The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, March 06, 1869, Image 1

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866. Established. 1866.
j The Weekly Enterprise.
Business Man, the Farmer
OFFIC E Corner of Fifth and Main streets
, Oregon City, Oregon- .
V I). C. JRELAXD, Proprietor.
$ Single Copy one year .$3 00
" " Bix months 2 00
Tj " Three months 1 00
Two Copie3 one year $5 00
Four Copies six months 5 00
Eight Copies three months 5 00
Remittances to be made at the risk of
. Subscribers, and at the expense of Agents.
I Transient advertisements, including all
; legal eoticea, i sq. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50
'i For eaeh subfceqvient insertion 1 00
f One Column, one year $120 00
HI ITiilf " fift
..a e. 1
Uu.siuesii Card, 1 square one year 12
s rfv--o- nil. t.. mn :n t?V
beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod
! em MACHINE PIUiSbKS, which will enable
the Proprietor to do Job Printing at all times
s iVeat, Quick and CTieap f
I TVorK solicited.
i AU Business traruiactiont upon a Specie basis.
I) . C. Hi ZT LA Nl, l'rcprit tor.
. (Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. H. B. Co.)
OFFICE At Residence, Main street Ore
gon City, OieRon.
ft'. C. JOHN-SOX. F. O. M COWN.
Notary Public.
Oregon City, Oregon.
XRT WU1 attend to all business entrusted to
our care in any of the Courts of the State,
Collect money .Negotiate loans, sell real estajs
i'tc. .Particular attention given to contested
hand capes.
; Juslice of the Peace d- City Recorder
Office In the Court House and City
I Council Uootn, Oregon City.
6"3- Will attend to the acknowledgment of
4 deeds, and all other duties appertaining to the
i business of a Justice of the Peace.
Savier, LaRoque & Co.,
fiT.Kecp constantly on hand foi sale, flour
Midline. Uran and Chicken Feed. Parties
purdiing feed must furnish the sacks.
Contractor aM BuilcTer,' .
Main st., OREGON CITY.
Will attend to all work in his line, con
sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner woik
framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly
at tended t .
Successor to SZIITII t& MARSHALL,
Black-Smith and Wagon Maker,
Corner of Main and Third streets,
Oregon City
I jrsRlacksmithing in all its branches; Wag
I on making and repairing. All work warrant
f ed to give satisfaction.
.tablished since 1849, at the old stand,
Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.
An Assortment of Watches, Jew
elry, aad Scth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to be as represented.
Repairing done on snort notice,
nnd thanklul tor pasttavors.
City Jraymaii)
tr. AU orders for the delivery of merchan
d'we or packages and freight of. whatever des
cription, to any part of the city, will be exe
cutes! promptly and with care.
Corner of Fourth and Main streets.
Keep constantly on hand all kinds of
freh and salt meats, such as
And everything else to be found in their line
f business.
J. F. MILLER & Co.,
ISools mad Sltocs!
At -hs Oregon City Boot and Shoe
Store, Main street.
Of Ladies'. Gents'. Boys', and Children's
3 Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order.
, Sir Thankful for past favors of the public
,'t respectfully ask a continuance of the same.
' i AVe shaU deliver to our patrons all the best
qualities of Beef, Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc.,
s 4 usual twice a week, on
7 ucsdxys and Saturdays !
There aw only six to-day
"Where last I counted 6even f ' -One
little child has gne away,
- To the happy home in heaven j . .
Grone to be glad for aye, . : , -
la the day that hath no morrow j
Xerer again with pain to cry, -Jferer
to inow a sorrow.
One little face no more, ' -
"With joyous light shall quiver
Tliat sunbeam flashing in at the door,
- Shall light our room up never j r ;
But oh! where the angels stand, i
And the whit robed saints are singing
Thro' the music sweet of the better land
Another harp is ringing!
Here, by a little bed,
Here, by an empty pillow,
A pale, sad mother boweth her head,
Droops like a storm rocked willow !
There, at Jesus' feet,
A seraph form is kneeling,"
And hearing the words of welcome sweet
Where praise is ever pealing.
Missing the darling child,
Missing the loving kisses,
The winsome ways that so oft beguiled,
Our cares with soft caresses ;
Still through our grief we feel,
That all the loss is ours !
Happy the soul on whom the seal
Of death is set with flowers !
Flowers of faith and hepe,
Flowers of hope and heaven.
Last week the beautiful gate did ope,
And we are no more seven.
Six little children here,
In the class, shall moet to-day ;
One where love casteth out all fear,
In the school above shall stay.
And oh ! where the angels stand
And where the saints are singing,
To the joyous touch of a little hand,
Another harp is ringing.
5. Times.
The Unionist has the following eo
connt of a very touching irfcident
which occo'rred at Sa'ern recently.
A child was lost, and the little fel
low, only two and a hal-f years old,
tvas rescued by a noble dog. The
Unionist says : , .
The little fellow was not found un
til 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. lie re
ceived some severe injuries frora the
frost, but is now considered out of
danger. The child is about two and
La half years old, and on Saturday
afternoon, that being a pleasant day,
it was taken out to play by some
children older, who placed at hide
and-seek until about 4 o'clock, when
they missed the little boy. The older
children ran home and gave the alarm,
when the parents started out to find
the little wanderer. In this" they failed,
and about dark the alarm was
sounded in the city,' and a company
of cboai; one hundred persons went
over and beat about for several
hours, when , they all got togetner
and formed a line, stretching over as
much ground as possibly and made
a thorough search. In this way the
company scoured the' whole country
as far a3 it was thought possible the
little boy would go, but to no avail.
Finally it came to the mind of Mr.
Miller, partner of Mr. Westacott, to
try his dog. A hat was shown to
the dog which had been worn by the
boy. After smelling the hat the dog
was taken to the spot where the boy
was last seen, when he struck out,
followed by Mr. Miller. In thi
manner the track was followed for a
mile and a half, to within a short
distance from Frebitas Smith's plac?,
where the dog went into a thicket.
From this it would not come, al
tnougu his master used ootu com
mands and entreaties. Fiually, Mr
Miller went into the b.rush, and there,
on a small pile of sticks, lay the lit
tle wanderer, insensible from the cold.
Mr. Miller was so moved at the suf
fering of the little fellow, that he
4 missed his way and wandered about
for as much as two hours before he
got out. At first the physicians
thought the boy could not live, but
by good treatment ho has repovered
so that he can talk. His feet are
frosted considerably and some of the
muscles will probably slough off. In
his wTandering the child had waded
through water waist deep, and getting
wet contributed greatly to the in
tensity of the cold.
It 13 rather a cheerful sign of
the confidence that is still held by
the citizens of this section of country
in its future outcominfvto see' that
so lew are leaving-for "White Pine
that new and fabulously rich country
lately discovered some sixH hundred
miles south of us -or that even talk
of going.- This we consider a cheer
ing sign for the future prosperity of
our country East of the Mountains.
It also shows that our population
possesses that contentment which
gives permanency and stability to all
our great and varied interests.-Mountaineer.-
Prehistoric Remains, Dating Rack 45
- B. C Found a.t St. Looila
From the t. Louis Republican.1 ."
It is' generally., known i la this
country, and in scientific circles in
Europe, that the gigantic " tmdertak
ing of bridging the Mississippi river
at this point has already begun, and
that for more than a year, when the
state of the river would permit, the
sound of the ponderous machinery
has ceased cot, day, nor night, but the
work of excavation has been going on
until the solid rock has been reached
for the foundation of the piers on the
western shore. One of the piers is
already above low-water mark a
triumph of mechanical skill. The
blocks of stone. of which it is built
are as huge as those of the Pyramids,
and yet, by the application of original
principles of mechanical and engi
neering skill, these gigantic blocks are
moved as easily as the common fotui
dation stones of our dwellings. The
outer pier is not yet begun, the exca
vations therefor not being quite com
pleted. At this point the wonders
begin, the end of which is not yet.
What effect the discovery of this tun
nel under the river may have upon
the location of the bridge, the board
of engineers will soon determine.
About p. m. yesterday the work
men engaged in blasting the rocks in
the bottom of the excavations for the
foundation of this pier, discharged an
extraordinary large blast of powder,
when, immediately after the report, a
strange phenomenon presented itself.
Instead of the usual time for the
smoke to clear away they saw it as
cend rapidly in a column, as though
issuing lrom tne smoKestacK or a
steamer. Ibis soon cleared, and it
was fonnd that a steady amount of
air with a strange damp odor was is
suing from the cavernous excavation,
showing that an opening had been
made into some unknown subterrane
an passage. Upon descenaing to the
bottom the usual mud and water had
disappeared through a dark, deep
opening in the rock, about ten feet in
diameter, made by the last discharge
of powder. Ropes, ladders and torch
es were immediately procured and a
careful exploration begun.
We cannot now enter4nto detailed
description, but having been invited
to accompany the board of enginneers
with a delegation frora the Academy
of Science and Historical Society, we
must reserve a full exposition of the
wonderful discovery until we shall
have made a more careful survey.
Suffice it for the present to say it is
certain that it passes entirely under
the river to the Illinois shore, and
whether it is wholly the work of some
ancient race who once inhabited this
land, whose interesting remains are
strewn so thickly yp and down this
great .val'ey, or whether it is partly
natural and partly artificial, remains
to be seen. In any case it is none the
less stupendous. The main passage
we should judge to be about twenty
feet frgh by fifteen broad, and pjs eru
atically arched overhead ; part of the
way by cutting through solia root,
and part by substantial masonry.The
bottom seemed to be much worn, as
if by carriage wheels of some sort.
There are many lateral passages,
which of course we had no time to
enter. These are about eight feet
high and" six feet wide. In the main
passage we saw no tools or imple
ments of workmanship, but on enter
ing one of the lateral passages we
soon emerged into a large chamber,
supported by leaning pillars of solid
rock when tue chamber was escavat
ed. Around the walls of this cham
ber there were what seemed to be
niches, closed with closely fitting
slabs, each slab covered with inscrip
tions in Runic uniform characters
wbkfh to our eyes bore a marvelous
resemblance to those npon the slab
in the Mercantile Library, which was
brought from the mines of Ninevah.
Between the niches were projecting
pilasters, with draped Assyrian or
Egyptian heads, which presented a
most impressive and awe-inspiring
effect as they were illuminated by the
torchlight. Those sweet, sad faces,
looked down npon us from the ancient
ages, like the souls of the departed.
One of tha passages opening on the
north side, seemed, to follow the
course of the river, and it i3 believed
extends to the great mound now be
ing removed by the North Missouri
Railroad, which wa3 the theme of
much interesting remark at a recent
meeting of the Historical Society.
To those who have not seen the
mounds around St. Louis, it may be
necessarv to say that the mound
known as the- Big Mound is about
one mile above the great bridge cow
being built. The mound, known as
Monk's Mound is on the other side of
the river, and is but one of a continu
ous chain of mound? extending from
the river to the bluffs - a distance of1
nine miles. It .is 1 conjectured that
the tunnel inder the rivef & nd the
mounds are intimately, connected,
and that there was in "ancient times
an opening through1 the tnoonds from
this subterranean highway.'7 " J 1
Of course every scientific man is in
a perfect fever of elcitenient at these
grand discoveries which seem so full
of promise to "archaeological and
ethnological inquiries after', truth.
It will be remembered by onr citizens
that some few months since an ex
amination of Monk's 1 Moand was
made 'under th- auspices of some
Eastern scientific society; and dur
ing the excavations there were fre
quent exhalations of disagreeable
gases and odors. Yet we will not
speculate, but wait in almost breath
less suspense for futnre developments.
As we returned from our hasty ex
amination, passing throngh its pilas-
tered hall above described, we ob
served a descending opening about
seven feet high by three feet wide.
Following this in its windings about
fifty yards, we come to a flight of
forty-one steps, ascending which, we
found ourselves in another chamber
of wonders oval in shape, about
seven feet long, twenty feet high and
three feet wide. The walls of this
last chamber were sculptured in
magnificent basrelief and Runic in
scriptions. Professor liacchio, the
learned Sanscrit of the University,
who was with us, has taken upon
himself the task of translating the
inscriptions. Of the meaning of
some of the words and the oolosal
sculptures, he also speaks very confi
dently. One of the magnificent
groups he is certain is intended to
represent Ahashuerus crowning Queen
Llizabeth. And another group of
colossal figures representing captives
following the car of a victorious con
queror arc tne portraits of .Luke
Deuteronomy and the friend going
into captivity. This remarkable dis
covery, following so quickly the one
at Rock Island, will awaken the
most intense interest throughout the
world. It is very desirable that the
savans into whose hands the rich
treasures of the Rock Island discove
ry have fallen will send representa
tives here, so that we may compare
notes, v fcr it is. possible that both
those wonders and these discovered
here were the works of the same an
cient people.
From the Rock Island Argus of Jan. 9th.
We have the pleasure this evening
of laying before our readers the re-
Milt of one of the most thrilling and
profoundly interesting subterraneous
exploring expeditions ever attempted
on this continent. It is nothing less
than an underground passage way
under Rock Island, the present site
of the United States arsenal, and the
discovery of antiquarian relics of
the rarest aud most interesting char
acter. The entrance to a large cave is
plainly visible from the ferry landing,
as well as other portions of our city
bordering on the river bank, and
although some ten feet in diameter
at the entrance, it gradually dimin
ishes in size until some twenty-five
feet are reached, when it is with
difficulty that a person can effect au
entrance by crawling through the
aperture; but when "once fairly
through there is no difficulty in stand
ing erect. ...
This cave has never been knOwp
to be over 120 feet in depth, and
has possessed nothing, of more than
ordinary interest except as having
been thought by the stern old Sac
warrior, Black Hawk, to have been
the chosen abode of the Great Spirit
that presided over their destinies.
But upon close examination at the
terminus of one of the darkest and
most intricate recesses, a narrow
cavity was discovered in the reck,
and by the aid of a torch forced into
it, an interior apartment was found,
upon entering which, the party were
enabled to explore the subterranean
passage for a distance of nearly 1,000
feet. The main passage is some six
feet in width and about nine in height,
and is evidently a natural cavern,
though in several places there are
evidences of its having been widened,
as chisel marks can be distinctly dis
covered on the walls besides numer
ous small recesses at regular intervals
of fifty feet which bear traces of hav
ing been hewn out cf the massive
solid rock.
The second corridor, leading from
the main one, is very extensive
containing six ponderous pillars en-
wreathed with gorgeous decorations.
Beyond this is a shorter entrance,
to the sanctum sanctorum, and which
contains one of the grandest collec
tions of antiquarian, curiosities ever
discovered on this continent. It
contains a huge pedestal in the cen
ter, constructed of solid copper, upon
which is erected a magnificent shrine.
which, with its oniqae inscription, de-
note$ the antiquity of its devotees.
Surrounding jt are the .colossal figures
of thgft twelve, worshippers in kneel
nS. posture, and quite contiguous to
tbemjs the symmetrical though di
minutive figure of an Ijidian.. maiden,
with ; a countenance of 5 surpassing
beauty and strongly marked leatures,
indicative of deep thought and wonn
dennr surprise,, pointing one
hand to the expressive word en
graven upon the wall Shcol indi
eating thereby that the end of their
race ia at band. Above them all, on
its, projecting and crescent-shaped
roof, are arranged in systematic pre
cision cross bows, arrows and other
weapons in warlike profusion re
minding one of the ancient sons of
Persia and Greece.
The atmosphere in this apartment
is almost unfit to sustain animal
life, damp, heavy and very impure.
The torches of the exploring party
were several times extinguished and
the persons having the expedition in
charge barely escaped suffocation.
Immediately adjoining the room
containing these wonders is an obelisk
of tolid brass some seven feet in
height, beautifully sculptured on four
sides. There are, in all, 21 small
bas reliefs, and above, below and be
tween them is carved an inscription
70 lines in length. The whole is in
the best state of preservation; scarce
ly a character of the inscription Is
wanting and the figures are as sharp
and well defined as if executed only
a few days ago. One of the scenes
represented is a circle of the ancient
aborigines sitting in council, with
the ali-poteut pipe of peace perform
ing the wonted circuit, while the for
tunes of war and peace are being dis
cussed in the presence of the white
winged presiding genius. Another
scene represented a royal chieftain
followed by his attendants; a prisoner
is at his feet, while men are bing
introduced leading various animals
and carrying1 ponderous cross-bows,
javelins and other weapons. The
animals represented aro the elephant,
polar bear, lion, stag, and various
kinds of monkeys. The ornaments
delicately graven on the rob$s of the
party, the tassels and fringes, the
bracelets and armlets, the . elaborate
curls of the hair and beard are all
One of the ehiefi stands very
erect, and carries in his arms an ani
mal resembling & chamois upon his
right nrmfl and. in his left hand a
hranch bearing fine flowers, ,. Around
his temples are a fillet adorned in
front with, a rosette. One of the
other characters, in a tragical atti
tude, holds a square vessel, resemb
ling a basket, in his Itft hand, and a
drawn dagger in the right, while on
his head is worn a rounded cap, at
at the base of which is a horn. The
garments of both consist of a robe
falling from the shoulders to the !
ankle, and a short tunic underneath,
d 'scending to the knee, and are richly
and tastefully decorated with cm
broideritf and fringes, whilst the hair
and beard are arranged with study
and taste. The limbs are delineated
with peculiar accuracy, and the
muscles and bones faithfully, though
somewhat too stronglv marked.
After proceeding farther the party
reached a large room with a high
arched roof, in which were the en
trances to many other chambers.
This contained the crowning gem of
the wonders not lessjhan.a
sarcophagus of copper, nine feet long,
and three feet in width, minutely
sculptured, within and without, with
several hundred figures rep;essing an
immense funeral procession and cere
monies relating to the deceased
chieftain, with emblems and, other
devices. The lid was partially re;
moved, and revealed a quantity of
bones and javelins. ,
In one of the secluded corners of
this apartment, and a few feet below
the level of the floor, is an arched en
trance to an unexplored chamber,
approached by a narrow passage-way
down through a hideous stone stair
way. The party, after repeated ef
forts to effect an entrance, . were
obliged to abandon it. In plainly
defined Indian characters, it bears
the significant inscription., "All
hope abandon, ye who enter in," an
admonition which, while it tended
only to excite and increase the- curi
osity of the explorers, was wisely
heeded. -
The knowledge of this ancient and
interesting race does not seem by any
means to have been confined to statu
ary sculpture. Their weapons and
the jewel ornaments with which their
persons were adorned, though princi
pally of copper, are, in some in
stances, finished with gold and silver
and carved in the most, exquisite
manner conceivable, indicating me
chanical genius and scientific, ,atlajn
ments of the . highest -order. .The
luxury and refinement of an etilight
ened civilization are clearly delineat
ed in these mysterious images and
devices rather than the wretchedness,
ignofancg and superstitions of a semi-
barbarous race as eminent authora of
the present age have enrmised onr
country, previous to discovery by
Columbus, to tave been ' inhabited
by.- -r- ' . ' -'. -
At present the strictest vigilanc
is observed at the cave, no persons
being allowed to enter it without
the permission of one or more of the
explorers. - ."c )
! ' ; ; (.
Animal Vaccination and its Advn
' twges. TSo. 3."' "' '
By Edward Ballard, if. D., Medical Officer
of Health for Islington.
I need only refer here to the com
parative experiments made by Bons.
quet and Steenbrenner for the settling
of this point. The impression made
upon the mind of M. Bousquet is the
more important, because prior to his
experiments he advocates in forcible
language and very consistently the
doctrine of the unalterability of the
virus by human generation. He saw
there was a grand difference hetween
the pocks he was habitually producing
and the delineations in Jenner's book,
but persisted in regarding . it as due
to the exaggeration of the.. limmer.
The chief points in which an active
yjrus phows, its suppriority oyer one
of lower energy, such zsjs used, now
in the more deliberate evolution, are
in. thie fullness and firmness of the
puci, the comparatively late period
at which the areola appears, the long
period of limpidity of the lympb, the
later period of incrustation, and the
delay in the fall ot the crust... The
general febrile phenomena are also
marked, and engorgement; of: the
lymphatic glands, is a more frequent
accompaniment of the local irritation.
Now it is in these particulars that a
pock produced by inoculation from a
vaccinated heifer shows .its. superi
orityovcr that produced by ordinary
arm-to-arm vaccination, it is not as
serted, as I understand it, . that the
vaccination is on the whole uniformly
successful, but that it makes a stronger
impression both locally and upon the
system at large. A : colored plate
appended to Dr. Depaul's paper in
the Comptes Rendus of the present
year gives a representation of the re
sults obtained on the .same subject
when vaccinated ;,with human lymph
on the one arm and. animal virus on
the other. . The contrast is striking.
,. But the principal reason ,why. ani
mal vaccination , bas, been , recom
mended for adoption is that the prac
tice of vaccinating from the heifer in
sures freedom of contamination .with
any extraneous virus., and the impos
sibility of communicating, any other
disease than the vaccine, from the vac
cinifer to, the subject vaccinated. The
interest of this, supposed, advantage
eentre$ itself upon syphilis. ,, I think
that the possibility of communicating
syphilis, with vaccine by the ssme act
of ..inoculation can no, longer be
doubted, and, for. my own . part, I
have no doubt whatever that under
certain circumstances, both .vaccine
and syphilis may . be communicated
from a vaccinifer constitutionally.
syphilitic. - I think there is sufficient
proof that such an. event has nap
pened on various occasions in Italy,
France and Germany.. In 1864 M.
Depaul preseuted bis celebrated re
port on the subject to. the, .trench
Academy, in which he recommended,
mainly on the basis of this danger,
the abandonment of arm-to arm vac
cination, and the cole adoption of ani
mal vaccination. I may add that it
waa with reference to.a similar change
that the practice of animal vaccination
was., supported by Negri and his
predecessors in Naples.
These being the advantages it is
proposed ,to secure by means of ani
mal vaccination, ,it may be expected
that I should briefly state rnv own
opinion as to the value of , the prac
tice regarded from the several points
of view, and its applicability to the
circumstances m which we. are placed
in this country. On what grounds
could the adoption of animal vaccina
tion be fairly urged in this country?
I may dispose of the argument as it
relates to svphilis first of all, and say
that if this were the only argument
for. its adoption that could be put for
ward it would carry little weight in
my mind. I have taken some pains
to make myself acquainted with the
literature of vaccinal syphilis, and
nave, a Deueve, at one. time or an
other read the history of. every re
ported circumstance of its occurrence
in this country, and in none am 1 sat
isfied ' that the event was brought
about m the manner supposed. I do
not say that a syphilitic vaccinifer has
never transmitted the disease to the
child vaccinated from it, but no proof
or it has, so tar as I know, ever been
furnished on the Continent, - If it
ever has happened here, it must have
been bo rarely as to impart to the
eyent a character of great infrequency
Practically, the danger is nil. Why
the danger should be regarded as
great on the Continent and so trifling
in, England . I cannot say, bat I be-',
Heye the explanation to reside in the
fact that. with c us, vaccination is, on
the whole, mpre , carefully performed
that more care is; the rejec
tion of syphilitic vaccinifers, and that
the punctures,iade in the vesicles are
habitually tocrsnperficial to cause any
intermixture ot blood with the lympb.
As respects the other arguments I
thjnk they.have much force. I think;
there would be found not. only a con.
venience but an improvement in" the
character, of ;our , vaccinatioa to re-i
suit. were,, the practice, adopted--ini
London and other of our large cities.
of maintaining a good supply of virus
by means of a successjon of .heifers.
That much of or national and public.
vaccination is most miserable in its
character has been amply shown by.
the published reports issuing from the.
office of. Mr. Sims. It might be im
proved were there any national ar
rangements in force by which the oc
casional occurrence of national cow-,
pox could be utilized and made sub
servient to the public advantage. It,
might, also, I think, . be, improved
were there such a source of goodv
virus as the weekly . vaccination of a
beifer would provide, to which prac-.
titioners who were dissatisfied witli,
the virus they are . using might have.
recoufse for the improvement of their,
supply...! am far. from going the.
length of M. JJepaul m. condemning.
arm-to-arm vaccination... I do not.
think' it at all desirable that it should
be abandoned. t tt . would . be very,
long before public prejudice or public.
opinion would permit of its abandon;
ment. JNor do 1 regard its abandon-.
ment as necessary. , Lxpenence has
shown that . although, human trans
mission gradually weakens the energy.
of the vaccine, virus, ,it is long before.
the weakening becomes sensible, so-
long that the occasional renewal of.
a supply, where , arm-to-arm vaccina-.
tion is practised and the ..vaccinifers
carefully selected,. is all that is needed
so far as quality of . the. virus is con
cerned.' This, then,, is my , verdict..
I should be glad, to see animal vac
cination introduced into this cocntry,
as a part of our national arrangements
for the prevention of small pox. I.
believe that good, would . result from
it; but I the same time that,
popular attention .to, the.. subject i3
more likely to be attracted in .England
by patting forward the claims of ani,
maj vaccination with due moderation
than by , extragant proposals based
npon alarming and over-colored pic
tures .of the dangers of arm to-arm
Mr. Bayard Taylor, in a letter
from Rome to ..the Tribune, gossips
pleasantly of American artists in the
Eternal City, their position, and theic
work, , He says.: To. my thinking.
neither was Gibson,, nor is Tenerani,'
the equaj or btory por ,is Ameneau
sculpture, as. represented in. ,Rome,.
belowthe level qf that of; any other,
country., It is , rather bolder, freer
richer in resources ; and . even its,--faults.
are those, of darings not.of,
timidity. , .1 he.. number of American
painters now'in Rpme cannot be lees.
than forty, embracing all, the. varieties
of .the art, and all grades, of artists,'.
from ...those fortunate, ones whose,
reputation is secured and whose work:,
is commanded in .advance, to the un
known and struggling 6tudents."
Says Mr. Parton in a recent,
paper : "If you( look into the early,
years of truly helpful men, those who
make life easier or nobler., to those.-,
who come after them, you will almost
invariably find that they lived purely,
in the days of their youth. , In early,
life the brain, though abounding, in
vigor, is sensitive and very suscept-.
ible to injury ; and this to such a de-j
gree that a comparatively brief and
moderate indulgence in vicious pleas-,
ures appears to lower .the tone and,
impair both the delicacy, and the
efficiency of the brain for life.
The Caiifornians look with con
tempt upon the new velocipede
" They will do very well," says an
editor, " for Paris, where many peo
ple can .not. afford to, keep, horses..'
and could not ride them very well if.
they did; but tbey will .never. do,. far
California, where .boys of ten years of,
age ride full-grown hprses at the top
of their speed .around the. streets..
How would a man who .has .felt bis
blood stirred by a ten mile dash in ,
California saddle feel, on fioding him,
self trundling himself throngh the,
streets like a schoolboy? We wonld,
as soon think of riding a broom-bandlo
or a rocking hobby-horse.'
Speaking of velocipedes, the Herald,
g.irs: John Nation, at Wallamet Iron
Works, will manufacture any number,
either two or three wheeled, upon order,,
at mnch less price, than thoee recently
shipped from New York.
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