it . i ! M k I 1 J I it . : i o O O O O ijeiUcekln (Enterprise. TOWN AND COUNTY. 55gr L. P. Fisher, 20 and 21 New Mer chants' Exchange, is our only authorized agent in Sau Francisco. For Eastern Ad Tertising, Mr. Fisher is represented by S. M. Pettingitl & Co. of New York and boston. 63&A. splendid show case for sale apply at this office. . The Apollo Troupe took the crowd again on Saturday eveuing. . . . -The weather is lovely, bat cold enough to almost make skating on the lake. We are doing some fine Job Frinting. Ye who want bill head?, cards, labels, etc., etc , give us a call. The Albany, finest boat on the line, now lays over on Sundays at orval!i. The Steward, I A. Ilil', is an old Print. A cold snap of the past few days ha9 nearly stopped navigation in the upper Wallamet. Mathena's Bar is said to be very shoal. The steamer Union was sunk on Lafayette Rapid, Yamhill river, 7), on Tuesday, to whht extent the dam ' ' ages result we are uninformed. We get the Evening Commer cial occasionally. Our copy of the 19th was so badly bitten by the frisket that Dow's correspondence from Oregon City was unintelligible. The Herald charges that Ralph Jacob President and Manager of the Oregon City Woolen Manufacturing Company, is" a Republican. We know this to be false ! tOf All persons wishiDg to save costs are politely requested to make immediate payment of their taxes. Last call. Jony M vers. Sheriff and Co'lector. We would call the attention of onr readers to the advertisement of Ii. F. Newman, who has opened a restaurant for the accommodation of the publi Give him a call. -- The proprietors of the Phoenix Hotel hare made a first class house for the traveling public; and are pre pared to accommodate all who will give them a call. Mr. R. II. Duncan, formerly Superintendent of the Oregon City Woolen Manufacturing Company, is now in this city, on a visit to tiie fitiiily of his father-in-law, Mr. Coin stock. On Monday evening lust a large number of the citizens of Oregon City assembled at the Court House, sind perffctei the organization of a IIse Company, and a Ilook and Ladder Compai y. A Chief Engineer of the new department will be chosen on next Monday evening. The Oregonian publishes the threatening letters written to Messrs. i Ralph Jacob, and Howell, of the Oregon City Woolen Factory. The Unionist is of opinion that the vri ters should be detected and summari ly dealt with, as provided by law. It might, perhaps, be productive of good to the community. The President pro tern of the Laborers movement in this city had his argument closely shut off on Tuesday ve.ninr by Ex Superintendent R. II. Duncan, who had made a few sensi ble remarks to the crowd by request. Mr. President pro tern, arose in his seat and said Jacob hired a chinamen in preference to him ; Mr. Duncans retort A'as short, being in substance that he. (Duncan) perhaps would ; have done the same thing. . , We have read a very interest ing letter from Brother Win, P. Hums, Grand Representative of the 0'" Odd FellowS of Oregon, to the Grand : Lodge of the United States, written at Colchester, Illinois, on the 23th s ult. We regret to learn from it that IJro. Ii. will not be home this winter, I and that possibly he may not stay here when he does return, yet at the ume time we rejoice to know that prosperity attends him where he is. Two old time residents of Down- Wille, California, met in this city a few days ago. It was a happy meet ing. One of the parties was the ver itable -Major himself from whom the place took its name the other our wbliging operator at the telegraph of 4 lice. A trade was pend ing between them the Major offering goods to Mr. Levy and when the recognition took place party of the second part hud no more to say but took the goods and asked for more. 5; --- -The following named gentlemen : were elected to serve one year as offi cers of Oregon City Hose Company, at a meeting held on Monday even ing hst: W. II. Tope, ForemaD; John Sohrara, 1st Assistant: Joseph B. Myers, 2nd Assistant. Presideut, John Myers; Secretary, J. M. Fra V - zer; Treasurer, W. II. High field. A - committee consisting of W. L. White, ? 0 W. H. Pope and J, M. Frazer, was appointed to draft by-laws and coo p stitution, to be submitted on Monday ; eventDg next. This Company has now eurolled twenty-five members, i besides the above named officers. 1 4 The officers elected by the Hook and i I and Ladder Company, are as follows; 1 f Wm. A. Hart, Foreman; 1st Assist- 2 i ant. Wo. Drake; 2ad Assistant, E. J. Swafford; Secretary, Noble John- bou, Treasurer, YY m. Vaudirvort. BOOK NOTICES. "We have received a copy of the January number of the " New York Teacher and American Educational Monthly' TLis is published by J. "W. Schermerhorn & Co., 14 Bond street. It occupies an important place in our educational literature, and is us y aiuaoie ior the people o: every State as for those of the State ia which it is published. The question? discussed are of general interest. The present number opens with an article upou the " Catholic view of education in the United States' Though we are not ready to accept all the statements made, yet we can but admire the spirit of the writer. The article upon the ventilation of school rooms contains many valuable suggestions. Some of the writers are disposed to be sarcastic a spirit unworthy so dignified a journal. Its general tone is good, and we hopv it may be widely circulated on this coast. The " Overland Monthly'" for'January is the initial number of the second volume. It comes to us as the representative, of the highest forms of secular literature upon this coast. We are much pleased with its general appearance, and gladly recom mend it as worthy of generous support. Some of the poetry in the present number has attracted our attention as comparing favorably with that which emanates from the "Hub." The writer of the article upon the study of the Bible should have been more careful in his statements of . facts. Such expressions as " bamboozled" are not elegant anywhere. Much more are they out of place in a magazine article. A. Roman & Co. are the publishers, Saa Francisco. "Harper's Magazine" for January we hare received. Though its age entitles it t3 be ranked as an old magazine, yet it al ways comes to us as good as new. There is certainly no danger of its being super seded by modern rivals. It contains the usual amount of light reading for the wives and daughters, with valuable historical sketches for the more thoughtful. One giving us a glimpse of the dark side of Spanish history, is of especial interest, in view of events now transpiring. Another, giving a brief sketch of the early Roman Bishops, must be far from flattering to the advocates of Popish infallibility. This number also contains the second of a series of articles upon England, which are de scriptive, historical, philological. c, and withal full of interest. We have no space for further notice. We can only say buy and read for yourselves. Hours at Home" we always wel come, as we have no doubt thousands of others do, all over the land, and some "be yond the sea." The January nnmber con tains some 'papers'' of more than tran sient value. We have read with deep in terest '"Progress." by Dr. Bushneil. in which from an entirely new philosophical stand-point he discusses the modern ra tionalistic theories of progress. He take up in order the peculiar theories of Dar win, Spencer, Humboldt and Emerson, and refutes them by a process new and to our mind convincing. Prof. Evans gives an historical sketch of a new form of re ligious fanaticism which has been fasten ing itself upon the minds of many during the last few years, among the Mohamme dans of Persia. It Ls not unlikely that great political changes will be the result of the movement here described. One other article of interest is a refutation of a theory advanced by a writer in this magazine, not very lung ago. concerning the use of spectacles. The former writer denied, the present affirms the necessity for their use. This magazine fills an im portant place iu our literature, and we can feel that it is always ' sale" in its the ology and morals. Our Young Folks" for December has just been laid upon our table. It conies well freighted with interesting things for the younger members of our families. There are one or two stories for the " Christmas Time." We discover a new name of world-wide reputation added to the list ot contributors: Mrs. Craik, author of John Halifax." "Run ning Away," lioin her pen, is by far the most interesting of any thing in the present number. We notice the death of Mrs. Anna Maria Wells, of Boston Highlands, who. iu years past, has written many in teresting articles for this magazine; She was seventy-three years of age. but her heart was young as ever, hence she found a warm place in the affections of all, old and young. This number closes the fourth volume. Leespatt-nt butter powder is a brazen swindle. Don't touch it ; and treat the advertisement of the concern coming to 3011 as the For titer's Friend the same as you would a theif. It hails from 234 Broad way, N. Y. A correspondent says the best time to cut timber is when in full leaf July and August and the knowl edge would have been worth thou sands of dollars to him, had he pos sessed it vears ao. A correspondent of the Crego nian says that the P. T. Co. propose building a Canal and Locks on the Oregon City side of the Wallamet, at the falls commencing in March. We are glad to hear it and can onlj' wish that the P. T. Company had availed itself of the same benefits of the law taken by the Wallamet Ca nal Company, and built the Locks two years aio. Elsewhere to day we present an exhaustive article upon the labor question, from the Oregonian It covers all the ground necessary 10 ue taken in the matter, and puts just such a face upon the snbject as the facts warrant. One fact which has not yet been treated of is this: We are credibly iuformed that the pro jector of this laborers' movement is , 1 1 . V astonished at the magnitude of results from his efforts, lie started his mu tiny to have a little fun, it is said, and Gnds that besides the local effect, it has called forth most able and lengthy editorials in the Metropolitan papers, monopolized the news dis patches for California papers, and ex cited the citizens of every town in Oregon. The most fun which we have had about this movement was upon witnessing the disgust of Col. Dow, Editor of the Commercial, on Sunday last. He came to Oregon City to address the laborers on Sat urday evening, and found barely eight persons to listen to him, the re mainder of the crowd having gone to Washington Hall to witness a negro performance by the Apollo Troipe whither Dow went, swearing that a mooarchial government was the only system that should be tolerated ia America things having come to 6uch a pass that free Americans would eo to a nigger show instead of a public meeting where a vital principle of tol eration was to have been discuised. Hie jctcet Dow. CIIUKCII SERVICES. 1st Congregational Ch Seats Free Morning Services, 10.45. Subject. "Perseverance in well-doing." Sabbath School, u o'clock M. Evening Services 7 o'clock. i- Rev. E. Geury, Acting Pastor TKAYER MEETINGS. Sunday evening 5 o'clock Tuesday evening .7 o'clock. - - - -. o M. E. Church,. h . . . . .Scats Free. Morning Services, . . , .10.30, Evening Services 7 o'clock. SOCIAL MEETINGS. Class Meeting following Morning Services. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening 1 o'clock. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. " : Rev. C. W. Todd, Pastor. Ba?A good House with six or seven Rooms, near ,the Congregational Church, in Oregon City, with full lot, is of fered for sale low. .ap'ply at this office, for further information. - . lm Not a Subject of Doubt. That Newell's Plumonary Syrnp is the most ef fective and never failing remedy for affec tions of the throat and lungs. " In Time of Peace Prepare for War."-So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Palm, an unequaled preparation for Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Cramp. The instantaneous relief of Burns, Bruises and Sprains. Electro SiLicoN.-Thiscurioas and valuable substance is confidently claimed to be the best article ever discovered for cleaning and polishing Gold, Silver and Plated Ware, and all smooth metallic sur faces, of whatever description, including kitchen utensils of tin, copper, brass, steel, etc. BSL-AIl persons who keep Howe & Stevens' Family Dye Colors for sale can be relied on for fair dealing, for the reason tha: they cost the retailer twenty-five cents per dozen more than other kinds of Dyes in the market, while he retails them all at the same price consequently he makes 2.5 cts., doz en more, by selling an inferior article. Saddleuy. J. H. Schram, of this City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness in the State. He will have at least 50 sets of all grades, from fine to com mon, finished and ready for sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. He is bound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buy of him. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and his work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county will think of this, when they want any articles in his line. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. N TOTICE. "We having this day sold to M. Worthcim- er our entire stock of furniture, tools and merchandise all parties owing the under signed, will call immediately for settlement, as all outstanding accounts at the end of So days, wiil b placed in legal haads for collec tion. All parlies having any claims agaiust the undersigned will hand them in immedi ately to M. Wortbeimer for payment, as af ter o0 days none will be allowed. LEW & FECHEIMEK. Oregon City, Dec. 26th (y.4t JPJEUl GANGJPLOWS. As the aye in which we live demands progress in, Farming Implements as well as m- all other branches of indus try. I have entered extensively upon the Manufacture of the Celebrated I'iesI Cwsoas; Flow ! Better known in Oregon as the WOL GMO T PL O Jr. This Plow com . bines all the desirable points of a per fect implement being simple in con s1ructio?i, cheap, durable, and 0 light draft. The only Premiums which were awarded to Gang Plows at the. great Implement trial at Mat loon, Sept. 4, 1866. by the State Agricultural Soci- etij of Illinois, were awaraed to this Plow. The following is an extract from the Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, for the year 1 860, and may be found on page 21G of that re- i port : 'The Gang Plow made by J. C. Pfeil, Arenzville, Cass county Illinois, is received with no little favor in the west. Almost in credible stories are told of its excellence and efficiency in plowing the prairie fields of Illinois and other States. " The depth of the furrow is regulated by the crank-axle, which is so arranged that the ploughs can be driven deeper or shal lower at the pleasure of the driver, when the team is means of the lever. We also manufacture sulkey plows for small boys, or infirm persons who are unable to manage a team of three or four horses. This gang or sulkey plow, will cut a fur row from i to 10 inches deep. "The committee who tested the draught of this plow with a dynamometer state, that it ran lighter by 140 pounds,than other plows when running at the same depth, and held by the plowman while on foot." JSST' With this Plow one man can do more icork than two men can do with icalking Plows, and the same amount of team. Hence, it will be seen that it will more than pay for itself in one season's plowing. I will also manufacture the WEB-F00T GANG PLOW! A XI) THE Web-Foot Walking Plow ! Both patterns of my own invention, for xchich patents have been applied jor, and which have, withstood practi cal tests xcith the best results .receiving faltering testimonials wherever seen or tried. Novo, tlie Farmers of Oregon are invited to give the Oregon City Manufactory a trial. Vo not purch ase a Plow of any description until yau have examined my make and prices, as I am determined to sell at less than importer's rates, by giving yon a more durable article,and a guar antee warranting the same. For further information address JOHN W. LEWIS, OUEGOS CITY. L.OOUS & ALBRIGHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET ! Corner of Fourth and Main streets. OREGON CITY. S Keep constantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, CORNED BEEF, HAMS, PICKELED PORK, LARD, And everything else to be found ia their line of business. TOB PRIVTIXS K 4TT.V ftipi tw. i O ed at the ENTERPRISETOFFICE. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. JOHN M. BACON, Sucwsor to JOHN FL.EMIXG, Masonic -Building, Main Street; IMPORTER AND DEALER IN lit Xin2T!S, etc, T1T1LL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox HAND V V a large and well selected stock of Books Stationery, and Drugs, comprising in part Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Books, Theological and Relig ious Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Bay School Books, IN GREAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Every Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Bonks, and Time Books, Drawing, Trac- ing and Tissue Paper, Portfolios, and PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', Maynard tfc Noycs? and David's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Music Paper, and Jxote Books. All of Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Variety of Drugs -and Patent Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. itW School Teachers, and parents of Schol ars will find it to their advantage to inspect my stock and prices, before purchasing else where. Books Imported to Order. Orders res pectfully solicited and promptly filled. -ir Agent for the California Times, and Eastern periodicals, and papers. JOHN M.BACON. jVISW FIRM! JACOB WOKTMAX. THOMAS R. FIELDS Wortman & Fields, Oregon City, Oregon. DEALEK3 IN Family Groceries ! Provisions o f all Kinds ! Wines and Liquors ! Confectionery, Spices ! Canned Fruits and Meats ! And all the Favorite - Brands of Flour and Sugar ZQ?The highest jnarkel prices paid for country produce. liaiailisa-, Fainting' m SIGN AND Steamboat Painting Graining, Gilding, China Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds Wood zai2I M;ii'blc ! Executed as vceU as can be done on the. Pacific Coait. Examine our wo?: andJudgtfor youi telvss. J6f3Every order attended to with care and expedition. C. E. MURRA Y, "VVe6t Door Ralston's Brick, Main St., Oregon City. WILLAMETTE The folving Varieties of Choice Fruit Trees. Shrubbery & Plants, Are now Ready for Shipment to Order : o Cherries, Prunes, Plums, Pears, and Berries, Doolittle's Black Cap Haspberry, Wilsoti's, the Agriculturist, and the Triumpth du Gare Strawberry. SSS Our trees hnve the best reputation of any ia the State. Kend for Circular, c'jf. G. W. W A LLI XG & Co. Oswego. CI (ckannia County, Oregon. Orders left with Hariow & Fuller, Agents at Oregon City, will receive prompt attention. JTAM1LY DYE COLORS. Patented October 1SG3. PERFECT FASTC0LOES. o Black, Dark Green, Black Silk, Light Green, Dark Blue, Magenta, Light Blue, Maize, French Blue, Maroon, Claret Brown, Orange, Dark Brown, Pink, Light Brown, Purple, Yellow, Light Fawn Drab, Pawn Drab, Violet, Light Drab, Solferino, Dark Drab, Slate, Snuff Brown, Royal Purple, ? Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, FOR DYE IX G SILK, Woolen and Mixed Gooda, Shawls. Scarfs, Dresses- Jtibbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hat, Feathers, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing apparel, A Saving of Eighty per Cent. $.3, For 25 cents yon can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can use tbe dye with perfect success. tar Directions in English, French and Ger man, cmtside of each package. . HOV fy STEVEXS, 2nt Broadway, Boston, FOB BALK ST Sm.ii. d; Davis, Wholesale Druggists, . Portland, Oregon.-- i - B-U. f Parker, Oregon City. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, OREGON CITY BUSINESS. Selling at Cost TO CLOSE BUSINESS 1 And no MUJUHlia ! Tiie Entire Stoclt! OF DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Children HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to he sold Regardless of Price! 3U To convince yourself with respect to this niatter, tall at the old corner. I. SELLING, . South of Pope 4 Co.'s Tin. Stori; Oregon City. gHADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MALX STREET, Orcgtn City. O tr soit has been thoroughly renovat ed and repaired during the past season and is now open to the public, fully complete in all its appointmets. Two of the Best BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. r : B A R I s S UP plied With all the choiceat qualities of Liquors an j Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Bourbon already famous, for hot Whiskies and Punch. Families supplied. HOT COFFEE AXD OYSTERS, At all hours for the convenience of patrons. J. WELCH DENTIST. Permanently Located at Oregon City, Oregon ROOMS With Dr. Saflarrans, on Main st. 0. W. POPE & Co., DEALERS IN S.T O VES, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Hose, etc. And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers'! would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a pood assortment ot Cooking, ParUr. Air Tight, and oiLkt stoves, suitable to tliis mar ket, which are being OflVped at Fortland Prices ! Our assortment in tins line is lartre. and 1 embraces almost auy deaired pattern, includ ing tiie BUCK, HENRY CLAY, HEARTHSTONE, WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, &c. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, in a manner that cannot fail to suit patrons. In addition to the above may be found a pood assortment of Hard ware, Woodenwaie, etc. C. W. POPE &Co. NEW LIGHT NEW LAMP! NEW ICXJID BEST NIGHT LAMP IN USE ! Its Many Advantages 1 FIRST It is yon-E.vptoive. and entirely free from mnolc or offensive odor while burning. SECOND It gives a Soft, Clean, White L ight. THIRD It U CHEAPER than any ether Fluid or Oil. LUCINE BURNING FLUID For burning in the above Lamps, outrivals all other Fluids for LIGHT and ECOXOMV. It will not ytain or Gre-isiTClothcs, Carpets, Tables, etc. LITCLNE LAMPS AND THE FLUID Can de had of . "W. .POI'jE & Co., OREGON CITY, DEALERS IN Stoves, Timcare, Lamps, Oils, Chimneys, EinUrn. ttc.. d'C. n4:tf CITY BAIiERY ! MA IS STREET, OREGON CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Wortman & Sheppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIESI BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW FULLER Also keep on band all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STE A M BOAT STORES ! And all Articles ut;ed for Culinary Purposes ! BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells ihe FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE H KW In sbort. Farmers and the public gen erally, are invited to call at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reason able. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for good. BAKL0W& FULLER m. MISCELLANEOUS.. a well Kyoirx HAVE FOR YEARS had as a motto that A NIMBLE SIXPENCE Was Better than A SLOW SHILLING; AND UPON THIS principle of QUICK SALES Aim! SniaIlIiolits Continue to do Business at the Old Stand, Oregon City. O TTIt FALL AND WINTER STOCK Is Complete in Every Department. A LARGE STOCK OF MENS'& BOYS' CLOTHING, All Styles and Qualities, At Loio Prices for CASH! B OOTS SHOE S FOK LADIES, GENTS, MISS 3 BOYS. CHARMAN & BRO.. Oregon City. PORTLAND DAILY And Weekly Commercial. o TIIE PORTLAXD EVENING COMMER cial has abanooned its neutrality in politics, and now steps forth as an advocate of sound, old-fashioned Democracy.. The Constitution and Union as they were," shall be our motto. We shall be bound or guided by no clique, and shall labor ior the reoryan ization ot the Democratic party on a basis that will insure success in the futtlre. TEI13IS Daily for one year $5 GO " " six months S 00 " " three months 2 00 Weekly one year, 2 5"; six months, 1 50 O 5F Let every true Democrat consider himself an ujitnt lor tbe Commercial, and forward his own name and those of bis im mediate friends. JAMES C.DOW, M. 1. JiULL, Corner Washington and Front sts.. 6.3m Portland. Oregon. W. A. ALDIilCH. J. C. MERRILL. JOHN M CRAKES M'CRAKENj MERRILL& CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AXD Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oiegon Packet Lines. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee, Rice, and Pulu. Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinecjar. Dealers in Hour, Grain, Uacou, Lard & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDPJCH, MERKILL & CO., Nos 201 and 20t California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEX. MERRILL & CO., 16 North FrontSlreet, Portland. AMERICAN Waitharn Watches Proof of their Sujieriority. Pcnusvlvanla Itailrond Company, Office of the General Superintendent, f Altona, Pa., Dec. is, ls67. f Gentlemen : The watches manufactured by you have been in use on this Railroad for several years by our enginemen, to whom we furnish watches as part of our equip ment. There are now some three hundred of them carried on our line, and we consider them good and reliable time keepers. In deed, I have great satisfaction in saying your watches give us less trouble, and have worn and do wear much longer without re pairs than any watches we have ever had in use on this road. As you are aware we for merly trusted to those of English manufac ture, of acknowledged good reputation, but as a class tbey never kept time as correctly, nor have they done as good service as yoirs. In these statements I am sustained by my predecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose experience extended over a series of years. Itespectfullv, EDWARD WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. American Watch Company, Waltham. Neio York Central Railroad. Locomotive Department, Western. Division, ) Roehexier, Iec.-li 18ot. j Gentlemen : I have no hesitation in saying that I believe the great majoritj of locomo tive engineers have fouud by experience that Waltham Watches are the most satisfactory of any for their uses. Tbev run with the greatest accuracy and steadiness, notwith standing the rough riding of an engine, and, as I have never kuown one to wear out, they must be durable. I hope to see the time when railway companies will generally adopt your watches, and furnish them to all engineers and conductors. In my opinion it would greatly tcud to promote "regularity and safety. Yours respectfully, CHARLES WILSON, G. Chief Engineer, Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers. American Watch Company, Waltham. Every Watch fully Warranted. For sale by all first-class dealers in tho Uuited States. Bobbins 4 Appleton, No. liroadicay. General Agents. R. R. Gray & Co., San Franeisro, 8:3J A ge n U for La li for via. OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S NOTICE. BOATS OF THE COMPANY WILL leave Portland as follows: FOR DALLES CITY : DAILY, Sundays excepted,) at 5 o'clock a. m. FOR UMATILLA AND WALLULA: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, At 5 o'clock a. m. 5T" Returning, leave Wallula on Monday Wednesday & Friday, touching at Umatilla. FOR ASTORIA : ' Monday and Friday, at 6 o'clock a. m. FOR MOXTICELLO : Daily, (Sundays excepted,) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 6 a m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 7 o'clock a. m. Boats for the transportation of stock in readiness when basiness offers. J. C.-AINSWORTH, President O. S. N. Company, Portland, Orjgn. ELIDING TON CVS Column'; STOP THAtCQU6HlNG OIE OP YOU CAST, AXD WE PITY ) you. You have triua every remedy but the ONE U's:iij''5, ly its intrinsic merit, to supcr.-i'ile nil sim lar prcfKiratitins. H is not surprising yuu shuulU bo elactaul ti try sometime els after "the many ; rirnents you Imvif marto of trnshy campouaUs uiatud tin tho public as a certaKl core; but ' WEWELE'S Pulmonary Syrup NEWELL'S A. U.JJLULU.LLCOX V kJ V L Li J w ith onn ncco-d give it t)"ir unqnaliCwv! appro ii ion. We now a'llrf-s bih-scIvc to ail vhu arc un icquaintcd with this, the greatest Pa:i-c:. of tlit t or the healing of all diieasus the Throat liij .uiits, assuring yu that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup ias cured thousands arid it will euro Y0L" if you trf t. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to tho ta?! .nothing, lwaliug and strenSthctiiUK in its etlects; ircly lire from all poisonous or deleterious drLjjs, iud "porfc-r-tly harmless under all circumstance's. Curtitirates Inmi many prntiiinent-. citizens of Sa-k Trauciiico accompany every bottle of HE WELL'S Pulmonary Syrup KD:N"JTO.n t eo. Agents, "an Fraticsco. ALWAYS SAFE! Always Effectual. Teverand Ague is Speedily aud ef fectually cured by Dr. E. COOiTEK'b Univer sal Magnetic Uahn. "PRO BONO PUBLICO!" tfVn c3 m 1 7n! . 1 VX . JClr, r.rtAYP VA. . J -mm 1 I U TRULY A VEGETABLE PREPA TJON. None genuine without signatuie of Strong. KEDINGTOX fc CO.. 41G and 418 Front frt., San Francisco Sole and exclusive Agent?. Kedington & Co's Florida Water ! USE NO OTHER. Unexcelled for Toilet Use and for the liath. KEDINGTON & CO.'S ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated loim all the properties of Jamaica Ginger, has become on& oT the moat poptdar dome-tie remedies tor all disens es of the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, w hether produced by fever or otherw ise: tor while it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or hiandy. it is free from the reactionary ejects that f lilow the use of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suHer from difficult menstruation, giving immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to Xausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea-sickness or other causes. It is also valuable as an external application for Gout, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, etc. KEDINGTON Co., 410 and 41b Front st, San Francisco. Use Electro Silicon, Or ?Igie Brilliant, REDINGTON & Co.'s ploiailsi Wsilor ! For Handkerchief. This article, possessing toe mot delicate fragrance of Flowers, is unequalled as a per fume for the Handkerchief. FOR TIIE BA Til ! Used in bathing it impart strength and en ergy tn the system, and gives that softness and delicacy to the skin so much desired by all IT REMOVES SUNBURN, Fit EC K EES fy PIMPLES, Diluted with water it makes an elegant don tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth sweetness to tho breath, and renders tbe gums hard and of a beautiful color. It should always be used after shaving dilut ed with water, as it relieves all inflammation. It ED ING TON if Co. 416 and 418 Front St., Han Francisco. ELECTRO SILICON, - OK - 31 it s; i c Slrillismt ! Direct from Nature's Lalratory. The Best article erer discovered for cleans ing and Polishing Gold. Silver and Plated ware, and all smooth Metaiic Surfaces, of whatever description, including Kitchen uten sils of Tin. Copper, Brass, Mecl. etc. To Jewelers and Workers in Gold and Sil ver Plate the Electro-Silicon is of inestimable value ; tbe time saved, and the vexation pre vented by its use, will forefrer endear its name to all who have had evidence of it3 Eierits, REDINGTON 4 Co. Sole Agents, San Francisco, J70II FLAVORING, RE DING TON Co! EXTRACTS Are the best. n renuythe VEF.Y BKST rrreov cwr comr.ootu'.rl or the rum f G.u?h, Colds. .Sore Throat, Asthuut, A hooping Cu?h, Kronehitis siml (.ons-uinpti-Hi. Ykuu-:andL-s of (leopls iu Culit'oruU ami Orepon have liaen dready bulletined by tho 6urrntin;s tumlivo jjuuei - - MEDICAL PROPERTIES OF &TOMA'GHB!TTERS LET IT BE DISTINCTLY BORNE I.V rnind that IIOSTETTER'S BITTEITi is a MEDICINAL PREPARATION', r.ot . beverage, and that it is entirely free fzen the attributes which create a'ner foster a pas sion for stimulants, and which belong to all the distilled and fomented liquors of com merce. Its alcoholic element is derived froi j sound rye a grain' which; aCCbrdihg to ?Ik testimony of the most distinguished iniyti cal chemists, yields a more wholesom spirit than any otlier known substance. But tvj QUINTESSENCE OF RYE employed in tbo manufacture of the Bitters, must not be cc:i fbflnded with the rye spirit sold in the' mar ket eS Bourbon ana M o no ngaheU "Whisky . The very test bronds of thtfse liquors pro cured for hospital use, and p'referred by th-. Medical Stall's of the Army ard Savy to any other liquor, are not to be coPp'ared in ex cellence with the article used in the coftccc tion of the GREAT STOMACH It is subjected, in the first instance, to a process which deprives it of the pungent and acne elements proved by chemical test to exist it. even what are deemed the finest imported and domestic spirits, and after bciug tbu purifies is kept on hand long enough V give it mellowness before being medicatedL The chief virtue of the preparations is uot however, in its spirituous basis, but in the jliices of the tonic, aperient, corrective and anfibilions vegetable products so' largdfy intermixed witl it. Perhaps, it may be urged, that if tbey im part to the alcoholic fluid its preventive and remedial qualities, water impregnated with the same ingredients would answer the pur pose as well. Nothing but profound igno rance 6f the laws of physiology and patho logy can excuse such an error. Only by a diffusible stimulant can the medicinal con stituents, that are to fortify the system against disease, or counteract diseased ac tion, be conveyed directly to Sieir destina tion. The stimulant rnpidly pervades th animal structure, earning with it io tha points where it is needed, the required' anti dote. Water will not cfo this". It has, com paratively speaking, no propelling or diffu sive power. Nor is this all. Nothing bu't alcohol will preserve the medicinal picperty of vegetable extracts in a, fluid state. Mix them with water aud the compound wiK ferment, turn sour and becotfie worse than valueless. It is claimed that HOSTETTER'S Bf TEKS commend themselves to tbe special favor of the Temperance Physician, r.s tha only diSusive stimulant which he can pre scribe without danger of unduly exciting tbe brain of his patient, and of creating that morbid thirst for alcohol which doses at tin -medicated spirits are so apt (6 engender. To argue with the dogmatists who assert that stimulants are itfways unnecessary and pernicious, would be a waste of ttnifr. Thtf most eminent lights fcf Medical Science have settled that question; and it is not worth while to hnve a controversy with the rush light. The leading champions of temper ance in the Uuited Stales, Horace Grecle.v among the number, have announced that they are not in favor of prohibiting tbe em ployment of spirituous liquors as medi ciue.i. So much for the moral claims of the arti cle under the temperance code. The grottnd being thus cleared, aut? it is hoped, 10 th satisfaction or every rational champion of sobriety, the specific application of the Bit ters to the prevention and cure of the " ilia that flesli is heir to," comes next in order. Peasons whose lives are peculiarly sensi tive are said to be of a "bilious habit." The morbid influences which affect others, in a general way, seem in their cases to operate directly and mainly upon the biliarv ordain Many who are thus predisposed to an orer flow of bile aTe snbjecf to periodical attacks of biliousness, accompanied by pain in thi right side, laeguor; pain between the should ers, gloomy feelings, and that peculiar ting-o of the complexion which indicates that u portion of the bilc'which should have passed off through the bowels, has been misdirected to the venous system, and is present in th superficial bloodvessels. To avert theso symptoms, oh3 the general disorder ot tho internal organs, w hich they involve, it is ad visable for individuals of a bilious habit to take at Uust two" doses of HOSTETTER'S BITTERS daily at such times as they have reason to apprehend an attack. Indeed, all who have a constitutional and ternperamen tul tendency to liver complaints would do well to take a dose of this admirable ANTI BILIOUS STOMACHIC every day. Wken tho great secretive gland is seriously disor dered, the medicine usually resorted to 11 mercury, which, unless administered witli very great caution, is infinitely mure dan gerous than the disease it is intended tor subdue. In a large majority of the cases treated with calomel, or blue piif, the anti-CD bilious and altera'tive properties of tli'e Bit ters would produce the desired" efTecf. And let it be borneiir mind that, whereas mcrcary 111 every shiipe is an insidious poison, tho medicinal ingredients of this preparation consist exclusively of w holesome vegeiaole. extracts, which are iliffused through the.0 sv.steni by means of the purest aud wildest of all knotfn stftr.ulants. A Warning to Countf rfeiters ami u. t aullon to Purchasers. No expense will be spared, no legal means of punishing fraud will be neglected, in th e do it to prevent the counterfeiting of HOS TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. CAUTIOX Not to purchase any article purporting to' be HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITfEHS, which is not authenticated by the handsome" Government stamp, speciaDy engraved1 for' the proprietors, anJ also b-y their superb new label, with a beautiful vjgnftte, repre senting the conflict between St. George and the Dragon at the top. and a miniatu.e noio of hand, signed Hostefttr & Smith, at the foot. X. B. The genuine Bitters arc sold in bottles only. All persons who pretend it PREPARED AND SOLD BY Hostetter St Smith, Proprietors, 1ITTSBUHU, Pa- ir- For sale br all Druggists. Grocers, anil shopkeepers throughout the world. ; AGENTS FOR Or.ECON : Hodge, Calef & Co., . Wholesale Druggists, Portland, OtfegOD. sell the article b.r the gallon or barrel, ai impostors, and the stuff fhey offeris a wortj less and, prebablf, poisonoas counterfeit. O