o 0 G THE U.VFIXISIIED PRAYER. " Now I lay' repeat it darling ; " Lay my," lisped tlm tiny lip?? Of my daughter. kneeling, bending, O'er her folded finger lips. " Down to sleep" li To sleep," she mur mured. And the curly head dropped low ; " I pray the Lord." I gently added, " You can s.iy it all I know." " Pray the Lord" the words came faintly, Fainter still Jly soul to keep j" The tired head then fairlv nodded, And the child was fast asleep. But the dewy eyes half opened When I clasped her to inj breast, And the dear voice softly whispered. u Mama dear, God knows the rest." Cultivate your heart aricrht. as well as your farm; and remem ber, " whatsoever a man soweth tha shall he reap." Horse-radish root is valuable for cattle. It creates an appetite, and is good for various diseases. Some give it to any animal that is unwell. It is good for oxen troub led with the heat. If animals will not eat it voluntarily, cut it up tine and mix it witli potatoes or meal. -In a drv time, see that ani mals have a good supply of pure water. Whii the fountains are low, they drink the draining of fountains, streams, and passages of water which are unwholesome. If If barns and stables are very tight and warm, ventilate in mild weather, even in winter. In feeding animals on apples or roots, begin with a very small quantity, and gradually increase it. It would be better to have all changes in food made gradually, when there is a material difference in the nature of the food ; as from hay to grass, and the reverse ; o from much fodder to much grain, and the reverse. " Pluvial' The Oregon icoi nrobablv means bv the following to convey the idea that it rained: " The fogs sucked up from the multitudinous seas during the hot days lately experienced were pre cipitated from the sweet heavens in good style last evening." Why didn't it say : The thunder roaled Frum poal 2 poal ; The litenin' got All (ir-ed hot, And then it flash' t Home. The rain it come, The cattel run. (With tales on hi,) And so did I. But I got splasbt Some. Xew Poultry Book. A small work entitled "New Poultry ook for Oregon and Washington" a brief and practical treatise on the history, breeding and successful management of domestic fowls, lias been given to the Oregon ian. It gives an estimate which may be surprising to many, of the value of the poultry business in this State and Washington Territory. The 100,000 people are supposed to have every year, in the aggre gate, 250,000 hens, worth thirty cents apiece (a low estimate) or a total of 75,000. Pour chickens for the table are raised each sea son, worth 30.000. The product of eggs is put down at 3,000,000 dozens per year, worth -250,000, after deducting one-half the value for feeding and care of hens. The net total profit of chickens raised and eggs sold as stated at 8205, 000 annually. This is a very con siderable sum for an interest to which so little attention is paid. The book lays down very clear and apparently good rules to be ob served in the selection of both cocks and hens ; choice of feed ; manner of breeding; management of the young chickens ; construc tion of poultry houses ; treatment of diseases, etc., etc. It designates the Brahma and whit effaced" Span ish fowls as the most profitable, under all circumstances, as fowls are usually managed. It was printed by -V. G. Walling, at Port land. The Crown Point, Yellow Jacket aud Kent tick mines in Gold Hill, which have been on tire for the lat three weeks, have again commenced hoisting ore. The air in some of the levels however, is so bad that no one can live in them. A few bodies yet remain in the mines and it is thought they are covered by the caved debris. The water last Fridav has been reduc ed from 200 to but 70 feet deep and it is thought in a short time they will all be in complete work ing order again. The city of Cheyenne, on the line of the Union Pacific Railroad, was destroyed by lire, April 18th. The total losses estimated at 500 - 000. Ninety-eight business houses were burned. It is said that General Tom Thumb and lady, Commodore Nutj; and Miss Almnie Warren, propose visiting the Pacific Coast this coming summer. " - A greater portion of Helena, Montana, was buried in ashes on the 2-th nit. The estimated loss is half a million of dollar?. A decoction of the leaves of common camomile will destroy ay i i . ri vio ui iiisvci, uuu uuimiii; tuu- tributes SO much to the health of j a eanlen as a number of camomile plants disposed through it. Xo green-house or hot-house should ever be without it, in a green or dried state; either the stalks or the flowers will answer. It is a singular fact that, if a plant is drooping and apparently dying, in nine cases out of ten it will recover if you plant camomile near it. o official Laws of the United States, PASSED AT THE TniRD SESSION OF THE FOKTIETH CONGRESS. No. 10. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to confirm the titles to cer tain lands in Nebraska." Re. it enacted bu the Senate and House of Representative cf the United States oj j America in tougi ess asseino;e., i That the proviions ana benefits of an act er.titled An act to confirm the titles to cer tain lands in the State of Nebraska," ap proved the twenty-tilth clay of July, anno fJomini eighteen hundred iiml sixty-eight be, and the same are hereby, east half and north west quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion nine, township lit teen, range thirteen east, -ixth principal meridian, in Douglas county. Nebraska, and that the title to the same is hereby confirmed to the parties holding by deed from the patentee. Approved, February 2, lst9. Public Resolutions. No. 4. A resolution authorizing the trans fer of certain appi opi iations heretofore made for the public piiuting, binding and engrav ing. Be it resolved by tie Senate and rouse of Representatives ef the United States if Atactica in Co raj ress assembled. That the Secretary of the Treasury be. and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the sum of one hundred and ninety four thousand dollars to be transferred from tiie appropriaton ' for paper for the public printing," contained n the act entitled " An act making appropriations for the legisla tive, executive, and judicial expenses of the government for the year ending June thirti eth, eighteen hundred ard sixty-ni.ie.'' ap proved on the twentieth cf Jaly, ewh'een hundred and sixty-eight, in aid of the appro priations contained in the same uct, fur the following purpo-es, and in the following proportions, to wit : For rhe public binding, the sum of ona hundred and ten thousand dollais. For lithographing and engraving for the Senate and llou e of Kepi csentr.tives, the sum of eighty-four thousand dollars. Approved. February 'J. 1809. No. n. A rer-olution relative to the recent contract for stationery fur the Department of the Interior. Beit resolvedly the Senate and House of lie pre.eti tat ires of the United States vf Atneriea in Comjnss axuembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be di rected to annul and cancel the contract made by him with Messrs. Dempsey and O'Toole for supply-ng the Department of the Interior and the feveial bureaus and offices thereof with stationery for the fiscal year ending June thittj', eighteen hundred and sixty nine, (under the advertisement is sued May tweuty-tive, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight.) SCHUYLER COLFAX, Speaker of the J louse of Jieuresen tatives. li. F. WADE, President of the Senate pro tempore. Endorsed by the President: Received February 6th, lSG'J." Note by tiif. Department of Statk. The forecroins: resolution bavin tr been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and no having been retus ned by him to the house of Congress in winch it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has be come a law without bis approval. No. G. A resolution respecting the pro visional governments of Virginia and Texas IJe it required by the Senate ami louse of Hep- resentitives of the Unihd States of America in. Conaress assembled , That the persons now holding civil offices In the provisional governments of Virg nia and Texas, who cannot take and subs'-rihe the oath prescribed by the act entitled "'An act to prescribe an oath of otlice and for oth er iiirposes," approved July 2, 1SG2, shall, on the passage of this resolutiou.be removed therefrom; and it shall be (he duty of the district commanders to fill the vacancies so Created by te appointment of persons who can take said oath: Prodded, Th.it the pro visions of this resolution shall not apply to pc'-sotis who by reason of the removal of their disabilities as provided in the four teenth amendment to the Constitution shall have qualified for any office in pursuance of the act entitled "'An act prescribing an oath of oilice !y persons from whom legal disa bidties shall have been removed,'' approved Jidy eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty eight: And prodded- further, That ihis reso lution shall not take effect mtil thirty days from and after its passage: And it is further provided, That this resolution shali be, and is hereby extended to, and made applicable to tha State ot Mississippi. SCilL'YI.Clt COLFAX, Spdiker of the iluose of Jlepressntatives. JJ. V. WADE, President of the S-nate pro tempore. Endorsed bv the President: "Received February (3th, lsr.'J." Note by the Department of State. The foreroinr lesolution having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it oiiginated within the time"prescribed by the Constitution of the United states, has be come a law without his approval. No. 10. A resolution proposing an amend ment lo the Constitution of the Ui.ited States. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United states of America in, (Jonfress assembled, (two thirds of beth houses concurring.) That the following article be proposed to the legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Consti'utinn of the United States, which, wher ratified by three-fourths of said legislatures, shall be valid as part of the Constitution, namelv: ARTICLE XV. Section 1. The light of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by ihe Unite 1 States or by any Slate on account of race, color, or previous condition oi' servitude. Section 2. The Congress shall have pow or to enforce this article by appropriate leg islation. SCHUYLER COLFAX. Speaker of tbve House cf Rfpitsentati'Sis. B. F. WADE, President of the Senate pro teir.porc. Attest: edwd. Mcpherson, Clerk 11. Ji. U. S. GEO. C. GO fill AM, Secretary of the S..oate. U. S. Received at the Department of State Feb ruary 27, !;:. No. IT. A resolution niors efficient! v to protect the f" :r seal of Alaska. e tt nsoiixd by the Senate and House of Rev rtse nta'irt cfthe United States of America iu Coiiorestt asser)tft,,e that the islands tf Saint Paul ana Saint Ceore in Alaska be. and thev are Lorebv, de clared a special res rv:tt on "tor g..vevnirent pulpi tes: and th.it, nntd otherwise provided by law, it sUj 11 be unlawful f,r an v person to lan.i-or remian on eitiu-r of said islands, excej t by authoiitv of the Seciet.irv of ti-e ireasmy; and any person found on either of saia islands, contrary .to the provisions of tins itsoluti n, -hall be s mmial-ily removed; and it s':e:l! Lo the duty cf the Secretary of N ar to carry this resolution immediately in to t -fleet. Approved, March 3, 1SC3. SPECIAL NOTICES. 0.-. iroii Lmise o. 3, 1. o. or o. v.- .w- Meets every eunesaav even- ing at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, m,&-- Main street. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. A". Ci. "Willamette Lmlge So. 1.3 T. O. T Meets every Saturday evening, at the roorca S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited tc titteud. By order of W. C. T. Clackamas Division Xo. 3, S. of T. llolds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon City. Members of the Order ate invited to attend. By order W. P. Multnomah Lodge Xo. 1, A h anil a A. 31. Holds its regular eommuni cations on the First a ud Third Sat V ,,.((,yjin each month, at 7 o'clock, from the i'Oth of September to the -2Hh of March, and 7k o'clock from the 2th of March to the 2JT,h ot September. Brethren m good bwuuhis nc iuthcu wiiuenu. ly oruer nt W. M. JpAIN KILLER cu-es Sore throat. A Favorite Medicine with all classes. Is Da. is' Pain Killer. IP you have Painters' Colic, Use the Pain Killer. "Vf O Medicine is so popular, JL i As the Pain Killer. JTEEP the Pain Killer always on hand. IF you have a Cough or Cold. Use the Pain Killer. LOOK out and not be caught without a Bottle of Pain Killer in te house. LET every body use the Pain Killer For Sprains and Bruise. EVERY sailor should crry a bottle of Pain Killer with him. 1 EMEMBER. the Pain Killer is for ) Both Internal and External use- 25.5) SOLD bv all DRUGGISTS. P OR TL A NI) B US1XE S S. 112 131 FRuNT STREET, FIRST STREET, Near MoTiS"ii Street. Near Yamhill. KAST t CAHALIN. Hew Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED ! Best Seltction in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Renkert's, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Houghton & Coolidge's. Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of gents' and bovs' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberlieh's, Port's, San Francisco and custoin-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Roots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constant! v on hand. 11 E.MOVAL I THE JETVEUIY Establishment of J. B. Miller 11 AS EF.EN" REMOVED To iYo. 101 Front at., corner of Abler Cartels Ifeia Building, Portland, In Chas. Woodard's Brvrj Store. ."ff Where he will be ready to attend to all manner of workmanship in his line. Watches and Jewelry repaired in ths most workmanlike manner. J. L. MILLER. t-$ eT 1L a New A21FETI VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER - HANGINGS, LACE-CURTAINS, &c, &c. We Would Call the attention of par ties fitting vp houses, or being in lued of anything in oar line To our Stock, uliich is ONE OF THE COllPLETEST On the Pa.eiH CosiM! Ow Goods being specially selected at the Factories in Engluid and the Eastern Stales, ive can sell AT THE LOWEST SsoalVssBeis;o Prices. WAL.T.EU No. 89 Front street, between Alder 35.) and Washington, Portland Oregon JOHN WILSON, IVO. 110 Front Street, (In Whites New Block,) Healer in Dry Goods iwul Ootlimg, Invites attention to his EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS, Trimmings, Buttons, Coat Bindings, White Gods, Embroideries, Zephyr, Wool Yarns, Cloak ngs. Tweeds, Cassimercs, Flannels, Blank ets, Linen Goods, Staple Cottons, La dies' and Misses Uuderwear, Fancy Goods, Para-o!s, Sun Umbrellas, Fans, etc., etc. FINE CLOTHING fir GENTS and P,0 VS. in Leaver. Cassia ere and Cas'or Heaver, j loe Pants S Ik Velvet Vests Silk Ties and Cntvats, L 1 Shuts, Night Shirts. S.Ik, All Wool and Merino Un dershirts and Drawers, Socks, and a!-mo-t everything in the furnishing line for men and boys. MACHINE TWIST, loz spools for Tailor', Shoemakers, etc., in Liacfc, White and Orauge, -Letters A, B, C, V, U, F, G. MACHINE TWIST for Pry Goods Trade, loo Yard Spools, ad colors BUTTON HOLE TWIST for Tailors and Dressmakers, by TO I IX" "VVILSON. N. B. GE0CEFIES at Lowest Market Prices, COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TUk'nrvpQTTV nr? pat TT?nowTA PORTLAND BUSINESS. Jacob Stitzel. Jami:s V. Urxox. ST IT ZE L & UPTON, Rial Estate Brokers and General Agents. Corner of Front and Wash inn ton slree is. PORTLAND, " OREGON. W Will attend to the sale and purchase of Real E-taie in all parts of the City and ?tate. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. O. Uox 42. Portland. Oregon. JST1TZEL & UPTON, ID.tf ; Ileal Estate Brokers. J) EST AL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my 'our of two years iu the Eastern States I have snared neither time nor 3 money to make mvse'f per fectly familiar w.th and master of my pro fession. Those desiring the best work that the nature of the case will admit of can find me at my oilice, 17 Front street, two doors above Mccormick's Book Store, Portland, Oregon. DR. J. G Gl ENN. Br. J, H. HATCH, LaU Muck $-1 latch DENTIST. The patronage of tnose desiring First Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. I. Nitrous O.vyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. Sixteen Years In Oregon. S, J, M'CORMICK HtWMUSlC THE Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of this State, desires lo inform all his old customers (and as many new ones as may uot.be acquainted witli the fact) that he still continues to operate at the FRAN II Lin BOOK STORB, 105 Front Street, Portland, (exactly orrosiTE mount hood) Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, INSTRUCTION BOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. CIll ftCH 3tlK" HOOKS, BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN STIUNCS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, MISCELLANEOUS POO ICS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOBES, PRESSES, PENS, Photographic Albums, :nu every otner article m the above line. 'SI ATSI HATS! OF LVEIIV STYLE In Large Quantities can le Found AT J. C MEUSSD0SFFES c BRO.'S 5". W. corner of Morrison and Front streets, Portland, Oregon. o Also Caps of every style, and Boys' ard Girls' Hats in large vaiieties. Giveusacall and examine. LBERT B ARTS CI T, PIANO MAKER, THIRD STREET, PObTLAND OREGON. Between Taylor and Salmon. Having bad an extensive experience in the hutyest cities i f Europe and Ameiica, repcctteily an: ounces to the p blic of Oie fjC'tn and Wa-.hinntoii T- irilorv tlntt he is pnpa.ed tdo ALL KINDS OF UEPAIKS on Pianos and Me!;de us. Tuniiv attend d to w'tli great care. New st r. jilts always on liand, and Base StrioLTs niadu to o'der. Orders from abroad jjnmp'Jy attended to, and all work jruar auieed. Ah chai-jfes at Sun Fran is o rates. Pom land, April 12, IS1)!). Mr. Albert Parts h. piano miikcr, has remodled and r.-ii(vatt d an dd piano be !o'j ng to me, winch now Iims an extraor dinary pood sound and appearance. The work d ine on it is of the must substantial character and made in a workmanlike man ner. With the greatest, pleasure I recom mend him to the public of p ! tbitid as a No. 1 mechanic. Yours, JACOB STITZEL. Pop.tlwd, April 12, 1SG0. I take this opportunity of cti vmg to the capability of Mr. A lbei t Ihirtsch, of t Ids city, as njlrst-class piano maker and repairer, hav ing lepabtd and tuned pianos for my scholars and ni s.df. It is with ?i eat pleas ore that I rcCi'inmend him to the ci.iz us of Portland and vicinity, and trus-t that he will receive a liberal share -f pa'rom'jre. H. GUDIO GROH. W I L L A 11 ETTE IRON W0M8 COMPANY ! rrT'Tfyr North Front and E sts., MJIMMM Porilaiu!. Oregon. AND BOILER B U i LDERS. TIIFSF V70RKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and edicientlv. We have?ecui' d the services cf Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coat for fifteen years iv,s him a thorough knowledge of th various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute oiders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND .STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAVT MILLS QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING I'CMPS ! ! irc, tire, ccr.. Ma :i vfjetvre and R rair Jlaehinery of aU I'ind. IRON SHUTTER Wo EE at San FrancWo co.xt and freight. Wheler d: Ran dall's PaUnt Grinder ani Amalgamator. I'Kfibat's arid Suven's Self Adjantiu'q Patent I'itn Palling, eitl:er applied to oil or Ptic steam, cylinder. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and a V-, if the test h-ird iron. PORTLAND BUSINESS. CilAS. HODGE. .CHAS. . CALEF. .GEO. AV. SXELL. IIOSC-E, CALE? t Cc, DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDI0DIES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VAEXISIIES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS Materials, ana, jjrutj'jists1 Sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. i)3 ) DIRECT IMPORTATIONS NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES OF- f te? Bed-Room SUITES. Just received and placed in the wareroems, of HUHGREN & SHIMDLER ! 1GG, ICS, 17 o, 17a First street, comer of Salmon, PORTLAND. OREGON. PARLOR SETS IN TERRY. IN PLUSH, AND IX IIAIR-CLOTII. New Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment f HOUSEHOLD TUKN1TUEE ! Lounges and Spring beds. The trade supplied with goods in original packages, on reasonable terms I1URGREN L SIIINDL1;R. OREGON 33 J X5I E2 3E& Y I VrQr. rv - r z3 . f F. 0PITZ, PHOFEIETOR, FIR ST S TREET, FOR TL A NH, Bet. Washington and Stark sis. Bf AXUFACTl-RKK OF ALT. KINDS AND QUALITIES OF OEACKEE8 ! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRT QRACKERS Will always be sold below San Franciscr prices. All ciders promptly attended to. OR KG ON B KERY, First st., Portland. Ote-pav. C. II. MYEllg, GAS & STEill Fitting Establishment, No. 110 I"irt Jsii-ett Portland Gas Fixtures, Cooking flanges, Hot Water Boilers, Marble Top Washsfands, Sheet Lvutl and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Bead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBOW, RETURN BENDL NIPPLES, BUS JUNGS, d-c, for Steam, Water and Uas. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Guages, V"histlet Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Cucks. and all kinds ot Brass Work. Rnboer Hose, Hose Pipes, &c. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which lias been selected with great care, ana especial attention given to the wants of this market. O. II. MYERS. 1857 S established 1857 9t 5 No. CO First Street, Portland, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, Grass and Flower Cecils All Seeds from this establbhment Aie Warramed Fresh t aud (icmatje, Fore'gn and Domestic Diied Fruits And Vegetables. Foreigu and Domestic Green Fruits h rni Vege tables. Vegetatdes ai.d Fruit Packed with caie for sLipment. XVTPPe Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Wal Nuts, Fdbert- and Alrn-.nds. GROCERIES A selected stock of Choice Croceiies, bought expressly For Family Use. All of which is offered for Cash at caib piices. Orders s-nPc ted JOHN O'CONXOit. No. OO First stiet, Pordand Oregon. JJILDRURGII, BROS., & Cu. d. it. HiLDrunnn, LOUIS E1N- TI-IN. Portland. L. HLIliUr?r.M,.-sin Francisco. Importer and IVho'txole Jjealcrx in AH liliids of Cosssacs I Scot '.-h and Irish Whiskies. Rum, Gin, Domestic Liquors, Wines, dr., fyc. c-c. PORTLAND Opposite Failings, Front Strett, next door to A. B. Richardscii's. 4& l ip Ns rly immtiiiM. ir 03.3E&0 CITY. PeopIe's Transportation Company ARE STILL RUNNING THEI XI S T E AMBOAT S, IX ADDITION TO WHICH WE WILL SOON HAVE THE RAIL Way CAR-S. ALL of WHICH WILL CONTINUE TO BRING THE LATEST STYLES OF GOODS AM) THE REST QUALITIES TO ACKERMaN, AT THE OLD STAND, .MAIN St., OREGON CITY. I DESIRE TO SAY THAT I HAVE ONE OF THE EVER DROUGHT TO THE MARKET, WHICH I AM SELLING AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! o , I vrill sav, COMB ONE, COME ALL, and satisfy yourselves that it is so. I have received n ol the largest stocks ever brought to this market, anticipating a brisk trude, and I am determined that the goods shall be sold. ily stock consists in part of a fine assortment of" PAD! LIS DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID CLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY PRO AND PLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths: BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAP-s ; CLOTHING ; FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIM ERE SUITS ; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS : BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all size? and qualities. jS" A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on thy most reasonable terms. A! a large stock of (rents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A ve!l selected assortment. ACKERMAN, At C'Jiu.i-iiiiiti tVii!iiii oltl Stsiml. xT All kinds of Produce Bought.-TiSi jS-RAGS WANTED. L. O G U S v A L B it I G II T , EXCELStanllL MARKET! Corner of Fourth and Main s tree's. OIlKi.OV tITV. B Keep i-o:i!'at)tlv o;i hand ail kinds of fre-h and s i it mefts, such as BEEF, PORK. lUTTON. VEAL, CORNED REEF, IT A MS, PICKELED PORK. LA RD, A'-d everything else to be found in their line of business. I I 0 BI E Til A D E FORM y r Maiiufactui er of and Drale-r in Furniture, '"pAKES THIS MIJTIIODOF INFORMING i the public Ihut be bus now on hand a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BEDSTEADS. LOUNGES. DE-KS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture ! Forminj a complete and desirable assort ment, which meiits the attention of bu vers. He MAirJFACT UliES F UKIuTUiLE Usinsr pood materials, and employing fh very best mechanics in the Stat-, hence ht can warrant his oods to be us represented, and he is prepared to fill allordeis with promptness. lie would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of detsiruNe yooels in the Stale. HI. VERTHT:i.1ir,I. Main street, Oregon Citv. Odd Feiicv's Kail Asscciation. "VTOTICE ;s hereby iven that an Assess neut of Twenty percent. paableon or be'ore the First day oi June, isv., ;:t the ofli -e of the S crctarv was levied upn ti e CAI'IT L STOCK of the ODD FELLOW'S HALL ASO.TATlON. by the IJoird of Directo! s at their meeting on the 1st day of Mav, LSt.y. N. W. RANDALL, President P. O. M'Cowx, S cretan. '!:. it. OTICE. r Is hereby given to nil whom it mav concern that A. A. ilcCu ly Fres't of the P'. T. Co., has pir-sentod a petition to the l.'ity Coiincii of Oregon City, askitiar for the va-ation of ; tint I'orti-n o. water street, aid 1 lie Allevs i 1 .: t . i .1 .. II rr. ' , . l . ', i.ynig ut i. wee ii ine i . i. v. o. s nasm, atiO tne present Ferry La dinir, for the pi;? pus--of bnihi ng l.oc.-s. Tiu-ii-ari g o tad ptit or. is .-et lor t- e I: !-sj Moiid-iy m J n-, !.;.'. liv rdt r of th; Council. Oregon Citv, Ant'il 20th, lSoO. 2f:-it J. M. IUCON, Recorder. QUAR)iAN NOTICE. In County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oicg n : Toi-.ll whom it may concern : Fa mm I Kirzle, havi.ig, on the .1:11 day of Aprd, ls-',.it fil -d a pennon praving that he ma be ap; o n ed guardian of Ilmace Eng!e, a minor and nou resident, it w is onieie l t! at the first Mondav of June, ISo'.', be set apart as the dav lor the hearing or said ap plication, at which time ad peisons inter ested can appear and make their o' jec'ions to the grunting the prayer cf said petition if they bare any. W. T. MATLOCK, Johnsox & McCotvn, County Judge. Petitioners Attornevs. f22.ft' d.min.st:. Ai oi:$ no itce. ro.ict is hvieby fiiven. that the iu,a-'rs:rncd has bee. i a; pointed AUminis t irntor itii i ihihe Wd, annexed, of t.eestat - Long, decea-i d. aud having filed; of John my Lotid, and it I avi g Lee i approved, list re l.-ie at! pt-rsons tiavin claims niramst s-iiid them t me, f .b.'iiii-son ec kamas C'-en eMateaie retpiiri'l ,(, pre-ent pvnj.t-rly vertried, at the oili e .McUowu, in Oieg n City. C ac ty, within six (nv,t s Lorn t ( tr of e.; n- tiee. Jho emd bted to sad estate, are lequestcd to iaak-j iu.mediete uvirient. F. O. M ,- C )VN, Admin'stratcr with the Wih atmevr-d. May -4th. 1S-33. (-.lt MAS TJF ACTURB. J. E. PAT Ton Pucces-or tr, II TO GINS d' COM i AW, -o. ft 1-roui Mi-eej, l'ortian.l, Oregon. Is no.v lo im fact:.. ring a super or artit le of Chemical, Olive, Pale and Drown FamiivSoan I which he will sell at fan Fraacisco prices. TO THE TUBLIC COMPLETES!"1 STOCKS OF B. L. STONE, risn ," "u " w u Ui ; ws.i AND CIIROXOMETERb Adj.ist.ed and He pah cd in tl;e best ; Manner, and Wiirrauted. '. I-7o. Ill Front st., Portland. 0EEGCIJ CITY BREWERY! HENRY I1UMBEL, Havii'g purelia.eJ the above Brewery wi.-h-rs to inform tlie pnb;i" th.it he is now piepar e l to nianufiictnrc a Xo. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, As rood as can be obtained anywhere in the St;'ie. Orders solicited and promptly t'.Hed. jjH ELYIDERE SALOON. Main Street, Oregon City. M.BT;0VNr Froi-Hotor. tliankfnl for past favors, s -licit a en i nuance of tl.e same. ER EE E UNCH DA IL V, And the very be.-d qualities of Wines, Liquors and Ci ;a. ?--" Pi its' Feet, Tripe, Herring, OysterP and Sardines cosstantiv on Jiand. Yyr M . 13 R O U G II 10 N . Contractor and Builder, Main St.. OREGON CITY. Will attend to all work in his line, con sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner weik iraniHijr. building, etc. Jobbing promptly attended t . ill 22 f9 o A. J. EI0NR0E, Dealer in California. Vermont and Italian Marbles, Obelisks j ?fnnn men fs TTmri rtnrf Fnut 'l'vf o to nes, mm Salem Oregon. Mantle and Furniture Marble furnished to order. 23.t MAME YOUR HOMES PLEAS AXT AND HOY CAN WE DO IT? GO TO Slianalian & Cos MlfSII MM JHiT One door south from the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Western, I 'orllaid, Oregon. And buy a jew of those Loecly Fic tares, which will furnish your Rooms Complete. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN M USJCAL 1NSTR UMENTS, FINE ENGRA VI NGS, PICTURE FRAMES And MOLDINGS, THE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK of Engravings, Cromos, Plain and col ored Lithographs, etc., ever before cn'ert-d in this market, just recei.ed and for siU 'A GKEATLY REDUCED PRICES! a lso : Views of Columbia River Scenery! Constantly on hand. p P. FKRRY, xj Cor. Front and IVanhingtoti Sis. Arnt North British at.d Mercantile Insumur.-e Company, and Manhat tan LifV Ir.snrot.ta-' O-mpuny. r'Covernment Securities, Stocks.Bona and Iteal Estate bought and sold on Com mission. - A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW firm3.iv School and Gift Becks! -"iiO.M 'iilE AMERICAN TRACT bOClB Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the busenbev, on Jetlcrson between '2d and 8d. Portland, OrgjD G. II. ATKINSON, Secretary. 52.1 i ar.d Treas. Oregon Tract Soeiet-