The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, February 13, 1869, Image 1

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VOL. ,
1866. Established. 1866.
o - -
- The V EEKLY Enterprise.
S . FOIijTHE. . . j
tfusinessrVfan, the Farmer
.'." Lkt. xn . Y 7 ;t
OFFICE Corn prof Fiftii and Main streets
j Oregon City, ..Oregon. ...... f
? 1). C. IRE LAND, Proprietor
rr- -
Single Copy one year
s ' ' .Six months !
" " " Three months
. 2 00
. 1 00
r Five Copies. 1 year, Ot, $2 50 each V.I i-d
S" 111 which cane an extra copy will be
n-nt to the person former the Clu,b, and'ris
nn inducement to such persons,' with'a'view
of extending our circulation,
jfe. One Dollar and Ticady-Five Cents
VuMt be allowed as Commission on eaeh addi
tinnal fir .Sifxcribi,r&. Thii .any prson
Mfhit will interest himself in the' matter, may
Mvure the paper free and receive a liberal
compensation for hi.s services.,
tt-ir Remittance i t be made id the risk of
-, Subcriber, and at the exjuwe of Agtnts.
Transient advertiKomcnts, including'all
lesral notices, V (,f lines, 1 w.S 2 50
For each subsequent insertion 1 00
ne Column, one vear $120 00
Il.ilf ' "" CO
i O'uftcr " . i " t . .... 40
Uu-uuess Card, 1 square one year 12
nook'' a xi) j or, PF.iXTixrr.
The Enterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod
ern MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable
i tlie Proprietor to do Job li biting at all times
Xtat, Quick and Cheap .'
Kir Work Hohcited. .
D.C.1R j-: LA XrT, 1 'rcrpra tor.
I ) It. F. 1AHCLA "
i9DTo nc' GLZ2 ZET.
i. (Formerly Surgeon to the Hun. II. B. Co.)
OFFICE At Iie.-ideuce,Main strtet Ore
fi'in City, Oiecron.
w. c. joiissos. f. t). m cows.
. Notary I'itblic.
Oregon, City, Oregon.
ft- Will attend to all business entrusted to
our rare in any of tlie Courts of the State,
Collect innnej-, Negotiate loans. sell real estate
etc. l'aiti:a!ar attention given to contested
Land eases.
Justice of the Peace & City Recorder.
OlTico In the Court House and City
Council Room, Oregon City. -
Jta- Will attend to the a.eknowledfrnient of
deeds, and all other duties appertaining to the
bu-ii.' ss of a J'n.-tiee of tlie I'eace.
Savierj LaEocuc & Co.,
, t a.Keep'eonstantly on hand fm "snl.-tloTir
1. jM.dlniiji, liian nd ('hickenFeed. I'aities
un;hiiig feL uau.stTnruish th&sack?.
Contractor and Eailder,
Main St., OltKC.OX CITY.
So-ViIl attend to all work in his line, cm
: si.-ling iii part t' Carpenter and Joiner woik
t- framing, building, etc. Jobbing promiHlv
f tt ltdel t . v ' '
'jWack Sniith and . Waaon Jfaker,
i Corner of Jrafh'and. Third streets,
- Oregod taty ! .. - x : Oregon.
t aRlacksinithrhs in all its branched; Wag
on riakkig and repairiug. All work warrant
c-d to nive satisfaction. .
i ' .. i ....
KstablL-lied. since l tOat the.pll stand,
Mitin Sfritf, " Oregon City, Ortjun.
An Assortment of W;clis, Jew
elfy, and Sth Tnonias' weigiit
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to lie, as represented.
Hepairings done on short notice,
ind thankful for jtast favors.
'!fflj?5Li City-m-ayman,
tZ&ttFS .Oli EG OX CITY.
V5- All orders for! iverv of merchan-
. or package ana Jreitrht ot whatever des--
criptiou, to any part of the cit.v, 'will be txe
. cu'.etl promptly ;vid with care."
1 jtj ""'
t mm ifSPV
Corner of Fourth and Main streets.
OUE(;OX citV. a
. fi i- Keep constantly on hand all kinds of
4reli and sa.t maat.s, suck
iiKEF, POlMv,
And everything eke to be found in their line
. iX busints-.
, MILt.KK. J
" I - -rt
. J. F. MILLER & Co.,,
MtMrAorriiCRS or .xn ukalols iV
i -C a ti
At Jhq tQrcotiQihi Boctind Shoe
Store, jYain .jitect. t
Of Ladies', Gents', Roys", and Children's
,Itoots and Shoes, on hand or tinttle to order.
Vt.ttio-Entefprisv Office,
. .... - - 77 " " i "Ml w . raMCMH
T -IT .VLAT'fI li I mm . T
X. DOLt'H.
v" At5Mrrn.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Laict
Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc
. , tor in Admiralty .
' f Offiee o er fle old Voat Office, Front
street, Portland, Oregon.
Xotitry Pul'Uc qnd Cum. pDei.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
c'C,-0'a' J.ldcV street, ii
in Carter's
brick block
Q r: FERRY, 1
BROKER, Portland. Oregon'.
Cor. Front and M'aatiingion Sts.
AgenfwSorth JBr,itish.and. Mercantile
Insurance Company, andr.Iauhat-
tan Life Coolpony.
"Oovernment Securities, Stocks, Ronds
and, licaj, Estate boiight and. sod-oi Com
mission. Dr. J, H. HATCH,
Latclycl:'& JIajeh, t V-'jpk.
The patronage of those desiring First Class
Ojiernfitjiiit is respectfully solicited.
Satislaction in all cases guaranteed.
N. II. Xitrou O.ryde administered for the
Painless Extraction' of Teeth.
Urncfl 4IiM-nr"of WsWifigfonan4 Frort
streets, Postland. Entrance on Vf'iiShtngton
. , r HOjHE AGAIN.
Duiing my 'our of two years
in the Eastern States I have
r e i -
inonev to make rnvse'f per-
i.J tt ;i 1 ni'itln-r tint n r
it'Ctry familiar with and masfir-of uiy pro
fession. "desiring the best work that
the nature of the case will admit of Can find
me at myetiice. 1"7 Front street, 'twi-doois
above McUorniiek's Book Store, Portland,
Oregon. .
T)R. J. G. fri.ENX.
(Late I).ilv Stevens.-).
(- E X F Ji A L A (7 T-: X T,
Office Xo. 104 Front street, Portland,
Will give special attention fo Collecting
and adjustment of accounts, bills and notes ;
Negotiating Inland bills ; elleciing Ibans ;
buying, sellingand leasing real estate; house
renting, and to the general agency busitiess
in all its branches.
Wholesale and Retail Healer in
Garden and Field Seeds of ail Kinds.
First street,-Portland Oreffon, "
Near the Western, Hotel
Estubiisliment of J. 13.' Miller
To A'o. 101 Front st., corner of A Idcr
Carter's JVew ''Building, Portland,
In Chas. Woodard's Drvg Store
Where he will be ready to attend to
all maimer of, workmanship in his line.
titehes ana Jewelry repatrtM iu tls most
workmanlike manner.
J. 15. .MILLER
it Co.,
ces.ifr to A, ronton
Wagons & Carriages,
2ol and -JOO Front st., Portland, Oregon.
Ct5 Wagons of every description
made to onlur. General Jobbing done
with neatness and dis2atch.
A. H. r.i-Lt..
E. A. 1'AHKEIl.
MJ JL 3J x 1 M. ,
Chemicals, Patent Medicines, 'Paints,
Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes,
And every article kept in a Drug Store. Main
Street, Oregon C'jty.
w.m. mioiiaiTOV.
Waving pirn iiascd the interest
LI I 'Llll r S TA B LE jh2i
One door west of Excelsior Mrviktt. Ot egim
City, aiiiiuii(,;e that they will at all time
k'ecp good horses ai d carriages to let, at
reasonable rate's. -Horses bought and sold
or kept by the day or week.
9T First st., Portland
Next Docx to Post Of ice.
Kir Importers and Jobbers of Staple and
Fancy Dry Goods. Gnun bags, Uurlaps, furn
ishing Gi.-ods. tf- We pav the highest cash
price for AVnol, Furs, and Hides.
,Wooa and Willow. Ware.
Brushes Tioines? Corlftije, etc.,
Broom, Pails-, Tubs, Washboards, -c
lilo a i7 Sacramentol I., San Francisco.
esVjh,;,Qkfl fPV favors of Re public
respecU.,.ly ask- a ontinu.fnee of tlie samf.
Ne shall del.vcr to our patrons ail the bet
qualities of Reef, Muttou.' Pork, Poultry etc.
as usual twice a week, on
a week, on
Tuesdays and &.
tiu-rdays !
Jig-a-ma-rig was a' parrot sly,.
And lived witli Kitty ilcCtoe, "
Anct Kitty Metioe was a qtieer old hag,
... As you shall shertly see. .
Jvitty was l icit and "Stingy too,
And nev'er a lega eanio, -
tut shjj tured Ljm ftway vith a " get ycu
And. she always "Said tiie'sani. -
And Jlg-a-ma-rig lie said it too,
And said it so very plain
That visitors thought it was .Kitty's voice,
And never came back again.
Alas! poor Kitty, the broke her leg,
In her cellardark and deep,
And faintly she cried tor human aid,
And many a day did weep.
Rut when a soul came near Ler door,
Whose hand -could set her boney.
The gvt you gone'' of Jig-a-ma-rig
Was heard above her groans.
And when her body was wearied out,
And death itself occurred,
The "get you gone: of Jig-a-ma-rig
Was all the prayer she heard.
II. B. Martiii" of San Francisco, a
civil engiceer of rare inventive facul
ties, Las produced a calculating ma
chine wiiich eclipses anything of the
kind ever lieard of before. , "The ra
chine may be described generally as
about 8x12 inches, and'l inches in
height. On the left of the machine
are six small metal slides, about six
inches long antl five-cighths of on
inch wide, somethingjike tlie keys of
a pianoforte. On the top of these
slides are projections about half -an
inch apart and a quarter of an inch
in height. Tlie use of these projec
tions is simply to move the slides
back and forward. Between each
projection is a numeral, from 0, 1,
etc., to 9. On the
slides arc geared teeth, two to every
numeral on its face. Small geared
pinions work into these geared teeth.
Whenever the slides are moved back
and forth these geared pinions are re
volved &nd turn the pinion shaft.
Attached to the pinion shaft there
arc several sets of index figures so
arranged that one index-can be set at
any rate percent.; theiicxt index at
another rote, and so on to as manv
as there are sets of indices.
Tor instance, a babker has one' of
these machines at his elbow set for a
tninitnnm ftnd a raaxpiuni rate of
current exchange"; say from J to4
percent., arranged by quarters. He
wishes to get at the exchange for any
amount; he brings down the slides
to a gauge bar, so that the figures
show in line from": left to right the
amount lie wishes to calculate on
say 2,003. Instantly the figures 2r
902 are in-;linc tho first index will
give the rate at ; the' next at, and
so on to as many indices as there are
on the machine. Interest can be
calculated in the san.e way. .
A tax assessor wishes" to compute
the- taxes on.aeJong Hat several hun
tho different rate of "School,1' "Coun
ty," "-State," etc. -By britiging'down
the figures of the valuation on the
slides to the gauge bar, instantly the
amount of his several taxes appears
under the appropriate index and in
the succeeding index, the sum total.
For gas companies' bills, the index
figures for the last and present. state
of the meter being given, the machine'"
calculates the bill instantly never
m-istakes, .The machine can be worked
conch more rapidly than an expert
penman can possibly write down the,
results. Anything, in tho way of,
multiplying or subtracting, " can be
done aS quickly as the sum can be
stated. Letters patent have been
applied for. The advantages of-the
machine nr'o, in" the ttYst place, its in
fallible accuracy no mistake being
possible; and, secondly, the rapitlity
with which it bin be worked. Tlie
!invHor'.is busyttingoatTndre of
tit is reported laat- the Siamese
tivins lived together in great happi
ness until the war "broke out, when
Ghaftg- declared hjm-sdfr'a vLTnionist,
Eng a secessionist, and the quarrels
between them became so violent that
the twins were at one time on the
point of fighting a duel.
Fanny Fern on Female Manner.
Ftrnny, Fern, in a recent story iu
.JLhe. New .York Ledger, when speak
ing of the, difTernea uthe manners
of men toward men, and women to
ward women, deprecates, the formali
ty ladies make-- nse of toward each
other and the little ' whits lieej'
they make use. of rather than be seen
when a visit is not exactly convenient,
and upon other occasions. She re
marks that. 'a fair honest 'exense
among men is al ways sufficient as jthey
appreciate the value of time and the
necessity for seclusiorl that sometime
exists. She says that the intferoourse
of men with each other has . ajw&ys
aroused her admiration. f oao. wants
to read or write in an6thersj com
pany he does so and no'olTense',i8
If he has'to fea've, hcoften says no
moreth an " I am off," or" X?odU-bx,
old fellow." Sometimes jt"is aifou'ch
of the hat, or a handrliiid" l6n ,tfie
other's slioulder in passiDg, aad rib
black eyes follow, no locks of hajr fl,
nr do T.ny' hard word? or'looks" re
"suit in tlie fitiire. , " '
If ladies smoked wliicli' the 'jgod's
forbid ! do you suppose tbgt one
lady would "allow another fo stoplierJ
in zne srrcerana ngnc a cigar, 'wnen
she wns-tiever introduced? When
she did not Know who ber dress ma -
ker was, or w here she bought therl
JbounetsJ Good heavusLNo.v.,
IIk! TrI, C XT Ct 1 TLTt t I no, ,t i h n i.
V - - .. . ..v. -p i
mutual part of men through the same
streets, . how naturally and fratkly
they accost each otnerithougU perr
fettly straiiirers, and coiiFerseb-about
it, and go their seyerar ways to their
touibstynes arter, ii iNot so, -sweet
woman! Catch her rneakiir t.t6
that nasty thing!'1 IIoy - does.tihe
know " who or what she UK
Children are so deJiciousfuhout
these matters. I saw two, little girls
the other day trying tocrack. a nut
by pressing their liny shoes upon it.
Despairing ol success they said to a
gentleman passing, " .Ma if, man.
crack this nnt for us, wffl ydt?"' His
handsonte face, was luminous with fun
as he pressed his polished boot upon
it to the delight .of th youngsters
and myself. IS ow these little girls
would not have thought of asking a
lady to do that or if they had, do
you think she wonld have stopped to
do it ? No mam ! ........
The. following. purports to bs told
by ahusbftnd of his loving little wife
and excellent' housekeeper." But
more likely it is the fabrication of
... .
some cross old bachelor who never
ha,d " a loving little wife" by hjs side.
However, this is the story.; One day
the wife moved her low rockincr chair'
cIojt- to her husband's sTde. ' He was
reading. -- She placed her dear little
baud lov4ng!y on his arm; and mdved
l along softly towntuV hiscoat collar.
Lie feh usee all over. He certainly
exprected a kiss. Dear, sw'eet, loving
creature! an -angel! She 1 moved
her hand up and down ; his coat-
l i T T 1 . , 1 I " 1 I. ftllTI .
siceve. uusoauu. saia sire. uar.
my ilear ?" . " I was just thinking v
" YYas,jou, my love?" " I'waa, just
thnking how nicely, this suit qf clothes
yau have O". would work into a rag
carpet.'' i J.he husband looked cross
all day,- the disappointment was so
very great. - - . , '
. A lady who. has spent the last
year abroad and recently returned
took a walk down Broadway the
other day. She remarked afterward,
that during her marly weeks' stay in
Paris she did not see so much dis
play of gaudy and conspicuous dress
as in that one walk in Broadway; that
while many French ladies dress hand
somely in the streeJ, she never saw
any thing which indicated a desire to
display ' dress, or which could offend
the nicest taste.- One is often re
minded, nowadays, of the reply of
the gentleman who, having warmly
admired-the appearance of -some lady
of las acquaintance, was asked hoiv
she was dressed.- ?' She was dressed
so perfectly,',' he replied, " that I can
not remember ' a' single article- that
slip wore." - i
,M t
A species of toy photograph has
recently received some tiotice. It js
obtained -bv coating paper, or- glass
vith alayer of some- phosphorescent
substance, and then sensittziftg and
exposing 1t to light in the usual way.
A photograph thus .token is invisible
iu" daylight, bot in thj-dark becomes
perceptible; shining with a greenish
or t parptish phosphorescent light
which produces a very odd and myste
rious efftct.
Mr. Dovey is the appropriate
name of a bird seller in New York.
anvthini? nnexoected occafs i.rthpf" H""""' i;.iiuuih.j( vrnu-
FEBRUARY- 18, t6f . 1
The Nov Constitutional Asitutlincnt.
'. ; t. t i.ti t . .. . ,.
Washington dispatchei nijtiie 28tn
refer to theactfon of the Senate on
the new Constitutional Amendment, a
1-?. -A. u - - .?
ojiiupsis oi wuicu is ns lonows
..ArtiCjlH !No State shall, deny
or. abridgetb'erhLpf Jts citizens to
vote or hold oihco on acqount of race,
color or previous coudition.
Section il Coiifxcess shall have pow
er" to w force tTiis'-articIeby appropri
ate legislation. - . .
Tlie Judiciary Committee reported
as a substitute the following:
The'Tight'of "clt'fzens of th$ United
States to vote and hold 'office, eh all
not be. clpniejl . 9r bridged fby the
Vpft Mte$ j$?J State pn. ac
count of raca, color or previous con
ditio'n oV serritur''Stev!art ad
dressed th Senate, pdvocaling the
coaimlttee'ssubstrtrite, which was then
adopted.: Buckalew offered an addi
tional scctroTrrrrrnirragthe Presiden
tial erectors to' fee chosen by the -peo-ole'
iristeard of leatir.g it- to the legis
.UUurtsS to. direct ikowj tLcy shall be
choenj also authorising Congress to
pro? wo the rnoe ol their selection
by'the people, jitter discussion, in
Lwhichiths amendment. V'AS generally
coriixgen,ted on, juckalQvr, withdrew
his amendment and then t introduced
CM a joint resolution, 'which was re
ferfecR Davis offered'an amendment
i. . -1 1 l
HP!"S u . iw.iuu..a.
meMlmeults s-lial submitted di-
recti v to the people. Quite a lengthy
tfebate ensued and several Sehatori
expressed theirview!f on' the equal
; .. c-n.. .:.u
uicn iiiavclllicxju tutu t
In the house the same riatter was
under .ortaTdsration on the 29th.
Shell abargjr spbfie ih favor of his
substitute, the' distinction" being that
the substitute lkwsdisfranchis"pmpnt
J of those wha,,lad. eagaged itt tha re
'I U - ll: ... l. : l -. . I - - : . i i .
uegiqn, wuiie ma .orygjum. reoiunon
w.ould allow, the establishment of' prop
erty pr educational qualifications.
B.utler opposed the ubstkute offtred
by Bingham.', File spoke in favor of
the amendment and the bill. Scho
field also made an argurueut in . favor
of .the pending measures, and, against
Bingham's amendment. Boutwell
proposed to alter the amendment so
as to forbid a'property or education
al qualification as well as the distinc
tion as to race or color. After fur
ther discussion, Boutwell offered an
amendment providing against any ed
ucational or property test. Bingham
argued against this "amendment on
the ground that relicriou or "other
tests miglrt be" established under it.
After discussion of this point by a
number , ,q( piemVer, tije pravious
question on iti adoption was ordered
and the, amendment, was rejected ,by
a division of the-House 45 to 95.
Bingham tbeq jnoved . an Amendment
providing against any denjaj pf-the
franchise, subject to, eucjU .registration
laws qs j Estate may dppt except to
citizens who may SBgage in rebellion
or who havQ bceo inrpbellion orhall
be convicted, oLtreason or other infa
mous crime- SJieliabarger ofEered a
substitute known as lire Ohio amend
ment, tjeyig the one agreed upon by
the Republican member from Ohio,
except Bingham. Burr moved to lay
tho-billand amendments on-tbet4ble.
Without jrotingpq. - tEistpotwnthe
House adjourned. ,
The Senate resumed consideration
of the same" question. Tixon argued
against'it, insisting that fHe power to
regulate1 satTrag'e was by fhe Consti
tution, and ferlseitial to 'thd'Tiepubli"
can form of Government in the State.
Fomeroy tnoved lo strike'"tut' the
wbrds " on accoanf of race, 'color,"
etc., and insert ''not equally '
all citizens.' Morton, from
Committee on Representative Reform,
reported, with slig&t amendments, a
joint resolution introduced yesterday,
for a Constitutional amandment, com
pelling the choice of Presidential elec
tors directly from the people. He
advocated it in a brief 'speech.' 1
-In the House on tha 30th the mat
ter was again called up on iflotion of
Boutwell.- Burns moved to table
the whole subject which Avas lost.
Boutwell moved the previous question,
wiiich was , seconded. The question
was - first .taken on Shellabarger's
amendment, which was rejected ayes
61.,noes 127, The Democrats all
voted for the .amendment in the first
instance, ...but many changed their
votes to the negative. Bingham's
amndn1ent was also rejected 28 to
156. The joint resolution, was then
ordered, engrossed and read a third
timtvwheu the resolution passed by
the necessary two-thirds vote 150
to 42, the" Speaker voting in the afjfir
matijve. J?he amendment proposcdJs
Section The right of any citizen
of the United' States to vote shall not
be denied or abridged by reason of
race or previous slavery of auy citi
zen or any clas3 of citizens.
Section 2. The Congress shall have
pawer to enforce by appropriate leg
islation the provisions of this article.
- We ha,ve only given the outlines of
the djscussion upon the measure, as
fepprtecLby telegraph to the Press.
As the matter now stands, according
to the above synopsis of proceedings,
no State can deny to any citizen the
right to vote, on account of his color,
race, or previous servitude (as a
slav). Under the amendment as
proposed, however, the qualification
of voters will be established by the
several States as heretofore. Con
gress can take no action that would
deprive a State of this privilege.
Every amendment to the Constitu
tion of the United States must be
made pursuant to the fifth article of
the' old Constitution, providing that
three-fourths of the several States,
by convention, or by their legisla
tures, must ratify the action of Con
gress. Several States have already
voted upon the matter of extending
the right of suffrage to women, and
against denying the same to persons
on account of race or color- both
propositions have generally bee.n lost
: and we should certainly be opposed
to an indiscriminate gift of these
rights, which we deem are at the pres
ent time altogether too extensive.
We have no objection to race or col
or, provided the person is intelligent
enough to appreciate the privileges
of the franchise, and know the value
of liberty.-
There is a story told of some
queen we think liueen Anne that,
walEing in Windsor Park with one
of her maids of honor, she conde
scended fo remark to her companion:
There is a man.' . ' May it please
your Majesty," the lady . ventured to
sayt ' I think it is a tree " "No,
it is a man," was the confident reply;
and they walked on till they reached,
in fact, tho stump of a tree. ' I said
it was a man," was the Queen's satis
fied conclusion, in the unshaken con
viction that it was impossible she
should ever be mistaken. "We have
somewhere met with a scene where a
distinguished religious professor la
ments her exceeding sinfulness before
her husband. The good man inter
poses with, " You accuse yourself
rather too heavily, my dear; you have
sins, to be sure." " And what sins"
asks the astonished lady. "Nay,"
says hel " I intend to comfort ycu,
and to say that, except a few faults
" "And pray what faults r
was agaiu the interruption. " My
dear, as you charged yourself with all,
I thought 1 was letting you off cheap
ly by naming only two or three, such
as ""but the list, however short,
is smothered in nu outburst of' indig
nation. According to the opinion of the
Rev. J. G. Wood, in his new work
on the management of Aquaria, as
large a surface of water should be
exposed to the air as is possible in
making an aquarium. Moreover, it
must "not be made of a transparent
material such as glass,, but its sides
ought to be opaque, 'except in Tront,
and the front shcfuld not be turned
toward the Window. IfoniS happens
to pbssess an ordinary glass tank he
cih greatly improve it by covering
the back and ends with pasteboard.
Iut hjSy "Writl of tub or pan will an
swer; provided that the owner cares
mofefbf'tbe inmates' than 'the ap
peararice of their dwelling. '
, -7 Ip. the. course of an address to
the students of the University of Ed
inburgh, Sir James Simpson gave, a
Kplenclid sketch of the' futnro- of
chemistry1, and, Indeed, of most of
the sciences. There may come a
time," he said, ! " when our patients
will be asked-Ho breathe or inspire,
most of their drugs, Instead of swal
lowing them; or, at least,' when those
drugs-will be changed Mnto pleasant
beverages, instead-' of ! disgusting
draughts, and p6wders, boluses, and
pills." "
,o . j a- -' .
Some of 'the ordinary expres
sions of the' Chinese are sarcastic
enough. A blustering harmless fehJ
low they call " apeper tiger' When
a man values himselfpverrmuch they
compare him to." a rat falling, into a
scale and ' weighing . itself." Over
doing a thing they call "shunejiback
making a bow.''. A spendthrift they
compare to a rocket which goes off
"at once. Those who expend their
charity ' on remote objects, but neg
lect -their family, are said "-to: bung
Uhir lantern oil a pole, which is seen
afar, but gives no light below. '
Beauregard has taken a sewer
contract in New Orleans. It is be
lieved that bo is in pursuit of the
"last ditch."
2VO. 11.
'A Masonic Pix. A good story
is told of a confident individual, evi
dent well ' read up"' in the mysteries,'
who applied at the outer reception
room of a Boston Masouic Lodge for
admission.- An eminent brother -who
was quietly sitting there, but who'
made no sign that he was anybody,
requested the stranger to be seated
aud he would send in for the proper
persons to examine the credentials of
the visitor.
" Oh! it's no matter.aboat that; I'm'
all right," said, the applicant making
sundry extraordinary passes with his
hand and contortions of visage. '
"fThat may be. but I tbink theyi
dways cxamiafe sfrqugefsr-who dehW
to visit the, .lodge: said- the attending
brother. ' ,
' Well I'm ready for'em,'' sail'
the visitor confidently. ' '.'
"Glad to hear that is quite. art
elaborate breast pin you have th.erelV
said the, other, .looking wjth some in
terest at the big guilt letter G, which
the visitor had conspicuously dis
played upon his shirt-bosom.
" Ya sa, that's a Masonic pin," re
plied, the wearer swelling out his
breast. , -
"Indeed! Letter G well, I sup
pose you know what that mearTsl" :
" Oh, yes, letter G stands for Jeru
salem a sorter headquarters for us
Masons, ycu kr.ow." - .
The querist did not know it, and
the apolicant. it is almost unnecessa
ry to state did not get any further itnd
j I 1 -1 m
me ioage.
The celebrated Mr. Fletcher o?
Saltoun, was possessed of a very, ir
ritable temper. His butler intimat
ed his intention of seeking another
place, when Mr. Fletcher proceeded
gently to urge him to continue in h'v.
service. ".I cannot oea2 your tem
per, sir,'' said the b.utler. " I am
passionate, I confess," said Mr.'
Fletcher, "but my passion is no
sooner on than it is off" " Yes re
joined the butler, " but then it's no'
sooner off than it's on again."
A distinguished visitor orice en
tered the counting room of Ilothchi'd,'
who was very much.1 engaged. With
out looking up he said, " Take a
chair and be seated." The gentle
man addressed, feeling aggrieved afc
such a reception, remarked, ' You
did not perhaps hear my name. I
am the Count" " Oh, yes," replied
the banker, " take two chairs, if you'
-. .
Recent excavations at Cassaro,'
iu Sicily, have disclosed the remains
f what must have been a very ex."
tensive Syracusan colony. The ex-r
ternal wall, the greater portion of
which has been traced, was nearly
seven feet thick, and six thousand
feet in circumference. The town ap
pears to have been divided into fdir
quarters, in one of which the vestiges
of a fine temple have been discovered.
The "Bars." A little girl had'
heard a gr?Tt deal about travelers
being detained bv the bars in the'
Walla met river, which impede the
boats in summer. Ilfr father left
home one morning for a short jouj-new
by land, and she was greatly troubled
to kuow what would be done if her
father should "get on a bar." ' .
And verily, there are more dagger
ous " bars" than thos in ithcrive r
They are like ,jcse irqe? tiver it?
one respect there, is a scarcity of
water 'about them. And" if a.nran
frequcnt's them;"1 he very soon'' strikes,
bottom. And mother and the littld(
ones are in. a deal cf trouble when
father is kept away from home b
the "bar.". O, father, think of year
little ones, and keep away from tho'
"bar." WaUatnct Witness.' ' T
A story is told of a favorite jani-'
tor in a neighboring - city who was
accustomed-to have certain -matters
in charge a"trvarious;pnb!i,c entertain
raents. A short time since during a
lecture a lady fainted." ' He was als
ways' ready for an emergency of this
kind, and 1iad all the necessary re
storatives close at hand for use. She
was borne into anteroom, and our
"friend rushed for his bottle of cam'-
phor, and proceeded to rob her face
and forehead, applying-it to her nose
for her to smell of. After a' while
she revived, and he then became con
scious that there wa3 something
wrong about the camphor. He
smelt ot it, and fonnd that all of its
virtue had evaporated; he applied his
tongue to it, and found, to his dis
may,' that he had been bathing his
patient liberally with mucilage! She
was so stuck up by the attention that
she bad to be Edit home in a carri-cge.