rll 12 1 tl ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE i VOLUME 3. ORJEGOIY CITY, OR'EGOXV ATOOATi.TAXlTAKY 30VI8. i 7& eeJ " ; 1 1 ' - : . , - . . 1 , 1866.J Established. 1866. o The Weekly Enterprise. AX IXDEPEXLEMT PAPER, Foil THE Business Man, the Farmer And the FAMILY CIRCLE. I'LISI.ISIIEI) EVERY SATURDAY AT THE OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Main streets Oregon City, (J re fn. D. C. IRELAND Proprietor. TIIE WEALTH OF OREGON shall at all ieies constitute the paramount interest to which our columns will be devoted. Every measure for the good of the State, whether of I'lieac or public in fere.?, irrespective of party, will tind in w& an advocate and a de lcnder, to the extent of" our ability. We lmll aim to attract the attention of the Million of POl'c.'L.VHOX AND MONEY seeking profit liblu jdaces, to that channel which i.s now milking this thi Jiuci of the globe, and ren dering Oifgon with other Pacific States.the praneiies of the world, with, a centre of trade second to none. Ai:i:ICI;LTUKT; wiil continue to receive that attention which it merits, at the har.ds of verv intel'iieut Journalist. " 'The Farmer Jtfd:th all. THE MARKETS will be watched carefully, and such information as we shall be able to compile Will lie published. MAN L F A C T U 11 K I": 3 . a re earnestly requested to inform us with respect tn those various interests, to the end that we may be able to nuke the EsTKurnist; as near an ersye'o i;e lia of the business of Oregon as can be. TERMS of SCBSCRIPTIOX: !e Copy one year. :i 00 t 00 -ix months " Tiiree months 1 uO CLUR RATES-: Five Copies. year, Of, ?1 50 fa eh SI- 50 Hi' lu whicn case extra cop will be sent to the person forming the Club, and mi inducement to such persons, with a view of extending our circulation, Ou-i Dollar and Tirt'nty-Five C nf-s Will be allowed as Commission on each addi tional fit-'' Subxcrilx rx. Thus any person who wiil iutcri'st himself in the matte:', maj secure tlie paper lice and receive a liberal compensation for his services. e'Sm Rsmitbtnct t be made at the risk of Sub.icrilh'r, and at the crpente of Agents. TERMS of AD YER TISIXG : Transient advertisements, including all ! lcvtal notices, i mj. of Pi lines, 1 w.S 2 ."0 ! 'or each subsequent insertion 1 00 One Column, one vear $120 00 Half " t;o t,i.iar:er " " 40 Jjusiuess Card, 1 square one year 12 ROOK AXJ JOE PRIXTIXG. 5j" The Enterprise ollire is supplied w:th beautiful, approved tvle.s of type, and mod ern MACHINE PKESfiKS. which will enable the Proprietor to do Job Punting at all tia.es AVflf, (,iie.I; ail'! Cltt.;ip ! Work solicited. 1). C. Jit V LAM IK 1'rrpri, tnr. n U SIX ESS CA Ul) S . F. JEVRCLA Y, D JS2&..i E2 5S s- .-o -U& ioi (Formerly surgeon to the Hon. H. H. Co.) OFFIC -.'At Uc.-ideiice, Main t-tieet Ore pon ( ' i T y . Dickon. -ITUGKON. Por ri..vn. Okkcox. OFFICE '.)' Fiont st re Kesidcuce cor ner of Main and Seventh stieets. JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaEoqne & Co., IMP I iU. . It- ft-..Kcep constantly on hand for sale, flour j idiUimi;, Bran and Chicken Feed, I'artics parching feed must furnish the sacks. M. RROUGILTOX. Contractor and Builder, Main st., OKECON CrTV. Hg Will attend to all work in his line, con sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner woi k framing, building, etc. Jubbiug pnuupily iitteudcd t . J)AVJD SMITH, .Vco w.v to SUIT 11 d: MAE SH. ILL, j Mack-Smith and Waqon Jfaker, Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City Oregon. "6" Blaeksmithing in all if.s branches; Wag on making and repairing. All work warrant ed to give ati-faetion. 0 S 1 1 L A X D B R OT II E R PORTLAND AUCTION STORE, 97 First st. Portland, SVext Door to Post Office. ri- Importers rs and .!,,hhfr nf S,ln aA i imij im liiiwn, Uwn Uis, HurJans furn-l.-hing Coods Hi. We pay the hiSh'es't cash price tor Wool, Furs, Hides. . - - . ut Kit mm RL-S &, DAIjL AM, ! Wood and Willow Ware. ' Brushes. Ticine C,.r,L,. , ' ! ANT MAM-yACTritF.'.lS OP 7 I Rrooms, Pails, Tubs, Wash board S-c ' ... , ' ' i :1 A 217 Sacramento st.. San VranrUon 11". Maiden Lane, N. V. Citv. W. F. HIGKFIELD, Est iblished since lS4'J-,at the o'.d stand, Main Street, Oregon, C'i, Ore-jon. All AsorUnent of Watches, Jew- -j Irv. and Seth Thomas- weight i Clocks, all ot which are warranted to be as represented. Pepniriitirs done on short notice, and thankful for past favors. CLARK GREENMAN, City Drayman, j 0F.EG0X CITY. VS. All orders for the delivery of merchan- ; dwe or packages ami fif!it of whatever des criiition, to anv nart o!' ti-.. citv. will be cse- ! eu:ed promptly acd with care. HOME MANUFACTURE. J. e. pXtton, Sitrccasor to IIIGGIMS t- COMPAXV, No. S Front Street, Portland, Oregon, Is no v manufacturing a superior article of Cuemical, Olive. 1'ale and brown Family Soap which 1m- will sell at Sau Francisco prices. V3- This soap is warranted. Willamette Lotlge No. 131. O. C r j Meets every Saturday evening, at tlia rooss ' tS.E. w?fcer of Mam and Fifth btreets, st 7 1-2 j o'clock. Visiting members, are invited t-t i uttcad. By ordr of w. c. r. 13 ILL REAPS PRINTED. At tho Ent-rprisi Of B USINESS CA 1U)S. Q l FERRY, BEOKKII, Poktlaxd. Oregon. Cur. Front and IVashlngton .S?s. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, atid Manhat tan Life lnsnrar.ee Company. Jtf?"Government Securities, Stocks, 7?onds and Real Estate bought and sold on Com mission. w. c. Johnson. v. o. m'cowx. Notary Public. JOHNSON k McCOWN, Ongon City, Ongon. &3 Will attend to all business entrusted to our care in any id' the Courts of the State, Collec t, money .Negotiate loans, sell real estate etc. Particular attention given to centered Land cases. J. H. MITCHELL. J. X. DOLPH. A. SMITH. Mitchell; Dolpira Smith, - Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty . Office o'er the old Post Cilice, Front street, Portland, Oregon. A. c. (ilBB.S. (.'. w. PAUU1SH, ' Xutxry Puttie and Cum. if Deeds. GIBES & PAEEI3H, Attorneys and Counselors at Laic, Portland, Out.Gox. OFFICE On Alder street, in Carters brick bl ck. JOHN M. BACON, Justice of the Peace & City Recorder. Office In the Court House arid City Council Room, Oregon Citv. CsT W attend to the acknowledgment of ! decos. and ail other duties iipertamiug to the busme.is ot a Justice of the Peace. Dr. J. H. HATCH, Eat Mud: S- Hatch, I) E N T I S T. The patronage of ttiose desiring First Class Oji-.rtit'fiitt, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. li. Sift-on (UyJ adiuin isteied for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Okfick Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. !: .NT A L i UTI C E . HOME AGAIN. Duiing my 'our of two years ! ui the hasiorn Mutes 1 have I reft ueitlier time nor money to make mvse'f per fectly familiar with and master of my pro fession. Those desiring the best work that the nature of the case will admit of can find me at my office, lot Front street, two doors above Mccormick's Book Store, Portland, Oregon. lili. J. (!. OEEXN. CHAUNCEY BALL, S '-' t i!i-udn d- Co., 1AM KACTI'IiKR Of $.f ya TC - tt fr: 1 rr. -.! and Front st., Portlaad. Oregon. fr'T- ki' II ('''o " (!'' (iPOllinii TTr .7., ;,-v. made to order. Gen cralJobbii'itl done ir, lit ricai'iess and disvatrh A LMHiK uXVOICE OF XE F Sunday School and Gift Sooks! RDM 1 HE AMK1MC AN T 1ACT SOC1E- IV and Various other Piddishiiii Houses! For sate by the 'subscriber, on Jeiieion at. between 'id ami .'d. Porfiund, Ortgon. 0. 11. ATKINSON, Secretary, e2.lv ! and Treas. Oregon Tract So c ! J'AMLS L. DALY, (LiUu oexeTL a a EX r, ! ()ki.-,ce No. 104 Front street, Portland, j Will give special attention to Collecting j and adpistmeiit of accounts, biils and notes ; I Negotiating: Inland bills; effecting loans; j having, seii ing and leasing real estate; house; I renting, and u. the general agency business j in all us branches.' A.U.1.U.I,. K. A. I'AMKKi:. j BELL &, PARKER. j 1"T f W feJ I i " i and pealkiis in Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, I Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, , And everv article kept in a Drug Store. Main i street, orecon Citv. ' j A. J. MONKOrJ. A. K. MrJLLi.X. j BIOriTROE fe MELLENj j she saiJ, trlancing u at me mi.eh-iev- Eealers in California, Vermont, and j ously. '-Rridget said you !:ad the Italian Marbles, Obelisks, Monti- duster, and I knew there 'd be some merits, JIaul and loot stones, j thi tQ Do yQa j Salem Okkoo.v. T , ., Muntles ar,d Furniture Marble furnished 1 Want to 11311 P1 f to order i.t j. r MILI.KK. J. W. SHATTUCK. .T p. TVTTIJ.PR Ft Co.. MASVKACTlilERS OK AND MCALURS IX Ai iIiC 0reS01t Cl!V Root and Shoe Store, Main street. THE BEST SELECTION .. f LiuHes'- "-tits Hoys', and Children's boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. AM'KF.W WILLIS. WI. FUUl'ilHTOX. WILLIS a BROUGHTOPJ. aving nurehfise.l t!,. !nt..rot ; of y. Cram, in the well known LIVE R y STAPLE One doer west of Ka City, announce that thev w"ill at all' times Keen srood hor.. h '. . . ... XPt'U-nr MarL-ft l.vi.rr,,.. , , -- ----- ...... .uojves iu iet, ill. it..sonabie rates. Horses bought and sold or Kept by the day or week. It. E. CHATFIELD, wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden and Fie.l.-T F,p nf nn I v. au Ji-iiius. PltOUlCE AXD COMMISSION. I First street, Portland Ongon, Xear the Western Hotel. JJEilOVAL ! TUE JEWELRY Establishment of J. B. Miller Q AS BEEN E2B0VEO To Xo. 101 Front st., corner of Alder Carter's Xeu Building, Portland, In. Chas. Woodard's Drug Stars -JsT" Wht-rn 1-v will c. rrj1? t. , j Watches acd Jttwclrf rcnaireu ia ths most ! LOOKIXG OIXMXTO THE MGIIT. Looking out into the night, 1 beheld in space afar Yonder beaming, blazing star; And I marvel at the might Of the Giver of the rays, And I worship as I gaze, Looking out into the night. Looking out into the night, I espy two lovers near, And their happy vVords I hear. While their solemn troth they plight; And I bless the loving twain, Half in pleasure, half in pain , Looking out into the night. Looking out into the" night, Lo ! a woman passing by. f Glancing round with anxiou eye, . Tea'rfdT fearful 6r the light; ".." '"" '.. And I think what might have been But for treachery and Sin Looking out. into the night. Looking out into the night, I behold a distant .sail Roughly beaten by the gale, Till it vanishes from sight; And I ponder on the strife Of our Heeling human life Looking out into the night. Looking out into the night, I bethinks me of the rest And rapture of thn blest In the land where ail is light; Sitting on the heavenly shore, "Weeping n -ver never more, "Looking out into the night!"' A SEARCH KOIl A VOCATIOJT. I was dusting1 the parlor ; and I don't remember that I . ever dusted the parlor without bringing the furni ture to crief in some way or other ; and, indeed, if I have no other gift, I do possess a faculty, it genius, for destioying whatever I touch. don't know that it lias increased with years, though it should have been so, if practice makes perfect ; I might bet- ter say that it was given to me al , - , , , . t --, "nu nuwiui-u ever tuce. ! was so well known to possess (his power that it was like signing the death warrant of crockery to let me put my foot in the kitchen; for, figu ratively, as well as literally, 1 always ' put my foot iu it." Now that is slanp- but in my opinion slang is superior to elegance, because it is ter-c and vigorous, and always comes straight to the point ; while, if you want to be smooth, vou wav go round Robin Hood's barn j and have your labor for your pains. I Let it .stand either way : I was al- ! wavs inultiplvini adverse situations: I - ' ; I was always putting my loot in it ; I the fact remains the same. This: morning I did rny duty as nsnal, and j overturned a pot of verbenas on the carpet. ; mother's voice, in tlie next room ; "what now" ghe spoke resignedly, having autici- pitted some catastrophe. -st . . . . , , . 1 sister bue P"1 liead in the door and surveyed the ruins. uShQ 'Quy tifl)e(1 Gyer my verbenas, mamma," was her ironical ,c'nark- I m glad it s no worse. 1 iJ have it brustK-d up m a tnmute." f-. i ,-, , . one nan Tlie dusting pan and brush in a miraculously short time and was removing the traces of the disaster, . ., , , , , , , , . wlliIo 1 stood and watched her, helji- iessly. I didn't dare to go off to school," water when I see you approach the stove ; and I think whether I've seventy-five cents change when you go near a window "Very good of you," said I, shortly. " It's an affectionate desire I feel to save you from yourself, my dear. I'll do the dusting. Please finish giving baby his break fist.'' Long misfortune had made me meek, and I went without a word. I think I displayed quite as much hero ism in mv unhesitating obedience as id the Six Hundred riding into the valley of death ; for I was sure of an other blunder. The baby appeared lamb-like and sleepy. The prospect was good. 1 did my best ; but, dear nie, how easily a child gets choked ! and when a child is taken up to be slapped ou the shoulders for its easement, who ould calculate oa its wanting to at tach itself to the table cloth and re fusing to " leave go F This baby refused to let go, and dragged the cloth persistently, not withstanding its strangled condition, until it had accomplished the down fall of its bread and milk, and the utter destruction of two or three glasses. My mother and Sue both rushed to the rescae, and the erst exclaimed, "1 never did see a giJ. like. you Why pan't joy, be more careful ?'! , " It's fate'," laughed Sne. -" Think if Jane had a family to. look to, mam ma ! .The children wouldn't die nat ural deaths. She'd be .. beforetbe scarlet fever and the measles.'' - " Well," said I, .despairingly, de livering up the baby, V Idoo't know how it is. 1 wish there were no such things as houseworkrapd taking care of children!" And 1 v,ent ofLiip stairs very niuch inclined, to cry. - If 1 ', hadn't been nineteen years old , Inw;ould; have cried.; As, it , was, If ;proceeded to put my chamber in order,ajod thn sat dowu in tho windb'vv dolefully, and began to think about myseif and wonder why I wasn't like other girls. I had always been a problem to my self ; and i made np my mind to solve that problem. What was I fit for ? and what under the sun was I going to do iu the world ? I ought to do sometlrng ; there were four young Spinneys besides Sue and me, and we weren't over rich. To be sure, Sue was teaching and supporting Tommie and herself by her earnings ; still four were left. My place was evidently at home. I should have put on practical shoes and helped my mother administer to the daily wants of tho family ; but, alas ! I had no practical shoes, and I never heard of their being nurchased by these upon whom Mature had not bestowed them. As for teaching, I was sure I wasn't fitted for that ; and the mere idea of the monotonous ' Two times one or two, Two times two are four,'' made me shiver. Mathematics bored nie, and dates escaped me. .No ; 1 wasn't born to be a teacher. Of course a Spinney couldn't turn sewing girl; and I couldn't have been a sewing-giil if 1 hadn't been a Spin ney. Needle and thread were my tyrants, not my slaves. en, con rso, there was some something. thing ; there is always God gives every o':e some talent some specialty at least my instruct ors had always told me. so. There fore, since I was a human being, I had a talent. About art ? Artistes made fabu lous sums sometimes ; but it required labor and natural aptitude, and it was rather late for me to begin. I doubted if I could draw a straight line at present. I was at a loss I considered that I was l;k a ship without n pilot, drifting upon the ocean of life a traveler without a guide, lost in the desert of life. 1 became palhetic,aud thought that existence was " An arid waste, Uninoister.ed by the dews of sweet content;-' and that I was the broken-hearted Jane Spinney, of no more use to my self or the world than a broken spinning-jenny ! There ! I was quite surprised at the fertility of my imagination. I certainly had imagination. Here was a comparison worthy of worthy of any one who ever pretended to make comparisons. I ltmeixibered that I had had fancies that 1 was apt to have fancies. It never had occurred to me before, but it did now ; and I recollected that. I had written some verses to the moon one evenir.fr. when I was in a state of inspiration. "There must be a time when great minds recognize their own great ness.'' It all flashed npon me in a moment. was a genius t Or course I couldn't think of performing common tasks, wheu uncommon ones were possible with me. Bah ! a genius dusting .furniture and feeding children ! I must find those verses. I found them after considerable search. They were written on scented paper, tied with sky-blue ribbon, and labeled " Lines to the Morn." I te gan to read them critically and ap preciatively : "O beauteous moon. That feittest afar upon the purple fckj.'" I didn't know about the moon's sitting upon the sky : but I couldn't see how to remedy it, so I left her so and wtnt on : "Wrapped in thy silver robe of majesty, Awaiting the night's noon." Yes; that wasood. The night's noon was striking, very. 0 beauteous moon. That sittest with such a melancholy face. Shrined iu the yellow grandeur of thy grace, And waitest, late and soon." Ah, that tvas a nice touch, that " late and soon." Still it did seem unnecessary to have the moon sit and wait again in the second verse. Well, I did not care about going on. It was apparent that I had the gift of verse ; bat this was a youth ful effort. I could improve upon it. Let's see ; I Lad rhymed r:xn crccn. a? COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY . with ; moon; ; Showed considerable versatility of expressions :I ; had; the moon watchiug Ibe - sea, that looked, like a silver spoon.. I iiad lier weav ing herself: a cjoud cocooij,- listening: tq my, :rooTV, and finally singiug a tunevwitlj all. the stars. -; , V;.': , ;Tq think of it i I, Jane Spinney, a poetess !, Why, . I . should r'giya -thel natne : distinction, aud .the , family. would bejpcojLjof ma.r . Iyysfi duck' among chickens, and I. bad (ound fche water.; .,1 had .found -my-,vocaUn., I had only to go to work and astonish: the world ! j ;;; ;.. .... , - , v " ... There was the L magazine I' could make a very nice debut on its ! aristocratic pages ; besides, we had ' it. Wouldn't it be fun to see folks reading my verses under a nom de plume, of course ? A novi. de pluvie. "Limt LawtonT' Xo; something original was better. " lJlinkerton IJass ?" That was . , rather course, and my initials wouldn't ' J i attract notice. After all, nothing i , , , CT i could be better than that wonderful . i fancy oi mine about the "Spinning! ., . , 1 ,T ! .Tnnnv Por.it.! rP-,r,t.. V. c Ago, by binnnmg Jenny." I was looking for my inkstand in order to commence at once, when my mother opened the door.- " Oh. Jane, haven't you your dress changed ? Your aunt and the chil dren are down stairs ; can't you go and amuse them ? j Ilore was injustice ! Ask a poet- ! ess to amuse children ! It was all ! of a. piece. The world would never appreciate me if I didn't find time to make it. 1 will not describe the fiery trials through which I passed before I had a chance lo commence the poem which was to make me immortal. All that day I was a martyr the slave ot Aiviua. Matilda Jeuks, Lu cretia Ann Jcnks, and Conrad Wal- lace Jenks. When I passed the hall clock in the evening it seemed to tick mournfully and monotonously, " Di em per-di-di-ern per di-di." The next morning, before Sue hid her eyes fairly open, I was dressed and sifting at the window in a meditative and inspired state. I was quoting some ' lines" which every one quotes who quotes at all thy usual fandango about the "rosy morning," when Sue rather brought mo out of my glorified condition by audibly expressing the j j v.-v.-.v o i)r) i.i Opinion thatl Was either Crazy or fast becoming so. Is there going to be a hurricane?" inquired the young lady ; uor are we going to have sausages for break- fast ? Those are the onlv two things likely to start you before seven." Quite innocently, I astonished the family at the breakfist table. I was in the habit of wearing articles which the vain denominate " rats ;" these were attached to a net for my greater convenience. This morning, in my lofty abstraction, 1 put on the net wrong side out, forgetful of the ap pendages, and passing around to take my seat nt table thus equipped, brought my three youger brothers near Strangulation, and .caused my father to desire severely that I would go up stairs and fmish dressing. I was evidently in that furnace of affliction through which all great j dieuce, while tears trickled down minds pass. I felt that I had no j many a male cheek. We have seen sympathy with the beins around me. j Susan llopely," "The Stranger," As soon as possible I withdrew to j " Jane Shore," "East Lynn,"nd my chamber, and sat down by the j other affective pieces played, but nev window, from which' I had a cheerful ! er before did we witness such a scene view of grocery carts and coal of general, crying. The principal wagons. j Well, now, I was to commence. I j nau me name, 'Spinning Jenny, and that was all I had. A blank sheet of paper doesn't suggest any thing. I wanted, now, a title a post, whereupon to hinge my ideas. Say, " Lines to a Dead Child." I didn't want lines to any thing. Sav, " A Leap Year Carol." Comic poetry wasn't my forte. Say, " A Farewell." !No ; too sentimental, What under the sun should I write i T , , j. . , ,- . ' I conduced to take a subject, some- thing of the vast and solemn order, and dash rijrht into it : " Life." (To be continued. The walls of Peking are CO feet high and -10 feet wide at the top, forming a fine promenade of n-enr 25 miles around the city. A partition wa divides the Tartar from the Chinese city, and four gates, at the north, south, east and west, afibrd the only means for passing the walls, and these are opened and closed with the sun. .Mother' said a little bov th other day, "why are orphans tbe happiest children on the earth?" They are not why do you ask?" i I.tATHEU COME HDMK." 'A Music bastrawn-rrrany a heart back from yielding to 'a temptation if was npon the'-pcint bf doing, amd binds tire world together in stronger. bonds of brotherhood than ' auythin j-else .of ; humanizing., tendency. But how much more effective when aided by a little dramatic effect. A Lon don correspondent gives-an affecting description of the singing of the pa thticTjallad of Father come home," in one of the' London theatres, "which 1 . - , '- ' I..-- ..... t , . .'. left; but afew'dry eyes in the house, mm must nave iierveu tue auungei resolution of any' present "who were in the habit of giving away, to the weakness aud wickedness of intoxi cating drinks to excess. This corre- j spondent, describing the scene, says j that the lady singer came in front of j the curtain, amidst great applause, i und fnm rr annnA li Vulher et'AT fn. ,, , ... ther, &c. Every word was distinct, , , , , , . , and she sang the ballad with great ( ,. T " , , . . feeling. In order, however, to fully , ' . , , ,! , describe the scene which follow each . . verse, :t is necessary to give little ' J i Mar :'v s; son": Father, dear father, come home with me now. The clock in the. steeple strikes one : gong You said you was coming ric;ht home from the shop, As soon as your day's work was done. The lire has gone out our house is all dark, And mother's been watching siuce tea, With poor little Uenny so s'ck iu her arms, Aud no one to help her but me. Come home, come home, come home, I'lease, father, doar father, come home At the conclusion of the last line the drop scene drew up, disclosing ; the father sitting at the duor of a j public house, iu a drunken bemud- ! deled state, with pipe and pot before j him. Little Mary was trying to drag him from his seat, at the same time pointing to a curtain behind her, as she took up the refrain from the lady and touchingly sang, " Come home," etc. This other curtain was ' now drawn aside, disclosing a wretch ed room, the poor mother sitting on the ground with a sickly-looking boy in her lap, and in the act of feeding him with a spoon. Simultaneously with the drawing of the curtain, the j limelight was brought to bear upon the tableaux, giving them a truly startling effect. After a moment or two the act drop came down, and the j proceeded: ! Father' dcar father con5C homc with 1UC : m "Vi , i . -i r i ( The clock in the steeple strikes two ; gong j The night has grown colder, aud Benny is I worse, IJiit he has been calling for you ; Indeed he is werse mother says he will die, Perhaps before morning shall dawn. j And this was the message she sent me to j briu'fT, t Come ijmcklv or he will begone, j Come home, come home, come home, j Please, father, dear father, come Lome, i The act drop rises again, and now j the child has hold of the pewter pot, j trying to take it from the drunken parent, and she continues the last two lines, " Come home," etc., tho other curtain is drawn aside, and we next see the child stretched out on its mother's lap, and as it just arises its little head and falls back with a gasp, with the lime light reflecting strongly upon it, there was a reality about the whole terrible to view. Sobs were heard from all parts of the hall, com- ing from tlie female portion of the au- feature called to mind the picture ofisliver trumpet in the Valley aud the " Sister of Mercy," with a dying child in her lap. and the deathl was fearfully natural. Even the lady who sang the song was affected, and could scarcely proceed with the third verse: Father, dear father, come home with me now. The clock in the steeple strikes three ; T&mg The house is so lonely the hours are so long i 1'or poor weopiog mother and me. ' Ycs' ,ve are alo"e-poor Penny is dead! And gone with the angels of light! j And these were the vcrv last words that he j said; ; " I want to kiss papa good night." Come home, come home, corne home, j . Please, father, dear father, come borne, j Again the drop arose, disclosing j little Mary on her knees appealing to her father, who, with pot elevated, in the act of strinking her with it, as she sings, " Come home," aud then the back curtain draws aside, show ing the mother praying over a child's ! coffin. But now the sobs burst oat still more freely, and tw-o females were carried out fainting. The scene i was truly harrowing, and we gladly turned our eyes away. An additional verse was sung-, about " Poor Benny" being with the t lo st, Tveep:cg e cons vita , the mother, and little : Maryt on her knees, singing " Home, home, father, dear father's come home!'? At this moment the Curtain is drawn aside, and little jRenuy is suspended oyer L the coffu,' with'- tvings -smiling down upon them and pointing upwards.: iTbe father.falls forwards oa his face, the act drop descends,' and for a lew jrpioates all is hushed save the sobs of the females.: r . i.aoThere!" said a workisgman by 1 pur sjde, as he heaved a sigh of re- cj iief, " Air. Spurgeon never preached a better, sermon than thatl" an ex pression to which 'we assented and left the hall. . v ... . . , . "i-HE pox!tUt 6f' death. Fiom the Oakland Transcript. A short time ago a benevolent man in San Francisco, took an inval id from the hospital, and had him cared for and restored to health in his own house. The good man had a beautiful daughter, of some fours teen years, and the invalid having been much in her society and under her gentle care, fell uncontrollably in love. Eut, the young' girl meant but the kindness of humanity, and could make no return of his passion, liis attentions were forbidden, aud, as the tragic sequel proved,- the young man's reason was overthrown, llav ing first attempted to poison the whole family, he crept to the girl's room in the night, and having mur dered the object of his idolatry, blew out his own brains. It is, of course, impossible to think that Laureutz Jacobson was in hrs right senses when thfc terrible crime was committed, and it would require the analytical genius of the opium eating author of " Murder as a Fine Art," to follow the operations cf his mind from the -inception of the dread ful purpose to its tragic aud appall ing consummation. Suffice it to say that we have never read, either of reality or romance, anything more shocking to human sensibilities, or more deeply melancholy in his asso ciations. It seems that that wh'ch at first may have been pure and fer vent love, became transformed to ghastly murder in the horrid labora tory of despair. The poor girl survived her assas sin some twenty-four hours, and she spoke only once, saying, ' Pa, I am cold.' Eut amid all that had been so sorrowful, so heart-breaking, so unspeakably crashing in that house hold, there befel an incident, there came something memorably beautK ful hopes like the descent of angels to a vale of shadows. The school companions of the little suffer er gathered about the house, and the physicians not permitting them to enter the room where she was lying they remained outside all day, and some of them all night;- and when she was dead, hundreds of sympa thetic young friends accompanied her ! body to the grave. Such a mourn ful cortege of youth, be'auty aud purity had never been seen in that city of impulse and passion. And so, borne, away to Lone Mountain, as it were in the white, round arms of girlish affection, and prcsstd in thought to snowy bosoms heaving impetuous sorrow for her misfortunes, the hopeless Miss McDonald was buried in the very Poetry of Death. We are reminded of Colonel Ba ker's words at the dedication of Lone Mountain Cemetery, ringing like a ! Shadow of Death: " Hither shall ! come the pale maiden from the ! stricken homes of affection; hither shall come the grim warrior, all gory ! frm lne field of strife." Has it not ! been9 And froinr before none of I ! these melancholy processions, has thsre been any speechless traveler more beautiful than she who has so sadly fulfilled the prophesy, no war rior so glorious, so lamented and im mortal as be who uttered it. But, solemn and dirge-like as the voices are that come up from the troubled ocean; ghostly and pall-like as the shadows are that overcast those sor rowful hights, all is not gloomy and hopeless and chilling to the heart. It cannot be that God had created one so beautiful, so innocent, so good, to be lostjforever in the dreadful vor tex of Annihilation? The gentlest flower that is cut down by the frost, the seares-t leaf that 13 whirled in the gales of Autumn, is restored at the next coronation of. the year; and though this Scottish " Lass o' Gow rie" will be found no more among the heather-blooms around her father's house, she will be found all radiaat and "expectant on the farther shore, not pale and disfigured by the cruel imDletnerits of murder, but glo- Cea-ty u. i.t- - -'. THE ilEAIISTUY OF A TKiR ,The principal elemenX. .Jbe prime' 1 ingredient,- so to pay, of a tear is wa ter; this waiter,-upon dissolution, con tains a' few hundredth parts of tho substance called mucus, and "a small" portion of salt, of soda, of phosphate' of Time, and of phosphate of soa. It is the salt and the soda th'at glW to tears that peculiar savor which' earned for tears the epithet of 'j gait"' at the hand of Greek poets, and "that of " bittsr" at that of oursj'sajt" is however, the more correct term !of the two. When a tear dries "the water evaporates and leaves behipd it a deposit of the salice ingredients; these amalgamate,- and as seen through the microscope, array them selves in long crossed hues, which look like diminutive fiSh-bones f Tears are secreted by a glandcaTl edtbe " lachrymg gland," which ia situated above the eye ball, and o;i derneath ths upper eyelid on the side nearest the temple. Six or seven ex- ceedifigly fine channels-flow from it alorg and under the surface of the eyelid, discharging their contents a little above the delicate caru'Iao-e which supports the lid. . h is these channels or canals that c.-.rry tho tears into the eye. But tears do not flow only at (jertara moments and un der certain circumstances, as might be supposed; their flow is continuous; all day and all night (although less abundantly during sleep) they trickle softly from their slender sluices, and spread glistening over the surface of the pupil and eyeball, giving thent that bright, enamel, and limpid look which is one of the characteristic signs cf health. It is the ceaseless movement and contraction of the eyelids that effect the regular spread ing of the tears; aud the flow of these lias need to be constantly renewed in the way Just mentioned, because tears not only evaporate after a few seconds, but also are carried away through two little drains, called "lachrymal points," and situated ia the corner of the eye near the nose. Tims, an tears, after leaing the eye lids, flow into the nostrils, and if the reader will assure hiaself of this, he has only to notice, unpoetical as the fact may be, that a person after cry. ing much is always obliged to niaktt a twofold use of his or her pocket handkerchief. The utility of tears tonimals in general, tnid in particular to those who are exposed much to the dust, such as birds who live amidst ths winds, is easy to understand; fof the eye woald soon be dirtied and block ed up, like an ane'eaned window pane, had not nature provided this friendly ever flowing stream to wash and refresh it. A very. little fluid is necessary to keep the eye always clear and clean; but here again we must admire the wonderful mecbauism which w orks the human body, for it is fo be obserred that when, through some accident ot hart, the eyeball has need of more water than usual to cleanse it, nature at once turns on a more abundant supply of tears. Thus, for instance, when a 'grain of dust, or an insect creeps into the eye, the eyelids at once fill and run over with tears, and these not only alleviate the paiu, but also, when the objeet is small enough, carry it away down the two email conduits already noticed. The same things occurs when either smoke, too vivid light, or too intense cold obscures the sight tears at once come to oar relief, and protect the eye from harm. With regard to other than physi cal tears the explanation to be given of them is a very material one. Tears are caused both by the sudden and rapid flow of blood to the head and by excessive nervous excitement. They are most frequent with women and children, whose nervous organiza tion is less strong than that of men. Among men, it is those of sanguine or nervous temperaments who weep most often. Lymphatic natures, on ths contrary, aDd people of bilious temperament, rarely weep at all; the former because they have commonly but little sensibility, and the latter because tbey have usually a firm control over their feelings. Wheu, therefore, a maD of lymphatico-bilious temperament is seen to ehed "tetrs under emotion, one may feel sure thai the innermost nerves of his heart have been wrong, and one ruust bowr one o head in respect before a taaa whose pangs must be intense. It is stated'that the Carlton, the chief EcgHsh Tory club, spent $1, 20C,00U iu o!d. ia the "recent gsser-