ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE " The Woman's Kingdom," 2Iiss Mulock's latest novel, idedU fcated to'Mona ilargaret Paton, a " little girl.'' A verse or two will show the spirit pervading the whole book : " Better to love than to be loved ; Botterto aervei and serving guide, Than wait, with idlo oars unproved, And flapping sail -by ech breath -moved, The turning $f life's solemn tide. " Live, work, and love ; as Heaven assign. r For "heaven, or man, thy sacred part ; Ancestress of a noble line, "" Or calm in maidenly ; But keep till death the woman's heart." Valuable Table. The foHowmg table will be found valuable to many of our readers : A box twentyfour inches by six teen inches square, anjl twenty-'efglit inches deep, will contain a barrel. A box twenty-six by ...fifteen -and a half mches square, and eight inches deep, will contain a bushel. A box twelve inches by eleven end a half inches quar, and nine- inches I nrtt tr i hAnfqin KnTf I-,,- cb c.l A box eHrhf by'eiKht inches squire, and eight inches deepr will-cofitaiffli neck. . - - ' ' 1 J z A box eight ... .... di t by em,bt inches square, (Tone eigu CiT Inches deep, and four an will contain one gallon. A box seven by eight inches square, and four and op'eeigfrtffifclfes degj?, will contain a haff gallon. A box four bv four inches square, and four and one"vfourth inches deep, will contain aTpart. EverytfnicrJIiiauiiiy can find good use for the soot which is usually so abundiM4rmii;heir stovepipes and chimneys. Water well mixed with soot will make a powerful liquid manure, which will improve the growth of flowers, garde rfJVegetads, or root crops. In either liquid or "solid state it makes an excellent top dressing for "grass or cereal crops. And the hint might with advantage be heeded by our city gardeners and floriculturists. . Among the reports on the Paris TjX posit ion is a chapter on a new system of shoeing horses. Its inven tor, M. Charlier, contends that the present shoe destroys the horse's foot, and substitutes for it an iron band, let into a rectangular groove scooped from the outer circle of the horse's foot. This band is fastened with seven rectangular naiks, driven into holes. The sole of the foot and the frog are thus allowed to touch the ground, the horse never slips,and never gets diseases of the foot. The new shoe has been tried by M;'Lau guet, a large jobmaster in Paris, and has reduced the lameness in his stables by two thirds. The Omnibus Company, moreover, have shod. 12, 000 horses aud speak of the improvement in high terms. Has any body ever elearly explained why a" '3iotse can travel on a stony desert as hard as iron, and cannot travel on an English road ? . . - ' It is said that the use of India rubber covered mountings for harness lias been almost wholly abandoned by the best manufacturers, for the rea son that when tue-'rabber conies in contact with lealher the latter is sure to rot and become worthless, a re suit dangerous in the extreme, when it is considered ..bat the rupture pi a single strap in a harness-is not unfre quently the cause of serious injury to persons and property, and some times the occasioo of a loss of life. The Commissioner of Agriculture lias completed arracgerhuts for ex change of cereals, rare seeds, medici nal aud other plants, with the gov ernments of Austria, Prussia, China, Japan, Guatemala aud British Hon duras, the botanic gardcus of Mel bourne, in Australia, and of Kew, in England, the India" jMuseuni in Lon don, and the Cape of Good Hope A-gricultural Society. A farmer in Vermont lost seven sheep and one lamb by a neighbor's dog. A resort to the law was had for the attainment of damages. The defense interposed the good character of the doc, but the jury turned a deaf car to it, and assesstd damages to the amount of 502 50. Tliat jury knew their duty and dared to do it; A new kind of sponge has been' invented, made from India rubber. The imitation is said to be perfect in appearance, but softer thau real sponge, and its power of absorption greater. It can also be shaped into any required form. A French writer has propound cd'an entirely new theory of sound: lie assures us that the velocity of sound varies according to the following-rates: Praise3 attarirr a speed of 1500 metres (a metre is about 3 feet 3-mches) per second. Flattery is still more rapid, 1800 per second: good advice only 15 metres, and bad ad vice 1250 metres per second; .merited reproaches,- 20 metres; slander, which is fleeter than the wiud,' is 2000; per second; falsehood traveling with the same speed, 2000; while truth and appeals to charity oDly attain 2- me trcs-each per second. The conscience of a child, re marks a writer upon the training of children, may easily be wori out both by too much pressure and, by over stimulation. ;" Two Iri.menT,hivihg" traveled on foot from"13toester to Barnet, were much tired, jyith their journey ; and the more "sowhen ttiey were Jold they had still about ten miles.JJi Lon don. " Ev mv sowl cries one of them, " it's but five miles.anpiece, let us e'en walk on." The introd action 'of Paris fafh rajis would prove a cure for polygamy in TJtah. Not a w saint" in Mor mondom would long stick to his harem if he bad to pay the dress maker's and milliner's bills, for "a dozen or twenty wives. Mothers sometimes" feel that their little ones are in the way. and are tempted, in busy moments, to thrust 'tbm rudely aside. Let such check the harsh word and stay the hasty Jiiitfd, lest they bitterly regret their 'ifioughtless anger,- as 'did one rafetheivShe had prepared sdme flour fofbaking, and left it a moment, when her little Mary, with childish atuiositvJ.tMbiiiCfcr of.sthe Slteh and spilled the contents. hef mother struck the child a sereblow, saying that she was always in th0 wav ! Two weeB'jiftr Sftti&Stfily sickened and dietl-3fflSberd3th-bed. while de- lirioii;''lt1r'S&-ked her mother if there would b&fo6m for her among the armcls f '1 was always in your way, motuer you And had no room for little Mary ! will m the angels' way ? Will thel&e fee no room for "ifijl' Jk broken-hearted mother then felt thaVuo sacrifice AvifeTttbaJe bo&n toogrpat could she have saved her child. . ' . ' ' official V Laws of the United States, PASSED AT TUIi THIRD SESSION- OF THE FORTIETH CONGRESS. No. 3. An act authorizing the admis sion in evidence of copies of certain pa pers, documents, and entries. He it enacted by Ike Senate and ITouxe of Hep- reentiUvtx J the L nited itatt of America in Coinjrexx unn rubied. That copies of all official papers and documents belonging to and tiled or re maining in the office of any consul, vice consul, or commercial agent of the United States, and of all official entries in the books or records of any such office, shall, when certified under the hand and official seal of the proper consul, vice consul, or commercial agent, be admissible in evi dence in all' "She courts ct the United State's. ' Approved, January &, 1809. No. 1. An act to repeal certain pro visions of section six of an act entitled An act making appropriations for the support of the armv for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty eight, and for otheV purposes," approved March secoud, eighteen hundred and sixty seven. ' Be it tnceUd ly the Senate ari Ifovfe of Jlep ?;esentdtices if thi United States oj ' Auieriea, in. Cuniirrsn axi mhled J 1 -- That section six of Hie act entitled '' An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the, year eading Jflne thir tieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and for other purposes,- approved" March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, so far as the same is applicable to the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, ! lorida.Alubuuia. and Louisiana, is hereby repealed. Approved, January 11. 18Gf). No. 3. Joint resolution explanatory of the, act to create an additional land office in the State of Minnesota, approved July tvrchty-flf'th, eighteen hundred andsixtj eight. - , . He it rc-ivlced by the Senate and Home of IU prentn tat ice ef the United States of America in Congress asstrnblud, That the. limits, of the land district as designated in the act entitled " An act to create au additional land district in the State of MinuofoaI approved July twonty-Jifth. eighteen huhdrivl nn sixty eight, to wit : " all that part of tho north western land district which lies north of township number one huudrutj.anwenty four north" ami west of rango number thirty-five west rf the fifth principal mer idian,''' shall lie construed tot embrace all tho lands north of township one lnrttdred unl twenty.fofir and west'of said rango thirty-fiver , . ' ' Approved, Jauuary 11,-18(19. - . . PACIFIC MAI J; ?4toJiiriLltil Co.'.s STEAMSHIPS POir F3ew York, Japan &. China, Will be dispatched as follows : o . Leave wharf corner of 1 irst and Brannan streets, at 11 o'clock a. m. of the following dates, for Panama, connecting via. Panama H. 11: with one of the company's sjdwndid steamers from Aspinwall for New York, on Tlic OtI, 11 IH, 2:4tl Mini 30i.Ii, O F EA CH M O N T II! Steamers leaving SauFrancisco on the 14th and 30th touch at Manzanillo. All touch at Acapuleo. - Departure of the 6th connects With Errglish steamer aud Australia. Depart ure of the llth' is expected to connect with the French Trans-Atlantic. Co.'s steamer for St. Nazaire, and English steamer for South America. Through tickets can be obtained. Departure of 11th is expected to connect with English steamer for Southampton, South America, and 1. 11 It: Co.'s steamer for Cen tral America. Through tickets can be had.- Passengers berthed through. Bag. gage checked through. 100 lbs. allowed to each adult. An experienced surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free. IVfese steamers will positively sail at H o'clock. Passengers are requested to have their baggage on board before teu o'clock. Through tickets to Liverpool by the C-'.uiard, Inman and National steamship lines can be obtained at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s olhee in San Francisco, where may also be obtained orders for passage from Liverpool or South ampton to San i raneisco either via New! Vork or St. Thomas-if desired an amount j of 10 or A) will be advanc-.nl with the above orders. Holders of orders will be re' u.red to identify themselves to the Aeuts-i iu England. For merchandise and freight for New York-1 and way ports, apply to Wells, Fargo & Co. ! Notreigbt received after 2 r. m. of the uar prior to departure. For passage and all other information, ap ply at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s office, corner of Sacramento and Leidesdoi ft sts. OLIVER ELDKIDGE, Agent. m '-ifflfiiii1 ?. TTV OREGON CTX THE I T. COMPANY'S THE OPPOSI ARE STILL RUNNING, IN ADDITION TO WI11CII WE WILL SOON HAVE THE RAILWAY. CARS, ALL of WHICH WILL COISTINUE- TO t BRING THE LATEST STYLES OF. GOODS, AND THE BEST QUALITIES TO AOKERMAN, AT THE OLD STAND, MAIN Sr., OREGON CITY. . ; o - ' - I DESIRE TO -SAY TO THE PUBLIC THAT I HAVE OP THE COMPETES!' STOCKS Or FALL AND VYIliai GOODS EVER BROUnjITTO THE MARKET, WHICH I AM SELLING AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST ! o , I will say, COME ONE; COME ALL, and satisfy yourselves flint it ia so. I have rece ived on of the largest stacks ever brought o this market, anticipating a brisk fall trade, and I am determined that the goods shall be sold. My stoc consists in part of a fine assortment of ... LADIES DRESS GOODS. BAIAIORATS. FURS of various descriptions ; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks KID GLOVES, best quality HOSIERY; BROWN AND BLEACHED BOOTS AND SHOES ; HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING ; FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; . CASSIM ERE- SUITS-; -- ' ' SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS " BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTH ING:all size? ami qualities. - ' j&3 A SUIT THATiVy ILL Spl jf ANYBODY alt on tho most reasonable terms. Also ft larace stockof fUnitif Vifrnihing Goods." ' GROCERIES A well selected assoftnient. At C'liu'ruiaii t'i Atamcr's nl(l Stand. ZtS- All kinds of Prodtvee Be-uffht.-SS-tF. EAGS WANTED. SPE CIA L Nd'TlCES: JliiltiiomaU Lodse Xo. 1, A. unit A. M. Holds its regular communi cations on the Firvt and Third Sat urdiix in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2oih of September to -the 'th of March, and 7 o'clock from the 'Joth of March to tfie yi.",h of September. Brethren in ood btandini; are iurited to attend. - By order of Yl". M. Oregon Lodge Xo. 3, I. t). of O. F. Mctts every Wednesday even ing at 7 '.clock, in Masoiric Hall, Main street. Members of the Order arc invited to attrnd liy order. JV. C "Willamette Liitte Xo. 151. O. G. T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S. V.. corner of Mum and Fitth streets, i:t 7 1-2 o'clock. Yisiting nicwbeis are iijvitci tc uttCud. Jy. older of i. - ' V. C, T. ZllCfAL AD VE RTPSEMEN TS. JJOME8TEAD 'NOTICE. T Orin Gorbv You arc hereby notjticd that Eugene S. Ji'fnie l)as" ajiplicdluf this of fice ht bu permitted to contest- yotir home? stead entrv. No. 4e, marie unon the S. W. i of S. W.", of Sec. L'S and Si of S. E. 4 and S. E. i.of S. W. 4 ef Sec. n T. 1 S. It. 4 E. alleging that you have abandoned said land ibr more than syx isiunths, and applying to enter '-. part thereof: and jrfu aie further notified that the case is set fr hert'fing at this office on Wednesday the 17th tttiy of March loti at the. hour of 1 o Jfick i M., when all parties will be allbrded opportunity for a hesti ing. Jaiid Oth'ce. Oregon Citv. OWEN WADE, Krsistc'r. 11ENKY WAKliEN". Receiver. Ja'n. 2Dr,lsJ. - , il2Sl' " glltillFF'S SALE." I!y virtue of an execution and orJrr of sale issued out of tlje Circuit Court "of the State of Oregon, for the Cquufy of Clackamas, and to ice ilirected, in favor of William fctioug, 'Administrator of ihft Estate of Ainory llol hrook deceased Plaintiff, and against J a me A G. ywatfoid and Melissa BwafVord Defendants, for fhenm! rsi'x himdred aad forty-live (-?' 15 00) dollars, bearing interest at '2 per cent, jut month from the oOth day of Octo ber, 107; also twenty-eight and SO-T-doIlars (?'-!? 5C) costs, Jind afl accruing cost. Ifiaye this l.")th diij- of January 1S0I), levied on'the tollo.viug described Heal Estate, viz: Degiii ning at a point ft Ou-lOC; chains V.'est of the quarter section PosCJLietwen -fecions 4 and J of T. 3, S. R, 2 Ev Thence East 33 chains, thence North 31 58-100 chains Ihenctf outh sb" vt est .i.i to li'o cnams tiience Sontn oo chains, to the place of beginning, containing VH 21M) acres witli an tue I buiidincrs there on the pant of the donation! claim of J. G. Swallotd and wife; and on Thursday the ISth day of February, lSGrf, a't'the hour of 10 o'clockA. JL oj said day ni front of the Court House door in 'Ore pon City, in said " Clackamas County, I will sell all "t!:e Interest of said defenJauts to tho above dcKOsibeji Real Estate to the hiuhe&t ftiei best bidder Wtrcfor. JOHN MYEKS. ir.it)' Sheriff of Clackamas County. SALE. ! 1 1 - Notice is hereby given that on Mcndav the tst di(j' of March A. I). at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m. 'of said day I' will sell at public auction on the premises the follon mg pieces of laud situate in Clackamas County State of Oregon to wit : The W 4 of the S W 4 ofsectionT in T. 5 S K 1 E, con taining 00 acres, and the S i of section 17 iu T 5 S K 1 E containing oio acres. Said land is well imprrfved, and good title. Said sale to be for cash down in United States gold coin. Anil 1 wHl also at the same time and place and upon the same terms sell the following described personal property t.j wit: 1 lilack mare with saddle and bridle bluek smith tools. Lreaking plows, and other articles. The above named property will be sold as the property of Peter Persin by virtue of the power in me vested by a power attorney from said Petten Persia. MAT11IAS IU-;SS. January S!th, lSij'.i. 4t- g HADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MA IX STliEET, Oregan City. O The above named' popular re soit has been thoroughly renovat ed and repaired during the past season and is now open to the public, fully complete in all its appoihtmets. Two of the Best BlIJAA TtT) TABLES in, OREGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. T 11 1: BAB 1 S S UP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch. Irish and IJourbou already famous, for hot Whiskies and Punch. j63 Families supplied. HOT COFFEE AXD OYSTERS, A t all hours for the convenience of patrons. STEAMERS, AND THOSE OP T I O N L ESFES, MUSLINS, all widths: HOTELS. RESTAURANTS, Ac. YIIAT' CHEER HOUSE.' Nos. 126, 123 and 130 Front street. Pout lan l, Okeuon. REDUCED RATES! The undersigned having taken this well knovfiif hquse, solicit increased" patronago from (he 'traveling pubb. ' The Jlouse has lately been refitted, and the proprietors are now'ible to. oiler additional inducements to their"' patrons. The table will be furnished w ith the best market affords, aud be under the immediate supervision of the proprietors llooms well furnished and well ventilated. A large fire-proof safe for the deposit ot valuables, liaggage taken to the hotel free of charge. lbard per week ?5 00 Hoard and lodging " $JtoS0 According to the room occupied.) Nothing will be left undone, which is in the power of the proprietors to render quests t-o'ni foi table. LYONS, LEONARD i Co., si.01 .. - - . Proprietors. pTf(ENix iiotelT- Main Street Oregon City J. F. Miller & Co., Proprietors. The proprietors of the above H.otel take great pleamre in announcing to the public tluvfc they have made arrangements to keep a fir.nt -class house for the traveling public, and hope to receire a share of their patronage. . i'he rtomse is ut a very convenient distance from eijher .lamling, ot the steamboat-!, and near the center ot business. QLIEGON HOUSE. ESTABLISHED 1S07. JACOB B0EHM, Proprietor; Main Street, Oregon Citj Prices at the above house are as follow-3 : " Itaard and Lodging week ..$3 eo ': without Lodging ' 4O0 " aicl Lf.d-i:: ft djy .... 1 M QSWEGO HOUSE. OSWEGO, OltEGOX, JOHN SCHAOE, Proprietor." Is now prepared to receive and entertain all who may favor him with their patron age. The house is new and the rooms are newly and neatly furnished. The tabic will be supplied with all the delicacies of the season. The house is situated near the steamer landing. The proprietor will at all times endeavor to give entire satisfaction to nli who may favor him with a call, and would respectfully solicit the patronage of the traveling public. Hoard per week .' ?5 CO Hoard and lodging t 6 00 Siuglc. meals. .. ...... T r0 A MKHICAX EXCHANGE. (Zete I.TXCOLX HOUSEA 'So. 81 Front ttreet, Portland Oregon. . L. P. W. QUI M BY, I'ROI'KIETOK, Latt of Western Jutel.) This house is the most commodious in the Sftjeifcwrjy famished afld '4 w-i'f. tie the en deavor of "tho proprietor to make his guests comfortable. The- JJaggage Wagon will al ways be found at the lauding on tho arrival of steamships and river boats, carryuig bag grtge to the oouse free of charge QOSMOPOLI TAN HOTEL. . Forma tt Arrgonfs, PORTLAND Oregon; iZsr The undersigned ' nespeetfulty -n-nounce that having purchased this- widely known aud well kept hotel, they are now prepared to oll'cr superior accommodations to the traveling public at greatly reduced prices. This betel is located nearest the steamboat landings. The hotet coach will be iu attendance to convey passengers - to and from the house free of" charge. . W. K. SWAX: GEO. B. COOIC. ' - Proprietors. STEUX HOTEL. .Corner of First. find Morrison streets, , I'oKTi.AN t), Oi:e;ox. Thj best and most comfortable Hotel in the State; where -every want is anticipated, and cheerfully supplied. Warm and cold.Batbg attched to the bouse. This Hotel is located near the steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in at tendance at all the Landings, to convey passengers and baggage to and froui the cnarja;t' JONH JO. POUCV i rVi.-r n" mr" ). xi.tf I TOO oprietors. J J JiSff A UJfcV N3I .... ' Main stresiyOc.dor Norlltof the Lincoln Bakery, Orrgon City. B. F. Newman, . .... .Proprietor. The proprietor Is now prepared t furnish the public with Hot Coffee, Oysters, Pigs-feet Game and Fish, at all hours of the day. 63" Boarders will be accommodated at to 00 per week. Give me a call and you shall ro away satisfied. PORTLAND BUSINESS. Cli AS. HOOGE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. I .GEO. W. SN'ELL. HOBGEp CALEF 6c Co., DEALERS IN DETJOS and MEDIOirTES, . k PAINTS, OILS, AXD WINDOW GLASS, fUJiXLSULi?, HH ISSUES, . , PAINTERS Matexiaee,' ana lriil:jitW-Sundries.- OTPront Stfett, r Portland, Orejon. So.)" WALTER BROS. Xew CAKPETIXGS veXvts, : ' BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, -s T 0 I.L - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER-HANGINGS, LACE-CURTAIN S, &c, &c. W Would Call the attention of par tics filling up houses, or leing in l' nedd of anything in our Ihie To oxer Stock, which is OXE OF THE COMF LETF.ST t)n L'iicilic Costsl ! Our Goods being specially selected at the Factories in England and the 'Eastern States, we can sill ' - ' J ; AT THE LOVl'EST 1 ' S:iiRVa:B iis?s' Prices. WALTER So. S9 Front street, between Alder io.) and Washington, Portland, Oregon. 1857 ESTABLISHED 1857 J. O'CO No. 90 First Street, Portland, Wholesale ofud Retail Dealer in Garden, Grass and Flower Seeds All Seeds from this establishment Arc Warranted Fresh and Genuine, Foreign and Domestic-Diied Fruits ,And Vegetables. Foreign and Domestic Oreen Fruits and Vegetables. Vegetables itr.d Fruit Packed with care for shipment. XUTSVe Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Wal Nuts, - Filberts and Ahnoyds. - - GBOCERIESi-A -selected stock of Choice Groceries, bought expressly For Family Use. All of which is offered for Cahat cash prices. Orders solicited. ' " .JOHN O'CONNOR, No. t'O First street, Ponl.ind Oregon. YOl It .,-. PLEASANT '-AND nOW CAN WE DO IT ? GO TO Shanahan & Go.'-s Aim O- A JLt 3Li 131 JLt "Y" 2 One door south from the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Western, Portland, Oregon. And buy a few of those Lovely Pic tuvcSyjchich will furnish yonr -Rooms Conqrfetc. M US1 OA L INSTi UMENTS, :, FINE ENGRA VINGS, ' PIVTURE FRAMES . ' And MOLDINGS. rPHE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK JL of 1!tiirravin"rs. Cromos. Plain fcnd col- -ored Lithotrrapbs, etc.. ever before 'offered in this taurket, just rccei.'ed aud for sal at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! SALY , . Views of Columbia River Scenery Constantly on hand. JJlLDBURGIt, DUOS., & Co. - D. II. TlILDBURGH, ) LOUIS KLVSTE1N, Portland: L. II I LI) BURGH, San Francisco. Int por tern and IVhtJeoate Boeder s in ! -. ill X. t. t in Minus 01 oirisic': Scotch and Irish V hiski'QSy ' Jiuhi,.Gi?ti Domestic Liquors, JfrtH.?; ' . V-c. 44: fa. ': v roil TLJl'D0Vtt' Fai!mg3f. Front Street, next door to A. B. l!ioliardso's. piGS' FEET . ; - ' - a" Oflfers to lie citizens of Oregon 5.000 Pdbnds Sou'ced Pigs Feet, (put up by him self) in lots to suit. Apply at No.. 2.1 Wash ington street, between First and Second. Portland. Country quantity. trade supplied" in any desired A liberal "discount to the trade. " PORTLAND BUSINESS. ".DIRECT IMPORTATIONS .NEW A"D - : STYLES . Bed-Room TES. Just received and placed ii,the.varcroems, or HURGREN & SHINDLER 160, ICS, 170, 173 First street, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON. PARLOR SETS IN TERRY, IN PLUSH, AND IN HAIR-CLOTH. New Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment ef HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE! Lounges and Spring beds. t ISS?" The trade supplied icith goods tn oriotnat- vackaaes.- on reasonable terms. 11URGREN ii SHINDLER. W I L L A M E T T E IRON WORKS COMPANY ! pr-jfSfOs&T North Frout and E sts., llJilllll Porliaiid. Oregon. STEAM ENGINE AKD BOILER BUI LDERS. T MIESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and hare facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efficient! v. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years cives hint a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We; prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as - MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOCKING MILLS SAAV MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS f f Jfanvff fare and Jit-pair Machinery of all lind. IROX SHUTTER WORjf i San Frerncixeo eemt and trtiynt.. Wheeler d: Ran dilc.l I'attnt Grinder and Ainalijanmto'r. f'unoar'x and Steven Self Adjiintiinr I'alenl Piston Pack-in- , either applied to old or new teain cylinder. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and dint, if the bcxt hetrd iron. Z:y JJ. F. .Joxie &d Co., STEAM COFFEE, AND SPICE L- tSSMtthiV. x And FAMILY GH0CESY STORE, Corner Second and Main Streets, Portland, Oregon. fiiT Are prepared to supply 4-heir cu-tomers with the Purest and frcshe-t COFFEE, and SPICKS FOR FAMILY USE. Ground Codec isahvays Ve-t when FRESH, and the public are Inv fetl to try our articles instead of parcha-siug olU and stie importation Particular Attention Given to the Wholesale Trade! - Orders from dealers throughout the city and county respeitlujly solicited, and they will receive immediate attention. J. F.JONES OV. Port land, ()regon. ORE OOX ! js jSl. tz. XI, Y ! - i'5. :lJTv: F. 0PITZ, FK0PRIET0R, FIRST STREET, FOR TLA ND, Ret. Washington and Stark sis. MANfFACTVKEK Of -ALL KINDti AND QL'ALITlES OF GEAOKEE8! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY 0R ACKERS , Will always be sol.l below San-Fr-ancise prices. All ciders.. promptly .attended to. ORE N H KLRY. Firxt ft., Portland. On 'ion,. EAST &.CAHALIN.- t! New Stock of'Boo'trarjcL Shoes JUST RECEIVED! ' ' Rest Selection in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best bjrid known, such as JJeu'kert, Tii-rell's, Fojg's; ! Houghton & Coolidges, Reeds (loiHuV: and numerous others, of cretj'ts nl bo.vs wear. jsiso .Miles, sieDeriicii s isnrt s. San Franci ncisco and TuourinJde Tauic-s and 'swear. . " - - - ' children Our customers and the puWic wi'ecnoil are invited to call aud examine cur stock,' which we will sell cheaper thau ever. . . . P. S:-t Roots made to order, and ail assort ment ef;o'.!r-make coustantiv en hand. Philadelphia Root and, Shoe Store, 112 Frrrrft "Street opposite Du'inan Bros., Po r t hi n d freiio n '. A. LARGE iXVOICE OF XEW. ' SurTday'-Sexibol 'an'd Gift Books ! T .-M'.U.NWlIirAMERICAN TRACT SOCHI JL ty aud ' Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jofferson st between Sd and :;d, Portland, Orgon. G. H. ATKINSON, Secrenrty, -.l ' and Trcas. Oregon Tract Soeic'tv. l4fiV ELEGANT l!Q MERMAN UFA CTUJES. JOIIX JLSCHllAH. . t -r STalfufJetuf ?rand Dealer in . . - - etc., etc., -' '1 -MaiffSifedi .Oregon City, jd-Vljhes to represent that he ia now ag. well prep'ared to furnish finy-arrticle id hi line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere.. HOM E W AD E M. WERTHE I Wl ER Manufacturer of and Dealer iu-Furniture, OUECOV CITY, HP A K ES THIS METHOD of l. t uk.m u i 1 the public that lie has now cm nana a laage invoicWof SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES,-. HUHEAUS. BED-STEADS. "... LOUNGIvS. DESKS. S-TAXDS. CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities af Rich and Medium Furniture ! 1.' . ...... ; .w o .- . . . . i . 1 . -f r nnfl i' Mrrr il o assort- meut, .which merits the attention of,bayejs. He MANUFACTURES FURNITURE Using good materials, and employing th verr best 'mechanics inlhe State, hence h can" warrant bis goodstb be as represented and be is prepared to fill nil orjlcis with promptness. " ' He woubi call "the Htte'ntion of the public t hi?5 salesrvoiti, as1 containing the mo.t complete assortment .f desirable goods in the State. ' Ar.'AVERTHEIlREU. ' - - " ' Main street, Oregon City. II. -MYERS PLDIIHXG, GAS & STE.UI Fitting EstSbliEkm'eiit, Vo. 110 First Si-et Portland Gas Fixtures, . Conking Ranges, . , Hut Water-Boilers, Murble Top IVashstands, SJiccT Ltad and Block Tin, . " Water' Closets. Eut7tTubs, ' " " ,Lcad Pipe. Wrought Jron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES,' RLE P (f. -RETURXJiEXD. XII'PLES, RUSHIXG. dv., for SUai, Water and ous. ALSO Scotch Tube, Water Guatres, Wbis(!s TaHou Pumps, Steam Guages, J!obe, Angle, mid Check Valves. Gnage Cocks. Air Cock, and all kinds ot Ibass Work. Rubber Htcvlkise Pipes. Ac, Hotels, public buildings, and piivate resi dences heat ell' with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my. stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. . G- H- MYERS. French fIecJscai Office t Dr. JUl.lXX-; PEllRAULT, Doclcr r.-f 'Medicine of ike Faculty of Paris, Graduate of the Univcr silt Queen's College, and Ph pzd'Jn. of the St. John " jjajytisfc Society of ' ' "- Sum' Frnji cisco. Du. Pnun V1.T has the pleasure to inform 'piitieuis am! others seeking conlideritial medical advice, that he can be consulted t hs odice. Armory Hall Ruildinj, Noriheiist corne r Montgomery and Surattiento .-treets, San Frhuejco". Rooms No.' i, 40, )1, first lloor, up stairs, entrance , either uu Mont gomery -or Sael-nnffifotfePr.sf- Pit. PEi;nArj.T's st.rflif-jiave been almost exclusively devoted to tUe cure-f the vari ous forms of Nervous and Physical Debiii'y, the rc.-ultof injurious habits acquired in youth, which usually terminate in impolenco and steiiiily, and permanently induce all the. concomitants of old BgjjT'Wl'ere-a'sccrct in firmity ejHsfes. involving thn-happiness r-f a life and tliPt (jt'vUiei s J lsv u... nrid n ot -ality dictate the necessity of its removal. Un fits a fiitt fh.at pmnatrre decline of tie vigor of manhood, matron jnml unhapp:ne.-, compHfsoiy single life, etc.lwve their sources ineausos, the germ of winch, i.s planted in early life, and the bitter fruit' tasted long a: terwards ; patients, iaooriug under th s com plaint, wiPi complain of one or more of the follti-.riL'g-syniptotn's:- Nocturnal eniision. p.aiua ur thji; back -And Jiead,-. weakness m-mory and ight.liscjuirge from the Cre tba on goirig to -Wool, or making water, the intellectual Yueai ties are woJikened, lo-stif niemcn'v en-sues, ideas are.cjouded, and there is a dismcUnti.tion.to Gttcnd to .business, or even ,to reading, wri'ingor society of friends, etc.. The patient. will pjvbabtjr complain t'f dizziness, vertigo, and that the sight and hearing are weakened, and sleep dts turrbed by dreams melancholy, sighing, palpitations, coujrhs sine" slow lever: while some have external rUeumatic ptins, ami numbness of the b'sdy. Some of the ni't common symptoms are pimples in the face, an A acliing in drliercnt part of the bouv. Patients mi fieri ng from this disease should apply iuimediateiy to Du. Pkuuai i.t, t1ut in pel sons or by K Uer, and he will gimraii tec'a cure of seminal weakness in six t. eight weeks. , 1'atients suffering from vencrial diseases ' In any stage, OotibrMica Gleet, Sticturcs, ' Rubo Ulcers, Cutaneous eruptions, etc., will be treated success! T111y. AJI Syphtllitic and Mecurial Taints entirely removed from t!.e sj-sjtftn. . . I) it. I'EitRAfi.T's diplomas arc in his ofuce, where tiatu-rts can see for thp?n.el veo that I they u; e nder the carrot a uegulai.lv educated ' jwetifir.iier. i he best-felerences gien it rejuited . . Patients SaQering umTer chronic diseases, ca.Vcrjl jp.id examine for themselves. V Invite inveiligatiort ; cWiv.f not 'to knew eA-t-rvUiin'-rtor-to ' ciirTevw-vfiiS.-lr Lnt ivc fo claim that in oTPtaA'5 ta kew 'iru'der tteat- I "'em, we luiiw otir pro rm.. We particu- ; '0 ffl'Rf iiu?. wo.H.we trma this t.:i.-f Q.1 "octor, fyul tht adver.tise-j phvsician, till i wo- out and Jisco"uritgrd, to call upon us- - liuiv charges ml qlhck mres. : l'4'Ue.-i sud'ei ijg from any nrplaiut inci : ii-utal to their sex 'can consult tho doctor ! with the ass-urance of relicT. " ' Dn. PkSii.wi.t is Hie Only &"rh in Califor bm,forI). LiyrVFematb 'iftontrflv pdls. I heir- Uj;mins;ile?-hSS Established their reputation as a feale reuwdy, wnnprofth ed nud faiv.in. advance vf every other remedy, suppressions and irregularities, t and.othei obstructions in females. ti the. receipt of ."5.these pills will be ut by mail or xpress to any part of the world, sec uc; from curi osity or diynage. - Persons at a distance can be cured at hcfrnc'Ajy ffddressinga letter to Dr Pehuai i.t; cortier of Sacramento and .Montgomery sts., rooms i KMtwd 11. or bo7:,' P. O." S'ni Frarwiscf,1 stating the case as minutely a, possiide, general habits of living, occupa tion, tc. , -ai I ; .lint iTc-