1 ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE - mmmm i1 "f"" wwwfwwwwwjgwjgi)ggfiy . J 4 - v f OREGON CITY, OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1869. 3VO. 18. 7 18'66.EstabUslied.,1866. The Weekly Enterprise. Alftftb:p'j?EXT PAPER, ' mini Business Man, the Farmer X -&n the jesijMJ. r cmcc. PUBLISHED EYERY SATURDAY ' "' '"" ' AT TH8 OFFICE Corner of Firra and Main streets Oregon City, Oregon', ,, , T ... jD. C. IRELAND, Proprietor. TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy one year .$3 00 Six months 2 00 " " Three months 1 00 CLUB RATES: Two Copies one year $5 00 t'our Copies Fix months 5 00 Eight Copies three months 5 00 it j" Remittances to be made at the risk of Subscribers, and at the expenue of Agents. TERMS of AD VERTISING : Transient advertisements, including all legal notices, sq. of 12 lints, 1 w.$ 2 50 For each subsequent insertion 1 00 One Column, one year ; . $120 00 Half " " ; GO Ojiarter " " . . 40 Business Card, 1 square one year. 12 BOOR' AXD JOB PRINTINVf. 9 A" The Enterprise office is supplied with beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod ern MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable the Proprietor to do Job Piinting at all times Neat, Quick and Cheap ! SfST Work solicited. All Busitess transaction upon a Specie basis. 1). C. IRELAND, Proprietor. BUSINESS CARD S. JJIfT BARCLAY, (Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.) OFFICE At Residence, Main street Ore gon City, (Jrezoa. wr. c. johnsov. r. o. M'COWX. Notary Public. JOHNSON & McCOWN, Ovoa. CrCg, Ortgon. Will attend to all business entrusted to onr eare in any of the Oourts of the State, Collect money .Negotiate leans, sell real estate ttc. Particular attention giveu to contested Liud cases. JOHN M. BACON, J ustice of ike Peace & City Recorder. Office In the Court House and City Council Room, Oregon City. air Will attend to the acknowledgment of deeds, and all other duties npiiertaiuiug to the business of a Justice of thy Peace. J M I'ERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaE-oque & Co., on EC ON CITY. t-Kecp constantly on hand fin sale. Hour Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed. Parties purching feed must furnish the sacks. W M. BRODGIITOX. Contractor and Builder, Main St.. OREGON CITY. KW Will attend to all work in his line, con sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner woik framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly atteuded t . D AVID SMITII, Successor to SMITH - MARSHALL, Black Smith and Wayon Maker, Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregou City Oregon. JET Blacksmithing in all its branches; Wag on making and repairing. All work warrant ed to give satisfaction. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1849, at the old standi, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, and Scth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are Warranted to be as represented. Repairing done on short notice, md thankful for past favors. CLARK GREENMAH-, City Drayman, OREGON CITY. . U All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted promptly and with care. LOGUS Si ALBRIGHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET ! Corner of Fourth and Main streets. OREGON CITV. VB Keep constantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt meats, such as J3EEF, pork, jMUTTON, VEAL, CORNED BEEF, IIAMS, PIC KE LED PORK, LARD .nd everything else to be found in their line tOf business. .r.HTLI-ER. J.W.SUAITUCK. J. E. MILLER & Co., VA-tfttVAGirtREaS OF AXD PEALEr.3 IX Roots aud Allocs! At trie Oregon Ctty Boot and Shoe Store, Jfain street. THE BEST SELECTION" Of Ladies', Gent'," Boys', asd Children's isoots and Shoes, on band or made to order J7ARR & BROTHER. BUTCHERS & MEAT VENDERS y Thankful for past favors of the publie respectfully ask a continuance of the same. We shall deliver to mir natrons all the best qualities of Beef, Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc, h uauai twice a wees, on Tuesdays arid Saturdays! , . Ancient Dlwelpline Vs. Kodern. t I A good old Oebrevr proverb says,- ? When boys gei off the track, 4 Tbe ewitchmust be discretlejr iedl To bring tbe rebels back. . But later wisdom, to correct - ir 3 : ; The follies of the jonngt' ' I Applies a Homceopathie dose , ' ; I t Directly to the toDgue. - - In Bible days tbe parents fixed A penalty to sin, 'V' ' v And Jmyged the esUroo'tb &eri t. 4 With tripe npoa the skin ; They little thought that kind papaa Would live in time to come. Who would reject the virtuqus rod, And try a sugar plum. When wilful sons ia anger rose, Against indulgent sires, How powerful was this Jewish art To cool their raging fires. And so the zealous Puritan, With Scripture for his guide, To conquer youthful waywardness Its potent magic tried. But modern heads of families Contend for moral suasion ; They think it dreadful to abide The scourge's sharp abrasion ; They call it cruel to afflict With blows tbe erring son. And say there is a milder way In which it may be done. And yet, parental dignity Was held in reverence then, And all obeyed their father's voice, From children up to men. They did But smoke, and strut about Like our precious lads, Or swear, and brag in vulgar jest How they could rule their dads. Now if results decide the test, I know wc surely should Agree to say that ancient plan Accomplished lots trf good ; And wise old Solomon's advice, To have a cudgel handy, Is better far to keep the peace Than flattery and candy. Tle Oregon Central Ilailroa.il Ques tion in the Senate of tile Unittil Mutes. As very good men have often been de ceived by very bad men and as the Westsiders" claim everything done in. Congress thus far on the matter of the Railroad interests of this immediate sec tion, we propose to give a full synopsis of the proceedings in the Senate on the 4lh ultimo, that Oregonians may not be mis lead by the Gas(t)onade" of the west side O. C. K. Ii. We claim that the whole pro ceedings in Congress are favorable to tbe Oregon Central Railroad Company of Salem. In the Senate on the day above referred to, Mr. Williams moved that the Senate proceed to the consideration of Senate bill No. 77 6. The motion was agreed to. The Chief Clerk read the bill. It re cites in its preamble that the Legislature of the State of Oregon by joint resolution adopted in October. 18(18. designated the Oregon Central Railroad Company, a company whose articles of incorporation were filed at Salem. Oregon, on the 22d day of April, lS(i. as the company to take the lands and reeeive the benefits granted by act of Congress to which this is amendatory ; and that at the time of such designation the period of one year within which the assent of such company was required to be filed had already elapsed, and the company was therefore unable to comply with so much of the act as required the filing of its assent thereto within one year alter its passage. The bill therefore proposes to amend section six of the act of July 25. 1666. so a.s to authorize the Oregon Central Railroad Company to file its assent to the act in the Department of the Interior within one year from tbe date of the passage of this bill ; and such filing of its assent, if done within one year from its passage, js to have the same force and effect to all in tents and purposes as if the assent had been filed within one year after the pas sage of the act of lSGb' ; but this is not to aft'ect the rights or privileges of any other company under the act approved July 25. 18(iti. The Committee on Public Lands pro posed to amend the bill by striking out all afier the enacting clause and insert ing : That section six of an act entitled "An act granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from ttie Central Pacific Railroad, in California, to Portland, in Oregon," approved July 3r, 1866. be. and. the same is uereov, amended so aa to allow any railroad company hereto fore designated by the Legislature of the State of Oregon, in accordance with the first section of said act, to tile its assent to such act iu the Depa:tment of the Interior within oue year from the date of the passage of this act and such tiling ot its assenf.it aone within one year : from the passage hereof, shall have the same force and effect to all intents and purposes as if such assent had been tiled within one year after the passage of said act. Sir. Howard. I inquire of tbe honora ble Senator whether this ia the Pacific branch road in Oregon? Mr. Williams. 1 will state that in July, 1366', Congress passed an act to grant land for the construction of a railroad from Sacramento, or some point in Cali fornia, to Portland, ia Oregon, and this bill relates to that land grant so far as Oregou is concerned. I will make a brief statement of the grounds upon which tht3 bill is proposed to the Senate. The act of 1866 provided, so far as the land grant in Oregon was concerned, that it should go to such eompany organized under the laws of Oregon as tbe Legislature of the State PhouUi thereafter designate. Ac cording to the act, then, the railroad com pany was to take this grant ot land as provided by some designation of the Oregon Legislature. Two companies were formed, locating their lines of road on opposite sides of the Wallamet river parallel with each Other. In October,' 1866, the Legislature of the State of Ore gon undertook to designate1 company, but at that time the-;Crnpany was not formed. Articles of association had beea signed by a few persons. After its desig nation other persons signed the articles of association and they were filed ; but it has been determined by tho Secretary , of the Interior, and that seems to be the prevail ing opinion among legal gentlerhen. that this designation made ln18C6 was a yoid designation"1- Subsequent to this timethe Legislature assembled,,! 1868,an(l, des ignated another company, called there th,e east1 'side" company. The- ornpony "that the Legislature undertook to designate ttr the first place is called the west side company. The Legislature designated the east side company in 18fi8, but that designation was made after tbe expiration of the year within which the company designated was to file its assent. Now. as the matter stands, the land has lapsed to the General Government, and will be lost to the State unless there is some legislation by Congress for the pur pose of saving to tbe State the land ; and the question is whether Congress shall un dertake to designate one company or the other, or whether Congress shall provide thai either company or both may file an assent within a year from the passage of this bill and let the questions that arise between the two companies be settled by the local tribunals of the State of Oregon. I have no other object in this legisla tion except to preserve this grant to the State of Oregon. If there is not some leg islation at this time on the subject the whole grant will be lost to that State ; and Oregon has never yet had one foot of land granted to her for railroad purposes. In consequence of this unfortunate difficulty that has occurred there between these two companies the land has been suffered to lapse to the Government ; and I simply desire this legislation for the purpose of enabling one company or the other to have the land so that it may not be lost to' the State. I have no interest whatever in either company. Friends of mine belong to both, and both roads terminate in the city where I belong, so that I have no in terest whatever in one road over the other. I have no particular preference for one road over the other ; but 1 desire some legislation hy which this land may be saved to the State. It is with that view that this bill is proposed. 1 know that one company wants the land and tin? other wants it ; but there are various questions existing as to the validity of the organization of these respective com panies, as to the good faith in which they have proceeded, and an infinite number of such questions have arisen in this contro versy between these companies which, it appears to me. Congress cannot decide; and so to reach the matter in the easiest and shortest way I prepared this bill, and it was referred to the Committee on Public Lands and reported by that committee. Mr. Corbett. Mr. President. I am re quested by the parties who were designa ted in the first instance in 18(16 to state ! the facts of this case to the Semite. On the 10th Of October, IStiG. the Oregon Central Railroad Company was designated by the Legislature of Oregon as the com pany to receive these lands. The mem bers of the company associated them selves together on the th of October, pre vious to the designation. A remonstrance has been laid on the table from that com pany setting forth th facts in the case. Mr. Conkling. Setting them forth truly? Mr. Corbett I will state briefly the facts as I understand them. The company in whose behalf the lemonstrance is made was designated by the Legislature of Oregon iu I860 as the company to re ceive this grant of land. This gentleman filed his papers with the Secretary of State of Oregon as required by law. It will be apparent to the candid reader that several gross errors are stated in the re marks of Mr. Corbett. whom we doubt not. has been lead to believe himself correct by the west-siders misrepresentations Er. ExTKKKKisK. And by the consent of the Secretary of State withdrew those pa pers to obtain some additional signers, in order to get other parties that had capital interested in the road; and he afterward filed the papers with the additional names. Then, tbe company having been designa ted, they filed their assent to the require ments of the law with the Secretary of the Interior here, who recognized them as the parties entitled to the land grant. I have here the letters ot the Secretary of the Interior. I will state for the informa tion of the Senate that the secon'l Legis lature has designated the east side road, so-called, but by that legislation they have no standing in court, and they ask that this bill may be acted upon to give them a standing in court so that they can con test the right to the land against the west side company. The west side com pany claim that they are entitled to the land, and the case is before the courts in Oregon now. The west side company bare gone on since they were recognized by the Secretary of tbe Interior ami com menced the work of grading, and have spent S1W.O00. We think it verv doubt ful if they have expended one qu:rler of that ?um En. Enterprise. Under the assurance from the Secretary of the Inte rior that they were entitled to the land grant. They claim that they have a vested right in it. I have no other motive in this matter except to see that all concerned have a lair bearing. iotn parties are friends of mine. I have not one dollar interest in either road. But there are parties who have invested their money in the road first designated with the under standing that that company was entitled to the land grant. This bill virtually gives it to the other company, and there fore they protest against it. Mr. Conkling. Let me ask the Senator a question. If I understood him aright, he said that without this legislation the one party now seeking to contest would have no "standing in court. Mr. Corbett. Because the time has ex pired. Mr. Conkling. Let us see about that. If this remonstrance be true theallegation of the now applying party is that there never was a corporation, a legal company, within the act of Congress, which could be designated to receive this land. If that is true, either because an inadequate number of persons signed the articles of association or because the custodian and filing officer of those articles allowed them afterward to withdraw the articles, or for any other reason ; then it is legally true thnt this contestant or anybody else has standing enough in court to restrain and prevent the "West sidj "people lrom taking lands .to which: in flSpefc they are not en titled.; JL ask tbe,SeXte from Oregon to state why It isjhat aUnotiga these parties may not "have a tamTmjj; in court to ac quire the land lbiasws, owing to the lapse of timeitneylirt'uot the requisite standing in court iq ascertain whether in truth the other peopl w entitled to be the'recipientst)f thei lawSs or not? 1 . Mr. Corbett? ? f heetoe Is' no w pend ing in the: courts-; Jt eteritned by the one side:. tbat technical, Ti the first company were not' hf brgajiizied,, and could not therefore !be d?sigrtafeC ' Mf. Con kfl;. X ten ithejL ar. oti titled to the land. . Mr. Corbett. The second company claim that tbe west side company is not entitled to the land from the fact that there was a want of some technicality at the time of their designation. The west side company claim that they had a sufficient organiza tion to be designated by that name, and that they did file their assent with the Secretary ot the Interior, and under that assent, as soon as they were recognized by the Secretary of the Interior, the right to the land vested in them, and therefore they are entitled to it. The mere desig nation of the name of the company did not vest the right to the land in them un til they filed their assent with the Secreta ry of the Iuterior. which they did within the time prescribed by law. but the other company did not. although they had three months in which lo file the assent until the present Legislature assembled, when they were designated by that body as the com pany. They asked the Legislature to designate them as the company entitled to the grant. Mr. Hendricks. Which company was designated by the Legislature of the State first t Mr. Corbett. The west side company, who present this remonstrance against the passage of this bill. Mr. Hendricks. The Legislature gave that company the lands first? Mr. Corbett. Yes. sir. Mr. Hendricks. By a corporate name ? Mr. Corbett. Yes. sir. Mr. Hendricks. Then it was claimed, as 1 understood, that they bad not or ganized technically according to the laws of Oregon because of the want of some names to the articles of association. Mr. Corbett. Because they withdrew the papers to get some additional names and afterward filed them. Mr. Williams. I hone Senators will not jump at conclusion, i have had no op portunity to explain this matter. This bill was reterred lo the Com mittee on Public Lands. This person who files tbe remonstrances ap peared there, and at hi? request the bill was laid over one week in the committee to enable him to prepare bis objections to the passage of the bill through the com mittee. He has been engaged in this rail road controversy for a considerable" length of time, and it is not supposed that he was ignorant of the facts. The bill was laid over for one week ; he appeared be fore the committee and asked tor further time. Objection was made because time was precious, and to delay the bill was to defeat it. Now, I do not, wish to go into the controversy as between these two roads. One road charges the other with an invalid organization and with bad faith. Controversies have grown up over these questions in the State of Oregon. J have the evidence here to show, if necessary, what the allegations of the re spective ;ailroad companies are. When the Legislature in ltti(! designated the company that is called the west side road. there was ito cowpaw ia existence At the time. If there had been any company then there would have been no further question ; but there were articles of asso ciation signvd by eight persons. Those articles icre not filed in the Secretary of State's office as required by law. The articles were imperfect, because other persons signed the articles afterward, and they were not filed in the Secretary's of fice until some time afier the designation. Some of ihe identical persons who signed the original articles of incorporation, be lieving as they d d that this designation of a company which did not exist ttas void, f rmed a new company, and the or ganizations of tbe two companies were Completed about the same time, the or ganization of the west side company pre ceding the organization of the other by a lfttle while. Mr. Hendricks. Allow me to ask one question. Mr. Williams. Certainly. Mr. Hendricks. At the time the Legis lature designated this company by a cor porate name were there any articles or any papers filed in any public office pur porting to be an organization of any com pany ? Mr. Williams. None whatever ; the pa per was in the pocket of an individual, and was not filed in any office until some time after the designation. Ti e organiza tions of the two companies were completed about the same time; they commenced work about the same time on their re spective roads, the east Hde company claiming that there was no designation, and that the company to be afterward designated by the Legislature would be the right company, and both companies have performed woik and expended money. One company has graded five or six miles of road and expended, (as it is stated. S 100.000.) and the east side com pany has graded some forty or fifty miles and expended. $250,000, and it has large mills now in operation cutting timber to be laid down next spring. M. Hendricks. Are they parallel lines ? Mr. Williams. Yes. sir. Mr. Hendricks. How far apart? Mr. Williams. One is on one side of the river and the other on the other side a few miles apart. Mr. Hendricks. Which has the Com missioner of the General Land Office re cognized ? Mr. Williams. The Secretary of tbe In terior says I have his letter here that neither company is entitled to this land ; that it reverts to the Government It is simply to save the land to the State that I desire this legislation. I submitted a copy of this bill to the. Sccre-tary of the Interior, and asked him if there was any action in his Department or anything in his view of this subject that rendered this legislation unnecessary. I can read my letter if it be desired. He answered tbxt, as the matter now stood as the west side road teas "ot designated by the Legisla ture, not being in existence at the time, and as the other road vns designated after the lapse of one year as the matter now stands the public lands belong to the Gov ernment ; neither party can obtain" them ; and he will not recognize either party or certify the land to either company. At the last session of tbe Legislature both companies appeared before the Legisla ture ; one entire day was occupied in tak ing the evidence of the respective parlies, one entire day iu hearing the connsel of the respective parties, and the Legisla ture then decided, by a vote of 14 to 8 in the' Senate, and 28 to 18 in the House, without any distinction of party, to desig nate the east side compuay : and now hs tiitdeiguaiioa ha bees made, aa&.as the west side company cannot take the land, this bill sin:pjy provides that either one of tbe companies heretofore designa ted may file its assent with the Secretary of the Interior to the act. and then the controversy as between these two com panies is to be conducted in the courts of tbe State of Oregon. That is the way in which the matter stands. 1 would say if either one of these companies had this land or could get it 1 would not propose any legislation ; 1 should be perfectly satisfied. But as the matter now stands neither company can obtain tbe lauds ; and Congress cam.ot propose, as it seems to me. lo grant the land to one company and exclude the other, because that would necessarily in volve an examination into all these ques tions as to the validity of these respective organizations, as to good faith, and all the questions of that nature, which are prop erly questions to be determined by the local tribunals of tbe State ; and I. witn ont any prejudice tor either road or any interest in either, have supposed that this bill was the only way in w hich the end in view could be reached. If there is any other or better, way, of course 1 am pre pared to udopt it. But here is the deci sion of the Legislature of the State of Or egon njter takiii'j evidence vjujn ihe subject and hearing counsel for both companies. Here a the decision of tbe Committee on Public Lands on this question ; and we had before the Committee on Public Lands a remonstrance of members of the Legislature against the passage of this bill, which is more elaborate than the one laid on the tables of members. The Com mittee on Public Lands had an opportu nity to examine all the papers. - Sir. Corbett. I a;sk for the reading of a telegram from the Secretary of State which 1 hold in my hand. I understood my colleague to say that there were no papers on ti'e in the Secretary of State's office at the time the designation of the west side road was made. 1 call for the reading of the telegram. The Chief Clerk read as follows : Gaston presented for filing articles of in corporation Oregou Cei.tral Kadroad C:un pany, October W, lMif ; withdrawn wiltiiny consent. November 21, same year, (iastou tiled duplicate papers lor same company. SAMUEL E. MAY. Mr. Corbett. He withdrew these pa pers, which were filed October 6, with the Secretary of Slate. On October 10. w hile those papers were in the hands, of the Secretary of State, the Legislature designated the company which is c.-l'ed the west side road, and he withdrew them, with the consent of the Secretary of Stale, for tbe purpose of obtaining new sigHa lures and to enlist other persons in the construction of the road. Now 1 ask tor the leading of the letters of the Secretary of the Interior frOm the commence ment with regard to the designation of this road, that the Senate may see how the matter stands. I semi them to the desk. I ak for the reading of these letters to show that the Secretary of the Interior has recognized this company from the first, and that the other company did try (o flie an acceptance of this grant, but Secretary Drowning refused to receive it. the time having expired. It is clear that the west side company, as it is called, was desig nated by the Oregon Legislature and has been recognized by the Secretary of the Inttrior. They claim that if there ivas any imperfection in their withdrawing their papers with the consent of the Secre tary ot State of Oregon for the purpose of getting new signatures and getting oth er persons with c.-ipital interested in pros ecuting the work, that imperfection should be cured rather than that you should take this land grant away from the company first designated, and who have expended their money with the understanding that they were the road properly designated and recognized by the Secretary of the In terior; but if this bill passes as proposed now it virtually designates the other road, the east side roaJ, and thiows the west side road out entirely. Mr. Williams. I wish to correct the Senator in that respect. There was no filing at that time; and the Secretary of State swore before the Legislature that an envelope was presented to him containing some papers on which he indorsed in peu cil a note, but that the papers were imme diately taken away by the person who presented Ihem. and that they were not filed until the 21st of November following. I have his certificate to the fact that the articles of association w ere filed on the 21st of November. 1806. Mr. Corbett. I will state that I under stand the envelope was nurked "Present ed October 6th. 186(!.'7 and, as is customa ry with officers, they laid it by for formal filing. Mr. Conkling here followed with about twenly-four columns in rehah of Gaston's favorite themes, after which Mr. Williams said: Mr. President. I do not appear here to es pouse the cause of either railroad compa ny, as the Senator represents; but I ap pear for the State of Oregon, and I have no other object in view than to save this land grant to that Slate. The Senator has undertaken to argue that the west side company was entitled to thii land under the designation in 1866. I do not pretend to controvert, that asser tion. 1 do not wish to discuss that ques tion at this time or have it decided by Congress. I only know that since the des ignation in 1868 the president of this rcest roa1 company has applied to the Secretary to recognize that company, and he has re fused io do it; and I further know that the t-ecretary ot the Interior, in answer to a letter which I addressed to him asking him if this legislation were unnecessary, hits declared thai neither company teas enti tled to this land, but that it had lapsed to the Government. I can conceive of no other way to save tbe land to the State except to provide by this act that the land grant eball be revived tor one year without pro viding that it shall belong to one compa ny or the other, and then let the compa nies litigate their rights to this land. That appears to me to bo an equitable course to pursue. 1 undertake to say that this bill does not in any way aft'ect the rights of the west side company to this land. It does not profess to take away any right from any company, or to bestow auy right up on any company, but it simply proposes to revive the grant for one year, so that these parties may litigate with each other or before-the Interior Department as to which is entitled to the land. If the Inte rior IVparfrrrjrnE or the Courts phonld d cidwlbat the designation of th west side, company, made in lStiH, -was a good and valid designation. I should not find any fault whatever with that decision, because it. is a matter of indifference to me as. to which company has this land. But if up on litigation it shall be determined that that designation is void, then I want the land to fall into the hands of the other company, so that it may be appropriated to the construction of a road; so that we may have one railroad in the State of Or egon; and if this land grant is lost it is doubtful wbftbr we shall have any road. Now Mr. President, that is simply the position which I occupy on this subject This bill is in general terms. 1 would be willing, if it w as practicable to do so. to take up one of these roads and to designate the road that should be enti tled to the land; but these are now diffi cult questions, and the Senator has sug gested several judicial questions upon w hich it is necessary to take evidence, and upon which it is necessary that the courts should decide, in order to determine as to which company has the better right. P did not suppose that Congress would de sire to go into this protracted and difficult investigation, and therefore this bill is put in a shape where it is only necessary for Congress to say that thi3 bifid grant shall live one year longer for the benefit of tbe company that may be entitled to it by the decision of the courts. That is all that this bill proposes to do. and I am sure there is nothing inequitable about it: noth ing of which either company can complain. If it is the misfortune of the west ide com pany to lose the land, of course I regret that misfortune. If it is the misfortnne of the other side to lose it, that is to be equal ly regretted. But. sir, something, it seems to me. must be done. I propose (o acquit myself upon this milter to the people whom I have the honor to represent here.. If it. be the pleasure of the Senate to refuse to puss this bill, or any other legislation on the subject. I have acquitted myself; I have endeavored to maintain the inter ests of the State without nny favor toward either one of these companies. And now. sir. I wish to have the correspondence with the Secretary of the Interior read and put upon the record, and 1 shall Lave no more to say on the subject The President pro tempore. It will be read, if there be no objection.. , The Chief Clerk le.id the following let ters : SfcXATS Cn AMDEn, Washington, January 15G!); Sir : I respe. tiully i'ivi?? your attmtion to sect-on one of nn act et.tt'.ed ' An ait grant ing lands to aid in the construction of a r ; il road d ! It-graph line from the Central P t cttic Ita lrotd, in Calf.rna, to Port an-, in Oregon," approved July 'in, 186;;, providi g forthe d.spi'sition ot tite lands gmuttd by said act in the State f Ou gon. !ncl-ed, pltn-e find a amphlet entitled "Statement of Fact-,'' wliicfi ml y -ets forth the rights and clatina of a eomparn desig-at--H !y the Legislature of said S!;it'-, i-i d -toiler, A. D. lijs, commonly called tae '' East yide Company." Inclosed al-o please find a papr sigred bv nine tin risers of the Oregon Se; a(e, pf"fe-t ing again-t the acti n of sa'd l, ti-lature in October,- l'C, in w hirh the rights' nd cla:ro of a company d-.-siguai rd in Oi toi r, IS6', commonly called tbe '"West Side Coiupa.'-y," are fully stated. I a!-o inclose a cfpy of a full. No. 77", which I have introduced into the Setoff. I have nothing to say as to ths c'aims and fights of either company; bnt l:i view of the (net that the articles ot incorporation of the west side company were not tiled in the office ot t Secretary of Slut tint;! aft r its desig nat on by the Legidatcf in ISC? inyit w of the fact llmt the ea-t side rorrpa y cann t i file its asyent, as requited by the six h sec tiua f said act, the time f avi- g elitpsed, I am apprehe .sive that ttie hem tits of sai.l act will be wholly lost to fhe State nnless some tiling is done to prevent it. NVid you t:e good enough to adVie n-e if there is anythi g in the action of your Department or the views you entertain of the mutter making unneces say the propo-ed legi-lation. Your tr.-ly, GEO. II. WILLIAMS. Box. 0. 11. liaowxiNu, Secretary oi" the In terior, Washington, L. C. Department of Triv Txtfrtoi;, Wad;ineton, I), o. January 20, 1860. t Sir: I have received your letter ot the l'jtb instant, and the accompanying copy of Sen ate I .ill N'o. 77ti, to amend an art granting lat.ds to aid in the construction of a railroad aod telegraph line from the Central Paciti railroad, in Cs'ifortiia, to Portland, in Oie gou, apjrved July 'Z, 1SC5, wiih other pa pers relating to the nubj-ct. Said act required the Legislature of Oregon tn designate a company org iniztd under the laws of the St te to V cite and construct so much ot sa d ro;d as v as in Oregon, at d t! at the company so designated shot.ld file its " hs sent " to the act of Congress within cue j-L-ar alter its passage. By a resolution adopted by tbe I.egisla ture October 10, 1-Sfie, the Oregon Central K .ilroad Company was designated to loe .te and construct said road in Oregon. Two companies called the Oirgon Central Kail road Company claim to have been designa ted. These, it appears, are locally called the east side company and the west' side com pany. At fhe date of the adoption of said re-olu ion by the Legislature neither company bad been organized as required by the laws ot Oregon. The west side company, however, tiled its asscDt in this departmeut within the year. By a resolution adopted bv the Lrg:sla ture in October, 18iS, the east side company was designated. The purpose of the bill, as understood, is to authorize this company to file its assent" without piejudue to the rights or interests of tbe otner companv, and yon ask for an expression of mv views as to whe her there is any necessity for the propo-ed legislation. In reply I hare the honor to state, that as the matter now stands the grant, su fir as the portion of road in O eg.ui is concerned, has lapsed, while the grant for that portion of the road situate in California is st'iil in foice, and some legislation by Congress is nece.at.sar) w revive me grant lor the Ureoa portion of the road. The piopo-ed bill, if it becomes law, will, in my opii.i'm, accomplish that put pose. On the lth instant 1 declined to act u on maps nieu by the wc.t side -company "in the absence of a judicial decision as to tbe rights of the claimants or some action by Cong ess upon the subject." I inclose a copy of said letter. The papers which accompanied your letter are herewith leturned. I am, sir, very respectrully, your cbedienV servant. O. H. BKOWNIXG. Secrcttry. lion. Geobge H.Williams, United States' Senate, Department or the IxtbuiOr, I Wa shin ares, I. C. Jan., 13, !$tj9. f Sir: 1 have received your letter of the 11th instant asking that certain maps filed by J.-Ga-ton, L"Sq.v under tbe aet-pproved Juj 2D, leiti,,s showing Ue kicatjjiu of vL raiU road from Portland jn Oregon, .to the north ern line cf'th IStxte of California, By ba accepted by tbis Department. j la reply, I have to state that as there are two companies of the f-ame name claiming under the laws of tiie State of Oregou the benefit of the grant made by said act of 18G8 1 must cechne, in the absence of judicial de cision as to the rights of the claimants, or some action bv Congress upon the subject, to comply with your requast. Very respectfully, your obedient servant O. If. BROWNING, Secretary. S.G. Reed, tsq. Cars lion. 11. IV. Corbett, Unittd Stales Senate. O Mr. Corbett. Do I nmlerstand that that last letter is addressed to me, or to some one else in mv Care? The Chief Clerk. To " S. G. Reed, care of Hon. II. W. Corbett, United States Senate.' Mr. Corbett I never saw the letter be fore. Mr. Williams. They sent me a copy of it And I wish to state that with my let ter I submitted to the Secretary of the In terior the protest signed by nine members of the Legislature, in which every fact and every argument that can be made in favor of this we?t side road was made. This was sent to the Secretary of the In terior wiih what is called a s'atement of the facts on the other side, lie was re quested to examine and decide the mat ter; so that he was not ignorant of the argument on both sides of the question. Mr. Corbett. I will state one very im portant fact, that the telegram which had been received sia'es that the paper were placed on file ia the Secretary's hands on the tilh day of October. 18o6. and the company was designated on the 10:h of October as the company to receive this grant. This is the statement of the Secre tary of State. He. it appears, had made a statement before that that tbe papers were not fiied until some time after. Tho question is. when the papers were really ii:ed ; whether they were filed when they were placed in the Secretary's office on the 6th of October, or whether they were not filed until after they were withdrawn and replaced again. 1 hat is the position : and the Secretary of the Interior doe not appear to be cognizant of these facts. That is all I have to siy. The Piesident pro tempore. The ques tion is on referring the bill to the Com mittee on Public Lands. The motion was agreed to'. Woman's Law. Mark Twain say s when women framo laws the fust tiling tlicy do will be to enact: 1. Tl at all mi n shall be at tome' at ten p. it. wi;b 'tit f mi I. 4. That nitirried men f hotald be stew considerable attention upon tbeif own wive?. 3. That it should be a hnyinq" offense to sell whisky in saloons, and that hv.es and disfranchisements should follow it in smb. plfiCt 8. 4. That the smoking of cigar to excess should be forbidden,- at d the smoking of pipes nt'efly abolished. 5. That the wi:e should have the title of her ovn property when she marries a man that ha in" t nny. "Such 1 -ran, as thi-,'" S tys'Mark,. " we cotiki never stai d. Our freo souls could ntnr endnre si C'i degrade ing thraldom. Worn: n, go i.way! Seek not to I eguile us of our impe rial pinleges Content yotirstlves with your lilt 'e f minine trifles your babies, your benevolent societies your knitting and let yotirbosts do the votitg. Stand back yea will be wanting to go to war next. We will let you tench school as much as you vrant to, and pay yon luilf pricj too; but beware! we don't want you to crowd us too much." The San Francisco Times says that six noted Chinese burglars ar. rived by the last steamer from China and Jopan. The Chinamen who gave the information say that these robbers were noted rhuraeters in China, and that they had to flee to this country to save iheir lives. They have with tin m an at esthetic, which" is described as being much more powerful than eholoform w hicli they use to put pea pie to sleep. . A new car wheel has recently" been invented. The wheel is made in two parts, and consists of a web which is bolted fast to the hub. A ring of rubber interposed between the web and the hub and secured by the belts and flanges receiv-s the jar" of the loaded car. It is claimed tbaf by this arrangement the cirs rida more: easily, and the danger of break ng the axle is diminished. It is said that the only infalUVje way to ascertain that death, has tken place, with ihe exception of -decomposition, is by holding a tn-per to a part of the body. If ths b ister on peing punctured givts forth a fluid tsubsiauce, death has not taken place. If air Is emitted, death ba3 occured. I i 1 l MH www immxv, mm