OREGON CITY, ORTEGON, SATUED, jmRCffi 1869. It tol. : V' i f i t 0 3 J1866. Established. 11866. The Weekly Enterprise. AN INDEPENDENT PAPER, .... , FOB THE , Business flan, the Farmer And the FA MIL Y CIR CLE. , " IPUBLISIIED EVERY SATURDAY AT IHB "' ' OFFICE Corner of Fifth- and Main streets Oregou City, Oregon. . D. C.IRELAND, Proprietor. ; TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION Single Copy one year................. ' Six months . 44 Three months .'. .13 00 . 2 00 . 100 CLUB RATES: Two Copies one year. . . . . . .". ..... .$5 00 Four Copie3 six months. . . . . . . .' 5 00 Kiirht Conies three months ......... 5 00 i iT Remittances to be made at the risk of i Subscribers, and at the expense of Agents. I TERMS of ADVERTISING : - Transient advertirnent3, including all 'l legal notices, sq. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50 ,For eaeli subsequent insertion 1 00 AiAn An tine coifinin, one year tiu uu Half " ' 60 Quarter " " 40 liusiue-w Card, 1 square one year 12 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. 5 The Enterprise office is supplied with 1'bcautifu!. approved styled of type, and mod f era MACHINE PUKStiES. which frill enable J.tbe Proprietor to do Job Printing at all times Neat, Quick and C'ltcap ! 1 SfS" Work solicited. tf Ait Bus-Wheat traittac-tuma upon a Specie basis. i D. C. JUTLAND, Froprie tor. BUSINESS CARDS. J)R.i BARCLAY, IBJBCt J2T$ GL2 ZE3Ca k (Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.) 1 - OFFiCE-ki Residence, Main street Ore gon City, Oregon. J "W. C. JOGSNSON. P. O. M COWS. Notary Public. JOHNSON & McCOWN, Oregon City, Oregon. SST Will attend to all business entrusted to our care in any of the Courts of the State, Colled money .Negotiate loans, sell real estate etc. Particular attention given to contested Land case. JOHN M. BACON, Jutii&e of the Peace cO City Recorder. Oflke fn the Court House and City i Council Room, Oregon City. I1 &JT Will attend to the acknowledgment of 1 1 deeils. and all other duties appertaining to the H business of a Justice of the Peace. s;! pmUAL MILLS. Savier, LaEoqae & Co., ; OREGON CITY. ' tJTfluKeep constantly on hand for sale, flour I -Widhngs, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties ! purcliing feed must furnish the sacks. YfU. RROUGUTOX. Contractor and Builder, ' . Main st OREGON CITY. . CtT Will attend to all work in hi3 line, eon- : ; einting in part of Carpenter and Joiner woik ; training, building, etc. JobLiug prosiptly atteuctea t). AVID SMITH. JS'uoeetwr to SMITH d' MARSHALL, B7ack-Smith and Wagon Maker, Corner of Mam and Third streets, uregoa uuy Urecoa. ASRlacfcsmithingin all its branches; Wag ou making and repairing. All work warrant- .d to give satisfaction. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1849, at the old stand, Jain Street, Oregon, Citii. Oreaoiu An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, ail of which are warranted to be as represented. Repairings done on short notice, and thankful for past favors. CLARK GREENHAIf, City Drayman, OREGON CITY. All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des--jpUou. to any part of the city, will be exe iuiS$ promptly and vith care. liOGUS & ALUUIGIIT, EXCELSIOR MARKET ! Corner of Fourth and Main streets. OREGOX CITY. Trp,ronKec?HC0nst.ant1y 0a hand all kinds of Trc,h and salt meats, vach as J5EEF, PORK, .MUTTON, VEAL, C2rFi?-ED BEEF' HAMS, m ked pork, lard, -J. P. MILLKK. J . W. SHATTCCK, J. F. MILLER & Co., j K.Ui virn nci .. . ' ' ur AiD DEALERS IN itloots and Slioes! j u we urerron Citii Shoe vivre, Main, t r street, THE BEST SELECTION Of Boots anShogs, oa hand maSe to eg 3 JyOSIILAD BROTHERS; P0UTLAKD AUCTION ST0BE, 197 First st., Portland, I Next Door to Post Office. s i-hinj Good, n w a ba58V BurIaPs' flirn- Prw for Wool, hh cash BUSINESS C AMDS. . J. H. MITCHELL. J- N. DOLPH. - ? A. SUITS. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lawt .;- Solicitors in, Chancery , and Proc tors in Admiralty. XZar Office oer the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. c JL. C. GIBBS. - ' G.W.PAERISH, Notary Public and Com. of Deeds, GIBBS & PARRISHr Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Portland, Oregon. . -" OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's brick block. ! -r . -: ; J. . CAFLES. J. C MOBSXAJfO.; : 5 CAPLES & MORELAND, 1 'I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . Cor . FRONT and WASHING TON Sts., PORTLAND; OREGON. Logan, Shattiick & Killin, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. KM) Front Street, Up Stairs, .PORTLAND, OREGON. YH- W ATKINS, M. D., SURGEON. Portland, Oregc ri. OFFICE 95 Front street Residence cor ner of Main and Seventh streets. QF. FERRY, BROKER, PonTLAXD. Oregon. Cor. Front and Washington Sts. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insurance Company. BFGovernment Securities, Stocls,Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold on Com mission. Dr. J, H. HATCH, v x . 7i t t o- rr.j.l DENTIST, The patronage of those desiring First Class J ! ' t uperaiwns, is respeciiuuy souciiea. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. B. Nitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. J)ENTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my tour of two years n the Eastern States I have spared neither time nor money to make mvse'f per fectly familiar with and master of my pro fession. Those desirmtr the best work that the nature of the case will admit of can find me at my office, 107 Front street, two doors above McCormick's Book Store, Portland, Oregon. DK. J. G. GLENN. JJEMOVAL ! THE JEWELRY Establishment of J. 13. Miller HAS BEEX REMOVED To No. 101 Front St., corner of Alder Carter's Neio Building, Portland In Chas. Woodard's Drvg Store Where he will be ready to attend to all manner of workmanship in his Hue. Watches and Jewelry repaired in ths most workmanlike manner. J. B. MILLER. piGS' FEET. FRED. MULLER, JKS- Offers to the citizens of Oregon 5.0C0 Pounds Souced Pigs' Feet, (put up by him self) in lots to suit. Apply at No. 23 Wash ington street, between First and Second, Portland. Country trade supplied in any desired quantity. A liberal discount to the trade. A. G. WALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OREGON IAN BUILDING, So. 5 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to any desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS- i Afinws, lute, bound in every variety of oiytc . vv u w iue iraae, Orders from tended to. the country promptly at- HOME MANUFACTURE. J. e. pTtton, Successor to I1IGGINS COMPANY, No. 8 Front Street, Portland, Oregon, is now manulactunnsr a siinrinr art nf neinicai.uiive, rale aud Brown Family Soap which he will sell at San Francisco prices. t3 This soap is warranted. A. J. MONROE. W. A. K. JIELLEK. MONROE & MELLEN, Dealers in California, Vermont, and Italian Marbles, Obelisks, Monu merits, Head and Foot stones, Salem Oregon. Mantles and Furniture Marble furnished to order. f32.t CHAUNCEY BALL, Successor to G radon t& Co., MAXUFACTUKEB OF Wagons & Carriages, 201 and 203 Front st, Portland, Oregon. 07" Wagons of every description made to order. General Jobbing done with neatness and dispatch. D. W. WILLIAMS. GEO. T. MYERS. WILLIAMS & ETYERS, 25 Front street and 26 First street, Portland. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Deal ers in Groceries and Produce. Agents for the Cbampoeg, Commercial and Lafayette Flouring mills. Have ample Fire-proof Storage. Consignments solicited. 13.y RMES & DALLAM, IMPORTERS AXD JOBBERS OP Wood and Willow Ware. Brushes, Twines, Cordage, etc., AND MAXCFACTfRERS OF Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Washboards, fyc 215 A 217 Sacramento st, San Francisco. 113 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Citv. APRIL. - l v . - . - April has searched the Winter land, And found her petted flowers again : She kissed them to unfold their leaves, She coaxed them with her sun and rain. And filled the grass with green content And made the weeds and clover Tain. fler fairies climb the naked trees, .'.. And set green caps on every stalk ;. Her primroses peep bashfully ,"' From borders of the garden walk ; , ' . And in the reddened maple-tops . ' Her blackbird gossips sit and talk. ' She greets the patient evergreens, . She gets a store of ancient gold, Gives tasseled "presents to the breeze, And teaches rirtrg songs of old Then : shakes the-trees with ' stolen ilaich winds, . And laughs to hear the cuckpo scold. Sometimes, to fret the sober sun. She pulls the clouds across his face; But finds a snow-dritt in the woods, Grows meek again, and prays his grace ; Waits till the last white wreath is gone, And drops arbutus in the place. ner crocuses and violets Give all the world a gay " Good year !" Tall irises grow tired of green, And get themselves a purple gear ; And tiiv buds that lie asleep On hil! and field, her summons hear. She rocks the saucy mead ow-cups ; The sunset's heart anew she dyes ; She wills the dusk of deepest woods With vague sweet sunshine and surprise, And wakes the periwinkles up To watch her with their wide, blue eyes. At last she deems her work is done, And finds a willow rocking-chair, Dons spectacles of apple-buds, Kerchief and cap of almonds rare, And sits, a very grandmother, Shifting her sunshine needles, there. And when she sees the deeper suns That usher in the happy May, She sighs to think her time is past, And weeps because she cannot stay, And leaves her tears upon the grass. And turns her face and glides away. Tories of grant. - Gen. Hillyer, says the Chicago Tribune, lived in !St. Louis when Grant left the farm near by to enter the firm of Boggs & Grant, real es tate agents, houses to rent, etc. In those days he had a desk, 1 believe, in Hillyer's law office. " Was the General silent then as now?" " No. We considered him more than commonly talkative So he is now; but he won't talk for effect, nor before strangers freely. This reti cence of Grant, so much made of, is partly discrimination, and partly the form of an old bashfuluess he had when a boy. Anybody whom he knows can hear him speak at any time. In St. Lotiis I liked Grant. He was entertaining, and I was attracted to him by what I hardly knew at that time. Afterward I knew it to be Manhood, the same that be devel oped in battle so well. I was in JNew lork when l neard ot nis ap pointment, and soon after came a telegraphic message for me to join him. I was at the Planters' House in St. Louis, on business afterward, and, wishing to see Grant, he rode up during the day with some of his staff officers, and they had one empty horse. . 41 Here, nillyer," said Grant; " here's a horse. The boat has been waiting for me three-quarters of an hour. Stir yourself ! " I am not going, Grant; I never entertained the notion a minute in earnest' " Come along ! I cannot listen to that. Time passes!'' " But I've not written to my wife." " Well, that you bad better do. After this next action I am going into you can come home if you don't get your head knocked off first and fix op your business.'' In brief, Hillyer found himself go ing down the river in ten minntes, to his own bewilderment, wondering greatly whether he could stand np in action. And it was in tnis way Grant would impress into his Cabinet some unwilling talent, it there be any talent uuwilliug to go into the Cab inet. 1 have not seen any of this lat ter sort. " Did you notice any strong traits of character in Grant soon after ward?" " His courage and soldierly vanity in action first struck me, and his en tire willingness to fight. He never talked before action, as if he had any personal forebodings, but grew more cheerful and concentrated a3 the time of battle approached. His indisposi tion to leave any position he had ta ken was often uncomfortable. I re member at Pittsburgh Landing that he, Rawlings. myself, and some other staff officers, were in a place where the artillery of the enemy was con centrated. " Their fire was terrib'e, and every instant I expected to have iiny be.ad shot off. Graat 6at od horseback, straight and cheerful, is yon have sometimes seen a man onr a hot day co out to be rained on, rather enjoying it. He kept us all in half agony. 'One officer -said to me: " Go tell the Uia; Alan to leave here for God s sake!" " No; tell - him f yourself. . He'll think me afraid, and so I am, bur he shan't think so." ;,' ' ; tt V There we sat, the fire crossing- upon bs.s , At last one of the greea mem bers of the staff rode up to Grant, saying: .; ... ..'it ; " General, we bust leave this place. It isn't necessary to stay right here. If-we do we shall alt be dead in five minutes.' " I guess that's sot" said Grant, and he rode away to our relief. " As to fear," continued Hillyer, " Grant used to say that he had seen men who said they never knew what it was, but he had never seen any body who said it of them. Another thing that stuck me with Grant was his own attempt frequently to super cede his own good luck. At Don nelson he went o Commodore Foote and begged him to run past the rebel guns with a gnnboat or two. Foote replied, saying that he would be shot to pieces. Grant maintained that he would suffer no more than in ordinary bombardment. This took place be fore Farragut made a practical dem onsfration of Grant's theory. Now, if Foote had done this the rebels would have evacuated Fort Donnel son, and the battle and capture there, which made Grant historic, would never have happened. Grant developed wonderfully in the war, and though I, as a Demo crat, opposed his election, I had no doubt that he was the safe, strong man, worthiest to head the army. There is needed no better instance or proof to this effect than the following: I was at City Point iu 1865, and sitting close by Grant, I saw him breakhe seal of a letter. Then he smiled good-naturedly. " What's that. Gen. Grant?" " A letter from Sherman. Read it!" I read the letter, and it said that Sherman could no longer hold At lanta, his lin'e being too long. He asked permission to destroy the town and move to the sea, subsisting upon the country, and turning at bay to fight Hood whenever the latter pur sued him too closely. All this seem ed brilliant and soldierly to me, and I asked Grant what in it ci'ade him laO'gh. " Why," he said, ' I was won dering what Hood could find to sub sist upon, if he followed in the rear of Sherman.'' Thus" was the General supplying an erfor of genios. Sherman sup posed that Hood would follow him. Grant "knew that Hood could not eat off the barren and devastated country. So he sent this word to Sherman: " You have my permission to destroy Atlanta and march to the sea after you detach Schofield, and to go to Tennessee. Hood will not fol low you; he will march upon Nash ville." Now, see ! Had Sherman carried off his whole force seaward, mistaking the efftct of his movement upon Hood, Nashville would have fallen, Ohio and Indiana been invad ed, and the Southern Confederacy been an accomplished fact. " Grant," said Hillyer, " is stern as Jupiter. There is no finer story of two stern men than Grant and George A. Thomas before the battle of Nashville. Thomas has a dislike of being whipped, and he is cautious and sedate to the last degree till the time for decision has come. Grant sent word to Thomas to move out ol his works and attack Hood. Ibomas was not ready, and he went on de liberately with his preparations. Grant telegraphed again: " The country is excited. Attack!" Thomas was not yet quite ready. Then Grant sent John A. Logan to Louis ville to be ready to take command, aud telegraphed again: " If you do not attack Hood before date, I shall be under the painful necessity of relieving you." Just at that time Thomas was ready, not by necessity, but by the completion of bis affairs, and the happy collusion of events made the battle of Nashville an honor to both. Thirteen of those who came as passengers in the first steamship that ever arrived at San Francisco the California which came from New York, around the horn and entered the Golden Gate February 28, 1849 reside in Bay City and annually have a jovial meeting on that day. -' -We understand that one of the seven proprieters of the celebrated Eberhardt Mine has purchased Ben. Holliday's handsome residence on Third street, San Francisco for $35-000, st! . - Wiane IBT CAIJFOBS1A . From the. Pacific. ' - , r We own to have felt a little indig riant, nearly a year since, when we found a calm, straightforward artiele of ours on Wine iu Cbliforniay se verely attacked in different papers on this coast, and by some at the East. One called it a shame ; another, im position; another, ridiculous., Ayear has passed, and we must report the facts worse than then stated.; Would it -were not so; but truth is better than, falsehood,! and : the increasing' curse of wine drinking , on this, coast can -be checked only , by exposure. Common wine, and often strong, or good wine, in the wine growing; re gions of California is " cheaper than milk," atid often "more freely drank.'' In Anaheim and Los Angeles com mon wine is but thirty cents a gallon; milk costs fifty. Even a common strong wine is but forty cents. In Tuolumne county a large, skilled, wiue raiser, whose wine ceilar was the finest we visited in that county, told us he would sell his four thou sand five hundred gallons of excel lent wine at twenty five cents per gallon, if any one would take it. In the same region milk was forty cents. In Coloma the price of the two is the same forty cents. In Sonoma good wine is for sale at forty cents the gallon, and milk at the same price. In the Cache Creek region, the best grape-growing region of the State, grapes to be used in making wine sell at the mill, in loads, for one and a quarter cents the pound. We neglected to ascertain the price of the wine here, but be lieve it was between thirty and forty cents per gallon. We speak not of the so-called " best wines" there made for export, or to be drank from the sideboards of the rich wine topers. We speak of common wine, made to be consumed in the region where it is produced. Such wine is generally cheaper than milk; and in our travels we have seen it drank more often among those who make it. Little children, ten years of age, sometimes have their glasses at the family table, drinking this seed curse of mature drunkenness in after life. In one town, or rather village, a re liable, good man said to us that many bovs, as vouncr as eleven years of age, were fn the habit of carrying con stantly their bottle of wine in their pockets, t6" drink when' they choose. In the same town Of a woman, tthom we had know for years, a member of a Protestant church, referring to some hardships, said, "that they were obliged to send away their ex cellent man-servant their gardener for he would get into their wine cellar, and become terribly drunk. He had been with them five years, but during the last year he had got into this way; all their efforts" to save him were of no avail, and they had to send him away." At a place some four miles distant we alluded to this Statement, without using any name, or locality. "Oh!" said a friend, 44 1 guess that was in this" region Mrs. So-and so; and I'll tell you what, that woman herself gets real drunk on wine." 41 Why," said we, a we know the woman of whom you sp'eak; she is a member of the Presbyterian church." " Can't help that," said he, "she does get as drunk as a loo:i." It is too horrible to state, unless for a great moral end to prove the curse of this wine drinking. In another town, the daughter of a certain min ister, drunk as a chattering fool on pure wine, was taken away from company, and pnt to bed. When her father came in, he cobly said: Ah, he thought she would get over it. In an adjoining town girls seventeeu years of age were seen reeling in the street from- drinking pnre wine. A certain minister, often greatly befud dled by wine, was induced to leave the coast to avoid the corse. Ah ! " Wine is a monster of most horrible mien," and we hate to narrate even a part of the facts. Wine is the nurse to brandy; it is the seedling sore to be grafted with whisky, and yield its fruit in drunkenness. At Los Angeles we wrere told that there and at Anaheim a vast amount of brandy i3 drunk, just as much, or more, than if no wine was made ; in deed, wine making includes extensive brandy making, unless the tax on the latter is very high. Rev. Dr. Mc Kaig, of Marysville, formerly settled for years as resident minister in Cin cinnati, gave ns permission to use his name, if we had occasion for it, in testimony, that the wine raising in Southern Ohio had resulted in more brandy drinking than there would have been without the wine. The declaration of non-wine drinking trav elers through Europe is almost unan. imous that wine there produces an immense amount of drunkenness senseless, idiotic drunkenness. Wine drinkers, praise their own practice; and some few who do notdrick may do the same deceived by the asser tions bf others. Bat the strong testi mony of great numbers of gooif attd able men is, that wine drinking has a terrible tendency to drunkenness Jr itself, and to the drinking of .whisky, brandy, etc. Let any one ' read the conclusive testimony, gathered from the reports of many able men, in two pamphlets published by Dr. Gibbons, of Sar. Francisco, and vie cannot well see how he can doohtfc the r terrible tendency of wine drinking, unless be loves the accursed liquor hin&elf. Our fingers, rather ache, to call, the especial attention of the Sacramento Bee and the Cbico ' Courant to . this subject, while there are alio other papers which, fa a too loose and ran dome way, touched ns off,-, a eaf ago, as having done a foolish thing in condemning the wine drinking of this country. Some New York pa pers also may take the suggestions to heart. s. v. What a pitiful sight it must be! a room not eleven feet square and between six and seven feet high, con taining from forty to fifty children some of them mere infants all work ing hour after hour plaiting straw. Yet this is a common sight in Bed fordshire. Egnland, where thouands of children are sent to a plaiting scbnol as soon as they can hold straws. The youngest are employed in clip ping the pliats. The labors of the children's Employment Commission have recently disclosed many pain ful facts. One of the Commissioners reports that he found in the schools little girls not three years old, al though he was assured that in gener al they did not commence their life of labor until three and a half or four years old! It is not always easy to teach the poor little ones to clip or plait properly, and' the stick, a cane about a yard in length, is sometimes freely used by the school-mistress. The school is usually in a small cot tage room, possessing neither proper light nor ventilation, and is often so closely filled that fires can not be lighted. To protect themselves from cold the children keep in their laps small earthern Vessels containing bits of coal. Oue room visited by the Commissioner was so closely packed that the quantity of air each child had was less than half it would have if shot up in a bCx three feet square! The present is a period of distress for work among the makers of bohnets and hats in Bedfordshire; and the gen ra'l opinion among the more thought ful and intelligent residents of the dis trict is that advantage ought to be taken of the present distress for the purpose of putting an' end to the child-laboring system. This is an age of wonderful in ventions, but we venture to say that the idea of making a lantern of a man is the most novel in the history of science. Something similar to this Dr. Milliatt propses to dd, by in trodacing glass tubes of small calibre into the stomach, and by the use of electrodes, and a stroug battery, pro ducing a powerful galvanic light. The Doctof claims that the flesh is thus rendered transparpnt, so that any internal tmnor or nicer can be at once discovered, and subjected to proper treatment. W e suggest that nses of this invention might be still further extended. Let all those who have to travel on dark nights adopt this expedient, and when tbey want to see their way, all they need to do will be to open their vests, and "let their light shine." Colorado and Wyoming are in terested in Cashmere Goats. It is held that the mountain country is peculiarly favorable to them, and that they are the most valuable stock that can b6 raised. A Committee of the American Institute, reports that they are very long lived, extremely prolific, hardy, and prefer the coarse grasses. They produce from four to eight pound fleeces, worth now from six to eight dollars per pound, valu able for the coarser fabrics as well as the finer, it having great durability. The vexed question can a wo man ride a velocipede? seems to be in a fair way to be decided. A pretty young woman, not unknown to the frequenters of the French Theater, astonished the gray-coated policemen and pleased the public generally by appearing in Central Park, the other day, attired in manly costume, and riding a splendid twoMvheeled turn out, which she managed with perfect grace and skill. If this sort of thincr goes on, we will have to eat our trot ting horses, as they do in .France, for want of a better ose for them. Beauty. Consists not in a pretty face, but in a pretty mind a mind well educated kind am accomplished , Truth a beautifui story. i witnessed, a ghoft' tihie' ago, in ojfe p( 6br nigher courts beautiful ik lustration of the simplicity aVid pow er of truth; A little gift; n&e years f age, was offered as a witness against a. prisoner, who was 6n ifiat, fur fel ony committed fn hef ftfthefs Jj6use " Now Emily," skid fhe counsel' for" the prisoner, upon hfef b'eirig offered! as a witness, "I desire knotf if yotf understand the nature of an oath." M I don't know 4 what you; mjean," waS the simple answer.- There, your, bonor satdf counsel, addressing , the court, ia anything farther necessary to demonc strate the validity of. my Objections? This witness should be rejected. She does not comprehend the nature. of anf oath." "Lettts see," said the Judgef "come here my daughter' Assured by the kind tone and manner of the ndge.the child stepped toward him, and looked confidently up iu his fade with a calm,-cleaf eye, aud in a manner so artless arid frank, that it went straight to the heart.- "Did you ever take an oath?" in quired the Judge. The little girl stepped' back with look of horror, and the red blood mantled in a blush over her face and,, neck, as she answered,- "No,- Sir.".. She thought he intended to inquire if she had ever blasphemed. "I do not mean that' said' tlbe,' Judge, who saw her mistake.- ' mean were you evet a witness before."" 4 No,- sW. I was ntver in court before?" He handed her the Bible " Do your know that book, my daughter?" She looked &i it and answered1; "Yes, sir jit is the Bible." " Do you ever read it ?" he asked. ' Yes, sir; ever'y evening." u Can you tell ni'6 what the Bible" is?" inquired the Judg'e. " It is' the work of the great feod,"" She answered. 44 Well,- place your hand' upon' this1 Bible, and listen to what I Say' and he repeated slowly and solemnly the oath usually a'dmrafstered td wits nesses. " Now' said the Judge,- yon have sworn as a witness', wilf you tell me what will befall yoii if yotr do not tell the trtrthf ' 44 1 shall be shut up in flic State Prison," answered the Cnild.- "Any thing else?" asked the'Jndge.- 4,I shall never go to Heaven." " How do you know P aslbed the' Jndge again.- The child tooj the ible,'a'nd urnV ing rapidly to the chapter containing the commandments, pointed to the injunction, " Thotr shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.' , " 1 learned that," she said 44 before' I coufd read." 41 Has any 6he talked with yoii about you being a witness in court here against this man?"' inquired the' J udge" 4'YVs, sir," she replied. 'My mother Heard they watited me to bes a witness, and last night she Called', me to her room and asked me' to telF her' the ten c6tamaudmentsY finti then" we kneeled down together,- and she prayed that 1 might nndefstahd how wrcked it wa'S to" bear false witness" against my neighb6r, and that God' w6uld help me, a little child, tb telf1 the truth as it was before him'. And.1 wh'en I came up here with father, she kissed me, and told tne to' femember1 the ninth comntfandmenf,- and! that; God would hear every word I sVid." , 41 Do you believe this ?" asked the' Judge, while a teat glistened in his eye, and his hps quivered with emo tton. " Yes sir," $aid she,- with a voice and manner that showed her Conviction 6f truth was perfect. " God bless vou. mv child, sairl tW Judge, 44 yoa have a erood mother V He continued : 44 This witness is com petent. Were I on trial for my life.- and innocent of the charge against me, I would pray God (6t Su'cb a wit" ness as this.- Let her be examined." She told her story with the sim plicity of a child,- as she was, but there was a discreetnes about it which carried conviction of its truth to every' heart. She was rigidly cross examv ined. The 6ounsef plied her with in finite and ingenious questioning, bnti" she varied from her first statement in nothing. The truth as spoketf by that chiid was sublime. FalsehoorJ and perjury had entrenched himself1 in lies, until he deemed himself iiiipreg' nable. W itnesses had falsified facts in his favor, and villainy had mfe'tin factured for him a sham defence, but falsehood was driven like Chaff before wind, by the testimony Of purity The little child for whrB a mother' had prayed for strength to be given: her to speak the truth, as it was be fore God, broke the cnnniiig devices of matured villainy to" pieces' like a potter's vessel. The strength that the- mother prayed for was given her. The sublime and terrible simplicity j terrible to . the prisoner" and biff per jured associates; with which ghe Spoke was Hie a revelation fY6m the Gfattf Master bttnserf r