THE COI.ttEH SIDE. There is many a rvse in tbe road of life, If we would only stop to take it; And many a tone from the better land, If the querulous heart would make it; To the suuny soul that is full of hope, i And whose beautiful trust ne'er faileth, The gnus is green and the flowers ;ir bright, Though the winter storm prevaileth. Better to hope, though the clouds hang lsw. And to keep the eyes still lifted ; For the sweet blue ky w ill still peep through When the ominous clouds are rifted ! There was never a night without a day, Or an eveniug without a morning ; And the darkest hour, as the proverb goes, Is the hour belore the dawning. There is many a gem in the path of life, Which we pass in cur idle pleasure. That is richer far than the jewelled crown, Or the miser's hoarded treasure ; It may he the love of a little child, Or a mother's prayers to heaven, Or only a beggar's grateful thanks for a cup of water given. . Better to weave in the web of life A bright and golden filling ; And to do God's will with a ready heart. And hand that are ready and willing, Than to snap the delicate minute threads Of our curious lives asunder, And then blame Heaven for tbe tangled ends, And sit and grieve and wonder. Eclectic. Don't Eat Pork John WiK brectit, a California farmer, his son and two daughters, all adults, have died since Dec. lSthof trichinosis. Five other members of the family find of the family "of his on in law, B. Fn'edel, are ill of the same dis ease, sme of ihem in a very ritical coydition. A microscopical ex .ruin ation of the muscle of one of th- de ceased revealed the presence of my riad of triehin i in .m active state. The. little vorrm looked, under the microscope like living Hi.-ikes. The Bulletin says that the salt, pork an1 sausages .f which these families had eaten were lull of trichina in the encysted state. This pork was raised by Mr. Wiibtechr, and fattened as usual on corn and gram. There was nothing in the conduct or appearance of the: animals when fattening or the look of the meat to indicate- disease. The sau-ares are made of ra w meat and ihen stuked until quite black and dry, as is the Genuan custom, and have he n eaten by all the persons attacked without cooking. This ter- i - . I i r o riMe calamity wnicn nas oeraiien i these people is another in warniuir to the puMic of the import nnco of thoroughly ccokir.ijr prk. In heating this meat to the oiiinr point is the safety against (right ful and mortal disuse. Health of Fauiikrs. There are seven reasons why farmers are health ier than professional men, viz.: 1. They work more, and develope all the? muscles of the body 2. Thev take their exercise in the air and breathe a greater amount of oxygen. 3 Tin ir food and drinks are com monly less adulterated, and far more simple. 4 They do not overwork their bruin as nvch as industrious profes sional men rl. f) They take their sleep, common ly during the hours of dat kness. and do n- t try to turn night into day. 6 They are not so umlitiou, and do not wear themselves out. so rapid ly in the fierce contest of rivalry. 7 The'T pleasuies are simple and less exhausting Removing cld I'lttv Those wlio have plunt houses, frames, &c, know how dtfliciilt ir. is to rptnove o!il putty fr'm sashes witiiout injarino the sush. I have seen it suited in som j"un!;il, that it ecu hi be removed very eay by upplinir i 'tot iron t it. I tried the ( xperinp nt a few days ago for the first time, and was quite surprised t" find how ens;y the fio-l indurate old pti'Ty cou;d lie t ut nt after lieintr well wrtn-d up by the application ot a rtd in A iron. Trv it. A Pioviueiuu intTchant. some days since purvhaspd what he supp"? ed to a five pound bail f butter. On cutting it it was found to hir mashed potato, with a covering of butter. At a sale of Shorthorns in En gland, Moss Rose, a famus cow, but somewhat aed, sold for 400 rut peas. Two 0'hers-, I'rineess, second and - third, brought 630 ruir-eas Fifty six cows averaged over G7, 'and ten bul's nvuvged fi. David Anderson, of Gwinnett county, Gii., offer a premium of a silvt r pitcher worth $t0 to the farm er proiinewip; the largest quantity of cotton per acre, ginned at his gin. Ak tnr goor to sub scribe f-r tle Extehprise. JZ-All citizens of Oregon who desire to inform tht-ir friends in tbe old States of the condition and progress of this State, can hare no more complete and compre hensive volume of facts to send them than by subscribing lor this journal, und hav ing ns mail it weekly to iIhmi- friends. We mail it as directed. For $5 00 paid in ad- sTance, we mail two copies of the Enter fhise one year. Send the paper to friends in the East. One copy one year $3 00 Two copies one year 5 00 Four copies six mo'nths. 5 00 Eight copies, three moatts 5 00 Benefits of Advertising. Mr. Parvin, the extensive advertising agent, writes : Tbe necessity of a thorough but judi cious system of advertising was never so forcibly impressed upon my mind as it has been within the last few weeks, although I ,have studied advertising closely for eighteen' year?. With my customers, those who have advertised largely, and have not curtailed the amount of their advertising through the stringency of the mnney mar ket, have, to my surprise, paid up in full promptly as accounts become due. but not so with those who have curtailed anil ad vertised sparingly. They find it difficult to settle small accounts. George D. Prentice, the veteran editor of the Louisville Journal, says, in the same connection: We lmre been r.nrrvinrr on the Louisville Journal thirty-seven years, and during all t.hi time we have known no man ot bllSl- 1 ness in the city to fail who advertised lib erally. And we nave Known no one iu succeed in any considerable, if even a re spectable degree, who didn't advertise liberally. . An advertisement in a newspaper is like a sign-board in a street. It is placed there in each instance to let the public know that such articles ot traffic are io be had wilhin the place of business so' de scribed. Two considerations, and tw? only are to be looked to in both cases. The first has reference to the style of the sign-In ardor advertisement; lor it is de sirable to have it unique and attractive so that it may be as conspicuous to the pub lic eye as possible. The second has refer ence to its location; sh.tll it be hung out in a principal thoroughfare or upon a by way? Thus one enterprising dealer builds or rents an imposing house upon a crowd ed street and covers it with decorations and gay signs, at great cost. Of course, it pays him. lie likewise, following up the same line of reasoning, advertises exten sively, which is no less expensive. lie se lects the best, location he can without re gard to expenses; he selects the most pop ular newspaper. To make money record ing to this principle of business, money must be spent. Enterprise cannot stop to count pennies. It lias not the time to do so. It can make more by looking after largo gains and leaving the lesser items to take care of themselves as they will do when great profits are made. It takes the prominent avenue of transit, picks the best house on it, and throws in its adver tising bill as so m ny additional and ne cessary sign-boards put beiuie the. eye of the public, the only deference being that the public will not see the actual sign board unless it passi's by it. whMe the met aphorical sign-board placed in the col umns of a widely circulated newspaper, goes after the public, seeks it out, hunts it down to its private walks and ways, and compels it to be observant in spite of itself. Hence the value which sagacious com merce sets upon advertising. S- Newspapers, hy enhancing the value of property in their neighborhood. and giving the locality in which they are published a reputation abroad, benefit all, particularly it they are merchants or real estate owners, thrice the amount yearly of the sum they pay for t'H-;r support. Be sides, every spirited citizen has a laudable nride in havitnr a naner of which he is not ashamed, even though he sho .d pick it up in New York or Washing: u. A good looking, ihriving. live newSi'-.-per helps to sell roperty, gives character to the lo cality, and in ail respects is a desirable public convenience. It, from any cause, the matter in the local or editorial columns should not be quite up to your standard, do not cast it aside and pronounce it of no account, until you are satisfied that there has been no mot'b labor bestowed upon it than is paid for. If you want a good read able sheet, it must be supported. The local press is the power that moves the people." GHAUHCEY BALL, iiucctsxor i GraJow d' Co., MAXCFACTCRliR OF Wagon a. P. Co i mages, 201 and 203 Front st., Portland, Oregon. Cr Wagons of every description tri'ide to order. General Jobbing done w i th rt ea in ens and di.p utch . J. V. WILLIAM. OKO. T. MYERS. WILLIAMS i MYERS, 25 Front street and First street, Portland. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Deal ers in Groceries and Produce. Agents fur the Champoeg, Commercial and Lafayette Flouting ibids. Have ample Fire-proof Storage. Consignments solicited. 13.$y MKS L. DALY, (Late Daly A Stevens.) Ci J J - J-J K A L A U 1: jS I , Office No. 104 Front street, Portland, Will iive special attention to Collecting and adjustment of accounts, hills and notes; Negotiating inland bills; ejecting loans; bin inr, seUingand leasing real estate; hous renting, and io the general agency businc?s in all its branches. RMES it DALLAM, IMPOKTEUS AND JOBDEKS OF Wood and Willow Ware. Brushes, Twines, Cordage, etc., AND MAN I' FACT fit KltS OF Brooms, Bails, Tubs, Washboards, fyc 215 217 Sacramento st., San Francisco. 113 Maiden Lane, N'. Y. City. Selling at Cost TO CLOSE BUSINESS ! Ami 110 HUMBUG ! Tlic Entire SIocIl! OF DRY GOODS. RE-.DY-I1ADE CIOTHIG, iLOTS AKD SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Chilirens' HATS AKD CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to be sold Regardless of Price! :B To convince yonrst-lf with respect to this luauer, call at the old corner. I. SKLUXG. SovtA cfPopc 4- Co.'s Tin Store, Ortgci City. JTV OREGON CITY. THE F. T. COMPANY'S STEAMERS, AND THOSE OP THE OPPOSITION LINES, ARE STILL RUNNING, IN ADDITION TO WHICH WE WILL SOON HAVE THE RAILWAY CARS. ALL-f WHICH WILL CONTINUE TO BRING THE LATEST STYLES OF GOODS, AND THE BEST QUALITIES TO ACKERMAN, AT THE OLD STAND, .MAIN Sr., OREGON CITY. I DESIRE TO SAY TO THE PUBLIC THAT I HAVE ONE OF THE COM PLETEST STOCKS OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS EVER BROUGH 1' TO THE MARKET, WHICH I AM SELLING AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! o I will av, COME ONE, COME ALL, and satisfy yourselves that it is so. I have recp'u vd ohw of the largest stocks ever brought to this market, anticipating a brisk fall trade, vi-i'd I am determined that the goods shall be sold. My stock cousiste-in part of a fine assortment of LADIES PRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, FURS of various descriptions ; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; II 051 F1Y BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths: BOOTS AND SL'OKS : II ATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING ; FINE BLACK DR SS SUITS ; CASSI.MERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. plT A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY' all on the most reasonable terms. Also a large stock of Gents! Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected a.-rtmenr. At CI uiiiiun oi Winner's old Stand. J5- All kinds of Produce Bought jUAGS' WANTED. SPE CIA L NO TICKS Multnomah L tde iVc. 1. A. i .jiii.. A. 31. ---Holds its rerular eornmuni- .'VW .-.; a nn tlio T-ot ,,,,. Tl.U., V., ' urJays in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the '2oth of September to the 2oth ot M.-.rch, and 7 A o'clock from t lie 2'th of Alardi to the 2o'.h of September. Brethren in gooi. standing are invited to attend. By order of W. M. . F. - evei Mtets every Wednesday ve&tZSSSM ing at 7 o'clock, hi Ma.-unic Haii JMam street. Members of the Order are invited to attcr. By order. X. . Willamette LscJgc Xo. 151. O. Meets every Saturday evening, at the rcon corner of Main and Filth streets, r.t 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited t. attend. By order of W. 0. T. MISCELLANEOUS. J OH P:tITI XEATLY EXKITT. ed at. 1 1 . e K X T K It I' R 1 S K (J F F 1 0 K. B. L. STOHE, o FIXE WA T I; H S. fii A N D CIIR0NO.M.ET E Rs Adjiisttd and Repaired in the best ; Manner, and Warranted. 3: 1-S Ho. Ill Front st.. Portland. g HADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET, Or (gun City. O The above named popular ro- w soit tias been tiioroitMtuy renovat ed and lepaited .luring the past season and is now open to the public, fuliy complete in all its aj'pointmefs. Two of the Best P. 1 LEI ARB TABLES in. OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention f the lovers of this popular amusement to them. T II E BAB I S S UP PET ED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch. r;sh and Bourbon already famous, tor hot hikies and Punch. fW Families sr.ppiicd. 1IO T COFFEE A ND O VST EES, At al hur- for the c.-nvenifiicp .if o t'ns. HOUSE, AND teamboat Fainting; Graining, Gilding, China Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds Wood sisacl Mso'IIe ! Executed as ireU os cin hi dene cn. the Pacific Coast- Examine our icork and Judge fur youi sdvss. 5j-Every order a'tenled to with care and expedition. C. E. MURE AY, Wes-t Door Rawton'rt Hru-k. Mui t.. Oicjon City. ANDKKW WII.LIS. VILLIS a "WM. tKOVGHTON. BROUGHTON. Having pnrchasfd the interest nf s. (Mam. in the well known LI YE II Y S TA B L E One door west of Excelsior Market. Oregon Citv, announce that they will at all time's keep good horses nrd carriages to let, at reasonable rates. Horses bought and sold or kept by the day or week. JgELVIDEuE SALOON. Jfain Street, Oregon City. JI. BROWN, Proprietor, thankful for past favors, solicits a c-n inuance of tde same. FJi EE L US CH DA II V, And the very best qualities of Wines. Liquors and Ck-a'-s. Pins' Feet, Tripe, Herring, Oysters and Sardines constantly cn hand. t -3 , , 1 HOTELS, k EST A UR ANTS. &c. piKENIX HOTEL. Main Sueet, ,- Oregon City1 J. F. Miller & Co., Proprietors. The proprietors of the above lloiel take great plea-are in announcing to the public ftat they have made arrangements tu keep a irst class hou-e for the traveling public, ar.d 1 -pe to receive a .-diaie ot their patronage. Tiie Htnire at a very convenient distance 'urn either landing ot the steamboats, and iear the center .f business. QLIFF HOUSE. MAIN STREET. OREGON CITY The Proprietors of thi.- well known louse renew their thanks to the public for the patronage here ofbre so libera ly bestow ed. Iluving enlarged and newly furnished our house, we claim to possess accommoda tion in every respect infer. or to no House in the State. "WHITE & RIIOADES, Feb. 13, 1869. Proprietors. QOSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Former l ( A rrigoiii's, PORTLAND, Oregon. &W The undersigned respectfully an nounce that havHig purchased this widely known and well kept hotel, they are now pieparea to offer superior accommodations to the traveling public at greatly reduced prices. This hotel is located nearest the ste.anboat landings. The hotel coach will be in attendance to convey passengers to ana irom me uouse tree ot charge. W. R. SEWALL, GEO. B. COOK, Proprietors WESTERN HOTEL. Corner of. First and Morrison streets, I'onTi.ANo, Okkgox. Th3 best and most comfortable Hotel in the State, where ever)' want is anticipated, and cheerfully supplied. War m and cold Haths attached to the house. This Hotel is located near the steamship Landing. I he Hotel Coach will be in at tendance at all the Landings, to convey passengers and baggage to and from the house free of charge. JON II C. DORCY, SAMUEL 1). HOLMES, xi. tf Proprietors yilAT CHEER HOUSE. Nos. 12G, 123 and ISO Front street, Pout land, Oregon REDUCED RATES! The undersigned having taken this well known house, solicit increased patronage from the traveling public. The House has lately ben refined, and the proprietors are now able to -"offer additional inducements to their patrons. The table will be furnished with the best market affords, and be tinder the immediate supervision of" the proprietors Rooms well furnished and wull ventilated. A large tire-proof safe for the deposit of valuables. Baggage taken to the hotel free of charge. Board per week 5 00 Board" and lodging ' ffito-SOO (Accoiding to the room occupied.) Nothing wid be left undone, which is in the power of the proprietors to render guests comfortable. LYONS, LEONARD & Co., xi.ti Proprietors. 1 MERICA.X EXCHANGE. (late LINCOLN HOUSE,) No. St Kront streel, Portland Oregon. L. P. W. QUI.MBY, Pkopbietob, (LaUof Western IIuteL) This house is the most commodious in the tState, newly furnished, and it will be the en deavor of the proprietor to make his guests comfortable, ihe J5aggage Wagon will al wavs be found at tbe land ng on the arrival of steamships and river boats, carrying bag gage to the house free of charge J h ST A U RANT Jfain street, one door North of the Lincoln Bakery. Oregon City. B. F. Newman, Proprietor. The proprietor is now prepared to furnish the public wish Hot G"ffce. Oy.-ters. P gs-feet, da. ne a d Ki-h, at jtll hours of the day. K3 Boarders be accommodated at ?5 ou per week. Give u,e a call and you shall go av ay sati.-fb d. OBEG0N CITY BREWERY! HENRY HUJJBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the pub'ic that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a Xo. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, As good as can he ob'ained anywhere in the j Stale orders solicited and promptly filled. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip ) tioa. lor sale at the Entebxrkk office PORTLAND BUSINESS. CHAS. HODGE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SXELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DKUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS Materials, ana jjrngguts' Sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. 35.) WALTER BROS. New CAKPETIKGS VELVETS, BRUSSELS',. THREE - PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES,. PAPER -HANGINGS, LAC E-CURTAINSy. &c, &c. We Would Call the attention of par ties Jilting vp houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is ' ONE OF THE COMPLETEST On the Pacific Coast ! Ow Goods being specktlly selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern States, we can sell AT TIIE LOWEST SnI?i'iicisco Prices. o WALTER BRO., No. 89 Front street, between Alder and Washington, Portland, Oregon, 5.) - Y r - j t rt t r rt a v n M'CHAKc:m MERRILL& GO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding: Hcrclianls, A GENTS OF TIIE CAL;?wkia, r Hawaiian and Oiecon Packet 1. mes. IniDorters ot San Ouentin and 1ai Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Cone Rice, and Pulu. Agents for Prorost s & Co. s Preservea Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Flour, Grair. , Bacon, Lard & ruit. Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in ew York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDKICII, MERRILL & CO., Isos 'Jo-i and 20o California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., lj North FontStreet, Portland. KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City f Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Benkert s, Tirrell s, rogp s, Houghton & Coolidije's, Reed s, Godfrey s and numerous others, of cents and boys wear. Also Mile's, Sieberlich's, Burt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly on hand. Philadelphia Boot and Shoe Store, 112 Front street, opposite Barman Bros., Portland, Oregon. PLEASANT AND mm HOW CAN YE DO IT? GO TO Shanahan & Cos O- Jiu JLi IE "Y" ! One door south from the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Western, Portland, Oregon. And buy a few of those Lovely Pic tures, which will furnish your Rooms Complete. IMPORTERS AND DEALER8 IN ill US I CA L INSTR UMENTS, FINE ENGRA VINGS, PICTURE FRAMES And MOLDINGS. rpnE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK JL of Engravings, Cromos, Plain and col ored Lithographs, etc., ever before offered in this market, just receied and for sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! also: Views of Columbia River Scenery J Constantly on band. JJILDBURGII, BROS., & Co. D. FT. HILDBURGH, ) LOUIS E1NSTK1N. Portland. L. H ILDBLTRG H , an Francisco. Importers anl Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds of Cognacs ! Scotch and Irish Whukies, Rum, Gin, Domestic Liquors, Wines, dec, A'c. &-c. FOR TlAND Opposite Failings, Front PORTLAND B US1NESS. JOHN WILSON Dealer in Dry Goods and Clothin io 119 Front Street (In Whites New Block,) PORTLAND OREGON, IS NOW OPENING A NEW AND EXTEN sive stock Goods ia the above line, and COMPRISING LATEST STYLES OF Plain and Changeable Dress Silks; Silk and Wool Poplins; AllWool Poplins and Tartan Plaids; and a large variety of other Dress Goods. ALSO, Gents' and Boys' Custom-made CLOTHING! and Ladies' and Gents Under Wear and Furnishing Goods, which buyers are invited to call and inspect. 9.) JOHN WILSON. DIREC T NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES -OF- Bed-Room SUITES. Just received and placed in the wareroems, oi' HURGREN & SHINDLER ! 16G, ICS, 170, 172 First street, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON. PARLOR SETS IN TERRY, IN PLUSH, AND IN HAIR-CLOTH. New Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment f HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ! Lounges and Spring beds. The trade supplied with goods in original packages, pn reasonable ter7ns HURGREN 1 SHINDLER. WILLAMETTE IRON WORKS COMPANY ! North Front and E sts., Portland. Oregon. STEA AND BOILER BUI LDERS. rpHESE WORKS ABE LOCATED ON the I bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and hare facilities for turn ing out machinery prornptlv and efficiently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years gives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &C, &C, &C, Manufacture and Repair Machhitry of all Hud. IRON SHU ITER WORK at San- Francisco cost and freight. W heels r d? Ran dalls Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. Dunbar's and Steven's Self Adiustin'a- Patent Piston Packing, either applied to ohl or new steam cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and dies, if the best hard iron. Z:ly OREGON a3 k e: F. 0PITZ, PROPRIETOR, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, Bet. Washington and Stark sts. MAM' FACT CEER OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF CEACKEES! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QRACKERS Will always be sold below San Franciscc prices. All orders prornptlv attended to OREGON B KERY, First st., Portland. Oregon. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! I7410M THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE 7 ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st. between 2d and 3d. Portland, Oregon. G. H. ATKINSON, Secretary. 52.1 j asd Treas. Oregon Tract Society. BUSINESS CARDS. Jk H. MITCHELL. J. K. DOLPH. A. SMITH Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc- 1 tors in Admiralty. Office car the old Post'Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. A. C. GIBES. C. W. PAKRish Notary Public and Cora. cfjjeedg GIBBS & 2ARRISH, Attorneys and Counselors at Lay?. Portland, Oregon. ' OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter'? brick block. J. F. CAPLES. J. C. MOKELASDJ. CAPLES & MOKELAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cor. FRONT and WASHINGTON Sts PORTLAND, OREGON. TU. WATKIXS, M. d7 SURGEON, Portland, Oregcii. OFFICE 05 Front street Residence cor ner of Main and Seventh streets. Ql FERRY, BROKER, Fortxaxd. Oregon-. Cor. Front and Washington Sis. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insurance Company. iGovernment Securities. Stocks.Bonri and Real Estate bought and sold on Com mission. Dr. J, H. HATCH, Late Mack - Hatch, DENTIST, The patronage of those desiring First Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. B. Nitrous Oryde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. J)ENTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my 'our of two years in the Lastern htates I hava SSSSSSS spared neither time nor tAlOJLcJ money to make mvse'f ner- fectly familiar with and master of my pro fession. Those desiring the best work that the nature of the case will admit of can find me at my ofiice, 107 Front street, two doors above Mccormick's Book Store, Portland, Oregon. DR. J. G. GLENN. JEMOVAL ! THE JEWELRY 0 Establishment of J. B. Miller HAS BE EX REMOVED To No. 101 Front st., corner of Aider Carter's Nero Building, Portland, In Chas. Woodard's Drug Store Z-?'!" Where he will be ready to attend to all manner of workmanship in his line. Watches and Jewelry repaired in ths most workmanlike manner. J. B. 51ILLEK. OS II LAND BROTHERS, PORTLAND AUCTION STORE, 97 First st., Portland, Next Door io Post Office. 3 Importers and Jobbers of Staple and Faucy Dry Goods. Grain hags, Burlaps, furn ishing Goods. Urg, We pay the highest cash price for Wool, Furs, and Hides. piGS' FEET. FI1ED. MILLER, Offers to the citizens of Oregon S.Offl Pounds Souced Pigs' Feet, (put up by him self) in lots to suit. Apply at No. 23 Wash ington street, between First and Second, Portland . Country trade supplied in any desired quantity. A liberal discount to the trade. A. G. WALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OREGON I AN HUII.DilNG, Au. 5 AVasIiington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety ot style known. to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. g HOME MANUFACTURE J, E. PATT0N, Successor to II IG GINS d- COM 'ANY, No. 8 Front Street, Portland, Oregon, Is now manufacturing a superior article d Chemical, Olive. Pale and Brown Family boap which he will sell at San Francisco price. tt3 Th s soap is warranted. A. J. MOXIIOE. W. A. K. M EM-tS. MONROE Si MELLENj Dealers in California, Vermont., and Italian Marbles, Obelisks, Mnu ments, Head and Foot stones, Salem Oregov. Mantles and Furniture Marble furnisW to order. 1 -- CIIERIEF'S SALE. r ' . By virtue of an execution issued out of tn Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, in favor of J. S Painter and against the W illamette Steamboat Com pany, for the sum of fifty-seven (50 dollar. U. S. gold coin, dated February 17th, l-' with interest at ten per cent, per annum a1' eleven 8U-100 dollars costs and accrinniTX0'1 I did, on the 17th and '23d davs of Fetru- interest, of said defendant in and to tbe fol lowing described property, viz: A wart bouse, or a house and sheds, used by delete' ants to discharge and receive freight in t- town of Canemah, and a warehouse at id. foot of Third street in Oregon City.ufeJ defendants, and a pair of hand trucks, ando Saturday Ihe 20(h day of March 186'J, I will sell all the right, title &"ilf est of said Company in and to tbeaw property, to the highest bidder for goW ; ; silver coin, in front of the Court Housed I in Oregon Citv, Clackamas County urec"- JOHN MYEHS. n rrt lo.ot) JSheritl ot uiarKama DMINISTRATOR'S iNOTlCB To the creditors of the estate of Ti nil nger deceased. Notice is hereby o1 by the underpinned Administrators or -estate of DANIEL TRULLINGEK, dece. to the creditors of and all persons n laims against said deceased, to exmo same with the necesary vouchers, nin' , months from the first publication of tai u to the undersigned, at the ffice of -Kenney, in Oregon City, Clackamas u Oregon. Hated this th day of Marcru i EL1ZABETH THUEEING';--NATHAN U. TRULLINt. 174t; Administrator BILL HEADS PRINTED. . At tho Enterprise Oacft Mm 9- -s