The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, February 13, 1869, Image 2

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    Oregon City, Oregon ,
p. c. iKEiixi, kditcu axj I'noi'HiirroK.
: Feb. 13,1869.
There has been some considerable
excitement in this county the current
week, on account of the exhibitions
of Cieaveland & Funk, spiritual me
dimus, at the Court House in this
city, and at Mihvaukie. We under
stand that at the latter place the
spirits failed to perform their work
of untying the medium, and the audi,
ence was dismissed and the money
We have our private views about
spiritualism, but we do not think that
we have received " a call" to preach
them to the world, hence shall not
force them upon the people and
yet, at this time, perhaps, we should
not be justified in remaining wholly
silent upon the subject. It is useless
to deny but that some singular phe
nomena exists in these things. What
it is we are not prepared to say.
This however, is a remarkable period,
and it is not at all improbable but
that the world has in it some Philos
opher who will yet solve the problem.
Jt will be recollected that Curtis,
Greeley, and others whom people are
apt to called learned, have failed to
satisfactorily account for the myste
ries of spiritualism. The world is
filled with the manifestations of in
visible things; and sacred history
teaches us that many remarkab'e
rvents transpired in the time of the
Patriarchs. The germ of gravitation
lias never been fonnd out; and all
that we know of it 13 what we can
learn from Hamilton, Coleridge,
rnd other students of metaphysics
who explain simply that the tendency
of n-ravitatiou is to a center; that an
iipple falls to the ground because all
bodies gravitate toward each other,
-tc, etc., but the germ of gravitation,
its first jiiicijIcs, are not known.
Au Oregoniao, however, recently in
formed us that he kaeie the secret.
That he had accidentally discovered
it whilst once looking over a preci
ptece down which he had dropped a
pebble stone. Wre immediately so
licited " an item" about it from him,
with which we hoped to enlighten
mankind, but he said no! emphatical
ly; and stated to us that his three
score and-ten were nearly us, and it
was his desire to die in peace that
he did not want to suffer all the taunts
of the public who would not, in all
probability, see the facts as they
would be presented by him, but that
h had nrenarcd mauuscrints for his
t - - r . !
wife to make public after his day
when he should be unconcerned as to
wh t the world might say regarding
his views of gravitation. Why
should we doubt the sinc erity of that
old gentleman We agree that he
U entitled to peace in his dealing
years; and if it be as he says, that
this first principle of gravitation is a
simple thing, when once understood,
it is only another demonstration to
wake men uo. But, like the author
who wrote cf the dangers of our Re
public, he wo aid be very apt to be
deemed an old fool until the facts do
appear to the masses.
We believe that the first princi
ples of what is now called communi
cating with departing spirits, will
some day be made clear to all,
and the simplicity of it will
then excite about as much wonder
ment to know why it had not been
seen before, as the fact that it is not
known now excites so much attention,
rianchette is a wonder to many ; and
yet what is piancuette ; umy a
play ! We consider Spiritualists, so
called, only the foreruuners of the
dial disclosure of what is now a most
singular phenomena. We have no
faith in the so called communication
from friends and relatives in what is
termed the spirit world. But we
s-hall not, as we stated in the begin
zihig of thu article, trouble our read
ers iiij.h tedious paragraphs upon the
subject. We believe it is a matter
worthy of investigation, but would
recommend weak minds to keep away
from it. This is a matter which re
quires a well balanced intellect to
deal with it else the mind is apt to
be dethroned. And this is nil we
b'-c to say jvbont Stirittia!i?m.
Uulou of the Telegrapli. ami Post
The Postmaster General is said to
be prepared to report in favor of the
proposed union of the telegraph and
post office. He is satisfied that the
post office department can arrange
for the reception and delivery of let
ters, and the transaction of other in
cidental business, without any great
increase in the number of clerks ; and
that the business may be made a
source of profit to the Government.
He recommends that Congress grant
a charter to a company to contract
with the Government to transmit and
deliver messages at a low, fixed rate,
and submits a bill embodying these
propositions. The advantages of the
new system, if it is adopted by Con
gress, will be very great, and one of
the most immediate results will prob
ably be a diminution in the number
of letters mailed, and the increase in
telegraphic messages. When time is
of importance in the transmission of
news, the difference in cost between
the telegraph and the mail will be
so slight that thc former will have
the preference, except v here details
must necessarily be sent. Hereto
fore the telegraph has never really
been brought within the reach of the
mass of the people, the rates having
been so high that, save in cases of
vital importance, persons of small
means naturally used the post office
alone. There is but one possible ob
jection to the new system, and that
is, that it might be converted into a
political machine, and an asylum for
office seekers. Should Jencke's Civil
Service bill become a law this session,
however, that objection would be ob
viated, and the telegraph, in common
with the other Government offices,
would be filled only , by those who
had proved their capacity to perform
the duties assigned to them. We
siccercly trust that the Postmaster's
bill will be passed ; but we should
prefer to see it laid over for a session,
rather thau lhat its passage should
occasion another opening for the !
spoils-hunting mob Speaking in this
connection the Chicago Republican
has the following ;
Great Britain has a postal tele
graph which enables the people of
that country to make use of the tele
graph with the same facility as they
do the mails. The government con
trols the wires and transmits rues-
sages at uniform rates that are much
lower than those established by pri
vate corporations. A movement is
on foot to introduce this reform into
the United States. The Boston Board
of Trade has recently had the matter
under consideration and seems in
clined to favor the proposition of Sen
ator Ramsey, chairman of the com
mittee on post roads. 1 1 is bill au
thorizes the Postmaster General to
establish a private telegraph system,
extending to every city and village
of 5.000 or more inhabitants to
establish postal telegraph stations at
every place on the line of the wires,
where required to provide for the
reception of messages at every postal
telegraph station, post office or street
letter box ; also for their transmission
by telegraph, by contract with a tele
graph company, and for their imme
diate delivery by special carrier, at a
rate not exceeding twenty-five cents
for messages of twenty words or Jess
for every five hundred miles, or frac
tional pait thereof. It al-o author
izes him to advertise for proposals
for providing lines and for the trans
mission of messages by telegraph to
every city and village of 5,000 or
more inhabitants ; and to make con
tract with the company making the
most favorable bid.
To bring about the desirable re
suits proposed by the Boston Board
of Trade, other plans have been sug
gested by influential public men. We
are not prepared to say what method
is best, but of this we feel confident,
this country must soon have the great
advantages from the telegraph which
are being realizd in other lands. So
long as private companies control it,
only the cities and large towns can
have its use to any great extent. It
should be made a part of our postal
system and this would extend its use
twenty fold, and the rates need not
be more than one-tenth what they
now are. A prompt and effective
reform is needed, such as shall accord
with our rapidly expanding enter
prises and vastly extending resources.
The masses of the people, and not the
privileged few only, should have the
advantages of the electric messenger
created by heaven to give blessings
to mankind. Let our men in high
official positions bo prompt to take
such action as the exigency of the
times so manifestly require.
San Francisco had a total popu
lation in 13G8 of 147,050: improve
ments of streets aud highways for
1SGS, $1,511,180.66 ; bonded debt
for 1863, $4,554,200 00; municipal
expenses, $1, 783,586 07; assessments
and rates of taxation for 1808,8109,
000,820.00. There are 40,000 miles of rail
road in the United States, and this
business affords employment to 420 -
1000 men.
Cuba has 30,000 foreign whites,
730,000 natives of European extrac
tion, and 100,000 Degroes and China
men. England has a population of
22,000,000, and 1,000,000 paupers ;
Ireland has a population of something
less thau 0,000,000, and 13,000
The merchants of St. Louis have
adopted resolutions approving the bill
for uniting the telegraph lines of the
couutry with the national Postal
Late accounts from New York
say that Pomeroy's Democrat has
discontinued its evening edition after
one week. It is reported that the
morning issue is falling off, and the
speedy dissolution of the paper is
Boston is a wealthy eity. Its
taxable property is more than $405,-
000,000, being larger than the whole
taxable property of the State of Ala
bama, and more than twice as much
as California.
exclusive 01 vessels engajrea in
the coasting trade, there are now
lying iu the harbor of San Francisco
fifty eight sea going vessels, of which
twenty-two are ships of considerable
Australia h larger than the
United States. Its area exceeds that
of the latter by abont one hundred
mousanu square mues. it is more
properly a continent than an islaud.
. The Australian colonists have
GOO.OOO horses, 4,000,000 cattle,
08,500,000 sheep, 4,000,000 pigs,
and 2,500.000 acres of cultivated
The population of the United
States is nearly 39,000,000. If it
increases in the same- ratio as it has
in preceding periods, it will be 42,
000,000 in l'STO, and 170,000,000 in
There are one hundred and thirty
four vessels on the ocean bound to
the port of San Francisco of which
70 are from Atlantic ports, 06 from
Europe, and 14 from Australia. The
commerce of South America is so
limited that but 5 are reported from
there. The rest are from China,
Japan and the Kast Indie?.
The total length of electric tele
graphs in the world, not including the
submarine, atuouuts to upward of!
180,000 miles, which is more than
enough to go around the earth sev
eral times. Ot the total amount j
there are -13,200 miles in the Un.ted j
States nearly one quarter of the!
whole. I
The American and China Steam
ship line made ten voyages from Cal
ifornia to Chini in 1808, averaging
twenty-eight days and twenty-one
hours hence to Hongkong. These
vessels carried from us $G,743,G72 in
treasure, and 4,033 passengers, to
gether with G.35G tons of freight at
SI 2 per ton. Returning, they made
nine trips from Hong Kong to S tn
Francisco, averaging twenty-nine days
aud twenty-two hours each, and bring
ing G,00l passengers and 11.939 tons
freight. The money received for
freight and passage amounted to
SO4,2G0. Tire price of cabin pas
sage was $300, and of steerage for
Chinese, $10.
There scorns no reason to doubt
that the Faris Conference will accom
plish the purpose for which it was
convened, aud that the danger of a
war between Greece and Turkey will
be avoided- For some time the news
from the East has been growing
more and more pacific. When Gist
the difficulty attracted the notice of
Europe the asptctof affairs was very
threatening. Tuikey desired to fight,
aud Greece would not be restrained.
It really seemed as though there
would be nothing for it to do but to
let them settle the dispute vi ct armis
Rut gradually the affair has assume
a different complexion.
The fact that the London Times
has raised its voice against a propo
sition to abolish primogeniture iu
England, has led many to suppose
that that remnant of feudalism is
really in danger of speedy extinction.
We do not believe that there is any
hope of so speedy a termination to
so old an abuse. The Liberal party,
emboldened by their recent success,
may have made some such threats as
the Times denounces; but at the
present time they are uo more able
to accomplish such a measure, than
were the workingmen of twenty
years ago, to carry the five points of
their much talked of Charter. In
truth the
of the English
Liberal party is very much over
rated iu this country. The late elcc
lions showed that, iu spite of their
apparent popularity, the Tories held
nearly as much power a3 they did,
and the Tories are so much better
organized a party that the Liberals
narrowly escaped defeat in many
places where they supposed the field
T'W clear before them.
The Argentine Republic has of
fered a premium of eight thousand
dollars iu gold to the inventor or in
troducer of the best system of pre
serving fresh meats in a manner
adapted to their export on a large
scale. This offer will remain open
until May 2d, of this year. I he
proposals will be received by the
Minister of Foreign AftVns at Buenos
Ayres. Here is a chance for an in
ventor to distinguish himself, and at
the same time " put money iu his
Considering the length' of time
during which the small-pox has been
raging in San Francisco, it might be
thought that the Hoard of Health
could have arrived at some decision
as to the best means of fighting the
epidemic. Eight months, however,
have passed away, two thousand vic
tims have succumbed to the disease,
and we find the Board of Health
still disputing as to the method to be
adopted for vaccinating the public.
A Texan writing to the St. Louis
Republican, urging the construction
of a railroad from St. Louis to Texas,
saws that between the Notices and
Rio Grande rivers thce are 1,000,
000 head of horned cattle, and 10,
000 head of horses and mules. The
trade of San Antonio with Mexico
amounts to $300,000 annually. It
would tike a railroad fifty years to
carry all the cattle in Western Texas
to St. Louis. The cattle in that
cojuntry are being killed for their
hides alone. He says such a railroad
would not only make St. Louis the
stock market of America, bat would
develop the finest copper, coal and
silver mines in the world.
The Connecticut River Railroad
Company have adopted a new method
of heating their cars. Outdoor air
is purified by being passed through
water, is heated, and then conveyed
through pipes which run near the floor
the whole length of the car. At
proper intervals these pipes are per
forated with smail holes, through
which the heated and purified a:r
escapes. The warmth is distributed
equally throughout the entire length
of the car, and coming low down
toward the floor will enable passen
gers always to keep their feet com
fortably warm.
There is now at St. l'cteiburg
the richc-t Chinese library in the
world. It consists of 1 1,007 volumes,
1,1 GS wood engravings, and 27G
manuscripts. The b'-oks are on all
s-orts of subject, and among them
are several rare woik, one or two of
which are unique, one or two of
which are unique, there being no
copies of them in even the largest
libraries in China. The library was
collected by M. SkatehoiF, now Con
sul General iu l'tk'm, daring a resi
dence of fifteen ears in the Chinese
Empire. Recently M. Skachotl'
offered to sell it for .t'l,400 to the
Imperial Library at St. Petersburg
and the Russian Academy of Sciences,
but both institntidns were compelled
to decline the offer for want of funds.
The Moscow Gazette urges the
Russian Government to make the
Russian trade in the Raltic independ
ent of the Prussian harbors and rail
ways. It is a humiliation for Russia,
it says, that the principal channels of
her export trade should be Konigs
bcrg and Memel, and she should take
immediate steps for making a harbor
at Libau and connecting that town
with Kovno by a tramway. This, in
the opinion of the Moscow Gazette,
is .also essential for the security of the
Empire, for in case of a conflict with
Prussia, that power could paralyze
its trade, and even if a war broke out
between France and Prussia, Russia
being a neutral, a Fier ch fleet block
ading the Prussian, ports would do as
much harm to the commerce of Rus
sia as of Prussia.
The calico interest of the United
States is an important one. The to
tal product of printed goods in 1820
was about 3,000,000 yards. In 1S3G
it reached 120,000,000. Iu 1S55
there were twenty-seven print works
in the United States, which produced
in the aggregate 350,000,000 yards
per year. This amount ot an aver
age of ten cents per yard was worth
$35,000,000. In 1S54 onr exports
of printed goods amounted to 3,000
000. Our imports of printed cotton
in 1850 reached $17,110,752. Our
exports in 1857 were only $1, 785 -G85
worth. The total products of
printed goods jn 1SG0, according to
the census of that year, was $7,74S,
G44. There are G,000,000 cotton
spindles now in operation in the
United States, of which, over 2.000,
000 are running on cloths for print
aud produce 450,000,000 yards.
The Bishop of Neutra, iu Hun
gary, has a very interesting quarrel
with a wealthy Jew, who owns a large
estate in his diocese, and as proprie
tor of the estate-,, has the right to
choose the priest of the Church in the
village attached to the estate. The
Jew insists on availing himself of his
right, against which the Bishop pro
tests. The Government has been
appealed to to decide the epiarrel.
- - 1 -
Tli Coiiiuil uud tUr Fire Drirl men t
Ei. Entkki'rise :
As the Oregon City Fire Department is
now organized, and a Hook and Ladder
and a Company have been enrolled
and officered, it is now incumbent upon
the City Council, as a matter of duty, and
responsibility, iu east; of a the, to furnish
those companies with the necessary appa
ratus forthwith.
The city is now paying $1,000 per an
num for (water, for lire purposes, which is
certainly a useless expenditure without
facilities to convert the same to proper
use. and unless the companies are eipiiped
it will clearly he the fault of the Council.
It will be of no use for the Council to
shirk this responsibility by submitting tin;
proposition to the people the Council is
supposed to be the proper authority the
people look !o them as the custodians of
the public interest. The contract for the
water, amounting to thousands of dollars,
was not submitted to the people, why now
bonny words about the matter of S.00 or
I feel certain that the Council have the
right to make this appropriation, the pub
lic interest demands it, and it is the duty
of the Council to act. OFQ. "
Mn. EwroH : It seems desirable that
some plan should he adopted whereby
uniformity of time can be secured through
out the city. "Why cannot the City Gov
ernment employ some one to rinir a bell
at least once a day. say 12 o'clock M.
as a standard for city time. A multitude
of inconveniences arise from the want of
this. Each one supposes himself to be in
possession of the correct time, when per
haps all are incorrect. In such a condi
tion of things, it is almost impossible tor
men to keep appointments, without either
loo-ing time themselves, or causing others
to lose it. Meeting are appointed at Cer
tain specified times. Hut in the case of
some, these appointed times arrive half
an hour later than iu the case of others-
as a consequence, disorder and confusion
follows. Meetings are disturbed by late
comers, Ac. bet us have some standard
of time, either independently, or regulated'
by that of Portland, and let it be an
nounced to all tin; citizens daily. Then
we shall know what a man means, when
he gives us the time of day. It used to
be said that time is money, but under our
present system it has lost its value.
The Success is now running as far up
river as :uiv of the boats.
The Stale Journal should read our
Salem letter again, and observe what was
said with reference to the " principal"'
j towns up this river. If the newspaper of
Salem. Albany, C orvalhs and Eugene will
make an effort they can arouse the peo
ple to a work much needed, and about
which we made a sucrire.-tion.
Mr. Leiuenvcber, of Astoria, called
at our ollice on Thursday last with a sim
ple of tts line sole hnthcr as we h.vve ever
seen, being a specimen of wlmt is pro.
lueed at the Hemlock Tannery, of which he
is part owner. The, lea t tier U heinr .-hipped
to California by the steamer of this
week, and w ill no doubt attract coiiid'r
able attention, and become another staple
article of Oregon commerce.
At the lesidence of Capt. S. Smith, lv J.
M. Hacon. KsM.. Mi:. F. C. j EEli, and Miss
F.I.I Z A FOSTFK.both of Clackamas county.
acav Advertisements.
Cor. FlioXT ("-l IVASIIlXtJ TOX Sti.,
The Proprietors of this well known
House renew their thanks lo the ptiblic tor
the patronage heretofore so libera: ly bestow
ed. Having enlarged and newly fiimi.shed
our house, we claim to possess accommoda
tions iu every respect interior to no House iu
the State. ' WHITE & KH( A DKS,
Feb. Li, lsCl. Proprietors. -
Jlain Street, Oregon City.
M. KUOWX, Proprietor, thankful f.-r past
favors, solicits a continuance of the same.
And the very best (pialities of Wines, Liquors
and Ci'rars.
Pigs' Feet, Tripe, Herring, Oysters
and Sardines constantly on hand.
Forwarding Merchants,
Hawaiian and Oi etron Packet Line.
Importers ot San Quentin aud Carmen
Island Salt, Sandwich island Sugars, Coll'ee,
Rice, and Pulu.
Agents for Provost's ": Co.'s Preserved
Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar.
Healers in Flour, Grain. Hacon, Laid fc
Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster.
Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship
ment of Merchandise or Produce in Xew
York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland.
Xos tiO-i and California Street,
San Francisco.
Hi North Front Street, Portland.
J. IVIcKenry,
i: t I; iif V r . t-7i
Has on hand, and is constant
ly re i-eiving direct from the Kast, a lare and
carefully selected stock of
Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware,
Lamps, etc., all of which he oilers at prices
to suit the tin e-5, at Wholesale and Retail,
25t?"" Dealers will do well to call and exam
ine his stock, and learn his prices, before
purchasing elsewhere.
Tn Large Qua nil ties can le Found
S. TIr. corner of Morrison and Front
streets, Portland, Oregon.
ANo Caps of ererv sM. and P.oyV and
Girls' HaM in larg" vaiieties. Give us a call
r.nd esaoiinw
Bet. Stark and Washington.
Dealers in
Fancy arid Toilet Articles,
Fine IVlnes, Brandies, and Whisk'es,
Tor Med'.cinal Purposes.
Brushes .and rerfumciies,
Of the Latest Styles and
Finest Qualities.
Cooking Extracts, Essential Oils,
Herbs, etc., etc.,
Aud an Assortment of all Popular
JPsitcist Medicines.
Everything Kept in a
First Class Drug Store
At Greatly Reduced Prices !
Soothing Syrup 25 Cen tn.
Citrate Mo g re in 25 Cents.
Brown's Bro icf lal Troches lb Cents.
Ami Other Articles in Prjoi timi.
Medical and Surgical Aid
Patients llslted at their Houses.
I'll v sic kin's 'rescript Ions C'.'.efnly
Compounded ', under the Special
SvtervistOn of
C II . 1ST G- 1C .
IVivlesale and Befall.
Superior Goods f
Reduced Ra tcs !
Succe-sors to
Heuston, Jfastlngs ( Co.
San Francisco and New York,
Announce to tl'e friends of the old firm,
and the public at large that their present
bu-iness ar. antrments are such that they are
KI...1 i.-. ,-.".- It ,.,.! .; tvliJi I
oods on the Pacific Coast at a great reduc
tion from former pi ices.
The attention of the merchants throughout
the Pacific Coast, is called to the fact that
we are now prepared to fill their orders for
superior goods iu
Strirty Custom-fil:' 'lAttini;,
S"it, lit'ovif, Ibifirnj ami
Famishing Goof".
Truuku, Traveling Bags uud I'ti.V,
Iu hits to suit, at rcjular Wholesale Pates.
Made either in Xew York or San Francisco,
under the supervision of the best cutters ia
2)irections for Measurement
Sent to any address upon application, and
goods forwarded by Fxpress wn receipt of
orders. Satisfaction ruaratiteed.
Heuston, Hastings tJ- Co.,
New York and San Francisco.
A. IS Kicli;i rdsou,
Corner of Front and Oak streets, PwrtltDj.
Of Iteal Estate, Croceries, (tcncral Mrrclan
dise and Horse,
Every Wednesday and Safnrdoy
A. U. Eiciiardsox, Auctioneer.
English refined ISar and llvmlk Iron;
Knlisti Sjtiare and Octagon Cast steel;
Horse shoes. Files, Rasis, saws ;
Screws, Fry -pans, s-heet irou, It. O. Irou ;
a :
A Iargeassortment cf Groceries and Litnor
, "A. B. Eichakdsov, Auctioneer.
J)ealer in
Dry Goods and Clothing,
UO Front Stre-t (In Whites Xew Pdock,)
ror.TLAXD oltncoN',
sive slock Goods iu the above line, and
The Latest Styles !
11(111 and Changeahte JDress Silks;
Silk and TITeo Poplin;
AlllVool I'uplins and Tartan JJlaih;
and a large variety of other Dress Goods.
Gents' and Eoys' Custom-mada
nud Ladies' and Gents' Uuder Wear ati.l
Furnishing Goods, which Lovers invited to call and inspect.
Sixteen Years in Orezon.
Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher
Of this State, desires loiform nil his o!J
customers iatid as iitanv new ones a rn.
not be acquainted with the fact; that liestli!
continues to operate at the
105 Front Street, Portland.
(exactly opposite voi .vr uxi)
Where he is prepared to furnish
LXSTKCtTlOX I'.ooK tor all kiu.h ,.
Musical Instruments.
( Ill Ktll 3Il -.1t- IUIOK,
t . - I'lai i - i- irr Ti 1 l-t.illV
t iuii, iilii.iu iiuu i mii.i.i
' ; c n i: a i r c l i l m : a t i o x s,
M.ti..l A l.,
Photographic Albums.
And every other article in the alc linr.
New Firm!
Diller & Miller!
Propnelois of the lon established
Vt $iR- Mnhi Strt-rt,
Oregon City Oregon.
Talc pleasure instating to the putti'
that I hey have formed a cojiartjur
ship for the purpose oj belter
Accommodating: their Patrons!
And that they trill continue the Monv
Jacln.e ot Jjrcad, l'icx, Cokes,
Boston, Butler, Sugar and
Soda Crackers, J-c. -c
Has been Doubly Increased bif
changt., and will be kept cnniplett
In Every Department.
Goods will be Delivered in the City
! Free of expense tojurcha?crs, ami
vers from a distance icill bccarejtw
filled and promptly dispatched.
we oen as uneap as tne uneapesv
Call, Examine, and PRICE our stud
Before Purchasing Elseichcrt.
The highest Cash prices paid for co
try produce.
a. f. MiLi.nn.
jr. W ATKINS, M. D.,
SURGEON. I)Rtlanp, Om:;ov
OFrrCEOr, Front atrertTh
ner of Muin and rrevetitii .-lreci--
! 13