IjctDcckln (Enterprise. TOWS Al COUNT V. "VTEW A X D BEAUTIFUL S TYLE S OF IN TYPJ3 A11K BEING CONSTANTLY AD DED TO T1IK MATERIALS OF THIS oliicc; And we would have the friends of our paper load u their support Job Printing in its various tranche, Neatly, Quickly and Cheaply executed. rPeople that advertise only once in i ... thnt most folks ran- ; iure monins luig - - not remember anything longer than about seven days. Rev. S. C. Adams, of LaFayette, is ex pected to fill the pulpit al the Congrega tional Church to-morrow. Salmon of tbe very finest quality are being put up by Mr. Leonard Diller, at this city in barrels and hall' barrels, to order. L. P. V. Quitnby. the popular host G of the American Exchange lias recently fallen heir to value3 which exceed Sl. 000.000. He will continue to keep a hotel. . ----" The telegraph office at Oregon City is now run by a velocipede. The opera tor. Mr. A. Levy, will raffle it off. It id a steady velocipede don't buck a bit. Try it. The Senator will leave this city at riroVlock a. sr.. to-morrow, meeting: tbe Turn Veneris at the Tic Nic grounds from Portland. All who think they coiild en joy themselves are asked to attend. During the current month 15,000 acres of Public lands have been located at the Oregon City Land office by the Albany and Cascade Wagon Hoad,aid G.000 acres by the Corvallis and Yaquina Uay wagon road. We observe that Dallas, Salem, and several other town's up the rsllley. are '.Mov ing in the matter of the celebration of the Fourth of July in grand shape. Portland will also celebrate. Will not our own cit izens make an effort for a celebration at home? Q . q Mr. Win. McCnbbin. near this city, met with a fearful accident on Sunday last. While in his cow yard, attending to stock, one ot his brutes gave a side loss of the head, when its horn entered Mr: McCltb biu's mouth passing out at the left cheek. Shanahan fc Co. have the most exten sive lot of choke paintings, pictures, etc.. in Oregon. We earnestly ask people who believe in the principles of peace, pleas ant houses, music, and the like, to call up on Shanahan !fc Co. We invite our own citizens to call at this office and take a look at Oregon City, as it is sold by Shari: ahau. 0 On Sunday last, something quite un usual occurred amongst the fish of the Clackamas, by which whole schools of salmon were stampeded, so to speak. They wore observed to leap over the mill bim, headed down stream, in perfect swarms: and boys, living along the banks, waded into the water killing large num bers with stones. The stream was literal ly alive with salmon. It is said that the stieam, which is always clear and pure. was considerably muddied next day, and it is not at all unlikely but that high up the river a land slide may have occurred. No clue could be ascertatned as to the manner In which the unknown man. foiind in the river by Mr. Kruse, met his death ; or as to who he was. He Was de cently bllried. by order of coroner Dr. Barclay. Th body was. found in Pudding River, on May 15th, 18(y. It was so much decayed that it was impossible to recognize it". Both hands were off at the wrists. The flesh of the face, and hair of the head was also gone, and two front teeth were missing. Deceased was evi dently about 40 or 45 years of age. He had worn tweed pants, checked flannel shirt, a heavy leather belt, and heavy booti. Fragments of a blue flannel coat were found uearbv. - Butterflies will be abundant next fall, if we are allowed to judge from the large quantities of caterpillars abounding at this time. And unless the farmers look to their interests next year they will be annoyed to death by these troublesome lareia in their orchards. The Agriculturist says that the most ready metho4 of destroying the cocoons, is by a. swab of kerosene soaked cloths, used to wind the nests upon, .and after they are liberally filled detach lb em from the poles and burn them. Do not attempt to burn them out of the tree wit.fi; any sort of combustibles, as that will injure the tree as much as the caterpillars would if left alone. When passing up the Wallamet about one year ago we lost cur cane overboard from the steamer. It was a fine gutta per- hacane which had been presented to us iu 18K4, y Hon. W. W. Page of Portland, and was suitably inscribed on a plate of wlver. We did not advertise the eane. as we had been reminded by Father Wilbur, who was amongst the passengers, that we should console ourself with the fact that we knew where it was " it was. in the river.'' but we took the precaution to ad vise, friends of our loss, and hoped to itcover the prize. Happily we were not disappointed. One day "in March last Hon. I. R. Moorcs " captured " the cane in Salem, and we are now again in the happy possession of it, thanks to Col. Moores. The cane was in "jt river near ly a year, but pi just as fine in appearance as it vas the day u hen it was presented to us, by our friend Page. Justice J. A.Smith has had a most active and ugly course of duty to pursue, since his installation in office. His rough eases began with the examination of Jacob Boehm, proprietor of the Oregon House, who was arraigned on a charge of brutally whipping bis wife. Defendant pleaded guilty and was fined, paid the line and discharged, but friends cf Mrs. Boehm have provided her with a better home. Then came the case of Caleb Cross, a youth, who was fined $5 and costs tor an assault upon Edward Dement. Next a Chinamen was arrested for chasing a boy with a cleaver, with murderous in- tent, and was held in bonds for his ap- pearance at the Circuit Court. Following these came the arralgment of Frank Vaughn, for the murder of A. D. Larkins. east of town on Monday morning last. I This case occupied the better part of three i days. Johnson i McCown for State, Stout j arid Huelat for defense. And the prisoner was committed to jail to await trial at the Circuit Court. For tbe sake of God and morality we hope this may be the end of each proceedings in Clackamas count v. i ,east for novv. TKKIUBL.E Tit A DEI) Y. The news of a irigbtful tragedy en acted in the Boise country lately, whereby the daughter of ooo of our most respected 1 citizens lost her life Mrs. Theodore Pur niester leached us yesterday morning. FURTHER PARTICULARS. The following account of the affair -was received by mail. We quote from the Oregooian : One ol the most horrible tragedies ever recorded occurred last Saturday afternoon uear Boise City. Mr. Theodore Burmes ter. living about five miles this side of that place, left home on that day to go over to the Payette to try a case at law. His wile and their two children remained at home. Mr. Uuruiester had a hired man. a German, at work ou bis place, who had been m bis employ lor over a year. On Saturday a'teinoou. about three o'clock, this man came into the house and attempt ed violence on the person ot Mrs. burtnes ter. She install f ly se.zed a gun to bhoot him, but both barrets snapped, lie then struck her a heavy blow, knocking her down, and repeated the blow with like effect as she attempted to rise. In the struggle he drew a revolver and fired at her. the ball passing entirely through the lower part of her bocy. Sue managed to crawl out at the door, and presently heard two shots more. She sup posed that the brute had killed her young est child, au infant about eighteen months oid. which was in the house at the time. It turned out. however, that be had set the bouse on tire and then shot himself. The lutant had either left the house or be hud earned it away, a3 it was louud asleep in its wagon shortly alter wards about 25 paces Itoui the ftoUseJ fchorily alter the murderer had set fire to tne bui.ding and taken his own lile a man came aioiig the road and removed Mrs. Lutmester out of the flames. Tbe alarm was quickly given at Doise City, and several surgeons and a h rge uuinb r ot other persons iuaiautly repaired to the place. Mrs. Lurmester was still living and was able to relate the particulars oi the horrible affair. Iter infant was safe and the older child at the time of the tragedy Was with a man who was working in a field some distance away. The house was entirely consumed and the blackened remains ot the villain who was the author o: the terrible trage dy was found in the ruins. Uu Sunday morning Mrs. Burmester still survived, but it was thought impossi ble lor her to live for any length ot time. '1 he whole people of Boise city came down to lhelace, and before they knew that the murderer had taken his own Hie, scoured the country in every direction to fiud him, purposing to execute upon him sti in mary v e i i g ea n ce. Mr. jjiiruiester returned on Saturday night and to his unutterable agony found affairs in the situation deseibed. The parents of Mis. Burmester, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob llunsaker, reside ou the Clacka mas, near Oregon Citv. She whs weii known and highly esteem ed, both at Oregon City and Boise. We get the particulars of this horrible tragedy nom Dr. J. 11. Bay ley, and Mr. Thomas Caun. We shall, Vre hope, be able to announce t in the next issue of cur paper that Mrs Burmester "s injuries will not prove fatal. The c-afoct way to go to New York by all odds, from this coast, is to take steam er at San Francisco. The terror of an overland trip, with the road in its present condition, is almost enough to tiifiku a person go grey. See advertisement of the P. M. S. S. Company and then con verse with almost any person who has tried the overland route. Fast & Cahalin have found their spacious rooms on Front street too cramp ed for their trade, and within a week have opened another store, on First street. This firm have the very best of facilities for supplying families with boots and shoes and we know of families who buy no where else saying that Kast & Caha tin suit them best. AIV lVillt.im T'.t.Un.., f : i. i . 1 1 1 mm lun , ui i u m cit V , li as a cow ot the lute Durham stock which is four years old this Spring, from which is obtained daily six gallons of milk. Two gallons of this milk, by actual measure ment, yielded 1 U ounces of butter. At this rate the cow is good for about 10 pounds of butter per week. The young ladies of Oregon City, ap preciating the worth of music in the place, have decided upon giving an entertain ment for the benefit of the Oregon City Brass Band, at the Court House, on Mon das evening next. It is not necessary for us to urge our citizens to turn out. Of course the Hall will be filled. Admission twenty-five cents. The scholars of St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church Sunday School of this city, will leave the city by steamer Senator, through favor of the P. T. Company, for the Pic Nic grounds near Milwaukee, on Satur day next at 7i o'clock a. m. They will be jolted tT'? l)y in(; schools of Trinity Church and St. SteplM'US Chapel. Port land, and after a joyous time :.' the shady grove will all proceed together to Port land, and then return arriving home by tire o'clock r. m. The P. T. Company have decided to treat the Sabbath School Children handsomelv this vear. Charman has. in addition to one of the most complete stocks of dress goods groceries, etc.. added an assortment of clocks to his list, varying in price from 3 to $15 each. He has all the latest styles of hats, including the velocipede for ladies, made to order by the famous Des mond, ol San Francisco ; gnts and boys suits of every description ; fine cashimere, silk, and broclie shawls, beautiful jewelry, pocket fans for a pic nic, besides many articles which we are unable to enume rate in the space of one article. He has perfected his arrangments for receiving all the latest styles of goods from Paris and New York" as they reach this coast, so that Oregon City need not be behind in the matter of taste and refinement, as well as price and quality any other city on the coast. We have always found Charman to be one of our most liberal and accomodating citizens, and who has not ? JZ'S- gome say that it is no use for them to advertise, tbat they have been in the phice in business all their lives, and every body knows them. Such people seem to forgot to take in consideration that our country is increasing in population nearly 40 per cent, every ten years, and no mat ter how old the place may be, there are constant changes taking place; some move to other"pars. and strangers fill their places. In this ago of the world.un less the name of a business firm is kept constantly before the public, some new firms may start up, and. by liberally ad vertising, in a very short time take the place of the older ones, aud the latter rust out. as it were, and be forgotton. No man ever lost money bv iudieim"? nrtvp.r. 'Using. ADVERTISE m SEASON. A great number of advertisers neglect to advertise in due season, they are apt to wait until the very time comes when the article they have to sell is wanted by those who have delayed till the last mo ment of time, but wise ones have pur chased early and have had the choice and selection of a large stock, and Lave se cured to tbemselve3 the very best by tak ing time by the forelock." and those late advertisers loose a large amount of trade by this delay. Agricultural Implements, Trees. Seed, Plants, and all other goods should be ad vertised months in advance of the season, so that purchasers may be advised and thus look after their wants before the day of use and hurry comes. Early advertisers will always find their gains largely increased by giving atten tion to this plan and particularly in every thing appertaining to Agriculture and Horticulture. Newspapers and handbills, however good they may be, can never take the place of advertising. Dread is the staff of life, and Adver tising is the life of trade." SPECIAL NOTICES. Oregon Lodge Xoi 3, I. O. or O. K. -v"PtSs- tets every Wednesday even SfcS i"g at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, "SfSWSfc jrain 6treet. Members of the Order are Iimtd to attend By order; N. . "Willamette Lodge Xo. 131. O. G. T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By ordr of W. C. T. Clackamas Division No. 3, S. of T. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon City. Members of the Order are invited to attend. By order W. P. Multnomali Lodge No. 1, A. h nn t A. M.' Holds its regular communi cations on the FlrH and Third Sat itrdal$ in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 20th of September to the 20th of March, and 74 o'clock from the 2oth of March to the oth of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of W. M. ' . . 400:000 lbs of WOOL ! ! WANTED BY TDK 021 EG OX CITY WOOLEN MILLS. ORF-OOX CITY, OREGON O Who have just re-opened the Mill after a thorough refitting, and are now turning out some of the finest, and best qualities of goods manufactured on tho Pacific coast, consisting of all kinds Cass in teres ; J)oeskins, Ticeeds, Hard Times. . and all kinds , Flannels; JJlanJcets and Yarn, Which tbe Company arc now offering at greatly reduced prices. W6 invite, all merchants to give us i call at the Mill, or at the agencies of L. White & Co., Portland; Or Breyman Bros.. Salem; or Brown Bros. & Co., San Francisco. Any desired styles of goods made to crder. on short notice. II. JACOB, Manning Agent 27) O. C. MTg Compaii3. THE OREGON DISPENSARY. 73 FIRST St., FORTLAXD Bet. Stark and Washington. O LQRYEA & KALLENBERG, Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Fine Wines, Bravdies, and Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes. Brushes ami Ferfumciies, Of the Latest Styles and. Finest Qualities. Cooking Extracts, Essential Oils, Herbs, etc., etc., And an Alisortraent of all Popular 1 sit cut Medicines. Everything Kept in a First Class Drugstore WILL BE SOLD At Greatly Reduced Prices ! AS Soothing Syrup 25 Cents. Citrate Magnesia 25 Cents. Brown's Bronchial Troches 25 Cents. And Other Articles in Proportion. ALSO OFFER Medical and Surgical Aid FREE OF CHARGE X Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Confounded, under the Special Supervision of v lS.ly Dr. A. II. KAIAEBfBERG. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. JOIO M. BACOjY, Successor to JOHN FLEMING Court House Building, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. IMPOr.TEIl AND DEALER IN Ximgs, etc, w ILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox HAND a larce and well selected -toek of Books Stationery, aud Drugs. couipnsiDg in part Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Books, Theological and Relig ious Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Bay School Books, IN GREAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Every Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Books, and Time BookSi Drawings 7Vac ing and Tissue Paper, Portfolios, and PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', Moynard b Xoye.s,1 and JDavid's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Music Paper, and iroe Books. All of Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A. General Variety of Drugs and Patent Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. it3 School Teachers, and parents of Schnl ars will find it to their advantage to, inspect my stock and prices, before purchusing else where. , , . JT5 Books Imported to Order. Orders res peetfully solicited and promptly filled &3T Agent for the San Francisco Times, and Eastern periodicals, and pa pers. JUMN M.DACOri. BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, PIES, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY. Mew Firm I Diller & Miller! Proprietors of the long established LINCOLN BAKERY! West Side ZIiiit Street. Oregon City . ; . . . Oregon. Tale pleasure instating to the public that they hare formed a copartner ship for the purpose of better Accoinmoddfing their Patron! And that they icill continue the Manii fabtur'e of Bread, Ihcs, Cakes, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers, $c fyc. OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES, Has been Doubly Increased by t this changt, and will be kept complete fa Fvcry Department. Goods will be Delivered in the City, Free of expense to j)tircha?crs, and or ders from a distance will be caref uly filled and promptly dispatched. We Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest ! Call, Examine, and PRICE our stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. The, highest Cash prices pa.id for coun try produce. L. DILLER, A F. MILLER. Selling at Cost TO CLOSE BUSINESS ! Antl mo HUMBUG ! TJte Entire Stoelt! DRY GOODS. r READY-MADE CLOTHING, UCOTS AND SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to be sold Regardless of Price! tH. To convince 3'ourself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South of Pope $- Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon. City. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1840, at the old stand. Main Street, Oregon, City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, aad Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Kepai rings done on short notice, kand thankful for past favors. JOHN II. SCHRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., Main St-et, Oregon City, tfW Wishes to represent that he is now as well pr-pared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He 5 articularly requests that an examination of lis stock be made before baying elsewhere. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. JAMES A. SMITH, OREGON' CITY. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND LICENSED CONVEYANCER. Rond,. Deeds, Mortgages".-. Agreements, Contract, and all other, kinds of Legal Pa pers drawn up at short notice .Records ex amined, 4 aud copying cone. . Especial atten tion given to the adjustment and collection of accounts. : IW Can be found at the Store of S. D. Francis, E.-q., or at the Court House. 22tf JXew jioil IMirjriiiirs -AT' THE STORE OF S D. FRANCIS, FARMERS WILL FIND A READY AND PERMANENT MARKET, AND WILL RECEIVE THE BEST PRICES CURRENT FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. S. 1. F R A IV C I S , WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPPLY OP FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, AND SYRUPS OF THE BEST BRANDS, AND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, PROVIS IONS AND STATIONERY, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT LOW PROFITS. o Coll and examine for yourself lef ore Purchasing elsewhere ! MOTTO Do unto others as you would that others should do unto you. Oregon City, March 23, 1SC9. I22.tf CITY JJAKEItY ! MA IS STREET, OEEGOX CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Wortman & Sheppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds! Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAMBOAT STORES ! And all Articles used for Culinary Purposes I BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail 1 Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! Tn short. Farmers and the public gen erally, are invited to call at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reason able. All kinds of produce taken in exchange lor goods. BARLOW & FULLER THOMAS R. FIELDS Wortniah & Fields! Oregon City, Oregon'. DEALERS IK F;ni-ily Croceries I Previsions of all Kinds ! Wines and Liquors ! . Confectionery, Spices f. . Canned Fruits and Meats ! And all the Favorite "Brands of Flour and Suerar fis-7ie highest market prices paid for country produce. Fali-iing, Faiiitin Steamboat Painting Graining, Gilding, China Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds Wood and Marble! Executed as tceU as can be done on, the Pacific Coaxt. Examine our work and Judge for yourselvgs. iiSrEvery order attended to with care and expedition. C. E. MURE A Y, "West Door Ralston's Rrick. Main St., Oregon City JARR & BROTHER. BUTCHERS & MEAT VENDERS. jfcS" Thankful for past favors of the public respectfully ask a continuance of the pame. We shall deliver to our patrons all the best qualities of Stall Feed Beef, also Mutton. Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays A. H. BELL. E. A. PARSER. BELL & PARKER. g DRUGGISTS, AST DEALERS IS Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, And every article kept in a Dtng Store. Main Btrect, Oregon City. SIQjY, SfOP.THATCOOGHING "Or-rE OF YOTJ CAN'T, A?TT V.T3 PITV 5 you. You have tried every rsmviiy but tb; ONH Wsiiced, L-y its iiitmnyc merit, t .supcrsml nil s-im-kir prepanititng. Jt Is riot surprising you shuW Ixs elucU-t U try somethi-R els after the raanr tv H-rimeiiM you tavs made of trashy coijVmnU Ustad oa te public &3 a certain curt; but NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup s really th VnT PEST rerpy wr eomrvonr.de br the cure ef CougU. Colds. Sore Throui, Aathuia, .Vhoping Cough. Bronchitis and Consumption. Thuu and of people lu California and Orcjrca har fv ilrly WualitteU. by iho sarpriting curative pover NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup inl w ith ono accord giv It theif unqualified appro ation. Vo now axdnrss eursolves to all who are ua icquainted with this, the greatest Panacea ofthe a; or th Lcaliufi of all diavaisea f tl Trt u4 i.ung9, assuring ywu that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup iaa cured thousands and it will euro YOU if you tr t. This invaluablo medicine Is pleasant to the t.ist nothing, healing and stre ugibcuiug in its cBocts; civ irely free from all poisonous or deleterious drus, md perf'-ctlv harmless under all circumstance. Certincaits from many prominent citizens of Sa rracico accotupuuy every holtle of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup r.F.PI?CTON" fz Attriis, San Frw-ctsc. ALWAYS SAFE ! Always Effectual, . FcVPr nnH Airr.p i RnAi1ilw n'nA ef fectually cured by Dr. E. COOfEIi'b fJniver- i . . . - - i i ti jH-gneuo i.aini. "PRO BONO PUBLICO!" TRULY A VEGETABLE PREPA RATION. None genuine without signature of W. It. Strong. ItEDIXCJTOX, IIOSTETTER fc CO., 416 and 418 Front st., San Francisco Sole and exclusive Agents. EEDINGT0N, HOSTETTER & CO.'S ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger. This valuable preparsttidn,' containing in a higlil- conef Titrated form all the propcj ties of Jamaica Ginger, has become one of tho most popular domestic remedies for all diseit es of the stomach and digestive organs. As tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever r otherwise: for while it imparts to the P3vstem. a!l the glow and vigor that can b-'.produced by wine or biandy. it is free from the reactionary eCects that fallow the use oi spirits of any kind. .... It is als.o (in, excellent, remedy for females who suffer from difficult menstruation, giving almost, immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently acenrrpany that period,, It gives immediate relief to Xausea, cauert by riding in a railroad car, or by sea sickness or other causes; ...... It is also valuable as an external application for Gout. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, e . REDLXGTOX, 1WSTETTE1 4- Co., 116 and 418 Front st, San Francisco. fse Electro Silicon; OrMagle Brilliant. REDINGTON H0$TETTR & Co.'s -Florida Water ! For the Handkerchief. This article, possessing the most delioate fragrance of Flowers, is unequalled as a per fume for the Handkerchief. FOR THE BA Til ! Used in bathing it imparts strength and en ergy to the system, and gives that softness and delicacy to the skin so much desired by ail IT REMOVES SUNBURN, FRECKLES PIMPLES, Diluted with water it makes an elegant den tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth sweetness to thj breath, and renders the gums hard and of a beautiful color. It should alwa3sbe used after shaving dilut. ed with water, as it relieves all inflammation- R ED ING TON, HOSTETTER 4- Co. 416 aud 418 Front St.. San Francisco. ELECTRO SILICON, OR M a sic Brilliant ! Direct from Nature's Labratory. The Best article ever discovered for cleans in and Polishing OnlH Ril ware, and all smooth Metalic Surfaces, of whatever description, includmg Kitchen uten nils of Tin. Copper, Brass. Steel, etc. To Jewfdera nd Wnitcpa in A C-M ver Plate the Electro-Silicon is of inestimable value : the time saved, and the ve-rntfnn in vented by its use, will forever endear if 3 name f r oil w r r Vtavrfk Vttwl a ?! A C i wu an n uo uau c lucuuc 'i sin IUtirilat KEVIN UTON, IIOSTETTER 4- Co. Sole Agents, San Francisco JTOIl FLAVORING, REDINGTON, HOSTETTER Co EXTRA C TS Are the best Redington, Hostetter & Co's -Florida Water ! USE NO OTUER. Unt-oelled for Toilet Use q tot tbe Bath www MISCELLANEOUS. TOOL WANTED. .. AIT Y QUANTITY!! By TIIO-IAS CHAIiMAN. Oregon Citr." WANTED! Farmers and otber3 pTeaso take notice, that 1 am prepared to purchase all the Wool that offers, paviuz therefor tho highest prices . . S.'ACKERMAN". Oregon City, April 2Sth, lSt39. (25.tT Woolt Wool!! Wool! I! . J . Myers & Brother, under the Court House," Oregon City, will pav the highest prices rul- ''6Ktf )T W0L A laC quantit is '5Tant-' STRAYED. From this city, a medium sized IiEL cOy. marked by an under and, an over crop out of each ear. Any person leaving information at the -Woolen Mills iu this city which win eaJ to her recovery, will be suit ably rewarded by the owner. XHUMAS KOWLEY. April 27th', 1309. (25.4 JPOR SJLLE; A Dwelling House and 8 Lots In a desirable location in Oregon City, at -a bargain. Time will be civeu fur a part of the purchase money. TITLE PERFECT. &13 Inquire of JAMES M". MOORE, Orcgou City. "XDIA RUBBER BALLS, of all sizes. At LEVY'S TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, and PIPES of superior quality may always be found At LEVY'S. VANKEE NOTIONS, GIM CRACKS, and JL Baby Fixins At LEVY'S O RANGES AND LEMONS, At LEVY'S JOBINSON'S Celebrated Magic Soap Powders ! Prepared iu C, 12, and 24 lb. Boxes, R EA D Y FOR WASHING o' This is cheaper than Common Soap. It removes Paint, Tar, Pitch and dirt of every description ; and which has given, such gen eral satisfaction, by proving that your wash ing can be done with one-half ftie time and labor of the old mode. Thus labor saved is money made ; as wash-boards, u achines and hard rubbing to wear out clothes, is entirely dispensed with, and the washing for a dozen persons can Vie done in two hours. Thus the cost of your washing being three-fourths less than by any other process, as you use no other soap! Ihese Prepared Powders or Soap have not only proved themselves superior tor washing any and all kinds of goods, but proved after one year's use not to injure in the slightest degree any fabric of the finest texture ; and, also the finest article for the bands, as it makes them soft and white, as well as your clothes. It also keeps your hands from chapping when exposed to the air. We defy the world to produce its superior for washing any and all kinds of goods. Our object is to save your time, expense, hard labor, and especially the woman who has to wash. We take pleasure in announcing a few of the many ladies' names by their consent who have used our Prepared Magic Soap Powders, from six months to one year : PORTLAND. SALEM.' Mrs; C: S. Silvers, " A. C Gibbs, " Dr. Watkins, " W. II. Bennett, " II. W. Davis, " R. W ,1c ox, " J. Knott, " Ladd. Mrs Sis W. Brown, Dr. McCurdy, I. R. Moores, Maj. Berry, Deianey, U raves, Union Hotel. THE STATE AT LARGE. Amity Mr. Jos. Watt; Lafayette Mr.'. A R Burbank ; Dayton Messrs James & Ol den ; Fvrest Grove lessr.-Ombes it Buxton Cor-cdllit Messrs Brings & Kizer; AViany . Wr J. IS. Springer, Mrs. Irwin ; Mrs Barger; Lebanon Mrs. Ralston ; Jeffer.-on Mrs Walters; Oregon City Just introduced,' for sale by merchants generally. Manufactory, pine st., bet. Front and First. Portland, Oregon: 16:3m S. ROBINSON & CO. A Good Book for Agents. HESOUKCES Ol? The Pacific S!ope! A Statistical and Descriptive Summary of the Mines and Minerals, Climate, Topog raphy, Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce of tbe Pacific States, and Territories ; including Lower California., Mexico Alaska,' ami British Columbia ! BY HON. J. ROSS BROWNE, Complete in One Large Octavo Volume of 874 pp., Price $4. o ,- EST" This is the Cheapest Work ever offer-" ed in this maiket to Subscription Agents,' and it is compact with useful information ' Invaluable to Merchants, Farmers. Mechanics1 etc., and is of deep interest to all classes. 1'uDlished hv II. "II. BANCROFT k Co.," 4.5wl Sax Francisco. Cat.. . gtlADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. ' MAIN STREET, Oregen City'.' soit has been thoroughly renovat-" ed and repaired during the past season .and is. now open to the public, fully complete in all iw apnoinimets. Two ot the Bent BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in-" vites tbe attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED , , With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alre-dy famous, for hot Whiskies aud Punch. J5 Families supplied. HOT COFFEE AND OYSTERS; iiian uours lor me convenience oi patrons. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books! FROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE ty and , Various other Publishing Iloiises! Ffi'r, sale bv the subscriber, on Jefferson it: between 2d and 3d, Portland, Ongon. G. H. ATKINSON. Secretary; 52.1 j aad Treas. Oregon Tract Society : J. WELCH, DENTIST. Permanently Located at Oregon. City Oregon ROOMS With Dr. Sifiarrans, on Matn et- EDDING. AT HOME, AND VTSIT- iDg cards neatly printed at thi office. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip lion, for eale at the E.vrEitrBis ofiSctf 1) I 1