The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, February 27, 1869, Image 1

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-JJ1 JL JOjAilT Jloljjo
W JJliiDjlULi i
TOL. 3.
1866. Established. 1866.
The Weekly Enterprise.
Dusiness Man, the Farmer
OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Main streets
Oregou City, Oregon.
J D. C. IRELAND, Proprietor.
Single Copy one year $3 00
' " Six months 2 00
" Three months 1 b0
Two Copies one year $5 00
Four Copies six months 5 00
Kight Copies three months 5 00
&TT Remittances to be mode at the risk of
Subscribers, and at the expense of Agents.
Transient advertisements, including all
legal notices, V sq. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50
I'or each subsequent insertion 1 00
One Column, oue-year $120 00
JIalf " " 60
Quarter " " 40
liuiiuess Card, 1 eqnarc one year 12
vjoor and j on printing.
tir The Enterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod
em MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable
'; the Proprietor to do Job Punting at all times
Neat, Quick and Cteap !
9B Yorli solicited.
: All Business transactions upon a Specie basis.
D.C.IR iZ LA ND, Proprit tor.
ivjsl' jaoe iaz2m iii
I, (Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. H. B. Co.)
I OFFICE At Residence, Main street Ore-
gan City, Oregon.
I IT. C. JOHNSON. K. o. m'cowv.
f Notary Public.
: Oregon Cit-J, Oregon.
lW Will attend to all business entrusted to
irtnr care in any of the Courts of the State,
; Collect money .Negotiate loans, sell real estate
; etc. Particular attention given to contested
I Land cases.
f Justice of the Peace City Recorder.
j; Office In the Court House and City
- Council lloom, Oregon City.
Y t e Will attend to the acknowledgment of
deeds, and all oilier duties appertaining to the
business of a Jus-tice of the Peace.
Jau'eIu al7 mills! '
I Savier, LaRoque & Co.,
I ?Keep constantly on band fm sale, flour
IMidlin.s, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties
jpurchiu feed must furnish the sacks.
Contractor aud Builder,
! Main st., OUECON CITY.
9W Will attend to all work in his line, con
sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner woik
, framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly
I attended t .
I Successor to SMITH t- MARSHALL,
Black Smith and Wagon Maker,
Corner of Mam aud Third streets,
Oregon City
S"BIacksniithing in all its branches; Wag
on making and repairing. All work warrant
ed to give satisfaction.
Established ince lS49,at the old stand,
Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.
An Assortment of Watches, Jew
elry, and Seth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to be as represented.
ltepairings done on short notice,
ind thankful for past favors.
City Drayman,
All orders for the delivery of merchan
dise r packages and freight of whatever des
cription, to any part of the city, will be exe
cuted promptly and with care.
- Excelsiors, market i
Corner of Fourth and Main street
6r Keep constantly on hand all ki
Treah ami salt meats, such as
And everything else to be found in their line
of buwuess.
J. F. MILLER h Co.,
lloots stud Shoes !
At Ue Oregon City Root and Shoe
Ct 1 r
oiore, Jiain street.
Of Ladies, Getits", Boys', and Children's
Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order.
3- Thankful for past favors of the public
respectfully ask a continuance of the same.
We hall deliver to our patrons all the best
qualities of Beef. Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc.,
t usual twice a week, on
Tuesdays end Saturdays !
3B m M
l.ii n.1.1. 'ft. Cot.?!
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc
tors in Admiralty -3T"
Office o"er the old Post Office, Front
street, Portland, Oregon.
Notary Public and Coin, of Deeds.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law,
Portland, Oregon.
OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's
brick block.
SURGEON, Portland, Orkgc n.
OFFICE 95 Front street Residence cor
ner of Main and Seventh streets.
DROKER, Portland. Okegox.
Cor. Front and Washington Sts.
Agent North British and MercantiU
Insurance Company, and Manhat
tan Life Insurance Company.
J57""Government Securities, Stocks.Bonds
and Real Estate bought and sold on Com
mission. Dr. J, H. HATCH,
iMte Mack 4- Hatch,
The patronage of those desiring First Class
Ojeratiois, is respectfully solicited.
Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed.
N. 1$. Nitrous Oxyde administered for the
Painless Extraction of Teeth.
Of kick Corner of Washington and Fron
streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington
During my 'our of two years
in the Eastern States I have
spared neither time nor
money to make mvse'f per
fectly familiar with and master of my pro
fession. Those desiring the best work that
the nature of the case will admit of can find
Die at m y office, 107 Front street, two doors
above McUormick's Book Store, Portland,
(Lata DuIt A Stevens,)
Office No. 104 Front street, Portland,
Will giv special attention to Collecting
and adjustment of accounts, bills and notes;
Negotiating Inland bills; effecting; loans;
buying, selling and leasing real estate; house
renting, aud to the general agency business
in all its branches.
Oi'Croi SecdL toic !
uTpr -Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Garden and Field Seeds of all Kinds.
First street, Portland Ortgon,
Near the Western Hotel.
Establishment of J. 13. Miller
To JVo. 101 Front st., corner of Alder
Carter's JSTew Building, Portland,
In Chas. Woodard's Drug Store
T-i7 Where be will be ready to attend to
all manner or workmanship in his line.
Watches and Jewelry repaired in ths most
workmanlike manner. J. B. MILLER.
Successor to G radon Co.,
Wagons & Carriages,
201 and 03 Front st., Portland, Oregon.
CO" Wagons of every descrijUion
made to order. General Jobbing done
with neatness and dispatch.
97 First si., Portland,
Next Door to Post Office.
fs3 Importers and Jobbers of Staple and
Fancy Dry Goods. Grain bags. Burlaps, fnrn-
sning Goods. i e pay the highest cash
rice for Wool, Furs, and Hides.
Offers to the citizens of Oregon 5.000
Pounds Souced Pigs' Feet, (put up by him
self) in lots to suit. Apply at No. 23 Wash
ington street, between First and Second,
Country trade supplied in any desired
quantity. A liberal discount to the trade.
Pioneer Book Bindery.
Rio. 5 Wahington Street,
any desired pattern.
r Ai ERS, Etc., bound m every variety ol
style known to the trade.
tendedrtSo.frm countrJ" Promptly t-
J. e. pTtton.
No. 8 Front Street, Portland. Oregon '
- V3- This soap i warranted. J,r""c"
'Tis hard to die in Spring-time,
When, to mock mybitter need.
All life around runs over
In its fullness without heed ;
New life for tiniest twig or tree.
New worlds of honey for the bee,
And not one drop of dew for me
Who perish as I plead.
"Tis hard to die in Spring-time,
When it stirs the poorest clod ;
The wee Wren lifts it little heart
In lusty songs to God ;
And summer comes with conquering march ;
Her banners waving 'neath the arch
Of heaven, where I lie and parch
Left dying by the road.
'Tis hard to die in Spring-time,
When the long blue days unfold.
And cowslip-colbr'd sunsets
Grow, like Heaven's own heart, pure gold.
Each breath of balm brings wave on wave
Of new life that would lift and lave
Sly life, whose feel is of the grave,
And mingling with the mould.
But sweet to die in Spring-time,
When these lustres of the sward,
And all the breaks of beauty
v herewith Earth is daily starr'd,
For me are but the outside show,
All leading to the inner glow
Of that strange world to which I go
Forever with the Lord.
O sweet to die in Spring-time,
When I reach the promised Rest,
And feel His arm round me
Know I sink back on his breast ;
His kisses close these poor dim eyes;
Soon 1 shall hear Him say, "Arise,"
And, springing up wi.h glad surprise.
Shall know Him, and be blest.
'Tis sweet to die in Spring-time,
For 1 feel my golden year
Ul spring and lite eternal
Is beginning even here !
1 Poor bUlen ! now yc
you say and sii'h.
" Poor Ellen !" and to-morrow I
Shall say Poor Mother !" and, from the sky.
Watch you, and wait you there.
A Little Thread. Piiyson once
gave notice that he would be glad to
see any person who did not intend to
seek religion. About forty came
He spent a very pleasant interview
with them, saying nothing about re
ligion, till jast as they were about to
leave, he closed a few very plain re
marks thus :
" Suppose you should see, coming
down from heaven, a very fine thread
so Gne as to be almost invisible, and
it should come and gently attach itself
to you. You knew, we will suppose,
it came from God. Should you dare
to put out your band and thrust it
away ?"
He dwelt for a few moments on
the idea, and then added:
44 Now such a thread has come
from God to you this afternoon. You
do not feel, you say, any interest in
religion. But by your coming here
this afternoon, God has fastened one
little thread upon yon all. It is very
weak, and frail, and you can easily
brush it away. But you will not do
so? Nc; welcome it, and it will en
large and strengthen itself until it
becomes a golden thread to bind you
forever to a God of love I"
44 Ever of Tiiee.'' A sad story
is connected with the name of the
writer of the beautiful song ' Ever
of Thee," which has been song and
admired by so many in this country
ar.d Europe:
loley Hall was a gentleman by
birth and education. Wealthy in his
own riuht, with large expectations,
he lenweedless life not choosing
his associates, but allowing himself
tojbedrawn into the society of the
vicious. His property soon disap
peared, and he was left without re
sources sufficient to buy his daily
bread. His musical talents had been
lightly cultivated, but as he never
needed them, he scatcely knew to
what degree they could be available.
In his distress, however, he wrote his
charming song, 41 Ever of Thee."
A London publisher cave him one
i i . , , r . .
dollars for it: but that
with 6uch a spendthrift.
would not last lonr. He wrote other
songs, but the money not coming as
fast as he wished, in a weak moment
he forged the name of his publisher,
and although every effort was made
een by tlie publisher) to save him,
it was all of no use, and poor Foley
went to Newgate, and died broken
hearted before his trial came on.
Choose Well. The line of con
duct chosen by a young roan during
the Gve years from fifteen to twenty,
will, in almost every instance, deter
mine his character in after life. As
he is then careful or careless, prudent,
iodustrions or ir.dolent, truthful or
dissimulating, intelligent or ignorant,
temperate or dissolute, so will he be
in nfter year?, and it needs no
prophet to cast his horoscope, or cal
culate his chances in life.
An impecunious country editor
duns his patrons as follows: 44 A man
might as well attempt to quench the
phosphorescent emanations from the
tail-end of a lightning bug with a
squirt gun as to try to run a news
paper without rnofley."
The Rising Generation and Its Moral
We do not aim to print in our pa
per simply matter to be read but en
deavor to make our selections and
writings of that kind that may be
ustful to society, and worthy of a
second thought. The following from
a Michigan paper tells another chap
ter on the rising generation and its
moral prospects. When we left
Michigan in 1861, the 44 Reform
School " at Lansing contained but
about twenty boys. The institution
had then been established six years.
The report for 1868, being the thir
teenth year, has been issued, from
which we quote:
It seems from the report of Mr. J.
I. Mead, Treasurer, that the receipts
for the year, including $34,000 from
the State, has been $54,000 aud over.
all of which, except 1,000 has been
disbursed. It is reported that $35,
000 will be needed, over and above
the direct proceeds of the institution,
to defray the current expenses of the
enduing year, while $15,000 is aked
for buildings, machinery and repairs.
There are now iu the school 247
boys, 22 of whom are colored; 99
have been admitted during the year,
and 100 released. Of the 99recieved
during the year, 66 were committed
for petit larceny. The average age
of the occupants is 14 years and four
months, and 168 of the 247 now there
are employed iu making chairs.
Since writing the above we have
received the Pacific Churchman for
February 4th, referring to a previ
ous article upon this subject in our
paper, from which we quote:
We have only to call the attention
of our thoughtful readers to the two
articles which will appear in next
week's paper, the one taken from the
Sacramento Record, and the other
from the Weekly Enterprise, of Ore
gon City, to convince men of the evils
which threaten our republic. The?e
articles have been written from a
stand po:nt which it is very important
to be observed. And it is one upon
which thousands and tens of thous
ands of eyes are beginning to fall in
sad forebodings of the future of our
country. The great and grave ques
tion before us is this: What sort of
men are our boys to make? The no
tion that education for the inteltect
alone is to exalt a nation, has become
almost the ruling passion of our peo
pie. This will be found, ere long, a
staff that must break and pierce the
hand through and through that holds
it. What is there in the education
of only the intellect to cause boys to
fear sinning? Pride, and di-reppct
for age, and a disregard for all the re
strain's of religion, come of this one.
sided education. Whatever education
is to do for a people, as regards the
study of the political economy of the
country, it is certain it does a crreat
deal besides this. On the side of
evil it opens up avenues to a vast
amount of corrupt literature, which
is deluding the land. It is needless
to discourse of a fact so patent as this
from one end of the nation to the
other. Knowledge without grace on
ly puffs np. And there is no more
dangerous bane to a nation than a
boastful and God-denying pride of
the intellect.
Our cotemporaries of the secular
press might vastly lend a helping
hand in this direction and stem the
tide, which makes for the entire abo
lition of religion from the national
system of education. We are fully
aware of the difficulties in the way,
but this very knowledge that there
are difficulties, and the apprehensions,
which thousands of the thoughtful
among parents are beginning to have
on this subject, will prove, if pursued,
to be the beginning of the end.
There must be the national educa
tion, and all these boys, which now
are seen thronging our streets, almost
as vagrants, ought by law to be re
quired to be in school. And suppos
ing this were made so, and our schools
of one hundred became two hundred,
and the schools of six hundred became
a thousand, would the ultimate diffi
culty of congregating together all
these masses of the youth of the na
tion, help us in the great moral ques
tion of the day, as to what sort of a
nation we are to become in the sec
ond or third generation beyond us,
following up the same process1? It
is not helping us out of the difficulty
by pointing to the Sunday School
and the public places of. worship.
The disproportion between children
in the Sunday School and in the street
on the Suuday is far greater than be
tween the week day school and the
same streets. The same is also more
fearfully true of the disproportion of
the Church going community com
pared with those who disregard all
religion. Am? in the degree that re-
ligious culture is divorced from edu
cation, will our youth bfcotne accus
tomed to crime and dissipation, and
these youth thus hardened will make
godless and profane men. And what
the end wi'l be requires no prophet
to divine! Much truth is told by the
articles referred to, and but few, if
any, are prepared to hear the whole
truth as it shall be, except we take
warning and return to first principles
on the subject of education.
stekeotypisg xea spapers.
Few persons are aware of the fact
tkat our principal morning jourcals
are not printed directly from the
type, but from stereotypes taken from
the regular forms. The whole time
consumed in making the plates of
the four pages is about twenty min
utes. It is accomplished thus: Each
page is made up in a separate form
on a table in size and height express
Iy adapted for the purpose; the legs
of this table are furnished with cas
ters, and as soon as the form is lock
ed, the table is rolled into the stereo
type room. The form is then re
moved to the moulding table; the
latter has an iron bed, the cavity of
which is filled with steam, as heat is
one of the requirements in facilitating
the operation. After the right tern
perature is attained, the form is re
moved again to the imposing table,
and two or three sheets of paper laid
over the surface of the t3-pe, and
they are then beaten down with a
brush in the same manner that prin
ters proceed in taking brush proof.
The form is then carefully slid upon
the moulding table, and another and
heavier sheet of paper is placed over
the first; this is covered with a wet
blanket, the whole slipped under the
press attached to the moulding table,
and the power applied. This is
done almost instantly, when the
form is again run out, and the paper
peeled off in a cotnple matrix of the
whole form. A preparation of
French chalk is now applied to the
surface of this paper, when it is plac
ed into the mouM, and the hot metal
poured against it and the plate almost
instantly formed. It is now removed
to the planer; is cut, routed and
justified, aud in a few minutes is on
its way to the press room. These
plates are cast in the txact form re
quired for a cylinder press, and are
about half an inch in thickness.
The Flavkd Oct Wickedest
Max. John Alljn has closed his
house, as a dancing-house, and has
Income very dojrged, sullen and si
lent. He is disappointed with the
turn afftirs have taken, and is angry
with himself and all his neighbors.
His old business has been entirely
ruined, partly by exposure and part
ly by his attempt to play off the nu's
sionary bv his' pretended conversion.
Between these two stools John Al
len's dance house has fallen to the
ground. He is said, however, to
have saved a great deal of money out
of his infamous business quite
enough to keep him very comforta
bly the remainder of his clays. He
is a tall, powerfully-built man, about
35 years of age, but with a hang dog,
brutal cast of countenance. He was
unable to ask us into his house, as
his wife was drunk, and when in that
condition she is always very quarrel
some. Every one in the street
abuses John Allen, and expresses a
pious wish that he may go to the
devil as soon as possible, or any
where else, so long as he takes him
self off so said Tommy Hadden.
They seem to think that so long as
the Wickedest Man in New York res
mains among them, so long will the
agitation against their infamous mode
of earning a living continue; but that
if Allen could be got out of the way,
the outcry against them would soou
cease. Allen, without intending to
do so, has certainly done more tc in
jure the business of these "Sailors'
Uetreats" than all the missionaries
put together. He has, fortunately
for the poor sailors, opened their
eyes to the frauds practiced upon
them, taught to be more careful of
their own interests, and made them
more shy than formerly of going to
these places. His neighbors feel this,
and bless him accordingly. Neio
York Tribune.
Supposed to be Coming. The
Herald aks: 44 now many people
will come from the East this year
with the intention of settling on the
Pacific Coast? We have collated
from the Eastern papers the following
promises of immigration from various
localities: From New Yoik City,
12,000; from Philadelphia, 5,000;
from Boston, 3,000; from New Or
lens, 15,000; from Chicago, 25,000;
from Cincinnati, 7,000; from St.
Louis, 20,000 An immigration from
the Southern States generally has
been reckoned at not less than 50,
000, exclusive of New Orleans.
These ores m;ke a total of 137,000
Animal Vaccination and it Advan
tages. Xo. 2. '
By Elward Ballard, M. D., Medical Officer
of Health for Islington.
I may mention that doubts have
been thrown upon the source of the
virus with which M. Lmoix's first
calf was vaccinated, but I have shown
that these were quite unfounded, and
the character of the virus used for
animal vaccination in Paris has now
been set at rest by the fact that
shortly after M. Lanolx's return a
new source of natural cow-pox was
discovered at Beaugency, and ever
since this alone has been propagated,
the virus from the Neapolitan source
having been allowed to die ont. The
practice of animal vaccination has
also been introduced into Vienna,
Berlin, Brussels, and St. Petersburg,
in all of which cities we are given to
understand thst it has taken root.
There mnst then be some advantages
which have led to Jts adoption in so
many places.
The procedure, as followed by M.
Charabon, in Paris, is this; Arrange
ments are made by which a sure s
sion of heifers or calves, of about the
nge.of five months, is provided fur.
1 hey are carefully stabled, and fed
upon the diet to which they have
been accustomed. The animal to be
vaccinated is placed on its left side
and fastened down upon a table of
convenient construction, and the op
erator proceeds to shave with a dry
razor the right side of the abdomen,
commencing from the udder, and over
a space of about ten inches long by
six or eight broad. The calf, which
is the vaccinifer, is laid alo upon its
leftside and faslened down, and the
fluid is obtained from a pock, by
forcible compression of its bae by a
pairofppring forceps, and the result
is the rupture of the pock, and the
abundant flow from it of a quantity
of a thickish sulphur -colorid fluid,
which is taken upon the lancet, or
into capillary tubes, for the purpose
of preservation. The animal on the
tabic is vaccinated upon the shaven
surface by puncture in sixty or eighty
places, and means ore adoptr-d to pre
vent subsequent injury by biting or
licking. Pocks, which finally attain
tlie size of large human vaccine pocks,
speeddy begin to rise, and are used
for the vaccination of children from
the fourth to the sixth d:iy. Subse
quently to tin's the vaccine they con
tain is found to be less active, but
still sufficiently so for the vaccination
of another calf, for which the pocks
left unopend are therefore used on the
seventh or eighth d ay. The grounds
upon which the practice of animal
vaccination has been advocated are
mainly three, and refer to the follow
ing points, namely, the quantity of
virus which may, so to speak, be
manufactured, its energetic quality,
and its purity. I may make a few
remarks upon each of these.
At different times all who are en
gaged in vaccination have, I presume,
experienced a difficulty in meeting the
demand for vaccination by the sup
ply of fresh virus at their disposal.
It is always undesirable to make use
of preserved lymph, but in seasons of
sudden epidemic outbreaks of small
pox, when large numbers of persons
apply for secondary vaccination, and
arrears of neglected children are
brought in for primary vaccination,
eveu the expedient of employing pre
served lymph sometimes fails, and
delays cf a dangerous character have
arisen. Such delav cou'd never han-
- 1
pen where a vaccinated calf is exist
ent. The supply from sixty or sev
enty pocks would be practically in
exhaustible absolutely sufficient for
the vaccination of as many persons as
could well be operated upon directly,
while the virus is sufficiently active.
Another advantage is, that the vac
cinifer can be readily made to travel
to any place where a local demand
for virus my suddenly arise. One
or two heifers kept in London, for
example, would suffice for anv de
mand likely to be made in any part
of the metropolis or in the provinces.
The quality of vaccine virus can
only be judged of by its iff cts when
inoculated, and judged of thus there
can be no question that much of the
virus commonly in use even in this
country fails to produce pocks of a
character that can be regarded as
satisfactory. I do not say that good,
even typical, pocks are never seen.
But that they are sometimes pro
duced depends upon this, that from
time to time individual practitioners
have availed themselves of local out
breaks of uatural cow-pox in dairy
farms, to renew their source of viru-.
Such outbreaks, however, are capri
cious, and although scarcely a year
passes without their occurring some
where in the kingdom, they are not
utilized as they might be. "One dif
ficulty lies in the very brief period
during which the pock by chance
discovered upon a cow can be used
with a chance of success for human
vaccination. It is probable that at
any rate some of the lyroph used iu
the country at the present time hay
been continuously reproduced by hu
man generation from' the time of.
Jenner. But this would make no
difference were it not capable of
proof that repeated human generation
does impair the quality of the cow
pox virus".
( To be continued.
The reading public are just now
being tortured with confessions of tha
assassins of Lixcolx. They purport
to have been written years ago, but"
were withheld for prudential reasons.
Those reasons are either studiously'
concealed or escape when silence
would go to invalidate the trumped
up affair palmed off as a confession
Thus it seems one of them was with
held ontil all the conspirators -were'
tried. This was certainly very kind'
in the holders of such precious" props
crty. Can we, says the Philadelphia
Press, even at this date, attribute so'
much circumspection to those who
were generally mixed up witS 6rie' of
the most nefarious plots in the an-'
nals of crime-? To do so is certainly"'
to draw heavily on human credulity
to ask of us, in fact,' to believe a
Had those confessions been real,
and given to the world at the time of
their making, they might have set up'
a new theory in the mind of the pub--lie
relative to the damning crime. and !
thus inured greatly to the benefit of"
the parties implicated. They might
have served to rescue the memories
of those hanged from some of the
odium which attached to their felony,
and in all probability would have
sent a ray of sympathy into the bar
ren prison pen of those in exile.
Could those we have every reason to
believe interested iu " securin"
such results have forgotten or over
looked what would naturally follow
from immediate publication of the'
confessions? Bight anxious were
they to screen the criminals from the '
consequences of their gu It. Were
they not equally anxious to protect
their names or alleviate their suffer-'
iugs, and would they have neglected
any of the means to secure even this
last of boons 1 Certainly not.
The oversight of thvirnon publica
tion, then, leads to the inference that
all these eoufessions are bogus papers,
hatched from imagination and for a
purpose. 'They were designed to ac
complish precisely what their publi
cation would have accomplished then
had they been in existence. A new
theory of the assassination must be
set up, in order to school the public
mind -to -the last official profanity
which Andrew Johnson has uttered,
viz : the pardon of ihe Tortngas mal-
eiaetors. Abraham Lincoln whs not
to be assassinated. Oh, no ! there
was no de-ign to imbrue hands in his -blood.
He was simply to be ab
ducted, kidnapped, spirited away in
the night, and given into the hahdi
of those who would kill him.
When a crime was to be pani.-hed
it was not necessary that these things
should be known, but when a pardon 1
was to be granted it was meet to give
them publication. Well, the aefs of
Mr. Johnson require just euch false
hood to give them plausibility. For1
him to have pardoned the murderers
of Mr. Lincoln may have caused vio
lent retchings of even his own con
science, while it would have added
another stone to to the oblivious sep
ulchre into which he is about to de
scend. But to pardon those who
were steeped in no deeper ignominy
than that of kidnapping may be made
to aprcar excusable in one of purely
aldernianic tastes.
Hence this charivari of confessions
They are designed to draw off atten
tion from the real crime and its"rer
petratcrs, ar.d substitute a clouded
comprehension of what actually took"
place. People will not judge harshly
at this distance from the deatl-tf
the President, and the "deep darnna.
lion of his takingoff' may have faded
on the memories of many who1 onee
fully realized its atrocity. If a doubt'
can now be protruded where nong
formerly existed, mayhap it will ex
cuse the act of the Accidental sueces
sor. Why else should all these cou
fessions appear, when the pardon of
the chief conspirators has been made.
The discovery of these confessions ia
at least opportune, and it is sti! more
opportune that just at this time nry
prudential reasons exist for further
suppressing them. Bah! The fraud
ia too transparent for belief. Like
all the other bolstering processes of
Andrew Johnson, it will prove a
grating unction to lm soul, since he
has set at large Dr. Mudd. and the 1
very last of the conspirators.'
The number of thrashing ma
chines in the United States is about
225,000, and they save five per cent,
more of the grain than the flail.
There is a total to tlie credit of lha
machine of about 10,000,000 busfcujs