea o! ra .oad -hrou-i Chuto-"-, Wiils, find
Mirti-i:: tax,- ondistlled .piM.S;w.,reU u,e. aud to 8, rates of tax iu- Lockout vallev," t berebv revive I anl re
and to'.a-co, a,d "f..r othvr i.ur,.o ' a;,- j d c -o Is by the a, t of July newed, subject to all the conditions a d re
prove.! July twentieth, e.ghtecn han.lreU l"yAV':': ! d red and s-sy eight Utrieti ;n coutained in the act .efoncd tn
L-A 9 xtv-.i-ht, jaf -""'r i l P an'1 that tlie i d ihject to the further limitation tha if
7i c.-izwi ;j in'- o' c- '"".i--- 'v Ji'-P- V "V ...-ovv. u.i .;e.i v. iia e tiier of t: e said r:. nimU U not oompJctV,
tion : :,v a distill' ry . ret-t -d on hind tiie i hereby appropnaft-d f..-r the tisc.d yar end
l.;a.-; or other cvid. ore . f title to wn c i was ! "'1! Jtme t-.irty, eig.neen hu i ired a id sixty
duly re..-or.ld pri r to tin,' pn-uv f this i naiN audti.e ye r e -ditu June thirty, eiu'h
;i ;t : !' i I That rx.thi.. her -in co - ; t--'U hundred and .seveuty, jo be expended be so const:;; d !u
imy disii.lerv 'r i:;li,,i;:r aoiiaratus
erected prt r t toe . wenMeJit
J 1 1 i e,
ei.-liio n h i d:e 1 and sixty-.'ijht.
That s.L-..-iiuii tvvcntv be so amended "ha,1- in
cavj of d - l ie -ii-s
pacity of hv s i
tv,-.'!i ty mur I, on ; s,
meal l nias e l by
iim i i i -r a p.-oducin r ea
..n h i:i 1-" 1 gallons Ml
nod in which urai i or
a d .mtt. t!" use
- l si xty
wed or f.-ri!;:-
, i ;
ns!l or beer
f; n :n
irr.n i si ad i enre
KC ,1 no If Si t.i to one o.;s!i-l or u rai u.
i .
'1 hat s. Clio lif-. v-six he mu .vidcd so -is to
extend the lime lor ivif' drawj:i disti led
sp l its Ir m i-i.i:!-!.' 1 wa ! em ; u s until l!;e
liiirt el it J me, ei'ite--n hu.i 'red and six
ty mm", I'Uf si; j cl r i ail ad itiou d tax 'Ml
; iCo pr ! g a. l.i i .lop :tcd an I bo n.ed i
V.T.! : ,0 I
In. in t !i a
ra'e I one cent t r eae-i
t w .
.I-..-M of Apr' . cih'een
am! un! I wd'nlra wo;
sr.1 s rem mi! ;n h mi
ne I in li.-!. i ,1 iv of, I une
ml si xi - . ii.', lm I in'
h'l!;. if. ! a d -ami
;,uy ('i-'ii
.j .v i re u.i.
t i 'lin.n llll
f l.-i!- ! to I il
, d
t.ites and disposed
Of as , I il 1 le I in :U I Si-Ctl ;
Toat ,.! n I. ft . -nice he
Oil 'U,
i SO t'
I'-iiM wl; )
, d -ti.t'in
on arid a t-r t e lirs: d - v u:
hundred and -ixtv n-m-, every
le -.i;i..-i, pii: ni-.-.s, or te iae-; d
or u y a-' V ,-roeiM. ot o
lid con : i ::n ni i iliiiilla
in m by 1 1 j. -i
oi ( ; o n m i - i,
v, oi- , or w.t-n,
vi. -eis an 1 pi
there 'f is i.'.l;.il
r . l' i cmii mn.cii c.'
s, ii lite nit ilia to;,
te, and tn: y w i icn e '!
Ii.ii in hi i 'Sse.i-'O i a
ret id ii.' .l :r W o I
still . l.-ach tub,
i:i! r apo . rat s f
r w h -hol keep an v
toe purpose oi r-:i!iitig
in any m.-mmr d s niei s t , its, ami v.-ry :
pe. .son w o. i:iio it recli-yui j-u: if. rig, !
or lelinmj: di-tided s; -it .si !, by m-x'to r '.
su ii loir is, wine or ot e.r 1 umo-, wi h a y :
iiiu'e. nils, manufae-.u'-e an . s,.:rious, im:ta- j
, oi!!i:miiiii. i ip.M." t.v sal-, u .der
the ua !.; ! wlr.ikey, in andv, gin i nm i
win., s'pii its, c-irdiaN, o :'
an v other name, sh ii be re
X..: I 'i'
a r
a i
I ,
i-;"d in the ijil-m;e-s i
mo -h ol' I he act, f I
ol re- titv. olt : r
w.'ii.-h tii s is an a.m-mi'
com poo e . o ii. io: -.,
t'!i t w . I ii toe pi o : .-1 oii (.
net, a- l ciat s to j
n-1 as n lac i: s- t - ;
f i he ,se. tm i . erebv ;
amoiuletl, be, it :ct
peaicd. And said
mnen lcd as J ill i .
he s i i - - i i,e e v, r -ectani
,i ; ) -nine .s Tii'ther
: st ike out. the f nrtii
pa ra Lrr.t ph thereot. r'latuir
o i .. l ii 1 t
lea eis, and tne ht'in paragri
to ami in
. I ., 1 , ., ., I ,., M , I .
i m; i he oro.s
inecial i a X
all o
i eip.r. r o to pa v
the s-iecial ' a . a -v
.le lieal r. and
n st ri : Ken out i he
insert in lieu of the po tt
t'oOowmg :
lletaii .ieders in liquors s' all pay two -ty-liveu'ilais.
J-V ry .er-o.i wh sells or u -lei
- fur sa e for-, go domestic disii led
pili's, w m's, ur m. .It. ! ipmrs, in less q a i
ti lei than h.e g.iilons .it '.he same time,
niml! bo- r. -garde I as a ret .ii d aier in liqiim s.
YV holoaie i-qu -r deaiei s each pay
O e hunched .h'li.irs. M'.'ery per-.m W.o
s 11 i or oil' i s fo s te lore gn or lomesi ic
dislhie 1 spirits, n'lu'S or ma! t 1 qaors. iii
q'liutites of not l"s- ihan .ve gaih.os at he
ki ne ti . e, s.ia.l be icgiiucd as a wliolciiile
linn or d. ale -.
Dealers in liquors woose s ies. riclu -mtr
s desot a 1 .-th r im rchaii.tise, .-hail ex eed
f wenty-live thee sun I dollar-, soad eaen -ay
1.11 adouioiud tax at the rate of oiu d.-o .ar
inr everv one bundled doiia sot ot
liqno'-s in ex t-s i of s ch iw.i,
a d d liars; a", I oil every I torn
dive limns
tnd tfnl t rs
-,a t
: s ot o !i r
mer banuise shall oay at
;i v. hole -a! ilea . r: atid
ij: retilii-ed. i:-i'--il. ami
m nm r as icq lire I o
. h -xc
id in
i-i e
,!l l
S 1
V li
W 11
the sa m;
. I
Hu' no distil! ..-r or brew-
as pin I
iis -ne i .1 tax as ii
o ,s lis only d siii'e ! sj.ii it - of m ill nqu rs
id' i is own pro "U a the phuo mn. u-
f.ftur. , in the original e ;s "i- .a to
. . . i . . .. . i .....iii.,...
Whicll the tax Mumps, aa e ...u..-.., -..i.... v
lo p av t
pec al tax -f a wholesale
.i.. . l.'.i- on accoiint ! s:;c:i s;:!i
Tinit sec'-.m I'. i'tv-ui e be furl' er urn
s as to n quite ilmt .lis'ilt-s of bra d
fio-ii ur' i'i s. pe;ch"S, and apples, exc' 11 sil
ly t ' -d eiii less than o n hun t:- d tnd n
tv b ii re Is a
ad pay a pcci d t ix
aldi'i n there''1, th
ol titty .loi ho .-,
t IX n," four th
g Clous.
Tea' seetion
tii t . i 'i tii
m i a. s . c e '.-
a s per baiicl td forty pi-
e'.g 1
i ''
r' t be anicodct so i
mUms mime or t:m
s n u ie -.a i.i Ui. prmmu no i e
ir. provided for in said sed mm
label fo ci
1 .(. 2. A. nil it Jitrt'irr euartetf.
That s ct mi one hundred and fifty-live of
V e a eu'itle-.l " An a t lo pr vid- l d jrmt!
ri ve:i i i o suppoi t the irover intent, to p.-iy
inierost oo tac pnhhc debt, and (or oilier pur
p ses,'' ap: oved Jane .' e.i huo ired
and sixty four, as am nd d by tlm ninth sec
t o i d" the ;mt of July thirieenio, eighteen
luind: ed ami six y-six. be I'm t!i. r amemh d
M' mHiiU' ne"e'o the lodowimr: Ami t.u
fact th it 11 v i.
.o.lere.l for salt
as atwtvsai 1. h
. I s i f -ton ! SO b Ml ' ! 1 1 . sold
u-i ', or had in po session
i o.e-.i .v as bed or re-t -red by
rpiii"';',.: ,ir altering tie ca c
f icui-t in.uks t,i. reon. shall ie
A'ro .fth t sm-'h stump bits bee
a i i
" -i oi u
prima :ac
once used
or' I . .
jj.'i ! removed. : the pn-sessor thereof fr lii
smite v I'.ur.i, vai chmcnt, paper, inst umtnt.
u- Willing. , P, Tg:d w. th taxes ,1 -,
in viola ion of t..e provisr m's of th;
M'l tiC'il
0 IS 'SC ii And be it fifther enar'rd f
That, my j ha-.h.g p. his p.. session
fan tobacco, s utV -r cigars, nimn a t tired :
and sold r.-m ved fco-i the man ilictorv, '
or lrom anv p! : wi ere tob ic.-o snu:r. m
cigars are mm . since July twentieth,
eight?-- n build;-, d and tc'xt eight or -anv
j-ersoa -.;iv rig in ids p !-e.-si.u . ijr .ts i n
po t? 1 fro.n or- g-i con it ies sine July
twentieth, eiiiht en numbed ami s xiy-eig ,t,
or wiihdrrwn from a Umiel'a'e t.omlcd
v arch-. use suae said diie. sttcii tobaee-,
rnuif. and cig'rs. hav ng been put u; i i
pack age-as pt escribi m the acttw.-icli
tliis act is fin am ini-nenf, ami .-i. the oih r
requirement- ot s ii 1 act rel.iUiir to t i .ace ,
niif!', ami c rars having been com died iv t ,
ami vm, on the lii-,: d -V of Feb nary,
eighteen hnnopirl ami fixty iue, tiled with
&i iissc-isor or a.-s s : an t n-.-es-o.- of the di
trict widiin wh en lie resi -es. r ha- h:
I'hca uf busmcs-, the iu.veMo.-v reouircd I.-y
the Krventy-i-iii-hth and ninetv-fou th sfc! tion-.
o the 'ot of .'ui. i'.vt'iiiict , ci : -e n
il-f i n i. i.l -i sis -vi-Jit. r.ii i wlo SH..:!, .. i,,r
iiC O- JUtl- ti SlVtl tf .Cf. Miii.f ttr
'J : r TrVwrVr''" " u,ePe or
( ! flit U. i W m i Hii'l til u HI" I'l Q U'fifti
manufactured a.M removed, or imnorted nn
........ j . - ... .. poitei an.i
! u Wl ""V appic.j.e to such ui tu !o-.
S li- 1 ,J '3l"!"-'' ot Ii.ternal Itevenue is
, hen by mifuMzl ad empowered t pre
-v.. . , a ....... iruuHnoiis io.- ca ry-
0 1 1 e f'l'ulls'',itls of thi- se tion as in
ju.itHCtit Mirfii O'- deemed prorer and
in c .-.s.y; i.nd tho Oomrnsi-'iier in.y in
any ca.-e. at his .liscre' imi , allow sti If and
s:u ki g to uc;:.i tnuitifa ture.l pr or to the
t-.. enti lii of July, e ghteen tiu died aid .-ix-
ty ei.h-, u t 10 wooden oa.-kaes. to be
I.M f'.l S.llll l.l-l 111 til.. ... ,....! ,...,,.ru..
, t . . w
a d i a r ile o!
daty .ni ur, imported .r,,r
: . : ......
t Jolv trrciiticth.'-iht aoc now leniainmg io b n I, .hull be
, on cixar., imported after fiat
d.te. A.p.ove,!. Apiil lo, 53J.
No. l." A. ; Act making an appropriation
fo, toe imp. Vf.'ic-nt of 1 1 v- - ra aiid harbors
for the ;;.-o ,i e .r .-;.-u g J s.ttf :3'i, lSsj:j, and
the yen- wi ii g June , 1 -7t .
U'i il ai'iclc I bj ik?. Sr,)i:( J and. Hons? rf Itep-
xi i ettinn u io iiL'j u mira ,i.(i:s cj lmer-
ica in, ttj.i.i ass! ijibUil,
That the a.ii t two million dollars is
lor the re in r, e.vte l.m, preservati-ii, itid
CO.!) p lot .'
risers a
n u; v ri.-i lor toe I m pr ve.nent ot
d harbors uod-r to- direc'i m "f
tile Secretary
iS ere arv ut'
. .1
U ur : i'j-vci ted. That ll
.r is he-.vbv auth rtzed to
c.u e such expend. tui s to be made, s J
b"L t . siiose. ve i iie interests of commerce ;
and i.e is r qum-d to rep o t t Co ress, a.
the "peiii ig oi i s 1)
,, !,,., session II fiv.
in i.le
,t d-r the provisions oi ih.s
act up to that li oe m dcta 1.
Approved, Apro iJ. loJO
.o. 1.;.
status oi J
n Act to e
dire a ic ic-ttoi o I iie
and fix the
ar .,v.
ri-.--i i t.'l - i .. T ' '...,'J'.IS, il titf lit -.!.K .
ii i mi'' - ui reveusto laws sts t.r . ..ov i : .1 . ... .1 .
Va.rled in; t.'lf X-iVtitt, nd II axe tne purposes a ..resa d, and whe e' an I upon
of iit'itr'.-:ctil-it. ft's vf ikt L'utLrd of.-.ej vj j what busuu-s. employed, with the coiiipeu
Aitii ric-t. in t'o-.if' f.'.s ( v. m'jud. s . lion pai l :o each.
lint t.ic iiianui.r oi i c ; irt. aovocafes of
: Toe arc
' al ton is
i l ii .: li '
; sei.t of
n.ive i
i.l. A
oe, . u
;erehy, iix. d j
, a.,d th- t'r sine .t i hereby au -
', 'uv .,ml wi li the advice co l cn-
ih - .mate, to ill; ad v.ic.i c es win h
..arre-i or nerua nor occur inei e-
i'uvi-1. A nril i i l.s '.K
X I". Ao
le;ri latiii-e o
m t if. .'al . u net. of the
ew iexic in po.-ing a capi
t.iti-m tax oi.! c.ittle
lie it- !! i:'i d !,J t lP .Sf.-,
pi i -u ;;,t'!ic,S (f t'i'J
!- i vi 1 11 ". -e of
V ii! ted Stj'.'i
That the act of t e legislature. .f the T-r
rit i v of .New .Mex Co, o. i- ebruary tii rd
.''.il n h- tn ired an.' sixt -lone, ami al
o her liW- Kiel ; art- ol laws ol ley'is a
tine imposiim' a caji.tati Ml t:X on bovine
c.tlie !,tio.l-c-o int. tiie paid 'territory
iron oth-r f er. it ries stutes, or the re.
o. italic ot M X'Co b--, iii.l the same uie tie! ejy,
..ii.iap'p.'oV,. i
A 'pro vi
i a mi rvp aleti.
d. Aplli U. i.m:).
IP. An Ac
1 , f t'i.. Unit
r : s'. ste
: i .
'., I-'--I '.
V --V TI fiy-
, r !.:,i. i!ii:,.
I o iji it (: u.-"::tl!i:e.t , tlie Su .re ne Co rt, f t o U' i-ed
laesshac here if?er eon-istof tiie Cn el'
f ih
L in t en t ,,t
1 1 1 ::
1 emhr. as-
MiCftti j st.ees, any six of who n shall eon-siiiii-e
a q i n ii.n ; a. id lor Ihe of
tiiis act toe e h.ili be appoin td an a Idi
ti .nai associate jns ice i f sai.i c uri.
S;;p. '1 And !) i! fifIrr itmrhd,
T' at o. ea -li i f t' e nine existing j d e a!
cireiuTs the e sieal' he upaniii ed a circuit
j ldje, w:.o i :;dl re ide i-i hi- cire i', -a A
-hail po.-ses.s ! he s me j". vir and j rishc
t n therein as th - j i.-fc of the sii'.r. mi'
('ooii alinttel t t c re-iir. Ihe ciicc; t
! co i ts in each ' ircnit sh dl he held I y the
: j is-ice o! the Snpr. me (.'.-u t all tied to die
! cucui . ur t.y ih.- cocnit judge of 1. ec'ircu t
or bv the diftri t j ld. e f 1 lie d strict s itt lug
j log-'tli . in wi,! n ca e the justice of the
j Supr.-me C urt -h d! preside ) .- i the i.b
. s !!'' o; i her of I'm m o the nth. r, (who
i shail preside,) a.i-d tin distr. t iude. And
such c u ts i. ay e mid at the same time in
(the d.:a rent oi trcts ot the satnj cfcuit ,
I an 1 cases in tv be acard and t ied bv each of
j ,,e jnlges h-ddi 'g uny su li rt soting
j .,.iVl bv drection.-i i.e p esiding ju-tice
; , j vvh;) j,a;i ,t.signate tt e bu-iii-ss to
; ,H, , , , v e,d .jj,., cirt,up jaqos shall
; . . v..i.,...,
e.ieti i.t i-. e an a uoiai sae-iv oi nv,. in.-u-
sand doihr s.
.S e o An! he if further enacted
That :mt ain i i tills act sh ll idle'", the
powers f ih-r jnsti f tlie Snp-enie
Court as j idg- of th ri cui court, except.
i i the appoi o clerics td the c rcu t
court . who .n t-ii-cot seil! he a
p in led b she ii -ait judge of Unit circuit,
and the cer.v.s f the isliTet CMir s shal htl
i .pointed oy the j i 1 ,e- tiimeof re pct ve
i : Pi-ocH'e ', l'mit th ' present .lerks
! s'1'1 (',n ,s !l ' oeiinue ut o.iiee t 11 -dlier
i a
m !
n in,-. i.v tii '-it; it tutji! iihtwii 1 1 1
' 'licv b .dhei wise remo -ed
v.V ."' o- n jurtti'-r eifc'cd,
fhat it s!i 11 b-? the h;ty m' the i 'iiief Justi e
a:i ! o each j t-t ce f the S iM eine taun t t
j ;it :e J ar lea -: one 'ei m of t he c mn
i in di-iiic- f hi circuii darinir everv
o'' pe. i ci of two vea s.
S ;j And iie ,t f arth'r enarfed .
hat. any jmlr.
a v .-"nit of the United
j S1at "T f, having h hi his commission as
is.,c:i ,(t )t,.it ,,.,.,.., s sU,lV a:ttr h;iVina
, . , , ((f v vei,rs. iv-ign
his .!'ice. shall i here ifter. durin-x the resi
;ne of bis i ni t ii rai hfe, receive the same
sa!:i-v h IrHi w s y Uw payabie to him at
the time d',ii- resignaimn.
"Ski: G Ad he furt'i-r ew.c'cd,
Tint tliis act shall take ' f ft", ct on the first
M n lav of Decemb r, eig .teen
and soxtv nine.
Approved. April in, 1-nO
N 1 ?
V i Act -egulatiiu th" righ's of
ope y of woaiu
the D. strict
I o umhia
, . . , , M, Tf
ie I Lii it enin l i iff t O 'Itnif ana i i'me ;
of h'erreent O e-v d ..-? L u- a states oj
.-l.Tj. -v., in- ..--.- V-V.-.
'that in th Ds-rt -t of Columbia
rigid o; any imu r ed w man to any p o ertv,
f ibe Unit d StuiCi Of l
l eismi 1 or lea'. 'H-tongin' to
ti ne of mar iage. or a-q-i ted dnr
.t the ,
matli I in a ty oth. r wav toa t by : ft r eonvey
a e rom p r bus .and -h ill be as ah ol te
a- if sh w.-re le . ne sol -. a d s i .11 not be
snbj ei 1 1 tiie d s;os,i her !i!, not
'- da de i.-r his debts; but sued lmi-ri .1
w 011.1 . t-.i'v c livey. U i e. aid b.-q. tenth
"h sa re. m- .. y ln i test, rhfrei , i i the
sa ne i. -.inner and with like eU'eel as if she
were unr.iarr ed.
nc -2 Anl be it farther eivirfrd.
lhat any m t-i i. d wnman may contract and
sue and i.e sued ri her own nine, in all
matie s huvi g it l iti in to 1 er sol- a d sepa
rate property t.i .hesam. ti.time-r - if ' e
were nmmi.riml ; ,t n ih r h -r husband
no ins property shall be hound bv anv
Sil",'l Colitr... t lior lie.hle In r..r, ......
............ ... snCn siisr. bio l mgrnent
l r I - t I .... , .. . - . .
io i. u ii I'itt ! l) exeeil ion i.,n,.i l,n-
; , ..... , I . . I
sine : n l separate e,t.i.e u, the same inacner
us! MhC "IO Of.
A,-proved, Apul 10, 1509.
No. 2 ). x Xct io r 'new certain gran's
ofi.iii 1 t . the s:u ,,f A!!.ii.
ZA.' ? 4--'icid i'ij te Senate uu.i Ho:ix o'
- !'-r i" 'Jur'tx .m err,': r -'
ut s i;u!c:j . f the sv.i-t ..f
bv the ct of 0 I)
eig teen h n
:t act tirant
n-cti to the M.-bde and Oh o railroad. '
: 1 . - ' t I
1 r " ""S -1 t0 C?n"re' 1 Wlt"
. Georzia and 1 enri-.s. n.l Tennessee nnc
1 act 111 n.rther File -h II be ra-'d f r tie-
hco-r t cf uch raii"-.;ul a-i i th inn 1- uu
j ?'h ill revert t.i the United Suites : Pre
. vt-Ud, That the lands irrauted bv the a.-t
hertbv rcvivid. excesj mi ml lands, sh il
b" - old t' a iiid! set tie s only 'ti quantities
not jii-eate: th in o ,e q .arter section to an.,
one putchasei, an.l fur a price not exceeding
two do, I us and tifiy cents per acre.
Jlc. 2. And it it t ur tier enided
. I Tt Ti ,i,.i'A tit'. 1. .1 lh.,titir 1-
..... v... uim .. 1.-
i vo inei. to i 'e compaoi.-s t;-
lands uilj.ioeut to the hue- of ai 1 railroifs
I ea,'th' ?oe an 1 other mare rds foi f-
, cmi.struKtion t:.ereo ; -ne nht ot wa;
jis hereby u:an eo to the extent ot one hnri
di ed t e; in width mi eac . sdde of ,-,ui I isi
lu.iiis iviieie 'hey nur.- jiass over the publi
lauds, including ail lu-ces.sary grom ds for
stations an i structure eoi.iuced therewith
not txceeding t l ty i-cres at any one slit on.
Approved, April' It , 1-U'J.
N. 21. An Act concerning the Attorney
li It fnaU lb'j th," Senate and Hovxe of I2ep
rtHCitutlvir of the United Stairs vf Arnni
c i in Congress n-f-seirthfed.
That so much o; t!i3 "Act makimr ai-
' , . , . , o " ......
j ad J.idi.-ial expens.-s ot the g .veninient tor
O; ii.uion
ilie .ar en log toe thirtieth of J one. . ei;h
; U'en inurwl and seven y," as repeals the
s c rot section oi the net t August : econd,
i cigii'een huudr d anl s xty-.ue, enti 1 d
j " An a-w't Coo -erning tie Atro ncy (leneuil
I an i an rnevs ami mars uusoi tm- sev.-i-
al distr c s," be, and toe S'in : is h reby, re
pealed; and said second section is lurehv
declare 1 lo be in iui- force ; and it shall be
the on'.y of the At ornev Ge ierd to rep r at
the comnieiiceioeut of the next ses-io i ot
I Co.ig ess, an 1 to each succeeding session,
I ill -llll.. . ..I-' -.!! t- .,.,,1
i Aiuiroved. Ad il 10. 1 8 '1 D .
! No. 21. A. I A.-t t extend t o- time f r
j the I. title !i ck and b'.n t S in h It tilr ia 1
i Company to coin, h ie the hist se.-tiou o;
' t vent v imles oi said
I iie. it eu-icied b:i tne Stu itv and House of
Itvpin-i iit it'ice i f t e Uii't'd Stcdt-i id'
A in?: leu i a c iHL ii ,v.- i-j.s- t tub el.
i T .at an act, at i) oved Jn v tw. tjty eiiiht.
emhteen tiuudr d and nixiV-MX. vntiled
j " An act to re, ive a .U ex end the provi.-i us
i of " An act gr ..aing tii rig t of w .y and
mala g a i;:am ol laud lo toe at
i . i ... ..
; Arkanijis .,.,d Misson. i, to u.U i i the c
! stincti n of .i r aiii oviii rom a jmint upon the
j iiississiojo liver, oppos t the moutti of the
! Oh o r Vet. via la tie ifock, to ill - Texas
I boundary near i-nil m m Arkansas
bi-.n. iif.s lo t-'ort Smtiii and t..e Miss.s.s p,,i
river,' iipoovfd i mne, ei.h ee 1
iinndied ami tiity ihree. and for otli.-r jur
pos s,"' be s ' am mied as to extend ihe time
to the Little tlo k aim Fort Smith Railroad
C 'lopany, i..r the lirs s-clion of
iiiiu -i is-issinni Ma'e iir.f, :n a u.-
... .... v,.s,t 1:1 ( rvu T''ir. trKin t ,i i
... , ! t.veniy piovid u tor l.i t,.e second see
t . a-nena tne jtidia .i , tl()U Stl. . uc t n tli u.,.in , thr.e
tatc-. i . r ii. ti, .1 m- w . v-
! eijht-ii imndred .,nd ixtv-seven. tlm time
.-aid company rovi eo lor in t tie t s c
tioli -.d sal i act : i'roddud, That the land
iirantcl by tiie a t .by r viveil s.hal be
sohl ij i.e mo sett:, rs only, in quantities not
reaic. itnt.i o e q.i. trier of a set on tn one
pu c use-, ami lor a price i-o exceed. Lg
i ui tio.lar.s ami fifty ce its per ace.
Approved, April 1 I oi.;.
No. 23. An Act to anm d an act entitled
"An act g: anting finds to aid io the c li
st ruction of a ladroiid and leiegrapn line
Iron t..e Central i act c ra boat, in Cali I'url and, l.i ) tg 'n," approved
July l Wiiii.y-live, eighteen h .ndn-tl and
Be it en tided hy the SenaO' and Ilmte of
Jltpri .-e. dative vf Vie. Un let Slttes of
.tm.vuM i:t Uoigreie n-iem'if'.'d.
That section sx of an act entitled 'Ar.
uc, grui l g htn i.s to aid in . im construction
of ii i.iilroad an I telegraph line front the
Ce Hal l..C!tic railroad, ii Ca!if.-i,i, lo
! Portland, m Oreg-n," approved July tw nty
i live, eigh . e . linn ired and sixty six. be.
ami the same is her-l.v. a uendeii so as to
j a. low any iailro.1 com. a v hereto ore des
j i-mi Hed i.v t ,e legislature" of t-e State of
I ijr. g m, in acm. dance w th t ie first section
of sa d act, io li! t's assent to si -h act m
..... i, ., ..r ,i, l , .....
the lo-nar ment or the in eno-' witmu on
j year from the date of the passa.e of tin-
it-1 : ami snch - tiling .f its a--sei t, i
; done witoiii one year lrom the pas
1 s i ge 1 i-reof. s'i li n ve t e s ice force
j and elfe- t 'O ad intent- and purposes "s 'I
j such u-eiit had ben ti e; wnhin nil- yea:
jafr.i r th. p .ssa e of siid act : i'roc i lr.i ,
- at - .r ni" p .ssag
i 'iuat ""thi..g here-n s ail impai anv ug' t
' hec to ore acq nred y an. ruilr -ad Com
- 1 i'il''.v 11 nor said s all said act o
f 1 Uns ani.-nd ,.e.-t be construed lo entitle inon
th oi one company o a errant o- land: Am
.,.)' f",, ,, ,. " T',.,1 ll,., I ..,.1- .r, I i-,
III- ' ' LHU II.ll4.1i.,,.'. J.s.-. s.
t e act at I-said shall he sold to actual set
tiers only, in quantities n-t greater th tn on
qit liter section t. ne pur h s r, anl for
price nor
xc.;eiing two duilarj and tifti
ce ts pi r acr.
Appiov- d, April lo, lsr,o.
No 24. An Act lo d c m I.
alllt S!c.
Marie sis a p.-i t of entry in 'he Superior dis
tri t, and to esiab ish Mirquette in lie.
lie ii enact-' I bj the Senate and Ihwe cf
Jieprrentalivt tf the Unite I States bj
A Ulrica in Coir' axtrm'j.'cd,
That i-ar.'t S e. Marie, rn the disl . ict o
Pnter or, is hereby dist-ontrntied as a port oi
entry f r ihe '.isti if t he, and is herebv, es
tab! s!-ed a M u qnette, at v' ich o'ace the
. ol e tor of t'ne dist ict sln'l r si 'e. a d i
deputv collector shall re. idd ut Sault Ste.
skc 2 And be it further enacted
T'ia cl ; cts and part's o' acts contravening
tliis act be. a d t o sum a e hereby, re
pealed. This act shall fake e fleet from and
a ter t e tenth day or May next.
Approved, April It'. lS'iih
j -y;0 2.--A Aft niak-ng in appropriation
i heret f re made for furniture for the Piesi
; M:,,.sion.
, ,. , . . vY ir !!e Fena'e and Howe o'
Jiwctfttatici x of the Uii'el States oj
Are.vfira in Co axtn'tud.
That t1 e sum of twetitv-live thousand do!
Jars, approor at- d br the act apr-revc-d
M irc'i thi-d. imteen 1 ini'i ril ami stx'v
i ine en'ith'd "An act ma.
g appro- rta-
ti e s 'or sun fry civil expenses .!
jhe v-
ernment or t e y-' r e !!; g June thirtieth,
ciihre-i hii'd el and s ve tr, -mA f-.r ober
puip cses," t' o pu nose . f lefuro s!-i ir
tee ! r . .dent- II -use," i '-e'eby made avail
ab'e tor s ch pufpos1. vvi?h"iit. m any event,
increasing the Jfi.m.nt of said appropii..twu.
Approved, A; ill 10. H'
An Act to e.-ta dish ce tarn post
' road
Be tt r.myrUd b-i t'
eite and Hov.e of
,., it" fl.n I'.i'isA Stntfi or
I L ... "
i A mer. fa t- ..-. i 'iif'nO'?.
I T:... !,,- f 1'w,,,-.-it K. ctuh uhni1 o ndlt
.1 1. I III, I IIUX ,U V. S.U..-S, . V U w. , ' - - ...
roads :
1 Froira Tucson to .be S -nonx Line-
Fr m Tucson, via C imp Grant, Fl .rcnce. !
'h.jc i. uud Catiip il2owcl!, to Wicucn-
;ui;. i
F.-o-n Xcvi.crn d o tiigc II 11. j
Fr'm Cliebanse to Eidri lrevit!e. t
F'-.-m S:i l-.yvi.le, via T-nid'a Point and'
PraiJie llouie, t.. jloa-.vequa.
Fsooi F..iiiic d, vi i Spring tie!.
Fio.n ri.ii.itf-a, vi i rsprmgueld una Enfield,
-o t nto. Mer dosia to Beardstown.
F oin Carvia, via llulaud and Elba, to
From bairneia to i-iora
i rom ouisvide .jki Xenia, Keennlle, and !
lT!?ilJ::' 1. :NUC,Le.'l!1ri,''r. . ,
Fn m Masm, via Flemsburg, Winterrowd
and G bsou's Store, to Ntwtou.
From Moore's I'raijrie post office, via
piing (. irden. L'are.svule, aud Wiil.ama- i
brg, to Asuley.
From Jcrorn? to West Liher'y.
From Wash'mgicii to North E-;g!ili.
F'rom Tallevraiid to Soutli Fugliah.
Fr-.m Spritiit field to V ctor.
From Ue h Plain lo Wate.loo.
From Moultoii to Centreville.
vicn ga.v.
From Xorwood. m Km. net countr. via
if Ci'y, to Atwood, in Antrim county, i
From Otto, via Do igla.i uud Cubaioo.-a, to j
! a -ta nice.
From Hnbb irdstm, Ionia countr, to
Alma, Gratiot county.
11 INS S3 OTA.
From Lake Citv, via Pell, Forest Mound,
Cigl and Vi la, to Fzeota.
From .Maple l'.am, iiiunepin county, to
Young America.
From Spnngfi-id to fort Scott.
From to Sen. ca.
From Wheeling to Alpha.
fro n Carthage to Sarcoxie.
From Neosho to Iientmivil e.
From Li st oe. via Stockton, Dadeville,
tlieenh 1 !, K tig's Point, Mount Vernon,
Marionsvil.e, and Galena, to Berry rilie, in
Ark iiisa .
t rom to Dallas.
Front Prvor's .--tore to (iatnesville.
From Stewurtsvide to King's City.
From l.ovd t" Sand S rings.
From Wat on to P. ru in Nebraska.
Fr in ompt-t tioii t Plato.
From Q aetn City to Ie.
F mil Coidicothe, via Alpha and Lindlcv,
to W .t.t-.viMe.
Fr ni Spring flill to Gal'atin.
Fr. tn Phtlps's City, via Rochfort and I
(,'uitiua to .Maiy.-v.Ue. I
From JIavsviile, via Gentrvville, to Al-1
banv. " "
Fr m Iron Mountain, via Dellcvievv and
Kaolin, to Edger iiiil.
From Pe'mont, via Hot Creek, Silver
Springs, and Tes no. to ILitniit n.
F'.o ni Humboldt Wells, via Iluby Valley,
t Hamilton.
From Ai tienta t Aust'n.
From Tain Hive:-, Yia Silver Peak, to
Fh-mi P. Imt t o, intcrseet'ng the Aurora
and Silver i eak route in rish i.-ike Vailev.
Fnrni Au tin, via ilami.ton and Ttvasule
Cit. , lo Sncr mi t Imvii
From Jiein.out, v a San Antonio, Silver
Leak, Palmetto, an 1 1' i-h Luke, to Aurora.
NEBIlASli i.
Fiom Arai. in the S ate of Nebraskt, to
Cram, m the State o Missouri.
I r m Ue ti ice, Carre con .ty.
Neb -ask i,
F'oii bury ,
Vi.-i Ca-oline a .;i Cu'j'tlr ck.
. .
'. I .? t'ttio-son i iiiiii .v N idif-isira
I I'm ii l.i i-.v.i.i i ! , I! ,;n iihin
From A .shin nd to Col .tubus.
From Fails City via A. ago
taiion, .Miss airi.
Fr tn Susan C.iv, via Kiceville, to Wells
From Salem i ,i Jerusalem.
From Lcakesvtlle lo Fein's Store, in Vir
ginia. i iom Jon s'mro, via Harringt m, Norvell.
and Suii.iavi v die, to llarnell Court Huuse.
From Somerset to i n i -a-ter.
.ruin .New iio i nd to Pane .asthurff.
fiom Mali m, via JlapJo Grove, to Middle
town. From North Liberty to I'entonville.
Fr ui Lauca ter to So;n 'inet.
From orsi.-a to Stt-a-u Corners.
From 'dmore to Drewitt vtllp.
F rom Marietta lo Co.v K ,n.
OI!K(i N.
From Lewisvi le to Elk Ci'y.
From Howard, i-i 'e it.-e county, Pennsyl
vania b way of Walker. ILdieisbu g, and
Madison vide to Centre Mills, in Centre
coo ty.
From Genesc. in Potter county, Pennsyl
vania, by way ot West Mi igham ami lh ig
ham Cm tie. to U ys es, in Potter conn y.
From Smithp u t, via Annin, to Port Al
legheny. Fr mu Cowman's Creek to T-uikhanr.ock.
From Troy, via HVcble'-'s Mills, lo Lvou'
M I s.
Fiom Sat-fvved, via Port Vlegheny and
Wiiit.-'s summit, to Emporium.
From P .itstiwn, via East Coventry, to
Setzier s Stoi e.
Fr un Mun.-v, via "Wolf Iuri, Huntersv lie.
."arhou '.s Mills. Phmkelt's Creek, and Elk
Creek, to !- hl edville.
From Liberty Corners, via Storrs's Mils,
to New En.
Fr. rn M.tpleton. Huntingdon county, via
llarrii Valley. Siltil o, t i Sc .ttsvillc.
From IJeoii. tt ville, v.a
iirownsvi le, cse ki k. to CI o.
From Waynes o' to iioyd's Landing.
From Mount i leasaat, via Laughing Wa
re, t . Ashhtnd.
From Waynesboro.' t Clifton.
From L udeu to iVitvn "-bo o.'
From MaihSe'd, via llookersville, to East
Cauot. -
From T!ockbri Ige, via Ghomley's Mills
and John Brown's to I ronton,
Fiom I..!a, via New Hope, Shdrons, and
Hull, to Stevens's Point.
F on Ri ck River Falls, via Chippewa
Fid Is.
From Ihivhil' to Elkhorn.
Fro ii Kenosha to Somers. ,
Approved. Aprd lo, lsS'j.
s-- .
Public Resolutions.
No. 1 A resolution authorizing the re
moval of t ie pub do stables, steam saw
mill, and other buildings, lrom the Capitol
Hestdvrd hy the Senate avd liaise of
Hep reset! tut ties tf the United Stales
a f America it Congress tisscvibled.
That the officer i;i charge of (he Capitol
'.vlensi i;i be. and he is hereby, atrhorized
o clear from the Capitol grounds the pub
lic sfables. steam saw mill, and such other
buildings as are of no furtVu-r use to the
work on the CapUol extension.
Approved. March 21L 1869.
No. 2 Joint resolution to supply an o
mission in the enrolment of the act mak
ing appropriations for sundry civil expen--es
of the government for the year ending
June thiriieih. eighteen hundred and sev
enty, and for other purposes.'" approved
H. ..,.!, ..mi,. 1 1....I i
( , , , e , ,
u.i. i o .. i iu.uct-ii liiiiiiiu-.i ituti sjxiv-nine.
1 rm('-' uv i ne. tjentu t n mi tj false
of '" pesctitfiit rrs t f the f vited States
of America in ( 'tmgrexs assembled,
liiti ih-. toliowing item, omitted in ihe
enrolment ot the " act ia iking appropria
tions for sundry civil expenses of tlie gov
ernment fur the year ending June thirtieth
eighteen hundred and seven'y, and for
o her purposes,"' approved March third,
e trhteen hundred and sixty-nine. be. and
the same is herebv. made to all intents and
imntn-i.'i ft ti:, rt nf e iiil iirt iri-
I - I ! - -'
..i,.M. iih .,,it, , rt . c, .
. ... ..v.
the sum due him on a lost check drawn
by Robert S. Neighbours. United States
special Indian Agvut, on the second of
Juno, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, on
tlj" Hssis'tint treasurer of the Unied States
at New York city, for supplies furnished
the Jnrtiau Depariuient, twelve hundred
Approved. March 24. 1869.
No. 3 A resolution relative to consular
Rest 1 red by the Senate and Ilmse of
representatives of tnt Uiri'ed Stales of
America in Congress assembled,
i..niinn tli.'un n f r-n-.mttT two rumd-
r,,d tlTld ,hirty-tbree of the public acta of
the tblrtv-nintk Congress, approved July
twenty-five, eighteen hundred and sixty
six, be. and is herebv. declared to take ef
fect from and after January first, eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven." And ail fees
which have been paid into the treasury in
obed once to the provision of said wetion
and which occurred prior to said first day
of January, eighteen hundred and sixty
seven, shall be refunded out of "consular
Approved. Alereh 26. 1869.
No. 4 A resolution in relation to light
bouse on the coast of Oregon.
lie il resdeed by the Senate and
House of Hi presetit jtives vf the UtntedStaUs
of America in Congress assembled ,
That ihe erection ot the light-house at
Aquinna bay. and of other light houses on
the coast of Oregon, for which appropria
tions Itaie been or may be made.sdiall not
be delayed for want of the consent of the
legislature of the State to the purchase ol
the site or rites .or such light-houses.
Approved. March 26. 18(13.
No. f Joint resoliirifm to supply omis
sions in the enrolment, of certain appropri
ation acts approved March ihird. eighteen
hundred and sixty-nine.
Be it. re.snlred by ihe Senate and House
of Reprcsint.jlives of the United Siutes of
America in Congress tutu mbhd,
T hat the following itt-ms. omitted in the
enrollment of appropriation acts.approv'd
March third, eighteen hundred and rixty and the same are amend
ed, made valid portions of the acts lrom
which they were omitted, viz :
In the act " making appropriations for
tho legislative, executive, and judicial ex
penses of the goieir:t:tent. for the year
ending the thirties!: of June-, eighteen
hundred and seventy." after the proviso to
the p iragraph commencing " For salaries
and expenses of collectors, assessors, as
sistant assessors, revenue agent." etc.. in
sert : " Provided further. That after the
passage of this act the proprietor?: of all
internal revenue bonded warehouses shall
reimburse to the United States the erptmre-
. , II ... 11 . ,. .s . 1. . ...
rs vim s-aiarv ot an sioi -eKi-fpem oi 'nn.-i
. . 1 , i . i -
o.hcrs m charge oi sucn warehouses, una
the same shall be paid into the treasury
and accounted for like other public moneys
In the act making appropriations f..r
sundry civil expenses of the government
for the year ending June thirtieth eighteen
hundred and seventy, and for other pur
poses." under the heading " Public Ihtild
iiigs and Grounds." FeTore the item "For
pav of lamplighter;;, fas fitting." Ac. .insert
For liirhting"the Capitol and President's
house and public grounds around them and
around the executive offices, thirty thous
and dollars."
Approved. March 29. 1869.
No. 6 Joint resolution to facilitate the
construction of the custom-house at Ban
gor. Maine.
Be it rt solvedly the Senate and f louse
of Il'irrestntatives of Vie United States of
America in Congress asteinblrd.
That tho Secretary of the treasury be
anthorl.ed to make a present application
of the twenfy-gve thousand dollars appro
priated at the hist session of the fortieth
Congress for I Inr Rangor custom-house and
pubiic buildings, the same to be applied
to the use provided in said appropriation,
not. hereby increasing the said appropria
tion as heretofore made.
Approved April 15. 18K8.
No. 7 A resolution relating to govern
ment buildings at Fort Totten, Dakota
Be it resnleed by the Senate and limine
of Ilrpn esrnttttives of the United States cf
Arnnica in Congress assembled,
Tii it the Secretary of War be. and he
hereby is, authorized and empowered to
direct tlie necessary buildings at Fort Tot
ten. Dakota Territory, to be constructed
of brick, and to accept thoe at said fort
already constructed of brick : J'rovidcd,
That in his judgment buildings of that ma
terial will not be more expensive than
buildings of wood : And provided farther,
That no appropriation will be necessary
Approved. April 6. 1869.
No. 8 A resolution respecting the pay
and allowances cf enlisted men ol the
t? rn v.
fie U veto? red hy Vie Senate and Houe rf Rep-
re--eii bit ire;: if the Un ited States of America.
i?i CoK(resi asuembied.
Tlhu iue pay and allowances of the en
listed if. on in tiie tinny shali remain as now
fixed bv law until the thirtieth of June,
eighteen hundred and seventy.
Approved, April 6. 1868.
No 9. A resolution for ihe relief cf sct
tiers upon the absentee Shawnee lands ih
Whereas a large tract or lands ret apart
bv a treaty with ihe Shawneo tribe of In
dians, dated May loth, anno Domini 1854.
lor the benefit of certain, absentees of
the said Shawnee tribe, is now, and for
many years past has been, occupied by a
large "number of white settlers and citi
zens of the State-of Kansas ; and whereas
the beneficial interest of the said absentee
Shawncea in said lands was arid is abso
lutely forfeited by reason of their con
tinued absence and mm affiliation with
the Shawnee tribe : and whereas the said
lands were ordered to be publicly sold at
the United Slates Land office at Topeka.
AtPHist third. eigheen hundred and sixty-
, three, by Abraham Lincoln. President, by
j his proclamation dated March twentieth,
anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty
' three, and by reason of the absence of a
! large number of said settlers lrom their
homes in the federal armies the sale was
indefinitely !s! pom-d : Therefore.
Be H resolved by the S-uate ond House
. -r r
of Represent Aires of the hnited Stales oj
America iu Coiejrv assembled,
That- each bona' fide settler now occupy
in said lands, and having made improve
ments thereon, or the heirs at law of such.
who is u citizen of the United States, or
who has declared his intention to become
such, sh ill be enti le I to purchase the land
m occupied and improved by him. not to
exceed one hundred and sixty acres in
eich case, at ihe price of nvo dollars and
fifty cents per acre, und'f such rules and
regulations as the Secretary of the Jnferior
shall prescribe : Provided, rioicever. That
the proceeds of said pales shall be applied
in accord mce wnh the provisions of the
treaty between the United States and the
said Shawnee Indians, proclaimed Novem
ber second, anno Domini eighteen hundred j
and fifty-four.
Approved, April 7, 13G9.
20o. jo Joint resolution authorizing the j
building of a railroad bridge over theOhio
river at'Paducah. Kentucky. i
Bf it re?r.''i tV the Senate end Ifcute of Rep-'
rfaent-atiuen of Ue United States of Atmrka
ir. Uungrtes assembled,
That the consent of Congress b. and
the same is hereby, given to the orec'ioa '
of a railroad bridge over the Ohio river ;
frrvn the eitv r.f !.. lnouK L'....t ,1... 1
, . W v..-, w. a uutlvU i. llltit.W. IU lilt j
State of Illinois, by the Paduc ih an i Gulf I
Kailroad Company and such others as m iy
associate with tLein for that purpose imd-r
the laws cf the States of Kentucky and
Illinois: Provided. That said bridge is
built with an unbroken or continuous
span of not less than four hundred feet in
the clear, from pier to pier, ovor the main
channel of the river, and is built in all
other respects in accordance with the con
.dit ens and limitations of nn act entitled
" An act to establish certain post roads'
approved July fourteenth, eighteen hund
dred and sixty-iwo ; that said bridge when
completed in the manner specified in ibis
resolution, shall be deemed and taken to
be a lcgnl stiuctnre. ond shall be a post
road for the transmission of the mails of
the United States ; b it Congress reserves
the right to withdraw the ass-nt hereby
given in case the free navigation of said
river shall at any time be substantiallyand
materially obstructed by any bridge io be
erected under the authority of this resolu
tion, or to direct the necessary modifica
tions and alterations of said bridge.
Approved. April 7. 1869.
No. 11 Joint resolution concerning va
cancies in the Aoj't General's department.
He it resolved by the Senate and House rf
R preeadatives of the Ur-itid States cf
America itt Coiifries uxxerubted.
That the vacancies existing in the Adju
tant General's doparimenl. at the time of
the passage of the act approved March 3d
lisd.y, making appropriations for the sup
port of the army for the year ending June
UU, 1S70, and lor other purposes.'" be. and
the same are hereby, exempted from the
operation of said act.
Approved, April 10. 1S69.
No. 12 Joint resolution authorizing the
transfer of certain appropriations hereto
fore made.
Be it resolved by the. Senate and House
R'pi exeentutives if the Uuittd Stales vf
Ami l ira in Congress asSi'mblt d,
'That the Secretary of the treasury be.
and he is hereby, authorized and directed
to cause the sum of seventy-eight thousand
dollars to be transferred from ihe appro
priation for paper for the public printing,
contained in the act entitled "An acl mak
ing appropriations for the legislative ex
ecutive, and judicial expenses .of the gov
ernment lor the year ending .tune thirty,
eighteen hundred find sixty nine." approv
ed on the twentieth of July.eig'iteen hund
red and sixiy-eight. in aid of the appro
priations contained in the same act for the
,fiillini.'iri,r iiiii-,triciid on.l In flu. ln'liu.iier
j v o, ... .........-,
prnponions. to wit :
For contingent expenses of the office of
Congressional Printer, three thousand dol
lars. Fi r the public printing, seventy-five ',
thousand dollars. j
Approved. At-ru l b 1m9. I
... . .
resolution in relation to the
No. 13 A
Burlington and Missouri river railroad
branch of the Union Pacific railroad.
llevolced by the Sen at' a?id Ilonseof Repre
sentatives of tlie Uuittd Slatts cf Ainei tea ni
Congress assembled.
That the act of Congress approved June
i. 1864. granting certidii lands to the Burl
ington ami Missouri fdvei railroad compa
ny, to aid In extending its road through
the then territory of Nebraska, to connect
with the Union Pacific railroad, shall be
so construed as to autno.ize said Burling
ton and Missouri river ruiiioiol company
to assign and convey to a railroad com
pany to be organized under ihe laws of
the State of Nebraska, all ihe rights, pow
ers, and privileges granted and Conferred
by said act. and subject to all the condi
tions and requirements therein contalne'-:!.
Approved, ipill 10. 1869.
No. 14 A resolution respecting the re
tirement of Brevet Major General S. P
Beit re soloed by the Smote and House j
of RepreM'nt-itirts of the United. States vf
ArneetC'i in (Jon 'jr. assembled, j
1 Hat the President of the United States ;
be. and he i? herebv. authorized to place
Ihe name of Brevet Major Genera! S. P.
t t . .. 1 . ii . ... .l . ...
iii an., i uiuii iii iui, AvtiiiA 11.7 v- ' i -1 o ai -
my. with the full rank of the command
held by him when w r.nded, in accordance
with sections sixteen and seventeen of the
act of August, eighteen hundred and sixty
one, and section thirty-two of the acl of
July 2iS. 1866.
Approved, April 10, 1SG!).
i iit ii i vo i ru : n mi t twt rotiriiii t i 'i i i rin "i r-
No. lo A resolution for the protection
of soldiers and their heirs.
Be it resolved hi; the Senate and House
of Representatives of tU Urifed states of.
America in Coress aesemhled, I
That the accounting oilicers of the
. , ....
treasury aim ay oepai .ineut vv ut ;-i e
charged with the setllertrent and payment
of bounties due fo soldiers or their l:Hr3
be. and they afol herhby. directed to pay
or cause to be paid the sums found due to
the said soldiers er their heirs in person,
or by transmitting the amount or through
the Freedmen's Bureau, or Strte agents
appointed specially for that purpose, or
governors of national asvlums. or pension j
agent of the district where he. she. or j
ii .
they may reside, and not to any claim
agent or upon any power of attorney.
transfer, or assignment whatever.
Pec. 2. And be it further resolved That
any officer or clerk of any of ihe execu
tive departments of the government who
shall be lawfully detailed to investigate
frauds, or attemps to defraud, on the j
government, or any irregularity or nils-;
conduct, of any. officer or atrmt of the I
rr;(..,i eui,- ..nii h.,,-.. -i,.,. ..,. .i.
until 'i uifliv.-., l iiw i - ii r v, intiti i ti
m, . .,....'..,... ,,.
.mmm. . uami. io auiuav.i-- .aive.i .i. iui- , auJ pn,vij(ms asJ S.U c uilm.y in te-
courseot any such investigation. . . Uoect thereto bciim t-ntiih-d to ad she rights
tEC. And be it rurther rfvoU-fd, That . a;i privileges cotiWred bv the act uic 'rp .
the fees allowed by law to attorneys or j rutin r said compai-.v. ami it I c s additional
agents shall be reserved by the pay de-j to ;i-.d am ii 'a uy ,h, i . o! : i', d, That
partment or said pension agent and paid said eompanv sludl not be cmited to anv
to said agent or attorney whm anv such
fees are due for services rendered in pro
curing such bounty or bounties', and not
Approved, Ao:il 10. 1S3P.
No. 1G. A Resolution extending the
time for the completion of the Portage
l. 1 - o
Lake and Luke superior ship canal. ?
Be it rexolced hy the Senate and Honse of
Reprextnttice tf the Uniird States of
A met 'tea in Congee axsembU f.
That the time for the completion of the
Portgage Lake and Lake Superior ship
canal be. and the same is hereby, extend
ed to the third day of March, eighteen
hundred and seventy one.
Approved. April lb, 1SG).
No. 17. A Re-olutio'i making .San Diego,
California, a port of delivery. "
t; it rexolced tni the Senate and Housk of
Renrexentativrx if the United States f f A trier- to jrive tiicm the b-.-' mm-m-i'im! ft-iui Of";uii,
ied in Gmgrexx assembled, I is the "Weekly Knterpci.-.e. p d.I: he 1 l,y DA '. in -T..atSau
Dugo, Clifornhi. be, and is the fa'ure. I.m.eil
hereby, created" a port of delivery in tho SlSr SV'll t.
customs collection disti ict of San Fr. ncisc, i and his paper ha.s hacome ldemifed. -witn
and that the d.-putv collector of that port j this iumre-t ih Un-.a"n, i:i -a:ise-p:a e of Ins
receive the same salary as ether deputy co:-1 stj.iitfbt-forW-.jd. H;tp.aHic-T.t eom.. He
lectors of the di -trict. I not made one U---X- s:cp, aiid u Ui'tntmy e.tms
ss i -i i a T-,,-r I rsnou want a s-e-rmme Oreirou pai-e, let tutia
Approved, April 10. Ie'b9. ! try the I-li.teiVrl-e for s.x :i:.t,iO., o.-or.c yenr-
j A club of rive m ten uam-'s o-iit fo 1 ; formo.1 at
'o. 18. A Resolution er.abl ns bona fide
loI. crj ... ,,r-l,..A is I-, . . i ri fo'.tst sil.i-H
B, tl- i. ' ..,,V.,,.. V. V. V ....... - . , . . . the Great a -d Litt!e Osage tribe of In
dians. -j if rcfocved by f- Sena t-t "id ll:vte Rer-
rsen ti.rlivrii
Tliat iHiv b
l --vf.-?
u t li
U'i H'l SlaUt'f America
: d. ;
trr noon
R7 ?"Ti 0 ' '
s l"c4'-T.r
t c! Oi TC
e to'" i
t ! eat r
.? to toe C:
a el -'c in J
i. i e in
( : ;
3 i b:;t wo n
Ui:i ed S'ut---.- ,i.d
Osa-re tiib' vf ludi.
lot.tli, i ightveii
iioce.dmed J -uhu V
Gieat an.i Litt!
Se t-.-ib- r twenty
ami six v-;ive, and
.t cen
hundred aud -ixt v-sTt n.
is a t lfiZc i 01
the lit iis i St .te-, sh.,11 i.e, and h.-reby i,
entitle:! t purch-ise 'he sfame is quantity
rot exceeding one hundred snd six'v acreJ,
at the price cf ore d -Jar anl tweui) -Iivt
cents p r tu
within two ie
'-mii th
passage ot th:s ac, iu.d:
:"it,ii i u!cs r.r:d
rcu atons iii may be jo'esci ibed by the Scc
rcta.y of thenter er: Pevvidtd' Lnvc:er,
That b tii the odd ami even munoi red sec
tio s of lands sh.-ill be ubje- t to acttls?'-"
raent and s re as p.i o". e r r vt o-d : A id
vided further, 'I list tiie six't t nto and th rty-
5.xth scciicns i:j ttiCi tiivinship .f sid
lauds sha 1 be reserve'! for S
e d pur-
p lies ui ace ,ri .nee wit',) th p-. ovi io . of
t he a l ol' admission ol ,LeS t:te ot K nsas:
Provided, bwj-cver. That nothing in t is act
sh ill be construed .n rnv ma-; er Hi.cctiug
ai.y 1 gal rights ht-i etof -re vested in any
other paitv or pat tie-.
Approved. April Id. 113.
No. 10. Joint lie- ' r.don 'er the protec
tion of the m-erests of the Ini'ed S atcs in
th5 Union Pacific Ilihoad C mpany, tho
Centra! Pacific. Pa Iroad Co.i.puiy, nnd for
other purpose--.
Be it lenc't'eJ by t:n- Senate and IJnnsf 'f Hep-re.etit-itire.i
rft'iv Uuittd States f A?nertca
in Cin 7n . .c-.vt '-!i 7,
That toe srocknoldei-s 0f the F ;.-n riicifl j
Raiiro d Company, ct a iiicetinz 'o ho I eld
on t he ' wt-utv secco
d th
v o: A: i
d, eigh e n
ry of ius-
hi day to
rs for th
(dners are
hundred and sixty-nine, .t the c
tort, (with power to adjourn tr
day,) so .I! el-set a hoard of di e t
etilsii i,g year: nod s-id sioc'-t
herebv authorized to e.-tabli h f !; 1 r ceneral
oiiice at such place i i the United Si atcs as
tluy may selc-t at said meet niu: ; P.cvided,
That tiu passage ol this r. sohri shal! not
c nfer a v o her right upo i .-aid Union Pa
cific Railroad Co up my than t h Id Mich
election, or oe held in any man r t t eiin
q n h or waive uy rights fit tins U itcd
Mat s io lake a Jranta.;-! of a ,v act or tieg
lect of mu 1 U .i n P.u ii! Ihdiroad Company
heretofore doi.e or omitted where -V tli'-r
lights ot the gene a! cover, mit t have been
or tm.v be pn judic. ti : A i.d pn ri'tcd .-?,
Tha the t omii'Ori of the
Uni-'ii Pacific n:.d .be Ce: tr.d Pacii'c Ri'.il
roads shall t e iit or near Ifden ; ar-d tho
Union Pacific Rai re oi Company shall bvild,
i.n i tlie Ceuti-i! I'acir'c Kai ro d Company
pay lor an i own ti. - raii.m.d fiom t!:u ter
miims ilail'i sa d ; o i hi n.o o;, t -irv M.inmit, lit
uhich point the r ils s a) I meet and connect
am! torm ohe com;;.;:
Sec. -.' And Or ii f
to as, ei tain the com5,!
ci.ic liailr ad ami t t
road, the I'l c.-idei.t o
authorized to appoi,-
is 1 1 ne.
.-.','.o- rvfdved. Thnt,
o . of the Union Pa
CVnliiii I'm:, he Kait-
in tn
i n cit
d S at,?, n
of ( mmcnt
m her, ami
; rr mad, to
ci iz.-iis. not ( ::cc ding live
who shall iid: be i tiie te 1
examine ad ipo:v upon -t
and v hut sum or sums, it
quiied to eompUde e en oi
tne t-utire !:-mth thtte t,
minus, ;s a first -ci as - r. ';
. , . . . .
mi.t. o i or,
, v, i 1 he re
id r
the :
I-, lor
id ttr-
l sai l
id, iti-
1 o t a it
y tl in
! eoual-
i a. ce w in me -e'veiai acts.
IM b
em'.l i r .mis ; and the esp ; s
j pm...., .... ..p,,-,. ..,.. ,
f T.
for their sei v.tes f r c
such ex imimiti'm er !
ly by sai l i emp ;..ic
' r-EC 3 And 'bp it
the Pi e.-iueiit is h. rt
vni. i t . co
fe-r : 've'?. That
an ' I .o rlz 1 1 a mi re -e.
eh ol said C an
al y 1; nr's antli r. !Z-
u fed S:ah s t.hii- r
.l.'.ti item
. i
pomes ;
ed o bi
not . f s ii-s.
by tm? U
sa d iiCts sni!i i.m t secure lis- (' ii com
pletion as a hr-tclis i- j;d i i ail section.?
of sli( t: lo-aos i!:i- ii v. hi- ii b'-ml- hate i.l
reaoy ht ;i is.-ued, i r i n he-. r .-u.-h i omhs
he m .y receive ts -men s cmiiy an cqu 1
amount e'l the tii-.-t morigag-e bmi 's f s mil
c mini t
it sh
a. j'cm
to th
ie ; i es-
ident that the iiipo h.r oi
to be issia li to ci I ie r ' 1
iiisut'iea tit to m-mie tl e
n,!s yet
c mp'.m es is
. m i. .cl i u of
to. I
bllCil l'pfc.1,
,. r. u.i-, H, t , i . . . ,..
1 ie jiiis.tim. upon
di c.eiit an (.unit of
aid colli, anv, or l 1
Company lur it ;
already issued to
his discii tion of liieir first ec. i tga j .
to secure tile full Completion ,ot tl
Ami in dtfaiilt of .j!) ainii'g suc't ,-e
u: it v us
isj in th s se-ta n d, ihe Pics. .'ant
may ant .orizo a: 1 dire t the Al'ouuev Gen
eral to intittit- su.h suits and ,.ci edinga
on behalf aud in ti:e n .me f ti e tinned
State-, in ..nv c mi d im United Stat s
havmg juristiici' u,
proper to com.-ei t.
as shad
e r v : Ci g -i.v
ma. i;
of tee ',
lire tl e
b hectss-.i' V r
f .s,i ii .si-enrdy.
er i to. t v i.-e to
'ni'cd S ;dcs i i
tu:l c. -i.ipl.-t i.-r.
as ..hi red by
' ,t.i,.:c::d. That
i "f,). ,!.e;."J
j proiem tne i
or l.i :.
ten- st
Sitid road.
ami to in
there.;! .:
!i s clas.
law am! the
at .es li t at .
Sec. 4. And le it for'bt,
the A t to fj'j' Genera! of ibe
b--, and Im us he: coy. ;mi
d Siaies
-:ed and di
or nor tho
f the Union
of i lie Cen
reeled to u ve.stig te u s tiier
charter am! a;! .be f. s.iiehists
Paciiie Kailroad Can paiiv and
tred Fa ioc Con.
for c.tcd, ami to uistitnte
a y liav n t ! ten
ail ceessi.rv and
; il -o t.i i iiv. s;i
ouilu: ies ba e or
pl'OpCi I.e., I j rim ceding
gate m-im r or i.
hav not made a
Uu'" tock
?ar-v r'!''' 1 - s
cursed : and ..-,
t . .., d .
gal (l-vhhmds up. ii
o i list it e the ne cs
b. ! the. s-tme r im-
!o tii-,-, .-tp.. ;it - i le-tiier any
r any otm. r :i... nts or em
mp .nms h ive (!' hot vin
aw, ; nd ir -o to hi-d it ie
of tiie tii; ct 'or-
plot e s of s id c
ia't'd any penal law,
the proper t nmim.d pr
persons who mive v oh
A p. rovc.J, A p: H lp,
;ce.,'o.i,gs agaiu-t" alt
w-d Sutli laws,
No. 2
.. Joint Resolution craiitmg rigid.
vr ihe eo.stiu tion o at- ihoad
i ot way
Uou) !' iut 1
int at or n r rorlumd. a- gmi. to
f the Cascaihi motiataios, iii
ii ashm
on 1 ernZ'Hv..
'e it fi-eide
R( present.
. I ' in.e i iea i
and. Ilemr.e
H-d States
'i o
n U'I '
That tin-
.... io , ,.i
! C Rail
at hoi i.i
iit at. or
i Corn
i extend
tr I'orl-
pan v br
s,i i ,,..t.,. :..
j us branch line ti
hu; 1. Or. gnu, t
.A . I j V , S ,
m .a
lmint n
Puget S u d, to !;' (bU'nmm d by said'
c 'U.panv, aiid aist) to conne t the same
its ma n line west of the C i-cacle iiimi .tains,
" ic icrino.y ot u asm
! in the Tenitotv of W;isiii.i!.t m : said x-
, i . ,
tensio i U ing s ibjctto all
tll! ' '.!., lions
soosmv in mot! - v , tjotitis. or aoiu. mo ia us
f the United States, in i espe-1 to said tx
tetision oi its hramm line as idon-said, ex
cept such funis as may be iuclti :ed in the
right of way on the hue f -u-b exensoi
as it may be l-.en.ted : .-in 7 yn ori.'el fnrth-r,.
Tmit at h a-t twtniy-iive u ui said i-xt n
sion shall fe Co s r. o ed bef'-re the s c 'ii-ti
day of Jidy, eighteen handled nd seventy
one, and for y ic.iles per ear there .ft er un
til t. e wtmlc cf s,jid t xte":.siou fchah le com
puted. Approved, April in, Tvi'J.
suBScr:r;,E iuit iT.-just iit this pa rt'
lar time, vitu-n allcyes -g-- tr:r:i'.-d i'tvv.i'd tvMr -.-
tion of the country sis. ti.v be-.: rmnt or-'-.i-o whole
coast for locating ia .'"Ine-.-r-o" vwa ri'iens
pho il J seek what igoc: vna'ion liivv eo-n iron
abroad, saowin r
sa wh a i-s beh.x hy h st: f. .1
' .is ex- r
The ra,
r ii hf I r
ot aftenrion to l 'a r-:
j each IWiciil
, IOlfA .1 .
oii u.e
i.-ri.s are as
Siiig,c eoT'V for one . '.
-h addi-
tionai copy -I! j' per ye-r. or J'. 23
ir month-,
Sii oauei-s will e wnt imi. s.
the c- -L
tu'-s- tho ordyX. PrKi-itfe Tr-.hiir.t.
j-r - JUpl "IT.1
Sj r";
-.-'--"1--5"",- '- f.-'--i.,-. . : 'iii7iiSyl"" " "' -'
. S- TTVnilTA