- V x Wqt tonkin dntlf rprisc; ; Oregon Qitji ''Oregon',' D. O. ElELAXD, EDITOR A3TD PKCrRIETOR. Saturday March 6, 1869. Prayers la the Legislature." Under this caption, wo noticed in the Herald of Saturday, the 27th ult., a brief extract from the Springfield (Mass.) Re publican in reference to the appointment of a chaplain inthe Massachusetts Legislature, 'with editorial comments. ; The writer of the extract referred to speaks in his usual flippant way, when dwelling upon nigral or religions themes, and -seeka to impress upon the minds of his readers the inutility of religions observ ances in connection with legislation. We are sorry that a .paper so extensively cir culated as a family journal, should advo cate such sentiments as those found in the Springfield Republican. Again we are orry that a Republican paper should take such a. low moral position, that Democratic paper can consistently echo -its sentiments. Men sometimes, inadvert ently give currency to ideas which bring tberu into associations they would gladly avoid. If one barks like a dog, he will soon find himself in the companionship of dogs. As to the application which our .friend of the Herald makes of the senti ments of the Republican, -we must say its 'force depends upon the point of view from "w hich one looks at it. "Where he seeks to point out bad effects, we only discover good results. If the Chaplain of our last Legislature was faithful in the discharge -01 ms duty a3 ne undoubtedly was, we may suppose that ho frequently offered that most earnest petition of the Lord's prayer, that those for whom ho prayed might bo delivered from all evil, and es pecially from evil associations. Those members who withdrew from the Legisla ture, whether or not moved by the pray ers of their chaplain acted up to the spirit, of this petition ot the Lord's Prayer. All honest men must admit this, whatever may be their view3 regarding the expediency of such an act. It is not strange that Democrats should oppose the idea of em ploying chaplains in the Legislature, lor, In the first place, in these days it is very difficult to find a clergyman, of " good moral character," to act in that capacity, whoso political sentiments would har monize with their own. Men who rever ence and worship God, generally have respect for decency, sobriety and morality in political life. And in the second place, so far as our observation goes, the Demo cratic legislators of the present day, do not, as a rule, belong to a class of men who are susceptible to the higher " spiritual'' influences. Had we not faith in the power ofprayer3, we might think that for all such, they were words wasted on the air. There is nothing alarming, or even strange in this opposition to prayer in our legislative halls, coming from the source it does. It is as true to-day, as it was long ago, that " Wherever God erects a house of prayer. The devil always builds a chapel there." But the Republican and the Herald aside, we protest against ail such sneers, at the ;public expression ot religious thoughts .and feelings. If our religious professions Are worth anything, they are worth carry ing with us into every important action in life in which we feci an interest. Those who talk so lightly of religion and relig ious duties would perhaps indignantly .repel the idea of invading the sanctity of i home and silencing the voice of prayer .at the family altar, yet he who feels the kSieed of divine strength to enable him to act well his part as a citizen of the State must feel more deeply the responsibility resting upon him when elevated to the position of a lawgiver in the State. We profess to be a Christian commonwealth, and to frame all laws designed to secure the welfare of the people after the model of the divine law. We profess to recog nize God, as the Supreme Head of the State, upon whom depends national as well as individual prosperity. If we deem it a duty incumbent unon 113 to seek di vine wisdom to guide us in individual af fairs and he is unworLhy of success who does not feel it a duty the more should those who participate in national affairs feel it a duty to seek divine guidance by bo much as ibe national welfare stirpasses- mere inuivmuai good, luo.se who engage in the work of legislation should feel thai it is a solemn work and that as such, they fchould enter upon it-confident in the bless ing of God. . Were the people tnre t itheir own best interests, our legislature would not present as they sometimes dt an inviting field for missionary effort Desids all this we protest against tbt ,press lending its aid in the diffusion i sentiments which tend more or less direct ly to demoralize community. In thes days, the press has became a power in the land, in many respects, it has an in fluence, more wide-reaching than the pul pit. It makes an impress upon thousands of minds, that the teachings of the pulpit never directly reach. The press and the pulpit should be allies, not enemies, and work together for the moral elevation of the race. In shcrt, the newspaper press must be an ally of the pulpit if it would .maintain its vigor unimpaired, for it is the offspring of a Christian civilization. The well-known words cf Justice Story con tain a sentiment worthy the reflection of every man. who would seek through the newspaper press to bring reproach upon raligioa. a Here shall the press the people's right maintain, Unawed by influence, and unbribed by gain. Here patriot truth, her glorious precepts draw. Pledged to Religion, Liberty and Law From dispatches to the Oregonian. Inaugural Address of President Grant. Citizens of 'the United States : f lYour suffrages having elevated me to the office af Presideut of the Unit- ed States, I have, in conformity with the Constitntion of our county, taken the oath of office prescribed therein. have taken this oath without mental reservation, and with the determina tion to do, to the best ot my ability, all that it requires of me.-. The res ponsibilities of the position I feel, bat accept them without fear. The office has , come to me unsought. I com mence it3 duties untrammeled. I bring to it a conscientious desire and determination to fill it to the best of my ability and to the satisfaction of the people. , On all leading questions agitating the public mind, I will express my views to Congress and urge them ac cording to my judgment, and when I think it advisable I will always exer cise the Constitutional privilege of interposing a veto, to defeat measures which I may oppose ; but all laws will be faithfully executed, whether they meet my approval or not. I shall, on all subjects, have a poli cy to recommend, but none to enforce o gainst the xoill of the people. The laws a,re to govern all alike, those opposed to them as welt as those who favor them. I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so.t'fie-ctive as their stringent ex ecution. The country having just emerged from a great rebellion, very many questions will come before it for set tlement in the next four years which the preceding administrations have never had to deal with. In meeting them, it is desirable that they should he approached calmly, without preju dice to State or sectional price, re membering that the greatest good to the greatest number is the object to be attained. This requires the secu rity of person, of property, end for religious and political opinions in every part of our common country, without regard to locality or preju dice. Laws to secure these will re ceive my best efforts for their enforce ment. A great debt h&s been contracted in securing for us and our posterity the Union. The payment of this, principal and interest, as well as the return to a specie basis as soon as it can be accomplished without material detriment to the debtor class or the country at large, must be provided for. To protect the national honor every dollar of the Government in debtedness should be paid in gold, un less otherwise expressed or siipulated in the contracts. Let it be under stood that no repudiator of a farthing of our public debt will be trusted in a public place, and it will go far to wards strengthening a credit which ouant to be the best in the world, and will ultimately enable us to re place the debt with bonds bearing less interest than we now pay. To this should be added a faithful collection of the Revenue; a strict accountabil ity to the Treasury for every dollar collected, and the greatest practical retrenchment in expenditure in every department of the Government. When we compare the paying capac ity of the country now, with the States still in poverty from the effects of the war, but soon to emerge, I trust, in to greater prosperity than ever be fore, with its paying capacity twenty 6ve years ago, and to calculate what it probably will be twenty-five years hence, who can doubt, the feasibility of paying every dollar then with more ease than we now pay for use less luxuries'? Why it looks as though Providence has bestowed up on us a strong box cf the precious metal locked up in the sterile rooun. tains of the far West, which we are now forging the key to unlock, to meet the very contingency that now is upon us. Ultimately it may be necessary that the Genpral Govern ment should give its aid to secure this access, but that should only be when a dollar of obligation to pay secures precisely the same as a dollar to us now, and not before. While the question of specie payment is in abeyance, the prudent business man is careful about contracting debts payable in the distant future. The nation should foilow the same rule: Prostrate commerce is to be rebuilt and all industries encouraged. The young ine.i of the country who, from their age, must be its rulers twenty five years hence, have a particular interest in maintaining the national honor. A moment's reflection as to what will be our commanding influx ence among the nations of the earth iu their day, if they are only true to themselves, should inspire them with nationul pride. All divisions geo graphical, political and religious concur in this common sentiment. How the public debt is to be paid, or specie payment resumed, is not so important as that a plan should be adopted and acquiesced in. A united determination to do it is worth more than divided counsels upon the method of doing. Legislation upon this sub ject may not be fcecessary now or even advisable, bnt it will be when the civil law i3 more fully restored in all parts of the country and trade resumes its wonted channel. It wiii be my endeavor to execute all laws iu good faith, collect all revenues as sessed and to have them properly accounted for and economically dis bursed. It will be for me, to the best of my ability, to appoint to of fice those only who will carry out this design. - -. In regard to foreign policy, I would deal with nations as equitably as the law requires individuals to deal with each other, and I would protect every law abiding citizen whether of native or of foreign , birth, .wherever his rights are jeopardized, or the flag of our country floats. . I would respect the rights of all nations, demanding equal respect for our own. If others depart from this rule in thei dealings with us, we may be compelled to fol low their precedents. The proper treatment of the origi nal occupants of this land the iudi ans are deserving of care and equal study. I will favor any course to wards them which tends to their civ ilization, Christianity and ultimate civilization. The question of sufTVnge is likely to agitate the public, so long as a portion of the citizens of the uation are excluded from its privilege in any State. It seems to me very desira ble that this question should be set- tied now. I entertain the hope, and express he desire that it may be, by the ratification of the fit tee nth article of the amendment to the constitution. In conclusion, I ask patiet.ee and forbearance of one towards another throughout the land, and a determin ed effort on the part of every citizen to do bis share towards cementing a happy union ; and I ak the prayers of the Nation to Almighty God in behalf of this consummation. FAREWELL ADDRESS OF SPEAKER COIAAX. "Washington, March 2 Mr Col fax has nsijined the Speakership. He said : " The parting word among friends about to separate is always a regretful one; but the farewell which takes me from this hall in which so many years have been spent, excites in me emotions which it would be useless to attempt to conceal. The fourteen years during which we have been associated as representatives cf the people, have been full of eventful legislation. Exciting issues, grave questions and decisions vitally r.tuct ing'the entire Republic all this with the accompanying scenes which so often produced in the arena of debate the warmth of feeling of our antago nistic constituents, has passed into the domain of history. 1 but refer to them to express the joy which is r.p parently shared by the mass of our countrymen, that the storm cloud of war which so long darkened our ra tional welfare has passed away, leav ing our imperilled Union savul, and that, by the decrees of the people, liberty was proclaimed throughout the land to all the inhabitants there of. Bat I cannot leave you without ore word of rejoicing over the pres ent position of our Republic among the nation? of the earth. With our military power almost unlimited, re sources rapidly augmenting as well as population, and the welcome at our gates to the oppressed of other lands, our vast agricultural, maun facturing and mineral capacities, our frontage on two oceans, our almost completed Pacific Railroad, unitirg those opposite shores and becoming the highway of the nations, the United States commands that respect among the powers ot the world which insures the maintenance of all its national rights and the security of all its citizens from injustice and oppression abroad. Nor is this ail The triumphal progress of free insti tutions here has had its potential in fluence beyond the sea. The right of the people to govern, based on the principle that all governments .derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, is everywhere ad vancing, not with a slow measured tread, but with a rapidity that with in a few years fin's bsen so signally illustrated in Britain, Spain, Italy, Prussia, Hungary and other lands. May we not hope that by the moral but powerful force of our example, the fetters may everywhere be broken and some of us hve to see the happy era when slavery and tyranny shall no more be known in the world for ever to the end of the earth. I cannot claim in the share I have had in the deliberations and legisla tion of the IIou3e as a member and officer, to have always done that which is wisest and best in word and act, for none is infallible; but that 1 have striven to perform faithfully every duty, and hare beernievoted to the principles that I have deemed correct, that the honor and glory of our country have always beeu para mount and above party tie., I con scientiously assert; that I have sought to mitigate rather than intensify the associations which the collisions of opposing partu s so often evoke, mn-t be left to my fellow mcmbirs to verify. - In the responsible duties of the pa-t six years, I have endeavored to administer your law?, both in the letter and spirit, with impartiality and uninfl'jeuced by political associ ates or antagonists. I may be par doned t expression of gratification that while no decision has been re versed, there has been no appeal ever decided by a strictly party vote. If in the quickness with which the pre siding officer Is "compelled to role hour after hour on parliamentary points in the performance of his duty to protect all members in their rights and advance the progress of public business and preserve order, any word has fallen from my lips that un justly wounded any one, I withdraw it. I leave this hall with no feeling of unkiudness towards any member with whom I have been associated in all the cares of the past, hoping earnestly, I think, to practice that lesson of life which commands us to write of our enemies on the sand, but to engrave , friends high on granite. ... .- But the, last word cannot be lon ger, delayed. I bid farewell to a faithful, confiding constituency, whose affectionate regard has sustained and encompassed me through all the years of my public life. r. Farewell to this hall, which in its excitement and ac tivity so ofteu seems to represent the throbbmgs and intense feelings of the national heart. And, finally, fallow- members and friends, with sincere gratitude for the .generous support which you have always given me in my difficult and other complex duties ot this chair, with the warmest wishes for your health, happiness and pros perity, one and lill, I bid you fare well. Resolutions were unanimously passed that the retirement of Colfax from the Speaker's chair after a long and faithful discharge of its duties is an event in our current history which causes general regret, but that the country is to have the benefit of his matured talents and experience in the higher sphere of duty to which lie has been called by a majority of his countrymen. On thus parting from its distinguisded Speaker, the House records with becoming sensi bility its high appreciation of his skill and parliamentary law, promptness in administering and facilitating bus- i iness, his urbane manner and the dignity and impartiality with which he presides over the deliberations of the Ilouse. lie will carry with him to his field of duty and throughout his life the kindest regards of every member of the 'House. Mr. Pome roy was unanimously elected Speak er. He took the oath and returned thank3. Washington, March 4. In the Senate- Cojfax said: In entering this chamber for the, performance of the duties to which I have been called by the people of the United States, I realize fu!!yhe delicacy and respon sibility of the position of presiding over a body whose members, in so large a degree, are seniors. Not be ing chosen by the bo;ly itself, I shall certainly need assistance, support and generous forbearance and confidence, but pledging all faithful and unfl nch ing impartiality in the administration of your rules, earnestly desii iritr co operation with you in the delibera tions of the Senate, worthy not only to the history of renown, but id so of the States whose commissions you hold. I am ready to take the oath freely. Tue o-ith was then adminis tered by Chief Justice Chase. The Ediiior of tha Orcgonian hag been over the line of the Oregon Central Railroad recently and he says : Everything is in tha best possible ordr, and the manner in w hich the work is goinjj on is a certain indica tiou that the road is to be pushed for ward rapidly. In an about the mills and shops 125 men are employed and the good weather we are nowhavinjj is extremely favorable for the prosecu tio-.i of the work. The two steam saw mills are bting pnshed to their ut most capacity. It is intended to prepare at these mills all the ties, bridge timber and trestles which will be requited for the road at least ns far as tho Santiam. Each of the mills is situated in an excellent body oflimbrr, very near the line of the, road and ubiut two miles distant from Milwankie iu Clackamas county. About GO&.OOO ties have already been sawed, and a considerable qian tity of bridge timber. In the mach ine and car shops at East I'ortlan t, work isgning oa br.-kiy. Two superb passenger c irs, each fifty feet long, are advanced toward completion and eijjht more will be built immedi ately. Several heavy construction cars have been built. About two miles north of the Clackamas river a party are employed putting in foundations for a considerable piece of trestle work which it is necessary to crvet at that point. All appearances indicate that the road wiii make rapid pro gress during the coming summer. What Does Georgia Mean? A telegram recently says: 'The Georgia Legislature has adopt ed resolutions ex passing their confi. dence in Grant, as truly the President of the people, aud that his Adminstra tion will restore peace and tranquili ty to all sectiocs of the country.'' Are not these the Conservatives who turned all the blaclc men out of their chambers-r and is not their State noted for its Ka-Klux outrages? If these people are in earnest tliey are progressing wonderfully. AH INTERESTING CASE. The following paper was served by Sheriff Myers a few days since, upon J. M. Bacon Esq.,--who has just resigned hia po sition as Justice of the -Peace in this city, to better enable him to attend to the Post office and his own private business affairs. It developes a very interesting case: Oregon City, Feb. 29th, 1SG0. To llox. J. M. Bacon, Eq., Sir: The undersigrled do, in the strong est terms, remonstrate against your action in depriving us of our social and pleas ant game of checkers, by taking possession of the old checker-board, and protest aginst your claim to the same, as we claim it from the fact that the great length of time it has been in tbe possession of the club' gives them the right to hold the same by law; not by legislative enactment, but, by law of reason " Attest: J. M. FRASER. W. B. Blaxchaud,, S. E. Stoxe, YY J. Caldwell, and many others. Mr. Bacon sets up an answer as follows: Orkgov Citv. March 1st. 1869. To Mssrz. W. B. Bianchard, S. Stone, IV , J. Lultlwe'.l, ana many others. Gents: Your Protest and Remonstrance of February twidy-ninth is at hand. I have gravely considered its contents, and here with append my reply and demurrer for the following reasons: First. That there is no such day this year as February ticeniy-rdnth, that conse quently you were not iu existence on the day specified. I confess that I did take away the Board, but I was actuated by good motives, rmong which were these: lhat habits of idleness and dissipation are engendered by throwing temptation in the way of" those who have not the streugth t resist: but if you still persist iu the oc cupation I might say the only occupation which you have had for some length of time you certainly should call and buy one of my fine boards, together with a dice box, dice, and un elegant set of checker men. all of which you can have for the small sum of seven dollars and fifty cents in gold coin or its equivalent. 2s'ow Sirs; it" I have not given you suffi cient reasons for taking into my posses sion the old board, which you h;ive the presumption to claim by right of the long possession which my kiudness of heart has allowed you, then iu the name of goodness what reason can I give? Yours with very great respect. J. M. BACON". "We are inclined to beleive that the club will see the utility of purchasing a new board. To be sure. Spring is approach ing, and business is expected to revive, wtien tuese gentlemen win ue mainnsr themselves scarce, but their claims to the new board, under such circumstances, would never be brought into question. We have received the first num." ber of the Wallamet Farmer pub lished at Salem by A. L. Stinson. It is in all respects a valuable acqui sition to the Oregon press. In the salutatory appears the following: The paper will be central as be twecn political parties, 3nd will speak of or proposo measures only as they affect the interests of the many. Whenever any measure becomes par tisan, it will cease to claim a place in the Farmer neither will anything calculated to wound the feelings id any particular sect or religion- de nomination fin i room in its pages. It will be the earnest endeavor of those conducting the paper to make it minister to the happiness of every home which it may enter, and to the prosp-rity of every well-intentioned member of society. Tho Call has an artie'e on who originated tho idea of a Pacific rail road. Many awarded the honor to Carver. Henry S Fitch, b merchant of San Francisco in the ''flush times" of the early days of California, offered two prizes one of $10,000 and an other of, $5,000 for the best and second best es-ays on the bencGts to be conferred on the Nation by the con struction of a trauscontiuen'a! railway. The Call says he i3 entitled to the credit of having endeavored tiput it into practical operation; but adds "that the g'ory of the early origin ators and promoters of the idea of a Pacific Railroad pales before that of the JStanfords, dockers, M;irk IIop kins.and Huntington, who have put it into execution and hudt the road." Edmund Ketchnm, the New York forger has been pardoned. The Georgia Constitutionalist is opposed to worm fences, and advo cates herding ftoek as less expensive. The floating debt of France has has been r.-d;u- d from $180,400,000 to $145,40,000. The political campaign of1809 will open with the following State el ctions: New Hampshire March 9; Connecticut April 4; llhode Island April 7. A Governor is to be chosen in each. Tho Washington Chronicle is seeking some plan of utilizing small capital. Co-operative associations are not the best means that can be devised, it would appear from re ports of those i existence, which are very much like certain joint stock incorporations, uudcr the law8 of this State. The Alia is fearful that if the United States Government attempt to turn over the telegraphs of America to the Post office Department, the frauds of political wire workers will be greater. There is no change in the mar kets, Wheat is in fair request at from $1.62$ to $1 "0 per 100 lbs., in B-in Francisco market. Oregon oats still commanded $2 10 on the 2i. ODD FELLOWS HAM.. myrmm to CONTRACTORS. Scalod Proposals will be received at the office of Odd Fellow's Halt Association, Johnson & McCown'S office, Oregon City, until the 13th day of March; 1869, for the construction of a stone wall, on the lot owned by said Association, in accordance with the following specifications : The excavation of a sufficient amount of earth to admit of the construction of the wall.- The surplus dirt if any, to be re moved from the lot. The stone wall to commence on the bed-rock all around which ranges from seven to nine feet and to be a good substantial stone wall, with an even thickness of two feet, to be secured with good lime mortar of sufficient strength to secure a firm bond. The wall to be built up to within eight inches of the level of the side-walk, and leveled off for the reception of tbe brick wall and joist. The said walls to be eighty feet long, and twenty-four feet nine inches wide from outside to outside, with an openiDg of four feet six inches to be left for stairway, and six openings sixteen by twenty-four inches, with eratings for ventilation, all of said oneninzs to be capped overhead with s-ood stone slabs. : The location of said openings will be : settled by the board of directors hereafter." Said wall to be completed on or before the first day of June. 1SC9. ' Bids received for the entire work com pleted, also by the perch for the entire work. iN. W. Randall, President A. J. Appersox. Secretary, pro. tern. THE GRECON 73 FIIIST St., FOMLAXD Uet. Stark and Washington. O LOBYEA & KALLENBEB0, Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES Chemicals. Fancy and Toilet Articles, Fine Wines, Brandies, cud Whislcies, For Medicinal Purposes. Brushes and Perfuraciles, Of the Lttlesl Styles and Finest Qualities. Cooking Extracts, Essential Oils, Uerbs, etc., etc., Aud an Assortment of all Popular jPstejst; Medicines. Everything Iiept in a First Class Drugstore AVII.L BE SOL.D At Greatly Reduced Prices ! AS Soothing Sy nip . . , 25 Cents. Citrate Magnesia .... ..... 25 Cents. Brown's Bronchial Troches 25 Cents. And Other Articles in Proportion. ALSO OFFER Ftfcdical and Surgical Aid FREE OP CHARGE I -. O Patients Visited at their Houses. Physician's Prescriptions Carefully Compounded, under the Special Supervision of 13.1y Dr. A. XI. KALLEXBERG. C. II. MVIiSKS, PlOlBiXG, GAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, Xo. 110 First Street Portland Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot Water Boilers, Marble- Top Washsfands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBOW; RETURN B ENDt NIPPLES, BUSHINGS, J'or St4am, Water and Uas. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Ganges, Whistles Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Angle, aud Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Cck.s, and all kinds . ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, &c. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C II. MYERS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE To tbe creditors of the estate of Daniel Tinlhnger deceased. Not ce is hereby given uy me unaerigned JUiministntcrs of the etatjof DANIL'L TItULLiNGER, deceased, to the creditors of and ail persous having claims against said deceased, to exhibit the same with the pecesary Touchers, ithin six months f rom the firt publication of this notice to the undersigned, at the ( ffice of D. M. Mc- n.enney, m Uregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated this th day of March. 1809." ELIZABETH TKULL1NGER, NATHAN U. TEULLINOEIV -Administrators. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip tion, for eale at the EtRrBisa offi.ee A UCTION ANb COMMISSION A. I!. Iticlisifdsosi, 4 I AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Fortkad IA AUCTION S.ALE3 Of Real Estate, Groceries, Gcncrahlerchan. t - - dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday -A. li. IiicHARDsoN, Auctioneer; . AT PltlVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron : English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes. Files, Rasps, saws ; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron ; ALSO : A large assortment of Groceries' and Liquors. S',H'A.JB. Richardson, Auctioneer. MISCELLANEOUS. "YOOL WANTED. ANY QUANTITY!! By i- i THOMAS CHARMAN. -;y Oregon City. Thomas Chairman ! Successor to CH. ill 31 AX 4- BRO.; THE DEATH OF MY BROTHER HAS compelled me aarain to change thenam of the firm of CHAliMAX & BKO. to that of I THOMAS CHARMAN having purchased of .' lio wtjto all fl.n (nlnrnil !.!,! I,,- . U.U er in the stock of goodo owned by Charman &. Brother, taking effect Jauuary 3d, 1869. Tlte EBusiness Will he Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in part, of the following branches of trade : Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Notions, Perfumery And Patent Medicine:; Paints, Oils, Color si Dye Stuffs and Varnish, Queensware, Crockery db Lamfs; Sash, Doors, and Window Blinds, Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Rope, and Kails Of Every Description. I ask Especial Attention to iny FINE TEAS, COFFEE .AND SUGAR. GROCERIES OF E VER Y VARIETY. Farming Implements OF ALL KINDS. tS Attention will be paid to any business left with me on Commission. Notice. 3Iy Business with all who f.ivcr me with tlieir patronage, will be done on a gold basis but Lrgal Tender will be re ceived at tbe market quotations. Agent WELLS FAItfJO k CO., and of tl; MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co., of X. V. IW I desire to say to all who favor mo with their patronage that I shall use my Lest ability to please them, and all ii dt.'i s shall meet with prompt attentiotj. My facilities for doing business are as good as auy hou.ie in Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell a-i Cheap as any Ilouse in good standing in tho State. I will not be undersold by any one. Please give me a call and examine tor your selves. Thanking tou for pnst favors. " I remain, Respectfully vours. THOMAS CHARMAN. . 0 . JOHN II. SCII RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, II A RSL'SS, etc., etc., Main Street, Oregon (.it, S" Wishes to represent that he is now m well prepared to furnish any article in hts line as the largest establishment in the tjte. He particularly requests that an fxammatinnof hi.s stock be made before buying elsewhere. HOME MADE FURNITURE! M. WERTHEIMER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, OIIKGOY CITY, TAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORMING the public that be has now on hasd a laage invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLE?, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. . STANDS, CHAIRS, And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture ! Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits ihe attention of buvers. He MANUFACTURES FTJRNITUKE Using good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State, henco ht cau warrant his goods to be as represented, and he is prepared to fill all orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of desirable 'jO'xis in the State. M. AVERTIIEI3IEU. Main street, Oregon City- gHERIFPS SALE! fc By Tirtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor Clackamas County, in favor of J. S Painter and against the VV iilamette Steamboat Com pany, lor the sum of fifty-seven (57) dolUf. U. S. gold coin, dated February 17th, ISpi with interest at ten per cent, per annum als eleven 80-100 dollars costs and accruing cost q I did, on the 17th and 23d davs of Febru ary, 18G9, levy on all the right, title and interest, of said defendant in and to the fol lowing described propntj-, viz: A ware house or a house and sheds, used by defend ants to discharge and receive freight iu ttc town of Canemah, and a warehouse at the foot of Third street in Oregon City, used by defendants, and a pair of hand trucks, andoa Saturday the 20th day of March. 1 will sell all the right, title and inter est of said Company in and to theatre property, to the highest bidder for gold or silver coin, in frout of the Court House iool in Oregon Citv, Clackamas County Oregon- JOHN MYERS, 15.5t) Sheriff of Clackamas Cuunt 0 1