J HAVE MOTHER NOW. The midnight stars are gleaming Upon her silent grave ; Now sleepeth without dreaming The form we could not save, The cloud of grief is keeping Its shadow on my brow Oh ! blame me not for weeping I have no mother now. No mother now to bles3 me, With love sincere and true; No mother to caress me ; As she was wont to do. No, Mother ! Grief is keeping, Its cloud upon my brow, Oh ! blame me not for weeping 1 have no mother now. AGRICULTURAL FACTS. Deleware proposes to have an Agricultural College. 0 The average price of product ive land is highest in New-Jersey, lowest in Florida. Until agriculture had railways H was almost impossible for her to improve. The people of this country have yet to learn that the roots of the grape vine cannot be kept too dry. The total number of sheep in the United States is estimated at 35, 000 000, of which California has one-seventh. Of the Southern States, Kentucky lias changed less than any other in the value of its real property with in ten rears. Norfolk, Va., sent over a mil- ... . , i 1 L - lion dollars worth oi cany vegeta bles and small fruits to the New York market last year. Mechi thinks the three chief evils g of English farming are bad drain age, shallow tillage, and waste of crrain seed. In estimating hay by measure ment allow 450 cubic feet for a ton in the upper half of a mow, and 500 in the lower half. It has been found out that the se cret or making sugar from sorghum juice, is making the liquid clear be- iore it is boiled. The Southern papers report a general zeal for cotton planting. The bales of 18G0 will probably fall little short of the crop of 1800. Tn the pastoral regions of the Rocky Mountains butter is now madeVhich is superior to any made elsewhere in our country. A Vermont paper says we pro duce in this country about seven million pounds of maple sugar an nually. Rotten chips, decayed leaves, hardwood ashes, lime, and old well rotted barn manure are the best fertilizers for orchards. Air. Lawes, writing of English farmers, says he finds the best on poor land, and the worst farming on the fattest land. Tn TContnflv-v flip. nrOOfrp?SLVG ...v j i - - o farmers are introducing ;i new escu lent, -which is much praised the Brazilian sweet potato. George Warring says the farin er who" spending 300 an acre in manuring his vegetable garden, is likely to make 8-500 an acre. lie is a good farmer who makes good compost heaps; he is a "better who manages to have the manure applied, as last as it is made. 0 Barley has been a Letter crop for ret urns than wheat, for several years past. The difficulty in bar ley growing is that it all requires euttins: at one time. Last year the farm of the Mich - igan Agricultural College, was so well managed that the receipts were $l,20Cfmorc than the expen ditures. Soak seed wheat and seed barley in brine; it can do harm; it is like ly to stiffen the straw, and in thovt sansd of cases it lias prevonted niiit. As a rule the English farm-horse has better lodging and takes few er steps in getting to his work than the English farm laborer, Horse comion is more suiuieu man human comfort. The farmers near the seashore in Maine have learned that rish make as good feed as hay, and one lish makes a full meal for a sheep. The time is fast comuw when landed proprietors will be esteemed for the condition of their acres rather than for their extent of ter ritory. Tincture of arnica is the best thin j in the world for o-nroot in cows, drive tliem a teasnoontnl ot . , j,. ." ''"S-" 4tw- J t Li livn 1...-.. im uiiviuic m uwui nine nines ;i ee times ji dav, and bathe the hair with it as otten. Many farmers are coming to the conclusion that close manure cellars under barns are not well for the hay, or the animals and grain a bove, A manure shed is a better arrangement. The best articles in anv of the Southern papers are those which urge upon planters the policy of making their own jork, and raise mules. Cotton at ten cents will not then bankrupt them. TV- X . Three reasons wliv butter is 50 cents a poimu. l. liie tuury- man's dan crater never came over to UUA this country. 2. Railroads take the milk to cities. 3. There are more brick houses than Ay si lire bulls. The second proposition will not apply in Oregon. Some say that it is no use for them to advertise, that they have been in the place in business all their lives, and every body knows them. Such people seera to forget to take in consideration that our country is increasing in population nearly 40 per cent, every ten years, and no mat ter how old the place may be", there are constant changes taking place ; some move to other parts, and strangers fill their places. In this age of the world. un less the name of a business firm is kept constantly before the public, some new firms may start up, and. by liberally ad vertising, in a very short time take the place of the older ones, and the latter rust out. as it were, and be forgotten. No man ever lust money by judicious adver tising. fpt All citizens of Oregon who desire to inform their friends in the old States of i the condition and progress of this State, can have no more complete and compre hensive volume of facts to send them than by subscribing for this journal, and hav ing us mail it weekly to their friends. We mail it as directed. ' For S5 01) paid in ad vance, wo mail two copies of the Enter prise one year. Send the paper to friends in the East. One copy one year $3 00 Two copies one year Four copies six months , Eight copies, three months. . , 5 00 5 00 o 00 What pleasure it is to pay one's debts! In the first place, it removes that uneas ness which a person feels from de pendence and obligation. It atfwi ds pleas ure to the creditor, and therefore gratifies our social affection. It promotes that fu ture confidence which is so very interest ing to an honest mind. It opens a pros pect of being readily supplied with what you want on future occasions. It leaves a consciousness of our virtue ; and it is a measure we know to be right, both in point of justice and sound economy. Fi nally, it is the main support oi simple rep utation. Fay us, that we may pay others. SPECIAL NOTICES. Clackamas Division No. 3, S. of T. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon City. Members of the Order are invited to attend. By order "YV. P. multnomuli Lotljjje Se. 1, A. V, and a A. 51. Holds its regular eommuni f' cations on the First and Third Sat urdays m each month., at 7 o'clock, from the 2'Jth of September to the -20th .of March, and 7n o'clock from the 2th of March to the 20th of September. Brethren m good standing are invited to attend. By order of YT. M. Oresron I..ol;re JVo. 3, I. O. of O. TP.-- 'xx-' Mtet3 every Wednesday even- M ing at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, l "fcwiW- Main street. j Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. ti. 131. O.t. ? Meets every Saturdav evening, at the rocrss 8.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 i o'clock. lsit.ing members are invited te attend. By order of AV. C. T. PAIN KILLER, TUTS GREAT iamiiy jtuc:acme oi A (TP Talcen Internally, it Cures Dysentery Cholera, Diarrhoea, Cramp, and pain in the Stomach. Dowel Complaints, Pander's Colic, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Indigestion, bore throat, JMiuden Colas, Coughs etc.. etc., etc. USED EXTERNALLY, IT CURLS, Boils, Felons. Cuts, Bruises, Bums, Scalds, Old sores, Sprains, lootm-che, Pain in the Face, enraljria. Rheumatism, Fro-te.l feet, etc., etc. 23.-U JT)AIN KILLER cu-es Sore Ihrnat. A Favorite Medicine with all classes. Is Da is' Pain Killer. IF yon have Painters' Colic, U.i the Paiu Killer. O Medicine is so popular, As the Tain Killer. JEEP the Pain Killer always on hand. IF you have a Cough or Cold. Use thi Pain Killer. 1 J OOK out and not be catht A'ithout a u iotiie ot J am ivnwr in t e liouse. 1ET every body use the Pain Killer j For Spi aius aud Uruises. J? VERY sailor should carry a bottle f V Pain Killer ; ith him. 1 EMEMBER. the P:iiu Killer is f. r IV Both Internal and Extern;d use. 25.5) SOLD bv all DRUGGISTS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S iJTEAMSilirs von Mew York, Japan &. China, Will be dispatched as follows : o Leave wharf corner of First and Brannan streets at 1 1 o'clock a. m. of the following dates, for Panuna, connecting via. Panama R. R. with one of the company's splendid steamers from Aspinwall for New York, on Tin- 10th, 17H 30tU of v:u l n:mtli that lias CO days, and an tiic lOtJx IMh aiitl 3JtH of ent-li inonth that lias 31l;js. jrhtn the 10th, 15-ft and- SV-thf.dlon, Sunday will lotce on S,iturday prtedinr : when melith faUx en sxihday trill have on the jlondiri jo!iwing. Steamer leaving San Francisco on the 10th touches at Manzanillo; all touch at Acapulco Departures of the 17th or lsih are expect- : ed to connect with the French Trans-Atlan- i tic, Co.'s steamer for St. Xazaire. and F.nw- '. lish steamer for South America. Through : tickets can be obtained. " Passengers berthed through, and bacrgage I checked tlnou-di. One huudied pounds id- . lowed each adult. An exper enced Surgeon on board. Medi- I I inu n,l .ill.iiM- .inpa truo I T .1HV. UUU O 111. UUUK1.1. Itl. j ; tiso etMmr win nnii'tiroK- s..;i t. n i ! n'f'ni-'t: Pa scn cr :irc riiin.tfl to li ivc - . : . i . . ! their baegage on board before l o'clock W Throuirh tickets to Liverpool, bv tho j IN MAN and NATIONAL Steamship Lines, IX MAN and NATIONAL Steamship Lines,! tj, All of which is offered for Cash at cash can be obtained at P. M. S. S. Co.'s office j prices. Orders solicited, in SanFrancisco. where may also be obtained j JOHN O'CONNOR, orders for passage from Liverpool or South- j No. iiO First street, Portland Oregon, ampton to San Francisco either via New i VrS ,or stl.T!,om.?1sTif riam0lVTTILDDUPGII, BROS., & Co. of 10 or 2o will be advanced with the i XX above orders. Holders of orders will be re j D. IL TllLDBURGII, ) quired to identify themselves to the Agents I LOUIS ElN'sf I IN, Portland. iu England. " j L-HILDLIURGU , :n Francisco. For merchandise and freight for New York f,norters rr,d J ll..U-7 Dealer in and way ports, Company s form ot Bill Lad- ?l ; - M , . m ing only used. ' All lUIUlS Oi P12S! or reight received ai?r 2 p.m. cf the dav rrior tn Hpnartiiro i lor passage and all other information, ap-i Ui, UOitlcsliC Eiqunrs, 11 ines V'S"-- acoicii. insii ana Lourbon aln ply at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s office, comer of 1 tOc S-r S r nun. ,ior i oi oiskics ana runcii. fcacranieuto and Leidesdorfi sts. VOJiTI iVn nJ, v v r- F;t.m.',,,e TI'! OI TVFR FI DRinOF A.nf CAiJA Oppo.s.te Failings. Front HUT COFFEE AXD OYSTERS VLl t.lv t,L.VULVjL, Agent. Street. re.t door tf It l,-l-)r,i,r,n,J i,m ... ' PORTLAND BUSINESS. HODGB. . CKAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W SXELL. EODCtE, LEI Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, TAIKTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VAliXISIIES, X RUSHES, RAIXTERS JUatenais, ana rvggi$W gundrUf. 7 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. .) OREGON F5 A TEC E2 H Y ! ?2Y F. 0PITZ,' PSOPEJETOH, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, Bet. Washington and Stark sts. MANl.'FACTrilER OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF CEACKEES! DREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QR ACKERS Will always be sold below San Franciscc prices. All orders promptlv attended to. OULXJON II KEIiY, Itrrt t., Portland. Oregon-. PLOl 3ISG, HAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, Xo. HO liifct Slk-ttt Poi-tluiul Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot. Water Boilers, Marble Top Washslands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Rat it Tubs, Lead Pipe. V7rought Iron Pipes, all Sizes TEES, ELBOW, RETt'EX FEXDL Xli'J'LEs, j;t sLas, f,, for Stuu-m, JVt-'fcr ujid Gas. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water (Junges, Whistle Ta'.lon Pumps, Steam Kuages, Globe, Ansrle. and Cheek Ytdves, (In age Cocks, Air (JV-cks, and all kinds ot Brars Work. Kuboer Hose, Hose 1 "ip.es, Ac. Hotels, public buildings and jnivafe resi dences heated w i i h the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this mai et. C. II. IdYEBS. DIEEGT OIPOSTA1 m:w and ELEGANT STYLES -OF- SUITES. Just received and placed in the warerooms, p aumpj FTP 100, 109, 1JO, It '3 First street, corner of Sahnon, PORTLAND. OREGON. PARLOR SETS IN TERRY, IN PLUSH, AND IN HAIR-CLOTH. Hew Ornamental Pieces, For tli e Parlor, Great Assortment af HOUSEHOLD FUFHIITUEE ! Lonnres and Spring beds. The trade sujrplied icith goods in original packages, on reasonable "" HURGREN t SIITNDLER. 1857 i ESTABLISHED) 1857 No. 90 First Street, Portland, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, fiwAco fintl VlftWPV 1 ctiiU llVMitl ultlW j All Seeds from this establishment Aie War raided Fresh and Genuine, Fore:gn and Domestv Dtied Fruits And Vegi-tables. Foreiirn and Domt-stirt Green Fruits -md Vegetables. Vegt tn les and Fiuit ! Packed with care f I t iruent. XUTS Pea Nuts, Rrazil Nuts, Wal Nuts, Filberts and Almonds. I GHOCEhlRS? A selected stock of Choice Groceries, bought expressly For Fa mi I it Ue. i sl-,,tr, nnd Trih IT, 11 M , , .w ... ...j,,,..,,,., .-Atviii iijui- iui iu5 convenience ot patrons COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOFlilA, : SOON People's Transportation Company ARE STILL THEIR S T 3U IX ADDITION WIT T OC)N II AVE HIE RAILWAY CARS. ALL nF WRICII VII T CONTINUE TO BRING THE LATEST STYLES OF GOOD AND THE BEST QUALITIES TO ACKERMaX, WE W AT TOE OLD STAND, MAUN St., UKEUUA CITY. I DESIRE TO SAY AVE ONE OF THE THAT I II EVER BROUGHT TO THE MARKET, WHICH I AM SELLING AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! o I will say COJtE OXF, COME ALE, and satisfy yourselves that it is so. I have received one o( the largest stocks ever brought to this market, anticipating a brisk trade and 1 am determined that the goods shall be sold. My stock consists in part of a Jjtgg GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID 'ft LOVES, best quality ; IIOSIKKV : imOWN VXD BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths: BOOTS VXD SHOES : HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING ; FIXE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; C-VSS1MERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOVS: AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. 5 A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a larsre stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. ACKERMAN, At Cliariuaii Wanitr' lt Stand. All kinds of Produce Bought.-?? PREMIUM GANGJ?LOWS. As the age in udiich ice live demands progress in Farming Implements as well as in all other branches of indus try,! have entered extensively 'upon the Manufacture of the Celebrated Ffcll Gauls: Flow Better known inOregon as the WOL G A MO T PRO W, This Plow com . bines all the desirable points of a per fect iinphmcnt, being simple in con struct ion, cheap, durable, and of light draft. The only Premiums which were awarded to Gang Plows at the great Implement tri ll at Ala t toon. Sept 4, Iti'iO. by the Slate Agricultural oci clij of Illinois, were aicaracd to this Plow. The following is an extract from the Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, jor the year 1 8u(, and may be found on page 21(3 of that re port : "The Gang Plow made by J. C. Pfeil, Arenzviile, Cass county Illinois, is received with no little favor in the west. Almost in credible stories are told of its excellence and elliciency in plowing the prairie lields of Illinois and other States. " The depth of the furrow is regulated by the crnnk-axle, which is so arranged that the ploughs can be driven deeper or shal lower at the pleasure of the driver, when the team is nioving.by means of the lever. We also manufacture sulkey plows for smtdl boys, or intirm persons who are unable to manage a team of ihrecor four horses. This g;ng of sulkey plow, will cut a fur row from 2 to 10 inches deep. "The committee who tested the draught of tins plow with a dynamometer state, that it ran lighter by 140 pounds, than other plows when running at the same depth, and held by the plowman while on toot. Zig With this Plow one man can do more icork than two men can do with walking Plows, and the same amount of team. Hence, it will be seen that it will more titan pay for itself in one sea son's plowing. I will also manufacture the WEB-F00T GANG FLOY! A X D T II E Web-Foot Walking Plow ! Both patterns of my own invention, for which patent? have been applied jor, and udiich havp. withstood, practi cal tests with the best results r( ceiling fluttering testimonials wherever seen or tried. Xow, the Farmers of Oregon are invited to give the Oregon City Manufactory a trial. Do not purch ase a Plow of any description until you, have examined my make and prices, as I am determined to sell at less than importer's rates, by giving you a more durable article, and a guar antee warranting the same. For further information address JOHN V7. LEWIS, nS.tf J OREGON CITY gHADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MA IX STREET, Oregea Cilv. The above named popular re soit has been thoroughly renovat ed and repaired during th past season and is now open to the public, fully complete iu all its appointmets. Two of the Btt BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introd need , and the Proprietor in vites the attention of ihe lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and :-ady ? KUJNINIxMjt A. M BOATS, TO WHICH TO THE PUBLIC COMPLETES'!? ST STOCKS OF IV2EVJER tTRAGS WANTED. Thomas Gharman ! Succeswr to CHARM AX DRO., rpiIE DEATH OF MY BROTIIEIl HAS JL compel ed me airain to ciiaine tliename of the lit ni of CHAliMAN &. VAU). to that of THOMAS CHARM AN having purchased of the estate all the interest held by my broth er in the stock of good. owned bv Charman & Brother, tukiug "effect January Sd, ISGil. Will be Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in part, of the following branches of trade : Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats, Cops, Rnots and Shoes, Fancy Notions. Perfumery And Patent Aled icines. Paints, Oils, Colors, Dye Stuffs and Varnish, Qaeensware, Crockery & Lamps Sash. Doors, and Window Blinds, Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Rtpte, and Afaih Of Every Description. I ask Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. GROCERIES OF EVER Y VARIETY. r arming implements OF ALL KINDS. eAttcnfion will be paid to any business left with me on Commission Notice. My Business with ail who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a gold basis but Legal' Tender will be re ceived at the market quotations. A -em WELLS FARGO A GO., and of the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co., of N. V lf I desire to say to all who favor me wfth tbeir patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all rdet s slrdl meet 'with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are as good as any house in Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell as ("heap as any llousi in good standing in the State. 1 will not beundersold by any one Please give me a call and exam ne for your selves. Thanking rou for past favors, I remain, Respectfully vours, THOMAS CHARM AN. HOIVIE MADE F NIT WERTHEIMER. Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, OJ!Et;0 CITY. HPAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORMING X the public that he has now on hand a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture I Forming a comydete and desirable assort ment, wliicli merits trie attention ol buyers He MANUFACTURES FURNITURE Using good materials, and employing th very best mechanics m the State, hence h can warrant bis goods to be as represented and he is prepared to till all orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of desirulle 'joodz in the State. 31. WERTHEIMER. Main street, Oregon City. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip p tion. for sale at the Extehpjush ofi:re WEDDING. AT HOME. AND VISIT iug cards ueatly printed at this REGAL NOTICES. k3 In (lie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Countv of Clacka mas... Action to appropriate lands... The Uhunette Falls Canal and Lock Company Flamtih, vs. Hugh Burns and Thomas liart lett. Defendants. To HUGH BUIiXS, Dtft-ndant: Iti the tnune of the State of Oregon, You arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against von in the above entitled action, within ten davs from the date or the ser vice of this Simmons upon von, if servea within said Countv, or if served in any other County of this fctate. then within twenty days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you. And whereas, or der of Publication o'l a Summons lias been made by the said Court hi the above entitled action, in pursuance of said order you are fur ther notified that unless you appear in said Court by the first day of the next term fol lowing the expirati.-n'of six weeks' publica tion ut tins Summons (the first publication being March 27, 18'1'.,) and said next term coniineijcins in ;-aid County on Monday the 0th day if May. 1S39. arid if you fail to answer s-aid omplr.int, the plaintiff wi 1 apply to the Couit for the relief deu.aiided tbeiein, widen is for the op i n.pr ation to the use of Plaintiff, of certain land Ofloi ging to 3'ou in said County and State, to wit : A ceriain strip of land in your Donation Land Claim, about 2GS feet ,n length and sixty feet in with. S. IIUELAT, Attorney 20.7t) for Plaintiff. UMMONS. VD In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas Action to appropriate lands. .. .The Willamette ' Falls Canal and Lock Company Plaintiff, vs. O. C. Pratt Deiendant. To O. V. J'L'A TT, Defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appeor and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action, within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you, if set veil within said County, or if served in any other C -uuty of this State, then within twenty davs from the date of the service of this Summons upon you. And whereas, or der of Publication of a Summons has been made by the said Court in the above enti tled action, in pursuance of said order you are further notilied tha unless you appear in said Couit by the first day of the next term following the expiration of six weeks pntdi cutioti of tli i Summons (die fir.-t puhlica tion being March 27. lSi'9,)and said next t rm commencing in saio Countv on Monday the Qh day of May, 1809, and if you fail to answer said complaint, the Plaintifl will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded therein, which is for the ap propriation to the use of Plaintiff of certain land belonging to you in said County and State, to wit: A certain strip out of two lots owned by you, being originally a part of the Donation Land Claim of Hugh Burns, and the poition sought to be appropriated by Plaintiff being a strip sixty feet in width and about PJ2 feet in length, out of said lots. 20.7t) S. IIUELAT, Attorney for Plaintiff. QUMMONS. O In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon f or the County ot Clacka mas. ... Action to appropr;a e lands The Willamette Falls Canal and Lock Company Fiaintift, vs. Ceorge A.Pe-.se.Pobert M.M..W, Jane Painter and It. C. Crawford, Tru-tee of James M. Mooie, heirs at law of li- bjrt Moore Deceased, John Gordon, and certain unknown owners defendants. To ROBERT J!. 3! ( ) V HE, J A XE P. 1 1 XT EE, and certain- unkrioien airurn, U if end ant : Jn the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear & d answer the complaint tiled anuinsl yon in the above entitled aedon within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you if served within this County, or if served with in any other County of this State, then in twenty days from the date of the service of this Summon upon yon. And whereas, "order of Publication of a Summons has been made by Ihe Co'p t in the above entitled ac tion, ir. pur.-uu ce of said order yo a are fur ther notilied that in less vu appear in said Court by the first day of the next tenn bil lowing the expi' ation of six weeks publica tion of this Summons. (the lirst puidteation being March 27, and said next term commencing in t-aid County on Monday th 10. h clnj of May, 1SG9. and if you fail to answt r said complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded then in, which is for the ap p;opriation to die use of Plaintifl' ji certain land belonging to you as aforesaid, said laud being situated in said County and State, being a portion ot the Donation Land Claim of sai I ltobert Moore deceased, a d 'described as follows t' wit : V strip o: r-aid laud Sixteen Hundred ai d Fourteen and one hal; 1614! feet n length, and Sixty feet in wid h, running through wh t was and is known as Liuu City, in said. Comity and State. S. Ill; EL AT, 2u. 7t) Attorney for P.aiiitiff. II OMLSTEAD NOTICE. In the Uiiited States Land ofiice, at Ore gon City. Oregon. To Robert B. Iake : You are htrebv notified that JIidaeI Penelton has applied a tins office to contest your homestead entry N. 1114, ma le noon the S. f, of S. W. $ If Sec. '20, ;,nd N. of N. V. 4 nf Sec. 2;t, in T. 3 S. 11. 1 E . alleg ing that said claim has been abandoned; andAou aie fart, er notified that ihe case will be heaid at this office on Tuesday, the "2.5th day of May, lt.CV, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. OWEN WADE, Register. HEN RY WAR KEN, Receiver. April Kih, !5o'.. lj:J:-lt JSTOTICE. Is herebv giyen to all whom it may concern mat a. A. .nctu ly rres't ot the I . T. (. o., has presented a petition to the City Council of Oregon City, asking for the vacation of that portion of water street, aud the Allevs lying between the P. T. Co.'s IJasin, and the present Ferry La-ulinir, for the purpos" of building Locks. The hearing of sa d petition is set for tbc first Monday in June, 1SG'.). Bv order of the Council. Oregon Citv, Api'il 20th, 109. 24:4tJ J. M. BACON, Recorder. G U AUDI AX NOTICE. In County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon.: To all whom it may concern : Samuel Engle, having, on tte 5th day of Apr;l, l-:i', tiled a petition praying that he may be appointed guardian of Hoi ace Engle, a minor and non lesident, it was ordei ed that the first Monday of June, lS'i'.t, be set apart us the da lor the hearing of said ap plication, at which time ad peisons inter ested can appearand make their objections to the granting the pravr of said petition if they hare any. w . 'f. MATLOCK. Johnson t McCowx, County Judge. Petitioner's Attorneys. 2'2.St ?INAL SETTLEMENT. " In County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon; In the matter ol the Guar dianship of Geo. V. Mice minor heir of Geo. W. like dec eased. To Geo. W, Bice, Charles "Willi nns. Ann Vi!ii:im -in,! .,ii ,i.. . . ' mattf r : lliluesteu iU sam '''nkpnmifotimi n i t ,. j.aive notice tiiat I). P. Jnonmson Guardi- , r c;,i .: i .".'t a llJIu fi n, j; :l :V 1 : ?. V:60 V:S ,ur . . .,,,M1. rum uun, anu me uourt has anno rited the i FIRST 31 ONI) A r V jttcf for the Examination of the same when you can appear and be beard if vou desire By order of W. T. MATLOCK. T Judge of County Court. Jonxsox k. McCowx, ' 2.5.4t; ittornejs for Guardian. 7 JO PRINTING NEATLY EXKCt T- J edatthe ENTERPH1SE OITTCL'. MISCELLANEOUS. LBERT BAKTSCII, PIANO MAKER, THIRD STREET, PORTLAND OREGON. Between Taylor and Salmon. Having had an extensive experience in the largest, cities of Europe and America, respectfully announces to the public of Ore gon and Washington Territory that he is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS on Pianos and Melodeons, KT Tuning attend d to with great care. New strings always on hand, and Base Strings made to oider. Orders from abroad promptly attended to, and all work guar anteed. All charges at San Fran dsco rates. PoitTLAXP, April 12, 1860. Mr. Albert Bartst b. piano maker, has remodled and renovated an old piano beQ lotig ng to me, which now has an extraor dinary0 good sound and appearance. The, work d ne on it is of te most sfibstatf character and made in a tVnrkfM!wi!te' man ner. With ti e greatest plea-ure I fi$'o&u--end him to the public of Portland as a No. i xiiecliauic. Yours, JACOB STITZEL. Portland, April 12, 1S69. I take this opportunity of ceitifyuig to the capabdity of Mr. Albeit Iiartsch, of this city, as a first-class piano maker ana repairer, hav ing repaired and tuned pianos for ' my scholars and myself. It is with great pleas ure that I recommend him to the citizens of Portland and vicinity, and trust that he Yfill receive a liberal share ot patronage. II. GUDIO GROB. piGS' FEET. FIlKn. MILIEU, Ks Offers to the citizens of Oregon 5,000 Pounds Souced Pigs' i-'eet, , (put up by him self) in lots to suit. Apply at No. 23 Wash ington street, between First and Second, Portland. Country trade supplied in any desired quantity. A liberal discount to the trade. LOCUS & ALBRIGHT, EXGELS10BI2&, MARKET! Corner of Fourth and Main streets. OllEGOS CITY. elf Keep constantly on hand all kinds of freh and salt meats, such as BEEF, POIiK. MUTTON, VEAL, COkNED BEEF, FIAMS, PICK E LED PORK, LARD, Ad everything else to be found in their line of business. B. L. STONE, FIXE WATCHES.fv AND CHRONOMETERS : Adjusted and Repaired iu the best ; Manner, and Warranted. ' lio. Ill Front st, Portland. Ji OREGON XTY BREWERY ! $rMl HEXR Y II U MB EL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the pub'ie th.it he is now prepar ed to manufacture A No. 1 quality of EAGER BEER,' As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. French Medical Office Dr. J I LI AX PERRAULT, Doctor of Mcdicinp of the Faculty cj Paris, Graduate of tie Univer sity Queen's College, and Physician of the St. John Doptiste Society of San Francisco. Dn. Pekravlt has the pleasure to inform patients and others seeking confidential medical advice, that he can be consulted at h's office, Armory Hall Building, Northeast corner Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Fr.uicisco. Rooms No. o, 11, first floor, up siaws, entrance either on Mont gomery or Sacr;niiento streets. Pit. Perravlt's studies have been almost exclusively deoted tn the cure of the vari ous forms of Nervous and Physical Debility, the results of injurious habits accpi tvd in yo'.th. which usually terminate in impotence and sterility, and permanently induce all the concomitants of old age. Where a secret in-tirmlty-t.xists. involving the happiness of a life and that cf others, lessen and mor ality dictate ihe necessity of its removal, for if is a f.ict that pn mature decline of the vigor of manhood, matrimonial unhappuiess, compulsory single life, etc., have their sources in causes, the germ of which is planted in early life, and the bitter Iruit tasted long af terwards ; pat ienls, laboring under th s com plaint, will complain of one or more of the fo!I-wirr svmuioms: Nocturnal emissions. ! pains m tuc back aud head, weakness of in mory and signt, discharge trom tlie Ure tha on going to stool, or making water, the intellectual faculties are weak-tied, lo s of memory ensues, ideas are clouded, and thero is a disinclination to attend to business, or even to reading, writin;,or society of friends, etc. The patient will probably comp'ain ot dizziness, vertigo, and that, the sight and heaiing are weakened, and sleep dis- j tun oeu oy areams, meianctioly, sighing, j palpitations, coughs an slow fever ; while . some have external rheumatic puns, and ! numbness of the body. Some of the most common symptoms are pimples in the face and aching m different parts of the body. Patients suff'ei ing from this disease should apply immediately to Dn. Peuravlt, either in persons or by fetter, and he will guaran tee a cure of seminal weakoess in six to eight weeks. Patients suffering from venerial disease in any stage, Gonorrhea Gleet, Stictures. Bubo Ulcers, Cutaneous eruptions, etc.. will be treated successfully. All Syphillitic and Mecurial Taints entirely removed from tLo Dn. Perratlt's diplomas are in his office,. ! where patn-i ts can see for themselves, that , they a e under the care of a regulai Iv educated practitioner. The best references given it . required. 1 Patients suffering under chronic diseases,. ; can crli and examine for themselves. We invite investigation : claim not to know evcrvtbin no - to cure evervbodv. but wo co claim that m all ca-es taken under tieat ment, we fulfill our promises. We particu larly request those who have tried this boast ed doctor, aud that advertised physician, til worn out and discouraged, to call upon us- Low charges and quick cures. Ladies suffering from any complaint inci dental to their sex, can consnlt the doctor with the assurance of relief. FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS. . . .. . . i - r ",! UR. I EiiR.HLT is t tie on 1 y agent in caino.- nia for Dr. Biot's Female monthly pih Their immense sale has established their c 1 i ,,.n renutation as a fern a e remedy, nnanproaeli- ; ed and far in advance of every other'.;emedy. snnr.rpsiiifins and irreTiilarities. and othei obstructions iu females. On the ' receipt of these pills will be seiit by mail or xpress to any part of the world, 'secure from curi-osit- or damage. Persons at a distance can be cured at home bv addressing a letter to Dn 1'euuailt; corner of Saciamento and Montgomery scs., rooms 0, lU and 11. or box t'73, P. O. San j Francisco, stating the case as minutely as possible, general habits of living, cccupa- tJOlljtC. Mm