The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, May 08, 1869, Image 1

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    1 iate3a. "r;.:':t5; .
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1 ' TT"Wn
1 JLJL 1 A
JJj JJj 11 Ij I
Formerly -urgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.)
I pfjcjC At Residence, Main street Ore
fonCity.Qiegon. J. WELCH,
Krmanedly Local"?, at Oregon City, Oregon
R00 ITS' With Dr. Saflarrans, on Main st.
, x .
F. 0. M COWS.
Xotiry Public.
Oregon City, Oregon.
5- Will attend to all business entrusted to
Jn-' c;ire in any of the Courts of the State,
Ct'!li:i:t muey .Negotiate loans, sell real estate
et '. reticular attention given to contested
Lund case-.
j. x. noLPir.
i Mitel ell, Doiph & Smith,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
i Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc-
tors in Ad mi rally
;S;?-Oince o-er the old Post Office, Front
8t "cot, Portland. Oreyon.
Jcob Stit.kl. James C. Upton.
ijleal Estate Brokers and General
I A "cms. Corner of Front and
Washington street,
i rf Will attend to the sale and purctia?e
Of "lieal Estate in all pai ts of the City and
$t.ite. Special attention given to the sale of
Ja-t Portland property.
Address P. O. I'.ox 402, Portland. Oregon.
1 STiTZKL t UPTON", ) Real Kxtate Brokers.
RROKKR, Portland. Oregon.
4 Cor. Front and Wasliington Sts.
. jVpent ort,h British and Mercantile
i Insurance Company, and Slauhat-
tan LilV. Iusnr:ir.c Company.
f?"(tovcrnnient Securities, Stocks, "Bonds
sad Kc.hI Estate bought and sold on Coin
tinssmu. 1
F.Wi IV A I . f
Establishment of J. B. Miller
o Ao. 1U1 t rout sc., comer nt Alder
Carter s jeto Iuildinr, Portland,
in lytas. u ooaaras urur, a lore.
r ni tt 7 r f. .
!-4?" Where lie will be readv lo attend to
idl manner of workuianship in his line.
i Watches and Jewelry repaired in ths most
Jvorkmanlike manner. J. li. lL.lAil
iitt censor to Ore do n d" Co.,
'Wagons & Carriages
I 'Jul and 203 Front st., Portland, Oregon.
I CO- Wagons of every description
t'vubs to order. General Jobbing done
tcith neatness and dispatch.
D. V. WILLIAMS. (;r-.0. T. MYERS.
T Front street and -jr First street, Poitland
-rs in Uropories and Produce. Aretit
Jtr the Chainpoetr. C-t.iMiiix:al ;nd Lafavette
Flouring mills. llae ample Fire-proof
torage. Consignineuts solicited. 1.5. Av
J. F. MILLER St Co.,
Boots srsail JXaocis !
'At the Oregoti City Boot and Shoe
Store, Main street.
i Of Ladies'. Gents', Roys', and Children',
Joots and Shoes, on hand or made to order.
r.uv . vity wiayinan,
V x S3- All orders for the delivery of merchan
JI Jfc.ts or packages and freight ot whatever des-
.-""1, , P;iri or tl!e city, win oe exe
.nte.i promptly and with care.
UNPKK1V WILLIS. vr nuniT.iiTnv.
Mariner purchased ih infpi-af
-pi &. Cram, in the well known
JOne door west of Ex -elsior Market. Oregon
.., -iiuounee inai li ev will at all times
jep good horses ard "carriages to let, at
Tvasonablc rates. Horses bought and sold
hr kept bv the day or week.
i -
JSt'.mceggor to SMITH ct MARSHALL,
uacfc-omiui ana aamr xrhw
Corner of Main and Third street
regou City Oregon.
C3BIacksmithing in all its branches: Wacr-
n making and repairing. All work warrant
ed to srive satisfaction.
J. McHenry,
b receiving direct from the East.a large and
cnretully selected stock of
Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware,
Lamps, etc., all of which he oilers at prices
U4ithe tin-e. t Wholesale and Retail,
Dealers will do well to call and exam-
lne his Stock, and learn bis nrfc K,-f,M-n
t'ureliaiing elsewhere.
At the Enterprise OSce-
ir . - rra.
Cor. I'RONT and IVSniXOTOJY Sts.t
Logan, Siiattuck & Killin,
IVo. lOO Front Street, Up Stalrg,
Wood and Willow Ware.
Rrus7ies, Twines, Cordage, etc.,
Brooms, J 'a ils, Tubs, Washboards. S-c
215 & 217 Sacramento St., San Francisco.
11S Maiden Lane, N. Y. City.
97 Firsts!., Portland,
JVext Door to Post Office.
EH" Importers and Jobbers of Staple and
Fancy Dry Goods. Griiu bags. Burlaps, furn
ishing Goods. tH, We pav tl.e highest cash
price for Wool, Furs, uml Hides.
Sunday Sclicol and Gift Bocks !
JO ty and
Various other P nidi shin a Houses!
For sale by the subscriber, on Jellcrson st.
between k2 I and ;jd, I'ortland, Orison.
G. II. ATKINSON, Secretarv,
2.1 1 awd Tieas. Oregon Tract Society.
A. J. EiOriROE,
Dealer in California, Vermont
and Italian, Obelisks
2fonumcnts, Head and Foul f'r."
Furniture Marble furnished
to order.
Main Street,
Oregon City
F. Miller & Co., Proprietors.
The proprietors of the
abi ve Hotel tike
;ig to the public-
great plea-ine ir. atnioune.
that they have made arran-jetnen s. To keen a
first class h.ue for the travt -litur 1 ublic, ai d
hope to receive a shaie ot their patronage.
The llon-e is at a verv convenitnt distance
from either landing of the stean. boats, and
near the center of business.
The Propnetors of thU '.veil known
Houe renew their thatsks to the public for
the patronage here of re so '.ibent v bestow
ed. Having enlarged mid newly I'u nished
our house, we claim to possess accommoda-tion-
in every lesneet infir or to no House in
the State. WHITE & 1 1 1 1 ; A I fi".S,
Feb. 13, ISM. Proprietor?.
Fonneili; Arngon '.;,
tT The undersigned respectfully an
nounce that having purchased this widelv
known and we'l kept hotel, thev are now
prepared to oflVr superior accommodations
to the traveling public ;it gveatlv r-dueed
)i ices. This hot 1 is located nearest the
ste mboat landings.
The hotel coach will be ir. attendance to
convey passengets to and from the h. use
free of charge.
Corner of First and Morrison streets.
Poii'n.ANp. Oin-.coN-.
The best and most comfortable Hotel in the
State, wlien' every want is anticipated,
and cheerfully supplied. Watm and
cold Baths attached to the house.
This Hotel is located near the steanisl in
Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in at
tendance at all the Landings, to ecuvev
Easscugers and baggage to and from the
ouse free of charge.
JON 11 C. DORf'Y,
SAMUEL D. HOLMES, Pro;)tietors.
.Nos. 126, 123 and ISO Front street,
Portland, Ouegox.
The undersigned having newlv furnished
known house, solicit increased patronage
from the traveling public. The House has
lately been refitted, and the proprietors are
now able to oiler additional inducements to
their patrons. The table will be furnished
with the best market affords, and be under
the immediate supervision of the proprietors
Rooms well furnished and well ventilated.
A large fire-proof safe for the deposit of
valuables. Baggage taken to the hotel free
of charge.
Nothing will be left undone, which is in
the power of the proprietors to render ixuests
comfortable. J. LYONS, F. O CONNOIf,
23.111 Proprietors
(Tate LIXCOLX JorsL)
Xo. S4 Front street, Portland Oregon.
L. V. W. QU1MP.Y. I'KorarETOK,
Late of WesUrn IE tel.)
This house is the most commodious in the
State, newly furnished, and it will be the en
deavor of the proprietor to make his iruests
comfortable. The Baggage Wagon will al
ways be found at the land'ng on" the arrival
of steamships and river boats, earrviu-' bag
gage to the house free of charge '
Main Street, Oregon City.
M. BROWN, Proprie
or. thankful for n-is
io.uia, s"nui it con i nun nee ot the same
n ' i n
And the verv nest, oriniit
. - -j
uahties of Wines. Liquors
ami insars.
Bigs' Feet, Tripe, Herring, Oysters
and Sardines constantly ou hand.
U -u lew
Ah ! years have eorce and gons, dear Tom,
The past seems like a dream,
Since yoa and I toireUier met
Down by the winding stream ;
When hand in hand we promised, Tom,
To each we would be true;
Old T ime has made no change in mej
I'm srtiSl a friend to you.
IIow often have I wept, denr Torn,
When thinking o'er the joys.
The happy scenes of long ago, you aad I wer boys;
Bat now I'm told you're very poor,
And your days in life are few,
It gives me joy to meet you, Tom.
I'm still a friend to you.
Old friendship often withers, Tom,
Whene'er a man grows poor,
The rich and proud forget "old friends,"
And know them then no more,
But keep that honest heart of yours,
We'll make old friendship new;
I care not vvhal the world may say,
I'm still a fiiend to you.
I'm still a friend to you dear Torn.
Alas ! there are but few
Have ever been as true and kind
As I have been to you. -
Pit-en' Musical Mvnthlij.
Washixotox, I). U.. April 10, I8G9.
Editok Oucr.uMAx: :
To the citizen of the "far ircstf
whose long absence from the land
of '"web foot," and those most near,
not only bv consaniruinit v and
love, but by scarcely less social re
lations, causes him to look forward
with joy to his contemplated re
turn, it is a privilege of which he
may feel proud, to be permitted to
speak with friends at home through
the columns of the Oregon papers.
HKiiii.v eo.nri j.uiiNTAUY to oukuo.v.
It is now nearly live months
since 1 left Portland, since which
time I have crossed the continent,
visited many of the States, and
their principal cities and towns, and
spent over three months in tiie
National Capital, and candor com
pels me to admit that in all niv
travels I have not seen a city or
town, of the size of I'ortland, that
exhibits anything like the unmis
takable evidences of thrift, healthy
vigorous enterprise, unl vitaliz
ing enerofv tending to rapid growth
aiid permanency, that must be evi
dent to the most casual observer
in reference to our metropolis; nor
have I seen any place that has for
a moment caused me to regret
that my lot lias been cast in Port
land, Oregon; and it is a painful fact
that notwithstanding the absolute
greatness of our State in all those
substantial elements that, in our
climate, soil, and various resources,
combine to speak her present great
ness, and prognosticate for her a
brilliant future, we are scarcely
known on this side of the conti
The manifest ignorance of the
people here of Oregon as a State,
her territorial extent, resources,
trade, commerce, and population,
is so apparant to every one who lias
ever lived m uregon ami suose
cpiently traveled through the East,
that it is really surprising. Our
State is regarded here, more as an
isolated dependency, cut olf from
the United States, than as a young
but vigorous enterprising State,
destined, as it is, at no distant day
to become the star of the Pacific.
A few days since I stepped into a
dry ooods store m this city to
make a small purchase. The gen
tleman at the counter appeared in
telligent, and much inclined to con
versation and withal inquisitive;
and he finally, inquired where
I resided. I answered him, ''in Or
egon," and you should have seen
the expression of astonishment
that covered his countenance as he
started back and said, '"what, in Or
egon? wav out in Oregon Territo
ry?" and he gazed at me as though
I were a barbarian just fresh from
tl V t!i Tlntrovitnt An-
LA1 IV. I'.'Jl '.A 1 V t "
other little instance will give some
idea of the unpardonable igno
rance that exists anion? the peo
ple of the Atlantic States in refer -
cure to Oreo-om 1 some three
im.tli .Hmvi;t,.,l an old friend in
v-mncriro,,;... . i o vrm 1 1 1 . v f :i mi -
l .iiii.:ut tiling iiv- n.i""T
. cvVnnndnd l.v Wk nnd
iw,."u. ,.-1,1,. Vuvlon-,. mul nil
IICOI, "Jill Hi" m-.- " ' - '
; ,,..n in-., rrbi turn-
... i
itwas uusaie, whek I lived in
Portland tor a person to remain
. .. .i. . i s;irl
t u.. o ti,, rt
' x t . br., '
aceount oi toe Indians, nc
nosed they were very hostile all
througli that country;
Wfnlowo were conversine: his
little daughter brought in a basket
j of apples. He handed me OUC and
Laid I lippoe of roxr this is
something vou never see? and
1 M-Iicn I informed him that, in mv
jiultrcment, Oregon was the finest
fruit growing State in the Union,
he appeared horrified.
These are lutt fair samples of the
questions daily propounded to Or
egonians traveling on this side of
the Rocky -Mountain by men to
whom are accredited an ordinary
amount of intelligence. Of course
there are persons" all through the
country that have a fair understand
ing of the extent of our resource,
population and t rade, hut -ihey are
the rare exceptions, while-the great
mass are slumbering in a state of
the most inexcusable ignorance in
reference to these matters. And
those Oregonians who will exert
themselves to brinix before the
minds of the people of the Atlantic
States, whose crowded thorough
fares and well filled colters must
compel them to seek new homes
and new-fields of investment for
their surplus funds, the many ad
vantages that are presented with
in the limits of our State, whose
slumbering resources are lying to
a great extent dormant, awaiting
the touch of the vitalizing influen
ces of labor and capital, will accom
plish much towards advancing the
material prosperity of our State,
and the uvneral crood of our
The first session of the forty-first
Congress adjourned sine die to-day
at noon, alter a session of nearlv
six weeks ; and although the Dem
ocracy predicted a rupture between
President Grant and the Union
Republican party, their prophecies
have wholly failed and their hopes
have H' vanished into thin air."
The modification of the tenure of
office bill as finally agreed upon
by Congress and approved by the
President, is the result of a perfect
understanding prior to the passage
of the bill, between the President
and the dominant party in both
Houses. And while many mem
bers of the Union party in both
branches of Congress Avould have
preferred a total repeal on account
of their implicit faith in the new
President, the majority, whose
faith in the Executive was no less
implicit, preferred a modification
in order that the great overshadow
ing principles of our government
embodied in the original law might
be retained in some form upon the
statute book of the nation ; and in
this decision of the majority, which
I regard as eminently wise as :the
recognition and perpetuity in legis
lative form of the vital principles
of our government, is infinitely of
greater importance than any mere
compliment to any living man,
however good or great, the minor
ity cheerfully and heartily ac
Those, therefore, who hope for
any material disagreement between
the Executive and his political
friends the great Union Republi
can party of the nation upon any
of the leading measures of that
party, are doomed to disappoint
ment. The nation having become
rid of that confirmed egotist and
recreant Executive, Andrew John
son, who sought to make this free
Republican Government a despot
ism, subjecting the administration
of its government alone to his ar
bitrary dictation, and having
placed in his stead a man who re
gards the will ot the people as the
J great overshadowing law of the
laud, by the light of which this
government is to be administered,
Ave may now confidently hope for
a new era indeed, wherein our Re
public will move forward under
the guidance and control of that
man and that party who in our
darkest hour of peril saved our na
tion from the fangs ot treason, and
willed from its fair face its foulest
curse, to a oosition of peace and
7 1 . A
prosperity and pre-eminence anion
the nations of the world heretofore
j not attained by any nationality
known to history.
The Union Republican party is,
in my iudrment. infinitely stroll-
' ger, more united, and more power-
i mi io-ua man eei "")
! whv should it not be? Itshistory
! is all radiant with deeds of glory
- y -
! that will cause its leaders and lie
i roes to be remembered by future
; .,-ti-l 1 "1 ' .
! ae:es wit h delight ; while its prm
fioioc lik-e u clusters of truth upon
the vines of God ' will radiate
I through the history of all good
' governments to the end of time,
I nor will the rank and file who hae
U-tml nn.l fought in the more ob-
! scare posit ions m carrying ;foi aid
the banner ot that party irom vie-
1 tory to victory during the strug
' gles of the past lew years,
fail to
,l o remcmoereu uv cuimun
DC rcmemoe cia u xtuS
ratlOUS ; while the memories Ot Olir
fallen heroes, while bearing up the
-tars and stripes el our nationality
upon our many battle-fields, were
encouraged and supported by this
party, modern Democracy in the
meamvhile. crying out, cruel, un
constitutional," unjustifiable war,
surrendered up their lives upon
their country's altar, Will live for
ever green and pure as the verdure
upon the shores of the river of life
in the grateful remembrance of aj
true patriots in . every age amf
clime. . : t,h
Within the past week I have
stood upon the heights of Arling
ton, a solitary mourner at the
grave of a loved brother whose
young life was crushed out beneath
the burning plowshare of war, and
as I gazed in sndiiess upon the
white headboards that there, in
that silent city of the nation's
dead, stood in lengthening columns
like angel sentinels sent from the
world of light to guard the last
resting place of the fifteen thou
sand noble patriots who perished
in the wild conflict of arms, and as
I lilted my eyes toward the glori
ous emblem of our. nationality
which they died to save, and which
through the grateful remembrance
of this nation floats day by day
in sublime beauty over their hon
ored graves, I felt more than ever
before that it was good, and great,
and glorious to die in contending
for a cause so pre-eminently grand
as the preservation and perpetuity
of our nation's life, and the trans
mission to posterity of the invalu
able heritage of human liberty and
free government ; and -when I re
flected that the great Union Re
publican party stood by these
noble men while thus battling for
the right, and the Democratic
party occupied a position just the
reverse, 1 feel an overpowering
conviction in my mind that the
one deserves and would receive
the future sympathy and support
of all good men, while the other
deserves and would receive their
everlasting condemnation.
During the last ten hours of the
late Congress, as you have already
learned by telegrams, the long
continued tight over the passage
of what is known as the East Side
Railroad Rill come to an end by
the passage of the bill by both
Houses of Congress, and the ap
proval by the President, although
the advocates of the A Vest Side la
bored long and faithfully, for
which they deserve much credit
rom the West Side Company, the
bill passed both Senate and House
bv an almost unanimous vote. The
great hope of the West Side was,
that they could prevent action on
the bill by a well devised system
of tactics; such as talking against
time, dilatory motions to amend,
etc., but this, fortunately for the
people ot the State generally, did
not prevail, and although it had
the euect of prolonging the hght,
it did not eventually prevent the
passage of the bill.
In this connection I desire to say
a lew words personal to senator
Williams, as I understand that he
has been condemned by some of
those interested in the West Side
Company, for the active support
he gave to this bilh This is un
just in the extreme, and must so
appear to every sensible, unpreju
diced raiiKl, who will take the
trouble to investigate the facts in
relation to this railroad contro
versy, and the bearing which the
law just passed has upon it. This
law, of course, only relates to the
land grant of July 25, 1SGC; by
the terms of that act, the grant
was to go to such company or
ganized under the laws of Oregon
as the Legislature might designate
the law provided further that
the company designated should file
its assent in the Department of
the Interior within one year from
the date of the passage of that act.
The west side claims to have been
designated by the Legislature of
1S66, and to have filed its assent
within the year. This is the claim,
but what are the facts? The Leg
islature of 18GS decided, and very
correctly too, that the west side had
no existence during the session of
1SGG, and that they were not des
ignated. The Secretary of the In
terior decided, January 20th, 18G9,
precisely the same thing, and also
decided that unless our bill, or
something similar to it, passed
Congress, and became a law, that
neither company could get the
land grant, that the State would
lose it, and it would revert to the
general government. The Legis
lature, in the meantime, had desig
nated the Fast Side, but the time
for filing assent had expired ; what
then was proper and right to be
done, and what, I enquire of the
people of Oregon, should Senator
Williams, or no other Senator
having the general good of the
whole State in view, and the ad
vancemnt of no particular com
pany to the prejudice of any other,
have done ? Should he, I enquire,
have taken the position occupied
by the advocates of the West
Side, and refused to do anything,
and that, too, in the face of the de
cision of our 'Legislature and the
Secretary of the Interior, that such
a course would lose the grant to
the State? or should he not rather
have done just what he did do
advocate the passage of a bill that
would save the grant to the State,
leaving to the department and the
courts which company was proper
ly design a ted ? t
Is not this fair, just and right ?
Can any man reasonably object to
it ? Rut, say the West Sider's,
the effect of this act is to give its
grant to the East Side Company.
This may be true, and in my judg
ment it most unquestionably is
true; but it is not true if the claim
of the West Side, that thev were
properly organized and properly
designated by the Legislature of
1SG0, is true, because this act gives
the grant to the company that was
so organized and designated. And
if the Department or the courts
should hold that the West Side
were so organized and designated,
then they under this act will get
the grant, and they in such event
ought, in my judgement, to have it.
If, on the contrary, the Depart
ment and the courts should decide
that the West Side were never de
signated, if that company have
faith enough in the correctness of
their position to ever attempt to
contest the thing, then I submit
that they are not entitled to it and
ought not to have it. Rut suppose
this act had not been passed,
would the West Side be any bet
ter olT? Certainly not, because in
that event neither company would
get the grant, and through a fool
ish controversy the State would be
deprived of the means of getting
a railroad. Senator Williams in
stead of being blamed should re
ceive the unanimous approbation
for his course in relation to this
matter of every citizen of Oregon,
who places the interests,of the
State at large above the petty con
siderations of this or that particu
lar company; and especially have
the people of Oregon reason to re
joice at the success of this measure
as it ;Ilslircv the road beyond a que
tion at no distant da v. -as 1 sta
ted in my last letter, without go
ing into details, iron in large quan
tities, will be laid down in Oregon
by the contractors of the East Side
road at no distant day, and in am
ple time to have a good portion of
the line in running order next fall.
On Tuesday last Mrs. President
Grant held her first reception in
the White house, and I am very
proud to say that on that occasion
Oregon was accorded a most dis
tinguished compliment, as Mrs?;
Senator Williams .was, by special
invitation, the chief assistant to
the right of 3 Irs. Grant at this bril
liant reception, where thronged
not only hundreds of the leading
men and women of this nation, but
representatives from nearly every
civilized nation on the globe. Xot
a little jealousy was created by the
selection of Mrs. Williams, and very
many Mrs. Senators who fancy
they are entitled to preference, did
not succeed very well in concealing
their re-jrret that they were not
the favored ones. This compli
ment has a double, aspect; while it
is a most deserving one to her per
sonally, for her intelligent and lady
like demeanor in Washington, it is
an evidence also of that high re
gard in which Senator Williams
is held by the President of the
United States, and from close ob
servations during my three months
stay in Washington, I have no
hesitation in saying that Senator
Williams has no superior, in point
of ability and influence, and very
lew equals in the Senate of the
United States, and well may our
htate feel proud ol such a Senator ;
and while it is expected that the
Democrats of Oregon will, in 1870,
do all in their power to defeat any
radical, I am free to give it, as mv
opinion, that the Union party of
the State should be as one man m
laboring for his re-election.
Having fully accomplished the
purpose for which I came to Wash
ington, I shall, on Monday, leave
for Oregon.
Very Respectfully,
Missouri proposes to appoint
a State Entomologist, with a sala
ry of $3,900. Grasshoppers are to
1 be his speciality.
A recent Kew York letter con-'
tain, the following of general inter
est r
James Fisk, Jr., the now great
theatrical manager and speculator',
and Jay Gould, who, a few years
ago, were the "brokers" of Daniel0
Drew, with only a trifle of capital,
now actually control him and the
street, and have probably a capital
of 'thirty millions oT dollars',-raised
through the use of foreign ex
change. They have just made a
"corner" in Government bonds,
and forced the houe of Jay Cooke
fc Co., and some other large bank
ing houses, to cover whatever short
interests they had out. They "go
in" and buy gold by the millions;
and these same parties Gould fc
Fisk had the fight with Commo
dore Vanderbilt for the past sev
eral months, and finally threw a
flag of truce, resulting in an armis
tice, and are now apparently work
ing together in new dodges to
"milk the street" and suckle the
"bulls and bears." Gould & Fisk
have now an agent in London, ami
it is believed by the knowing that
they were the means of advancing
the price of Government securities,
both in London and Frankfort-on-the
Main. I heard that in one Jioxir
Fisk made one million of dollars
on a turn in "Erie."
Pacific Mail has dropped froni
122 to 102, on a big bull and bear
fight. It is supposed that the Di
rectors of Brown Brothers tvj Co.,
sold out a large amount of stock
before the "drop fell," and didn't
get the "hang" of it; and the bulls
say tnat tne large snort interest m
it and the "merits" will carry it up
to 150 ; per contra, the bears say
that the "Pacific Railroad" in ope
ration will send it down to 75.
This being the case, I am going;
with mv usual luck to buy 100,
w . mi J
and sell 100, sol eaift fail to make
money both ways; at any rate
I'll make both ends meet.
Protection to Newspaper PirlishekS.
The following are the laws of Congress
touching the liability of subscribers to'
1. Subscribers who do not give express
notice to the contrary, are considered, as
wishing to continue their subscription.
2. If subscribers who have not paid, or
der their papers stopped, the publisher may
continue to send them until paid.
3. If subscribers refuse or neglect to take
their papers from the office, they are held
responsible until they settle the bill and
order the paper discontinued.
4. If subscribers remove to another
place without informing the publishers,
and their papers are continued to the
former direction, they can be held re
sponsible., 5. The Couris have decided that refusing'
to take a paper from the office, or remov
ing and leaving it uncalled for is prima,
facie, evidence of intentional fraud on the'
part oi the subscriber.
A Peddler Leaves jus Pack.-
A short time since, just at dark,
a peddler, carrying a large pack ,
appeared at the door of a wealthy
farmer in the town of Gresen Gar
den, in this county, and requested
the privilege of remaining over
night. The farmer being away
from home, he was informed by the
hired man that he could not stay,
lie then requested the privilege of'
leaving his pack until morning, as
he was very tired and could not
carry it further that night. This
was granted, and it was deposited hi
the corner of the sitting-room. Dur
ing the evening one of the fe
males of the household had oc
casion to iuove it, and taking hold
of it discovered that there was
something suspicious about the
contents. The hired man was
called, and upon taking hold of it
found that it contained a man.,
lie quickly stepped into an adjoin
ing room, and returning writh a re
volver, motioned the family to
stand aside, and at once proceeded
to fire three shots into it, A pierce
ing shriek issued from it, and on
ripping olf the outside covering a
man with a large bowic knife and
revolver clenched in his hands was
found weltering in his blood. Two
of the shots had proved fatah.
Toe neighbors were alarmed, but
no traces of the peddler 'who left
the precious pack could be found
Thus, by a mere accident, doubt
less a shocking case of robbery,
and perhaps murdeiv Was prevcn.K.
ed. It was doubtless a plot to rob
the farmer, as it was known, that
he had a large sum of money in
the house. Afi inqut was held
over the body on the following
morning, and the verdict was that
the killing was a justifiable homi
cide. No clue leading to the dis
covery of the name of victim or
his accomplice has as yet been as
certained. Such summary justice
is seldom meted out to the guilty
Joiict, III., Signed.
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