ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE TTairs. . . 111,111 1 1 1 1 1 i II i wsi'y!ir-':iTMr'-'r Jr GARDEN. The following very beautiful sonnet to 'My Garden,'' was written for the Prst issue of the Walhnnd Farmer, by Miss Hello W. Cook, of Salem: Ah! when tho Spring, referring, Sweet with the breath of flowers, Culls at my cpen window. And whispers of by-gone hours, I long for my pleasant garden, To work in the warm brown earth, To nourish th wee green chi'drea, And watch for the seedlet. a birth ; To breathe in the cool of evening The odors of balm and spice ; For, to dress and keep a garden, Was the work of paradise, And is not this a reason For the wish we always feel, To plant in the shining seed-timo Earth's treasures to reveal ; To join in the great procession. Earth's workers moving on. And help, though e'er so little, The band of the Mighty One ! Oh, you who long thus, vainly, May often ease your heart. Fy planting Ch iriry'.s blossoms In the city's busy mart ; Blossoms that Fpving up gladly In the hearts of the hungry poor, By plentiful tears well watered, To smile at your open door. Blossoms that feed on sunshine, The sunshine ot human smiles, And yield a grateful fruitage. To be plucked in the blessed isles. official Laws of the Unifed States, PASSED AT TE3 THIKD SKSSiOX OF TUB FOBTI. Til y:OKES3. Xo.ll.-AX ACT making appropriations for the payment of s-iiaries and contin-tnt expo?- ,,r i.ue Patent odiee. tor January ;:ud i u ,: y, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. Be Ji enacted by the Senate and House of lyrc$cnf.-itives of the United Slat is of A meet, iib ('onortisa ti.wi.ihhd-, Tru- there be "app-opriated, out of any money in the treasury 1,01 otherwise appro priated, the sum of titty-tour tbousand seven hundred and sixty-.-! dollar, fur the pay ment of the salaries cf the officers and em ployees of the Pateut Office, and for ordinary contingent expenses of said office, for the months of January and February, 1SC9. Approved, February i), lsGy. VO l iTLAX 1 ) I J US I N ESS. "Wnipri.vo Oxen'. It is a cruel and jcikt;i11v useless act of Larbar ism to whip oxen; yet many .farm ers are in the habit of continually keeping the whip a goifig- when teaming- their cattle. Instead of inviting the animals to exertion by proper wort.!, the first intimation the poor creatures have from their master that lie desires them to start, is a cut of the whip or a prick from the goad. This is not only savage, but. absolutely wick ed, and wholly unnecessary. An other method often seen is that of pounding and thrashing the oxen because they don't readily back a load, when they have not been learned to back an empty cart down hill. T have no doubt that the selling value of many a yoke of oxen is depreciated front (25 to 875, by being abused in this way. If animals are desired to work TEES, ELBOW. RETURN BEXDl nipJ'T.es, bushings, d-e., for Steam, Wafer and (jus. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Cuages, Whistles Tall on Pomps, Steam (lunges, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves, Ouage Cocks, Air C-cks, and nil kinds' ot llrnss Work. 1'nbber Hose, Hose Pipes, &c. Hotels, public huildimrs, and ptiva'e resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. 1 invite citizens general I v to mil nnd ov- tllC'V IllUSt first be learned to work- ; amine my stock, which has been selected and When they understand what is j ;vi'h groat care and especial attention given wanted ot them they will cheer- c u myfps CHAS. HODGE. . CHA3. E. CALEF. . GEO. W. SXELL. KQ2GE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS I.V DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, rARXISJIES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS Afateriais, ana rrvggUti? Sundries. S7 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. PLUUiUXfl, CMS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, So. 110 Fiifet itct Portland Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, JJo' Wafer Boilers, Marble. Top Waal islands. Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Walcr Closets, Bath Tubs. Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. US CITY LEGAL KOTIGHS. ie PeopIe?sjTransportation Company ARE STILL RUNNING THE IE S T E .A. jVI BOATS, IN ADDITION TO WHICH WE WILL SOON HAVE THE KAIL WAY CA IIS. ALL of WHICH WILL CONTINUE TO BRING THE LATEST STYLES OF GOODS AND THE BEST QUALITIES TO ACKER. MAN, AT THE OLD STAND, .MAIN Sr., OREGON CITY. o T DESIHE TO SAY TO THE PUBLIC THAT I HAVE ONE OF THE COMPLETEST STOCKS OF 6 .-ry at SOU Pi EH GOODS I EVER BROUGHT TO THE MARKET, WHICH I AM SELLING AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST ! O I will sar. COjIE ONE, COME ALL, and satu-fy yourselves that it is so. I have received onl ol the largest stocks ever brought to this market, anticipating a bri.sk trade, nnd 1 r.m determined that the goods shall be sold. My stock consists in part of a "xauTeS DUtSS GOODS. BALMORALS, IIAT3 of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOYLS, best quality ; 3 1 OS 1 1'" li Y ' 13ll()V ASD BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths: BOOTS' AXD SHOES : HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING ; FINE BLACK DliESS SUITS ; CASS1MERE SUITS ; fiiTVl-MUOJl BEAVER SUITS; BOYS? AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. 3 A SUiT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reas Al.o a larire stock ot Gents- i-urnisnmg uootis. (1 T : OC ER1ES A well s'U'Cted assortment. At Cllitliiian & W si: liti-N f.lil S1ui:1. reasonable terms. ,-5rrtf All kinds of Troduce Bought, ifRAGS WANTED. 13 1 1! EOT NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES -OF- Oed-Koom SUITES. Just received and placed in the warcrooms, or SIUR8EEM & SHSHOLEB ! 1GG, 1?0, 17Z First street, corner cf Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON. rARLOR SETS IN TERRY, IN BLUSH, AND IN HAIR-CLOTH. ITev Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, flreut Assortment ?f HOUSE II OLD rURNITURE ! Lounges and Spring bcd.i. PREMIUM GANGJALOWS. As the age in which ve live demands 'progress! in Funning Implements as well as m all other bjaichex of indvs try, I hove entered extcnsivclti upon the Manufacture ejj the Celebrated fully comply. Rut there is abet ter wav to communicate vour tie ssit'e to them tlmii t nrouh the whip. Kindness and skillful management is far better. Remember that "a merciful man is merciful to his beast." It has often been noted that rats are very clever in the plans they try to secure plunder, and it also deserves mention that they are frequently found to exercise great kindness toward those of their number Avho may have sus tained some injury. The follow ing story from the Caithness (Scotland) Courier, illustrates the second of these traits more than the first : "While Alexander Gtmn, cattle dealer, Brahour, was lately passing the 3lill of Dale, his attention was directed by a large rat coming ont of its hole, which, after surveying the place, retreated with the great est caution and silence. It return ed soon after, leading by the ear another, which it left close by the hole. A third rat joined this kind conductor, and the two then search ed about and picked up small scraps of grain. These they carried to the second rat, which appeared to be blind, and which remained on the spot where they had left it, nibbling such fare as was brought it. They seemed then to relax in their exertions, and only continued for a short time; after whieh one of the rats seizes a small stick about five inches in length, which he in serted into the blind one's mouth, and in this way conducted it to the water, of which they all par took and afterwards led their com panion back to its hole, s- An Ohio editor is getting par ticular about what he eats. Hear him- '"The woman who mnde the butter which we bought last week j XUTSV Nllts, Brazil Nuts, Wal Nuts, is respectfully requested to excel-j Filberts and Almonds. else more urdirement in pronort ton- GROCERIES A seleetea stock of Choice 9T IX imx the ingredients. The last batch JL JjlCS.1 r. -h ft jii. vijr 6 V rliomas Oliarman ! Succor to CHARM AN S- BRO., rpriE DIATII OF MY BROl'UFB II AS jL eiir.Hiil'ed me airnin to clnme the nam ot the Mi mof CI IA! -At AN & l;Rt. to tliat of THOMAS CHARM AN !:;ivm- purebred of the est.ite j!1 the ititerest heid y my broth er in the stick of good.s owned by Charman & Brother, t .kir.u til'ect January Sd, 18'J9. Tine Iliistsacss Will Carried on as Usual Dry Goods a ni Clothing,. Hats. C--j . Boots and Shoes, FaCt jYotious. Perfumery And Patent Medicines. Dye Stuff and Varnish, Qaceuawa re . Crockery ct' Lamps l-W"' The trade supplied with goods in original 2y'-u'hoges, on reasonable terms. ii u no Tin x k srtndler. 1857 ESTABLISHED 1857 No. DO First Street, Portland, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, Grass and Flower Seeds ! All Better known in Oregon as lh? WOL- " V, . r ,'i - 1 AM) A FULL STOCK bines all tne desirable point aj a per- j Wi be k(t,t np hy n a:u -n feet rmpltwerJ, being $i-mpl: in con i part, uf :hc iol!o-.viiig branches of trade : structinn, cheap, durable, and of bght draft. The only Premiums which were awarded to Gang Plows at thrgr-nt Implement trial at Jfttoon, Sept 4. 1800. by the State Agricultural :ci etg of Illinois, were awarded to il-lx Plow. The following is an extract I Pain's, Oil. Conors, from the Bepori of the Commissioner of Agriculture, for the year ! 8',-G, and may be found on page 2iG of that re port : "The Gans Plow nvide br J. C. Pfeil, Arenzville, Cass county lilinoM, is received with no little favor in the wot. Almost in credible stories are told of its excellence and etticiency in plowing the prairie fields of Illinois and other States. ' The depth of the furrow is reguhited by the crank-axle, which is so arranged that .1 1 . . . 1 . .1 ... A - . I Iovvit at"th rdesisiire of the driver, when the O W f" C C. M IN U OU!j K- teasii is niovintr.by meunsof the lever. We itlso Hiamifacturo suikey jdows for small boys, or infirm persons who are unable to manage a team of three or four horses. This gang or suikey plow, will cut a fur- ' row from 2 to 10 niches deep, i "The committee who tested the draught j of this plow with a dynamometer state, t.hat it ran lighter by l t'J pounds, than other plows j when running at the sam depth, and held by tne plowman while on toot. JEgSf With this Plow one man ran do more work than two men can do with walking P loirs, and the same amount of team. Hence, it will be seen thai it will more than pay for itself in one season's placing. Sash. Doors, and Window Blinds, Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, lloet and Nails Of Leery Description. I ask Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, G POCL B IB S OF E VER Y VARIETY. mplemcnts OF ALL KINDS. eeds from this establishment Are War rained Fresh and (ipmdne. Foreign and Domestic Diicd Fruits And Vegetables. Foreign and D.-mesHc Green Fruits nd Vegetables. Vegetables ai'd Fruit Packed with care for .shipment. I icill also manufacture the WEB-FOOT GANG PLOW! A D T II E Web-Foot Walking Plow ! Both patterns of my Qwn invention. for which patents have been applied for, and ichich have withstood practi cal tests with the best results receiving flittering testimonials icherever seen or tried. 3-AteT.tion will be paid to any business left with me on Commission. Nonce. My Uu-iees with all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a gold basis but Legal Tender will be re ceived at the market, quotations. Aren: WELLS FAIiKO &CO., and of the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co., of N. Y. ZW I desire to say to all who favor me wilh their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders shall meet with prompt attention. My f.ieilities for doing business ate as good as any house in Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as anv House in good standing in the State. I will not be undersold by any one Please give me a call and exam ne for your selves. Thanking von for past favors, I remain, Respect fully yours, THOMAS CHARM AN. II 0 IVI E MADS H b a jt-tb r T Manufacture- of and Dealer in Furniture, of;i':r;orv err Croceiies, bought expre: 3iad too mr.cli hair in for butter, and. not cnotiuii for a waterfall. There is no sense in making vourselfbaM- lieaded if butter is thirtv-ii ve cents a pound. " Potatoes should always be kept in the dark. 1'ural house-! keepers do not need to be told! - j prices. EST Now, the Farmers of Oregon are invited to give the Oregon City Manufactory a trial. Do not jwch ase a Plow of any description until For Family Use you hare examined my moke and I IAKES THUS METHOD OF INFORMING ft. All ofwh-h 5, offered for Cash at caD nrire, as I am determined to sell at tll8.P"; that hb baa novv ou haud i," oriv., .-..ri. i", . ... , 7.. u large invoice ot less man anpnrier a rears, og g'- "ig unit n nmrft d urn hie article and a auar- i cmr r?"!"" A vn rVTrvciov t tit ires .1 1 I.T-TIT , T'C1 antee warranting tne same. For further info r'i nation address Or' '-d .; i.fONNOR. Xo. 150 Fit.-t stre'-t, I'or.l.ind Oregon. JOSIILAND BROTHERS, FGRTLAIJD AUCTION STORE, First St., Portland, Next Doer to Post Office. nS.tf J JOHN V7. XjSWIS, oitr.r.-os CITY this, lut Others who live in towns ! Importers and Jobbers of Staple and tt , and' Cities should know that I.Ota- ! Yf" Hry Good- Grjia bag. Burlaps f.irr.- Li- .. , ' , i.-h n-T Goods. We pav ti e mgaest casti DES SALOON. 5 TOC8 CXpOSctt to the liilit, lor a j price for Wool, Furs, ?nd Hide dav onlv, have their ilavor injured, ! and the Ioncrer exposed the worse j thev are. pot a toe. X ever use a reenisn A LARGE INVOICE OF SEW Sunday School end Gift Eocks! "TROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCU V iv and G. A. HAAS, Prv-prletor. MAiy STREET, Oregon City. o LUKE A US. BUD-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS. CHAIRS. And Various offwr Qualities of Rich and Medium Fur nil tire 7 Forming a complete and drstrable assort ment, wiiiCfi menu ihe uitenMon of buvers. He HAVFACTUIIESFUIIUITUIIE l' ,;.;,,, T..1.7:,t:., 7r,. t now open to ine p. t u (una v; tr. : j c.i'iiAi; isi'i Jiyiun . on Jeflerson st i O l'RKVKXT V OL'N'DS FROM ; for sale by the subscritei o i i , ! between "2d and ?.4. Portland, Or; gon. SIo-RIFTYING. bprillkle sugar on j G. II. ATKINSON! Secretary, j lie would call the attention cf the pubric i to sah;srroom, as containing the mot and Treus. Oregon iract Societr. them- The Turks wash frc-?h i 1 wounds with wine, and sprinkle su- i gar on them. Obstinate nleers i "YVT IT. WATKINS, M. D mar be cured with sugar dissolved ' " ' ' stron- decoction of walnut ! fc L nt.t,u. i outlaxd. n -r, n. . w ujt : vc i. ?o I- rent stiTFt Kc-jidence cor- I atr of Maia aad Seventh streets. m a leaves. ITsing good mntennls, and cmploring th r iner.n.iu' nullum pHiiai iv can narraw ois t;oids to be as rei ii rntrrj &f 0! t h.is been tliorouglwy ren-ivat- nod he is prepared to fill m-.i?r with ed .utd repaired r:ui mg tae past season aeu is pronptncss. r.-.iiy con.pietf m an j i us aoiiOiritmeis. f Rut BILLIARD TABLES in ORLUO coaip.cte u.o,.f tuieut of dlruJAe -jooda in th Have been introum ed, and the Proprietur ia-; Stale. vites the attentioa t ibe hvfis ;t Uns i 3a- ' i-UTJini.TOR. popular amusement to thm. j Main street, Oregon City Wi c famous, for hot Vki-kie ar;d Punch. I f'aict jW Funiilie- --r p;.';ie 1. HOT COFFEE A AD OYSTERS:. I tSiitLS IILANKS, of everv descnp :e cf patrens. i J tion, lor sale at the ntekfki;se o3icc THE BAB IS SUPPLIED 'xrt1sZT, Vith ail the choicest qualities of Liquor and I "-,U1-N'- HOME, AND ISI ":ic:ir. Scotch. Irish and liouiboa already i iliS cards neatly printed at ti IT- tnis At ali h'jnrs for tha ccuvenieacc BEG A L 2VOTICi:s. QRDIXANCE Xo. SO. B ' it Ordained and e$Uihlihed ly iue City Coviailof Oregon City, Ongon. That the City Seminary be, and u hereby, constituted and invested witn tne r-nviietre ! of eonierrinr and eranting Iip;oni.:s, or Graduating Curds, under the fallowing pro visions : Section- I. The City Seminary shall be conducted tind'-rtiic Grade Sys'.cm. Suction II. Whenever the number of pu pils in attendance shall exceed One Hundred, there shall be three Departments. When One Hundred and Fifty there shall he four ; and when Two Hundred there shall be five Departments. Section- III. The Department? ol the City Seminary, as at present divided, shall be styled the Primary, Preparatory, Academic, and Classical. Section 4. The Grading of the School and all examinations for preferment, shali be under the ciiarge of the Principal, who shall teach the Classical Department. No person sh ill be eligible to be Principal who has not obtained a Degree from some University, or established In-titntion of Learn inc. He shall be Mibject to ex am 5 na tion by th? City School Superintendent, in all the branches mentioned in Section iive of this Ordinance. Section V. Any Student who has attend ed the City Seminary for two years or no re, and who has obtained from the" Principal Xo! 1 certificates of qua'.ijicaiion in at least Ten of the undermentioned branches of study, and pas-ed satisfactory examiuat-ons in not less than live others, 'shad be entitled to re ceive a Diploma, or Graduating Card from said Seminary. English Branches. 1, Reading and Orthography; 2, Penmanship ; 3, Geognphy ; 4, English Grammar; f, Rhetor c; (i, Hitory oi' United States ; 7, Ancient History ; 8, Modern do i, Book Keeping, Single entry ; 10, Book Keeping, Double entry. Ear.gucajvs. 1 , French ; 3, Greek. 2, Latin ; Mathematics. 1, Arithmetic ; 4. Geometry ; 2, Mensuration; , 3, Algebra; C, i in lay, igation Company, de- Trigonometry ; JSurveyiuif and Navigation. Sciences. 1, Natural Science ; 2, P.otiiiy; 3, Naiurai Philosophy; 4, Z o.o.gy ; 5, Geology ; (i, Minerob-gv ; 7, An.itomv, Physiology and Ilygene; S, C hem i-try; !, Astronomy ; 1", L-gie. Sk( x on 1. The Diploma shall he signed by the Principal ; the Teacher of the Aca demic Do);,: ttf.ent ; The City Sc' ool S ;p. r in.euderjt; The Mavor. and attested bv t!ie City Recorder, with the Seal of the Cilv'Cor- ! poration allixed. Section VII. The cost of said Card shall be pai i bv he applicant. Section VIII.'- Ti e City Recorder shall ke-p a record of all pupils who obtain said Cards. Passed the Citv Council April 20, 1RHD. FOR H KS I5A RC LA V, flavor. Attest: J. 31. BACON, City Recorder. QUM'dOXS. U In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. The People's 1 ratisportation .mn..ny PLiin- cs. -ircnioaul .j Ivi .in v, Sarab J . McKm liiouias i.mvp, 1 1. 1-. inompsi'ii, Mary n i H :rnpsoi!, J:l;n P. Cemcnr. Mary J. Dement , A. L. Lovejov, h hzabedi Lov.joV, J. D. De i m:iit ana W. C. Jdm-on. execiit-TS of the e-tate of VV. C. Dcme:;t decea-cd and the iilarnette Steam Nav hndaiits. To Archi'ialdJIeEinhiy, Sarah J. McKlnlay and Thvma. Lmirc. defendant : Whereas the Hon. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas, upon due proof as required by law on the f.th dav of March ISO?, ordered summons in the above suit to be served upon defendants Archibald -McKinlay, Sarah J. McKiiday and Thomas Lowe, by publication in the Orecon Citv En terprise. Now, therefore; in tiie'narne of the St;tte of Oregon, You are hereby uonfied and required to appear and answer the complaint ti ed against you in the above entitled action, with the Cierk ot ti.e above entitb I Court on the fir st day of the next term d"ih above entitled Court, to be held at. tlit citv of Ore gon (.ity in said County of Ciackania--, in the S-'ate or' Oregon, "u the Pom th Monday of uctooer, a. u. imi. anu u you tad to answer for want thereof sa d comp-aint will Ire taken for coniessed, and ti.e Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint and will tak; judirmerit and decree against you, for tiich relief and costs and dioburteiaeiit-s of suit. MITCIIULL, DOLPII . SMITH, 10.7t) Aziornrfsfor Plaintiff. QUMMOXS. O 1" Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas, ss. Su.t to dissolve the marriage contract. Leonora E. Daly, Plaintiff vs. Wil liam J. L. Daly, Defendant. To Willi'ini J. E. Duty said, fendtut : lit the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear ami answer the complaint tiled against ou in the above entitled acton, within ten dins from the date of the service of this Summons upon you, it served within said County, or, if sfrwd in any other Coimty of this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you; and if you tail to answer, for want thereof' the Plain i iff will applv to the Court for the relief demanded 1 : .. i ,i l . .... .a ... i . .. . -i i . .. in tne iiiu uuiiim,u!ii, anu wnercas oilier of publication of a summons" h is been made by the C mit in the anove entitled suit, in pursuance of said order, you are fu'tin-r notified tin t unless you apj ar in s.i 1 Court by the fir-t day .f the next term throwing t! e expiration of six weeks pi.b'.icaiioa of ftd-4 somiiioiis, sai l lirst pubi c.ittot) being ilandt 2oih, 1 said next term count. cue. ing May loth, 1 SO, the Phdutiif wiil a; p!y to the Court for the nlbd' t!ei(iaml'd in her said ct xnpiaint, wbieii is that tne bond' oi matri nit ny no'.v existing between plaint i:f and :e!ida!:t be dissolved, and that jdaiiitdt have the care and custody of her ioiant sou Wil liam. S. MULL AT. p..7t) Attore;i : ',' i. tiff. MfSCELLivjlOTjv'i Q.UAJID1AX NOTlCiri Iu County Court of Clacka.n State of Oregon : usr To fill whom itmn.yCnnren Pnmufl Lncle, having, on the-. :-o, Apr:!, Hied a petiiKjn i may be appointed guardian of iora" a minor and non resident, it w -that the first Monday cf June f. f apart as the dav for the hearing ot jdicntion, at which time a!! j,eS( ested can appear nnd make their t ' to the granting the prayer of said r'.' they have anyl" V. T. MATLf.f ' Joiixfox &v3'c Cowy, County i Petitioner s Attorneys, plGS' FEET. FUED. MULLEU, STS- Offers to the citizens of Ore'S Pounds Sonced Pigs' t-'eet, (put vid1 self) in lots to suit. Apply at No." f ington street, between First ariil J' Portland. C-ountrj' trade supplied in an?.?., quantify. A liberal discount to the's'i TTIT.DRITRGTT. ruTnsTi 1 I I i, ' D. II. HI LD BURG II, ) LOUIS FLNSTKIX, f Portliv : L. HILDBUnCH.n r;.. Importer and lUItn'r.sale Teq!(r r All Kinds of n;j,j Scotch and Irish WhisliJ Rum, Gin, Domestic Liquors, dzc, Aw. &c. I PORTLAND Opposite Faiii,.P, direct, litxt door to A. 14. Itiotiaru O II E G 0 X BAKEHV .rf?i P-'-r- & i ' .. . P. GPITZ, ?EO?PtIET02 FIRST STREE1 c el h St PORTLl - Bet. Washinpion and Stail ' MAXCFACTCr.EU OF I ALL HINT'S A XI) Qt'ALITiF.S t , QUMMONS. O In tlie Circuit Coiirf of fhe Stute of Orciron, lor the County of Clacka mas. . . Action to appropriate lands. ... 'f Le V. i l.iiiietre Falls Canal and Loc Coinpnr.y, I'lnititiiV, vs. Hugh Burns and Thomas Bart leit, 1 !e!e iidant s. To HUGH HURXS, Ikfciidui.tr In the name of the State of Oregon, Yon are hcieby repdred to appear and answer the complaint ii!ed aya nst vo a iu the above j CUE AD, CAKES AND PV- PR ACKERS 1 iff always be sold below San F- prices. All orders promrtlv itt.- t E OllLGON B Ki i I. ( i i...a.ii! ! or tilt. ! so i ve any ot ; we thi in r Is berebv g'ven foal! w' om it rr-av concern that A. A. MeCn ly I'res't of the i T. Co., has pr-sentd a if lition to tiie City Conneii of Oregon City, asking for the vacation of that 'oiti ui oi water street ami the Alleys lying between the P. T. Co.'s iuiin, and tin present Perry Landing, for the iuipos - of building i.oc!;s. The hearing oi sa d petit on is set for the first Monday in Ji ne, lii!. Pv rd r of the Conneil. Oregon City, Api'il 2otii, l.:-o9. 2i:-lt J J. M. BACON, Recorder. frTNXLETTLIi ENT. Tn County Court of Clackamas County, State of Ort con: In the matter oi the estate of MARY liAPf.'lS, leeafd. 'ihoaias il arris. Kxeeufor of said ( tote, havinjr ti ed hi- fin d accc.nnt and ivu tt with a prayer for settlement, it was ordered bv the Court that ti c Ellis'! uoNDA Y IN MA Y, ISiPL be set anart for the final settlement of saul are-'unts. and the approval ofsaid report J at which time all persons interested can j Dl file their objection, if t h-y have anv. By k3 aei ion, w in o ( .. fr..m tl:.e tt sc-i viet; of tins v.-itoia sfii! ier County of ti da s 'r. in the 'UtliinoliS Upon yen, j; ei- iy. or if serv er! in is State, tin n within .ate o! the service of ol ( it., Portland. 0 I i . 11; 1 B. L. STOKE, t ; i C n.vE nm teams upon voa. Ami when as or- i.. r of Piiblieati'm of a Sutnm- us 1 as been made by the said Court, in the a boy.; etititkd acti -n, in ; t,rs a uc.- " said order y-u ;-re iur tl.er n-tiJ d lha r,i:!e-s yon appejr iu .-aid Ci nit by the rust u.;v 1 foe n x: ' erm lowing th" ex. ir. ii-'ii . f six weeks' puhlicn- v irniiuis the first pnbiieatiou . 27. 1 s ''!', ) and said next term 1 T ntay. V60. ti n oi ii b.l:: Mi e'.;nii.eeri;:r io Mud t-ountvon Monday the 10'. day of and if you tail to answer said eoii.plrint, the hu'nti.'f wi.l apply to the Con it f.-r the. I reiief uen.ai.oe'l the em, Wi.-ieri r; ior toe ap- riuu-.atioii to the ese of Plaintiff, cu' certain j land he: egiag to you in sad Com ty find ! State, to w it : A er atn str'p of Ja:.d in your j Donadon Land Claim, about 'iOS ket n length and sixtv feet in with, j S. HULL AT, Attorney 20.7;) for Plaintiff. -a .-vND cruioxoMnTi; Adj ;-ed and Unpaired iu the:, Mariner, and Warra::'e:I. I7o. Ill Front st., For.hr. A ar m 1 si a Dr. JULIAN PER I; A J'jf Doctor of Medic in p. of the Fn j JarU, Graduate of the L'r'i sity Queen's College. v I'hysici vn of the St. J ' , Rapthte Socidy of In the Circuit Conrt of an Fran c.i-tco order of W. T. MATLOCK. Judge of County Court. Johnson- !t McCowx, A'ionnys. 2-.lt ,4 DMINISTUATUIX NOTICE. J Notice is her(dy given that the. undersigned has been apnoint ed Administratrix of tiie esatc of Williston I). Woodcock, deceased, ami having filed my bond, ami it having been approved, therefore all persons having claims against said estate are required to piesent them to me, y rooeriy verdied, at the office of Johnson ii MeCown, in Oregon City, Cbo ktmas County, within six months fiom the date of this notice. Those indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate navment. A L I ,YZ I N N A 001) CO C K, Johnson & McCowx, Administratrix. Attorneys for Administratrix. 22.4 i State of Oregon, for the County of Clack a ! mas Action to uppiopiiate land' .'1 be ! Willamette Falls Canal ard Lock Company Plaintiff, vs. (. C. Pratt Deiendant. To 0. C. PRATT, lj'fualnnt: In the name 1 f tiie Statt ot Oregon, You arc hereby required to appear and answer j the compiaiiit tiled against you in tiie above I entitled action, within ten dins from the I date of the service of this Summons upon j you, ii serveo v. liian sam (utnty, or ii served in any oilier C unty of tins State, then nii' ia twenty days from the date o; the service of this Summons up' n you. And whereas, or der of Publication of a Summons has been made by the said Court in tiie above cnti- iieu action, in pursuance ot saio outer you i in m to cation oi tins rtiimrnoiis. i tne t.rst j lion ueit.g iiarcti 2,, i ;.!;!,) and sani next t-rm commencing in ram County on Drt. PtniiAtri.T has the pk-i.iret patients :i"d others seeking ii I meairal advice, tliat he can b-. j1' h's tdiiec, Armory Hail Bnildmj. 1 corner Moutgomei and Saeran.-n San Francisco. Korms No. h. je. floor, up stabs, entrance either e: gomery or Sacramento streets. I;t. Pt;t;Ai L'i's studies havi b ' exclusively devoted t tiie cine of i ous forms of Nervous and Physical I the results of injurious habits ncf youth, v. inch usually terminat ' i and sterility, and permanently r ii. concomitants of obi ae. Where a ; firm it y exists, involving the h q j life and t'tiat cf others, icnMa : ah," dictate ihe necessity f its rcia it is a fact that premature denim, vigor of manhood, matrinuniai uiilij compulsory single life, etc., have tin I 2 tn re further m. tided tint unless vou appear ', in causes, the germ of which is th !i said Court by the first dav of the next' team ! early life, and the bitter fruit taste.! t 2a ( fo PI St lowing the expiration of six wi eks pnidi- I terwards ; patients, laboring r.ndei i f bt lion of this Summons. the first puoliea j plaint, w ill complain of one of t. -n hemf March 27. LSifflA and snid nevr ! follow ii'ff syrnntoms: Noctui'i i' ' 1 TT OM LSTEAD NOTICE. I j "j I t-rm commencing in rah- County on I pains iu the back and head, , In Ihe United States Land office, at Ore- j Monday the IQh day of May. 1SCD, m 31,0,7 a-l'ld fA'bt, discharge l..n. gon City. Oregon. ' -and if von fail t, answer sivd complaint, tfce ;'f f0,.n. to '? :lnZ, To Robert R. Pcal;e : Plaint ;tt Vill apply to the Court for ti e re n,tt',lcc,aul mcn!.l;e! ai , , ! J I You are htrebv notified that Michael i lief demanded thJrem, winch is for the an- p'crnory ensnes, ideas are clou . ( . - Penelton has applied at this office to contest ; propriathm to the use of Plaintid of certain ls a "'-"cLnauon to attend to at.- - your homestead entry No. 1114, made upon lam bd-ngirtg to ,ou iu said County and eyen to reading, wrii ing.or soc.c c , the S. h of S. W. i of Sec. 20, and N. of N. W. , of See. 20, in T. 3 S. II. 1 E . alleg ing that said claim has been abandoned; ami yon are further notified that the case will be heaid at this office on Tuesday, the 2ath day of May, IsiP.', at the hour "of 11 O'clock A. M. OWEN WADE, Register. HLNUY Yv'ARUEN, Receiver. April 10th, ltaiO. -jlV.it State, to wit : A certain strip out of two bits owned by you, lu-ir-g originally a part of the Donation Land Claim of iimzh Bui the portion sought Piamtih m iner a about i:2 feet in 2u.7tJ S. UU Mis id I etc. 1 lie patient will ru bamv c- i dizziness, vertiao. and ihat tin d, and ; turrbed bv dreams, luelanehcp. iglit to he appropriated bv t - 1 . r,V- , - j : pa'pi'ations, cmsrhs aiu slow io astrin six! y feet m wn.ta and i 1 ' ... ,1 .1 ... , , .,11. some bare external rheumatic 1; m -I !'", t ! t",1 "' r Vo""'- f- i numbness of the body. S ,me I ,LA1, Attorney f ,r Plaintiff. , CORJ,i;on symPtoms are pimples D i S' mi l aching in different parts of 1 UMML'NkS. Patients suflVi in 2 from this dis Tn the Circuit, Court of the apply immediately to Da. I'ertKin' t - tate of Oregon for the County of Claeka- iu persons or by letter, and he iA - TK mas. ... Action to appropriate lands. ... tee t tee a cure ot seminal veaKne JS. Wil'mnrette Falls Ca-.nl aad Lock C tnpany ; eight weeks. e m.;,o .... n . ri.,.. l Mnniu 1 I'.tntj cufr.irtnn. r.. O . . , r t . . j. . , . - i I lillllHJ, 1?. Vltl.'l-. . ....... , ; . ..UL..1.1 cuavuiij: I I UUi fill I 14' - - . .' A ! ' ' mauer m tne tsiaie .1:!r, VaU;U.,- .l t! C. C- nvvfOr,' Tru-tee of ' in anv t-r, C;,,,,,,-,-!,,, r.ii .tames 4vtoor rs'nrs at inw oi i, liiiiio l icers, vutaneous erunt 'r Moore Decea.s d, J dm Gordon, and certain ; be treated successfully. All Svi't unknown wne ieP ndants. i Mecr.rial Taints entirely remou'l I J?l N A L SE'iTL EM ENT. In the County Court- of Clackamas County, ate ot Oregon: in the matter of THOMAS LEAKY. Deceased. I ' .1 ... . T ........ n ... .a s.4' r-f,t.1 -..-.rt i having filed to v final account,, and report, with a prayer for final se.tleiuent it was oider ed by the Couit that, the FIRST MONDAY IN 11 A V, 18oii.be set apart as the day for the final settle ment of" tne accounts, of said execWnx, and j the approval of said report at whieh time all persons interested can appear and file their i objections, if they have any. Bv order of W.'T. MATLOCK, Ju. lire of County Court. Johnson & McCowx, At'ionicys. ' 2-2.lt .... r, -r.T-... ,r,s.r,f. 1 TT TI I T 1 T" ! j.o jnuir.it t .n t;'...r., .vi. raia j- system. E R, and ecrl tin. uidinoicy, owners. Is foul- j Da. I'ekraclt's diplomas a; O" oil fx : ! where patients can see for t!a"-' in tne name ot me f-.iate ot ureron, ion jIXAL SETTLEMENT. In County Court f Cdac-kama County. State of Oregon : In the e.staie of I'RLSLEY WA1LMCK. I)eeea-ed ehv are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against ou in the above I entitled aeiion wittor, ten days from the fiatnt i of th--: service of this Summons upon you if j served within this County, or if served with ; in any other County of this state, then ; in twenty days from the date of the service : of this Summons upon vou. And hm fa -. .. t- i . . t i -.:.'.. - ... . i , ' ! mane uv tne Com t in t..e ate ive entit they a e under the care f a regu a ! practitioner. The best ref.rt uc a -J required. Patients suffering under ch:'" " can crll and examine for thi . - invite investigation; claim .' ' ' evervthing, nor to cure eve:'1 ' do claim that in ail c.i-e takt. t ment, wo hdtiH our promises. V t C c k r 2 Notice is hereby ivr n that I, Ciml ll-.w- 11, Adaunistra or of the e-tate t Presley Warnick, deceased, have presented nnd hied iu the above eutir'ed Co at my account for final settlement of my admini-trati u in the above entitled estate; : nd t hat. Monday the third dav of ilav, . D. ls(V., at tie hour of 11 o'clock A. M., cf siid day, has been d ly appo nted by said Court for the final settle ment of said account, at the Court 11; use in Oreiron City, m said CI ckamas County, State of Oregon. At which time and place, all p'-rsons interested in said estate, are no tified to appear and file exceptions in writing to .-aid account, if any they have, and contest the same. Hv order f said Court. CAR EL HOWELL, Administrator. April the loth. 1 ''.P. 22. 4t BILL 11 E ADS PRINTED, At the Enterprise Office. oi.;.-. inouc.o.-'u a .-a -.anions nas reeu larly lequest those w..o have t . I X mane oy tne Const in t..e ab ive entitled ac- v( doctor, and that adveitise i ; ' - I tion, in pursuance- ot said order yo a are fur- . worn out and discoura-d. t c-a tiier notttied mat indess you appear in sail lMW charges and quick enrs. Vr Court l y t.be fir-t day of ih-.. next- te. m Cd- j Ladies sntlVring from anv tf-? J ( lowing the expnation of six weeks pr. blica- -dental to their s-v can r-onsnlt t J tion of tots Summon, (the first publication with the assurance of reef. ( C neing ..i arch 2,, lx.ft.) and said next term i FKMiLK monthly pill commencr ,r l:i said County on i j)? Pekratlt is the onlv a;.!.- Mona ryjiP 10 A dan of May. 1SG9 r.ia for Dm Biot's Female i" ' and if vou fail to answer said complaint, the Plaintiff will apply Xo the Court for the relief demau le 1 then, in, which is for the ap- ti. ..Tii-inli.... ii..-. ...... e : j i iw 'uc U5: ui i iaoa j; certain land btlor.gi'ig to vou s aforesaid. Ks.hl huul being situated in said County and State, being a portion ot the Donation Land Claim Their immense sale- bis est. reputation as a female renedy, ed and far in advance ol every -' suppressions and irreguhti iti-- obstructions in females. On s-o these pills will bestnt by r to any part of the world, teci i e ; of snid Robert Moore deeeas. d, a d descr.bd osuy or damage. ;as follows, f, wit : strip o: said laud Persoiat a distance can a f i Sixteen Hundred ai d Fourteen and on -half home by addressing a letter lo l riGltil feet in len-rtb. nd Sixtv fi-At. in comer of Sacramento and wid-h, running furou-h whit was and is rooms 10 and 1 1, or box .n-, known as Lixm Citv, in said County and -Francisco, stating the case a State. s 11C EL AT ' i possible, general habits, of uv.-r 20 7 0 Attorney for Plaintiff. ! tion, tc. i ec h L U It COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY,