.ii v? mm , J- (j TUlF&TCIITI fjc til . 11 1 Hi, r rii.lkrh. 0 CI 1 J J! VOL. BUSINBSS CARDS. ., If MITCHELL. J- DOLril. A. SMIT1I. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty Office oor the old Post Office, Front Btree't, Portland. Oregon. A. C. GIBBS. C. W. rARKISH, Xi-fnry Public, and Cum. f Dtvli. GLOBS & PARRISH, Attorneys uiid Counselors at Laic, "Portland. Orfgx. OFFICE On. Alder street, in Carter's brick block. "Loga Shattuck U Killin, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JVo l' Frnt Strft-t, tl SI airs, I'OUTLANP, OnE'IO-V. j. r. CAri.i:-'. J. C. MOKELAND. CAVIAR & MOirKLAND, ATTOEKEYS AT .LAW, (r. FRO XT and H'ASIJRXGTGX Sts., POltTLANi), QKEQO.V. VV C.J0I1N0N. V. O. M'COWS. .'-tiry Public. JOHNSON U Trie G OWN, Oregon City, Oregon, v.v Will attend to all business entreated to ft.ii- care m any of the Courts of the State. Oiler t money .Negotiate loans, p 11 real e.-t.ue ! Fancy Dry Gn d-. (iraitt bags, Hnilap-, ftu ti de. Particular attention given to contested , i ! (b'"ds. trjl, We pav tl.e highest cash Land cases. j pr.ee tor WudI, Furs, Hides. y II. W ATKINS, M. D., SURGEON. PoUTi.Axn. Oi:ko n. OFV.'i'M Fiont street Residence cor- jjlt. F. UAP.CLAY, 'J3JZ2'.a E3!Le CXZSsa (Fonuei ly -urgeoii to the Hon. II. 15. Co.) OFFICE At Residence, Main street Ore gon ( 'ity, Oieir-ai. J. WELCH, DENTIST. Ferih-.ii'. iit 'u oitfed at Oreaun City, Ortjon ROOMS With Dr. S,,fiarrans, on Main st. CL CREAM SLOON. Main street, ovc door North of the Lincoln Bakery. Oregon City. ....Proprietor. JJ. J. a J." IT. ilUll, iiujiiivtui. I I lie jiropru't'ir is now prepared to lui ni.-ii the public with Ice-Cream wlo-m vie the weather vv.il permit. a!-o Soda, Sarsaparilia, etc . constantly on lian'l. Pie-Nic naities. ar d exciirsions suni,iel. and attended on lnn-t n dice. ' fij.t; t MI'KIUAL MILLS. Savier, Lalioquc & Co., ORG COX CITY t'Keep constantly on liatnl fos sale, iloiir ' ILdhtms, Uran and Chicken Feed. Parties, i purchiiig feed mu-t lurniMi tlie Sin ks. ! CHAUNCEY BALL, IS UW f'r to G red i. in i'c Co., MANIFACrntKIl OF VaSTOnS SUSnrSaiCS , , -o . r ,i ' n "Jl and 1!'J3 I- rent st., Portlana, Oregon. OCT Warons of every description ide to order. General Jobbing done with titatness and disputdi. D. w. wili.iams cm.t. WILLIAMS HYi.ES, ,-, Front street and tiii Fir.-t street, Pm Hand. 'COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and l)e.d- I ) ers in iirocenes and Produce. Agents for the Champoeg, Cotomereial ,.nd Lafayette Flurin" toids. I Live ample Fiie-proof Storage. Consignments solicited. 1 .;. Ay L . J. V, MILLK.lt. j. w. siiatitiK. J. F. B1ILLER Co., MANl'FACTl'ItKI'.S OF AXI I1 K A L 1" i!S 1' At the Oregon Ci'y Bor.t and Shoe Store, Jin in strat. THE BE3T SELECTION Of Ladies", Ger.rs", Boys', and Children's P.o(ds and Slices, on' hand or made to order. CLARK GREENMAH, aw Cit? Oray man &i o reg ox err i S-v, AH orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freiirht of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, will be exe C'.r.cl promptly and with care. AMUtKW WILLIS. WM. HKOrU I5T0X. WILLIS k BROUGHTQN. Having purchased tl.e interest of S. Cram, in the well known LI I rE B 1 r S TA B L E One door west of Excelsior Market. Oregon City, announce that thev will at all time Leepgood horses a. d "carriages to let, at reasonable rates. Horses bought and sold or kpt bv the day or week. )AVID SMITH, Successor to S2I1T1I d- 2IARSHALL, 0 Black-Smith and IVaqon Maker, Corner of Main and Third streets., Oregon City Ore'-on. -B'acksmithin2: in all Us branches- Wtt I v" "tawini; iiuu tr-i-ao iuS. .nt wuiK warrant tu to give sati.-l.ictain. J. BIcHenry, 1U FRONT STREET, r:frp PORTLAND, Ore-on IlaToTLnd. and is constant - ly re -eiving direct troni the Ka.a large and carefu'lv selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, T ' ' amps, etc., all of wdiich he offers at prices t0.ilt,,e tiu e'.:lt Wholesale and Retail, AJeaiers will do well to call and exam- ine his stuck, and learn his prxes, bvfvrc purcuasmg elsewhere. WgP. .ft. .'a. fa -..-Vl. "Km- KB'JlaJh'J.a ; U XI NESS OA BBS. IIMES & DALLAM, IMrOItTERS AXD JOUBF.r.3 OF Wood and Willow Ware. Brushes, Twines. Cordage, etc., AND MAXl'FACTUUr.KS OF Brooms, Pails, Tubs, IVashhoards. -c 215 a 217 Sacramento St., San Francisco. 113 Maiden Lane. N. Y. City. YM' BROU g in ox. Contractor and Builder, : Main St.. OREGON CITY. Will attoiiJ to all work in his line, con- fcisti.ij; in pin t of Carpenter and Joiner woik framing, building, etc. Jobbing nroiaptty attended t . HOME MAIv LTACTURE. j, e. pXttoij, 'Successor to II1GG1XS d- COJli'AXY, No. 8 Fr'int Street, Portland, Oregon, Is no.v manufacturing a superior article of Cliem:c; 1 . Olive. Pale and Ilrmvn Family teuap which lie w.ll ta 11 at San I'ntt:eico prices. t-lL. Th s soa p is wai ranted. yr t AO U T n O 11 i 'P I I l POETLAND AUCTION STOSE, 97 Fir.st St., Portland, Next Door lo Post Office. tfS Import? rs ami Jobbers of Staple arid A LARGE IS VOICE OF SEW Sunday School and Gift Eoeks! j T7UOM THL AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE JL ty and arioits other PiddisJnixj Houses ' For sale by the subscriber, on Jellerson st. betwoen Jd and Z. I'ortlaiiil, )r-g-;n. V. 11. ATKINSON, Secreiary. o-2.1 1 and Tr-.-as. Oregon Tract Society. -o A. .1. muT-lRuE. H Dealer in California, Vernu nt ami Italian Marbles. Obelisk r-, ' t Mnnvnteiits. Head and lujot Salem Oregon. t".--..?-Mantles and Furniture Marble furnished i'j:;.t HOTELS. ;ESTAl" PANTS, eve. rPiHENIX HOTEL. Main Sireet, Oregon City J. F. Miller & Co., Proprietors. The propiietois of the above I!-!c! take i rreat plca-nre in aim..'..!;.: rg to tt.e t'-at they have n.ade arranLetueti's to c;i a i first class heu-e for the t rave: rig punie!, a..d hope to receive a shaie ot tlu-ir patronage TUe Hon.-e i- at a verv ronveident. di-tanre fiotn either landing ot the fteamboab-, at;d ne:.r the center ot bii-ines. 4'IAVF HOUSE. j M AIN STREET. ORECON CITY j i lie 1 ioprieiors oi ihi wed !. no'.vn ! Ilou-e renew their tha ks to the public- for the pationage lo ie nfore so :iber: ly besT.-w-S eib ILiviag in, .: -i nd newly fr: ni.-bed j our iiiuiM', wo Ciatai to posse-s ;;cco::ii:n;da- i lion- in every lesj.. ct iider-or to no House t i the Stale. WJiiTEi UliOALES, j j,t r; 1 ,,, l',-.-.s-i,.f.r j QOS.MOPOLM'A N HOTEL. j Forma l.. An i,a", FGETLAHD, Cre?cn. j The u?ideri-'-ned res.'-t r.u U- an- j ,u.uoce that hav.n-"' put chased this widciv know,, a:,l wvd koor boU-1, iboy ae now ! pi pated to oTi'er uierior accoi.itnouations j to the ttMvoling public at greatly reduced pt ices. This hotel is located nea'-cst the ; steamboat hindings. Hie hotel carach will be in attendance to j eon vev passengers to and from the lmuse I free of chrn-f. I . li. t ALL, J. Li. SPbKNfii;!:, i're pi ieioi's. VESlEItN HOTEL Corner of Firsthand Morrison streets. i ot; n. i. -M;;-:f;o. Th2 best and most cornfbrtub'e Hotel in the State, where every want is :mtici:iate,, and cheerfully supplied. Waise. and coui Baths uttactied to the houso. This Hotel is located near the. steamship Landiiig. The Hotel Coach will be iu at tendance at all the I, anilines, to convey passengers and baggage to and from the house free of chaise. JONH C. PORCY. SAMUEL 1). HOLMES, Xt.tfl Propiietors. lyilAT CHEER HOUSE Sos. lg'5, IgS and ISo 1- rout street, l'dUTLAN I). ( ItU.nOX. The undersigned having nenlv f'UHihed THOR'jUiillLY RENOVA 1 ED 'this well known house, solicit increased patronage from the traveling public. The House Iras lately been rehtted, ami the proprietors are now'abie to oiler additional inducement- to their patrons. The table will be furnished with the het tm-irktt affords, and be under i 10 anediatesuperv km, t l toe j nopi ;t-Tors Lo""'s wt!.! lunt .shed and wud ventilated, y h h-proot safe for the deposi. o valuables. Baggage taken to the hotel h ee of charge. Nothing will be left undone, winch is in the power of the proprietors to render guests com. brtuble. J. LVO.NS, F. O'CONNOR, bbbti! Proprietors M E 11 1 C A N EXC i 1 A NGE. ( rufr- L IX i OLS 110 1 SEf Xo. S 1 Front slrccf, Portland Ortgsn. L. P. V. QUIMIiV, ruoriiiKTou, t Lad ff Wtc-iit u Hotel. ) ! ltos nouse istt:e most commoo'ious in tr;e State, newly furnished, and it will be the en- j deavor ot the p'-oprietor to make his guests i comfoi table. The Raggage Wagon will al ways be found at the iainfng on the arrival ! ... i i i i 112 'he house free of charge ! TLYlDEuE bALUON. ; ' i i-i-uiiiMups asm river uoais, carrying oag- i ir, o,,.,,, n r-, i J1 ua h tt(i Orcyon C i?J. ! (, ; f , J a V'Tn.i'.r oul f"' p!,st lJu"f) s"itcu a c- n n.uince ot t!e sanie. ! FliKE RUXCJI DA 1 1 V j And the very best qualities oMViues. Liquors M. BROWN, Proprietor, thankful f .r past f ...... . . i " . i and t a ars. I Pigs' Feet, Tripe, llerrimr Qvster sand Sardines coustautlv on hand ' OREGON CITY, OBEGOxT,.' SATURDAY, KOUIiTIXG IXSEASOX. I love to kourt in Winter, The many g-Irls I no. When awl outside is tlrery And kiverel up with sno; I love to kourt in W enter, Bekaws the old folks dred The kohl and stormy wether And hunl oph to bo 1. I love to kourt in Spring time, When all is bright and gay, When nature srailcs so sweetly, To chase the kob?. away ; I love to koart in Spring time, liukaws the gills, you no, They look so crful pretty ' In dres.-es kut so lo. I love to ko-.irt in Summer, "When all things are inblume, An.l yet 1 think that kor.rting Will ever be lay dume ; For I liave asked ju&t tvrenty-one Of all the girls I no, To have me for their loving one, And they have answered Xo! A CAtxJ OF TRUE LU VK BY AMY IMXDOU'H. Lillian Little was packing her trunk She was 2,'oiiiL?" out as a u'overnes's Ilor iiist iriend 3iiss S;:rali I IoneycroJ't liad called to bid lier p;ood bye. 4i Su you're really iroiiipf, Lilly ?" si'ghed that elderlv ladv, viewini the preparations lor departure that strewed the lloor around lier. u Yes, Miss Sarah, 1 am really goincr ' u To be a jroverness V" ' Yos, to be a ove I'll ess " It's a hard lite Sarah au'ain. " sighed Mis Xo harder than many others," answered Little Lillv, folding a nest oi white aprons. "And to think vou'v always lived so easily until now !" " That is the very reason I should be villir.'g; to work when the neees- itv has at h t eenie unon me, eourageously ans wereei our heroine. "1 re-ally think your aunt should have invested her money a little more carefully in mere justice to you. Any fool could have told that, those South American mining shares -were a mere bubble." Little Lillv dived into a trunk after a sfrinvi', pursed up the lips, but said nothing. Miss elvei ! artih ! took snu!f and went on: 1,1 And how much do you have a vear :' -Three hundred dollars!" 4i It's a mls'-rable pittance, Lilly." u It will be a small fortune to me. Miss Sarah," the 'girl answered smiling. Miss Sarah shook er head and said: "1 think Charles Austin on edit to liave married you. Everyone thought his intentions meant some thing serums !" Little Lilly suddenly grew rosy all over, she dropped a pair ot Cinderella-like slippers on the floor, and came near putting the poker in her trunk. 'Air. Austin v. as verv kind to me mi always," she said, hurriedly, but but he never xave me any rea son te suppose ' u Yes, yes," said Miss Sarah, k I maiersiand. You're a good girl, Lilly and if you'll give me these slippers, Ell sew on the black satin rosettes, while you finish packing."' It. -was late -when she kissed Little Lilly good-nhght, and trudg ed home thromrh the snow but I as site battled her way through ! dusk and wind she still muttered j resolutely to herself: i ' She may say what she will I I shall maintain to my dying dav that Charles Austin, after all his attentieuis, oieght to have come let"Wa i el like a man and married her now !"' It was something like a month subsequently to the scene above sketched when Mr. Charles Austin sat in Herbert Ellyot's library con tentedly sharing with the last named gentleman the luxuries of a cigar, a grate lire and a tefc-ct-tetc. Well. Ellvot " he said, after one or two topics of conversation had. been exhausted, "and how goes erne; on vour wile's new gov- . . . " As good as gold and as true as steel !" answered the gentleman ' paces and no compromise !" You needn't give yourself that trouble," answered unnecessai'A" Austin, I am going to marry her." And Avhv the eleuee haven't you done it sooner?" demanded Ellye)t, peremptorily. "I wanted to try her to prove the solid worth and resources of her character." "An el are you satisfied now ?" " I am satisfie eh She lias been addressed. " She's worth a score i lowed him to sit up amid big eush of city belles, with all the stars of ions in a capacious easy chair by a Xewport and Saratoga thrown in, Avindow. Austin; and if vou" don't marrv "This is splendid, Ellyot," he lier, I'll call vou out pistols at ten said, without turning his head, as weighed in the balance and not found wanting. I mean to ask her to marry me to-morrow !" " I am glad of it, from the bot tom of my heart. I know you, Charley Austin, but the world does not. Do you know what Mrs. Grundy has been saving about you "Xo what?" "That vou deserted Little Lilly because her aunt s lortune was dis sipated in , those South American mining schemes." Austin colored a little. " Let the world talk," he said impetuously, " what care I for its idle buzz ? Up to this I have been unable to support a wife as one like Little Lilly ought to be sup ported. To-day I received the ap pointment to travel in India for the iirm of Meliington & Mellington. If she will go with me " Ellyot leaned forward to shake hands with his friend. u You have my best wishes, Charley," he said earnestly, " and if you in ter, you will v. in a jewel of the Aery finest water!" As Charles Austin wrflked home ward through the darkness of the stormy February night, musing on the newer and brighter life in store for him, the Fate which lies in wait for us all when we least ex pect it was biding its time, stern and inexorable. Just as his fancy was picturing a lire-lit hearth, with Little Lilly's dove-like eyes shin ing beside it, his foot slipped on an ice-glaeed curb-stone and he fell with his whole might on an unlucky ankle bone. There was one. instant of sharp intolerable pain one thrill as if nerve was through his whole hotly and. then he fainted on the pavement. "When he returned once more to something like consciousness, he was lying em the sofa in his own bachelor parlor at the St. Hreadal bane Hotel, his ankle bandaged, his brows wrapped in iced cloths, and a sickly smell of drugs per- meating tin " Wliat's v. hole room. the1 matter V" he cried e t. Have I been sick?" And the recollection returned to him. " Is there much damage dene?" he faltered. 'Xo," they told him; "lie had great reason to be thankful that liie was spared to him." "Am I a cripple?" with a down ware I glance to ..where his throb bing ankle was supported among pillows, and the surgeon answered : " It will be months, perhaps years, before you will entirely re cover the use ot your hurt limb. Xor can I promise it ever, as an absolute certainty !" A low groan broke from between Charles Austin's parched lips. The glittering castles in the air that Ids fancy had so lately built up ; like a dream they melted away. And first in all the bright vanish ing phantasmagorias, shone the pure, peaceful face of Little Lilly ! It was all over now ; lie must teach himself to forget ! The bit ter, bitter lesson to forget ! And then came on fever, and long days when life, hung as it were on a mere cobweb of chance, and Death watched gaunt and grisly, close at his side ; ami when Charles Austin waked out of the listless fever-dream, he was weak as any babe ! " Is it you, Ellyot ?" lie gasped feebly when he had rallied strength sufficient to sj eak. "I thought it was a woman's face !" " You mustn't talk, old fellow!" said Herbert, approaching with some medicinal draught. W o- man's face ? of course it was a wo man's face. Hetty Hriggs has just been washing up the hearth and oilcloths." Austin frowned feebly. Hetty Briggs, indeed ? As if those deep, dreamy eyes, that velvet touch be longed to Hetty Briggs. But he was too weak to argue the matter, ! ami so he swallowed his draught, I and went feebly to sleep, still won dering vaguely what woman had sat at his beside. As the davs Avcnt on he grcw ' stronger, until at length they al- . -a a footstep sounded on the threshold But 1 am verv weak still, old fel- I low. What made you stay away j ng There Avas no answer. He look- eel round straight into the blue limpid deeps of Little Lilly's eves. "Little Lilly!" m "Yes, Mr. Austin Charley it is I," she said laughing, and color ing as pink as a sweet pea. " Xow you mustn't take hold of my hands COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, MAY" lo, iS6i. how can I talk ?" " You don't talk through your finger-ends, Little Lily!" For the poor im-alid could jest still. " Xo, but listen to me. I am not a governess now, Charier. I am a rich heiress. The South American mining shares have proved a success. My aunt's in vestment has quadrupled I Char lev, Avhv do vou look so sorry ?" His countenance had fallen. He had had many long hours for thought during bis illness. He had made up his mind that Avith the money he had saved, not much, butiill, enough, lie might ask little Lilly to grace the poor cripple's home. Surely it might be better than the ill-paid drudgery of a governess's life. But now " Do I look sorry, Little Lilly ? only because it Avielens the gulf betAveen us still more hopelessly." His head drooped dejectedly on his hand. Little Lilly came to his siele.'. "Charles," she faltered. "I know not how to sav it, but but Avhile you Ave re ill, and I Avas here helping to nurse yon " " You here ? Then it Avas your lace ?" " Yes, it Avas mxr face." she nodded. "At that time, Avhen Ave thought that the valley of death Avas al reaely encompassing you, Mr. Ellyot tohl me of what happened on the night of your accident." " Aye," he said moodily ; " but it is all past uoav." " But Avhy past ? Have you ceased to love me ?" " I love you better than eA'er but vou are a rich heiress uoav, I ml m ' a miserable cripple. Oh, Little Lilly, if I had been but a Aveek, a day, a single hour sooner in plead ing my cause but I cannot ask you now." "Then I shall come unasked," said Little Lilly, Avith sIoav delib erateness. " Charles Austin, I am going to be your Avife, because Ave both love each other. You will not send me awav from vou !" His eves filled Avith tears: the strong, noble magnanimity of a woman's love struck him Avith a sort of awe, and in the same in stant his hand closed tightly over her's. "Stay, Little Lilly, stay always, and be my little angel, my gejod genius !" he entreated. So ended Little Lilly's governess das, and Charles Austin has the swe etest Avife that ever made home a Paradise ! Tim Planch etti: Mystery. This little gyrating tripod is prov ing itself to be something more than a nine davs' Avonder. It is finding its Avav into thousands of families in all parts of the land. Lawyers, physicians, politicians, philosophers, ami eA'cn clergymen, have Avatched eagerly its strange antics, and listened Avith rapt at tention to the Planehette Board, its mystic oracles. Mrs. Jones de mands of it Avhere Jones spends his evenings ; the inquisitive of both sexes .-ire soliciting it to "tell their fortunes ;" speculators areinvtking its aid in making sharp bargains, and it is said that even sagacious brokers in Wall street are often found listening to its vaticinations as to the price of stocks on a given future day. To all kinels of in quiries answers are given, intelli gible at least, if not always true. A Avonderful jumble of possibilities in mental and moral character is this little bit of Avooel, now giving utterance to childish drivel, now bandying jokes and badinage, now stirring the conscience by unex eeptionaly Christian admonitions, ami now uttering the baldest in fidelity or the most shocking pro fanity; ami often discoursing pro foundly on science, philosophy, or theology. It is true that Plan ehette seldom assumes this variety of theme and diction under the hands of the same individual, but. in general, manifests a peculiar facility ot adapting its discourse to the character of its associates. M'Cormick has Planchctt for sale Si'Ecu: Payments. A gentle man stepped into a lager beer sa loon in Syracuse recently, and bought tAvo glasses of the bevea age, for himself and a friend, and thrcAV down a ten cent silver coin. The Teuton neA er having seen one before as he had been in this coun try only tAvo years thought he was imiosed upon, and it was once the currency of the land, and its A alue was real. "Mein Gott in I limine 11, dis is der sbechie bay mcnt rat I read so mnnv dings about und nefer sees no tirn fore. CT5 pe- MIGEA TI0XI1 OMES. From the New York Tribune April 10, 1SG9. E'erv human being ought to baAC a Home not merely a shelter for the night, but a habitation of I Let it be clearly understood that, his own in which he is content tojso far at least as the south is eon- live and resigned to die. Crime is ! the fruit of homelessness of the thousands who crowd our State prisons, not even hundreds owned house or farm Avhen they sank into felony. If every family in this country oAvned its home, the num ber annually graduated through idleness and vice into out-right, flagrant villainy would be rapidly i ana permanently umiimsiKu, e urge no one who has steady, assured employment, and is doing j well, to seek a hcav field of exer-j tion. To such, Ave Avouldonly say: Jle.solce to serve apcirt uio'jfrts-: tut income jo 7 the ceil days that must surely come. If you have no home and cannot yet atforel to buy one, put a part of your current earnings into a savings bank, or into Government bonds, or into some form of security that may be converted into the home that you are sure to need, and at no distant day. Cling to the eitv, if vou will, Avhile trade prospers and Avork abounds, but keep ever in mind the instability of fortune ami re solve to be soon settled for life in your own chosen home! But every city has its hundreds, erery great city its thousands, avIio are not truly thriving avIio have some hundreds if not thousands ahead, yet can no longer increase their hoard, because their families have groAvn faster than their in comes, or because expenses have increased faster than their earnings. These have nothing to gain by clinging desperately to paA ements ; in fact, man a' of them grow" old anel infirm, and cannot earn as ther once did. Many an artisan or small trader could take -5,000 out of the city Avith his family next spring avIio, should he remain here, will not be able to do it thereafter. To all such, Ave most earnestly saA", strike at once for the open coun try ! Land is cheaper uoav than almost aiiA'thing else; it Avill bo dearer ten A ears hence. Go south j go Avest go into the heart of our own noble State go whither soever vou will, so that the roof over your head, Avith some acres of adjacent land, shall thenceforth be yours so that your Avife and children may rejoice in the secure possession of a home. Bight Avell do Ave knoAV that he Avho migrates to the country braA'es many rebuffs and disap pointments that he will betempt eel to cripple himself at the outset by buying more land than he should, so as to cripple him for years that he will lie discouraged by the necessity of buying animals, implements, food, seed, Ac, by blighted crops and sickness in his family. No man ever vet entered upon a ucav career Avithont making frequent miscalculations and seeing many dark hours. But the pioneer deans Avisdorn from each diseoA"- ereel mistake, each day's ru ggee experience, and is cheered by the consciousness .that lie is on the high roael to independence for his children and their children. Of those Avho embark in trade, a large majority fail ; Avhile of those sons avIio really try to thrive by pro ductive labor, by far the larger number succeed. The".: gains mar seem meager, but th' y are sure ; anel each day's resolute effort fits them to achieve a better result on the morrow. Much is said of the desirability of inducing a large emigration from Europe, to Avhieh Ave make no objection ; but there is better Avork nearer home. If one million persons could this year be drawn out of our cities and settled on the new lands of the Avest or the dilap idated plantations of the south, the consequent enhancement of our national prosperity Avould be in calculable. 1 here Avould be pco pie enough left in the cities to do all the needed work, while those who left us Avould add immensely to our annual product of material Avealth. This country Avould be A astly richer and more prosperous if the surplus population of her cities could be gradually diffused over her waste places and her not ret half-tilled farms. Gorern ments can do little to promote and accelerate such diffusion, ret seA--eral States luiA e entered systemati cally upon the Avork of making known the fertility and cheapness of their ret unoccupied lands, the excellence of their climate, timber, water-power, &c., respectively, with intent to attract immigration. If onlr as an earnest of the avcT ! come which-immigrant " -re like ly 1 Vg" V: gs-- 10, 27. to meet, this action has decided ralue; and the information that these State agencies collect and dis seminate must prove useful to j tnousanels. eerned, there is no present demand for unskilled labor. In each of the Southern States, there is more labor already than demand for or rather more than there are means to pay. The south did Avell in 1S0S ; but she is still poor, and hef landholders are generally in debt. canning or planting to profit in- volves the power to command la- lor when ivis needed jand he who would command labor must ha-ts cash to pay for it. A planter in debt to his hands for a half a rear's Avork is too much at their mercy; his help is likely to desert him just Avhen his need of it is the greatest. The south needs more capital be fore she can give satisfactory em ployment to more labor. Bet nom there fore, o thither empty-handed ; in quest of employment, for he is morallr sure to be disappointed. It is different in the Par llcsr, Avhere farm labor is likely to be in eager demand from the first hour in which a ploAV can be run to ad vantage, and Avhere it Avill com mand high Avagcs during the Sum mer harvest ; but the south wants immigrants with means, and does not invite others, lie who is pre pared to pay cash for lands can buy them in the south for less money than the improvements -cost often, for less than the cash value of their timber at this hour. ' .Again we urge eery one who lias means to buy the spot Avhieh he may choose as his future home to select and buy it now, though he should not take possession for years. Choose deliberately, but make sure of a refuge from misfor tune and a harbor for old age and decrepitude. The Brooklyn X. Y. Eagle con tains a report of a coroner's inquest on the body of Mrs. Sarah E. Far rand, of Brooklyn, who died of in i uiies received by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. Itwas generally supposed from the circumstances of the case that the explosion was caused br the kerosene being of a higher proof than that alloAved to be sold by hnr, and the coroner kept a quantity of the fluid to make an examination. On testing a sample of the oil, hoAvever, he found that such Avas not the case. Thisledtoan examination of the lamp, and there the cause of the explosion " Avas discovereel. The ' lam) itself Avas properly construct ed, but through carelessness the ventages for the escape of the va--por generated by combustion were stopped up Avith dirt, Avhile the Aviek used Avas too small for the tube;1:, and the gas found vent through1 the tube coming in direct conflict" Avith the flame, and the explosions Avas the result. Persons using ker osene lamps should look to this see that the lamps are kept clean j and the ventages for the escape of vapor are open; also that the wick fits the tube closely, so as to permit no direct communication betAveen the flame, and the oil in the lamp... A tall Eastern girl, named' Short, loved a certain big Mr.. Lit tie; while Little, little thinking of Short, loved a littc lass named! Long. To make a ong story short;. Little proposed to Long, and Short: longed to be even with LittleV shortcomings. So Short, meeting-. Long, threatened to marry Little belore Long, which caused Littlb in a short time to marry Long; Query Did short love big Little less, because Little loved Long. Xails in the Foot. To get re lief ii 'om the terrible effects of run ning a nail in the foot of a man or horse, take peach leaves, bruise j them, apply to the Avouud, confine with bandage, and the cure is as if yY magic. KeneAV the -application twice a daif necessary, but one application generally does the work. Both man and horse have, in a few hours, ay hen apparently on the point of having the lockjaAV, beeu cured. Speaking about the bed quilts of colors and innumerable pieces which take prizes at agricutural fairs, "Aunt Lucy" says in the Mu ral Ncic Yorker, "I have lived for-tA'-six rears and brought up six children, and have never yet found time to bur calico and cut it into little pieces, half an inch square, for the purpose of sewing them to gether again, just to see how many I eold make of it. . if' o CO 0 O o o G O o 0 o ej i