" - Oregon Hity, Oregon, 5 c. I3ELAXD. EDITOR AN. Hit mrZTOR. Saturday : : ' Jano 5, 135D. - ! OfjfiCIAL FAPKU I Oil CUEUO.V, OF THE i-res or the United States and tl.e Congress Wir rcjmrtm-n. I Com n tut 1y tlie Engllih Pie. - i Lending EnglUh journals discuss Viator .Sumner's great speech on , ?j Abduvnu Claims, in an amus ing mixture oflamentation and de ii:iiice. Vv have not space to quote iii length, hut a lev' lines from the '-Tall Mull Gazette will serve as a f peeimen : "Mr. Sumner has proved to a demonstration what is the real leel-in"- of the nation and of the gov ernment, which on this question he iiiav fairly he said to represent. It js evident I v a feeling "which cannot he propitiated by any half and half v,;-es'ions. VTe shall be greatly rto bl.Uiie if we do not see in it a iwiirning that we have incurred, i'though by no fault of our trtni; the angt r of :i very powerful eo C vie, which has only now found out ! that in military and naval eminence : , I it ...in i-ii-.il il ii ifw.ii'-iiit Mnviiiiniii w 'd tltM u e- n'lrn . t'wa' r i n f its l ; ,1 C li.un-u ot Us allege u lK(ts,.t. n - V X v ; "v " P T 1(1 , 1 1, Ho c nt or ! ot hluod aie l.-t In.e.v to c..LUt toi ! V.r.t it is .mite nossibie that this cer- more when England ami t heLiuteel h.fatcs are concerned, than they .i.Mi.Ti.i lnv xi'itiiti i ii '(it i' 'ii'ii r; 1 "were two sections ol tne same peo- 'j!e. Tlie paramount considerations which siiouM govern the policy of I this country toward the United Staft, are the fruitlesstiess of fur- J -j t J i ' r negotiations, and the n-cessity - ;nf being prepared for war.1' i'-Tho e.alicsare ours. K;. Enteui'RI?e. WEST SIIF. FINANCES. 0 The contract made by the East Side road lias been a constant, sub- Meet of criticism with the advocates! ' ' L ... , rn, i T t ei West hide, lhev iiave always t - I i l t,.if " onil ii ii- ii.U.i canned that. -,000 pel mde a, t -an urweasouable jrice, and have de- S . , . n-r ..'1 i i dared that their West hide road could be built for 15,000 -er mile. I '; Lot us see how well their proies- JS- a- 1 -siens agree with their practice. ! Lat October the Gaston comp ? fny made a contract with several Portland lor the construction ot miles of its road, promising to . , T . ; rn' ;),000 per mile, iti nold com., and 250,000 of their bonds were , t t x. v , txecuted ami sent to Now 1 ork tor sale, the proceeds to be applied ;ui the contract, and the highest ; figure )laced on tlie bonds was 70 scents on the dollar, while it is not blenied they would have been glad to sell them for 50 cents or GO cents ,"u iueuen.it. nt : . 1 i 1- t .t .i i his Hiiiuu jiae iiituic lite to;io 00-t them 50,000 or 00,000 per Tnilo, in bonds drawing interest, land payable in gold coin. V Cotlinif-Jif is iinitn imnnivmi'in- - - - - - . . 1. . 1 . 1. . ... VVA.lllVV III 1 Except to call attention to the fact ftltat these u vouldd)e" contractor 'Wtre ' :r piiinivmr it-!tl,!n .- .mh.m. ny," and the people have a right i to know how these railroad compa- , lues are conducted. Tlie only rea- lm. we snnne.so vvliv llw .xt. Si.lo roail is not built, is: that its - --" l- --- ..... ..v. . bonds Won t sell at any price. 1 he I . . , . ,. . , 3 '"ipucity to issue bonds is unlimited ? it a m.rikct could be found for I them : They underhand the. me- udeivdaud the. me - and only lack the chanical labor i desired financial ubilitv t t - ft iv ..v. v.h ia uecu inatc - j iiie; idle threats to unite her desti- i mes with the Tinted States, rather j A. . than submit to an odious .v.inl com - , t , . , .-, . . pulsory adhesion to the C ami ban i. . .. . Dominion. A 1 .,.iitim,.t 1 . , . is reported to exist m lavor 01 an-, J nexation. If it were one of the her apmna-es the " priyile-es of Chr -- of Ore-on will st:,t.. miy Mmished. and it will be the en I tree opinion, av:is majority ot tne; (-0ulilU!lu al lPe 1 a U.ton on Lac- cm,rrTabk-. Tin. Bigar-i:e Wagon wis- al- a iiiujvu it y ei ute; it Utile province would , i 1 1 i he scneme. I i people 01 tha declare- for the 1UILKOAD SUBSIDIES. i l 1 -l , , , about Grant, because lie has coac out square in opposing any further cctsu subsidies to railroads until se return to specie payments. ' Tt i 4. i tt ; iic is correct T,out tins. He is not opposetl to liberal donations of land wherever the country can be benefited by aiding the construe-1 f.f,.,:i. i- tion oi railroads. . . We should rejoice to see Mr. Pengra, the Military Poad Com-j panv, t4or any other man," cret snffi- cient encouragement to enable . .. . . , , them to buml a Kan road from ! Lugene City to Centerville on the Central Pacific, liailroad in the State of Nevada. But under-'out )nil i . 4. i stand us we oo not want to have . every other internal improvement in the State nor arty otier, for that matter made subservient to that scheme. Ut every tub stand ... ,, pafita for buMiiess announcements, I'.ooa its (Hoi oasts! When Mr. r - ' i 4 . r , I hat is to sav, it you work for us I'engra was in Yreka he gave the j or sell us goods, we pay you equiv Editor of the Journal a map which ! alent ; if we work, or what is the presented his branch through Ivogue iiivcr ailev crossing the! , 1 i Cascaaes to Lmpqua. lhe Jour-: tad savs "NVe asked him how he expected to pass inrougii Kogue luver V'dh.v 1'- 'i vouu TT cowl iie i7 1 s.(i.ii j loiiie. lie su(i would have to run from of Klamath Lake southward t Kongo liiver Valley, .. , , . 1C olIi!l i'- e some tunnel- i to pass the skivou, and that ! it would not do to mark the road ! t on a map in such a manner, or , 1 , , l ' ;V: r , V I innvvnv V r li?-l U' h r it vuui i-r , " t (i.aM una i .t it. was not a better route to build . .... uoin Liie miiiiuomi vi tLn a; ui v across the lower end of Snrpris tn ... i i. ,. ,..!. c; i., ! ty in preference to circling around the north end of Klamath Lake to reach Uogue iiiver alley, to which he i-plied that they could not get across the Sierra Aevadas at that point. This is about the substance of his replies to us on these questions. In addition, we will state that during all last win ter the heaviest freighting was car ried on between Lake City in Sur- l'nse -!!l l'-f n ! railroad, and a splendid wagon , . , -u . 1 , . , , . ! road is built to ueno, whicn looks I ! i t i .-I ; to us as though this rn;ie would ! j be easy for a railroad. Tine only j i.v.i"; ,.' . U, ... ("..- v. . AT i I dihieuit place from surprise al- ley we: -tward is over the hid on the west side of that valley, which : t,,.. ,1 ..t ' ' i i ! is no obstacle at ah commit-ed wuh i i ,1 1 . . . .,, i worx generally periornicd hiily . v , , rp , - Sections to OU:i.l rOa :.k-. . aklllg J I tm'' nJN the route suggested by ! j oss sonK. better reason is adve-! cd, we must consider this the bes i . , route .or an Oregon branch to go ! !'7n'u-!l Ko-Ue Klver N .ley, but j ; if the inte nt ion i, to go direct to j i r ,. ... , ! ; Lugene Citv ironi t enterville, the ! ; rolitc :u.ri,;s t10 Mla'r.ath Lake' i ba.dn is un.oubtcdly the best 1? TT Lost tbo (.tn.i..,f,i. Colion'a'a was towing a boom of - ' - - - - - i-iiv. .LV.it;tivi j i0.,s aroun,t point Pdngold, a few days since, she stopped a while for onio lUirpose, hill"- enou'di for to 1 i - " i let the tow-line settle to the hot- i , , , headway the boOltl-sticks he"-an to! - i 11 ' i Sink, allowing the logs, 200 111 num. ! loin. iien sue again got unoer ! ((! to sr-ottiiv iiver il m i rn !t - In. let, which they Itromtitly did. The I towline was ibund to have caught under tl:e lluke of a two tl:ousanl i u;e ioono e. .i m u.o.iM.m i i i-ii o . . .! pound anchor, wnicn logeiner wun ! t-l.ii-tx- t'lrhriw nt eleiin wns si' - I cured by the steamer, hut the rait; j was ht-Onjuu laPcr. Tlie grand excursion round tlie ! word o,rt rom .New York tO ..-v......., . . t ! San Francisco, by the Paeiiio Kail road, -Si 00 time SIX days; by the 1 . Af ' tt j C I una. steamships, tliciice via lionp, KonjX to Poin do Galle, Ceylon, l - Si)20 time forty-tour days ; thence ; to Paris bv the Ked Sea ami Modi- 8320 time fort v-four days ; thence teranean. 8JiO time twenty-live ' ' . (lavs: and across the Atlantic, . Nt, ; total cost yi,550, und total time alr.iot ninety davs T , . , TT t In the National House oi Kep- ! . . 1 - ..1.111111.7 UK 1 v mini v-mir ' , , ctliti.rs, ;i -third ot whom have been ' I printers, regularly aptu-enticed to tin- "art preservative The animal meetine; of the - - -..v.. v;n reall, on Thursday, at 4 o'clock bc - tu ft-.. 1 c , "i r t tore the tbi rd franday ot June. OMIi:SOT CITY, OMSSOON, SATURDAY, JUjVE ff, &SGf. uwiij.jii.it .J,BT't "II m WA'lMJgmWi) HH Everybody Wants 'sr There he V-v i ..-I ! ,.U l. i 10 'v; cum iui ii IIOUOLtV eVtfl oy C-C-L.-5 to, except rogues : business rntr W vryrm.m,t w,, a day without meeting with several -elli'iit opportunities to adver e sorneuody s business, gratis. V e ot:eP' honored bv the eh- ible oilers we have to work lor somebody else's benefit, and some- ; times regret that the. law of checks aml Va!ll,ieein Latb 2ro xqi'O mexorabH' restrain us Irom . - , , i ust devotinor ourseli and the Ore- flonia,S$ local column to the ser- vice of the public generally. If tue newspaper business could tlour- I on not?in?' 5t Yukl he deliSh ;iul to oit-n in and wear out one s sdf in Heribblimree puffs .free an-! ! nouncements, tree everything; but I ' newspaper lamps won't burn with-J oil a discovery made a good i many years ago, though anpareiit- - - u i -i r dv not generally known outside ot j the family. When this discovery j was made, an ingenious fellow in- (vented the "advertising depart-j ,men!'' an,i Pented the idea oi same thing, advertise for you, you - - 1 . mess, queer as it may seem to the unitei.s 0f lree m?X "Xuii sed." Orcjon ian. "NVe ask the special attention ot our readers to the advertisement 'Other column, of the Oregon olen Mills Company. ilie?e rmlls a:9 rhi"S the btt i,fW ,. t 1( l;w i ,-st nnd th of our readers to the advertisement ' ;-i : . . . , r " 7 " " :npany is much better pre pared ever for a ; large business. Their goods are thoroughly made, nf n t i vnr oms o-viides jind nrn v-.-n.,,.,! ninuimu. c is ll"Vi nu-t..ring the l c t S...i.iivr al Hiu ut.-s i i the St i:e. lie wi!l luiv- t ! a-t .') s( l3 i f nil crriil-s. from tine to com moii . fiiii. In :1 ;r:! ivsid; t"r -al i:c v t i:i"irh. itii l ni'e lh.in Uimi i.r.mVuT f SjiiLU--. lit-i- ic.,iiiil in ini-ke a tr.;r!f- woli i.nv iiiii'i hIi.i wU';e- to liiiy nt ii ut. He h Orejr -si ;fii3 ('.dii'.rci i l..t!.cr i i his -tU.lwhiru'iit. .iiu! tiw virk i:e:es a m -sr. x i eut rcp'.t.iti' ii :ib-"a!l. V-e li':ju t. at ( it ze;-s of our own c!'uu y will fhi.rk ul tii.s, wiit-u tuey want any :ii tic.t-.-: io Li- !;:ic. Val ladle Land fo!: Sale CiiriAP We knovv of 48 iicies of good lamts for sale in this county, being the L-.nd claim of J. L. Stor.t, in what is known us tlieRinuold tt lenient. It will be sol i i i lots tu ul intrchasers, on verv fuir terms. This land s (,n'v i., ,).;.. rrom orf.,r-,n citv- F -r .l-f. 11 1U! uom , u ' cv , , ,. further lofunou ion aup: v t.- . W . Kandull, of mis city, or ot J. i.'.Vdout. Un.tv, linker' 5;t.v. u - T- f A drew- t?tout, in the ;;b ve mentioned settlement. lo:iv In Tim:-: ok Pisaoe li ki'aRE Ff War." So set a bottle of Dr. Cooper's 4. r , . , Magnetic L-.Ini, a ; niuqnalptl prcuarat on .. " '. , Tl lot !'. senTfi-v, imn rnovi and t ra;ni. lhe iuxLtanv-ous reiu-f of Barns, Bruises and -P'-b-s. - va,uab'' "uues I confide., ly claimed to b;' tU' bf ar,,id. CViv lcovc.-ed tor c!e;uiini kihI poliohioi; Oold, Silver an I i l'.-.ted Ware, and ail smooth metallic sur- iT . w"f u, ' o TXvlV T'f I ' C"1'1' ' ' ' --- :- - Not a m-bject of D-uirr. Th 1 Neweli'.. rUiaionarv Sr.ip is the most ef- ( ctive and never f 1 i i n j 1 e m dy fjr ulFee- tioas ot the to oat. and Ullliis. i'A:E U 1 K L. This is to warn alt per M.os cone rried, th t hereafter the un ier- 1 ,L"'! w ae- it d t tic ly uu.n-t stood tua I , ,i ,.s t iot,.n,t tn ti.,1,1 r. f i M..v.e..h -""miTv '4ifdiMv - .Tl?T HE,(:KIVK,) u c mpound to m :ke i-es-i Le .- loole. ti;e verv ihini; t..l' ,.od Templars uu Sonsot Temper.une i At A. L vv's. J ARGE L- T of Ci-ais and Playing Cards ' At A- hevy s. ! w p y BODY wants o see a VE ' ! ... iLOCI- . x ri.ur., m . a. Lev, s wim Las one to !1' ia.ne. T ke u eliance. pnENlX 11UTLL. 1 s ,eet Oregon City J. F. Hi'ler & Go., Proprietors. 1 IP P"ipiiei.-.r o. t ..r. 4 . .w , .... ,r ...... .... ,..r f.. II. A li .11 !! .l"t. til ill) 1 -Ittil 1111 I '.t. l-i.liv it-attn y imu-:vh- -via uemens t.. k-.ep a ; h )K. t.. re.-.-iye a l a-e oi th- r patr-najre. I TU.- Hon e i- at a verv convenient distanre ; fl( ,1 er !,n,ii, ,r ct he .teamboat-, aid j th.- c .n-r . ' fA FF J Iti Lb i. ; V j M IN S1RK1.T. OREGON CITY The P.O. rte.ors o' Mu- we.l known j Hon e !en-H tneir Ha Ks to the j u iitC or, ' the pattyna- here of., re m iber. lv botow I e . 10 e-. ? -n,. ... our house, v.e chum to po.ss.s accooimoda- ! tion- in evet y lespo-t lrtei r to no llou-e is tite fcra-e. V-'illfE & RIR'AOLS, Feb. lStilt. Proprietor. . A ! MFUIOAX EXCHANGE. ! tint l(f) (late LINCOLN ITOFSK,) ! x. 4 Kium nw , i..i-unU Oregon, L. P. W. QU1MP.Y. I'.nirinKTOit. L'tit vf Wf.-ftrn II'ttL) This lior.s- is the mot commodious in the coni lot table. Tin. iMrarJire a stop wij- ai- ! Wil w r-,,md a,-lhe ii",nl 11 - on tlie H'!;ival , of steamships ..mi river boat-. Carrmg bag- 1 -ag to the house free of ch.ir-o ' ival 5 SI J kt& ST iT EVI 0 5 O RJ & AO 7 If 73 FID ST St., rCRTLA.D Bet. Staik a::d Washington. EYEA a K&LLF.NBERO, Dealers i:i EHUG3. BI2DICIBJE3. Chemicals. Fancy and Toilet Articles, Fine Wines, IlranrJiet.nnd lYriska, For Medicinal Purposes. BniSllCS ailtl PcrflimCI ICS, O" Me Latest Styles and Finest Qualities. Cocking Extracts, Essential Oils, Herbs, etc., etc, And an Assortment of all Popular 4 Everything Jiept in a gT55'-jc riBis- r c ; Si I) iJ4 VSUUui witi w;viv- VILI, KE SCLO At Greatly Iisdused Frlces ! AS Southing Syrup 25 Crisis ( i'rute Mnitir.si--l 2-T f'entif Drown' a Bronchial Troches '25 Cents. And Other Artic'ea in Propo: lion. ALSO ortEK rledica! and Surgical Aid I " li E E C F C T I A u c; e : o Pli 1 ii clan's Prcxrr ip h'ons Cur eft t fly Cuwpouivtid, iind?r the Special Supervision, of is.ly lr. A. II. KAlKBEIlO. A IJCTION AND COMMISSION A. 15. Ktclssis'cisos!, A U CT lo N K E l ! Corner of Front and O.ik .streets, Portland AUCTION SALKS Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan disc and llote.-, E cer u Wednesday and Sutvrdav ! A. 13. Lien Aiuis.iN, Auctioneer. AT iinvATi-: SALK. r!i!lisll refined liar and B.ndle I'lin ; LV.jritsh S'.inarc ar,d Octa,;: Cast steel ; Uos sh shoes. File-, Hasps, saws ; Screws, Fiy pans, i-heet iron, 11. G Iron; also : A large assoi tment of Groceries and Liquors, A. lb LlCIlAKDSON, A'JrlintiHcr. V. A. ALb-KTCn. J. C MKi:niLL. JOHN 11 CRAKEX frf'CHAKEHj MERRILL& GO. MUPFING, COMMISSION AND 4 a KNTS OF THE CAhlFiiKMA, l- Hawaiian und Otcgon Packet Lines. Importer ot Sun Qr.ntin und Carmen Island S tit. Sandwich Islaud Sugars, Coffee, Uice, and I'u'.u. Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved 1 infers In Hour, (lrii , Jiacon, hard & r,.,t i ;m,. rw.ir-nt mil I'lister 1 AZ " V has , Sale or Shir,- Fmits, Vegetables, 1'iCKies and meirar i ..-i.., ,,1 i.. I'?-. .l nrn in tvv ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALD1UCH, MhUlilLL & CO., Nos, -Jo4- and 2u- California Street, San Francisco. 1FCRAKEN, MERRILL & CO.. lo North Front S-reet, Portland. JOSIIL ND BlloTH EKS. PORTLAND AUCTION STORE. 97 First st., Pa-tla,d, Next Poor to Post Cfe. jKir I porters awl J .IV.vers of Rtiipls and '. I mo y Dy f, x.ds ,,- in nag. I.nrlaps, tmii 1 h Goods, ti. W e p x t! e nignest east i-r ce tor w.d. F,o-s. Hides A. G. WALKING'S fT IVIIWT DOUR OinUCry. ; t r ; f QllKUOMAN KlIlLDINO ' 5u. 5 WiLhington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RCLED and BOUND to ativ clestied pattern. 4 MLSiC BOOKS. MAGAZINES. NEWS PAPERS, Esc, bound 111 every variety of ttvie known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at- -tended to. YVrM B 1 10 UGH TON. Coritraeor and Suilder, '4 , in st. ORKGOX CITY, w -u -i.it- ... ' 'j ' p ';V? 1 ) raoi g, ..ui.umg attended o. tri" li dl atteml to ai! w r:-; i-i ti - li e c - n - ' 'i io p r. t 't" far, enter and J u., r w t k rg, etc. .lobi-uig prutnpily Z (Id IiYJ:: OA RD S. J. H MITCHELL. j. y. POLPn. A SMITH. Mitchell, Bolph & Sraitli, Atl'jrtttnfx and Ccumsedors at Loic. Solicitor:; in Chancery, and Proc tor a in A'Htiiraltjj ?()lTice -er the old Fost'Oilice, Front atrt-et, Purtlam!. Oregon. A.. C. CiBiia. C. W. PARRISH, Svtary Public and Corn, vf Jjuxls. G1EB3 & PAEH" SII, Attorneys and Counselors ut Z.aia, I'OUTLAND. OkKG"N. OFFICE Ua Akkr btieet, in Carter't brick U k k. Lcgm, Sliattuck ci Eiilin, AST0I1XEYS AT LAW, fo. lOO Front Street, Up S.alra, POUTLANP, OI.E'JON. J. F. CAPI.EJ. J. C MOKELA"D. CAPLES i: MOliELAN!", ATT0EHEY3 AT LAW, Cvr. FRO XT and WASHINGTON Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. VT. C. J'vB.N'iOS. F. O- K C'OWN". N t irv Puldii JOHNSON & IVIcCGWN, Oregon Gtj, Oregon . KIT WilLittend to nil business entrusted to our care 111 a .y of ti;p (Joints nt" the Slate. CoiL-ct. m- n y.Ne.roti.ite loans, sHi real es-ta'e eic. I'artiouUr atti-ntion given to coti.e.'ied Land ease-. TJI. W ATKINS. M. I)., SURGEON. PoitTLAXD. Oreo n. OFFICE 0 Fu n' sti et t Pe.-idence cor ner n M on urn! Seventh r-tnets. lb F LAKCLA Y, imi.o dZ2o (Fonnedy mgeoii to t..e Hon. II. B. Co.) OFFICE At Hesidttice, Mum ttieet Ore gon City. t):e" n. A 1LMKS & DALLAM, 1 IMl'GirrERS AXD JOBBKE3 OF Wood and Villow Ware, Brushes, Twiias. Curtnyr, etc., AND MANCF ACTLT.EHS OF Brooms-, Pails, Tidj.H, Washboards, fyc "217) i, 217 S:icr:imeiito fil., Sn Francisco. 1,3 NLuden L;me. N. V. City. CE CaLAM SALOON. Main street, five door North of the Lincoln B'dcery Oregon City. E. F. Jic-wman, Proprietor. The j ro nt-t r is now prepared to tutni-h tlie pohjic. wuh Ice Coittn v.lon-vfr the w-at her w li permit. :il o Soda, Sa: sap-.n ill;'., tie . constantly mi haie'. Pic- c aiti-s, iv d rxcrsions &vt!))li''d, at"! ;utindt-d on sh ot notice. ('J.".tl Ml' LIU A L MILLS. Savier, LaE.cque & Co., OREGON CITY. tiS.KfCp cnnstatdly on iiatifi fo sale, flour M umis. P.i an and Cliiek n Fe d. Patties pun li-.'ij, fes-d nm-t imni.h the mk-ks. " eiT aIj n c e y ball, bwtW-f-iW ) (irmfon (' Co.t MANCFACTfllKK OF Wagons .& Carnages 201 and iu3 Front st., Portland, Oregon. 07" Wd'nns of every description nvdeto order. Cent ral J Ibing done ;rah neatness and tl i sfi t'di. D. W. WIL. TAMS. RKO. T. MTEKS. WILLIAMS Si S1YRS, 05 p ,., s.!rcc'- aaJ Fir-t s't-pet. P-otlr.nd. VtOM. MISSION xMCUCMANTS, aud l.vJ V7 -rs in G'0"eries and Pr.dr.ce. Agents for the Cfuir.poeg, Cooinut ci-.i .00 Lafayette l lou'in: e i is 11 ve ample Fee-proof Sto- !.'. fo" a ots foiioU-d. !-!.'v J. F. .Mli.l. K- J - W. SilATTL'CK. J.F.EIILLESaCo., manuf vcTunt:ns or and uhalkks is l0!)fo S5IL3 jmaocis! At (he Origin Ci'y B.t and Siwe S''mp. Af street. THE BEST SELECTION Of La-lies'. Celts', H"y.s and Oi ild-cns Do4t and Shoes, on Iiuml r made to order. CLARK GSEENMAII. City iayman. zditdgs on eg tTIi- All oider.s for the delivery of metehan-di-e oi p i kaes and f;e;yhr oi v ji --never e.es cripti'm. to any parr o tlie city, will Letse cnie 1 p'-oinofy and with care. A.NDUK'.V Wil.LIS. WM. )i!:l"G 11 TON. WILLIS & BRGUGHTGN. flawing Tinrehasf d ti e interest of S. ('ram. in the well known LIV FR. Y ST A BLR ! city, announce tliat they wV.l at id! rimes keeji jrouii l.otses . i carriai;es to let, at renson.ible rates. Horses bought and sold or kept by the day or week. J)AYID SMITH, iSaecc6sor to SMITH tt MARSHALL, DfarJc Smith and Waann Maker. ! Corner of Main and Third streets. Orvgou Cti) Oregon. jftS-Rlaksiuitliiii'j- in all its brinobes; V'r on I. akii.g and rt'pii'ring. Ail woik warianf td . vVari-(act J. BIc Henry, r-s Oi FRONT STREET, f rrf VO RT LA N D, 0 rep on. q.Ilfc-tesi' Has on h-nd, and is constant- lv r eiving direct I rom he East, a laixe and k .lefu'ly s iected tock f Crockery, G as? Ware, Plated Wrr3, j L,,ins, etc.. .U of which he ofiVrs nt 3 ' to mk nv e -.. at tiojf.si.ie ana ie-ii. r-r f),.-ltr w?: fh we'l to c tl and xam- tne his stock, and learn ht pr.ces, btfore Vrircb-isjng ciicwncre. JOHS M. BACON, Succer to JOHN FLE3IIXO, Court Jouse Bnildii'g. Main Street. Orrgin Ct!yt Oregon. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN S2ZS CD KT.. JS 9 ir 'r- r rr 1 fi I I 1 III YX7ILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox II AND V V a l.rjie sin.i w.-li selected ttck o! Look fct;u-i..iiery, and Dius, couipr.sing ia part Standard end. M'scellnnpovs Books, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Books, Theological avd Relig ions Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Day School Books. IN GREAT V AEIETY. Blank BarA's In Beery Slide, Pass Books, Memorandum Books, and Time. Books, Drawing. True ing and 'fix-svc Paper, Port fjlios. and PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', 3fnynard. &' Nov?.,' and B1" rid's Inks. Mucdogc, Sheet Music, A'Jic Potter, and Note Books. All of Which he wdl Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Variety of Drga and Patent. M'tlicina, Cons'anl.'y on hand, for sale. S' lioot Tea'-hers, ami parent" of Pcivl p.rs w II find :t to their mlvantajre t'l inspect my stock aad piices, before, purchasing else w'r.err J&U Books Tmooited to Order. Orders res pe t.t,l:y solic ted and prornp'lv filled iiij Agent for tlie Sua Feansisco 'i'ime, and Eastern periodicals, and t;'o :-'-. JO fiX M. TJACOX. ; BREAD. CRACKERS. CAKES. PIES. G ROCER IES. CCN V ECTIONEIiY. Mew Firm! Diller & Miller ! I'roprietors of the long established LINCOLN BAKERY! Usl. Silf Strttt, Orpoon City Ort-trn. Tale pleasure in slating to I he public (hit lhy have farmed n copartner' bhip jar the pur post nf better Accommodating their Patrcns! And that they icill mntinve the Manu fac'nrc of Bread, Pics, Cakes, Boston, BaUer, Suq'ir and Sadu Cruder, c)-c. C)'C CUE STOCK OF GROfiEBIES, Has len Bo'djty Increased by this changt . ai d will be kept awplcle In Fv&y Department. Goods will I33 Telivered in the City, Free of expense to purchasers, and or tiers ftu,4 a tlist-nxe trill be ct 1 (fuly fl'ltd and promptly dispa'a'it d. We Sell as Clieap a.3 the Cheapest ! Call Examine, and P R TCP car stcck Before Purchasing Elsewhere The highest Cash prices pa id for conn try p odiice. L. DILLER. A F. MILLER. W. F. KIGIIFISLD, Esf-ihli-hf.4 since Jsjft.at tl-e o'd stnnd, JWtin iit-itt, Ore go a City, (.rejon. t An .Assor merit of Watches. .Jew elrv. tr-nl Sr th Thomas' weight irrl Clocks, ah of whi'-h are Wdnaiiied Pe'-aiiiH-rs do ;e e. short notice, md thankful for past favors. JOHN II. SCHRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in fig SADDLES, HARNESS, sz etc., elc.f Main Street, Oregon f.ily, .trB-WLhes to represent that, he is now a well pr. -pared to furnish :iny artieh- it. his lire a- the larce-t t s'ahli-loneut tn li e State lie rartieidatly 1 equests tiiat an examination t t his .-tod; i.e nude betore buying el-ewlu re. OREGON CITY BREWERY ! HENRY II UMBEL, Havi g pnrehasea the above Brewery wish es to into, m the pub n th-. he is now piepar ed to manufa.-tsirf a No. 1 quality of LAG Eli BEER, As sood as ran be ob'ained ai. where in the Stale. Ord rs solicited , nd promptly tilled. JJELV1DEUE SAUJON. Mn'n Street, Oregon City. M. BROW, Prnnrie'or tliankftd for past favors, solicits a c n inuume of t'.e 6ume. t ,i a E 1. US OH HAIL V, j Ard th" ver be.-t oua-ities of U 1 Vo-n-a a)i3 n-a . . Jr Pigs' Feet. Trine, Uerrinir. Ovstera aad famines wustanUr n hand. 3VO. SO. JABIES A. f MITH,- Ol.'IGO.V till. JUSTICE OF T:.'EI'?-rF ASl) LUE.NE!) CONVEYANCER.' B-ird-'. Deeds. Mor g?iges Ajrr- enn-ut3,' Contracts, mid ril othcT kinds of Legal Pa pers d--;iw! up tit short notice Pecon s ex amined. a d copyin.r done Espf-ci.d uttf-n-tio 1 ciren to the adjusttuect and collection of a- counts. tT Cv.n be foon l r.t lh Store of S D. F ran ct , K q , or at tin- Court Fort e. 22 tf AT THE STORE OF S D. FRANCIS, FARMERS WILL FIND A LEAPT AND' PERMANENT MAIKET, ,N! yILL RLCEIvE THE REST PI. ICES CURRENT FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. t. F KCIS,; WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPPLY OF FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA, COI- FEF, AND SYRUPS OF 'I HE BEST BR NPS, AND A (5001) ASSO'U MEN-T OF Gl OCEhlEst, 1'ROVIS-' IONS AND Sl'ATIONERY, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT LOvV PROFITS. Call and examine fr yourself before Purchasing elsewhere I GIOTTO Fo nr,to ethers as ycuicould that others zhevd er unto ion. Oregon City, March 25, 1 s;9. i 22. tf CITF BAREKY! II A IN S TliL'ET, O REG ON CITY. AKLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Vortm,tn & Sheppard,) Iveep eet!St;i.'l! V oa hutid CAKES! PIES! BREAD!' And Crackers cf all kinds I Orders in this Line Trill meet with. PROMPT ATTENTION 1 BAB LOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY Gi;OCFlUi;.S ! AND PROVISIONS ! bTK A A I BOAT STOKES ! And all Arti,-!cs ui,ed for Culiuury Ptir puses ! BARLOW &, FULLER I LIQUollri AND 'ror.ACCO ! By the Case, or ut, retail I Attcrdion is also directed to the fact that nohody els.e sells the FAMOLTS G LEA-SDN CHEESE! VST I" sit nit. Paimers. and the public ?en eral!y, are invited to a!l at the Ci y Bakery, where the truth will he made a pi aretit that oi: r stock i. eo:tpi' te . ami our prices reason able. Ail kii.d-i of piodnee taken io exrliaiif-e for goods. BAWLOW& FfLLEI N K W F1EM! JACOIJ WOI1TMAK. THOMAS U. FIELDS w ortman t& lexds!- Oregon City, Oregon. DEALERS IS Provisions cf all Ki),d ! Wines and Lnptors ! Coo fectionery. Spices ! . , Cauiitd Fruits and Meats And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Suira'r o tSThe hhhet market prices paid' tar country pro'tnte. 400,000 lbs of WOOLir "W.A. JT rJL? 1C ID I- DY TII mumi o K e g ox CITY OREGON' CITY. OFtKGON' O Who have just re-opened the Mill nOcr1" a thorough refuting, and arc now turriiritj-' out some uf the fines;, ami best oualitiejf df " goods ni uiulac'tirt-d ou the 1'ucitic' Cba&b consisting of all kiudi Cassimcvcs, iJocskins, 7cecd$, Hard Times-land oil kinds Flannels, IFanktts and Yam,. Which the Company arc novr offering at: greatly reduced prices. Wo invite all merchant to give us a call at the Mill, or at the agencies of L. White A-Portland; or JJreym.in Rros.. Salem; or Lrown R-os & Co.. Sari Francisco. Anv de-ired s!vles of good-; r.iad'o to crder. on short nrntr.. R. JACOR, Mar.3g'ug Agent 27 V O. C. MTg Cotnnany, O 0 O o o o o o e 'lJIWWWJIIWilllIWWJWl)ipglllw.WJ.. C0URT3SI OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TIATTVITPQTTV HI? P.AT ThYiPMTA