4 As ! t o 6 .j O i. 30 i)SiUcckhj Enterprise. TOWN' ASD COlXTVt ftTEW AND BKAUTIFLI: bl T v i 1 i iris akw ufcisu iw-i-1-' l)l-.n TO TIT V. MATERIALS Ui -iziio w--, And we would have the friends of our paper lend . - . - , ita fin mis UHthtirsuiiiort. Jobi'nnt""-"- . Neatly, Quickly and Cheaply executed. branches, The ihnatovTraaiiiDS do lbe Columbia. Hon. J. II. Mitchell returned on the 22ih from Washington City. The Portland Turn Verien Festival will take place below Milwaukee to-morrow. t Six Gold fish and one Silver fish, have" taken apartments in Mr. Moore's aquarium. - Leonora K. Daly waa granted a di vorce from Wm. J. L. Daly, on the plea of desertion. Miss Rinearsoa, and Mrs. E. W. Staf ford, will please accept our thanks for beautiful bouquets. c- Ibtn. A. B. Meacham, Indian Agent for Oregon, has arrived, and is now at his office in Salem. sT'People that advertise only once in three months forget that most folks can not remember anything longer than about seven days. ?Mr. C. II. Clark, who may be found at the Pluenix Hotel, in this city, has a fine Octave Melotieon which he of fers for sale at $G(). Call soon. Mr. Wm Singer has a few of Hiose in dispensable clothes racks yet on hand for ea!e. We know what they are, and we recommend them. & -e- . . Kane's Imperial soap is the Lest thing in the country. The El Dorado Polish can be had by the hundred tons, from a quarry near this city. 11 right minded people will regret to learn that the Oswego Iron Works have suspended operations. This is a blow at the prosperity of our young State and we are sorry for it. The onlv premium awarded to sulky plows at the last trial near Albany, was given to Messrs Lewis & Co., of this City. A party who was present and who was wholly disinterested, tells us that Mr. Lewis was deserving of much more. . . On Monday last Master George Ains worth, of Portland, surprised our ciiizens by entering town early on a velocipede. George is a veloeipedestrian. lie scaled the summits about Here with seeming in d'fierence. and roue on out to Judge Whitt-3 residence, two miles east of the CUV. A little bit, of sharp practice was at tempted at the special term of the Cir cuit Court held here this week, in which four legal gentlemen mounted a lever in opposition to Mr. Do'ph. to move another stiimbling.block in the way of the Ore gon Central Iiailroad Company. Happi ly Mr. J'oiph succeeded in keeping them oil", being armed with merit. Boys of this city who are in the prac tice of bathing within the city limits are notified that such indecencies will no Ion- ger be tolerated, and the attention of the authorities is uirecb'd to Ihe necessity of ! aha'it'g the practice, bathing ground is near The principal the loot of the gulch, just below the Congregational Church. It must be stopped. R. II. McDonald & Co., wholesale Druggists of San Francisco, are sending out cLculirs in which they preach tem perance and advertise a decoction which we think as little of as we do the com monest kind of ! ( whisky, all at the same time. They may fail to make this species of advertising pay, amongst tem perance people. Their vinegar bottles we think will do very well to start out with, upon an excursion on their Black Valley Railroad. , -- A special term of the Circuit Court for Clackamas County Judge W. W. Up ton presiding was held in this city this week, beginning on Monday last. The several suits for right of way for the Wal amet Falls Canal and Lock Company vrtf tried and disposed of excepting in one instance which was continued in pursuance of stipulations of the parties. Capt. Ceo. A. Pease laid his damages at :5i:L53(J and obtained $20) judgment. The w'h'ole right was obtained from the old basin, ou the went side, to the lower terminus, for $2."0. On Monday last the Tualatin River Transportation and Manufacturing Com pany elected their officers, at their office in thi County as follows : Directors Win. J). Hare. James M. Moore, Joseph Kellogg. Orj.'i Kiellogg. J. D. Mrryman. The bo-u-d of directors elected W. I). Hare President. Jas. II. Moore, Vice Pres ident, and W. S. Failing Secretary. AH of the original Stock has been sub scribed, and new papers filed, allow ing the further euro ot $80,000. It is the intention of the company to proceed at once with the construction of a flouring mill and saw mill, at the site of the Moore &, Pease Mill. The Alia, which ought to have better brains, is busy circulating a report that it has seen the act of Congress to aid the construction of a Branch Railroad from the Central Pacific to Portland. That it grants 12.S00 acre of land per mile. That tae Lentral 1 acilic owns the franchise oft the California and Oregon Railroad Com pany also. That the branch will leave the Central Pacific at the Big Betid of the Humboldt, about latitude 11 deg. and longitude 118 deg. 20 inin.. a little more than two degrees east of California line. AU of which are falsehoods. No snch act Jias passed Congress ; consequently no such grant has ever been made ; the'Cen ir&l Pacific does not own the Oregon Jinilread. hoi any part of it and lastly, the Oregon Railroad will go straight through to the Northern boundary of Cal ifornia. We are surprised to see that many Oregon Editors are not well enough informed respecting this matter to avoid tiv.lead by the statements cf the Ali-i. There has been a great deal said, from time to tiiKe. about this Humboldt Branch, (Pengra's scheme.) but with all of its weight and influence, with the West Side Oregon Central, the Centra! Pacific ; Mai lory in the House and Corbett in the Senate it baa siqnaliy failed ; and the combined efforts of all to defeat the Ore gou Central Railroad Company of Salem, (Ben llolladay & Co's contract,) have also suj--ia'ly failed. There is no sucb act a? to A.'.i .-pc.'.kt of- The body of an unknown man con siderably decomposed, was found above this city in the Wa! kunet. some days ago. by Mr. John Kruse. "We have not D-liiSht bj Ua inv?3liSation of a coroner's jury -o..-o- Mrs. Bowman has remembered the Editor's family, by a contribution of choice garden .sauce, for which we tender the customary thanks. We have also been shown evidenc es of the industrial pursuits of Rev. C. W. Tcdd, in the form of a basket of nice salad, and early vegeta bles. Thanks. On Monday last, at the invitation of Mr. Miller, we took a look through the Phoenix Hotel of this city. There is cer tainly no better kept hotel in the State and none more conveniently arranged for the comfort of guests, than" the Phoenix, according to its size. One hundred guests can be agreeably accommodated at one time. - Bro. George II. Ilimes, one of the most industrious, correct, and tasty job Printers on this coast, paid us three calls on Wednesday, but we were not at the office, either time being employed on the outside in efforts to beautify our home. The next time you call under such eir c i instances, George, take a walk upon the bluff, and we shall welcome you there. & o-$- B. F. Dowell, Esq.. writing from Washington to the Sentinel corroborates the idea which we have already entertain ed, that Mr. Mai lory in the House, and Senator Coibett. knew b-tfer than to sup pose that they were working for the best, interests of Oregon in opposing the amend ment offered by Senator Williams tu save the railroad grant to Oregon. Hon. S. F. Chadwick. one of the O. C. It. It. Directors who has spent the winter in Washington, inform the Jack sonville Sentinel that the Company are pledged to construct the road in the Ump qua and Rogue River Valleys. He states farther, that immediately after the success of the Company they circulated a pamph let in several States, containing informa tion of the natural wealth and resources of Oregon. The Sentinel says that the fact that the Humbolt Branch" is not to be built, is the encouraging feature of the above informatian. as it will force the Central Pacific to push the California and Oregon road, and that company is able to build it inside of two years, and when built we will see new life, new popula tion and unbounded prosperity. . -- & Some say that it is no use for them to advertise, that they have been in the place in business all their lives, and every body knows them. Such people seem to forget to take in consideration that our country is increasing in population nearly 40 per cent, every ten years, and no mat ter how old the place may be, there are constant changes taking place; some move to other parts, and strangers fill their places. In this age of the world. un less the name of a business firm is kept constantly before the public, some new firms may start up, air by liberally ad vertising, in a very short time take the place of the older ones, and the latter rust out. as it were, and be forgolton. No man ever lost money in- judicious udver tUiug. ' J Newspapers, by enhancing the value of property in their neighborhood, and giving the locality in which they are published a reputation abroad, beneht all. n:l ri icil !:! !'! V it thi'V m-e riiMiv'innfS nv voil the sum they pay for their .support. Be sides, every spirited ciiizen has u biddable pride in having a paper of which lie is not ashamed, even though he should pick it up in New York or Washington. A good looking, thriving, live newspaper helps to sell property, gives character to the lo cality, and in all respects U a desirable public convenience. If. from any cause, the matter in the local or editorial columns should not be quite Up to your standard, j do not cast it aside and pronounce it of no account, until you are satisfied that rheiv has been no more labor bestowed upon it than is paid for. If you want a good read able sheet, it must be supported. Thc local press is the " power that moves the people."11 2V r?The cheapest and Lest soap in the rrarket. Throw away your Patent Washing Machine, Ac, Ac. In order to mere generally introduce the!r Sian, the im pel ial Soap Co. will soil their Concentrated Soap Irom this date until the fir&t of May next, at seven cents per pound. Clothes wa.-hed with this Soap, require no rubbing, thus saving a great amount of labor, weiu and tear. Washi ng can be done in one-hall the time requi ed by any other process. Warranted to not i'jure the most delicate fabric. Renders the clothes a pare ichifr, a id is equal, if not superior, to Castile soap for the hands. Parties wbhmg to examine or test the Soap, are invited to ca 1 at the Manufactory, two doors ab"ve the Furnitere ll'iorns of IJurgreti & Shindler, First street, Portland, Oregon. The Trade supplied at liberal rates. Imperial Sorp Co , Porlland Oregon. Saddi.f.kv. J II. Seliram, of this City, is now manufacturing the be'.-t Saddlery and Harness in t!:e State. He will have at least 50 sets of all grades, from fine to com mon. fini;-i;ed and ready for -ale ne.t month, a tid moie than that number of Saddles. He is lio.jnd to make a trade with any man who wishes to hoy of h:m. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and his work hears am-st excel'ent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own coumy will think of this, when they want any articles in I. is line. Valuable Land for Sale CnE ap We knovv of 450 acres of good lands for sale in this county, being the land claim of J. L. Stout, in what is known as theRingold settlement. It will be sold i t lots to suit purchasers, on very fair terms. This land is only 12 miles from Oregon City. Fr further iuforma:ion apply to N. W. Randall, of this city, or of J. L. Stout, Unity, Baker's Bay, W. T.. or of Andrew Stout, in the above mentioned settlement. 13: !y " Ix Time of Peace Pkkpaee for Was."-So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Balm, an uncqualed preparation for Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Cramp. The instantaneous relief of Barns, Bruises and Sprains. Electro Silicon .-This cu: ions and valuable substance is confidently claimed to be the bet article ever discovered for cleaning and polishing Gold, Silver and I lated Ware, and all buiooth metallic sur faces, of whatever description, includins kitcuen utensils cf tin, copper, brass, steel! etc. ' Not a Subject of Doubt. That Ncwell's Plumonary Syrup is the most ef fective and never failing reniedr for affec tions cf the throat and l-ings. ADVERTISE IN SEASON. A great number of advertisers neglect to advertise in due season, they are apt to wait until the very time comes when the article they have to sell is wanted by those who have delayed till the last mo ment of time, but wise ones have pur chased early and have had the choice and selection of u large stock, and have se cured to themselves the very bst bv tak ing time by the forelock." and those late advertisers loose a large amount of trade by this delay. Agricultural Implements, Trees. Seed. lan.is- ard all other goods should be ad vertised months in advance of the season, so that purchasers may be advised and thus look after their wants before the dav of use and hurry comes. Early advertisers will always find their gatns largely increased by giving atten tion to fhis- plan and particularly in every thing appertaining to Agriculture and Horticulture. Newspapers and handbills, however good they may be, can. never take the place of advertising. 4- Bread is the stafF of life, and Adver tising is the life of trade." SPECIAL NOTICES Clncknmas Division No. 3, S. ofT. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon City. Members of the Order are invited to attend. By order W. P. flultnoma.li L.otlge No. 1. A. V. mid A. Holds its regular communi- VT CatiB3 on the First and Third Sat ' urdays in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2oth of September to the 20th of March, and 7 5 o'clock from the 2oth of March to th 20',h of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to :rttend. By order of YT. M. Oregon JLotli?" No. 3, I. O. of O. F. dSfe- Meets every Wednesday even eSB ing at 7 o'clock, in Marine Hall, Main street. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. N. CJ. "Vilia.mcte Lodge No. 151. O, C T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooss S.E. corner'of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited t; attend. Byordrof W. C. T. "AIN KILLER cu-es Sore Throat. A Favorite Medicine with all classes, X'jL Is Da. is' Pain Killer. IF you have Painters' Colic, Use the Pain Killer. I O M-idiciue is so popular, As the Pain Killer. T7" EEP the Pain Killer always on hand. F you have a Cough or Cold. Use th(- Pain Tviltfiv L OOK out and not be caught without a Bottle of Pain Killer in the house. ET every body us Hie Pain Killer I J h or Sin ains and bruises. J v Liu sanor snouin carry a bottle ot 1 Pain Killer with him. 1 EM EMBER, flip Tain KiiUo- is r,.,r j IJotii Internal and External use. "-) SOLI) by all LRL'GtjlSTS. M 1 SC K L I i A N E 0 US Odd Fellow's Kali Association. fOTlCE IS HEREBY- GIVEN THAT AN Assessment of Twenty per cent., payable on or before the First day of June, ltjtji', at the oilh-e of" the Secretary, was levied upon the CAPITAL STOCK of the ODD FELLOW'S HALL ASSOCIATION, by the Hoard of Directors at their meeting on the 1st day of May, CSC'J. N. W. RANDALL, President V. O. M"Cow. Sfcreiary. 2u.4t. yoOL WANTED. AISY QUANTITY!! By THOMAS CHARM AN. Oregon Citv. WANTED ! Farmers and Others p'ease take notice, that 1 am prepared to purchase all ihe Wool that oilers, paving therefor the highest prices . S. ACKERMAN. Oregon City, April 2Sth, 13(5fJ. (2o.tf Wool ! Wool ! ! Wool ! ! ! J. Myers & Brother, under the Court House, Oregon City, will pay the highest prl:es rul ing lor Wool. A large quantity is wanted. 2'5.tf ) QTRAYLD. O From this city, a medium sized LED COW. marked by an under and an over crop out. of each ear. Any person leaving information at the Wook-n Mills in this city which will lead to her recovery, will be suit ably rewarded bv toe owner, THOMAS ROWLEY. April 27th, 133?. (2..4t J)EN.TAL NOTICE. HOME AGrAIN. During rhj' oiir of two years in the Eastern States I have spared neither time uor ntonev to make myse'f per fectly familiar with and master Of niy pro fession. Those desiring the best work that the nature of the case will admit of can find me at my oihee, 107 Front street, two doors above McOorruick's Book Store,- Portlaud, Oregon. DR. J. (r. GLENN. Dr. J, H. HATCH, Late Mack 8,- Hatch, r3 JJ iL. iN 115 1, The patronage of those desiring First Class Operation, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. B. y'drous Ouiyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. ' Offick Corner of Washington andFron streets, Portland. Entraucc on Washington street. F Oil SALE. A Duelling Eouse and 8 Lots, In a desirable location in Oregon City, at a bargain. Time will be tuven for a part of thepuichase niouey. TITLE PERFECT. Inquire of JAMES M. MOORE. Orcgou CitV. INDIA RUBBER BALLS, of a!lsiz--s. At LEVY'S rpOBACUO, CIGARS, SNUFF, and PIPES T of superior Quality may always be f tu.c At LEVY'S. "7ANKEE NOTIONS, G1.MCRACKS, and X liahy Fixiua At LEVY'S ORANGES AND LEMONS, At LEVY'S JOB PIIIVTIXB NEATLY EXECT'T ed at the ENTERPRISE OFFICE. TT7EDUING. AT HOME, AND VISIT VV ing crds ueatly printed at this CffiC2. IS!! C. C. HASTINGS & CO., CHANGE. o Wholesale and Retail. o Superior Goods ! Reduced Rates ! o C. C. HASTINGS & CO., Succe-sors to Ilenston, Hastings &- Co. San Francisco and New York, Annoimce to the friends of the old firm, and the public at large that their present bu-iness arrangments are such that they are enabled to offer the best and most stylish goods on the Pacific Coast at a great reduc tion from former prices. 0 AT WHOLESALE. The attention of the merchants throughout the Pacific Coast, is called to the tact that we are now prepared to fill their orders for superior goods in Strictly Custom-Made Clothing, Suit, Gloves, Hosiery and Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Iravding Bug and Valises, la lots to suit, at regular Wholesale Rates. -O- CLOTHING TO ORDER. Made either in New York or San Francisco, under the supervision ol the best cutters ia America. Directions for Measurement Sent to any address upon Application, and goods forwarded by Express on receipt of orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. C. C. HASTINGS & CO. SUCCESSORS TO Houston Hastings Co., THE FA S11I0XAHL E CLO THIERS, New York and San Francisco. febl3.3m MISCELLANEOUS. Z-yff Ask your neighbor to sub scribe for th3 EntekPiiise. J OBI N SON'S Celebrated Magic Soap Powders ! Prepared in C, 12, and 24. lb. Boxes, READ Y FOR TP I SUING 1 This is cheaper than Common Soap. It removes Paint, Tar, Pitch and dirt of every description ; and which has given such gen eral satisfaction, by proving that your wash ing can be done with one-haif tee time and Iabr of the old mode. Tims labor saved is money made : as wash-boards, achine and hard rubbing to wear out clothes, is entirely, dispensed wiih, and the washing for a dozen persons can be done in two hours. Thus the cost t'f your washing being three-fourths less than by any other proce.-s, as you use no other soap. These Prepared Powders or Soap have not only proved t emselve superior tor washing any and all kinds of goods, but proved after one year's use not t injure in the slightest degree any fabric ot the finest texture ; and, also the finest article for the hands, as it makes them soft and white, as well as yodr clothes. It also keep3 your hands from chapping when exposed to ihe air. We defy the world ta produce itstiperior for washing any and ail kinds of goods. Our object is to save your time, expense, hard laoo , and especially the woman who has to wash. We tdke pleasure in annottneiny; a few of the many ladies' names by their consent who have used our Prepared Magic Soap Powders, from six months to one year : PORTLAND. Mrs. C. S. silvers, " A. C. Gihhs, SALF.U. Mrs Sis W. Brown, " Dr. Watkins, VV. II. Bennett, II. W. Davis, 44 It. Wdcox, J. Knott, u Ladd. THE STATE " Dr. McCurdy, " I. R. Moores, " Maj. Berry, " Delaney, 44 Graves, Union Ilotd. AT LARGE. " Amity Mrs. Jos. Watt: Lafayette Mrs. A It Ibii hank ; Dayton Messrs James & Ol den ; Forest Grove Messr.-('fmbes & B ixton Corva'lis Messrs BriggsA Kizer ; Alhanu ur. J. B; Springer, Mrs. Irwiu ; 7M-as,Mrs Barger; Lebanon Mrs. I'alsion ; Jefferson Mrs Walters; Oregon City Just introduced, for sale by merchants generally. Manufactory, Pine st., bet. Front and First. Portland, Oregon. 16:3m S. ROBINSON 4 CO. A Good Book for Agents. RESOURCES OF The Pacific Slope! A Statistical and Descriptive Summary of the Mines and Minerals, Climate, Topog raphy, Agriculture, Manufactures, aud Commerce of the Pacific States, and Territories ; including Lower Califomisi., Mexico, Alaska, ami British Columbia Z BY 110 X. J. ROSS BROWXE, Complete in One Large Octavo Volume of 874 pp.. Price $4. This is the Cheapest Work ever offer ed iu this maiket to Subscription Agents, and it is compact with useful information, Invaluable to Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics etc., and is ot deep interest to all classes. Published by . ' II. II. BANCROFT & Co., i.hxr 1 Sax Francisco, Cal. 13 ILL HEADS PRINTED. At the Entorpriaa Office. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. JOIftiS HI.-BACOJV, Successor to JOHX FLEMIXG, Court House Building, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN i. DiMigrss, etc. 7mLL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox HAND V V a large and well selected tock of Books Stationery, and Drugs, comprising in part StaTidard and Miscellaneous Books, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Hooks, Theological and Relig ious Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Day School Books, IN GREAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Every Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Bonks, and Time Books, Drawing, Trac ing and Tissue Paper, Portfolios, and PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', Maynard c JNoyes,' and David's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Music Paper, and Note Books. All of Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Variety of Drugs and Patent Medicines, Constantly on hand, fur sale. J&3 School Teachers, and parents of Schol ars will find it to their advantage to inspect my stock and prices, before purchasing else where. JOS" Books Imported to Order. Orders res pectfully solicited and promptly filled - SW Agent for the San Francisco Times, and Eastern periodicals, and papers. JOHN M.BACON. BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES. PIES, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY. Iew Firm! Diller & Miller! Proprietors of the long established LINCOLN BAKERY! West Sitle Main Stiet, Oregon City Oregon. Tale pleasure instating to the public that they have formed a copartner ship for the purpose of better Accommodating their Patrons! And that they will- continue the Mann, faclwe of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers, fyc. 'C. OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES, Has been Dovbly Increased by this changt. and icill be kept complete In Hvtry Department. Goods will be Delivered in the City, Free of expense fo purchasers, and or ders from a distance will becaref uly filled and promptly dispatched. We Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest ! Call. Examine, and PRICE our stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. The highest Cash prices paid for coun try p rod uce. L. DILLER, A F. MILLER. Selling at Cost TO CLOSE BUSINESS ! Aiil mo HUMSUG ! Tlae ISfitire StocRt DRY GOODS. F READY-MADE CLOTHING, BLOTS AND SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and C'hildrens' HATS AND CAPS Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners 1 Hardware, Cutlery, etc. etc. Has got to be sold Regardless of Price! ft2, To convince yourself with respect td this matter, call at the old corner. I. SET. LI NO, South cf Pope -5 Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon Ci-tu. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1319, at the old stand, JWiin Street, Oregon, City, Oreyon. An Assortment of Watches. Jew elry, and Scth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Kepairfngs done on short notice, Mud thankful for past favors. jonx II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESSy etc., etc., Main 5ii, Oregon. City, HW Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that ap examination of bis stock Is jjude feeicte boyiag el?e-here. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. JAMES A. SMITH, OlIEGON CITY. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND LICENSED CONVEYANCER. Bond-. Deeds. Mortgages. Agreements, Contracts, and all other kinds of Legal Pa pers drawn up at short notice. Records ex amined, and copyins done. Especial atten tion given to the adjustment and collection of accounts. Xjg Can be found at the Store of S. D. Francis, Eq., or at the Court House. 22tf rvm mm Cfcn -AT- THE STORE OF S D. FRANCIS, FARMERS WILL FIND A READY AND PERMANENT MARKET, AND WILL RECEIVE THE BEST PRICES CURRENT FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. S. D.FRANCIS, WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPPLY OF FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, AND SYRUPS OF THE BE-VT BR VNDS, AND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OP GROCERIES, PROVIS IONS AND STATIONERY, ALL OF WHICH WILL HE SOLD AT LOW PROFITS. o Call and examine for yourself before Purchasing elsexohere I MOTTODo unto others as you would that others should do unto you. Oregon City, March 23, 18C9. 22. tf .CITY BAKERY! MA IX STREET, OR EG OX CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Wortman &Sheppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds Orders in this Line will meet with PE0MPT ATTENTION! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES! AND PROVISIONS ! STE A M BOAT STORES ! And all Articles used for Culiuary Purposes 1 BARLOW &. FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail 1 Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! A3" In short. Farmers, and tiie public pen eral'y, are invited to call at the City Dakery, where the truth will he made apparent tl.at our fetock if complete, ami our prices reason able. All kiud.s of produce taken in exchange for goods. BARLOW & FULLUtt Jacob tvortma:;. T&OMAS tt. FIELDS Wortman & Fields! Oregon City, Oregoii. DEALERS IN Family Groceries I Provisions of all Kinds ! Wines and Liquors ! Confectionery, Spices Canned Eruits and ATcats I And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar Eta? The highest market prices paid for country produce. laiiitiits:, Faintiiisr SOUSE, AND Steamboat Painting Graining, Gilding, China, Glossing, Imitations " Of all kinds Wootl itiA Mslrblc! Executed as icell as can. be done on the Pacific Coast. Examine our work and Judge for yourselvss: flfir Every order attended to with care and expedition. C. E. MURE A Y, West Door Ihil'iton's Brick. Main St., Oregon Citj- JTARR Sc BROTHER. BUTCHERS & MEAT VEXUEKS. SS- ThankTul lor past favors of the public respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Wc shall deliver to our patrons all the bc.-t qualities of Stall Feed Beet", also Mutton. Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturda ys ! A. H. BtLL. E. A. FAREKR. BELL & PARKER. I RXJGi GISTS, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumer. Oils. Varnishes. And every article kept in Drag torf- Mafcl Street, Oregon City. ". STOP THAT COUGHING 03rE OF YOU CAXT, XT IVE PITY 3"ou. You have triou every remedy but the OSK trtEtfjjeJ, by iw Intrinsic ifiorit. to aiipenwnta nil .iir. iar proiKiratiooj. It is not surprising yu kIkmnJ Iki xhsctanl to try Femctl:ii!s else oft or the ruaiir :-jeriatL-Dt yon h.tvo madd of trashy compuiivJa brXcl tu the public as a certain euro ; but 6 NE WELL'S Pulmonary Syrup 1 rcnlly tho VF.UY BEST rorao!v ever compm:TMi or tlj.j cure ef Coushe, ColiK Sore Throut. Asthum, A h'Xr'ig Couth.llioucliitisaiul Consumption. Thou auiU of people iu Call lbrui and OregVti have ixo .Ireaiiy bvnciiited by tho surprising curative pov. .r tf 5 Pulmonary Syrup inJ with one accord give it their unqu.iliflM app-t Kition. Wo now a-.drfss ourselves to ail wha ore v.tx irquaintcd with this, the greatest Panacea of the nj; "or tho healing cf all disca.su.- f the Tlir&at '..uua, assuring you that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup ia cured thousands and it wiil euro YOU if you ry t: This invaluable modicine is pleasant to the tr.st. oothin, healing and strengthening in its efliTti; ca ircly free fro hi all poUououa or deleterious drug, aid perfectly harmless und:r all eircumsuuees. CortificatfS from many prominent citizens of Sa fraacUco accompany every ouiuu ut NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup RnniNGTON '& C-- AgMt San Fraactawv ALWAYS SAFE ! Always Effectual. Fever and Agr.e is Speedily and cf fectunlly cured by Dr. E. COOrEU'b Uuiver Fal Magnetic Balm. "PRO BONO PUBLICO!" TRULY A VEGETABLE FREPA RATIO X. None genuine without signatute of V. It. Strong. KEIMN'GTOX, IIOSTETTEK & CO., 416 and 41S Front it., San Francisco Sole and exclusive A cents. EEDINGT0N, HOSTETTER & CO.'S ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger This valuable preparation, containing m a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger, has htcome one of tho most popular domestic remedies tor ail disea es of the stomach and digestive organs. As tonic, it will be found invaluable to all person recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise: lor while it imparts tc the system' all the glow and vigor that can b-produced by wine r biantly. it isfreefroni the reactionary effects that f jIIow the cse of jjirits of any kind. It is also an txellent remedy for lemate who softer from diflicnlt menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to the fpa.-?ms thai so frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding in X railroad car, or by sea-sicknes or other causes. It is also valuable as an external application for Gout. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, etc.. REDIXG TOX, HOSTETTE1 4- Co.. 116 aud 413 Front st, San Francisco. Use Electro Silicon, Or?iugie Urillinnt; REDINGTON HOSTETTER & Co.'s Florida Water ! Ear the Handkerchief. This article, possessing the most delicate fragrance of Flowers, is unequalled as a per fume for the Handkerchief. FOR TIIE BATH! Used in bathing it imparts strength and cri erg-to the system, and gives that softness and delicacy to the skin so much desired by all IT REMOVES SUXBURX, FRECKLES PIMPLES Diluted with water it makes an elegant den tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth sweetness to th-j breath, and renders the gum3 hard and of a beautiful color. It should alwas be used after shaving diloft d with water, as it rel ev-s all inflammatioa- REDIXGTOX, HOSTETTER $ Co. 416 and 41S Front st., Kan Francisco. ELECTRO SI LI COX, - OR - Magic lirilljh&iit I Direct from Nalures Labratonji The Besf. article ever discovered for cleans ing and PolishiniJ Gold. Sdver and Fiatcd ware, and a!l smooth Metalic Surfaces, of whatever description, including Kitchen uteur frils of Tin. Copper, Brass. j-tecl. etc. To Jewelers and Woikers in Cold and Sil ver Plate the Electro-Silicon is of inestimable value ; the time saved, and the vexation pre vented by its use, will forever endear its nama to all who have had evidence! f its merits. REDIXGTOX, HOSTETTER 4- C. o!e Agents, San Francisco . - J- - TTOR FLAVORING REDIXGTOX, HOSTETTER $ EXTRACTS Are tlrjb bet. Redington, Hostcttr & Flotida Water ! Cos USE NO OTHER. UneiceHfd for Toilet Usa and for tfc Bmb, 0 O 1 y t A.