V c 8 Si t i 3 ShctUcckln (Sutcrimsc. TOWS AND COUNTY -yjEW Al) BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF JS TYPE AIIE BEING CONSTANTLY AD DED TO THE MATERIALS OF TIIIS office; And Vrc would have the friends of our paper lend us their support. Job rrintiiisj, in its various Wanchcs, Neatly, Quickly and Cheaply executed. Pic Xics are generally postponed this year, -'on account of the climate. Salem rcccida splendid new hose carriage the other day,'- the boys had a fine tune Dousing IY John Dolan. formerly Assessor of Op Multnomah county, has been appointed Deputy liy Marshal Young. Mr. Dolan will wak"an efficient and capable officer. -The Oregon Central Hail road Com pany of Saleni, will-commence work in full "force again next week it is now ex pected. The. Seventh Concert of the Portland !Mii!'uarmonic Society took place last eve ning. s usual it was a rich affair. Lib erally patronized. ----- Ms"er John Chenoweth has left at this offic 4 a tine supply of choice straw berries, for which all hands tender him their thanks. The pic nie, which was to have taken '"O place to-dav. for the amusement and rec reatioti of "the scholars of St. Paul's t (Lpiscr-pal) Church, has been postponed ' until ibe 1 tlx of June. A suite of rooms. thne in number, suitable for a man and his wife, orlor a law ot!ice. consultation room, etc:, can be ob- f tained on very favorably terms, upon, ap plication at this olliee. Purser Piles returned from (he At- f lantic Stales recently ranch improved in appearance by the trip. We observe that lie has picked up considerable of the go 4 ahead gait.'' common to raiiroad regions. The Oregon City .Brass Pand, with f?eli iirs of gratitude toward the young la lie who managed the festival for their benefit on Monday evening, wish us to express their thanks for the favor, in this public manner. o. Mr. Foster Dennett, has been em ployed to teach in District No. 31, and hi term opetu'd on Monday last as a Public School. There will in time be a large schoel in this District as it is at present, a teacher is well supported. Upcn his return ho trie a few days ago lion. P. P. Thompson learned of the death of his father at Ainsworth. Iowa, on the 2!Hh of April last, at the age of (iS years. Mr. Thompson is preparing to go East tins lull with his fam'ly, and was in hope of seeing his father then. 9 -a- Ackerman claims, and is no doubt justly entith'd to. the name tlit' "latest styles of goods competitors. lie has just famous blue hat Parcva. Of getting all ahead of his received the about which 1 here is ?uch a sensation circles in the older citits. direct from the East. in fashionable He. brings these Information is wanted ot James A. Crab tree, who moved from California to Oregon sometime in IS 10. he was former ly of Calloway county Kentucky, any in iormation of him will be happily received by his brother. ' M. L. Crablree, Bloom lield, Stoddard county. Missouri. At a rece'iit meeting of Pioneer Lodge "o. 1 . Order ot the Eatevn Star, held at O Masonic Hall in this, city the following were elected officers fdr the ensuing year : Rev. E. Gerry Instructor; Mrs. Win. Barlow, Lady Elect ; Mrs. Hurley. Secretary ; Mrs. T. J. Apperson, Mrs. Jacob Wortman. Guides ; C. M'Cue Guard. -- Our young friend Charles Warren, ptudent at law in the office of Mitchell. Polph t Smith, is now on a visit to his parents in this city. Fortuitously for Charley, he has found plenty to do whilst here, ih our Justices Courts and he has been unusually successful. 44 It is an ill wind, that blows nobody good." Wc hear of a Good Tomplar who " took ally in his" hat. at the festival on Mo:id:iy evening last, given tit the Court House by a few of the patriotic young la die of our city; which, to speak by tin way, was in every way a success : and right here would remark that if a Son of Temperance was to do such a thing he would get, raked over the coals.'' It is not df D'yi'ey occurrence, however, and when the joke lias passed, perhaps noth ing more will be said ia reference to the matter. . o Large bands of cattle continue to pass our door, eastward bound. Some ot these are apparently less than yearlings. From what we ore "able to learn respect ing that part of Oregon east of the Cas cade Mountains they are going toa line grazing region. One herder informed us that be. would be able to ship fat cattle to the. Philadelphia and New York markets, toow that, the Railroad is finished, with fair profit from the fact that cattle will fatten quicker and with much less care, in this region, than in Illinois. Hon. D. P. Th'-pmson returned a few days since from east of the Cascade moun tains, whee be has b.-en on an expedrion in Department Service, upon the Dalles Military Road, cm pitting the same. This road ruus t'lrouah the very heart of a fertile region. From Ddles City to Snake river, a distance of 315 miies, including a biauch to the II rnbnidt. Thf Company having it -con-truction-in band will receive 2 .000 acres Tf public lands per mile, from government. these lands the company will no doubt dis pose cf on very 1-beral terms t' ai-tual set tlers. Mr. Thompson speaks highly of the country. Q i A jo J I We have received a kit of soused sal oion put up by 11. O. Aldiith .v Co.. at the Siau Viigbts Fishery. We have tried it. and unhesitatingly say that we have jwver eaten salmon that pleased our taste better. It is ail ready for us. and we believe it will become a favorite article in our market. It is put up in small kits of 0 pounds, and is for sale by R. (i. Sncatii & Go., who are agents "m Portland. The following item sho ws how a bach elor editor is treated at the Dalles. "On Thursday morning as we took our peat afethe breakfast table at the Umatilla House, the obliging steward, Ned. set be fore us a ,lU!i of strawberries with compli ments of Mr. Charles Denton of Mill creek. f hey were perfectly ripe, ciotis flavor. Mr. Denton lor his kind favor.v and of has our a de'i-thank? JUSTICES' PLANKS, of every descrip tion. printed at the Exterpkisc ofiice. The Poiso tragedy nas proven a fell blow noon our friends Mr. and Mrw. T. J. Htmsuker. and the familv. I1 t!,IS- lt,e'1" ,,me o1' Mic tion, "they have our deepest sym pathies. If people do not celebrate the coming anniversary, it need not be for want of fire works as Mc Cormick, of the Franklin Book Store has an extensive lot of fire works, flags, etc.. etc.. which he is selling remarkably low. The cat alogue embraces everything from fire crackers to a twelve foot bal loon, Peruvian crosses. Batteries, etc. We have a letter evidently mailed at Mount Sterling. , Iiliuois. which was intended for some one in Oregon City. It has no name signed, nor address. It speaks of Peter Myers. George Hill. Reams, etc. The. owner is requested to call for the letter at this office. Rev. C. W. Todd left this city for San Francisco on Wednesday evening, intending to be absent perhaps two weeks. Rev. I. Dil lon, Editor of the Aivocate. will supply the pulpit during the ab sence of Mr. Todd. The old story of the man who killed his beast, all to please peo ple, and pleased none at last. Just now needs to be told in Oregon City, for the benefit of the surplus grumblers hereabouts. We don't propose to read any body a lecture, but it strikes us very plain that an immense amount of business is be Alderson, ing neglected m order that each may have a chance to attend to the business affairs of his neighbor. We need not particularize, but suf fice it. to say. that, in our opinion, should Justice be meted out ac cording to the whims and caprices of public opinion, then Justice would be a greater Jackass than we have ever been willing to term public opinion. We-shall hope to see Mr. Smith continue to do his duty impelled by a due sense of his position, regardless of the fa vor, or fear, of any one. He has had a trying ordeal since he took the position of Justice of the Peace for Oregon City precinct it is no enviable place, but we feel con fident that he has acted without partiality. The Vaughn case has settled down upon a direct party basis, and we shall say just as little as possible about the case, until it is tried before Judge Upton next fall. The prisoner was admitted to bail, on review of the matter in Portland. At the closing of the late ses sion of the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., held in Salem. Dr. A. M. Lor- L.ove, yea. of East Portland, on behalf of the ins fraternity presented the retir Grand Master, Silas J. Day, Start-it, with an elegant gold watch and chain valued at S22o (JO. The Doc tor's remarks are said to have beert most felicitous. He touchingly re ferred to Odd Fellowship as em bodying all the great cardinal vir tues, and dispensing their influence through its members upon the community, thus forming an ocean of moral idea. that, if unrepelled in its course, if allowed to float oh uninterrupted, would carry in triumph upon its bosom those ele vating principles that endear man to his tellovv in Friendship, Love and Truth. Referred to the grand position which Odd Fellowship now occupies as a world of hon- I Marsh, SlcCov, 1 SI orris, esty v.Mthiii a worm ot deceit, wit 11 hi a character strictly virtuous and Solely depending upon its mem bers for the perpetuity of that character. Showed that it de pends upon Odd Fellows to be virtuous, honest and benevolent, and so long as they remain such, the noble reputation which the so ciety row enjoys will continue with it, and with this reputation will continue th.it course of pros perity that has marked its history for years past, onward and upward arriving at a pre-eminence, and ac complishing its mission. The Grand Master was so com pletely surprised that he was al most incapacitated from answering the Doctor, but finally did so with Seperd, i Smith, i Ternet, great eftect. Uregon Lodge No. 3 was honored again, and our worthy Brother. John M. Bacon Esq., was elected Grand Master for the ensuing year. The other offi cers are as follows: Wm. Dier dorif. of Portland. D. G. M.; Joel Palmer, ot Dayton. G. W.; C. N. Terry, Salem. G. S.: I. K. Moores, Salem. G. T.; A. L. Stinson. Salem. Iiepsesentative to the Grand Lodge of the United States. The law in relation to subordinate lodges was amended so that hereafter all triais will be before committees. The next session will be held iu Portland. i Thomas, A A I Tr-ilihiger, Joliri i Vins.n, J :s I Westf - the -V72- Hoiiseliolil KectijJti. To Drccss Salt Fish. Soak in cold water according to its saltuess, the only method of ascertaining which is to taste one of the flakes of the the the j 1. x., fish. Tiiat fish which is hard and dry will require fourteen hours' soaking- in two or three wafers, to the last of which, add a wineglass ful of vinegar. Put less time will suffice for a barreled cod. and still less for the split fish. Put the fish on in cold water, and let ir simmer, but not actually boil, else it will be tough and thready. Carnish wiih hard boiled eggs, the yolks cut in quarters, and setve with egg sauce, parsnips or beets. Another meth od is. to Iayr the piece you mean to dress, all "night in water, with a glass of vinegar: boil it enough, then break itMilo flakes on the disdi; warm it up with cream and a large piece of butter, and serve it as above, with egg-sauce. Fhj.et ok Ykai,. Cut thin slices from a piece of cold roast veal; make a sauce with a little butter, flour, parseiv. nenner ami salt The whole and poon Po-t, cies bv moistened with water, and mixed over the fire; put in the slices of veal, and let them become hot, without boiling. Squeeze in some lemon jaiee. and serve hot. Cold Meat Sacce. Put in a saucepan some chopped parsley, a sm ill piece of meat, and let it boil an hour. Strain, and add to the bqnor. it. pepper a piece of onion, and a it boil again grated bread, nice, cut into in this sauce. iftl. vinegar. Lei UiiC.cen with some Cold meat is very slices, aad warmed t com i until rjpAX SALE. By Virtue of a Warrant pbiced in mv ban 1 for th purpose of collecting Delinquent Taxes, d:eto nacklmas Juno I)disr.me direC1' , Wll!x the VSv S K i ' eTX-1-se S lle at PuUic Auction to the ihl f lvl m.LnUed Sta3 Ooll Coin in hand paid, the following tracts or parcels of land, or so much thereof tins teUt ta duc thcreo the ?l 18b . together with costs. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. JM.., and continue irom day to day until sold. Sale to rS J'1,0? 111 fr0,nt of the Court Hou-- Door, in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. au. Jot: NAMES. .2 is ic l ir-t i Xi 'r-t iJ-i iSi 1-1 1 C. N.R., No. of claim "4.," town 2 South range 3 east, designated and bounded a follows. Beginning at the S.E. corner of said claim (4'J.) thmce West along the S'-uth Hue thereof 31 chains, to the south west cor ner, th. nee N along the west line 23 chains thence E 41 chains, thence south lo 70-lix) chains, theace E 40 chains, to the East line, thence south al;;ng sad line to the place of beginn ng, containing ISO Acn-s, more or lass, Value S2()0 3 2;) Barnes Caleb. Secs.4,9,17, 2S1E 210 600 200 3 20 Bid well O., heirs of 3S3K 1(50 300 300 4 SO BreckJ.M., 32 1.S4K 1150 200 203 3 20 Branio.a V. W. 2S3B 15 75 75 1 20 Coii'ee Landervin 2S3E 101 200 200 3 20 Ue-dnning at a point in Section ' 31'' 11, S R '2 east, the same being the N W cor ner of Wen. Foiger's land c aim, thence E 23 chains, thence South 30 chains i'i links, thence W 23 chains, thence N 3ri chains, 43 links, to the place ot beginning, containing 101 Acres, more or le.-s. Culbcrtson, Andy 1S4E 100 200 200 3 20 Camell, J.O 32 2S1E 92 140 140 2 24 Cauiicld, Robert, block 1(5, lots 4 and 5 Trustee for Church, Oregon Citv, ( 75 120 Epperly John 27 3Slw 200 700 700 11 20 Pe-crtbod a follows, to-wlt: " of the W i of Section 27, T2 SR I W, 200 acres more or less. Epperson John 3Slw 93 300 300 4 80 Franklin Jo-si th 4 2S1E 100 300 . 300 4 80 O ruber John IS 282 E 4 400 400 6 40 llarviil, Mrs. K. 4 2S1E 200 400 400 6 40 llalpine J as, block 1, lot 8, Oswego, 500 500 8 00 Kflio-Jfjf, Mri. AI. B. 2S2E 200 500 5J0 8 00 Knotter, AVm. 2G and 32 32E 320 COO tiOO 9 GO Ladd, J. V'. 10 and 12 3Slw lbO 2v)0 200 3 20 The X E 4 of the N E I and the W i of the N E 4 of Section 19, aud ttie W J of the N W I of Sec. ion 2o contaiaing 1GU Acres, more or less. Loner, C. M. 26 2Slw 50 200 200 3 20 Addison 3Slw 80 400 52 64 Described as fallows: Being a part c.f the laud claim of Augustus and Ebz.ibeth Yergen Not ficatiou (")10l") tieinniiis at i he N W corner of said land claim, thence youth 1 of a m le, thence 1 o! a mile, thence N of a mile, theace V h of a nine, to the place or begin unr, being part of the south 3 of theB -v 4 ot Section 2i, in T3 Sit 1 W, and a part of the NW 4 of Section 35, in t 3 S R 1W, containing 80 Acres more or less. Marshall, A. L. 1S1E 300 7000 78 270 41 21 Land described as lb lows to-wit : Begin ning at a point on the road lea ling from P01 t'.and to Mil waukie 15 & 42-luo chains south, and 1 1 P2-10 . chains east of the 4 post between e-tions 23 and 2t, in Ti S R IE. thence F 21 7-3-l'0 ch .ins, thence S 3 4-V E 2 20-100 chain.- to a posr, thence N S5J lo' E to the donation i la m of Hec tor Campbell, thence southery along t!ie land of aid Campbell o-r)i chains, to th land of Seth LuelHiiir, theuce S SC W along s od Luelling's land claim to a stake from which ii fir tiee 4 inches in diameter bears S 7s 30' W U Ih.ks, thence S 83 3.1' W 3o 10-100 chains, thence S 2 E t;4 40 lOOchaMis.thenceSSW 1 12-loo chains to the east line of sii'.f road, ihence by said road N W 30-10O chains, to the N corner of the lands belonging to Mc Donald, & S E corner of land of Lambert A Miller, theme N 8 l.V W 4o-U0 chains. tiienceN 31 Zii' W -t oo-loo ch.iins thence N 10 4V W 7 oO-P'O chains, thence N 28 3o' W 8 chains, thence N 1J W y chains, thence N 5 W 2S 7O-100 chains to the place Of beginning, containing 32o acres, more or Kss. Sirs. Rose 35 2S2E 320 BOO 800 4 80 lieortre 22 K 10 2o0 200 3 20 X. W; 8 1S.1E 1)1 225 51 270 5 4') Ciias blk 2. lots 3,-1, Oswego, 300 1 iO 2 SlcCormack, J bl(X:k 1 79 lots 2, 3, 4 500 ) " block 174 ",0.7 250 750 12 00 Newell, Nathaniel block 4 lots 4, 5, Oswego, 400 6 40 Pratt, O. G . , Part of Claim No. 44 70, " As described on the mujis and plats of the United States en rile in the Land Olliee at Oregon City, Oregon, t 2 S 11 1 E of Wil lamette Meiidian, beginning at the N E corner of said claim, the same being 17 60-100 Chains N and 27 80-100 chains W from toe section post in the eat boun dary of section 2i? in T 2 S It I E, thence south 10 chains, thence W 7 60-100chains, Ihence N IB 70-100 chains, thence south 4:' 3u' E 10 Plo0 chains, to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres, itioi c or less, ann oemcr a part or tv. v, . &uauou s land claim, assessed at $150 " Linn Citv property lots, 100 250 4 CO Pennington ,W. block 4.1ots l,2,Oswego,500 3C3 803 13 91 I'acker.J. blli 14, lots 3,4,0,!), JNLilwaukte,240 do blk 30, lot 5 44 1 00 do blk 31, lots 5; C, 44 60 Pciinaxi, Daniel, blk 15, lot 7 Oswego, 75 400 6 40 1 28 2 00 3 20 80 4 00 J Li See 33 5S1 1; t;J 25 183 6.1 200 .50 250 300 200 400 311 James iSamuel 21 5S1B 100 200 5 281 K 40 50 34 E 1G0 250 28 5.SIE 40 300 2S2E 2 200, 3C 2S1E 80 400 5S2K 3oo loo I racey, Mrs O Trallinger, Peter Thomjoa. It It Tayior, ti W 4 80 3 20 6 40 6 00 8 00 214 blk P half of lot 2 Oswego, $5oo 32 4 IE 22o 4oo 4oo 6 4o ol, C A belonc-s to O. C. R. P.. Co.. "VVt: Side X hf of the N E qr of isee 28, T2 S 11 1 W, 80 acres, loo 1 Co AVadkins, J V & Co. "Wullenstein, Fred Howell, Lsaae SlcSlahan, "W Allen, Henry Oregon City, Slay 29.lt 0 5S1E 80 300 ?s:E lfo 5oo 13 5S1E 16o 3oo 23 1S2E 32a 4oo 33 1S2E 4o 5o 3o 13o 5 00 3oo 4-JO JO 2 lo 8 00 4 So 6 4o 80 21st, IStiO. JOIIX SIYERS, Sheriff Clackamas County gEALED PROPOSALS. Headquarters Department Columbia, ) Office Chief Ur.Master, Portland, O., Slay 22, 1S69 ( IJy authorirv from the Maior General "otnmandincr Denartment, sealed proposals will be received at oihce 01 the Post Quartermasters at. Fort Hoise. iinu ul vuiiip iinee c iks, tjwytiee, 1, 1., up I to noon r-n tne iota u.y or June uexij lor the deav ; ery of the following supplies : FOi$.1: KOisE, I. T.i 200,000 pounds of grain Oats or Jim-ley. 300,000 pounds of liar. 22,000 pounds of Straw. 830 Cords of wood, for fuel. CA2IX THREE FORKS, Owyhee, I. T.i 424,000 pounds of Hay, baled. 100,000 pounds Straw. Covernment reserves the right to rcce've the or any portion of the supplb-s that may be contracted f"r, and to i-pjet anv and all bids. Bids must be in triplicate, the price stated in coin expressed in writing, not ri.nres. liie denverv or the supplies must commence as asreqnirec bv the t ommaiK'ing Oill er of the and contin -ed in uc!i quantities as the exicen ot the service rnae demand, and be cniple;ed t!ie 3"th ot Nevember, next. Proposals w 11 be entertained for the whole or any portion of the supplies advertised for. and most be add es-cd to the Post Qua rtermastt rs at their res peciive posts, and marked outside, 44 Proposals for Forage, Sivair, or Wood, as the case may be. R. SAXTOX. Bvi Rr'z Gent and Qr.MaJr., V. S.A. Mat 22 2iL3vvJ Chief Quartermaster THE CARDING MACHINE AT UNION MILLS, Three fourths of a mile east of Wright's Bridge on the Mclalla, will be readv to run cn the first day of June, lf-9. A 'd work done at this Machine will be W4irarte l. No wool carded until it is weil pre pared. Wool washed and made ready for carding, at 4 cents per pound. Rates of carding will be ti-n cents per pound when grease is rurnishtd. or 12 ts. if it in not. AS1 work to be naid for on del vet v, in or its equivalent, or the woik will be retained paid for. G. J. TUULLINGER, Proprietor OREGON" CITY BUSINESS. JOMT ill. BACOST, Successor to JOHN FLEMIXG, Court House Building. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN VtTILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox HAND V V a Ia.-e and well selected stock of Books Stationery, and Drugs, comprising iu part Standard and Sfi'scellanrovs Books, Medical, Mining and Scientific Books, Theological and Relig ious Books, Jitvruife and Toy Books, Sahbnth. and Bay School Books. IN GREAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Every Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Books, and Time Books, Braicing, Trac. ing and Tissue Paper, Portfolios, and PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', Maynard & Noyes? and David's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Music Paper, and JSrote Books. All of Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Vaiiety of Drugs and Patent Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. K7 School Teachers, and parents of Schol ars wdl find it to their advantage to inspect my stock aad prices, before purchasing else where. tST Books Imported to Order. Orders res pectfully solicited and promptly filled Agent for the San Francisco Times, and Eastern periodicals, aud papers. JOHN M.BACON. BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES. PIES, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY. Mew Firm! Biller & Miller! Proprietors of the long established LINCOLN BAKERY! "West Side Slain Street, Oregon City Oregon. Talc pleasure in staling to the public thai (hey have formed a copartner' ship for the pur post of better Accommodating their Patrons! And th'it Ihey rcill continue the Manu facture of Bread, J tes. Cakes, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers, $c tyc. OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES, lias been Doubly Increased by this changt, and will be kept complete In Bvery Department. Goods will be Delivered in the City, Free of expense to 2urchascrs, and or ders from a distance tcill be caref abj filled arid promptly dispatched. We Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest ! Call. Examine, and PRICE our stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. The highest Cash prices paid for coun try produce. L. DI1LER, A F. MILLER. Selling at Cost TO CLOSE BUSINESS ! MO TIic Emiii'c Stock! OF DRY GOODS. READY-HADE CLOTHING, MOTS AND SHOES, Mens Ladies, Misses and Childrena' HATS AND CAPS; Groceries, Crockery Glas3and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got lo le sold Regardless of Price! tQ To convince yourself with respect to this matter, cad at the old corner. I. SELLING. South 0 Pope Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon. Citv. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established s'nee J.Q49,at the oM stand, Afjn Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, aud Scth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Repai rings done on Rhort notice, k ind thankful for past favors. JOHN II. SCHRAM. Jlanafacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, Main Street, Oregon (Sty, 3TWi.-hes to represent that he is now as well prepared to fnrrsisli any article iu Ids line as the ! trgest establishment in the State. lie particularly requests that an examination of bis stock be male belore buying elsewhere. DniS's, etc, OREGON CITY BUSINESS. JAMES A. SMITH, OREGON CITY. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AND LICENSED CONVEYANCER. Bond. Deeda. Mortgages, Agreements, Contracts, and all other kinds of Legal Pa pers drawn up at short notice. Records ex amined, and copying done. Especial atten tion given to the adjustment and collection of accounts. ZW Can be found at the Store of S. D. Francis, Esq., or at the Court House. 22tf Aew Cxold Bisrsriiisrs AT- TIIE STORE OF S D. FRANCIS, FARMERS WILL FIND A READY AND PERMANENT MARKET, AND WILL RECEIVE THE BEST PRICES CURRENT FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. S. 1. F BA ICIS, WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPPLY OF FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, AND SYRUPS OF THfi BEST BR ANDS, AND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, PROVIS IONS AND STATIONERY, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT LOW PROFITS. o Call and examine for yourself lef ore Purchasing elseiohere ! MOTTO Do vnto others as youwould that others should do vnto you. Oregon City, March 23, 1SG9. 22. tf CITX BAKERY! MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Wortman & Sheppapd,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds I Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES! AND PROVISIONS ! feTEA M BOAT STORES ! And all Articles used for Culinary Purposes I BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail 1 Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells ihe FAMOLTS GLEASON CHEESE ! In short. Farmers and the public gen are invited to call at the City Bakery, the truth will be made apparent that c rally, where onr stock is complete, and our prices reason able. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. B A It LOW & FULLEIt JACOB WORTMAK. THOMAS R. FIELDS Wortman & Fields! Oregon City, Oregon. DEALERS IN Family Groceries Provisions of all Ivindx ! Wines and Liquors ! Confectionery, Spices ! Ca n n ed Fr uits and Mea ts And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar tig&aThe highest market prices paid for country produce. iliitiBi 35ii sit in HOUSE, AND Steamboat Painting Graining, Gilding, China Glossing, Jlnilothns Of all kinds Wood and Maflic! Executed as weU an can be done on the Pacific Coast. Examine our work and Judge for yout selvss. rorEery order attended to with care and expedition. C E. MURRAY, West Door Ralston's Brick. Main, st., Oiegon City- F A Hit t D HOT HER. BUTCHERS & MEAT VENDERS. efx- Thankful tor pat favors of the public respectfully ask a continuance of the same. We shall deliver to our patrons all the best qualities of Stall Feed Beef, also Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays ! A. H. EELL. E. A. PARKER. BELL &, PARKER. DEUGG1STS, AND DEALERS IX Chemicals. Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, And every article kept in a-Drug Store. Sfaiu Street, Oregon City. STOP THATCOUGHING .fl!WE OF YOT7 CAX'T. A.I 1VP. nrrr you. You have tried every remedy but the ONE losiined, by it iutriusic merit, to supers'xte all siin lax preparations. It Is not surprising vow should b3 vluctaat to try something els after the many tt xriments you have mado. of trashy coiiiix,uuia oiiUd, oa tae public as a certain carv - but NE WELL'S Pulmonary Syrup s really the TEHY BEST remedy ever con.pMin:e or the cure nl" Coughs, Colds. Sore Turout, Asthma, Vhooping Cough, iSroncbitis and ConsuiBpiVon. Tkou an!s of eti'l i" California and Oregon hare boon JreaUy lH.-ueiittcd by the surprising curative powers NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup md with one nccorc! giro it thoir unqualified appr wtion. We now avirss em-selves to all who r.ru un icuuainted wiih this, the greatest ranaecarTthe ;, "or the heatiHg of all di5jaaes f the Threat ul4 'ur.gs, aaiuriug ywu that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup ia.5 cured thousands and it will cure YOU If you try t. Thi3 invaluable medicine is pleasant to the tasto nothing, healing and strengthening in its ottecls; irely free from all poisonous or delete rious dius, cid perfectly harmless under all circumstance. -.Certificates Irom many prominent cuizeus 01 sa raucisco accompany every bottle of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup r.EPICTON- .t CO. AgenM, Sa Frscctsc. ALWAYS SAFE! Always Effectual. Fever and Ague is Speedily and ef fectually cured by Dr.E. COOrEU'b Univer sal Magnetic Palm. "PRO BONO PUBLICO!" .3 f IjjjtY UgC I. Zlt. prirflTfl 1 s'ii.i2; .V.WV V - Y. TRULY A VEGETABLE PREPA RATION. None genuine without signature of W. It. Strong. RKDINGTON, I10STETTER & CO., 41G and 41S Front f-t., San Francisco Sole and exclusive Agents. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO.'S ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger,, has become one of th most popular domestic remedies for all disea es of the stomach and digestive organs. .As n tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether .produced by fever or otherwise: for while it imparts to the fiyeterit all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine pr bTandy. it is free from the reactionary etiects that follow the use ot spirits of any kind, , , , . . ,. ., It is also an excellent remedy for female who suffer from difficult menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that )eriod. It. gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea-sickness or other causes. It is also valuable as an external application for Gout. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, etc. REDING TON, HOSTETTE1 Co.. 410 and 41 S Front st, San Francisco. Use Electro Silicon, OrMairic Brilliant. KEDINGT017 HOSTETTEK & Co.'s Florida Water I For the Handkerchief. This article, possessing the most delicate fragrance of Flowers, is uneqtialled as a per fume for the Handkerchief. FOR THE BA Til ! Used in bathing it imparts strength and en crg3' to the system, and gives that softness and delicacy to the skin so much desired by all IT REMOVES SUNBURN, FRECKLES PIMPLES, Diluted with water it makes an elegant den tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth sweetness to th breath, and renders the gums hard and ot a beautiful color. It should .always be used after shaving dilut. ed with water, as it rebeves all inflammation- RE DING TON, HOSTETTER 4 Co. 416 and 418 Front ft.. San Francisco. ELECTRO SILICON; - OK Magic 3S5r ill iaiif Direct from Nature's Labralory. The Best article ever discovered for cleans ing nd Pol shing Gold. Silver and Plated ware, and all smooth Metalic Surfaces, of wh atever description, in-dnding Kitcheuuten f-il of Tin. Copper, Pra-s. rtepl. etc. T Jewelers and Woikera in Gold and Sil ver Plate the Electro-Silicon is of inestimable value ; the time saved, and the vexation pr,.. vented by its use, will forever endear its ame to all who have had evidenced" its rtierits REDING TON, HOSTETTER 4- C! Sole Agents, San Francisco J70R FLAVORING, REDING TO A. linSTFTTT-T? . EXTRA C TS VrV , he best Bedington, Hcstctter & Florida Water ! USE NO OTHER. Co's Unexcelled for Toilet Use and for the Bath, MISCELLANEOUS." . rrO'SULAXD BROTHERS, PORTLAND ATTCTION. STORE 97 First st. Portland; , Next Door to Post Ojice.' gr Importers and Jobbers of Staple and. Fancy Dry Goods. Grain bags, Burjapst fiirn-4 Uhing Good. tL We pay the highest cash price for Wool, Furs, and Hides. . .- "yTOOL WASTED. ANY QUANTITY!! - THOMAS CHARMAN. , 0reorOn Citr Vy ANTED! ... Farmers and others p!eaa take notice, that I am prepared to purchaso ad the Wool that offers, pa vine therefor the highest prices . s." ACKER JIAX. Oregon City, April 2Sth, 1SU9. (25.tf Wool! Wool!! Wool!!! J. Myers & Brother, uuder the Court Ilonse Oregon City, will pay toe highest prices rul ing for Wool. A large quantity is wanted. 2rt.tf) F OR SALE. A Dwelling House and 8 Lots, In a, desirable location in Oregon City, at a bargain. Time will be inven for a part of the purchase money. TITLE PERFECT. .... " " . Inquire of - , JAMES AL MOORE, Oregon City. s HADES SALOON., G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. p MAIN STREET, Oregon City. The above named popular re goit has been thoroughly renovat ed and repaired during the past season and ii now open to the public, fully complete in all it.- appointmets. Two of the Best BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention d the lovers of this , . popular amusement to them. T II. E, BAR IS, S UP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Hoiubou already famous, for hot Whiskies and Punch. 2" Families (--applied. . HOT COFFEE AND OYSTERS, At ah hours for the convenience of patrons; PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP company's steamships for New York, Japan & China, Will be dispatched as follows : ... o .- . Leave wharf corner of First and P.rarinari streets at 11 o'clock a. m. of the following dates, for Panama, connecting via. Panama It. II. with one of the companj-'s splendid steamers from Aspinwall for New York, on llicOtii, 18tUiV30tH of each mnntli IVhei the above dates fall oii Suvdaij they trill leave on Saturday preceding. Steamer leaving f-'an Francisco on the PtK touches at Manzanillo; all touch at Acapulcoi Departures of :nh makes close connection with steamers for Central aud South Amer ica. Departures of the 18th are expected to connect with the French Trans-Atlantic Cb.'a steamer for St. Nazaire, andEnglish steam er for Southampton and South America. Through tickets can be obtained. , The following steamships , will be de spatched on dates as jr veil below: . .. . May S COLORADO." Cart Wm. II. Parker." connecting with ALASKA, Capt. Gray. . May 18 CONSTITUTION,. Capt. Wm. II; Hudson, connecting with HEMtY CHAUX- CEY, Capt. Connor. . . . . May 2t GOLDEN CITY, Capt. Wm. F. La- bidge, connecting with ARIZONA, Capt- Maury; t . . Passengers berthed through, and baggage checked through. One hundred pounds al lowed each adult. An experienced Surgeon on board. Medi cine and attendance free. , . . , These steamers will positively sail at 11 o'clock. Passengers are requeued to have their baggage on board before 10 o'clock:. , Jf- - Through tickets to Liverpool, bv thai LXMAN and NATIONAL. Steamship Lines; can be obtained at P. M. S. S. Co.'s office iu SanFrancisco, where may also be obtained orders for passage from Liverpool or South ampton to San Francisco, either via New York or St. Thomas if desired an amount of 10 or 20 will bp advanced with the above orders. Holders of orders will be re quired to identify themselves to the Agents in England. For merchandise and freight for New York and way ports, Company's form of Pill Lad ing oniy used. No Freight received after 2 p. m. of the day prior to departure. JOTS" The Steamship CHINA," Capt. War saw, will be d spatehed for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG on FRIDAY, June 4th, lS'iO, at noon, connecting at Yokohama with the Steamer NEW YORK; for Shanghai. For passage and all other information, ap-. ply at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s ofiice, corner of Sacramento and LeidesdorfT sts. . OLIVER ELDRIDGE, Agent. JJOBTNSON'S Celebrated Magic Soap Powders ! Prepared in C, 12, and 21 lb. Boxes, BE A D Y FOB, WASHING!' o - This 13 cheaper than Common Soap. It: removes Paint, Tar, Pitch and dirt of every description ; and which has given such gen eral satisfaction, by provbi that your wash ing can be done with onfjdialf. tee time and" labor of the old mode. Thus labor s:ived is money made ; as wash-boards, u achines and bard rubbing to wear out clothes, is entirely dispensed wiih, and the washing for a dozen persons can be done in two hours. Thus the cost of your washing being three-fourths less than by any other process, as you use no other soap. These Prepared Powders or Soap have not only proved themselves superior tor washing any and all kinds of goods, but proved after one 3-ear's use not to injure in the slightest degree any fabric of the finest texture ; and, also the finest article for the hands, as it makes them soft and white, as well as your clothe?. It also , keeps j our, bands from chipping when exposed to the air. - We defy the world to produco its superior for washing any and- ail kinds of geode. Our object is to save vour time, expense, hard land-, and especially the woman who' has to wash. . We take "pleasure in announcing a few of the many ladies' names bv their consent- who f,ave used our Prepared Magic SodjJ I'CjWders, fnmi six inontas to o::e j ear PORTLAND. SALEM- Mrs. C. S. Silvers, , " A. C. G.bbs, " Dr. Watkins, Mr?, i a W. Lrr.srn Dr. McCrdv, L R. .Moore, Ma. Uerry. Uelaney, Graves. W. II. Bennett, II. W. Davis, R. Wilcox, J. Knott, Ladd, . , 41 I. 11 - , Uniorx Hoti. THE STATE AT LARGS. Amity Mrs. Jos. .TTitt ; Lafayette Sfrse A K Uurbank ; Dayton Messrs Jameni Oi den ; Forest Grove Mes.-r.-Ombes & Boston C.irwlli Messrs Priggs & Kizcr; AlAant :r. J. Ii- Springer, Mrs. Irwin ; DaUaf,lin Barger i LtbanonM rs. Ration ; J fan on Mrs Walters; Oregon CUy.lxst introduced, for sale by merchants gtnc-raliy. j Pirst, Portland, Oregon inanuiaciory, fine btt. Front and i . ROBINSON" A CQ. 0 y fl f 1 r WWW? C0UP.T3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TrMTtTTTTDC TTV DTP PAT TTTHPUTA . L