CJ 0 o o o s o o O o o O 0 o O o o 0 o Cf' O O o o C.;::i Oily, Gro r-. c. .'t rue i'niETOR. ie 3; 1069. OFI 1 CIA L.J L wvs of the United States rA3r AT Tll2 rival S; s?i or Ike Hit Congress. No. 1 An Act to strengthen tbe public credit. it e-i'fe rt the Fetute and Ilmsc of Rep -rf-e-t'df-ic of the Ciilitd States if Amenta 'i'tiiti.i o;der (. remove anv doubt as ti tii. purpose of the gnV'.'rnir.ent to dis til :- ah just, Miii.r t i,e;s to tin' public; er '.t.;ur. : t j I to seitie eonli.etlng q ios ti rn a: i 1 in err relations of the Li'.vs by v.rtae or which, tv-iea obligations h ive h -e t e rr ic.-.!, i: is hereby oru vided and fbv! tr.-d ;!; it Hie t.-ith of the United S ,i'.:-s is s n. '.nn'.y pledged to the payment l.i c .mi or its e; i vnhm' oi' t! tiic ouoga t;.,;i - ot' she Foi iv.s not bearing in- teres.. I;:, awn us LU" S aVs n.t.'.-. anl j of a'.! the iireiv.-.i-be ir'mg obli: iuiis of ' the I. u.U-d S.ates. ex m eas. Win re law ii'i'li'.i! T.:n; ,).,. ,-!; of an v such h - .! v v viu'e l tii it thi !! :- b - p ti t i:i lawi'ni money or o :i i' c'in-icv tl.-i-i 1 a:i i .-:a'-r. lint it. none o; Hot a!! -'i.iii be redei.ii.'il or !i u i'e-- ;;t .-'tell t Till i O.I' 1,1 !)' C-:i viTi i o le i;i o co!,! ;if iii,1 oDilon (o tne tioiuer. or i. ii a less at sncii ;i;ae hands jf the United i- a'es !)M:i;i: a lower 1'a'e d' irtterest ili;, i the .'.! to b- redeemed can !x . ,! i j.t p .; in Coin. And the United S:.t'e- H ol.Mi-i'y '.!.'im i.s fuoh to in ike ;'o i-a : . i at tite eariiest nractieable ) ' ' ii re u';.i )Hun of the U ailed in e -la. T o. r.r.Aixi:, r . : ' j it , jH-t .v -ilativcs. CilU Vl.VAl OOl.i-WX, .:. .;t. cf t I ' :, .S?(, . nn'.l r,;:.:,l:'.,t r.f ikn ,V ..U. U. :i. G RAN wv to nn 'the ev ?: in; i e 1 . v-i a-;, ! . 1 h o ; il hi. 1 u-e o.f a lateral 1 iht!,! r.,' an 1 Potent ic 1 w 'liiti the District of . tli-'ii o.' the j! i r ulra s I 1 i' tin i i ..;',, i . a noro v i e eio'a irv o. !;.. (': Scu'tc in ! fiT'se .on e an i i'ooan o Yi til . h. !. . ;'..e a- oi C-vi r- '. : t' r e:i : .: ti !.;,.:;. !;: : ' r !' i;:.o ::'! . ". 'oa i i - e i a .e.-.-er .- S .id i ' ia ii.e ii;n : ';e':ee. hm use ot a lat he V, ihiniore ami Polo ) i ' . . a : t:e 1 . 1 C t j atiiiot -d to expend!,; .'.'ii.'rif! n i-iiia ;h ! iie.-.-.l bra. d (.',:,.-,'. e ; ! v '! . ; s ; o ; ; I IC oi i ,r' r;';!'- "'' ' i . wiiii tiioir 1 I e;ei-e;a : - .i v. aid ei y o,i ;i,i t ! wllicil- .' tWo i'OU'es h; re';l .-.t'-ig- ii'.ia.tuy in y e.ect and de- n i ' a 1e, '.: i .....j-.; i ae in ; ; rsec" um oi , a . I : i a;, ;v,;'i (Jaroiin.i ave n'h we.- wu: d'.y along said I i ; i Ml ; o; in so-atii i street : s- ! cet V. e-tw:'.r.i v to V' , r -r V i , . ' , ,''t. ii.. . i - , . a i on ,, ii . . t i . t , y ; i ni-' in ersec'ioti ol .- :h J :i rrl w-r.l irimh street ; ir, j S- coi'.u. j'n-ir.;r.g at same point cn i t'le norihivu j-le.re oi' tie- ea'ern branch j ea llli' 1 'O .Oil; IC ft (T) I. .M su e;. i .v. a ;.! -'ra V, a-.i. ;:,a-.. ; i Wtdiiil -r i ' (. re.i t ave;;,;e i to t in- r ! a a; r between souih h;iii,l een per centum, payaote semi annuatiy : iii. -ceo west ward I v be- j nud to mortgage as security ttierofor all ii to the iut'-TM-cf ton of j the corporate rights. franchNes property, n :?h sou'li L and ivi-t I real and personal, of whatever kind so i ; ,.;:. ahrug s-nid Vir- ever, belonging to s;iid company. ori':w!w.ir.iiy to s -vAU : S-c 5. A nil la it farther enacted, -e isy a l:ne enrviisg j That, the persons, herein named as corpo- a t e c.i- j it n ti-''.' L'ov ;o '. i'.'giat i nvemi" : . , j le.Mt-e '.t'ii': vor.ooa tVi a.u: nor tavest- j v.;: ii I i iii 1 i.i '-rr'.'iiuii ot .vaioh C and j we.-r .Nt.ii'i s; r - 2 i I 1 n i' th er ( ii-'ict e d win-re the pa: i ovrn r proper'y reij:; ired tiy That in all eiv lag HI' or ot-c .i , t , i nn' sa ;ii jat ;:;: e ;: (a;n ..rav caa'iai aree v.-;:l; s tal comnanv i on t.c aoiounr ci (iamage cl'.dmed. either j lor ;- ii 1 iatid or ii? ite; aa!s in iiie c uiln:c ti"i of ',. at'oi ivij road e.iid a con !e;nn.i-J 1:o:i as ;! '1 1 V'ii'l.lai'll eri-b i ii! !l,e i v e icon v; t ie ; it 1 pro Vt'i i v 1'iiru i- i ry nc. cija.teon a. m r,nd to w l.ieh H.U ar 1 ae, ! !dv v-sevoti. ! idatory. eiih- J er .;!; v appeal to the -itpi-eine court j o; tne i tid ot ' o , ; ; ; j , ( i : i wilh.il tinrtv ! t'. iv- from the romlPir.:: o t'ie verdict of ! described if shall be the du'y of the above th-- j try : and in ;ti! ; es wlieft' the s tid i named corporators (a mjoiityot them o mp oi v tii take ii:i app" il they : !i.i!l shall contmfe a quotaim for the trarisac g;v ! e; t p'j . p .; r . -,; p n-rjcs claim ng s tion of bu-due.s, to call ;i meeting of the and enrith-d to d uu tges iti a peivaltv ti; stockholders, at the city of Washington le t-i d iiib'e he .-n;:i faantl b v the jury tor the purpose of electing directors of v i h a eoiliiiou t!i,r the sod company iiie said corporation. at.d each share of sh ill pay er (;'!-! to !.. p tid su c !i anion iif said stock o.u which the said Iwetry per oS d oi-:'.g-' and cae, th..' oariv m iv be centum has been paid as hereiii!;ehte iai'itU'd to r-.-.viv on t!ie jiidg;n-n; of (he provided tdiall entitle the owne- to one s-iil sif!'";;;.' c-v,i :. wpi'iour detnv. and V'Ce. The corporators herein named snail o'i u'i.i 'i b-aal auipie and saiiieieti!" stii-e-I desigrate a m jority of their number to ties -I; ;;' !-, g.v.en. to be apnrov.-sl bv the act as inspectors of elections ; which ma t'! '!'''" co-.ts-; : ami in (:,ses where I joriiy of inspectors so designated shall th- part peal, tie or ! li iir. claimant haH ;p- 1 a. l c-ampatn-. if it s'.iuil ivciutre ? i ..o-u.-oo ii-.' o: ttu- pvojjcriy con-dem-c-d an-! valued as orrsaid. 'bea.rc O e. ! al a a 1 . ! IO vitled. it shad ie- i iwiui for th-. -a 1 company to 1 '. ia a : i :er. ter a oeia, to the jiart;. i . .i , . t, !ieres ti t l i at lea ;t double t he siim ! tt!l!)( j t ae '! v. :. :r--: ;. to he a:orovo.l I by t!e sitpreaic c mrt. and with a con ii- with a full report of their proceedings un ti n to pay vvt :i on: d day se.ch Mim and i !er this act. and thereupon the duties of cos's a m ;y be -ivrarde I by the said j ihe corporators hereinbefore named shall c en i w lda ;t lurth.-r di-I tv : an I upon the j cease and determine forever ; and there Ueiivery or tomb r of su Ii b.md f!ie s tid t af.er the said directors, with their succes- eoaip o;y iv ;i Of ' iteir s :: 1 , . nt'.t a-i i 1 he s '..ree.t . tin ! as j;- the ' Co , - . ;a . ion parties v .;h;i- i . . ;iy n . i agreed be paid for the npon the mmi, n; r ,., prop.e: t y io t o u,..l Wtiei-c .;. , ; r,.;n fd that ia all eases ! tea tpy n:al appeal and ; esiat. they j.jay have the i give oeaU a H',Vt'i' to proi j'.; ,1' ::: ...!' " v,':!:;;,u ; i ua i X'u,',' p'es' 'fi-oVc''-'-' " IJ',";,''r) : " 1','., '"' '.'i 'i'"' '' no appeai ; the i ty i .; a i i a a n t a ': " t agreed upon '.-.'upe.ii.itio-i for th .rty retpiti'ed : in a'.i e ise w'nere th i t : '! r r .I - i:r,:: ; :j .Uii l'v'tV xnrmulvnl. together with suco other 1 1 o , i . i o : i , , t a . . , t i a i on i l ,s t a e s o a , i .i; ' . . . , ;..ttl b e b P.. .,(,,: ,. . o...cers. agents, and employees as they Vi- , i., t ,. ' . t ' ' ' !u"Xil Ul' t tn t- decn nocessarv. each of whom shall tti.v.'ti ana n-'d. i nt ..... . ,, , O i'lV a a-i i: it a ies l ; t. !iao;i i; C '. ' ! ii i-'ll o ) cn'icfcit the si l Pa!;;!!i -ste U'.bl Potomac atti ( ''.i.ii pitiv e.-el any oilier partv- Th it Pal' re- o ir .es -sa t, a!i i W ei it.ay eon- i or ve-ign itiim. except as bereinbebe-e std t th.-m-dves aggrteved by tne verdict i provided tor. Th- treasu.-M- a..d ecreta of !;ej ivy. shall hive tne ligtif to appeal : ry shall give bonds with severity as the to th s-tprem- c air- of ihe DIstiiet oi,bard sli.Pl troin time to tiine' veq .ire. ColaaiU: .. vrat, ti siiii! hive ,pu i-henon ; Mi enng. d the stockholders of the said oi a.j s:;..-.! i .--. an.-t s:t tit fcir an I de i cor,. km fr tlie elee?io:i of direc'ors. I u i''t tni'te ; ue :- me. aiter mo e-e to an 1 !!'- lies waa-u, t;u. t.iiiTVftria i cl a inrv. ; r.d the i-i j a.i ra: o; iue sa.a c-r.U't sj.uI ti- Sec. 4 And be it further enafef That shU act shall take ehect from tiie date or its p i?-vage. Approved. March 18. ISf.O. No. 3. -An Act lor the further security oj' equal rig Irs in the District of Columbia. L'c ii enacted hi the Snnte and Hmie of Rep- ictcit i-iees of the United Siatn tf America in C(.v-y . tixxenJeed. That tne word white' whore-ever it occurs in the laws relating to the District of Columbia, or in the charter or ordi nances of the cities of Washington or Georgetown, and operates as a limita tion on the right of any elector of such District, or of either of'the cities, to hold any ofiiee, or to be selected and to serve as a juror, be. and the same is hereby, re pealed, and it shall be un'.awful for any person or officer to enforce or attempt to enforce such limitation after the passage of ttiii act. Approved. March IS. ISC!).. No. 4. An Act to incorporate the Na tio: al Junction Railway Company. lie it enacted hj thu Sen tte and Ihu f of Rep- i-eeiit4tt:V(- the United states f America in Co.'i'jre usinnitded, Tii.it J nines A. M tgruder. John L Kid well. C. J I . Cragim John W. Thompson, Ualler Kiib inrti. Alexander R. Shepard. and William II. Tenney. of the Disuicf of Columbia, together with such other persons as may become associated with them for that purpose, together with their successors, are hereby created and erect- e i into :i body corporate and politic in deed and in law. by the name and si tie of ihe National Juneii n fiailway Company, and by that name have perpetual succes sion, and shall be able to sue and to be sued, to plead a id be impleaded, to de- eiolaud be defended, in the courts of law an i equity within the District of Colum bia, and may use a common seal, and may adopt by-laws for the regulation of its government. Sc 2 And le h further enacted, Tint the said corporation i.s hereby fully authorlz d cud empowered to survey lo cate, lay out, c instruct, collect tolls upon, maintain, and enjoy a railway line, with appuivenances and machinery necessary for one or more tracks, within "the District of Contnibi i. commencing at, the northern terminu of the aqueduct bridge, in the city d (Georgetown, or at some eiigib.e po'mt on the .south shore of the Potomac river above and near said bridge; thence in a northeasterly direction by the mo.-d feasible route cros.-ng I lock cr.-ek. enter ing the city of Washington, ami passing ihro.sgh ei her S. T, or U street west. north. around Ihe city of Washington, crossing the branches ot the city, in s.tch a manner as not to be dangerous to pas--en-ors and trains on either road : thence to a point most, teas. hie on the i'otom ic t :ver. or Uasfern branch of t ii same, a! ' ee.r the u.tvy yard, at a p..int to be : i t r i oo by iie .Secretary of the Navy. r.;h ihe rights powers, and privileges 'o i c-.n-fruet the s aid road. Ihe glade;; of the j rood to be approved by ;Lo au'horities of the cities of Vv ash ingion and Georgetown ; I also the privileges of loca ing and c.m- ..'t I'lii-titirf rr., ,n.l I T i . . O ...... I- . . . 1 . . .- ,,',!,,, ':i i ;.. i... Ti, ; ... 1 o .,,,,1 I.'...,... y,U sfeet wer. in Wa-hingion city: also a similar deoot at some convenient, point in , , ..,..,. ,,.,.. a .i V t. , . I .wvi.. i.t.tl lllt.7 .,1.1. ,11 It, IHCL. iS,c. 3. And be it further enacted. That the capi'al stock of said National Junction railway shall consist of five thousand shan-s of one hundred doiia; s j each, which shall in al! respects be deem ed pets-mal properly, and shall be trans ferable in such manner as the by-laws of sr. id company shell provide. See. 4 And le. V- f wither entitled. hat. it aa ! ! a iwtnl f'.u- I tic n.l -.ni, in. - - ... ........ .... ...w...-...v-.'i. .,1 i . , ,, .. . ; ., t .. ; i i- : r 1 tii ' - ;'' ik-.u w ay t.oni jimu . ii ueeiuea :ieees;iry. to borrow from t me to time .-urns of money not exceeding five hun- obed thousHixl dollars, and to issue bonds therefor, bearing interest not exceeding r ttors. or a m iioiaty of them, .shall, wi. Il m ninety d ivs after the nas-ao-e and an- . : - o I proval of this act, meet in the city ot Wa-'iitsgton for the p'.irpose of prcscrib- :nr rgulation- for opening books of sub sciijition to said capital stock, at such times ami place as they may designate, by nitbiic not ice? of at least, ten days in two daily papers in the city of Washing- ton : and said book- sha" be kept open umil two hundred thousand dollars ot stock shall bt; subscribed, and twenty per cenium oa all subseripuons shall be paid in 1 iwini money at the time of sub- riblng. to tht person or person.- aitih-oii.ed by the corporators to receive 'he same: ami wlienever that amount stiall have beeii sub-'-c: iieol. and twenty P-'r centum oi ine s.itif niu m as aoo e cerlify. under ilieir names, the directors 'bus duly elected, and tdiail notify them t tiien- election and the time and place ot 'he tir-t mi'eting ot the said board of di rec t)i's. At such meeting the abov.- cor por itors siiaii deliver to tiiesaid directors the book of ubscrip'.ion to the stock of tul -National Junctioii uailw.iy ( ompany. toiretlier with the amount n.-.td thereon. surs or assigns, sjiail consti:u;e the said body politic and corporate. The direc tors thus chosen shall hold their office for one e;r and until o hers are elected and otiaUHed to fid their nhic.es. A m ooritv of said directors !iall eotistifuto a quorum fur ihe transaction ol business. ,T- . J a further enacted, That the said directors small, at their first mete-ng. tdect from their own number a i, !!-;. i. .o ..i.. i ;,. ....... t i ... ti ... ,'...-n.i..,,,H4 I ItC iMt.ltl li,. 1 III Y lll.l i a:so from time to time, elect a tieasnrer. . . v , v. t . i. ,iit-i iiitiit ri . turn t ii iin '- ice or po ''ioti dating the pleasure : bon d of (Proctors. The directors a arc power tu fill all vacancies in b rd which may be caused bv death i ii'ia i if : tritb.sC'ioii of huin-s. shall ; be n, o.-n tin-.M-i'., '" u ':1 annuaby. and at such o'her t::ncs v, y. si-.ch notice us may be I r.s-,. prescribed by the by-la-v2. The directors ' of tbe said corporation may require tho j subscriber. to the-., capital .t.!ck to Dav j the amount by them subscribed. re;-ee-' tiveiy. at sueu time.,, m sttcti manner, and , I, I l I I O i I I ',3 II I iii ut.,1 una may (teem I proper ; and i. any s iockhopJer shall rr ittse or neglect to pay any instalment, as! required by a resolution of the board of directors, the said board may forfeit said stock for non payment, and all previous payments .shall revert in law ami iu equity to the said corporation under such regulations, or may sue for and collect the unpaid ins-alments in any court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 7. And le. it further enacted. That the said corporation ii hereby em powered to purchase. lease, receive, and hold such real estate or other property as may be necessary for accora dishing the objects of this act, and may by their agents, engineers, contractors, or work men immediately enter upon, take pos session of. and use all such re il estate and property as may be necesstry for the construction, maintenance, and opera tion of said railroad and the accommoda tions appertaining thereto. Put all real es ate or property thus entered upon and appropriated by sail railroad, and the accotum tilati us appertaining iheret.j. which are not donations shall be pur chased by said Corporation of tin owner or owners of the same at a price to be mutually agreed upon between them ; and in case of a disagreement, as to price, the said corporation, nor the owner or owners of such real estate or property, shall ap ply by pothion to a justice ol the supreme court ol the District of Columbia, particu larly describing the property ; ami the said justice, upon receiving such applica tion, shall cause such no ice to be given j to the other party as he shall deem pro-! per and suiiioient. appointing therein aj ume ana place tor bearing tlie parties : at which time and place, upon proof that the notice directed hits been given, the saiil justice shall direct the manner of as certaining the true va ue of said real es tate or other property, together with the damages which the owner or owners thereof have sustained, or may sustain by reason of the appropriation, occupation, and use thereof by the said corporation : and the said justice shall appoint not less than three r.or more than seven competent and disinterested commissioners, who shall be freeholders in the District of Co lumbia, and at least one of them shall be a resident of the municipal corpora. ion in which said real estate or oilier property m iv be situated, and who shall, under! the d.rection of said justice, view said prem.ses or properly, take slum le.v.unoiiy as i hey m iv deem proper, in ike appraise ment, and (leiermine said damaires. and report the sinie under oath an 1 in wib-j iug to said justice. The report shall con- tain a minute and accurate deserip ion of I the real estate and other properly ap- ! praised, together with all the evidence! taken by th' commissioners iu the case. I If shall by the duty of said justice to ex amine the report, of said commissioners, ami upon application of either par-y he shall give the parties a hearing in relation I thereto; and he shall have power to in-j crease or diminish said appraisal or dam-I age.s ii ite si) in oecome sitisittM upon such hearing that, injustice U is been done." Upon proof to the sad jus-ice. to be made within sixty days after his deterrain a ion of pavment to the owner or owners, or depositing to the credit f the owner or owners, or their legal representatives, in suji banking institution as said justice shall direct, ihe amount of said award, and the payment of all expenses attend ing the same, including an allowance of three dollars per dim to each of the aforesaid commissioners, the said justice shall order or deciee, particularly de scribing said real estate or other property, and reciting the iippraisement of d ima ges and the mode of making it. together with such f icts as he m iv deem pertinent ; and Y. lwn the said order or decree shall be recorded in the recorder's ofiiee of the county or city in which such real estate or oilier property is situated, the sntd corpo ration, or its successors or assigns, shall be legally or equitably seized and pos sessed of such real estate or other proper ly for the ue and for the purposes herein before desctibed. In c ise any married worn in. infant, idiot, insane peton. or non resident of the district in which said real estate or other property may be situ ated, shall be interested in such real es tate or other property, ihe said justice sh 11 appoint some competent disinterest ed person to appear beiore s iid commis sioner and act lor and iu behalf of such tn irried woman, infant, idiot, insane per son, or noit-resideijf. Sea; S And le it farther civic fed.. That if any person shall wilfully do or cause to be done any act or acts whatever, whereby any building, strncure. or other work, or any engine, car. or machine, or other property appertaining to said rail road shall be injured, impaired, or de stroyed, or stopped, the person or person-so oifenduig shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction thereof by any court of competent, jurisdiction shall be punished by a tine, al ihe discretion ot the court, of no' more than live thousand dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than two years, or both, at the di-cretioii o' the court, anil also forfeit and pay to t!ie said company, its successors and as s'gns. the amount of damages sustained by means of such offences, to be recover ed by said company wiih costs of suit by auy ac ion of debt or c ts?. Sr." 9. And le. it further enieti'd. That said company shad not grant to any railroad or oilier corporation the exclu sive right to transfer passengers or fre'ght over said railroad : but any privilege granted to ore corporadon shall be ex tended to all who m iv m ike application for such privilege on the same terms, con ditions. and rates, and shall not sell, transfer, or lease treir corporate rights to any company that will not clu ck baggage or commut' fares with all connecting railroads upon the terms specified in this section. Skc 10 And le it further enacted. That the siid corporation shall, a t-oia as practicable after the ele;tioii ot directors, as hereinbefire provided, to com n -uce and prosecute ihe work of construct inz and equipping said railroad that it shall be fatly completed and equipped in three , years from and after thu first board o! di rectors have been elee'ed. Skc 1 1 An I le it further enacted That Congress shall have the right to reg ulate the rate of fares collected oy said company from passengers and the rate of chaiges for transporting freight ; and all property owned by said company shall be subject to taxation by the proper munici pal autht-riiy. St.c 12. And ? it further ')tirt d That this act may be at any time amended or repealed Approved. March 20. 1SCG. No. o. An act to abolish the ')Cice of j chief of saff to the fj.-iiera' of th army, j IU ii fnacted bf the Se tU and w?;.-- of Rip- rf4;;t- it'.m f the Unit I ktalc af Auin i- j C-J til L -'fi e fS- e.iiei a. That ihe'otlice ol chief ot staff with the rank of brigadier general to the General commanding the army be, and-the t atne is hereby abolished COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Skc 2 And be it furt'vr enacted. That ail laws and parts ot laws ineon as.t eui wi h the provisions of th s act be, and the same are hen by. p'pe led. Approved. Aprd 3 Ifc' -'- No. ('. An ;:Ct; to amend "An act irguniting the teniae of certain civ. i of-Oetes.'-' Ue it erected t-y tie Senate ar.d Hvue j lllrrnttt.Ke 'f the U:i ii-d ."State vj Anu iva in t"t u-- uuud, 'lhat the first and second sections of an act entitled "An Act regulating iiie ten ure of certain civil offices.'' passed March two,, eighteen hundred and sixty seven, be. and the same are hereby, repealed : and in lieu of said repealed sections the following are hereby enacted : That every person holding any civil of fice to which he has been or hereafter may be appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senafe. and who .shall have become duly quaidi-d o actiheieiu. shall be entitled to hold s'ich ollice during the term i'orwtdch he shal. have been appoint ed, uuies.- sooner removed by and wi ll ihe adrice and con-ami of the .Senate, or by the appointment, wiih the like advice and consent of a successor in his potcc. except as herein otherwise provided. Sdio. 2 And le it further enacted, That during any rece.ss of the iSeuaie the President is hereby empowered, ii. hi? discre.iou. to suspend any civil officer appointed by and with the advice and Consent of the .Senate, ex ept judges of the United States courts, until the end of ihe next session of the Senate, and to des ignate some suiiab e person, subject to be removed in his discretion by the designa tion of another, to perform the dudes of such suspended officer in the mean lime: and such person so des gnnted si a 1 take the oa-drs and give the bonds req it red by law to be taken and g veu by tiie uspend -d ohicer an i snail, during ihe time he per lorms his ditties be entitled to ihe salary and euo'iirufufs oi' such oilice. no part of which shall belong o the olficer suspended; and it shall be Ihe duty ot the Piesioeul w.thin thirty days after Ihe commence ment ofeneh session ot the Senate, except for any oHice which iu his opinion ought not to be liiled to p. iminate persons to lilt all vacancies in ofiiee which exis.ed at Ihe meetingof the Senate, whether temporal ily fb-ed or not. and also in tin place of all nhici-rs suspended ; and if the Sen ite dur ing such session .shall reluse to advise and consent to an appointment in the place of any suspended o'licer. thou, and not other wise, the President shall nominate auoi her person as soon its practicable to said ses sion of the Senate for Paid ofiiee. KC. 3 And le further enacted. That sect. on three of the act Io winch this is an am mdmetitjie amended by in set ing alba- the woid resignation.,' in line th ee of said section, ihe io!. owing; or expiration of tei m of oilice.,' Approved, A pr;l ! S: No. 7. An act t amend an act en 5 it led An act to provide a national currency se cured by a pledge of L'ni'ed Sia es bonds, and io provide lot the circulation and re demption ihereo ', " aiiro o-red June third. IS'.-i by eXLfud.ug ceriain penuities to ao c .-siines. lie it .- reffd hy the S'cnttfe and I lunar of 'i-:,f rr. ...iUiif. (f the Chit id biaUs If Amficu in CiiiiijrciT-i ti-i.-n-mbli'd, 'i toil, eV'-iy person wlio siiall aid or abet any oilicer or agent oi any a .-sue: a tion iu doing any of tier acts enum 'rated in section tiny -live of an act. enutle.I An act to provide a national currency .o cund by a j.ledgeoi United States bonds, and io prov.de lor the circulation and re demption thereof'' approved June third, eigh veil hundred six y-tour. with in. en! to defraud or deceive, shai i be liah e to tne same punishment therein provided for the priucipa I. Approved April fi. ISCi). No. S. An .tei to carry into eii'eet the convention of July four, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight between the United States and Mexie. . for the adjustment of C"-aim. Ue it enacted b-i the e.-iaf.e and aii-t i f II. p rexentiU tv if Ihe U'tVt I rs.t't of Anirr li a in Umop-f asui-iit'ded, 't hat thi l i i.'.-itleu I sljali nominate and. by and with the a n ice and cott-nit of the Senate, appoint a Commissioner, on the part ot the UePod Stales, lo hear and de cide, conjointly with the commissioner to be appointed on the part of I ii- republic of iiexico. the claims comprehended in the provisions of the convention oi July 4. PSCcS. between the Utii'ed States it .Mexico. Skc. 2 And l,r ii urt'ier ca't'ded. That the compensation jf theCommissioner .snail be at such rate no' exceeding four thousand five hundred d bus a year in the currency of the United rf. sites, as may be determined by agreement between the ex ecutive departments of this government and of Mexico. The compensation of the secretary to be appointed on the part of the United S ates utid-r the provisions of the convention, s'.i ill be at such rate, not exceeding twenty-live hundred dollars a year, in the currency of the United States as shah be determined in the m inner ulore s.iid. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That, tlie President, be. and hereby is. au thorized to appoint a suitable person as agent on behalf of the United States to attend th commissioners to present and support, claims on behalf of this govern ment, to answer claim-- in ule upon it. and to represent, if generally in ail in afters con nected with the inves.igi ion and decision thereol ; the compensation of such agent not- to exceed t?4 0 )1. shn I be determined and allowed by the President. : and ihe J're-ideiu is hereby authorized to mike such provision for the contingent expenses of the commission, and for the advances contemplated by the sixth article of the conveii'ion as to him shall appear reiso a nb'e and p oper. The salaries, expenses, advances, and the compensation to be paid to the umpire, when determined, sh ill be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not odierwise appropriii.'e.l. Skc. 4 Ami be if further enacted Th it, the commissioner on the pari of the United Stales. in conjunction wi;h the com missioner on the part of Mexico, is hereby attihorized to make all needful rules and regulations for conducting the business of the commission: such rules and regulation not contravening the Constitution of the United S bites, the provisions of this act. or the convention. KC. 5. And le. it further enae'ed. That the Secretary of State is hereby au thorized and required to transmit to the commissioner on the part of the United States such papers and records relating to the commission as he may deem proper, or as may be called for by the Commission er?: and at the termination of the commis sion all the records, documents and o'her papers which hive Imh-" brought before the commissioners or which m ly be in tlie possession of their .secretaries shall be de posited in 'lie Department of Smie ; Previ tled. That this section shall not b so con strued as to prevent tlie cornnrssioner on the part of Mexico from .ieposjUng in Ihe Department, certified co;j. - or duplicates of papers produced on behalf of his gov ernment instead of originals. i I KG 45 And le if further enae'ed,' That upon suggestion by tH i-r par'v that, a witness w '.; so testimony is deemed im-i portant, re-fuses, or k unwilling '.o t'.2Ky, if shall be couipc-enr for tbe board of enrnnn-.om r- to s-u, a commission to seme Habibie per. or. i to take the testimony of tu h wiiiie.s.s. who, if in the P. died S'-i'es. may be compelled to appear and sesaify beiore sncii eommis.-dotiors in the same manner as is now provided by law iu the case of commissions issued from the courts of ihe Pniie i States. Approved April 7. ISfiS. No. 9 An act to continue in force an act entitled "An act to extend the charter of Washingion city' and so forth. Be if evicted ly tht Senn'e and Jit use of Representatives of the. U. S. of America in Congress assembled, That the first and sixth sections of the act entitled An act to extend the charter of Washington city, also to regulate the selection ot officers, and 'for other purpos es' of tlie twenty-eigh'.h of May. I80M, be and I he same are hereby continued in force lor die period of one year and until Con gress shall otherwise deferm'ne ; and that all he other sections of said act are hereby repealed. Approved. April 7. IS'!!). No.lt). An act relating to freedmen'.s hospitals. Le it enacted ly the Senate and louse of liepresentn fires of the United Stales of A': erica in Cong esx assembled. That the commis.-io.K-r of tne bureau of Refugees and Freed m- u. is an Uiorizod and tlitecii d to continue tlie treednieti s hospit als at Kichmond, Virginia ; Vicksburg, .Mississippi ; and in the District of Coltim b.a, including the asylum for aged and in firm frecdiiien and for orphan children : Pv willed. That the expense thereof shall be paid by the commissioner out of moneys heretofore appropr-afed for the u-r of the bureau: And procidtd fuelier. That said hospitals shaii be discontinued as soon as may be pracicab e in the discretion of the President of the United States. approved. April 7, lSeiJ. No. ll.--.n Act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the apropri dions for the service of government for ihe lis cal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty nine, and nd.liuoii.il appropriations tor the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred, and seventy, and Icr other purposes. Zr it r.rtcttd b j the Senate and I foil -e of R'pn- ? ut it v r; o f the United Stales of America i i Cnigre.i ass hi'jf d, 'thai the following sum-- be. and the same are heieby, appropriated, out ot any money in tlie treasury not oiherwi-e appropriated, f-r the service of the ft-cal year ending June thir ie.h. eighteen hun dred and SiX' v-uine. for the objecis herein after expressed, namely: TKIiASi K V Pl-ii'AKTMKN T. For the pay o! superiuiendent. watch men, laborers and -all oilier employees iti the treasury bui ding, and the fire other buildings occupied for the use of th" Treasury Dep irm.-ni under ihe charge of sti l supei-iii en lent, thirty three housnnd seven hundred and ninety live dollars. For iigutiug the ab-.ne six b. Hidings, three thousand two hundred and live dol lars. For incidental expenses of the said build ogs. three thousand dollars. For luriii'uie and repairs, of furniture, ten thousand doll us. For sata! y ot temporary clerks in the Treasury Department, at such rates as the Secretary of ' he I reasury may deem just and reas uiable. thiriv live thousand dol lars. For salaries and expenses of collectors, assessors, assir-tant assessors, supervisors, and detectives, together with the ex penses ol carry ing iuio etf'oet the various provisions of the several acts providing I internal revenue, excepting items other- wise provided for. I wo m.llions ot' dollars. ; For deo'ci ing and bringing lo trial arid punishment persons guilty of violating ife in ertial revenue laws or conniving at the same, in ca t-s where such expenses are not odierw.se provided for by law. fifty thousand dollars. rosr iiKKtc:-: p!-:jaut.msxt. To supply the deh-ienev icaused by the defalcation of F. P. 0 msn ad. disbursing clerk) iu the appropriations for blank books and stationery, fuel and lights, and lights for the general post office buiiding. including the Si.vrh Auditor s ofiiee. re pairs of the building, furniture, p ipering. painting, fifing up pei m mem c ises lor tiling p ipers ; for pay of engtin er. lore man and laborers ; for iibrary purposes it- r-Il'-'ins. ami for miscellaneous items for. y seven ihous.md tloilars. For temporary clerks for quarter end iug thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and s.xty-nine, thirteen thousand and eighiy dollars. For temporary e'erks' salaries for the month of March, seven thousand five hun dred dollars. And the Secretary of the Treasury is directed to turn over to the Post Cflice Department, which shall re ceive and Use the same, the envelopes pritre 1 in the Treisury Department for the dead letter ofii;e. HOf.SK Or 1 1 1 i 1 ' ! 1 K S E XT A T 1 V Fi S For compensation of the document file clerk, an diorized by resolution of Febru i ry twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and s.xtv-eight the sum of SaX hundred dol bus That the resolution of tlie House of Representatives ol March third, eighteen hundred ami !i ly seven g vitig Dmit i Puck compensation for preparing list of I appropriations, and so forth, is hereby ex tended to his successor iu ofiiee ; and that there be. and is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the ireisury not, other wise appropriated, such a sum as may be necessary to carry out the provisions ol the said resolution. For additional compensation to the reading clerks, as provided by act of Match three, etgh'.eeu hu ldred and six'y n ne, Ihe sum of one thousand nine hun dred and sixty nine ddUrs and ninety two cents ; and also a sum sufficient to fix the pay of the clerk in charge of the en grossment and enrolment of the Ilou-se biils and joint resolutions at the smir rate as that of the reading clerks, covering the same period of their increased pay. For the usual additional compensation to the reporters of the Sena'e for the Con gressional Glob..' for reporting the pro ceedings of the Senate for the first session of ihe forty first Congress, four hundred dollars each, two thoii-iiid dollars. For the usual addi ional compensation to ihe repor ers of the House for the Con-gres-iona! Globe for reporting the pro ceeding-, of the House for the first session of the forty-first Congress, four hundred dollars each, two thousand eight hun dred dollars. For pages and temporary mail boys, six thousand lour hundred dollars. To supply deficiency for Ihe compensa tion of tbe assi-nani librarian of ihe House from March fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, to July firs:, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine two hundred -and twenty three dodars and twenty con s. For car. age, five thousand live hundred dollars. For miscellaneous items, twenty thou s md dollars. For the. purpose of defraying the ex penses of the Joint Committee on Ue irenehmetit. the sum of rive thousand dollars: Provide I. That said appropria j tion sh .11 be drawn from !he Ireasnry on the order of ihe Set-re, my of tlie Seea'o. and d.sbursed ttroler. and subject in a'.! j respects to, the p ovi.-Ions of the jo.nt j re-oiii ioti of January 1 weu'y-second. eie.ii een hunanm an t six'y seveti. For packing-boxes for the Senate, five hundred ami tor'y tour dollars. w a i : t k a . r m ii r. For the purpose ol paying t lie premiums awarded to certain arciiiteeis of the coun try, for plans submitted by them tor a new W;ir department building, six thou sand dollars. NAVY PEr.MtT.MKXT. For the salary of the solicitor and na val judge advocate general from July first, eighteen hundred and sixty nine, to June thirtieth, eighteen hund ed and sev enty, three thousand five hundred dol lars. MISCtCI.T.AXIiOr.S. To enable the Secretary of the Trensury to pay G. G. Cushman. in accordance win tne act ot uecem ,er iitteen, eighteen hundred and si.x-y-e.g;if. tbe balance found due htm bv the l- itth Auditor of the reasury. nine hundred ana iorty-elght dollars. m- ,a,!.. ...... c. ..., , ..r ... . t... with tlie act of December fifteen, eighteen i ii iiiaoie uu- oo;i t. uiij i'i ine iu;:uior; j'lii t.il.tst- til u I I II. 1 . t "it 1J tliiO O lil p iny two thou-iand copies of the Ibieenth volume of the United Sa:es Statutes at Purge for distribution. agree ably to the acts of Congress d. reefing the d.s-ribution of the other volumes seven thousand dollars. For rent of building occupied for gov ernment u.ses by clerks of the Pension Office, nine hundred and sixty nine dol lars and fifty cents. For compensation of clerks in ihe office of the surveyor general of Minnesota, three thousand eight, honored dodars. S o 2. And le it further enacted., That the following sums, or so much thereof as tn iv be necessary, are he; eb v . . -.. . . .. . . appropriated tor the service ol the Hs..al veiir ending June thirtieth, eighteen h u ii- died and sevent v. as allows v.z AttrMii.vr. rit cvsrav p;-i For salary of temporary clerks in tin Treasury Department at ;itne rates prescr.bed by law for other cb-rks iti said - . ... . . . department lor idee dtrn uml twerp y th:usand d;)!! 1 ... 1 k one huudi Mliee oi the First Comp 1 roller eor at hiiona! salary hereby allowed to the First Comp'rola-r of the tieiisury VAUwn hundred do iars and the said saia- rv is hereby established at live thousand dollars per annum from the first d iv of July, eigii'een hundred and s;xfv i.i.; and a stun stillicii nt io pay the same is hereby appropriated up to July iirt. eighteen hundred and seventy. For six clerks of cla-s four, eight clerks rd' class three, seven clerks of class two. lour clerks of c! iss one. six copvis's Olie ass'i-mut nii'.ssenger. iind oni laborer, i'ort v five thot a : Hi forty . Olfi -e of t'ie Second C-omptridier For lour clerks of cl lour. o ir c r ol class three, eight iss two. and nine clerks of class one thir! v fi v e :hous:n six hundred d "'hit's, (hli.-e of the First Auditor : For one clerk ot cl t-s four, and Ihre clerks oi class two. siv thou-, uid dollars. O .ice of the Second Auditor : For one hundred clerks of c'ass me one hundred and twenty i fneisand dollars: I'mcitltd. That iii! c'tetks employ ed ia ihe otTiee of the P iym is'er (Jeueral. in per torming any of the dudes transferred by the act of March third, eighteen hundred and .-dxty-niue. from his office to that o! tne r-nM.'otiu .auditor ol tue treasury, shall not be coiu itra-il alter May first, eig'.iteeii j hundred and sixty-nine. ! i For ihe p iym nt oi the neces'-s-arv e j.enses incurreil ia deiendiug d, " against the Secreiarv of the Troa-n or j -, his agents f r tin-seizure of captured and ab.iml onetl property in the late insurrec tionary districts, and for the defence ol the L intod States against subs for ami in respect io such property in the Court oi Claims, twenty-five thousand dollars. Construction branch of the Treasury Department : For consfruefson of custom -house n' Portland. Maine, seventy thousand do! Iars. For completing the custom house a: Ogde nsburgh. New York, thirty seven thousand five hundred dollars. For removing the hydraulic we'gh's and consiruciion of northwest, stais wav in Ihe tri'iisurv building, ti i in v thousand uoiiars : l rovnlcu lhat any porn m oi ib the sums apj.u ojiiiated in the three pre ceding items which may be necessary, and a'so any portion of the amount ap pr ipriated for the court house at Spring ik-ld. Illinois, by "An act making appro priations forsnndr; civ il eype.-ises of (he governnvnt for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy and for other purposes. ' approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine may be expended during the current id eal year. For heating apparatus and repairs o' same for public buildings, twenty thou sand dollars. I NTKRiOTt PPil'ATtT V. K XT. For campetis niori of lemporarv clerks in the otlice ol iiie Indian bui-ean tweivy nine ihousitid foui- bun Ired dollars, lie ing for one clerk of class three, s 'veil oi cl iss two. twelve of class one. and lour copyists at nine hun bed dollars per an num. For compensation of (wo addi' ional examiners iu the Patent Ofiiee, at two thousand five hundred dollars each, lire thousand dollars. For twenty-one clerks class fwo. in the Patent Office, at fourteen hundred dollars each, twenty-nine thousand four hundred dollars. For fourteen clerks class one. in the P. tent Office, at twelve hundred dollars etch, sixteen thousand eight hundred doiia rs. POST OFI-tCf! PR PA RTM i-i NT. For temporary .clerks in the Post Ofiiee Department,. fhir!y-tvvo thousand dollars. llOtSH OF It K I K K S K XTATiVKS. For compensation of ihe document: file clerk authorized by resolution of Pebrua- ry twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, one thotisand es 'lit hundred dollars. For iiicrease.l compensation to the two readme- clerks authorized bv ;,et of f ..:...! ....... i i . j iioiu. i-iiiiri-.i liu in. i ei.i ami sixiv-mne eigtiteen eight hundred and sivtv-tour dollars Misci.i.nxKot.-.s. For salary of chief justice and two as - sociates in tne lerritorv of Idaho i t creased py act of .M trch two. ei-dib 1 i hu, ideed and sixty-seven, th ee thousand drd iars. For salary of chief justice and two as socia'es in the Territory of Montana, in creased by act of March two. eighteen hun Ired and sixty-seven, three thousand d i!ars. For the per diem and mileage of the members of the territorial assembly of the 'Territory of Washington at, its second biennial session which meets on the fit Uondav- in December, ei-diteei; hui'.di-'id and sixt v-nine. an 1 for thU iiwf I.mio.i penses of the same, twelve thousand dol- Iars. Sf.c 3. And belt, farther ennchd. Tl... w.. ... i. . , , dha so much oi (ne act approved M irch tlittd oighteen hundred uml si:.: . -nine "nuking appropriations for sundry civil j expenses of tiie governtr.ent for the year: ending Jun thirtieth, eighteen band red purnosca ji approp! i ite survey big t r ... 1 twenty thaus;u;( doiiurr e public lands in ;j.. s 1"? " j-'i 1 Ti il sf,-., IS so so ouo.'CU ;;S io antii-oni ed ;;s to veuiei id so : en !Lohs in.! ,'ice. l.oa,,;" .'"i:y 1 i I ' , .. " "". U I'i, a icii ot the act arruv.v.s.i o ii! t!liiU. eighteen ... , . , . i .tj i,i;n.'!i ed and sivt,. ' ntrr. making appropriations for tie; wi'' tive. executive, and Judicial expon-J1' the government for the year endiaV thirtieth of June, eighteen hundrf a-" seventy'' as appropriates two tl1(,ls. jj! five hundred dollars for clerks in the 07 of the surveyor general of Minnesota"4'? so modified as to appropriate in a; thousand dollars. Sec 4. And le it further cnoctir That the salary allowed by law to tK consul at Bangkok shalf be. paid with 'X limitation contained in the second sect:'--,., - of the Act making appropriation f . k the consular and diplomafic expen? the government, for the year ending j ' thirtieth, eighteen hundred and s,. D; a;i; tor ;,,. purposes." approved Ml lhhvL hundred and sixtv-V :h .,t dt.,pll.,;.! ; mvh si:ms as Ina; 'V,' . hvK.u heu.:uiulv p-dd on account t,f I . ' i c .- i j .t r ,i '"''rv. t oF.c . Ann be it 1 urthcr em.r- i And le it further cii'.c'A '. ti, ti,., . ... .,.ni ,.r !.... ,i i , , , . " . , ! ,i.i uu, jjijjiwjin.il 'n ji liiiet'il luiill;a!1(j nnii. lis iiu 1.1.(11 """'"fS ine oiK0t : ... l fi'i: .t. - . . ? .. i . S" uU- ; iug auo uiiiug me; oiijHHM grounds. an propria -ed in An act unking apjinn',- aliens for sundry civil expenses 'of f government tor flie year endin? hvw thirty, eighteen hundred and seYinh approved March three, eighteen hu,.'j,'( ' atid .sixty-nine, hhai! be e"xended muu" the direction of the arclntect of the C tol extension. 1 Si-jo. F. And I? if. further ence'ed ' That the act -approved .Maiah thirc, (;.'. j teen humlred and Sixiy-tiine, ci'ii1 - i" A'1 making appropriations to saja.i.. i tP'f'eienci.'s iti the appropriations for f, i S(,i'v!ci' :t th' fC" comment for Ihe h. , a r ...... ; t a .a., i 1 oo..,.u o ..n.,- um iy . i-i-uieeu nu u , -ix's-io ne be so ametideil I clause of said usa tor ot ner pe.rp . s lo insert in the ,-( c ru ict ittter tne words l'. :it salary of on.? it each per year," .ludrcd tititl mil bt fovo the 'first , . , i v '"'' 111 ,a Ci;i;-- uf 1 oitov W( j ,11101 such atuouui in auuitmii to I anion!! appropriated ia an act en; j" An act making appropriations f il,- eg.sit.tive. executive, ami judicial ;en-e.s of the government lor the vrar i j I f e g June thirty. eighle.. hundre.-l ant seven' v.'' ap'.iro ed Mi a hundred ami sixty nine, for fuel, lg!i!., labor, and miscellaneous ib f.-is. a p-. v be nece.-s.try to pay the said is le'reby iiporieiriafed. empm EC. . Ann te n 1 urti.er cv.-r':1 riiat there shall be su ptd'iiiteiid.-i: Interior, wlio fh.; j tf Dep-'.r:m b; IClo Ci i liera t!i of ti; e watc! 'her dn'ie: i vvr.o rite such o i. I lit! Y tn' ass of tlie Pre SUUC CU;ap is mg laws Igned lo him i v tie M-,-:-, ami w;io s ;ien as is i ti.ill ri.'eeive e -.V i 1, d I)'. s i ee Sitp-rriiiteudent oi trea-nrv out eg. and a sum sufficient for the reinain-.Ser of ih pav su :ii -.t i,trv I and tOi the next fiscal year is hereby u i; oji iated. ! Skc. a. And be it -1, That the two clerks o j oiliee of education and; I eu.i-led An act makii i'i tie in : inzed by rn ; nronri iti" i oii' tie ic I expenser- itive. exeCiU.ve. an-1 jU'ft. the government for the vi thirtieth ot June, t-iu'litf I no i he.ni.lred and seventy ipsroved Mur eiiiiieen hund ired. aiiti six'y if, h .r a i he . i W app 1 ii V il e iseiTeiaP i atid ji.tr: ymetit of a .1: ,1 all ltw !e- emph i .!u:aor.n:g I'l-'irfs i - in';; iiam o i" tjilit' o C ,.10d suuli. afu-r tUe co!!i!neiii:e:ii at die lii'X- iise.tl year, be repealed. Sr.c. '.). And be if. further en ICir l ha, iiie Secretary of War be. and iereby. author:.-' 1 io make the nee J- ' t'.'.tt-trrs ot appropriations from nn t . iistricts having an exec-s of up iirtepn.i- carry into off. the recoti-tri: ion taws tit d:sti ic!s which are may b- t I C 1 leficient in the ammm: necessary i ry it o effect said laws. (' !( A .l 7- If f.y flrr r,irf.-l s . . - . J ;S . J 'M, C ( t- I' M II. I l I ' ' ' Thar the Washington (Pas-light Coir' a tie. and they ana hereby, required to in crease their rate d discount for pien, payment to eighteen and t hree-fo-irth-'"r ceitt. f t-oiu and after the first day u. Xoveniiier next. Approved, Apiil 10, IsG'J. No. 13 A j act sinthorzi!!? the pubin--ion of t c co stiiations of V i r.ci uia , M si p , and Texns, to u vote of the people w leitiid, iA .g the i lea tion of State oftlcei &, I vi led liy tin- -;i;d coiistiti.tics, and n . b i s of t "ongress. he it enacted Iv the Sen a fe and Ir of ttep ese nl nt ices of (fie United SLi of Amc-icn in (arngress assembled, That tlie Presi ier.t f the Pn'ttc! it ' at s, ,c!i ti ue as h - may deem bsf f rtt pnbhc iiitere: i. i--.iv submit tbe constitnt winch was ft ;. . - iy the convention w l! met u Hi lo ,- Virginia, on Tue-dav, itnrd iay oi i.'-i-e eher, one thousand t.. titiiidr d and sixt v-swets to the votets said State, l egi.-t red at the date of Saul -mission, tor i ;itirication or rej.'i tioa ; a"1 ay also subtn t to a separa e vote such jr-c v sinus o s od constitution as he mnv if f i b sr. mi ii vote to b; taken ci th r upon f t of toe ii I pi nvis! -ns alone, or in cunne t1 wit'n 'tie other portions of said cOi.stituh s the President niay direct. i ; Sec 2. And be il fur 'her enctf 1 iiiat at. tlie same clec-pm tiie voters tjt s aie may vote tor and elcet. memfie s at" -geaeiai ;,s-i !:,! of s id Stale, and a 1 olll -er- o' -aid State rovide-.l for by t! c , -onsiit dian, and m tubes of ( "o igress, v- f t e otii er con.m n;ling tb-j c'istnet i ' gmia shal can.- lhcl sts d" i eisier A ' ' o- said .ituU; . to l.e tcvised, enlarged, .H'-:--cor. e, ted prior to such t lert i an, a ceo il ' -t I !W. ai.d to ' t!-:at purpo-c may uyy 1 su. h registrar as he may deem iic 1 1 Ami said el.ti ms shall he held and :t u' thereof made ia the manner pr vided bv t ,ic.s of i iinj; cnnmunly Called tiie it .3 struct on .;cts. c 3. And le it further enic''" i That (he President of the IJtrtcd Stan I VA 1 1;e nnoitier submit ibe const tut o Tex.i-i to du- vol, rs of dd State :tt as he may u.oV- 1 tll!,,e an'1 111 ' ch manner ! e l!icr ,i,e iilue eon-titution, or i . i i l- p! OVISi f tht prov ded iti 1 ii sit. see:.'.. in or tt wo -mi .it i os.r ict 1 ; - ' , ' a,,, i . . ' t m tlie Veters may v ,te for an 1 c!e i i mlii- nrt!,i, !...,'.w..t.s,. .,.,1 ,.; ft f S lit' j oflicers p. o vided lo - in said cotistitutioa. .! members of ( eer j- I'rr.ri le I -ts". P: i ai.'"f i Lv. laid s:ite Prcsidtnt-I Mi no elceiiin shall b- held in i i exas fbr any purpose until tue Pre- Ulf. a ts. (i. 4. And le it further ennc't f Thitt V.e Presid-nt tf the Uuifed States " ' m idco man u r resubmit the ce!istia-.tiet Missis.si;,;) to the v.itt- s. f said Statu at tim atid in i- uc ; tiiunii -r as he fuay ot-"-' ' either the e dire cunstitut on or sep -yi c jsioas of ihe sa ue, us pn-vided m J- 1. 1st section of t.hi; act, to a seoarat-j v tc . and ;it ihe same election th voter- n -v te for and lea the m inbcis of tlie '(- t bit tie aid ud the -tate cftit-ers pn.viae i in said coiistitut.oni and niembers o t-- rL'"s . ... , , j i-EC .' And be it further ence.t ( f , tt 1 ; laiitii-t! at.-ucn i le Hon, tlie leg ."' ,: j ,jie vsjate so rat ifvi..-, ele, ted as pr-v -,.. tn uo r.r. sh.-l.d asmhlf at the cit-ilJ t said Stale oa tiie fuurta Tuesday afur t'r oLajid pro .iiilg,itio;i of such ratio ;ita ' " I ' th2 iriliiary ofiicer commaidiug in said and soveniv. and for oilier