The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, February 27, 1869, Image 2

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    .-'"'"" ' . ' - - -"" f
is' ? ",
die lUcdiln Siticrprisf , j
the time is rapidly approaching, when,
according to a resolution adopted 'by a
Rump Legislature there is to be another
meeting of the wise men of the Democratic
party at the State Capital.
"What they propose to do how long
they propose to remain, and what they
meet for, are matters of which we are not
That the affairs of the State are in a
condition to demand some good whole
some legislation, we frankly admit ; but
j if we are to judge of the future by the
i i 1 . t .-t 41, Hi,,
Legislature which convened in last Sep
tember will be able to bring order out of
Grsgoii City, Oregon ,
' Before another issue of our paper the
adminislratioa of to-day will have passed,
and new m"n will occupy scats of power
in the land. Seldom, if ever, have the
loyal American people looked forward to
the fourth of March .with brighter hopes
than now. The day is anticipated, not
simply as one which is to witness the in
duction into ofiicc the highest office
within the gift of the people of a new
man, but the inauguration of a new and
UeUer era in our national life. The na
tion has borne", with pal-ience the follies,
not to say political crimes, of one whom
one of the deepest tragedies of history
placed in tlie position of its chief ruler,
and it is not unwilling now to permit hini
to" pass quietly down "into the vale of
vars " Rather than endure the shame
and reproach which his administration has who controlled it were unequal to the
broi-ht upon us as a people, we would task imposed upon tbetu ; and the re
glad! v see him exchange " . j sponsibility rests with them.
' His large kingdom for a little grave, j 1 ho Uociuiie party came into power
A little, little grave, an obscure grave." j in Oregon last June, under pledges oi
Nearly four years have passed since the j economy, retrenchment, reform; and when
forces of the rebellious States laid down j tho legislature met there was nothing to
their arms. Had lie upon whom refted in j prevent the fulfillment" of these pledges
n-runt m,M5inv the resno'iciiiilitv of ! but instead of this the whole session was
chaos, or in any manner, benelit the State
by another meeting. It is useless for
Democrats to complain ; because their
complaints must be directed against men
of their own party.
It is idle to in.-ist that there was not
time to enact all necessary laws, because
nine-tenths of the time was occupied in
malting intensely Democratic speeches
passing intensely Democratic resolutions,
and enaciirg intensely Democratic laws.
Republican members, being in a minori
ty, were compelled to submit to all this,
but when the time prescribed in the Con
stitution had expired, there was nothing
cither in law or reason to compel them to
remain to minister to the growing ambition
of their enemies.
If the late Legislature failed to enact
necessary laws, it was only because those
rightly adjusting the various questions of
civil polity arising immediately thereafter,
proved faithful to his trust, all these years
would not have been year3 of disorder and
confusion in the States just emerging into
freedom, or of anxiety and fear am jug the
loyal portion of the people. This would
be Moses has not kept a new-born people
. in the wilderness daring f ;ur years through
some divine command to chastise them for
taken up in adding to the burdens of tax
ation, by increasing offices appropriat
ing money for draining Democratic frog
ponds, etc., etc. In their anxiety to
' .make hay while the sun shone-' they en
tirely torgot that time was passing, and
omitted to make the appropriations neces
sary to meet their increased expenses.
That the late Democratic legislature
was a miserable failure is true, but it is
their sins, but by reason of a lack of moral i only true, because Democrats made it so.
courage to encounter the perils of the way. j These facts, we believe, are generally con
It may seem profane, but from" the heart ceded by intelligent Democrats, but it is
we can say that ' wo rejoice to see the ! insisted that the exigencies of the times
curse removed."1 demand that something be done and
Grant and Col lax assume their respect- j harsh epitheis are heaped upon the Gov
?e places as the representatives of all that j ernor, because he refuses to be coerced.
'is beat, -noblest and most loyal in the
liearts of the American people. ."We an
ticipate more than ever before the legiti
mate results of peace. Heretofore these
Lave been held out towards us, but taunt
ingly kept just beyond our reach. We
ftrrtieipate that those to whom the chances
of war gave freedom will be permitted io
mjoy all the rights and privileges belong
ing to freemei. Hitherto they have been
to a great extent exposed to the scorn and
h:itred, yea the malignant persecutions of
those once in authority over them. "We
anticipate that offices of trust wiit be given
to men who are seeking not personal ag
grandizement, but the public good. In
days past there has been too much polit
ical corruption, even under the purest ad
ministrations. Concerning the days which
are immediately to follow we cheri.-u no
Utopian dreams, but we do have a reason
able ground for hope, that the men called
into our national couaciis. or sent to rep
resent us in foreign courts, will hi quali
fied for the duties assigned them. We an
ticipate that the affairs of government will i
be administered with a strong band an 1 a J
steady nerve, that no traitorous influences j
will cause the chief executive to vaclh
late in his course. We have reason to be
lieve that he who gave the rebellion its
death blows on the field of battle will
prove successful in thwarting ail the
political schemes of its adherents. We
expect retrenchment in our national ex
penditures, and greater confidence in our
national securities by an indignant rejec
tion of all ideas of repudiation. "We ex
pect to sea our internal resources more
fully developed by the impetus given to
industry under the administration of men
fresh from the ranks of the people and
fully in sympathy with them. It is 'possi
ble that we may be disappointed incur
expectations, yet the past record of the
men coming into power furnishes us a
sure ground of h pe. Disappointed- as
pirants for office may seek to throw obsta
cles in the way of a successful administra-
Kow we will venture to suggest to these
red hot politicians that there is such a
thing as common sense, (though it may
not be found in paying quantities among
Democratic politicians.) and if Ihey will
consult the dictates of common sense a
moment they will see that Governor
"Woods is but allowing these fellows a fair
chance to complete what' Ihey promised
to do when they adjourned, to meet on the
ith of .March. They must have had some
plan matured by which they expected to
ba able to obtain a quorum, else why
promise to meet again ? "Was the shadow
of otlice so charming, when shorn ot all
emolument;? Was the prospect of work
ing for nothing so. flattering as to call for
this 4 th of March meeting ?
Ii men will con.-n.ier a moment tr.ev
will remember that Gov. Wovds, in a
message to the House, insisted that it
proceed to business with the quorum it
already had ; and it is not probable he will
recede from that posi;ion.
The question is often anxiously asked
: "Will the Governor call an extra se.-.sion '"'
The iate rump house attempted to call an
extra session itselt. by resolving to meet
again on the lib of March. If the rump had
power to do this it does not require any
help from the Governor, and il it had not
power to do this, there will be something
funny in watching them while they attempt
to run the State alone.
We observe that a Portland C'rra
has started another line of ships from
New Yoik city to this State. The
Milton Badger, if we recollect aright,
is the first .ship in this new line. Oar
views of " direct trade" with the At
Untie sea board may have been some
thing more tiun the " hobby" ac
credited to us by those whose cars
were wearied by our paragraphs from
1S03 to 18G3 upon the snhjt-ct. The
Pioneer Line of Messrs. Brock way
& Baker 20 south st., N. Y., dis
patched the bark Mellon on last Sat
urday, making the fourth vessel in
the line they have cstallishcd di
red trade with Oregon.
The cit'zens of this State already
begin to feel the good effects of this
direct trade system even a small or
dor is advantageously given over pur
chasers in San Francisco, where we
not only pay coin but the premium
and second profit upon our purchases.
M'Crakcn, Merrill k Co., Portland,
arc agents for the Pionner Line.
The first vessel, in this line, the Sal
He Brown, left her cargo here in good
shape, and sailed hence some, time
ego. The baik Osmyn, the second
vessel in the line, reached Portland
in like good order, on the 24th inst ,
the following is her memoranda:
Left New York, Sept. 5th, 186S,
crossed the Equator in the Atlantic
in long. 32?. ses, 41 days out; from
thence to lat. 50 south had a very
hard chance 0 days; lay to 11 days
with feat ful gale irom the S. S. W.
to W. S. W ; came through straits
La Muire; was 12 days from lat. GO
south in the Atlantic to 59 south in
the Pacific; crossed the Equator in
the Pacific, Jan. 5th, in l it. 111
west; arrived off the Columbia bar,
Feb. S'h, 150 days from New York;
took a very heavy N. E. gale on the
9di, which lasted 20 hours; since then
have been laying off the bar wailing
for a pilot and fair opportunity to
enter; arrived at Astoria Feb. 21th,
The Osmyn is described by the
Oregouian as being
One of the handsomest vessels
seen at this port for a long time.
Everything about her looks as hi ight
as a new penny find her cabin is
finished in style almost as. fine as the
saloons of the steamships. Her gen
Treasurer Cooke has filed in the
Secretary of State's office, additional
bonds required by our Jaws, when
the accumulation of cash shall exceed
the sura of one hundred thousand dol
lars in the State Treasury.
After all the accusation of the
Democratic paper?, they have not
weakened the - faith of our monied
men in the honesty and integrity of
our Slate Treasurer. "We congratu
late the people of the Stale, that they
have a public servant, who can in his
own county, procure bondsmen who
represent a miliion of money.
When the keys of the strong box
are in the hands "of such a man, the
J people can rest secure with the knowl
edge, that every cent ot the btate
funds will be accounted for. The
Democratic papers may charge fraud,
rave like mad, but their howls only
betray what they would do, had they
the opportunity they judge others
by themselves. We hope the Treas
urer's office may always be filled by
such men as "Mr. E. N. Cooke.
TVccltly Commercial Review.
Sax Fkaxcisco, Feb. 25th, 1SC9.
California flour and wheat dull and nomi
nal at $t)10 50.
Liverpool California wheat to-day, 10s Cd
10s 9d d 100 pound. It i3 stated that pri
vate telegrams received yesterday quote as
low as ICs 5d.
Wheat Sales of 2.000 sacks srood raillinir.
$1 70; market quiet. We quote ordinary to
good, $1 avrrci ill; choice, ?1 70?.4l 75.
Oats 1,00J sacks California at $2; 500
sacks Oregon, 32 10; we. quote California at
$17501 10, and Oregon, $2 103 20.
We have received M cCorroick's Direc
tory for 18C9. which is in all respects a
type of the times as wc see them In the
chief commercial city of Oregon. This is
the seventh year of its publication.
Capt. Franklin, v ho arrived here
by the Active from Victoria, took his
departure by the Continental for San
Francisco, .whence he is going to Ja
pui, China, Australia, and the Lord
only knows where else among the
PacTic Islands, and thence to some
naval station on the western coast of
Africa. He goes as civil commission
er of Her Majesty, but for what pur
pose, we have not yet learned. Or-
The rattle, fur one of Norman's
velocipedes, took place at the Cosmo
politaa Saloon last evening, and the
vehicle was won by Fred. Currier and
Dr. Kalleuberg, each throwing forty-
two. We suppose now, we shall wit
ness some velocipedcsiriamstic per
formances, wonderful to behold. The
boy?, however, will have to tame the
critter without instruction, as there
is no vtlociuedagogue in the city.
Fasscr.gers compliment the of,
ficers of the steamship Active highly.
The Jessie Tolfar will soon take
the place of the Active between
Portland and Victoria.
The Wilson G. Hunt arrived at
Victoria on Washington's Birth Day
Winders, fitted at Victoria, have
! ueen virv succcs.-iui uie pass. cur.
is'.ud at Cor-
era! appearance is l.iiihlv creditable j J
to her master, Captain Berry. ! A stal.on s to be cstubhi
tcz Island.
The! ie G. JJ.'Sse, the tn;rd -
vessel i:i the satin line, was spoken j Messrs. A liitc & Ilhoades . of
Dee. 10i!i, in Dtitude 3 north and ! the Ciili House have sent to .the
longitude 2t' wesr. Captain Berry, i Portland Printing offices s nr. dry
of the Osmyn. fays the J'rsiic is a etikcP, wines, etc., which the Pi inters
faster sailer and may be expected to! refer to in terms of high glee.
Speaking of velocipedes, the Herald
says : John Nation, at Wallamet Iron
Works, will manufacture any number,
either two or three wheeled, upon order,
at much less price than those recently
shipped from New York.
oi -
Prepared Coffee. The new ad
vertisement of J. F. Jones & Co.,
corner of Second and Main streets,
Portland, iu our pnper to-day, speaks
of another article of home production
to which we desire to ask special at
tention of our readers. The coffee
prepared by Messrs. Joues & Co., is
certainly superior to any other brand.
The for it where it has been
introduced, as well as the words of
those who use it commend it to all
Ask for this quality of coffee, and if
your grocer has none on hand, com
bine to have him send for some on
trial. "We recommend Jones' Coffee.
. . .
Tue Valti-jo Jlccorder of the 5th,
'1 he hotel at the celebrated White
Sulphur Springs, Isapa c-o., was dis
troved by fire last week partially
insured. This is the second Cre at
that place since it was first opened,
and the insurance companies have
been heavy losers thereby each time.
At tne first Ore they lost som? 0O,
000, and at the last fire some $15,
000; and eich fire has occurred in the
winter, or when the hotel was virtu
ally closed. The fact is suggestive
of foul play.
. -a -v r
Time Overland. The distance
from Philadelphia to S in Francisco,
via Chicago, is three thousand three
hundred indes. 3 f, when the over
hind railroad is completed, a train
should run at the rate of twenty miles
an hour, including stoppages--which
is, perhaps, the average rate on rail
roads in this country it would re
quire I ttle less than seven days to
accomplish the distance.
Kew Advertisements.
Bet. Stark and Washington.
Dealers in
English refined Dar and Handle Iron ;
English Square and Octagon Cast steel ;
Horse shoes, Files, "Rasps, saws;
Screws, Fry-paus, sheet iron, K. G. Iren ;
a lso :
A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors.
A R F? t c t t irncnv A nil Innm..
TVnTTflrt TVTTT-lTtTT-.TTIrf T ' " ' """""l.
JJXXUUOj iiiHiUiUii.iiXiOj uueimucus, j L
liicSi sir rf son,
Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland.
Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merchan
dise and Horses,
Every Wednesday and Saturday!
A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer.
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Fine Wines, Brandies, and Wusk'cs,
For Medicinal Purposes.
Brushes and Pcrfumciies,
Of the Latest Styles and
Finest Qualities.
Cooking1 Extracts, Essential Oils,
Kerbs, etc., etc.,
And an Assortment of all Popular
Everything Kepi in a
First CSass Drug Store
At Greatly Reduced Prices !
Soot hi no Struv 25 Cents.
j JL
Citrate Magnesia 25 Cents.
Brown's Bronchial Troches 25 Cents.
And Other Articles in Proportion.
Thomas Chairman !
Successor to CHARMAN $ DUO.,
JL compelled mc again to change the name
of the firm of CI1 AHMAN & BUO. to that of
THOMAS CHARMAN having purchased of
the estate all the interest held by my broth
er in the stock of goodj owned by Charmaa
t Brother, taking effect Jauuary Sd, 1S09.
TIic ilsisiisegs
Will l)e Carried on as Usual
Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in
pjrt, of the following branches 01 trade:
Dry Goods and Clothing, m
Iluis, Ca2), Boots and Shoes,
Fancy Notions. Perfumery
And Patent Medicine;,
icre m tvvt-ntv ibys
meets with no accident.
if sh
ticn, hut if tho grout body of tho people
renr.iiu true to tho principles which lie at
the found.uion of our government, and
rally to the support of those whom they
Uave chosen to Carry out those principles,
xto need fear no danger the Ship of State
tinder her new Captain will safely outride
all storms and carry ti-s into a glorious
luture. Let this bo
The-people's prayer, the glal diviner's
u .
The younV mens vL-ioa. the old mens j noU ah!l0"Sh acliS untr
dream.'-' j strongest motive to strain a point in
reveal in 2 everything, does not iraoli-
Ihc forty-first Congress will as- ,Vale in'any way "the scene-shifter,
ncmble on March 5, 1SG9, ins-lead of S Spanker, nor seem to have had any
the Grit lion-Jay of December as for- knowledge of his existence.
Speakinir of the plot which re
sulted in the assassination of Presi
dent Lincoln and the recent confess
sion of Arnold, the Boston Advertise
er says; It confirms what has been
our own theory, Ihcfc several more
persons were enjoyed in the scheme
headed by John Wilkes Booth, than
have yet been detected, or even
named in connection with it. It
tends, so far as the wild and absurd
outline of a project to kidnap Mr.
Lincoln from the theatre goes, to
prove that the leaders in the plot only
used this as a blind to delude their
humbler followers, such as Arnold
and O'Laughlin, until the time came
for unfolding the real design of assas
sination; for the idea of two or three
stiiplings seizing and handcuffing
Abraham Lincoln in the box of a
theater, and lowering him to the
stage to be carried away in a buggy,
never could have been seriously enter
tained by such men as Booth and Sur
r:tt. It is to be noted al-o that Ar-
Whilst, .-o nineh is being said
about that one hundred tons of rail
road iron fron Danville, Pa., pur.
chased by the West Side, and with
which, we understand, they will be
able to complete one mile and a Quar
ter of their road, we venture to state
that we have seen a letter from r fii
cial sources which says that Ben Hoi
laday & Co. have purchard fourteen
thousand tons of heavy "g1 i nil, and
will be lmii shipping it speedily. The
first four thousand Ions will be
brought via Panama, for immediate
use. Supposing that 100 tons will
lay one rni'e of road this purchase
is probably for the fiiv-t contract to!
Eugene Oity; and the first four thous
and tons, means communication with
Salem, for the first division.
The Chines.-? if San Francisco
came near getting into a " bloody
mob on the arrival of the China
from Yokahama on the 23.1. The
steamer brought 83(1 women, nearly
all of whom had smuggled goods.
Gov. Dross, of Chicago, is ar
ranging to entertain all the Govern,
ors in the United States, at Chicago
on the 4th of July next, at the form
al opening of railroad communication
to the Pacific.
The Oregouian says: The
steamer Ann went up the Long Tom
river to Monroe, on the 1 Tth inst,
'yyooL WANTED.
Oregon C'ilv.
bv vi'tue of a power of attorney given to
mo, I will offer fur s-ale at I'cbiic Auction on
the premises, on
Wednesday March 24, 1SG0,
The following described LOT OF LAND, be
ing Lot THREE, in Block SEVEN,
(f,'J feet front by 10.5 feet depth,)
Terms made known on day of sale.
AhTilUIi. WAUN'r.U,
Attorney for IV. A. Pike.
February 2-lt-i, IS'JD. l'3.4t
tried ical and Surgical Aid
Patients Visited at their Houses.
Physician's Prescriptions Carefully
Compounded, under the Special
Svjicrvision of
Paints, Oils, Colors,
Dye Stuffs and Varnish,
Quecnswarc, Crockery cL-Lamps.
Sash. Doors, and Windoie Blinds,
Hardware, Tarda and Cutlery,
Hope, and Nails
Of Every Descripti n.
I ash Especial Attention to my
Farming Implements
Wood and Willow Ware.
Brushes, Twines, Cordage, etc.,
Brooms, J'ails, l"ubs. Washboards, fyc
"15 a 217 Sacramento st., San FrSjcisco
113 Maiden Lane, N. V. City
3 Attention will bo paid to any buint
left with me on Oom-nis; ion.
Notice. My Jiusiness with all who taw
me with their patronage, will he a
goli usis but Legal Tender will be re
ceived at the market quotations.
A-jent. WELLS FAKtiO A CO., and of t'.,.
j Z-i I desire to say to oil who favor nu
with their patronage that I shall use my hv
lability to please tiirm, and all milt-i s ill
j meet, with prompt attention. My fieiiitHt
j for doing bv.sint-ss aie us good as anv h,r,
m ' in Oregon, and I p!edg myself to sell a
Cheap as any House in good standing in ti;
i State. I will not be undersold bv any one
i J'lcaps give tne a call and exam ne for your
selves. Thanking ron for past farors.
I remain, Kcrpectfuilv vours,
.JT. IP. Josacs &; Co.,
l'dis chancre in ihc time wns i Tl.a HnmLbu r.'..T;.v r-
ordered by an act of Conro., i.asse.3 . .P,, , ... . , . . ,f
Tnrm-irv ') isn7 i i , that if the bitter riva ry between the
januiry ibbt, which provided J
as follows: Iu iuldttion to th present Neutral and Union Pacific railroad
regular time of the meeting f Con- i companies continues to widen and
ress there shad ba a meeting of the i deepen, and finally mults in the j and bustle in ti e grand army of con-
Jorueiu co-.ircss ct tha United building ot two roads, instead ot one, struction is described ns being some
We learn that, the track l.-iyers
of the Central Pnc'fie Railroad reach
cd Humboldt WcKs on iVtdny morn
ing, February 5lh, and are now pot
ting down the iron at the rate of
three miles per day. The Central
Pacific having come up with the tin
occupied grading of the Union Pacific
Road, had laid its rails on five miles
of that grading at the date above
mentioned. As the Central Pacific
Company has extended a section of
its grading to Ogden City, 222 miles
from Humboldt Wells, tin 1 the Union
Pacific Road is now within ten miles
of Ogden, the latter road will retom
the compliment by using its rival's
grading, in consonance with the
agreement between the two com
panies. We have said that the dis
tance from Humboldt Wells to Ogden
Cr'y is 222 miles, and that the Un
ion Pacific Railroad had its tract
faid to within ten miles of the last
named point oa the 5th of February;
the gap between the two roads is ac
cordingly less than 140 miles now,
and the Central Pacific was thm 142
miles from Monument Point, the
! o-ool cf both companies. The stir
Ilv virtue of an execution issued oat of the
and returned With a lend Ot hour f1M.lckania3 County, in favor of J.L Painter
from the mills at that place, itns
is the first trip of the kind ever made,
nnd may he supposed to demonstrate
the practicability of stcamboaling on
Long To n.
The Jlerald complains that the
Corresponding Secretary- of the Ore
gon State Agticuilural Society is de
relict in his duty, and has allowed the
Recording Secretary to furnish re
ports in advance to the Oregouian.
The Unionist says that if the Jlerald
had been -so minded, it could have
copied the nrocecdii'gs from the
Unionist, and then been two tvecks j 15 5t
ahead of its cotemporary and that too,
without the political twaddle of vvh'ch
it finds fault.
The Oregouian says : We wot
of an individual who went to the
Guard's ball, Monday night, wearing
a silk ping one of MeussdorflTer's
best. He was careinl ot tus ping;
and ao-ainst the V tJlanK-tte f'teifmNli Com
pany, lor the stun of tifty -seven ( ; ; TJollars.
U. S. gold coin, dated February 17th, 1SH0,
with interest at ten per cent. peranmii 4tso
eleven 80-100 dollars costs and accruing cost
I did, on the 17th and 23d days of Febru
ary, lSijO, lew on all the right, title and
interest, of said defendant in and to the fol
lowing described proprity, viz: A ware
house, or a house and sheds, used by detend
ants to discharge and receive freight in the
town of Caneniah, and a warehouse at the
foot of Third street in Oregon Ci v, used by
defendants, and a pair of hand trucks, and on
- Saturday the 20 th day of March,
I w.ll sell all the right, title and inter
est of said Company in and to the above
property, to the highest bidder for gold or
silver coin, in front of the Court House door
in Oregon Citv, Clackamas County Oregon.
t-fheriilof Clackamas Conity.
J. 5CGiIiMf?,
No. 80 First Street, Portland,
Wholesale and Itetail Dealer ia Garden,
Corner Second and Main Streets,
Portland, Oicgcn.
T0- Arc prepared to snpp'v their cn-ii:!-.?'
with the Purest s;nd firs!ie-'t C0F1 KK r-
Wll33 lllU IIUmCi StCUS . i Grtitmd Coflee is ahvavslte-a when FH
All Seeds from this establishment
Aie Wanantrd Fresh
and ("emiine,
Forei;cu and
tPll H oinest;e Diied Fruits
And Vegetables.
Foreign ami loine.sic
Green Fruits and Vegetables.
Vegetables and Fruit
racked with care for shipment.
yUTS rea Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Wul Nuts,
Filberts and Almonds.
GROCERIES A selected stock of Choice
Groceiies, bought expressly
For Family Use.
ti5U All of which is offered for Cash'at cash
prices. Orders solicited.
No. OO First street, Portland Oregon.
and the public are inv'.tcd to try onr ar.i
instead of purchasing old and stale hnpuiM! :
Particular Attention Given to tie
1 1 'holesale Trade !
?3 Orders from deak-rs t!iiv.uho"t f
city and county respet tl'ully spirited, a.'
they will receive immediate attention.
J. f..iom:s A Co.
Porthnd, Orc;"
Celebrated Magic Soap Povders !
Prepared in G, 12, and 21 lb. Boxes,
Advert' son cnt
The' Most Successful BooK
Yet published on the War, written fi on:;
Southern stand point, is
Officii History of the
W A R 15 E T W E E N THE STAT 1'
Its causes, character.conduct and resui's
jV"OllCE. Tli;s AVork ,ns aheady had an iir.raor.;
An Election of Chief Engineer nnd As- a" in lnc ome -4S',l" ,n"N'"
sistant Engineer will be held at the City
Council Room, on
MONDA Y the first day of March,
1 $''.. Polls toopen at 10 o'clock A. 51., and
to be kept open until o'clock P. 51. of same
o r,!i( w PTititlv1 to vof pvrent those
who are. and have been members of the have universally c .mmended its candor
I'ir.. r,- Hr.nL- .t- I r,l,1t.- l'miinanl r, i lVT,t moderation.
From SO to S"0 prr Ila',
The intense desire everywhere manife--'
to obtain this work, iis oilicud character a
ready sale,- combined with a very ii!,;'
commission, makes it one of the best
scription Books published.
The eastern press, both .North ani t1"
twenty days. Oregon Citv, Feb. 23d, 1SG9. It? SOLD ONL -Jl SL'BCKH
FOKDES BARCLAY, Mayo.: Good profitable territory for Agents yet
: . ibe had of 11. II. 15 AX CROFT & Co.,
'twas His only p!"- H put it away labor of the old mode. Thus labor sav
, ,. ( r.t I money made ; as wash-boar.Js, n achinc
on a bench in a remote corner ot I he iarJ Vubbing to wear out clothes, is en
o-illlcrv 'Ti-S Pufe PatU he- And i dispensed with, and Ihe washing for a
States, dv.d of each successive Con-
grcso thereafter, at 12 o'clock m., on
th3 4th day of March, the duj' 0n
which the term begins for which the
Congress is elected, except thnt when
cross the continent, the people will j thinr wotiderfal and p-r.ind: every
have great cause to be thunkfu-1, as exertion is being strained in order to
competition is what they want, above reach first the point which has been
set up as the coveted prize of the two
i advancing- columns. in? best in-
all else. If the Union Pacific at
tempt to pass to the Central Pacific
the 4th of March occurs on Suedav, j with an independent lir e, the Central ! formed m. n consider it r.earlv- certain
the meeting- shal! tak-3 piaca at the Pacific will find the means of ?tlf-1 that connections will be made and
sanve hour oa the next succeeding ; preservation in an ir.dependcut lioe the line completed acrcs3 the cor.ti-&J-
j by way cf St. L'-uis. I ljent by the 1st day of April.
This is cheaper than Common Soap. It
removes pjitt,Tar, Fitch and dirt of every
description ; and which has given such p"en
eral satisfaction, by proving that your wash
inpfcan be done with one-half the time and
(ved is
es and
r-riX i re I v
satd he- And dispensed with, and ihe washing for a dozen
persons can be done in two hours. 11ms tne
cost of your washing being three-fourths less
than by any other process, as you use no
other soap.
These Prepared Powders or Soap hare not
only proved themselves superior tor washing
any and all kinds of goods, but proved after
one year's use not to injure in the slightest
degree any fabric of the finest texture ; ar?d,
rdso tha tinest article for the hands, as it
makes them soft and white, as well as your
clothes. It also keeps your hands from
chapping when exposed to the air.
We defy the world to produce its superior
for washing any and ail kinds ot goods.
then he chuckled. Then he danced.
In the fulness of time he sought ont
his plug to go home. lie didn't find
it. Only a flattened pile of crushed
hat. Some vandal had sat onto it,
keifplump. He swore more terribly
than oar ; army in Flanders. He
went home with his pile of crushed
hat, and had the nightmare. Next
morniiKT to Meussdorffer's, In ten
m'imte 1-p mmp forth with that same
. . ' , j , Ti.- , Our object is to gave yoar time, expense,
snoCK-mg uau inn .wv.mii;; -uuu , hard Jillj0rj ailli especially the woman wha
as new. Meussdorffer can take fifty j has to wash.
old hat and work it up into a glossy t1 AVe t;ikc, I'easnre in airnowticing a few of
ris- -1 i" ! the many lames names bv thesr consent
s;I tsie. And this ft minds US that j wh ijaVo used our Prepared Magic 8oap
he is lro"n;T below per Steamer C Otitic ! Powders, tr .m six mout is to one year :
nenUd tJr a big stuck of spring LSSZi, f ' kt Front aud
goods. 16:-lm . KOBlXtJOX &. CO.
QUD1NANCE ;no. 7 a.
15e it ordained and established by the Ci
Council of Oregon City.
That one thousand aoiiars in oroers oc
issued drawing teu (10) per cent interest
from date, and that the same be fold for the
purpose of paying for the nocessary Ho e,
lloe carts, and Hook and Ladder cart, for
the fire department.
That the orders be issued as follows to
wit : Eighth () for 00 each ten (10) for
S.r,0 00 cash and three for one hundred dollars
each. It is further ordained nnd established
that these orders shall be placed in th hands
!San Francisco, O'-
Geieral Agents far theO
EF.Lt. E. A. rA. -
Chemicals, Patent Medicines, P"i::
Perfumery, Oils, larmsties, Q
on the dollar
Passed the Council Feb. lSth lSflO.
J. M. KiCON, City Recorder;
J. McHenry,
PORTLAND, aregoii.
lias on hand, and is constant
ly rc-eiving direct from the Eastjfflarge and
careuiuy seiectca stock of
r .i i-. And evpi v .n-tirle kpnt in a Pius fetoie.
ll'.lrll tumiiiiuccui 1111 c-c iiei sons 10 (lis-
pose ot at tlie best terms possiole tor com,- wiv.u
but not to be sold tor less than eighty cents
tn Ldrae. Quantities can le Pl
Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, ! S. TIr. comer of Morrison and P
Lamps, etc., all of which he offers at prices streets, J orlland, Urcg'-'1-
to suit the tin e, at Wholesale and Retail, o
T5" Dealers will do well to call and exam- Also Capsofcrery style, and I?o-;
ine his stock, and learn his prxes, before ' (;iVls' Hat. in lurge Varieties. (;'',C'J:
nuchaaiug elscwhe.e., aud examiue.