The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, March 27, 1869, Image 2

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? paragon City, Oregon ,
march 27, 1869.
;IIon. L. E. Pratt lias .been select
ed for orator of the day at the grand
celebration of the fiftieth' anniversary
of Odd Fellowship, which is to come
off In Sari ;;FraDcis'co j on theJ26thof
April. - 3 -
-Prof. Delisser predicted , that
about the last of February there
would be heavy gaies, high tides and
earthquakes, . and that the whole, of
i860 will be fruitful of such things.
" B. F. v Do well, of the Sentinel,
In bis Washington letter,1 says there
h no prospect of any further recogni
tion and payment of Oregon war
claims. " . , -
The trees are now budding forth
in their luxuriance, and the earth is
putting on its robe of beautiful spring
flowers. "The earth is full of His
Chicago has gained an unenviable
notoriety for the number of her di
vorce suits. - Last year there were
460 applications for the dissolutions
of the hy menial bonds. Of the num
ber. 284 Were filed by wives and 17G
by husbands. . :
There is no finer grazing land
on Ihe coast than. Oregon produces,
yet there is not sufficient butter in
the country to supply ordinary home
consumption, and the price hs run
up to 75 cents per pound. We Want
more enterprising farmers.
A correspondent says the popu
lation of White Pine consists princi
pally of roilUonares, who strike every
new comer for a dollar to get dinner
or. lodging. They all expect to realize
their , wealth in the Spring. . ,
1 It is said that Horace, Greely
has expended nearly S 1.000 an acre
on his swamp land at Chappaqua,
Westchester county. From all ac
counts it will'amply repay the expen
diture. For some time , past Mr.
Greely has been engaged in cover
ing the entire surface of the swamp
with a dressing of the about six inches8
of earth. i '
When Horace Gretley , started
the New Yorker in New. York,
years ago, he endeavored to create a
sensation by offering prizes for the
best poems and stories. " Lewis Gay
lord Clark was chairman of the corn
mittec to "decide these things, and
awarded the fifty dollars to a Henry
W. Longfellow, a professor in Bow
doin College, for the poem.
f The Turkish ladies at Constan
tinople, are becoming more and more
civilized in their dress. ; Althongh
they still wear the uncouth, shape
less outer cloak and close white veil
-while in the street, they have the
European dres often under the cloak
and inake the veil of such 4thin and
transparent gauze as to show to the
ntmost advantage' the features they
pretend to conceal. "
In exe'ting times, when rash and
abusive language concerning men and
events is so freely indulged, in, those
who have control of the public press
would do well to remember the words
of John Dickinson, one of our Revo
lutionary statesmen, who could dis.
cuss the most exciting subject in the
most calm and temperate language.
In one of his famous letters on the
great questions of that day, he says:
"l ain of their opinion who think
it almost as infamons to disgrace a
good cause by illiberal language, as
to betray it by unmanly timidity.
Complaints may be made with dig
nity; insults retorted with decency,
rnd violated rights vindicated with
out violence of words.''
The Ilobart Pasha who is now
in cotaniand of the Turkish - fleet, is
the third son of the Earl of Bucking
hamshire (not of 'Buckingham).;' He
gained $50,000 by running the block
ade of .Charleston, but, " by gaming
nnd betting,, spent it all, and ran in
debt $ 150,000 besides, so that he had
to leave England to keep out of pris
ou. Then he entered the. Tnri-id,
marine service, by the favor of the
English Captain Slade, who has been
since 1S49, in the same service, and
has also the; title of Pasha. . Captain
Hobart was married to the daughter
of the chief, surgeon : of the , English
squadroa at Corfu, Dr. Colqutionn
.Grant. - ; Hobart' eldest brother has
charge of an Anglo-Turkish bank.
Saeh a ireekless l character will r be
likely td do all he can to push Turkey
and Greece into war, whenever
opportunity offers.
In the change of our national ad
ministration people reasonably ""ex
pect a change of policy for the bet
ter, provided circumstances will- ad
mit of :such ta change. And j there
has been no time in on r history so
free from corrupting influences as to
f$5oelu missible.
People expect that abuses which have
crept - in r. under -one admin ietratiou
will be swept awav. when new men
come into power.. In partizanj war
fare, parties,' in a measure ' rest their
prospects :of success upon promises of
reform in 1 respect , to " those ,things
which virtually affect the Interests of
the people. :i (Here we; may discover
the worth -of parties in a State, each
jealously watching, the guardianship
of the other, and readyto sound the
alarm the ;rnoment they discover any
encroachment upon the prerogatives
oT thepeople ' There ; can be iho
question but that the last administra-
yonas.iop fiavisn4 ir .itsj expenai
tures. -Every scheme, having de-rthe
signs upon' the Treasury, if they came
under the guise of the public good,
or for the purpose of developing, our
internal resources, found listening ears
and willing minds. Our . worthy
Secretary of State was eager to pur
chase whatever was offered for sale,
lie seemed to be inspired with an
ambition to extend Yankee Domin
ion from the tropics to the poles.
His schemes for purchase, remind
one of the course pursued by certain
good housewives, who fill their houses
from cellar". to garret, with damaged
furniture and broken crockery, " be
cause they can be bought cheap, and
may come handy, sometime." A
depleted treasury and a monstrous
debt ought to have presented insuper
able obstacles in the way of all such
foolish expenditures. A ray of light
seems to have dawned upon the
minds of some near the close of the
administration. Every honest man
owes a debt of thanks to Washburne
for the bold stand he took in favor
of reform. But extravagant pur
chases were not the only abuses that
merit our condemnation. Bold and
unsciupulous frauds upon the reve
nues of the Government, were but
slightly rebuked. Hundreds of men
were all the while eurichinrr thern
selves at the expense of the national!
income, and only feeble efforts were
put forth to bring such to justice, and
compel them to disgorge their ill
gotten gains. It became notorious
that those who committed crimes
against the currency of the country
were virtually sustained in their
course by the chief-executive, for. no
sooner had prison doors closed upon
some notorious counterfeiter than
they would swing open again,'at the
sound of : the magic word pardon.
And there could be no redress for
shch ' wrongs against society. In
view of a speedy end they were not
of such a nature as to justify an open
rebellion. It has been said that
" many thoughtful men have striouse
ly questioned whether hone?ty in the
administration of Government is pos
sible. The opportunities of fraud are
so: numerous, the temptations so
great, and the ;. devises for covering
them so easily available, th it it is
not probable that any Government
ever was administered for any con
nderable length of time, without
fligraut dishonesty and wrong to
wards the governed It is a con
vening evidence of Omnipotent
, . ; -
wisdom and power which shapes the
destinies ot nations as well as ot in
dividuals, that despite all these cor
ruptions, human Government is yet
made to conserve tht common good.''
Thus it is that so long as human na
ture remains as it is the question of
dishonesty in Government has come
to be nut one of fact but of degree.
When it is but little manifest, t it
passes without observation. When
it reaches certain limits it becomes
intolerable, and there comes up a
cry from the people for reform. The
moment the power reverts again to
their hands they delegate it to new
men, pledged to serve higher and bet
ter;, interests. The cry now comes
up from every quarter of the land for
retrenchment. , The feeling is strong
that national expenditures must be
limited and the national income em
ployed for the diminution of the debt
that rests -upon us. And our new
executive sympathizes with this feel
ing. He gives expression to it in his
message calling for the honest pay
ment of all our debts, and the estab
lishment of some measure to secure,
as soon as may be, a reiurn to specie
payments and the full recognition of
our national credit. ' He. is disposed
to frowu upon 4 all v extravagant
schemes. He knows full well that
the surest way- to undermine 'the
foundations of a State, is to cast it
into bankruptcy, and that although.
' A thousand years scarce serve to form a
State, ;' sl ' ? ..
sA? bour may lay it in the dust" v i; h
h; ,
1'resident Grant has it larcelv in
nauiurate needed re
forms in this direction. ? Let us hope
that the men whom he has called into
his councils will further all his plans,
looking to this desired -end and that
the people will not clamor too loudly
fr the indulgence of their wants , in
this or thai llirPPtinn Until tho lrtnr
we carry bears less heavily upon us.
Then" we can' sing with a new and
stronger emphasis that grand old
stanz of our national hymao.
" Praise tbet power that hath made and
'preserved us a nation ! . f 1
Then conquer we must when our cause it
is just, - f. i
And this be our motto. ' la God is our
.trust, i
And the Star4 Spangled . Banner O long
" may it wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of
the brave." - - "
e A Trip to the Ucb. -During the past
week Ve made a short trip' to the city." of
Portland, finding every business there in
active operation, hotels - crowded,' tner
chants pushing around looking, after he
spring trade and all the routes of travel
well patronized. The - large number ot
new; buildings, already in proeess pf erec-
tion, show.taat Portland is to have even,
more than the usual growth and advance
ment real estate there commands a price
fully up trt the circumstances of the case;
and the jexpectations- .of. proprietors.
Not only ure there many new . business
houses in course, but the ,town is spread-
ihg back, climbing the rises of the back 4
ground and exploring the .level lands ot
Couch's f addition. Portland ,-is growing
taster than ever, before ; becoming truly
metropolitan ; will grow "more yet when
railroad facilitiea are finally realized. ;In
a short interview with Mr. lloUaday we
were assured that the rail road work will
be prosecuted to a steady completion and
toad const mctea ana in operation as
Holladay is one of those men who grow
stronger and become more energetic as
they encounter opposition. He means
business and all the efforts made to retard
the East Side Road will prove futile and
waste away before his wealth, energy and
enterprise. At the present moment it is
not easy to purchase and ship iron from
either New York or Liverpool, the great
demand beinc? in excess cf 'the supply.
Negotiations are in progress and the iron j
will be purchased and shipped in time to ;
construct the road to Salem the present
season. Of course we went to see that
notable lot of iron said to be purchased by
the West Side from Messrs. Brinck &
Welsh. We had some considerable curi
osity as to the various kinds of railroad
iron now and formerly in use, and the as
sortment comprised in that one hundred
tons of iron came very near covering the
ground, though it will not cover much
ground of railroad. There were several
different patterns oval lace, smooth face,
fish-bar joints and we don't know what
else, confirming the impression ,hat the
lot was the culiings of the iron yard, at
tho Danville ; Iron Works, defective in
many poinis, at the same time -we . don't
doubt it is very good iron for some uses.
It lies below the bone yard convenient
for shipment to the Cascades and Ce
lilo rait roads, for repairs of which it is
often insinuated the sa?d iron wa3 pur
chased. '
The pastor of the Methodist Church at
San Jose (Cal.,) has been giving some at
tention to the instruction of a few Chinese
in the English language and in the princi
ples of Christianity. Recently he received
some threatening letters, something like
those written no great while ago by the
Ku Klux of this city, to the effect that if
he did not' desiat from a work so odions
and criminal in the eyes of the constitu
tional Democracy, his church would be
burned. It was ah-o threatened that all
who employed Chinese should be punish
ed in like manner. Sure enough, in a
short time the church was burned ; and
following it came the burning of a large
distillery at the same place, involving a
loss of $100,000, because three or tour
Chinese were employed in it. The Ore
gonktn truthfully remarks that every
Democratic paper on the Pacific coast is
encouraging such work as this. A por
tion of this " white man's party" are be
low the barbarions against whom they
rail so continually. The incendiary who
applied the torch, now writes that he was
one of a band of f8,000 in California who
were with him in such villainy. The
Marysville Appeal remarking upon the
declaration, thinks the fellow means there
are 68,000 Democratic voters in the
The Overland for March we have care
fully looked over, and are much pleased
with its general appearance. It opens
with a clear and concise account of the
"San Juan difficulty." As is quite natu
ral, the writer looks at the question from
the American stand-point and we can not
do otherwise than sympathize with him in
his views. There is one article of consid
erable interest upon the employments of
the Chinese upon this coast. The writer
briefly enumerates theVarious branches ot
industry in which they are engaged, and
proves conclusively that their labor is es
sential to the developmont of our re
sources. Those who opppose their intro
duction should read this carefully. O.her
articles contain matters of interest in the
early history of California, and as such are
valuable. :
. NoRTu Pacific Tkaxsportation Com
pany. This corporation lately organized
in California, with many distinguished
capitalists of that State as its directors, is
not a more steamship company, as many
suppose, but proposes to engage in
transportation,''' in whatever field of en
terprise, which offers inducements for out
lay., The California, Oregon and Mexico
Steamship Company has become merged
in this greater company, Holladay retain
ing the controlling interest in the latter as
in the ' former. Prominent capitalists
named in connection with this - new cor
poration, . intend soon to visit Oregon
doubtless for the purpose of ascertaining
what fields of enterprise offer the greatesi
advantages, and deserve the "most: en
couragement. Locomotive Fire Wood. In our ac
count last week, of a ride down to see
'VMill No. 2" ou the railroad, we forgot
to include as part of the valuable product
of the mill. several hundred cords of wood,
made from the, slabs, which are cut into
stove lengths by a small circular saw ; the
wood so made being thrown into a car.
which runs on a temporary track laid over
the piles s of lumber and dumps the load
into convenient piles. By this means a
large amount of fire wood, will be on
hand when needed for locomotives. 1 '
J The Great Republic will be dispatched
for Hong Kong on Monday April- 5th in
stead of Saturday the 3rd. ,
Small pox is again on the rise in San
Francisco. A new. case is , also reported
in Jacksonville. .
; A Washington dispatch of the 25th
says that Andrew Johnson, Ex-President,
rf -rrv 1 t-sim ot Hroonrilla Tonnncon
J on that morning.
Secretary May to Senator Williams."
The It. R. Controversy.
Fron the Oregnian of Thursday last.
AVe have re p eated ly -d eclared
that with the controversy between
the east and west side railroad com
panies we can have nothing to do as
partisans of one side or the other.
This position we intend to maintain.
The controversy is not of a nature to
be settled by newspaper advocacy.
But we have never, had any objection
to making statements f of facts rela
tive to-one side -or the . other; ; on
be contrary, f we have always been
anxious to present snch facts for pub
lic information. , . Much Is said recent
ly concerning the discussion, in the
Uni ted ,". S tat es Senate rel ative to the
land grant, but there are some things
connected with it which have not yet
been made , public, j As , we "have
already published the" correspondence
between Senator Williams and Secre
tary Browning relative . to the land
grajtit," together! 'with the letter ad
dressed by the latter to S. G.C Rr-ed,
Esq, as well as the substance ot Wil
liams remarks, in the.. Senate on, the
bill to revive and continue the grant
it is proper for 3 in justice' 'to Sena
tor Wiliiams and Secretary May to
publish the following letter as show
ing the principle ou which Williams
acted in bringing in the bill aud af
fording May an opportunity for an ex
planation of a matter which, as unex
pluined, he considers puts himself in
an erroneous position. The purpose
of Senator Williams, it will be re
membered, was, as he declared, to
prevent the lapse of the grant and
'maintain the interest of the State
without favor to either of the com
panies." To enable the reader to obtain
an intelligent comprehension of the
letter alluded to, it will be proper to
ay that Williams, in the debate,
stated that the designation of the
west side company by the Legisla
ture in 18G6 had been determined by
the Secretary of the Interior to be a
void designation because no company
was then in existence, and that the
designation of the east side company
in 18G8 was made too late to allow
it to receive the grant. To show
that the west side company was in
existence at the time the fust desig
nation was made, and that its articles
of incorporation had been duly filed,
the following telegram was read in
the Senate:
Gaston presented for filing article of
incorporation Oregon Central Ifailroad
Company, October 6, 186(5 ; withdrawn
with my consent. November 21. same
year, uaston nieu duplicate papers lor
same company. . SAMuJbLi L.. MAY.
We now give the latter of which
mention is made above:
State of Oukgox. Secretary's )
Office. Salem. March 14. 18G9. f
Hon. George II. Williams, United
States Senate Washington, D. C. Sir
I have hist read in the Daily GMie. under
the head of Oregon Central Railroad,"
the discussion of Senate Bui No.77(J.
As I am made to act quite a prominent
part and a construction has been placed
on my telegram of late date, by Senators.
not warranted by the tacts in the case,
feel it my duty to write this letter, which
if it will assist in understanding more ful
ly the situation" and secure Congres
sional aid to the State for railroad purpos
es.37on may use in any manner you may
think proper.
1 wish to state just at this point, however,
that I am in no possible way personally
interested in either railroad enterprise;
but, on the contrary, have furnished each
of the disputants innumerable transcripts
and certficates without the usual fees
The act of Congress of July. 18C6. was the
key note, and early in the session of our
Assembly of that year Ihe question of a
railroad from Portland to the California
line was discussed in private circles, and
subsequently a law was passed to aid in
the construction of the '-Oregon Central
Railroad'' and the adoption of a joint res
olution by the Legislature designating
the same to receive the grant of land made
by Congress under the act referred to.
On the (ith of October, 18G6. Joseph Gas
ton came to my desk and said in sub
stance, (holding out a folded paper.)
These are articles of incorporation for
a railroad. I wish you would make a fil
ing mark on this as of to-day ; the subject
ii now pending in the ; Legislature. I
wish to use the papers of a few minutes
before a committee and will return them
in a short time and upon this I made a
mark in pencil on the lower left hand
corner, thus. " Oct. 6, 18(50." He then
took the paper away and I never saw
them again until sometime in January,
1SG9. when J. C. Ainsworth brought it to
.a a . . t- it
me. the same Having been taicen irom me
files m Multnomah county, that I might
see that I had been mistaken in a former
statement that the paper presented by
Gaston, Oct. 6. 1866, 1 had marked upon
he paper itself, instead of an envelope, as
I supposed and had so stated.
Some two weeks after the adjournment
of the Legislature of 1SG6. lion. J. S.
Smith came into my office and wished to
sea the articles of incorporation of the
" Oregon Central Railroad Company." I
turned to the usual depository for such
documents and not until , through search
did it occur to me that the papers referred
to were not, neither bad they been, in my
possession; other than - as before re
cited. Hence you .will perceive that at
the time of the adoption of the resolution
designating the " Oregon Central Railroad
Company" to receive the grant ot Con
gress, no bona fide company was in exist
ence, and the first articles of incorporation
under that name were filed in my office
November 18th, 1S66. Jive tceelcs after the
adoption of the designating resolution of
the Assembly, by gentlemen who now
compose in part what is here known as
the East Side Company. ; J i
November 21st, 186(5. other articles of
incorporation were filed by what is known
as "Oregon Central Railroad Company"
West Side. J. C. Ainsworth also showed
me in January last a telegram from S. G.
Reed, setting forth what he (Reed) wished
me to say in a dispatch to him to be sent
to the care of 11. W. Corbett, which I so
changed as to my mind, when taken in con
nection with all the facts Jcnovcn to the en
tire Oregon railroad delegation then in Wash
ington, could not be perverted so to show
that the tc est side' company contemplated
doing a certain act Oct. 6. 18G6. uh'ich teas
not accomplished until November 21st. 1866.
I bope this statement wig enable yon to
explain to Senators so much of the trans
action as to which I have been made a
party, as will result in justice being done
in the premises to albeoncerned,.
I have the honor to be I i
Your obedient servant, ' 1 I
N '; ' SAMUEL E. MAf . I .
f j k : t- -o I t :
OFwo days after -writing this letter
Secretary May sent the following
Salem, March 18, 1869.
Hox. Geo. H. -Williams, "United States
SENATE.rWASurxGTON, D. rC.: -I seoby
proceedings of Senate that my telegram at
request of Ainsworth to Reed is wholly
misunderstood. The facts are, articles in
corporation of west side railroad! were not
filed in my office until November 21st,
186. weeks after; adjournment , of the
Legislature. Have sent full particulars
by mail.;t: t f SAMUEL E, MAY, ,w
, r ; ;j "r, t n Secretary of State. '
s" We present the above s'mply as
portions of tne history o f this cont ro
versy. We have nothing to do with
arjrning t or advocating "the case for
either company. If the land grant
belongs to one company or the other
legal proceedings and a judicial de
cision will be ' required to , settle
the matter; but if it is lapsed, the
remedy proposed by Senator Wil
iiams was a good one for saving the
grant' to the State.
The following telegram was receiv
ed at this office yesterday, and we give
it publicity as a matter of news :
Washington, March 24, 1869.
Ed. Oregonian : The Senate committee,
after a full investigation, yesterday again
unanimously reported east side bill, with
recomendation that it pass.
- The Koseburg JSnsign, of March
6th has the following account of the
railroad survey now in progress in
Douglas county:
Mr. Wra. F. Daniels, ncrent of the
Oregon Central Railroad Company
east side in securing the right of
way for the road in this State, was
at this place on Wednesday last on
buness pertaining to the railroad.
He informed us that the parties now
engaged iu surveying and locating the
route in the northern part of this
county consists of thirteen men. Bur
rage and McCall are the engineers.
The latter named gentleman was one
of Elliot's party in making a survey
over the route several years ago.
The party are making a thorough and
final survey and location, and eo far
as they have gone, the route is said
to be ready for the graders. They
have been about three weeks in Doug
las county, and are ju?-t passing out
of the, Yoncalla Valley, via Cabin
Cree', They have 1 decided to fol
low Cabin Creek to its mouth, and to
cross the Calapooia Creek about half
a mile helow the vilhige of Oakland.
Mr. Daniels states that he has gener
ally found the farmers along the route
to be men who appreciate the advan
tages of a railroad, and cheerfully
grant the right of way through their
tarrns. A few instances of obstinate
and persistent1 opposition, have been
met with, in which the aid of law
will be invoked to secure a passage
for the road.
Mr. Jacob Stitzel of Portland
has a fine steam engine for sale. It
is the same that was used in the steam
mill of Messrs. Ilarbaugh & Stitzel,
destroyed by tiresome two years ago.
It is a splendid engine, solidly moun
ted on a cast iron frame, of 150 horse
jower, has a fourteen inch cylinder
w th 3 feet and C inches stroke. It
was cast at Worcester Mass., and has
since tiie lire been reboed, and in
every respect repaired of the damage
incurred at the conflagration of the
mill. Attached is a large ty wheel
and the necessary appliances. It is
for sale cheap.
At a Regular meeting of Salem Lodge, j
No. 4, Free and Accepted Masons, held at
their Hall on Friday evening, March 12th
18C9. the following resolutions were unan
imously adopted :
' Whereas; Divine Wisdom has taken
from our midst, at ripe old age. our Com
panion and Brother, Rev. Father Leslie.
Resolved, That his early union with our
Fraternity entitles him to our most fra
ternal regard. His sterling integrity en
titles him to our profoundest respect. His
warm, ever ready, open handed charity,
was to an men an example ot what we all
should do and be.
- He was a Pioneer Christian.
He was a Pioneer Missionary.
lie was a Pioneer Mason. ,
He was a Pioneer Citizen.
' He was a Just man and True, loving
and faithful, dauntless in battling for the
right. His grey hairs which we will ever
cherish in loved remembrance always,
to us will be a reminder, that Faith, Hope
and CnAitrrr. are -strengthened by bein
coupled with Truth. We deplore his loss,
buV we know that he is now in that Ce
lestial, Lodge Above, of which ours is
but the Earthly Type.
Resolved. That the Family of our
deceased Companion and Brother, have
our warmest sympathy.: while we are con
scious that no word or deed of ours can
atone for their loss. ,
Resolved. That a copy of this testimoni
al, verihed by the seal of Salem Lodire
No. 4. be sent by the Secretary, to the
Family of our deceased Brother.
Resolved, That the newspapers of the
CT - , 1 - 1 .... ..
outie uu proviueu wiin a copy oi tne lor
going for publication. 1
T. II. COX, W. M.
, Seth R. Hammer, Sec'y. ,
" Valuable Lakd for Sale Cheap.
We know of 480 acres of good lands for
sale in this county, being the land t:laim of
J. L; Stout, in what is known as tbeRinjrold
It will be sold in lot to snit
purchasers, on very fair terms.5 This land
is only 12 miles from Oregon City. For
further information apply to N. W. Randall
of this city, or of J. L. Stout, Unity, Baker's
Bay. W. T., or of Andrew Stout, in the above
mentioned settlement. 12:ly
rAgreaT number of advertisers neglect
to advertise in due season, they ; are . apt
to wait until the very time comes when
the article they have to sell is wanted by
those who have delayed till the last mo
ment of time, but wise ones? have pur
chased early and have bad the choice and
selection of a large stock, and have se
cured to themselves the very best by tak
ing time by the forelock.'? and those late
advertisers loose a large amount of trade
by this delay.
Agricultural Implements, Trees, Seed,
Plants, and all other goods should be ad
vertised monlhsAn advance jof . the season,
so that purchasers may-be-advised and
thus look alter their wants oeiore me aay
of use and hurry comes. -twti .
Jiarly advertisers will always nnu tneir
gains largely increased by giving atten
tion to this plan and particularly in every
thing appertaining f to .'Agriculture and
HorticuUureV,VflvK ,m r&
. t Newspapers " and handbills, however
good they may be, can never take the
place of advertising. ' " "
" Bread is the staff of life, and Adver
Using is the life of trade."
is sr.
" o
ToJ.A. Smith; tA.iTa l
Recognizing the liberality which, prompt
ed you to give your services to so many
exhibitions for benevolent purposes in
this town, without remuneration, we ten
der you a benefit of two evenings to take
place at your convenience. - Trusting that
the public will respond as liberally as we
could wish in your behalf, we remain
Yours. &c.
Miss M. Holmes, H.G.Harding,
" F. Holmes, II. Harding,
Nora Moss, W. E. Murray, .
Mollie Barlow. A. G. White,
N. Miller, W. E. Dement,
C. McCae, D. C. Hatch,
Johnson, T.J. Spooner, and others.
To Miss Holmes, Mrs. McCue, T.J. Spooner
and others :
Ladies and Gentlemen :
Thanking you for your flattering letter
of last week and the unlooked-for recog
nition of services that I had intended to be
entirely gratuitous. I accept your tender,
and would suggest that on or about the
beginning of May would be a suitable
time for the proposed entertainment.
Respectfully Yours.
2yOf course an important reason
with us in urging the duty of sustaining a
local paper, is that it innures to our advan
tage. But aside from any personal or pe
cuniary consideration, it is both right and
just to do so. A local paper many times
contains that most important to those in
the country. It is made up. and must nec
essarily be so, , vof that kind of matter that
is most interesting to our citizens. Even
the local notices have a value that is not
found in the foreign papers. So also the
weekly record of deaths and marriages.
and the numberless items of incidents
daily transipiring around us. All these
make a loeal papei interesting. That me
chanic or farmer, or merchant who hastily
says -it is a one-horse concern," has no
just conception of his own position, or has
an inordinate a ppreciation of his own
importance and what is necessary tohis
mental aliment. Ten chances to one that
such a person does not read his foreign pa
per if he takes one.
In Salem, March ISth, of lung lever
Paytox only child ot Wm. E. nnd
Nannie Howell. Aged 2 years and 18
days. " " - : " -
Rew Advertisements. :
X1 A
latly's collar pin. which can be bad
bv the owner on annlvin'r at this office
and paying for this notice. '
Lost. .
A large brass key. One dollar will
be paid the finder, upon leaving it at this
office. .
The stockholders of the Canemah
Lumbering Company are hereby notified
that the Annual Meeting of the Stockhold
ers will be held at the office of the Com
pany, on the first Saturday in April, 1869.
By order of the Directors.
20.2t) P. PAQUET, Sec'y.
The Annual Assessment List
under the United Sta'cs Internal Revenue
Law, for Division No. 4, consisting of Marion
Polk aud Clackamas couuties, in the District
of Oregon, will be open for public examina
tion and correction at my office in Salem;
from the 29th day of March to the 10th day
of April, 1869, where all persona claiming
deductions or abatement of taxes, inconse
quence of erroneous assessment, must do so
in writing before the expiration of this notice
as no deduction will be allowed after the
list is closed and turntd over to the Collector.
Salem, the 22d ot Marzh, 1869.
U. S. Assistant Assessor, ith Division, Dis
trict cf Oregon. : (20.2t
Permanently Located at Oregon City-, Oregon
-t ' . ' r
ROOMS With Dr. Saffarrans, on Main Et.
In J Large Quantities can le .Found
! AT
S. IV. corner of Morrison and Front
streets, Portland, Oregon. I
Also Caps of every style, and Boys and
Girls' Hats in large varieties. Give us a call
and examine.
J83r Thankful for past favors of the public
respectfully ask a continuance of the sami.
We shall deliver to our patrons all the bet
qualities or fctall Feed Beef, also Mutton,
Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on
Tuesdays and Saturdays !j 5
A fine bred." Ch err v red. two
! Jear 1I HEIFER, marked with a
slit , in the right ear, aud a few
white hairs in the forehead. ' Any -
person giving 'information - as to where she
may be tound will be liberally rewarded.
&W Word left at the Enterprise office win
ue receiveu. ISAAC r AUK
New Advertisements.
O 1 f: 3 In the Circuit Cnm-f r
State of Oregon, for the County of Clarl
Willamette Falls Canal and Lock cWt"a
Plaintiff, vs. Hugh Burns and Thorn,.,. VDT'
iett, Defendants.
To HUGH Js UJtJVZ, Defendant :
. In the name of the State of Orptm v.
are hereby required to appear and anSw
the complaint filed against you in the aboto
entitled action within ten days from the da
of the service of this Summons upon you i'
served within said County, or if served in
anv other County- of this State, then ;.!.:
twenty days from the date of the service nf
thu Summons upon you. And whereas or
der of Publication ot a Summons has been
made by the said Court in the above entitled
action, m pursuance of said order you are lur K:
ther notified that unless you appear in said
ijuuib . uy wic mo uar ui me next term fol
lowing the .expiration of six weeks' publica
tion of this Summons (the first publicatioa
being . March 27, 1869,) and said next term
commencing in said . Conntv n
Monday JhelQlli day of May. IS fin
and if you fail to answer said complaint
the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tC
reiiet aeitanded thei ein4 w hich is for the an
propriation to the use of Plaintiff, of certain
land belonging to you in said County and
State, to-wit : A certain strip of land in jour
Donation Land Claim, about 26S feet m leuirth
and sixty fcet-in with. b .
S.. HUELAT, Attorney
20.7t) , - T r , for Plaintiff.
; In the Circuit Court of tb
State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka-
mas... .Aciion wappropnate lauds The
Willamette Falls Canal and Lock Company
Plaintiff, vs. O. C. Pratt Defendant.
To O. (J. PRATT, Defendant :
- In the name of the State of Oresron. Ynn
are hereby required to appear and answer
me complaint nied against you intheabore
entitled action, within : ten days from tho
date of the service of this Summon3 uooi
you, if served within said County, or if served
in any omer uounty of this btate, then within
twenty days from the date of the service of
this Summons upon you. And whereas, or
der of Publication of a Snmmons has beea
made by the said Court in the above enti
tied action, in pursuance of said order you
are further notified tha unless j-ou appear
in said Court by the first day of the next term
following the expiration of six weeks pnbli
cation of ,tbis Summons, (the first publica
tion being March 27, 1869,) and said next
term commencinR in said County on
Monday the 10th day of May, 1869,
and if you fail to answer said complaint, the
Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief demanded therein, which is for the ap.
propriation to the use of Plaintiff of certain
land belonging to you in said County and
State, to wit : A certain strip out of two Jots
owned by you, being originally a part of the
Donation Land Claim of Hugh Burns, and
the portion sought to be appropriated by
Plaintiff being astrip sixty feet in width and
about 132 feet in length, out of said lots.
20.70 S. HUELAT. Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon ; for the County of Clacka
mas. ...Action to appropriate lands. . . .The
Willameste Falls 2 Canal and Lock Company
Plaintiff, vs. George A.Pe.'ie,IIobert M.Mpore,
lane Painter and R. C. Crawford, Trustee;of
James M. Moore, heirs at law of Robert
Moore Deceased, John Gordon, and ccrtiia
unknown owners defendants.
, ER, and certain ui.known otcters, Defend
ants : - - --
in the name of the State of Oregron, You
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the above
entitled action within ten days from the date
of the service of this Summons upon you if
served within this County, or if served with
in any other JCounty of this State, then
in twenty days from the date of the service
of this Summons upon you. And whereas,
order of Publication of a Summons has beea
made by the Court in the above entitled ac
tion, in pursuance of said order you are fur
ther notified that unless you appear in saU
Court by the first day of the next term fol
lowing the expiration of six weeks publica
tion of this Summons, (the first publication
being March 27, 18G9,) and said next term
commencing in said County on
Monday the 10th day of May, 1869,
and if you fail to answer said comulaint,
the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded therein, which is for the ap
propriation to the use of Plaintiff of certain
land belonging to j'ou as aforesaid, said
land being situated in said County aud State,
being a portion of the Donation Land Chum
of said Robert Moore deceased, and described
as follows, to wit: strip of said land
Sixteen Hundred and Fourteen aud one-luif
1614J feet in length, and Sixty feet in
widths running throuph what was and is
known as Linn Citv, m said County anu
State. ' S. HUELAT,
20. 7t) r'i "Attorney for Plaintiff.
Bv virtue of an order of sale made in the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas, in a certain suit
for the foreclosure of a mortgage, and pur
suant to lawful process issued to meoutn
said Ccurt, bearing date March 15th. A. V
1869, commanding me to advertise and sell
the north half of the Land Claim of Jame
AI. Aloore and wife in said county, numbered
nine hundred aud twentv-four, on sections
27, JS, and 34 in T. 2 S. R. 1 E., and rsturn
the proceeds thereof into Court ; I didron fjf
16th day of Alarch, instant, levy upon, all of
the north half of the following described
land chiim to wit s 1 The fractional S. of
the N. W. i of See. 34, and the fractional S
V. 4 ot Sec. 27; and the f ractional W.J of th
S. E. 4 of Sec. 27 ; and the fractional E of
the E It of Sec. 28 : and the fractional E 4 of
the N. E. 4 of Sec. 33 ; and the fractional
W, Jof Sec. 34; and the fractional W. 4 of
the N. E. i of Sec. 34 ; all in Township num
ber two, South of range number one East, in
said County of Clackamas, and otv
Monday the 26m diy ot April,
1869, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., in front
of the i Court House door in Oregon City, i"
said State and County, I will setllhe same at
public Auction to the highest bidder, to satis
fy the sum of Twelve Hundred and Thirtj
Six and 33-1 0d Dollars damages, and interest
on said sum of $1,236 33 from the fourth day
of September 1862 and thirteen dollars costi
tozetber with aceruirea: c osts.
Orejon City, March 17thrl869-.
0.5t) Sfcerif of Clackan i Cor.n y.
In the Unite! Siaies Lnd office, at Ore
gon City. Oregon.
To the heirs of Alexander Reid. Deeeasta
- You ar l yt rteAltieA that George i
Mftytield has applied at this ofliee to contest
the homestead entpy No..l6f, ot said Ale2.aa,"
der Reid, made Af ay 21, 1864, upon the w. t
ot S. iS, 1 and IS. S of SI W. i ot sec. i .
4S. R. f 3 E., alleging that said claim bo?
been abandoned for more than six roontDS.
and you are further notified that the ca
will be heard at 4bis office on Saturday tne
24th d-ay of April 1869, a tbe hour oil"
o'clock A. sl '
HENRr WAKKE, Receif.
' March SOth, 16C9.
Notice is herebv given that the Annt
Election of Stockholders, for the nB"
vear, will be held at their office at Oreg01
City, on Saturday April 24th, 139-By oruer
of R. JACOB, President, and
Managing Agent, O. C.Mfg.'
W.. E. liowKLL, Secretary.
JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip-tion.-
for sale at the EMEitrawa s