-he Itktkln (Enterprise. I ry ' ! so Oregon City, Oregon , D. C. IRKLAND, EDITOR. AND rilOPrtlETOR. Saturday May 3, 1869. THE CITY SEIUXAHY. j properly, but if they neglect their duties It is probable that no one will deny the! jn this matter, they have" no ground of assertion, that, next to religious institn-j complaint against others who haveauthor tions, those ot education .should occupy j i;y t0 i0 what they themselves leave nn the highest place in the interests of the i tionc. Another duty which parents owe, community. Those founders of States. not only to their children, but to those who may with any degree of propriety be j w,om they employ as teachers, is that of regarded as wise, have made provision, in j visiting the school-room. If this was the beginning, for both the religious and : f.,5 mily performed, many of the coin-f-ccular instruction of their children. Fol- j plaints now made would be seen to be lowing the example of the Puritans, wher- groundless. Then we say to the parents ever, in this country, new sections of ter- cf this city, if you wish to make the Sem ritory have been occupied, under the aus-j imiry v-fxt ;t Should be, and sustain it in pices, of freedom, and .uo3ejuenf!y organ ized into States, it has been the first care of the people to guard those interests upon which the stability of the State must re.-t, a ml erect the church and th? schoo!-houe. side by side. Ar.d the people of this State have not been negligent in this thing. Notwithstanding a variety of adverse in fluences, there have been those who have lelt a deep interest in, and have labored faithfully to promote, the educational in stitutions of the State. How far they have been successful every man is witness. Much remains to be done, to secure the perfection of our School Laws. This may be said of older Slates, hence no censure of past legislation is implied Fortunately ior the citiz-ns of this eitv. i they have secured the right to legislate for themselves in school alfairs. and hence are not comnellea to await the tardy ac tion of legislative bodies. Willi this pow er in their hands, ard stimulated u effort by men who feel the worth of education, they have been gradually advancing the grade of their public school-;, until in con sideration of the recent act of the City Council, it may be safely said, that there are no public schools in the State, which oiler greater advantages for securing a fon,nva statement of facts concerning the thorough common school education, and j V:ljlroatl controversy in Washington, be preparing students for College, than those j lww.n l!ie Oregon Central Railroad Com of this city. In proof of this, we learn j puny ritvl lhe West Side Railroad Com from the highest authority that pupils pauy of Oregon. coming into the City Seminary, bringing j --- ceriilieales of honor from the public schools Thc Oregon Herald sneers at the feel f iwn-.n,- ,ui msj ,v.,r,-,bv,tt.M! ! i"S sentiments which lion. J. II. Mitchell J l A. Ul UUOU, .VUivl J 1 - 7 -1 ..VillilUI.U lO.(.. for equal rank here. V"e are not among those who believe that our schools have reached a state of perfection, and that no more can be done. We believe that very much remains to be done. 1'ut when we con&ider what has been accomplished dur ing the last two or three Years. m;d:r the management of tin nporintendent una j Principal, we find much encouragement. The lines have been distinellv drawn be- tween the different departments Th pupils are not allowed as formerly to pass from one department to another, as they chance to be pleased with the teacher. One great object has been secured, when the children have been taught their places and made to keep them. A toirit of em ulation has been awakened, by a course of rigorous examinations, with certiiieates of honor for those who are successful, and in due time graduating cards, by the au thority; and under the seal of, the city. Those who have attended the examina tions at the close of each of the last two qiiar'es, testify to the interest awa- kened by them- an interest which could not have been felt without them. We are well aware that some complaints have been made in regard to the general man - agement of the school. It has Oeeu aid that there are loo many pupils lor the ! number of teachers. Hut every teacher j of experience knows that in a properly graded school, til'ty scholars can be taught ! as well as thirty. It is said that large numbers are deprived of the privilege of j attending school, through lack of aceom i raodation in the school-rooms. Pat the ; recent acted the Council, the provisions! ot which are to be carried out. as soon as j they consistently can be, removes ihis difficulty. Besides, if these children, who cau find no place in the school rooms had been scat to school, as ihey ought to have been, there cm a bo no doubt but that pro vision would have been in ado for them tis soou as its necessity lu'e:uno apporent. Farlher than this, wo d mbt it tho sch"l sirs have become so regular in their atten dance tir.it empty benches cannot be. found almost anv day in tho s. hooi-room. in !:! rd to tht disfitdhi. r.V il. c.-.l.. wo do not say that it is perfect, or tho.t it Is it not as good view of tho tkv could be expected, in an ces ii h;ch the children are placed outside cf the ?cho;d vooin : Then are two or th:v which a toiicher will soon loan, lot bo placed in any cot:niiu:uty. Aid tl;i first is, that clnhhva that receive Utile ox no use;pline at homo. re tho t::o?t in- behaved at school. Tho .cond is ibat those parents who have liitlo or no control ... .... . . over their own children, arc very quick to resent tho interk-rence- of others. And the third is. that those who know tho iiul; oi ic.ir iir.r w and cot for physical discipline. It Is true crcir.K,ta..c.i recJr the litter a r?c:'?s- . . , ... , i ?-iaiv.'art hi'irv bnO vv-iil.-.n- ntt i . 1 1 T ? . uuoiu inc scuooi arc generally tao ... r. ..." , " . . " ,i coi tbot d, -!,-.o, ',-. ;,, ! t ir. . a - .. A iboesdl lie loudest in ib-lr comnlrn Now v.eiro- i 11 . Y, , "n:sn 1S l'. .V- I i Lul, UUiiU 1 " V 5C1'"irel u -,re ct,t tiemt,mc. , . ; , ' mp,t: V puncipal gro-.vt!. Uak uoes.n..t gro- ,a ; ivOlt 1V Air. Miller 111 tlie Firmer purpose. We learn that the wo- ' pmperlv verihed, at lhe oili e of .L.hnson & test acatnst the ib:i wmeh manv seer.i t: th ne;-i hm- n.n ! t ...... !.... . . . 1 . .. . a . . 1 1 . . .... 1 t. A ..... -.:... , , .. , , , ". v ; ' , " ls ;1 xwrY .-you -k j in1 tn? win- man leaves two or throe children :tt 'i. inoT., -an, u acKamas vm,n chensu, that a gchooi-non.-.c s a liouse ci 'i,K,t aa o-'t'ni e tiact ct tuner laia. cov- ; t... l A., i at t i , tv, within six niontas lioui tae date cf t n Correction nnd tin a te-der m,-t -vn VV"X wl!h !;,: that would ! 11 'V dm a-j home. 3h-.LlU.ler, warns people -,,.. Ihoeindbted to said date, are . (; ,. ' , ' " '. . m:;;c c. supei ior article of lumber lor lur- 1 tlonv at least : lor lie totind everv- i not to trust or harlior his wife on i-eq..et-.-d to uiakj icciuediate pavtnent. xac pari m a i i,aco Ouieer. ttur i-sf.m- m;Urc. I thinrr in that iv ion frozen r.lid ! o,.,, 1T A,,, .,,1 7.; ! F. O. McCO'.VV : t - , : -v " ii..- uv . vum. av k ? u l j. v. v. l i i I ri IV , - - comi-an----cnt r foiraer-and lav as it is necessary, the real objects t ISt try. the real objects to be gained ia attendance upon our schocls are defeated. Parents should remember, that although they may live in their own homes, without exercising but little re- St mint over their children, vet v. hen forty or fifty children are brought together in a j school rocm, they must be subjected to the most rigid discipline or nothing .of i worth can be accomplished. Besides, they I should remember, that the common law. i if not the statute law, recognizes the fact, that when they commit their children to j the care of a teacher, they virtually dele gate to that teacher for the time being pa rental authority. If. therefore, they would keep the discipline of their children in their own hands, they must exercise it that position, you must do this in the most effective way, by properly training your children, interesting yourselves in the progress which they make in their studies both at home and in the school-room, and then if you feel that you have just cau-e for complaint, go to your teacher, as you would to your servant and seek a remedy in the most reasonable way, and not go about uttering indiscriminate censure con cerning matters of which you know noth ing at all. The litrald publishes two columns or more of telegraphic news concerning the Dana and Young'" affair, and then apolo gizes to its readers for occupying so much ace in tlie fosnre of Radical raseali ty. One ot two things is apparent, eith er our friend of the JLahl is afraid that ins puiiv win uiscover mat u is losing uie ; monopoly of rascality, or that there will be a great deflection from its ranks. -rC - Mr. IVngra and .Mr. Henderson both called upon the Yreka Journal while in that place on their route home. It seems, from an account of the conversation with Mr. Pengra that he was consider.! blv con fused. Mr. Henderson crave a straight ex pressed, see another column, whilst he stood a solitary mourner at the grave of a loved brother upon the heigh 's of Arling ton hitely. It is not expected that a man like Sylvester Pennoyer, whose very heart is bl.ifk witn the dern d lem-itirm of foul treason, can appreciate the feelings of a man in such a position, or have the least sympathy in common with the fri.T.d and relatives of our Nation's llon- ored Dead. An excessively happy couple passed through this city on Siyidoy last, in search of some congenial clime in which to spend their remaining days. This is all proper enough in a general way. but the story we hear told of this couple leads us to fear that the happiness they seek will not be found ti'l they reach some spot, where they can bury the recollection of those they left behind" them. The story is as bllows : A young woman of prepossessing app.earar.ee came aboard of one of the P. T. Co."s boa's at an up river town, and procure ! a ticket, to Portland. When th..' boat arrived at Salem she was visited by a well dressed gentleman who lived in j the same neighborhood with her. Soon ; afterward4 she left the boat and preeeed- e l to note! in Salem, and secured a seat in the stage. A former neighbor of hers, happening to be present when the stage started, was surprised to see the husband of another woman take his seat beside her. ami asked bun if lie wished to send any message to his family. Xo. keep your d mouth shut '. " was the reply. As she leave.?, a husband, and he a wife, in the same neighborhood, the affair might be settled amicably before it gets into the papers. '!M,(1 -vyv,!,,, vllo'- '.ffov.! it.o Acii.tiem iiic .mom some fine locations fur permanent settlers. We have before called attention to this region, but per haps it may not be in vain to quote tne LonowinLT, irom tne i it from fln I i A friend lias called our attention to the ! Xehrilem Vallwv. drained bv n small rivor . . ... . - . dv tiuit name, which rises in tip cont tmit name, which rises in I range and runs westwardly into the Pa- . cute ocean. 1 lie nut h o ic river noout tortv nuu it iu.ie ueiow .vsioria. iiii'iiu the head .f the s-reaio is but t venty-five miles south of tli i! ci! v. There are two vai.eys t eorge or eat i' river, separated by a deep o!i. tiirouau wir.e'i t'.e river a . run-. lOd !,,.-,,, v-'iUi.v i :i!r...nv Ml, .. ! a "-v iau 1 1. ' tin nigh there is room mmv more The upper vallov ha 1. It is -stimated that two Imitdrod auiilii's could be acconimo- , satoi wio: hemes ;n tho v alio v. In some ; pl:;Cl " .';ie UT:, h)nd U not n:oTV t!l in a mdo wide, win'e m others ii i-ten miles : , otsi mountain to mountain. ' vepresouted as being very fertile. In th.- ; l ''er valley the land is covered with the ..1. neitrhnor to CUR OWN OilEGON. Prof. Grob lias decided to re 0 " I A Xoltner Esq., formerly of 1 thfe Ilevietc, is now Loakilitems on i a the Herald. Californians arc driving thou sands of Oreg'on sheep into that State and Nevada. The Unionist office is acrain advertised to be sold at public sale by the Sheriff. The Albany Feflster is in fa vor of a State Publisher's Associa tion. And so are we. The Portland Philharmonic Society will tnve another concert on the evening of the 14th. The Commercial is now pub lished by an association, with M. KrLauden as business manager. The fare from Sacramento to New "York is now less than 8200 in coin overland in ten days. Capt. Kellogg paid $3000 in greenbacks for the Wenaf. Many of the creditors are out and in j ured. The new brick sash, blind and door factory of J. P.Walker, is one of the most creditable buildings in the State. The Unionist and the 'Farmer are engaged in discussing the ques- tion, whether a dog without a tail can swim. Lane county divorced 12 couples at one sitting of the Cir cuit Court. Heavy business, this divorcing is getting to be in Ore- 2'on. The Eugene Democratic, pa per tells of a 3fr. Prior up there who is selling Seymour and Blair Charts, cheap. The wheat on board of the steamer Ann was but little injur ed by her Mnking. It has been dried and sold" for feed. Hon J. S. Smith has been ly ing very dangerously ill in Wash ington. At last accounts he was slowly recovering. ft. vJ Messrs Carson & Porter are about to commence operations in their new sash, blind, and door factory in Portland. Hon. J. II. Mitchell left San Francisco for Portland, overland, on the third hist. We may ex pect to see him in this city to-day. T)r. Wilson Bowlby has re turned to Oregon, prepared to en ter upon the duties of the office of Internal Kevenue Collector for Oregon. The new custom flouring mill of Jdr. 31. S. McLeran, one of the best millers in the State, is now about ready to be dedicated in Portland. The Albany fire engine old No. 10, ol the Volunteer Depart ment, of San Francisco, has reach ed its destination. It arrived in Portland by the Whistler. The municipal corporation of the Capital have coin enough on hand to pay all of its outstanding warrants in cash; at par but that corporation have no water Avorks. Ezra St. John lias received a commission as superintendent of construction of the IJ. S. buildings to be erected in Portland. L. 11. Wakefield is appointed disbursing agent. Alex. Campbell, late of Port land, is now in White Pine, lie says lie is satisfied with the region, and gives it as his opinion that any man who Avill work, can do well there. That is the only condi tion to success anywhere in Oregon An Albany cot ennporary thinks that our citizens ought not to grumble about, hard times while money is poured into their coffers for their cattle, horses, sheep, tte., at fair living prices. Two men have been arrested on ph'i of entering the store of , T1 A , Jlihvain. at Portland, on Saturday j they found a piece of wild pars nitrlit. The sale was robbed of ! inn' in LaYId's nocket. wliicli at j 1,750 in coin, and papers valued at 0,000. The keys were taken from a table at the reisdence of the clerk; Pro. Carter of trie Gazette, says he don't scare worth a cent, when a rum-crazed, besotted wreck. I.. . I . 11 I.. w nose oeat-uai con unci Ji.'iu i.'een j n(t iced in the last issue of the (7n 1 z-it( made some hostile demonstra- i tions toward him on the street. The iurv failed to a'rree in the case ot the Lugene C lty tiemf, So O'llOIl I jHIK iei'S. .OCCllSei 1 OT lllrll- I ncr the house of a neiirhbor to ivit even ' with nan in tlio i mm . - . . . .. of which a mother, and two chil- 1,1 ,,loul uie .Iron perished. Another evidence ! V to -git! 1 hey came of the- uncertainties of law. J1 own L d reni?1Ilt;(l u day or i two at the Lmpire iicstaurant'dn- Mr. J. W. Huntington, pro-1 ring which time Reid purchased a prictor of the Anericni Unionist A wow suit of clothes, doubtless ap wlio vcas at C4oose Lake last Xo-! propiatincr some of the liberal hus- . ! hi"s horses bavin- strayed over to .iih.!,,., :a.,.,.i :., !. ii... . ; an iaau in uie: lasvi.-, upu me icc. Tvn'l--- h COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, TEL.ECUAPIIIC NEWS. We take the following telegraphic news from dispatches to the Oregon utn. Sumners speech creates intense excitement in political circles. At Cabinet meet meeting yesterday the subject of the speech was infor mally discussed. The total amount of the pub lic debt, less the amount of cash in the Treasury, is 1,518,797,391. It lias decreased during the last month 6,299,070. The steamer America was burned April 11th, at Port of San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. She was bound to Panama from San Francisco and had stopped for coal. It is understood that the Pres ident has notified Consel Prink, in reply to the dispatch from General Posecrans, that this Government is not anxious for the acquisition of territory Avhere it involves the ex penditure of money. Inistructions have been sent to Commodore Phillibert, com manding the Pritish West India squadron, to demand from the Spanish authorities in Cuba the res toration of the brig Jfori Lotcdl, with an apology for the seizure. The llichmond Soufi'-m Opin ion announced on Saturday its last publication. The editor says that 11. A 1. '.1.4- 4-1.,. f-li(; n;ls 1u . """ 1 J 1 U17 111 -Ti ll , ,UV- nuiined. lie .uiu: uie- uimiiivl Southern principles upon which the paper was founded, are dead in the hearts of the people. An other fact Avliich we cannot but re cognize, is : that no cause, however just or good,can long outlive defeat. An English cable special gives an abstract of the comments of the Lomlon press on Senator Sumner's speech. The itar, John Plight's organ, says the claims of .Mr. Sumner are so new and startling, and so vaguely put that they must be regarded smiply as enormous, and withal unexpected, if they cover merely a shadow of the in struction to .Minister IMotley, who w ill come to the English metropo lis in a very different official guise from that under which Minister Johnson arrived. Ex-Councilman Burch of Port land, returned by the Aja.x from old Indiana. He traversed the dis tance between Chicago and Sacra mento in one and a half hours Its than S days, only :J5 miles of which was by stage. The intelligence of the dis covery of rich gold-hearing quartz in the new Territory of Alaska, comes in a sufficient authenticated form. lite Valuable dlSCOVerV Was ip.ale at Cook's Inlet, out 00 miles north of Kodiah. The Polk count y Times succeeds the Si'j.naL It. is intensely Demo cratic, but presents a neat Appear ance. F. IJ. Stuart, late of the Umatilla Pre-, is proprietor. Iro. Upton Avill retire to the shades of White Pine. P. I). Hull, of Jacksonville, a practical printer, has purchased a controlling interest in the press and material of the late Jlereille, and will resume tlie publication of a Democratic journal at that place. Jas. I). Fay editor. The Yreka .Tonrnal mentions that two men one an old gentle man named Ladd, from Ashland, Oregon, and another from Willam ette Valley, had gone out to Goose Lake for the purpose of locating land, and shortly after arriving there, or about three weeks ago, had gone out on a hunting expedi tion. Their not returning at night caused Ladd's son to feel some what alarmed, when a party was raised next day to go in search. After scouring the country for four days they found tlie two men ly ing close together, and both dead. Xo marks of violence were to be seen, and one had laid his gun down and covered it with his coat. Up- j on searching: their pockets however ., ,. . i j once satisfied them that Voth had become huncrrv and eat of this root. which looked like wild celery, and is deadly poison. The bodies were then taken to the vicinity of the settlement in the valley and buried. Good Riddance. Mr. Linder, of rou"nsville,diseovord his wife in the act of attempting to elope, last Saturday, with a voting man named J. S. lieid; and iindimr, uj v i ;..,,:,.,. ti,t i, ;.i i , ? , .t, t( . . .ll . . -.'4 " ' i coolv hitnded his faithless -Trow" i u r r I to defray her i " ' ,..-. ,-,a ... i ill . ' loss as deenlv as didMenelaus when 1 . - ,T . 1 - ,- , , , i jair lie leu "skedaddled," wnn ! Paris - rnu- :i ir -r; AlyA"NTAG E OF JUAILKOADs.. The last number of the larmer thus illustrates the good effects of railroads upon agriculture: . Very lar-e amounts of farm products are hauled from the upper portion of the Willamette Valley to Port land. Say that it takes a farmer, livincr within ten miles of Eugene Citv eiaht daysto make the round trip to Portland and back, with a load of three thousand pounds. Ten men in charge of a railroad freight train would deliver one hundred times that amount, or one hundred and iifty tons at each end of that route within one day, and that from day to day, that is, the ten men's labor, combined with railroad faclties, would move as much freight between Portland and Eugene City, as could eight hundred men and sixteen hundred good work horses. Here is the saving of the time and strength ot all those men and horses at least seven days out of each eight that it world take them to move the farm products of the country over the distance mentioned. Say that the farmer markets his crop by railroad at a saving often cents on each bushel of wheat, this would be equivalent to an enhance ment of the profits upon his crop to the amount of two dollars per acre of 20 bushels per acre, and that is equal to a rise of -sK'per acre upon land that will yield an average of 20 bushels per acre, besides leav ing hint seven davs out of the eight to prepare for another crop that is as certain to yield him a greater profit as that it costs him less to get it to market. Prof. Veatch has just returned from Albany, near which place he has examined a coal oil spring, and has found the oil to exist, but whether in quantities sufficient to pay for working in this country is undetermined. Every outward indication is favorable. Madame Lambert, one of tlie famous Marsailies prisoners, com mitted suicide on the eve of her departure for the penal colonies in New Caledonia. The Sacramento Union, some time ago took out a license to talk nonsense, and it is bound to carry on the business, vigorously. Cri:FTo tiik Ladies. Levy lias a tine lot of Work-basKet-j, IMling pins, Washing Powders, and Toilet m tides for sale. Ya!.l AKi.K Land fk Salic Chi-ap We know of -IS act es of good lands fur sale in this county, being the hind claim of I J. L. Stout, in wh.it is known as IheRingold I rv-ttlement. It will be sol i i i lots to uit I purchasers, on very fair terms. Tins land ' is only iJ, n-iie I rout oregm city, r r i turther infurma inn a; ply t N. W. Kandall, ot this city, or o! J. f. simil, L nitv, bakei s l!av, W. T.. or of A; drew Stout, in the above, mentioned settlement. 111:1V " l.v Tim k of Pi:acf. Pi: ware for Wau." So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Palm, ai uueiiualed prej)arat mi for Dysentery, Diarrlnra and Cramit. The instantaneous relief of JLiurns, Uruiaes and Spi ains. Eletuo Silicon. '1'itis cjv ions and valuable substance i conf:de:i"ly claimed to be the bf-t, article ever chscoveied for clei'tiing and polishing Cold, Silver an 1 !'.;.icd Ware, and all smooth metallic sur !':,; -, tf wii;itevi i- desei 'ption. including kitchen utensils cf tin, copper, brass, steel, etc. Nor a M'bjkct of Do cut. That Newell's Plumonary Syrup is tlie most ef f ctive and never f d ing rcui'-dy fur alfec tions of the tin oat and lungs. Sew AdverlisemerJs. Cdd Feli&v's Hall Association. "JTOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN Asse.-str.ent of Twenty per cent, pavable on or be'ore the First, day oi dune, IsdO, ;.t the ofli e of the S cretarv was levied upon tle CAl'lTAL STOCK of the ODD FELLOW'S HALL AFSOI lATlON. by the Hoard of Directors at their meeting on the 1st day of May, lS.it'. X. W. KANDALL, PrciJmt F. 0. M'Cown, Si cretiti-y. 2 ! 4t. Wool ! Wool ! ! Wool ! ! ! J. Myers & Brother, under the Court House, Oreg oi City, will p:iy trie highest pri -es nil ing ,r Wool. A iarge tpiant'uv is wanted, toi.tf) JCE CKEAM SLOON. 2 fa in street, one door Forth of the Lincoln Bakery Oregon City. B. F. I?ewnian, Proprietor. Tlie projuiet"!- is now prepared to lurnidi the public with Ice-Cream win in ver the weather w II permit, al-o Soda, Sat saparilia, etc . constantly "ii ham'. Pic-Xic parties, a d excursions supplied, and attended n sh ut n tice. ('2.).ti Q Til A YE I). (O From this city, a medium sized iiEl) COW, marked by an nudi-r a- d an over Cf p out cd' each ear. Any person leavi ig inioi niatidu at he Woob-n M ills in tl.rs city w'uic'i will lead to her recover;, will be suit ably tcwaidcd bv ti.e owner, THOMAS ROWLEY. April J7th, iSi'.. -r,At A DM IN. ST RAT O.'VS NOTICE. Nu. ice is ht rebv iven. that the Ui.d'-rs'gm d lias beei appointed Ad minis- r.itnr w i th the W d; annexed, d the estate of John l,i!ig, deceased, and having filed nv tioml. and it havi- g i eea approved)" there i-son having claim ! M:,v,h A v0' 1 a:''''.. ,1 " -. yXDlA IU'B!:FR DALI., SlZr'S. LL-V'r THE OREGON 73 P1KST St., FORTLAD Bet. Stark and Washington. -o LGRYEA & KALLENBERG J Dealers i7i DRUGS. MEDICINES, Chemicals. Fancy find Toilet Articles, Fine Wines, Bra ndies, and Whiskies, Fur Medicinal Purposes. Brushes and Fcrfumciics, Of the La thL Styles and Finest Qualities. Cooking Extracts,- Essential Oils, Herbs, etc., etc., And an Assortment of all Popular JPsateiai Meliciiaes. Everything Fept in a First Class Drugstore WILL BE SOLD At Greatly Reduced Prices ! AS So nth i riff Syrup 25 Cen ts . Citrate Mcyneaia 25 Cents. Jjroivn's Bronchial Troches 25 Cents. And Other Articles in Proportion. ALSO OFFER Fi3etlical and Surgical Aid FK1"H Or CHAUGE ! O Physician 's Prescriptions Carp fully Compounded ', undrr the Special Supervision of 13.lv Dr. A. II. KALLEM1EUG. YJ1 W ATKINS. M. I , SUUfiEOX. Pokti.am). Okk( n. OFFJCtJVo Front strett Residence cor- ner nf Main and Seventh streets. JOHN WELSOn, Dealer in Dry Gocids and Clothing, 110 Front Street (In Whites New Block,) rOKTI-AND OREGON', IS NOW OI sive s.ocli S NOW OPENING A NEW AND EXTEN- .ock Goods in the above line, and COMPRISING :4 a 1 v. 3 OF Plain and Changeable Dress Silks; Silk and Wool Poplins; AllWool Pojilins and Tartan Plaids; and a lare variety of other Dress Goods. ALSO, Gents' and Boys' Custom-mads CLOTJIIVG ! and Ladics'and Gents' Under Wear and Furnishing Goods, which buyers ere invited to call and inspect, o.) .JOHN TtVII.SOV. KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Kelt ct im iu the City! Comprising all tbe leading and bestbrand. kiiim n, such as lienkert' Tirrell's, Fung's Ilouiihton it Coolil'e's. Reed's, (iodfiev'.- and numerous others, of ire tits' anddjov."J wear. ;!so .lilies, oieoeiii ti s, JJurt s. San Francisco and custom-made ladies auu childreu's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which wc will sell cheaper than ever. J. S. - Hoots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantlv on baud. Philadelphia Boot, and Shoe. Store W-j. Fiont Street, opposite Bumum Bros.. I'oi thtnd, Oregon. HATS! HATS! HATS! OF EVERY STYLE In Large Quantities can It Found AT J. C- MEUS3D0EFPER & BRO.'S S. W.' corner of Morrison and Front streets. Portland, Oregon. o Also Caps of every style, and Boys' ar.d dil ls' Huts iii liirfG vjiritil??. G!VC tfs a c:dl and examine. ? AUCTION AJSD COJ1MISSI0V A. M. Hici&sii'rfsoiP ' AUCTIONEER! ' Corner of Front and O-ik streets, Portia AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merely disc and Horses, a' ' Every Wednesday and Saturday I A. B. Riciiakdsox, Auction cm.; AT PRIVATE SALE. ( English refined JJar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel f Horse shoes. Files, liasps saws; ' f Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, 11. G. Iron 1 also : ' I A large assortment of Groceries andLiquor. A. B. .Richardson, Auctioneer, , M v UAat M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO, SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, GENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA ; JL Hawaiian and Oi egon Packet Lines. ' : Importers of San Qnentin and Carmen 5 Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Co the Rice, and Pulu. ' ;? Agents for Provost's & Co. a Preserved I Fruits, Vegetables, Tickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Hour, G rair , Bacon, Larf K1 Friut. Lime, Cement and Plaster. f :j Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or SI if;,., me nt of Merchandise or Produce in New ' York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland ALDK1CH, MERRILL & CO., " Nos Hu4 and "Ui California Street, San Franciice M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., It; North Front Street, Portland. MISCELLANEOUS. 0 Dr. Js H. HATCH, I. ate IS lack 1 latch', c DENTIST. Qlgg Tlie patronage of tfioge desiring First da' Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. IJ. Xitrous O.ryJe administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office Corner of Washington andFrca streets, Portland. Entrance on Washint's street. yOOL WANTED. ANY QUA XT T IT Y!! By THOMAS CHARM AN. U-eoii ( i;y J AXT.FD f .. , ' tV armors . a.nd others )'.,-. take notice, that . I am prepared to pun L,n. all th Wool that oilers, pavinir therefor iL highest juices . . S. ACKERMAX. - Oregon City, April 2St!i, 1600. (2 ..:! a. C. Ciiu:s. c. w. TAKIUSll. Notary Ptj!,li; and Oan. if GIBBS & PAREJSH, Attorneys and Counselors at Zcwr. Portland. Ohfgx. OFFICE On Alder street, in Cartel V brick block. J) E N T A L N OT ICE. lioMi: AGAIN. ....-vrv Dminsr niy 'our of twovenrs (iiZ"-& 'u the Eastern States 1 hair ggSJiffiff spared neither lime no: AJtLOLJLcJ moiiey to make myse'f per fectly familiar w.th ;.nd master ol mv j.m fession. Those desiring the best woiktl,: tlie nature of the case will admit of canl'iii; me at invoihce, J 07 Front street, twrioor above Mccormick s Dock Store, I'erthitii! Oregon. dr. j. fr ci i: y A Good Book for Agents. H K SOURCE S F he Pacific Slope! A Stat'stical and Descriptive Ramniarr rf the Mines and Minerals, Cinnatc, T'iai.'- I rap by, Agricu'ture, Manufactures, and Commerce of the Tacitic States, and Territories ; including Lower ( '"iliforn Mexico, AlaL.a, utitt Iti tlisli ( olimibia ! BY HON. J. It OSS BROWXF, Compljte in One Large Octavo Volume of 874 ip-, Price $ This is the Cheapest Work ever off r ed in this ina'ket to Subscript. on At-ntc. and it is connia -t with useful informal'". Invaluable t Merchants, Farmers, Meclimif' etc., and is of de p interest to all classes. 1'u Wished bv H.'lI.IUCROFT & Co., 4..",w i Sas FitANCisco, Ci. W I L , A U E T T E iRON WORKS COM PA hirtli TTrMit ?ind 1", stS., MSm Portland. Oregon. 7 rf" 5 n "73 1) 13 t,Hm -AND- r- r i i ? rS niiii n r n C. o v 7 j i rz. r d u i i ucr& rllFSE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON'tN, bank of the river, one block north c ? v.'ouch's Wliar'f. and have facilities for turs. itig out machinery promptly and tlicient! ; We have secured the services of Mr. Job Nation, as Director ol'the Works, whoii'tJ ; 'crience on this coast tor fifteen .years si' dm a thorough knowledge of the viir:0i:'r inds of machinery icquired for mining an-;. Milling purposes. We are prepared to ute orders for all classes of machinery at--boiler works, such as IIMNU AND STEAM HO AT MACIITNCT.Y FLOURING MILLS1. SAW MILLS ! ,1 QL'AKTZ MILLS ! ! MINING I'CMI'S ! ! &C, Manufacture and Repair ilarld.ntry of " f Him, inox snFTTicn work trt y'v Fra arisen coH and fn i'ht. H7e l-er A' A" lalC'x Patent (irhnlfr niJ Aaialvi unit Ihinaar and Steven .- My Aanstina -t I'i-stvn Fari hi'j, either 'applied to old ot " f "team cylinders. Quartz Stampers, tfuW'1 lit, if the bust hard iron. A. G. W A L LING'S Pioneer Book Bindery ouegoman nmiAn'SG) 5 AVasliinglon Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULIiD and BOoND''". anv f-Iesired pattern. ..; MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, Nt"-, PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety st vie known to tlie trade. , 'Orders i'roni the country promptly ' ended to. t riOliACCO. CICARS. SNITFF. andrHi i of .superior oualitv may always 1 t"."'" At id-:v s. ANKLE NOTIONS. (dMLU ica..'" X F bv Fii-ftii At l- . . .'C- nn.i