."3 5EI)t toeckln (Enterprise. Oregon City, Oregon , D. O. IItKIi.ND, EDITOR AXD FRCriUETOR. Saturday : : Feb. 6,1869. The State Agricultural Society. Last week we spent three days with the Board of Managers of the State Agricultural Society, at Salem. The list of premiums was arranged; committees and judges appointed, and much other business transacted. The Society have increased the premium on Beef cattle, and have assurances from parties east of the Cascade mountains that stock of this nature from that region will next fall carry off the premiums. Judging from an interesting letter in another column, from Grand Eonde Valley, perhaps this may be true. We know that Eastern Oregon and Washington Territory afford the best range for stock at this time, and that climate is equally as good as this for the pur pose of raising mutton and beef. Increased premiums wero also of fered in various other classes. And a more close attention to the tricks of unprincipled men who come to the Fairs for the purposes of Jockeying was advised and acted upon. The time fixed for holding the next State Pair was six days, from the 20th to 25th of September, inclusive. Putman Smith of Portland, owner of Pathfinder and other fine blooded horses, has charge of the grounds of the Society until the opening of the next fair. The Society seem to re gard Mr. Smith as the Bonner of Oregon an admirer of good stock, and a gentlemau every way worthy to be trusted. In the Pavilion the display at tl e coming fair will be larger, undoubt edly, than at any previous time in asmuch as the Society have offered as additional premiums, a silfer cup to any lady taking six or more first premiums in class ten. During the present season a con tract will be let by the Society for the sinking of an artesian well of seven inches diameter on the Fair Grounds. It i3 thought that by sinking to a depth of from 250 to 300 feet a sufficient stream can be had to supply the grounds with water for all purposes. The experiment is well worth a trial, and if successful the Society hate established a fact that will be worth, in money alone, many thousands of dollars, to the counties of Marion, Polk, Benton, Linn, and Lane. Many people look upon the State Agricultural Society as only entitled to credit for getting up an exhibition in tha fall of each year at Salem, never looking forward to other mat ters which occupy very much more time and attention. The State Ag ricultural Society of Oregon is the only organization in this State de serving of the least credit for efforts put forth for the public good. And if the Society were to receive its just proportion of credit that class of onr citizens known as the farming com munity would be better represented everywhere. We were pleased to see the Society so ably represented as it was at Salem last week, and it did tts godd to hear of its plans for flttufa actioti, most of which were adopted. The Society have collected and complied most valuable statistics, through its late President, Mr. A. J. Dufur, of Multnomah county, and have ordered 5000 copies for gratuit ous distribution in the Eastern States; have authorized the publica " tiort of a weekly journal at Salem, to be devoted to these self same in terests; have recognized the value of the arts and sciences of our young State taking a front seat in the De partment reports at Washington, and done much mere thau we can here enumerate, in the short space of one article without other data than our memory of he proceedings of the Board. We trust that the efforts of the Society may be better appreciated in future, and that grumblers will be less numerous. The business of the Society is almost a gratuity on the part of those entrusted with it, and that they perform their work so well urely shows that they have a heart in it. The officers fcr 1869 are as follows: President. T. L. Smith, Kose bur?, Douglas County. Vice Presidents. T. L. Davidson, Salem Marion county. Wm. Elliott, Needy, Clackamas county. Corresponding Secretary. John Minto, Salem, Marion comity. Recording Secretary. Alfred Lu elling, llillsboro, Washington connty. Treasurer. J. H. Moorcs, Salem, Marion county. Hoard of Managers. J. W. Lewis, Oregon City Clackamas county. J. II. Douthit, Albany, Linn county. Benj. J. Stewart, North Yamhill, Yamhill county. A. J. Dufur, Portland, Multnomah coun ty. C. P. Bacon, Portland, Multno mah county. J. G. Basket, Dallas, Polk county. Win. Wyatt, Philo meth, Benton county. The small pox in Jacksonville is abating. Beriah Brown's Press will appear in Salem to-day. The North Pacific Association of Congregational Ministers will meet in Portland on Wednesday next. The third monthly installment of $10 with assessment of $2 is now payable at the office of the Portland Homestead Associaiton. James Bothwell has been ex pelled from the Portland Fire De partment for insubordination and in suit to the Chief, Mr. Ilarry Weed The schooner Louisa Simpson, building at Yaquina Bay, is about ready for sea, and will run regularly between that place and San Fran cisco. The Guard has been somewhat agitated about a report that a"hurdy gnrdy dance house'' was to be estab lished at Eugene City, but learns that the report is unfounded. Up to this time there has been no snow in the Wallamet valley, and very little on the hills within sight of the valley. There has been no freezing at all. We believe this is the mildest winter ever known in Oregon. The Eugene Journal says: We hear it reported that another saloon is to be opened in this place in a few days. This one will make five fa loons, besides a brewery and distill ery, which will probably be run ning before long. Th j Gazette says that on the western borders of Benton connty, toward the coast, there are large tracts of valuable lands which are un surveyed and even unexplored. Quite a number of claims have been taken there recently, and others will be taken in the spring. Butter is very scarce in Oregon and commands unusually high prices. It retails in Portland for 621 cents. In the towns up the valley there is almost no butter at all. This is ab solute improvidence. We see little change for the belter in this respect since fifteen years ago. The State Agricultural Society will make an attempt to bore an ar tesian well on the Fair Grounds. As Beriah Brown is establishing himself at Salem, the Commercial suggests to the Managers of the Society, to engage him to bore it with some of his interminable articles about " our self" and the " resolutions of 98." The Committee on Statistics of the State Agricnitural Society, have recommended that five thousand copies of the report on the resources of Oregon, presented by A. J. Dufur, be printed in pamphlet form for cir culation in other States. A most ridiculous statement ap pears on page 394 of the Depart ment Report of Agriculture for Oc tober 1868, concerning Oregon. We are free to admit that last )rear was an exceptionable one in this State, but if a man had puzzled his brains for a half a century to throw odium on the State he could do it no better than thus report all the dross with out any of the gold. As the para graph relates only to Marion county we give that portion of the State the preference in correcting the effects of the paragraph. Following the rumor that an opposition line of steamers tfas about to be put on between this port and San Francisco, says the Herald, we hear another rumor that Ben. Holla day designs puttbg on two additional steamers, making four steamers a month. Whether either one of these rumors has any foandation, we afe of course not advised; nevertheless, there are some grounds for both. It is a very evident fact that more steamers are needed, even at the present time, and this demand will increase as the spring opens. We look for an influx of population and a corresponding increase of trade next spring and summer, that will astonish even tb most sanguine among u4 Letter from Grand Ronde Valley. La Grande, January 24th, 1S69. EL Enterprise : Having leisure to-day, aDd as thi beiDg my first winter visit -and trip over the Blue Mountains, V thought it might interest some of 'your readers to have a little sketch ot the upper country, winter scenery, &c. I will not attempt to describe the trip np the Columbia, as that has heen eulotrized so often, by better writers than I claim to be, so I will commence at Umatilla Landing,which we left at two o'clock in the morning with as jolly a set of fellows as you will wake up at that time of night anywhere, all bound for the foot-hills for a chicken hunt. But of course we could see nothing for four or five hours excepting the flashes of" loco foco matches" as they were applied to the Ilavauas or big merchaum pipes, which soon made a fog in the coach which would have made a ground hog leave his house; but, as we all had a band in it, of course we stood it cheerfuHy. Presently day dawned, and the sky was clear and serene, and as the suu began to peep over the hill tops it opened out to view a vast extent of country not covered with snow as you may expect, but with a heavy coat of the most nutricious grass that ever grew from the earth, and con tinued the same until we struck the snow line high up tbe Blue Mountains, which continued to deepen until we reached Meacham's station, near the summit, just as it began to get dark. All this time we had been traveling in a coach, -very comfortably, making good time, as the road was (as it is here termed) well broke, but when we jumped out into fifteen or twenty inches of snow we began to think that ne were in a high northern latitude as well as altitude. We were soon very comfortably seated around the cheerful fire of our hospitable host, Mr. Mcacham, (broth er of our should have been Elector), and in a short time supper was an nounced, when of course we all moved forward to the scene of action, well prepared to do ample justice, particu larly to such a bountiful repast ns Mr. Meacham always spreads. Suf Gee to say that wo passed a very agreeable night, both as to eating and sleeping, and in the rooming, after a hot breakfast, at about six and a half o'clock a fine four horse sleigh was in waiting at the door ; and now comes the finest part of the whole trip. I was raised in a snow country, and thought I had seen some sleigh riding, but it was hardly an introduction to this from Meacham's to Pelican, a distance of twelve or fourteen miles, which was made in a little over an hour. After we passed the " eum rait" it was all down hill, and the horses had to " git," to use a slang phrase, to keep out of the way of the sleigh. It appeared sometimes as though we were sitting iu a chair of a steam swing. But away we flew, and trees and hills vanished from our sight until we arrived at Pelican sta tion, where M as exchanged onr double geared jumper for the irksome old coach again. It was still still down hill, and we soon came in sight of the most picturesque scenery the eye of man ever rested upon. Before you opens Out a valley from fifteen to twenty miles in width and thirty to forty in length, which the eye takes in at a single glance, walled in all around by snow capped mountains that lift their boary heads in majestic grandeur; and still in the distance another range towering higher and higher as though, they were vieinjr. with each other for the supremacy. On their lofty peaks stand the shiv- ering tamarack, tbe towering fir, and majestic pine, all glistening like pyr amids of living lsicles, which makes the traveler think be is in the midst of " Greenland's icy mountains," and at the same time he is standing on the warm naked soil, where the sun looks down from the blue firmament above as though a cloud never ob scured its rays, and where herds of cattle roam the year around without taxing their owners a dollar for food except in very rare cases of an extra hard winter. Right here let me give the relative' difference in cattle raised here and in the Wallamet Valley, at the present time. Mr. Foster, a butcher of this placej and a person who has the repu tation of being a reliable man, told me that be had killed an April calf in November which netted over 400 lbs.; also that the common weight of three-year old steers bred in this val ley, killed the fall following, was from nine to twelve hundred lbs. while those raised in the Wallamet Valley till two-year-olds and driven here would go from seven to nine hundred pounds. While I have nd donbt that this is the finest stock country in the world, and while this valley, and Powder, and other valleys are full equal to the Wallamet for grain of all kinds, and while they are surrounded with gold fields in every direction, still it has a great many disadvantages, in comparison with the Wallamet. These valleys will be liable to failures; they never can raise good fruit or fiuejregetables, because the seasons are. too short. Mr. Khoades tells me that he raised about six bushels of apples this year, but they do not look like apples ; they do not mature; they look like apples that have grown on5 a tree which had been " girdled" when the apple was half grown. Then again rails delivered will cost from eight to ten dollars per hundred. And there is no outlet for the surplus produce at present and never will be, unless there should be a railroad built throuffh the valleys. And no i countiy can prosper so long as the supply is greater than the demand, with no outlet for the surplus, w hue the- demand waB greater than the supply this was a fine country in which to make money. 1 think, however, there will always be a de mand for stock about equal to the supply, for there will always be a foreign demand, and they find their own transportation and live on God's bountiful viueyard. Iu conclusion I will relate an old anecdote of Oregon's earliest history, when marriageable women were very scarce. It seems that there were two old pioneers payinp- their respects to a verv fine vounir ladv, both of whom arc now married, but neither of them to the vomic ladv in miestion. O J ' so there can be no jealousy, as neither obtained the prize. Une ot them lives up here and tells the story him self with a great deal of good humor, beinc: fond of" jokes. The e-entle- men's names were respectively Fruit and Bacon, and the young lady we will call .Miss C , pretty and wit ty at that. Fruit becoming impa tient and anxious to bring the mat ter to a close so far as he was con cerned, one day accosted the young lady in the following manner: " Well, Miss C , there is an important decision to be rendered, and you have the casting vote." " Well; what is it, sir?"' " FrWit and llicmr Miss, two arti cles of very common use, and both at your disposal; decide which you v i . 1 take." After a moment's hesitation she calmly replied : Well, sir, for constant use as the staff of life, I prefer Bacon ! but for a variet, Fruit is very delicious." So with respect to this regio:i. For constant use as the staff of life, Web foot is the place; but for a variety, occasionally, this upper country is very deliciou?. Yours reiiectfulty, B. W. The amount of the State taxes for the year 1868, from all the coun ties is 101,446 09. A part of this sum has been paid in already, and the balance is receivable. For the rext year the amount will be an equal sum at any rate, so by the time the Legislature meets in 1870 there will be at least $322,803, in the treasury on which sum the people are paying interest at the rate of ten per cent., and that too without any fault of theirs. It does seem as t Lough this great leak should be stopped. An Albany pnper explains the cause of the reduction of the assess ment of property in Linn county. It says that farming lands in that coun ty have been rated too high hereto fore, higher in proportion than in any other connty in the State. A reduction has beeu made of from S5 to 810 per acre, which has largely diminished the amount of property relumed oii the assessment roll. The reduction was made in order that Linn county might not pay so much State tax. If this sort of thing be comes common, it may be necessary to provide a remedy, the Orcgonian suggests. Tobacconists Take Notice. All dealers in tobacco having on hand more than twenty lbs. and dealers in cigars having on hand more than five thousand, are required by the inter nal revenue laws to deliver an inven tory to the V. S. Assistant Assessor on the first day of each month, until such tobacco or cig-irs are stamped according to law. The attention of dealers is directed to this requirement of the law, the penalty is quite severe. We have the act at this office for sale, at the low price of 25 cents per copy. Its provisions should be well understood. The Tribune's special says that Senator Conness continued the de fense of himself on the 28th, against a supposed Imputation of certain Senators, that his letter to the Land Commissioner regarding the McGar rahan case, was written for the inter est of a California mining company. He grew warm in his speech, and closed by pronouncing that what Fessenden had said to be false. After the close of his speech, he added, " that's it, sir." Fessenden replied to Conness, and cut him through and through with some of the keenest sentences lately heard in the Senate Chamber. William Scott, nephew of Sir Walter, is a pauper at Montreal.and saws wood at the poor house, where he lives. It has been discovered that Mrs. Segnndi's husband has carried off $750,000 belonging to a charitar? institution at Madrid. TELEUIUPHIC NEWS. I Wo take the following telegraphic newi from dispatches to the Oregvnian. v An invitation has been tendered to Keverdy Johnson to dine with the corporation authorities of Glasgow in February, and the invitation hat accepted. The Government Commissioners have accepted another section of the Union Pacific Railroad, ending at the thousandth mile. A private telegram, dated Sydney, Jan. 2d, has been received by way of Gaul, representing the grain harvest in Australia as abnndant, and quoting wheat at 16s Gl per 100 lbs., an on" usually low figure. Manton Marble has bought ij'tit all the other owners of the New York World and is i:'ow its sole proprietor. Ore hundred thousand dollars was paid for one-fourth of the stock, ex clusive of any real estate. The Post denies that Grant intends to publish anything in regard to the report that Banks was authorized to supersede him. Gen. Grant thinks it don't concern him or affect his reputation. The girl,, Minna Ransache, at Tur lington, st'ul lies in a state of tran.ee which began January 10. The phy sicians tapped a vein on the 29th, from which blood flowed as it would from a living person. California wheat is wOrth $2 50 to $2 GO per 100 iu New York ; flour from $0 to $11 per bbl. In Liver pool on the 30th wheat was quoted at lis 01. There is still a demand in San Francisco for Oregon oats other grains nominally low. The California Clear Like Water Company have commenced suit against Jacob Bowen and one bun dred and seventy seven others for 200,000 damages, sustained by the destruction of mills, dMms and dwell ing houses by defendants at Clear Lake in November. Bowen was " Captain" of the mob. The Army Appropriation bill con tains an item of $1,000,000 for re pairs and improvement of the armory at Hock Island, half of which amount is to be devoted to' the construction of a bridge connecting Rock Island with the cities of tlock Island and Uavcnport. lhe total array appro priations are $10,000,000 greater than last year. The Arkansas Senate, on the 28th; tabled a resolution to furuish protec tion to persons driven from their homes on account of politics. The House rejected a resolution to investi gate charges of lawlessness in War ren and some other counties. Tbe lfou?e also rejected a resolution ap pointing a committee to go to Wash ington to confer with Congress, with a view to allowing Ufgroes in the Legislature. News from Central America states that the expedition that went in search of gold to the Occos Islands, has returned unsuccessful and dis- gusted. Frequent earthquakes oc curred in Guatamala during Decem ber. War is probable between San Salvador and Honduras. Nothing is known in Honduras of the projected railway talked of in New York. An unsuccessful attempt was made on the life of President Guaman, of N icaragua. Nothing is known of Cushing's mission. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens proposes to amuse Horace Greeley with a libel sjit. Wendell Phillips has beeu re peating his lecture on the Lost Arts 23 years. Some say that it in of uo use tor them to advertise, that they have been in the place in business all their lives, and every body knows them. Such people seem to forget to take in consideration that our country in increasing in population nearly 10 per cent, every ten years, and no mat ter how old the place may be, there are constant changes taking place; some move to other parts, and strangers fill their places. In this ape of the world, un less the name of a business firm is kept constantly before the public, some new firms may start up, and, by liberally ad vertising, in a very short time take the place of the older ones, and the latter rust out, as it were, and be forgotton. No man ever lost money by judicious adver tising. DIED. In Oregon Citv, on Thursday, Februarv 4th 1669, MARY HELEN, wife of William II. Vasukuvobt, and ODly daughter of Joh.v and Mary Wolfahd, of this city, aged 21 years. $5,000 REWARD Z STOLEN From the house ot the eubscriber on tbe evening of the 21st of January, 1869, io Ore gon City, Oregon, a quantity of (J. S. siiper cerit. Bonds ; Oregon .War Bonds ; Oregon Bounty Bonds ; Coin Check on Ladd & Til ton for ?1,000; County ,nnd City Scrip one Land Warraut; $3,S0O Legal Tender Notes ; cm if iu voia com; together with private papent, notes, mortgages, receipts, etc., etc, a list ot which may be seen at the office of Johnson A AlcCowu, in this city. A Reward of 5,000 Dollars will be paid in gold coin and currency to proportion to the lunda token, for the return ot all the property stolen, or I will pay ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the return of the naperd. D. P. THOMPSON. Oregon City, Feb. 5ih, lb'GD. 13tf JOTICE. Tbe undersigned take this method of in forming thefbstife citizens of this place, that they tvill on the eye ning of Friday; February 12th, give a ball in honor of St. Valentine n day, at the Phoenix llotel, and would respect fully solicit the attendance of all. J. F. MILLER L Co.. 12.2t) 1'roprietor?; Hew Advertisements. THE OREGON DISPENSARY! 73 Flit ST St., PORTLAND bet. Stark and Washington. o LORYEA a KALIENEERG, Dealers in BRtfGS,MEI)ICINES Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Fine Wines, Brandies, and Whiskies, For Mtdicinal Purposes. BrUshcs and Perfumei les, Of the Latest Styles and Finest Qualities. Cooking Extracts, Essential Oils; . Herbs, etc:, And an Assortment of all Popular Iteiit Medicines; Everything Kept in a First Class Drug Store WILL BE SOLD At Greatly Reduced Prices ! AS- Soothino Struv 25 Cents. Citrate Magnesia 25 Cents. Brown's Bronchial Troches 25 Cents. And Otlicr Articles in Proportion. ALSO OFFSIt Medical and Surgical Aid KIIEE OP CHARGE I O Patients Visited at their Ifvvses. Physician's Prescriptions Carefully Compounded, under the Special Supervision of 13.1J Dr. A. W. KAL'LEMIEHG. P. W. WILLIAM. ceo. t. wrrRs. WILLIAMS b MYERS, 25 Front street and 26 First street, Portland. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Deal ers in Groceries and Produce. Agents for the Champoeg, Commercial and Lafavette Flouring mills. HTe ample Fire-proof Storage. Consignments solicited. 13. Jy J. McHenry, 94 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. lias on hand, and in constant ly receiving direct from the East.a large and carefully selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, Lamps, etc., all of which be offers at prices to suit the tin , at Wholesale and Retail. tTm Dealers will do well to call and exam ine his stock, and learn his prices, before purchasing elsewhere. VAMSiVTIKlSS ! 100 GROSS COMIC ! 50,000 SENTIMENTAL VALENTINES ! From 25 cents to $150 00. AT McCORMICK'S. FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, PORTLAND. JXTEIinilSE jyAUKET ! JACOB HIXSAKEK I J Proprietor of the above named market, keeps op band au assortment of Corned, Pickled and Fresh Meats. Will also buy and sell game fcfetery description. internal Revenue Xottcc. PERSONS WHO FAIL TO COMPLY witS the provisions of AN ACT imposing taxes on distilled spirits and tobacco, etc., approved July 20, 1808. Are liable to heavy fines and penalties! there fore all dealers, draymen, etc.. should Dost themselves as to its provisions. The Act is contained in TWENTY closelr printed columns of THE WEEKLY ENTERPRISE, and will be mailed post paid on receipt of 25 cents postal currency. Address: 1. C IRELAND, Oregon. City, Oregon.. HATS! HATS! HATS! OF EVERY STYLE In Large Quantities can hi Found AT i. C- MEUSSDORFFER & BRO.'S 5. W. corner of Morrison and Front tireeis, roriiana, Oregon. o Also Can of rirv n - . Girls Hats in larg varieties. Give uB a call and examine. AUCTION AND COMMISSION Am II Riclistrcl.soii, yr 'AUCTIONEER ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Pvrtltnd. 1 AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General MercLan die and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. lticDAitDsox, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE "SALE. English refined liar and 1'undle Iron ; English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes. Files, Rasps, saws ; Screws, Fry -pans, febeet iron, R. O. Irn ; also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquor. A. B. Richardson, Auctionif'i JOHN WILSON, Dealer in Dry Goods and Clothing;, 119 Front Street (In Whites New Block,) fOSTLAND OREGON", 1' S NOW OPENING A NEW AND EITEN sive stock Goods in the above line, and bOMPRISING The Latest Styles ! OF Viain and Cfiangealle Dress Silks; Silk and Wool Poplins; All Wool Poplins and Tartan Plaids) and a large rarietj- of other !'ress tiooda. Also, Gents' and Bojs' Custom-made CLOTIIIXG! and Ladies' and Gents' Under Wear and Furnishing Goods, which bifjrrj zrt invited to call and inspect. 9) JOHN AVU.SOX. Sixteen Years in Oregon. S. J. M'CORMICK, KtW3Sicl THS Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of f his Stat, desires to inform a?! IiTs 1J customers (and as many new onus tii :nar not be acquainted witti the fact) that he stiil continues to operate at tbs FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street,' Portland, (kxactlt opposite kocnt noon) Where be is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, IXSTIil'CTIOX BOOKS for al' kinds cl Musical Instruments. CHCUCIl 9I17SIC HOOKS. BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS. NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, G LORES, PRESSES. PENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article in the above line. BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES. PI ICS, GROCERIES, C0XFECTI0NKKVo New Firm! Diller & Miller! Proprietors of tbe long established LINCOLN BAKERY! "West Side Main Street, Oregon Cit j Oregon. Tale pleasnrt instating to the public that Ihey have formed a copartner' ship for tht purpose of belter Accommodating1 their Patrons! And that they ttilt continue the Mann fatlnrt of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers, j-e. tj-c. 0TJR STOCK OF GROCERIES, Has heen Doubly Increased by this ctangt., ana will be kept complete In Every Department. Goodi will be Delivered in the City, Free of expense to purchasers, and or. ders from a distance will becarefubj filled and promptly dispatched. "We Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest! Call, Examine, and PRICE our stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. The highest Cash prices paid for couii' try produte. L. DILLER, A. F. MILLER. "Yy4H. W ATKINS, M. D., SURGEON, Portland, Oregon-. OFFICE 05 Front street Residence cor aer of Main and Seventh streets. O O ! ' , . ... m int inc