The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, January 16, 1869, Image 2

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She tUcckhrtCuScrpricr.
C agon City, Oregon ,
Saturday : : January 16, 1869
; The Wenat is again " up and
The California Pacific Railroad
now open to Sacramento and to
.Callstoa, from Yailejo."
1 ; ' " mil mm. (-
" -If it , is .only !.' conscience that
.. makes cowards of ns all." The
Urald should be at fearless as Ctesar.
y- A letter from il Observer''', and
r one from Occasional are uuavoida"
We delayed.
- Hamlin and Morrill of Maine,are
"'fighting" for the Senatorial seat of
that State.
: . Capt. Cahalan has been re
elected to the command of the Enj
met Guard, of Portland.
The Grand Konde Sentinel hears
that a $10,000 nup:Set has been
found on Shasta creek.
Chas. Sprenger, one of the pro
prietors of the Pacific Hotel in Al
bany, died last week of consumption.
George Hall, aii old gentleman
formerly of Canton, Illinois, died' of
Asthma in this city on Thursday
last. He bad no relatives.
J. II. Slater has bought a farm
sir miles from La Grande, and will
devote himself hereafter to agricul
tural pursuits.
Commercial is
" pitching" info two heavy men
Judge Stronsj and Ireland. We can
stand it. How is it with you, Judge?
Terrific rain storms have de
Ptroyed much valuable property and
many lives, in Pennsylvania and ad
jacent States in the East.
All the boats on the Wallamet
river, below the falls, are scarcely
nbl to carry the freight to Portland,
as it accurnnlates on the portage,
aud in the warehouses of this city.
We learn that Beach & Mon
teith, of Buena Vista, are erecting a
s:iw mill in place of the one they lost
by fire recently and that by spring
they will be actively engaged again
in lumbering.
T. VI. Brooks, Civil Engineer on
the Oregon Central and Puget Sound
and Columbia River Railroad?
ana uoiumoift Jtiver naiiroaas, isi''J'11! iao. mu ium;.;i
soon expected to return to Portland ! r""S nd pmpl7
having about completed the survey to ot words to ex
Oly mpia.
Prof. Yost, of Portland has ta- !
the Oregon City Brass Band to !
ken the Oregon C.ty Brass Band to
teach,, and'1 in' addition desires a few j
7npte for Piano instruction. The
days" set apart for his visits to this
city are Mondays and Tuesdays of
each week.
The address of Rev. G. II.
Atkinson, delivered before the New
York Chamber of Commerce, of
which our correspondent " Hoosier''
speaks, is before us, in pamphlet
iorm. Thanks to some gentleman
of New York City. Comments re
served; Thte Editor of an illustrious
nheet' being' asked by the getter-up of
its illustriou3-loeali whether the lat-
ter's jocose statement' oPa- certain
piece of news was infra dig; replied:
You should know, you are- ilwsys
in for a dig, at somebody." Herald
please comment.
The Herald, in its grotesque
gambols endeavoring to place itself
above suspicion with respect to cer
tain matter?, reminds us of the Mile
M;m, born on th last day of the year,
who always felicitated himself on his
narrow escape" from not being, born
nt all. " Be jab)bers,', 'says-he, " and
if it had been the next da, what
would have become of me V
Mr. B. K. Leverish, of Center
ville, has invented a gang plowfwhicb
the mnnnfacturer, Mr. L II.' Calkins,
informs-us is-tho most simple, effect
ive ajid cheap of any made. The
people of CentreviHo are raising sub
scriptions of money to clear out Dairy
rreek, so as to make it navigable for
the steamer Onward.
W e have heard lrom persons
coming to this city, that the report
is current elsewhere that a case or
two of small-pox has occurred re
cently in this city. It is entirely a
iaitake. If the disease should break
ut here and it is probable it nay
Mayor Barclay will be attentive
ta. tUa matter of preventing its
-Since tbe first settlement of the
country there lias rarely been a mild
er wiutar- than, the present. Thus
i'.ir there- h'aa been -no colder weather
i hau to produdft a-white frot and ice '
about the thiekaess-or-a pane or win
dow glass; while many- of the days
have been warm enough to dispense
with firt-s even in sitting rooms.
Grass has grown all winter thus far.
The rainfall has beeu unusually light
nnd the rivers,-now low; hayi at no
titn reached more -than a go d boat-
-The Walla - Walla Statesman
savs that of all '"bilks" the man who
bilks a newspaper is the tsieane&t.
-J?21. Gi!oan os;' preparing to
build a three story brick adjoining
Carter's fine block in Portland.
Messrs. Patterson- & Semple
have decide d that three Democratic
papers iti Portland would not prove
pi.olitable. Hence will not begin it.
.... John S. White, Esq., formerly '
of Portland, was married to Mrs.
Ruth Hnssoy, at Walla Walla on
the Cth. ' " -
The new banking house of Messrs.
Ladd & Tilton, Portland, is described
by the city journals.' It is as fine a
structure as ,any on this coast,
Persons visiting Olympia should
stop at the .Pacific Hotel. We are
informed that Mr. Hill Harmon,' the
hnSt, is a whole sooled, er.terDrising
citizen. .
General Grant does not favor
the maintaining of large squadrons at
foreign stations that are not import
ant, and especially where American
interests can be protected with two
or three ships as well as a dozen.
One of the latest engineering
projects is to connect the upper
Ohio' with the Gulf of Mexico by a
short route. The principal link in
the line would be a canal thirty miles
long between the Coosa and Tennessee
A large number of bills have
been recently introduced iato Con
gress among them one by Ashley,
providing a temporary government for
Alaska ; also in relation to the elec
tion of a Delegate from that Terri
tory. Preferred to the Committee
on Territories.
The material formerly used in
publishing the Blue Mountain Times
has been shipped to Walla Walla,
and is to be used there in publishing
a new paper of Republican proclivi
ties, to be called the Weekly Union.
II. M- Judson, editor.
Geo. Francis Train begins to
consider his imprisonment a serious
joke. It was an easy matter to get
into this bad English box, but lie
finds it very hard to get out. Mean
while he has given up all hopes of
Congress and the White House. He
is said to sutler 1'ur the want of a
Turkish bath.
A writer in Harper's Magazine,
recently speaking of the editorials of
a certain journal, not the Oregon
Herald but it might have been, said:
" They are apparently written under
the stimulus of a reward of a gold
medal for the person who shall com
mence the farthest away from his fnl... L.
longest time in
express ti is
The first earthquake of which
if n 1 T I' .
liave riorum,
was JeH m tne year L,tO at San
Gabriel, which was so frequently
disturbed that it was called " Earth-
quake Valley" el valle de los 1cm.
blores by the Eranciscan friars,
who nevertheless established a mis
sion there, and built one of the finest
churches on the coast. It was never
thrown down or even seriously in
jured, and San Gabriel is now less
affected by earthquakes than many
other parts of the State.
According to all we are able to
learn S. P. Whitman, (whom some
of our cotemporories are advertising
as a fit man to be trusted with letral
business in Washington City,) is a
dead beat. His advertisement was
formerly in this paper. Any person
having business before the General
Land Office at Washington, can with
safety trust BHtton & Gray, No.
476 seventh street. We were per
sonally acquainted with Mr. Gray
some years ago, and know him to be
an' honoroble gentleman. Make a
note of this.
The Salem (Mass.) Gazette says
that in a neighboring town shoes
made up in one of the worst forms of
shoddy,, in the shape of inner soling
made of straw and leather chips.
The leather pr2sents a very plausible
appearance to conrmon observation,
and would, perhaps, wear tolerably
well in dry walking. But on wear
ins through the thin outer sole, ex
posing the inner to tj.e moisture of
the wet ground, the sham stuiT will
soften to pulp and come to pieces,
rendering the shoe utterly useless.
The shoes thus made are intended
for the Western market. They ean
not fail to destroy the reputatiau of
their manufacturers.-
There is no nonsense about
Grant. He is grandly practical.'
Both before and citice Ins election to
the Presidency he was oQVred ova
tfons, but he has steadily refused to
accept them.' lie is not much on
show; but is" heavy on substance.
The more they know of 'him, the bet
ter do the people like him. Even
Democrats begin to praise htm, and
after having voted all they could
against him, now talk of voting all
they can for him lie has captured
them as be did Lee at Appocuattox
and like Capt. Scott's coon, they say
"You needn't fire, .General ; we'll
come ilowu." And they are com
iiij' !
- A " pRir.-vre" - Letter One of
tne leading juemocrats ct Uregou,
now mVash i ngt on Ci ty w e w i U
not say jlhatjitWas the Roy. Joseph
writirrg to a Demedrat of this
eity, makes use of the following lan
guages respecting the action of 'the
-press of -that-party, -in commenting
upon the work of the last Legisla
ture.' He bays V
ou should earnestly implore - the
Herald and , in fact all Democratic
papers in Oregon, to cease the dis
cussion of this question. No good can
come out of it and untold damage
will inevitably follow its further discussion.-
. . ; )- n;.: .-,.' -; f
The Democrat to whom the above"!
, , , ' "' : '..!
una mucn more was aauresseu, tnatne
deemed it unadvisable lo- allow us to
print,) lives in Oregon City, and he
is a gentleman the like of -hicIk there
are but feW. in that party. r He is ; as
thoroughly disgusted with the coarse
the. Democratic majority, pursued in
the Legislature, as was Senator Hus
ton, or Mr. Waymire of Polk county,
both Democrats, : who are ; not
afraid to place ; the responsibility
where it rests.: Upon the -rebels, of
that body. , . : s
Tkkathext ok SifALL-Pox Dr.
W. Eield, of Wilmington, Delaware,
says; "Having much experience in
the cure of scarlet fever - and small
pox, of the most malignant type, 1
would thank you, for the sake of hu
manity, to publish a recipe, which if
carefully and faithfully carried out
will cure forty-five out of fifty cases,
without calling on a physician":
Scarlet Fever. For adults, give
one tablespoonful of brewer's yeast in
th rce taolespoonfuls of sweetened
water, three times a day, and if the
throat is much - swollen, gargle with
the yeast, at;d apply to the throat as
a poultice, mixed with .Indian meal.
Use plenty of catnip tea .to keep the
eruption out on the skin a few days.
Small Pox. Use the above doses
of yeast three times a day, end take
mi!k diet throughout the entire dis-
ease. JN early every case can be cured ! until the services of a first class civil engi
without le;ivfn,r a ,,,!.- i neer has been procured, one who has
The Walla Walla Statesman.
speaking ef the gang plows such as
are made by Mr. J. W. Lewis of this
city, s-.ivs
," With this plow one nan can do
more woik than two men with the
,.,i;.,,. ... ii -, i .i
oulmarj talking plow and the some
amount of team, and hence on any
ordinary farm the whole cost of the
implement can be saved in a single
, ii i I, -
.eason. Among all the labor-saving
m.'ichiues we have examined, desigtied
lor the use if the larm. we know c
none that for simplicity, case of
working, and genera! adaptation to tho
purpose intended, excel the " Fft-il
Ciang Plow," iuui as such we com
mend it to the attention of ettr far
mer readers." .
Tiio AicMinviile' Courier s jast
leader is just three columns in ientrth,
devoted to the Democratic Garden,
and the new Gardener, Co!. Jas C.
Dow. Dow will probably tell 31r.
Johnson as Uenri-s lloehefort once
told a publisher :
" riibiish plenty of j-mall itcm,
cntrejhts, separated by cuii.idcruble
spaces. Tiie pubho does Lot thank
ym for giving it uiore ' copy' than it
That is the easiest way to get Out
of it Dow.
On Monday next, in rooms ad
joining the Lincoln" Bakery, on Main
street iti this city, Alp. J. 1 Nevv
tran wi.'l open a first class restaurant,
where m?a!s can be obtained at all
hoars. The want of some such es
tabiishnu-tit as this has long been felt
by visitors to our city, and we hope
that Mr. N. will meet with good
liowell & Co., the New York Ad
vertising Agents, have issued a com
plete American Newspaper Directo
ry. It is a compilation much need
ed, since nothing of the kind having
any claims to completeness hn ever
been published. Messrs. Howell &
Co., have spared m pains or expense !
to make this work complete. We ;
,,.,i,,.v..,,-i .!..,. - i... ,j .,. ;
octavo volume of about ,00 pages, j
bound in dark cloth, and sold for
Five Dollars per copy. As the pnb- i
Ushers are Advertising Agents, their j
issuing a work containing so much in- j
formation, usually jealously guarded I
by those in that business, shows that 1
tbev arP onnfLloot nf tboir hi!;o, :
be of service to advertisers, or ihev
wiuld not so readily place in their
hands the means of enabling every
one to communicate direct with pub
lisheis if thev so desire.
Horace Greeley purposes to
write, during the year- an ele
mentary woik on Political economy,
wherein the. policy of Protection to
llorne Industry will lie explained
and vindicated. ' "ThTsVork will first
be given to t!ie publio throngh suo
cessive issues of the New York Trib-u.:ic-,
and will appear in all its editions
Di'v, $10: , semi wlcklv, . 81 :
weekly, ,2 j'er atiiiu'tn.
We . lave received from the pnb
lisher?, .the Star -S"
'imvahd Jiannrr '
ixarjiej, uanner
iur turt, uu-uoui .. i
enters upon its seventh volume, and i
i ' -t , . ... '
is etiiartrea ana improved, .giving .j - - - -
near! y double lhe foi raer nmount of 1 . There? certainly cannot be anything like
matter. It is a sheet of lOJco!urifiis ! Miece.-s.sful competition .with this Company,
nird 8 pages, illustntted.'ond is really ! a? Co,nri.v usin- t! river and mak
i . . , " ; lag a trans-shipment at these 1 alls. The
the cheapest -paper iu the coutitry. Rrcat aiiI-eren(!e ihut thero ,vill lje .in
Its : pubbslers present, gratH, to j the expense of boats taking their freight
every subscriber, a splendid, tngrar- 'i at Riiy point oath- upper Wallamet river
iti"-, and the price of all is onlv 75 1
.-. . .,, . - - 1
cents, bpeeirnci.s wi.l hs sent' free j
by acl'ire-sig, Stir Sj angled 2?jK- ;
:er-t ilinsthib', X. II.
-: lKCt.AH."
Of Wallamet Fall, Canal and
...Xrfk Coiapauy, ofClackawas Coun.
t y, Oregon.
1 The"- Wallamet Falls Canal and
Lock Company has been incorporated
and organized, for tie purpose of con
structing, at the Falls of the Wallamet, a
Canal and Locks, for the purpose of facil
itating uud cheapening the transportation
of freight and passengers up and aown
tin.' ailamt-t rher.
The work proposed to h? accomplIhed
by the organization oY this Company is one
which has occupied" the thoughts, and at
tracted the "attentic-TE; of persons feeling an
interest in the growth jtnd development
of the Wallamet valley, as much perhaps,
as iny contemplated improvement within
the- Wi dei d of the State.
ametl alls form the onlv imnas-
sable barrier to the free navigation of the
a1.- at 411 reason of the year,
from-its vsoyrca to . .its Junction with .the
Columbia-river :' and.' with the final com.
pletion of the improvements proposed by
..this Cimipany.-there wijh be an open high
way',' from" the head-waters of the Wallamet
river to the Pacific Ocean; a distance of
two hundred and fifty miles, running
through and drainlng'what is universally
conceded to In? the' richest ;and most pro-,
duet ive . valley of any upon the Pacific
coast, if not in-the United States, of its ex
tendi J - ,l; ;!, '' - .- j
,Xhe proposed improvement is one not
local indts character. It will be beneficial
alike to-town and country to the east
side, as well as the west side, "of the river,
and which every "county in the Wallamet
yidley has a. cpmmon interest in seeing
successfully carried out. With the ac
knowledged capabilities of the soil ef this
valley, and the. extensive body of arable
land there is in it, front which is annually
harvested the never failing crops, lias pre
determined the question that the gieat
business of this valley always be that
of the agriculturist, and attendantpnrsuits,
which leaves but one question for ..the set
tler to solve, to insure wealth and a com
petency for all. and that is : Cheap and
expeditious modes of getting the products
of the soil to market, tvery cent saved
on a bushel of wtieat, either in cost of
transportation or by the prevention of
waste in handling, goes directly to the
pocket of the producer. therefore, every
enterprise proposing to increase the laeil
itiws, and improve the manner of transpor
ting the produce of this valley, is deserv
ing of careful attention, and should meet
with encouragement from every citizen of
the State of Oregon who feels an inter
est in accelerating the advancement of the
State to that great and proud position in
the sisterhood of Slates which the gifts of
nature, so luviddy and bounteously he
stowed upon her, entitles her to occupy.
This Company propose to proceed in the
erection of these works in a manner that
will justify the confidence of all, in their
permanence, durability and safety. Noth
ing material win lie done on uiese works
! experience hi constructing like worLs in
nmtlar localities, under whose personal
i runervisiuu and -hisinjction. these locks
i will be constructed.
l hat this improvement can t:e maaj m
lie manner itiescribeil bv the Act of the
Legislative Assembly of Oregon graiit-
j ing to it the State aid, and at the same
I thl,c' b,! a AU(l Vf
i lor capital, there seems no good reason to
,.oubtJ without indulging iu imaginative
j liigUs, or the lauguage of mere theoretic
j speculation there is certainly good reason
j !d (.bservant minds to believe that
tins l'acdtc coast is now commencing upon
au ,.ra rapia aud permanent ineveasV la
j nonnlation. and con.-eouentlv in material
f l wraith anil iinnrovt'iiii'iiLs of uil kiad.-
; U'itLin a tew short months the Great l'a
i eilie Raih'fiatl v.'ill be coinoletud. It is re-
; j-'orii.'d, upon what should, be censi!erel :
i jood authority, that as sot.u as this jrreat
work is linlshed. there, will be'.ely
i so: ni work, ou a branch railroa;! to tin
Cnluinbia river, some fiflei'ii !liou.-aiul men.
I 'l'hat such iinmease enierprisi'S must esseu
I tiaiiv ehuuu'o the. coinli'.iou of a Hairs in
th;.-; "State for the better, as well as in Cal-
ifornia. and hasten to Orerjon the one
. jrreat dcshLratuii -popuUliou none can
I doubt.
Tin; amount of carrying business that
I will Ix: done upon the Wallamet river in
j future, must of eouiobe somewhat, a mat-
ter of speculation, dependiiii: on various
1 eoiitin;;enees. and cannot now be estima
; ted with any thing like certainty. Rut.
that this river wi'd al ways be the great
highway for the transportation cf the ro
: ducts and supidies of a large portion of
j Wostoru Oregon, has been fixed by nature,
! arid cannot be changed.
The extent and capabilities of Western
Oregon for future ('evelopnietit and of
which the Wallamet valley forms tho main
feature, is a subject upon which we do. not
propose to enlarge in this pamphlet. The
subjoined concise description of this part
of the State, taken from a recent report of
the Commissioner of the General Land Of
fice, will convey to persons whose atten
tion 1ms never been called to the subject,
a verygood idea of its natural features
and extent:
Western Oregon, that portion of tho
State first settled, and containing the great
preponderance of its present population,
is two hundred and seventy-five miles in
length, with an average width' of one hun
dred and ten miles, being nearly one-third
of the whole Stat?, and contains about
thirti -one thousand square miles, or nearly
twenty million acres, all of which is valua
ble for Agriculture, for Grazing, or for
timber-growing, excepting the crests of
the highest mountains. It is more than
four times as large as Massachusetts, near
ly three times as large as Maryland, and is
greater in extent than the united areas of
.Maryland. New Jersey, Massachusetts, ana
Rhode Island. '
That everything in the nature of mate
rial progress and developments in the
State is now in its infancy, is a well attested
fact known to all, and yet, the carrying
trade of the present day upon the Wal-
ifvue.-b ijni. olivine iuui cousiuei auou ll
regular and rapid increaso during the past
low years, fully justifies the erection of
theseworks at" the present time, by this
'EJf undcr tbc vantages enjoyed
.mb. Samtel-L. Stevens, who has kept
the books of different Companies passing
lifMght at these Falls for several years
Pst. and who is therefore in possession fo
I positive knowledge ot the exact amount.
, says' thai in the year 1?G: there was
! passed fourteen thousand tons. In the
i year 1 sfk forty thousand tons: and while
I we have no figures to show the amount for
j the seasons of 1M7 8 and 18G8 9. we
! have estimates lrom persons acquainted
! with the business, which are probably very
'i near correct, who place the amount lor
' 1 St.7 8 at fifty thousand tons, and for
lSeS -!) at sixty thousand tons, and in the
Hast named season, in-addition to the
! freight, it is estimated that at least twenty
thousand passengers will be passed. -
These facts, within themselves, show a
j rapid and healthy increase in business on
j the river, notwithstanding the general high
; rates of freight, now charged,
j I'.y the terms of the Act granting the
Sta'e aid to thi Company, the Company
is untie .riM.'d to .charge 7o cents per ton for
i passing freight for the first ten years, and
j twenty cents per passenger. There has
yet been no thorough or exact estimate
; made of the probable cost of the improve-'
mentsi proposal bv this Companv. but no 1
. tliat, has as vet been madeby anv
person tor tiie Coninanv. place t tie co
above ihe amount of th capital stock of j
thuComnanv three hundred thousand dol
l,r,a ti:'ii,v'?.nt -lae ;HirtT,V-jr,r lts i
port oi aeuverv. on tuner me v. auamei
tf tie. cUubia rivers., in -.comparison
viili any Coinpany' which has to. make
till'. Lt t k.
I Lb Falls.
rTtroocTTY nv r.&T.TFOPNTA..
wTiU the sadlTTonar cost "6T "extra boats",
warehouses, handling, etc., etc., precludes
all possibility of serious competition, for
anv lengtn or ume. ... .
$be ave?agSprfc of freight on the riv:
er, excepting when there has been opposi
tion, (which 6ppositioal as heretofore, has
been so uncertain and irregular that ship
pers Qould not depend upon; itwiti any
certainty.) has beeu as follows : ! '
From rbftlafd toTSaleni.'.
. $tiO)
' Corvallis. . .
... . . v r - If arrisburg .
!. . " Lue-ene titv
S3 - .
From,. Eugene to Portland.
- Ilarrisbnrg "
' Corvallis - " .
Salem .. , ,
$14 00
10 00
7 00
4 50
Froni points on the Yamhill river to
roitland, from $5 00 to $7 00; ' ''' --" '
a dVe sapiose it is not a low , estimate to
say, "tli at wTieu boats can pass through
these Falls, and the one craft "be able to
make the found ti'ipjfreigbts Can be carried
at one third the a-ates above specitiedj or
evne les3 than that, and this cheapening of
the prices lor carrying freight on the Wal
lamet fiver will then, be permanent, and
not spasmodic as heretofore. . It is a fact
generally known to. the people of Oregon,
that for the' lust ten years or .more, since
the carrying trade of this river has become
aa object? worthy ot attention, that it has
been iubre or less under the control of
some private company or incorporation,
which bas erected improvements upon but
one side or the -other of the Falls,, which
improvements have of course been under
the control of the Company owning them,
and have been exclusively managed by
such Company or incorporation lor the
promotion of their own private interest,
and in some instances for the exclusive
use of the boats owned by that particular
Company which at the time ownyd or
controlled the portage, and the obstruction
to navigation caused by these Falls as
they naturally exist, being so extensive as
to necessitate a land carriage of all freight
for nearly a mile in extent, with numer
ous re-handling and trans-shipments. makes
the passing of freight around these Falls,
by any Company not possessing large
capital and acting in concert with some
Company owning boats above, a matter
of impossibility.
The natural effect of this state f things
has been to give to the Company owning
or controlling these improvements, an
almost exclusive monopoly of the carry
ing trade of the river, the "baneful effects
of which most shippers on the "Wallamet
and its tributaries, the Yamhill and Sun
Ham, have at different times experienced.
But the day that this Company open the
Canal and Locks proposed to be con
structed by them for the passage of boats
through these Falls, that day ends forever
anything like a monopoly in tin: carrying
trade of these rivers.
The bill granting the State aid to this
Company provides- that boats or water
crafts of any description, shall be passed
through the Canal and Locks in the order
of their arrival at either terminus of
the Canal. This leatnre alone in this bill
s-hould commend the enterprise to the
support of every shipper and producer in
this valley. Boats, and water crafts of all
kin Is, are now plenty in the Wallamet
river, and are constantly increasing, and
whenever a boat, belonging to whom it
may, can start 'Vera Portland or Astoria
and lake its caigo of merchandise to any
point on the upper Wallamet, and return
with its load of jiroduce, without any
detention except such as are commonly
incident to all steamboat navigation on
rivers, and paying no tolls except such as
are established bv lav, and air coual to
a II. a new era in the carrying trade of the
liver will be commenced. .
When this river is thus opened to free
and fair competition from its source to its
continence w ith the Columbia, the produ-
cers of tins valley can then, and not. till
then, depend upon getting their products
: to market at a.i times, ami at, r.vuig rules.
I Xo steamboat mom.'iiolv can th . n smtnort.
its host id' ofiieials and nominal employees,
and boast of making its one hundred and
fifty or two hundred and liitv thousand
doilars m one
and consumer."
n. oil the producers
tins V;
Annex, .(i (,) th" pamphlet will be found
the Articles of Incorporation of this Com
pany ; the Act of Congress of September
1, lfc.Il, donating lands to the Stales for
the purpose of Internal Improvements ;
and the Act of the Legislative Assembly
of the Slate of Oregon, setting apart to
this Company one hundred and fifty
thousand dollars of the proceeds of the
sale of lands granted to the State bv the
said Act of September 4. lsfl.and the five
pur centum of the net proceeds of the
sale of the public lands of the United
States, lying within this State.
By the report of Hon. I. It. Moohes, Sec
retary of the Hoard of Commissioners
having charge of the lands granted bv the
Act of Congress of September 1841. it,
appears that the whole amount of said
lands, (500.000 acres), has Keen Felected
by the State of Oregon, of which selection
2'3:).876 28-100 acres have already been
approved by tho Secretary of the Inte
rior. 2H0.G(1 35 100 acres'of this land is
situated in what was formerly a portion
of the Oregon City Land Dislrict. and is
principally located in Union and Baker
Counties, a large amount of which land is
now occupied by actual settlers, and will
be entered and paid for as soon as the
proper officer is appointed on behalf of
the State, to receive the money.
In a letter written by Hon."). Ciiapi.ix.
Rec eiver ot the Land Office at La Grande,
in Union County, to one of the Directors
of this Company, it is stated that at least
forty thousand dollars would be paid over
immediately, in that District, if there was
luiy officer authorized to receive the same.
In addition to the above, from statemen's
received from the Land Offices in this
State, it appears that there is now due
this State from the United States 19,821
dollars, arising from the five per centum
ot net proceeds of lands lying within this
Stat, sold by the United' States. There
has been no appropriations made by this
State out of this land fund previous to
making the one to this company, and none
since except one of 1.1.000 dollars.
And there eanb o no reasonable doubt
of the sufficiency of the funds from
which the grant to this company is to be
paid, or that the faith of the State of Ore
gon pledged to this Company will be kept
The capital stock of this Company has
all been subscribed, and partly paid up,
and tho Company fully organised by the
election of Directors .md other officers a
list of whom will herewith appear. The
object of this publication is to call the at
tention of the public generallyto the ob
ject sought to be carried out by this Com
pany, .and to invito the co-operation of
those who desire its consummation. This
work will be commenced as early in the
spring as the season will permit,"and will
be completed, if possible, next summer
and fall. As (his work progresses it is
probable that bonds will be issued by the
Company, and an " opportunity given to
those who may desire to invest in this im
provement. The permanent place of busi
ness cf this Company 'As established by
its articles of incorporation at Linn City,
Clackamas county. State of Oregon, where
au office will be opened by the Company
wnen ine acure operations on these work
ire commenced. For the present Hip !
regular place of meeting of lhe Directors i
of this Company is at thcoffice of S. Iluelat j
"n Oregon City, where a draft of the works
proposed to be erected by the Company
cau oo seen, ami ivnere communications J
relative to the business of the Companv
Bv order of the Diif-rfoi-s.
..;.-.... S. II UEL AT, Secretary.
Arlirlen of inrorporalion, entered in.
ty ST. Iliiun, AV. Ja nuliinitn
and Samuel Stipliftn, ofClacka
nias County, Oregon. ,
: . j
FntsT The name cf this corporation S
shall be lhe Wallamet Falls Canal and '
I Cnnmnnv." The duration of the time
to be oeroetuaL i
Secomk The enterprise for which the
corporation is formed is to locate and con
struct a-ca'naPand" suitabte locks" at the
ifallsof the Wallamet river, on the west
side ot said talis. So as to pass boats from
the lower ts the uppes? Wallamet river, and
from the upper to the lower Wadamet river,
s as to ensdre the speedy transit of freight
amf passengers up ! aud down said Wal
lametriver. Tmnn The principal office or place of
business shall be at Linn Citv. Clackamas
county, Oregon. .- -
Fot itTii The capital stock of said cor-
poration shall be three hundred thousand
dollars. " " " '"'
i r Fifth Th amount of each share shall
. be one thousand dollars.
Sixth The canaf'ahd locks shall be
built commencing at a woint on the west
side of the Wallamet river opposite the
town of Canemah and terminate opposite
the toWn of Oregon City, all m Clackamas
county, Oregon - '- l. a?.' ; -'
...... . s X. IIAUX.,V - . ..--i U
. , . . ' ; .; e. w. b aug iimax, ; .
Vii ' S. L. STKVFXS.
Witnesses: vu ' ' '
. F. O, MoCO WN, D. T." BEALS.
... ....),., .-.Statu .ok Okkgok,
County of Clackamas, j
Be it remembered that oil this 14th day
of September, 1865. before me, the tin dor
signed Notary l'ublic for said county, per
sonally came X- liaun. F. W. Baughmanf
and S. LVStwens. by me known to be the
persons described in and who sigtied the
foregoing articles of incorporation, and in
due form of law acknowledged that they
executed the same for the purposes therein
specified. - -
. In witness whereof, I have hereunto sub
scribed my name and affixed my Notarial
Seal the day and year last above written.
seal. F. O. JlcCOWN,
Notary Public in and for Oregon.
Extracts from Acts cf Congrrss.
The following are extracts from the Acts
of Congress from which the moneys (set
apart by the Legislative Assembly of tins
State in aid of this improvement,) are de
rived :
Fii:st An Act entitled "An Act to ap
propriate the proceeds of the sales of the
I'uulic Lands, and to grant Pre-emption
Flight.'' Approved. September 4, 1811.
Section 8. And be if further enacted. That
there shall be granted to each State speci
fied in the first-section of this act live hun
dred thousand acres of land for purposes
of internal improvement : Provided, that
to each of the said States which has al
ready received grants for said purposes,
there is hereby granted no more than a
quantity of land which shall, together with
the amount such State has already re
ceived as aforesaid, make five hundred
thousand acres, the. selections in all of the
said Stales, to be made within their limits
respectively in such manner as the Legis
lature thereof shall direct ; and located in
parcels conformably, to sectional divisions
! and subdivisions, of riot le-s th.'-n three
hundred and twenty acres in anyone loca-
tion. on any public land except sucii s is
! or may be reserved from sale by anv law
! of Congress or proclamation of the l'resi-
dent ol the United Stales, which said 1 ;
j tions may be made at. any time after tlie
j 1-nds of the United States in said States
! respectively, shall have been surveyed vc
; cording to existing laws. And there shall
be and hereby is. granted to each new
j State that shall be heieat'ter admitted into
i the Union, upon such admission, so much
land us. including such quantity, as may
j have beeH granted to such State before its
! admission, and while under a Territorial
I Government, for uurposcs of internal im-
' provement as aforesaid as shall make five
' hundred thousand acres of land, to bo se-
i "lee ted and located us aforesaid,
j Section V. And be it firHtcr ciwted.
! That the lands herein granted to the States
above named shall not be disposed of at a
price less than one dollar and twenty-five
cents per acre, until MMicrwise authorized
by a law of the United States; and tlo
nett proceeds of tho sales of said lands
shall be faithfully applied to objects of in
ternal improvement within the States aibre-
; said, respe.
name! v
Roads, rail-
ways, bridges, canals ami improvement of
: wafer-courses. and draining of swamps :
: and such roads, railways, canals, bridges
land water-eo'iros, when made or im-
proved shall be free for the transportation
i of the United States mail, and munitions of
j war. and for the pa-.-age of their troops,
i without the payment of any toll whatever.
I Secoxp An Act providing for the ad-
mission of Orecron into the Union:
1-it'h that tiv? per centum ot the net
proceeds ol sab s of all public lands lying
within said State which shall be sold by
Congress utter the admission of said State
into the Union, after deducting all the ex
penses incident to the same, s-hall be paid
to sail State, for the purpose of making
public roads and internal improvements,
as the Legislature shall direct.
The act of the Legislative Assembly di
recting the appropriation in aid of this en
terprise, is substantially the same as we
have heretofore published. Section 7 reads
as follows :
Section 7. The said Canal and Lock
Company shall be required to expend the
sum of one hundred thousand dollars be
fore the 1st day of January. 1670, and the
w hole, work completed cm or before the
first, day of January, 171 : or if the above
conditions are not complied with, the
above mentioned sums-of money sdiall not
be paid, and an" other rights given the
Company by the State, under this act.
shall be declared forfeited.
Weekly Commercial lleview.
Enterprise Office, )
Oregon City, Jan. 15, IStiS. f
A San Francisco dispatch of the 14th says
flour was unchanged in New Y'ork. Wheat
was quoted at Us 8d(3,ns led in Liverpool.
Heavy receipts of flour from Oregon had de
pressed the California market, and these
brands were selling at $5 ) bbl ; San Fran
cisco superfine, ?L7.1al.?7 ; wheat, $1.7,
per hundred for shipping, to $1.80 for choice.
Oats were quotable hi j to &.2f for Or
egon, and 2. 20 for California, with a small
lot at highest figures.
A citizen of this county recently received
returns of sale of a lot of Oil boxes fruit,
through McCr-ako.n, Merrill & Co., at favor
able figures better than he expected net
ting about r,$ cents per box.
-A Fplendid show
sale apply at this office.
case for
Saddler-. J. JI. Schrarn, of this
City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery
and IIarnes in the Stale. lie will have at
least 50 sets of all grades, from fine to com-;
mon, linistied and ready for sale next month,
and moie than that number of Saddles. He
is bound to make a trade. with any man who
wishes to buy of him. He uses both Oregon
and California leather in his establishment,
and Jiis work hears amoht excellent reputation
abroad. We hope that citizens of our own
county will think of this, when they want any
articles in his line.
Courage. Courage of the hiffliest-
ordcr is the Product of lhe conscience and
tne wi"- lt; is not t'ie karJihood which
comes from ignorance of the situation, or
'.rom slo",a inensiiiiity. it looks upon the
;'et Y f "In the dangers as
- , , ,. , r
" nsnei loeKco
they resolved that prices must be reduced in
proportion to the times. They have suc
ceeded, and are now considered really the
! best'men in Portland to deat with.
. EC.AU persons who keep Howe &
Stevens' Family iMe Colors for sale can be
reuea on lor fair dealing, for thcJ reason t!ia;
,hty ' Cf,fit' the retail-r twenty-five re'.ts Wr
uozen niorc than other kinds of Dves in the- :
"1;ll'Kt'l wlll,e i retails them all at the same I
I'"e - ioiqwntIy he makes r rts., jdoz-j
vu-iuuic, cv.iiu-au luicnoi' aritcie.
At f'fio rsidpnee of the srroom. bv the Rev
J. V. Sellwoodon. tbcJitb iusX. Mr. SAM-;
FEX WICK, both of, Oregon City.' j
Of small-pok, Jan. llth, at the residence:
of her uncle lii Chckitat Co., AV. T., opposite
Dalles Citv, Oregon, Catherine.etdest daugh
ter of A. C. It- and E. Shaw, of Oakland,
Cab, foimerlyof l'ortland, Oregonr aged'2l
veurs and 6 months.
Sew Advertisements. -
notice. v ; ;. . !'
The person who exchanged hats' wtl
me at Oood Templars' Hall will please make
tl.u Avr.hanaro (THflit tfl TUft fit OVCH. '" t f
. "... . v U1X DEMENT.'
: - - ... : -l T
" There will 'be' meeting of the stock
holders of the Odd Fellows' Hall Association
or Oregon Citv held on Thursday, January
2lst, 4(it', t 7 o'clock, p. v. tortbepnrpose
of electing Directors, Ac Tlie meetmgwill
be held over T. Charmati's store. ' "T-
lir order of Incorporators. -''-
i - J. AL BACON, Sec'y.l
In Large Quantities can It ' Found
AT .''"""
S. JV. corner of Morrison and Front
strtets, Portland, Oregon.
Also Caps of erery style, and Roys' and
(iirls' Hats in large varieties. Give us a call
and examine. . ,
Newspaper Directory,
Prr.i.isHERS and Nbspapeu Advertising
40 Park itoiv.
lo9. -.
A work of great value to Advertisers, Pub
lishers and others, who desire informa
tion in relation to the Newspapers.'
aud I'eriodieuls of North
A m erica.
1 O X :i i lv It o w,
Nr.w Yoi:k.
Dealer in
Dry Goods and Clothing,
. . .
j ' Front Street (In Whites New Block,)
X sive slock Goods in the above line,
The Latest Styles !
Plain and Changeable Dress Silks;
Silk and Wool Poplins;
All Wool Poplins and Tartan Plaids;
and a large variety of other Dress Goods.
Gents' and Boys' Custom-mads
and' and Gents' Under Wear and
Furnishing Goods, which buyers
crc invited to call and inspect.
ft . WO R T H E I M E R ,
Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture,
X the public that lie has now on hand
a laage invoice of
' ' &
BED-STEADS. w - - -J
And Various other Qualities of Rich
and Medium Furniture
Forming a complete and desirable assort
ment, which merits lhe attention of buyers.
- . ! --: ". '-' . i i
Using good materials, and emplorino- thl
very best nuhaaica i thf f-'-late. lience he
can w arrant his goods to be as represented
and . he is prepared to hH all oxderii wiui
pretiptness. j . -:. : i -si Li : s - i ,1 ,i
He would call the attention of the'public
to his salesroom, as contar,tig the most
eoinplfcte assortment H desiralli. norxi in tlie
htate. . " - - - ,
' 31. WXIRTIIEIMER; ''- i 'ii-
. . Waia street, Oregon City.
" ' r
j -
At tlie Enterprise Office
I A". 15. Ilieliiiilson,
Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland
Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merck
- dise and Horses,
Every Wednesday and Saturday t
ArBr RicnARDsoxI Auctioned
English refined' I'ar and Rwndle Iron
English Sqoare and Octagon Cast steel ;
Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws - ..-1
Screwsj Fry-pans, sheet iron, II. G. Iron ;
' also :' '
A.large assortment f Groceries and Liquori.
A. B. JTicjiakdon',. Auctioneer-.
--' ' ... - ' 4
Jj ew Advertisements, r-
Arthur g Home JSIa'gazine, $2 a year.
(Mce a Months'. .'. Sit year.
This is a new Magazine,embracing the racir
popular features of the Atlantic and jrinj
Age. ..Tht C-kiLdrm'i li'ur. . .$1 25 a year.
3-AIl or these magazines $4. A Speciuiea
of eii her, 15 cents. Address. , ,
' : -T. tS. Arthur & Hons." Philadelphia. Ia,
ten with one pen of Ink. No Blotting. one
dozen assorted samples sent for 25 cts.Agcnts
make 10 a day. Address GooQspeed 4 Co.,
37 Park Row, N. Y. City.
hr7r PER WEEK, H 'ammud. BU8ine
if I J djw, Circulars free. Aridres
!- y.f'-.i J.S. Hays. Gi tat Falls, N JL I
U'otn.J, Scrf,tla. Mdnh
CrtlVU A I,!lrel-T '''Citable
lffrOVi ointment. Been in use tif-
storekeeper in California and Oregon.
REDDING &. CO., Boston, Mass.
7 T f ( Pi MAD-St"A.
JLX J J JlJ mji so important.
St ud two .stamps for sealed 72 pago on the O
vhole subject. Dr. Whittier, confidential
physician, HIT St. Charles st., t. hmiij,
Jlo.. s ta litis pre-eminently above all other'
in his specialty. No matter who failed,
ytate your case. Patients treated by wail l
errrv State.
Pacific Agency of the
American Clock Co.,
We inv'te the attention of the trade tntbe
establishment of a branch of our New Yuri;
House in Saa Frandsco. We are sole -geuu
of thf
E. JV. Welch Manufacturing Co.,
Selh Thomas Clock Co.,
JSeiP Haven Ciork Co , and
Scth Thomas' Suns it- C&.
- We have lately received a full line of Clock
Degulators.Caleiidiiis. Mantle Clocks in limine
and Marble, and Clock Materials, which we
o.t at very low rates to'tiie tradi'. On ipjiii
cation, dealers will be provided with catalogue
and Price lists of ail our roods'. -
:U) S.i.'jsome St., San Frautiacix.
Geo. H. PARKER. Trfir1nH Agrvt- '
The San Francisco rercus-ioti MaUh iHk
pany arc now delivering to the Trade a SfiV'r"
i:ior Ihand ft Family and Saloon Matlie.".tnt
Premium awarded by the M -ehanies'Iuttitute
for these best California matches. . ...
it-iP Send your order for t lie S. F. Prm
sion Matches, to any of the Wholesale Oroceru
or Tohacco dealers, or to our office, 406 Front
street. San Francisco.
HI ink Hooka , Paper and Stationery,
Playing Cards, etc., at Reduced
jft W Parties wanting to purchase Stationery
would uo well to tx inline, our large slok.
Our gocds are of the be.-t quality, ,-nd price
low. JOH.X G. HODGE Co.,
Z-'.i und 3tl jSansome St..
Itrni tor. Sacramento. San FrnnciT".
A public examination of tt'acherslesiri'ij
Ceititi-u.t- t Tratii in Ulacknmax coun
ty, will be held at (he OieO'i City Semin
ry. on Jan. wUth, beginning at loo'cloetr a. m.
''-0 " S. D. POPE.
County Superintendent.
&rB Thankful lor past favors of the public
respectfully ask a continuance of the Maine.
We shall deliver to our patrons all the bet
qualities of Beef, Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc.,
us usual twice a week, on
Tuesdays and Saturdays !
Straight & Hunsaker Proprietors,
fi-3Keep constantly on hand an assortment
of Corned and fresh Meats. Iird, llutter,
Kffgs, Fruits and Vegetables.
tosiiii!sliii Oo.?-
New -York, Japan & China,
AVill be dispatched as follows' : ' .
Leave wharf corner of First and lirannan
streets, at 11 o'clock a, si. of the following
dates, for I'aiiamn. connecting via. I'a'tiania
Ii. II: w ith one of the company's splendid
steamers lrom Aspinwall Tor Nev Vol k, . on
Tlie Gth, 14-tU, 'Z'iil nml 0OII1, -
O F E A C H M 0 N T HI
Steamers leaving ManFrancisco on the 1 4th
and 30th touch at Manzauillo. All touch at
Acapnlco. Departure of thetOth connects
with English steamer andAustralia. iK-part-ure
of the ltli is expected to connect with
the French Trans-Atlantic Co.'s steamer for
8t, Xazai re, and English steamer for South'
America. Through tickets can be obtained.
Departure of ltb is expected to eonuect
with Eutilisb steamer for Southampton. South '
America, and P. K 11; Co.'s steamer fr Cen
tral America, Through tickets can be had.
iT Passengers berthed through. !!:)::
gae checked through, loo lbs. allowed ta '
each adult. ' An experienced surges4 oe '
uuhtu. aieaicme and attenctaBce trecv . . .
ti,.,. ,i.i ,. .. , .. A
.ivrt; Hcamns will' positively fan .
O Clock.' I'asRtMK'Or nr rnnnvilrtt tft llllVC
their barga;e on board before ten o'clock.
Z-?f Tli rough tickets to Lw erpool by the
Canard, Innifuiand National seamsliip line'
can be obtained at the .P, M-. Co.'s 3Tliee
in SanFiancisco, wLcre niav.also be obtained
orders fur passage f rom Liverpool or South-.
ajr)t(in, to San Francisco, either vi -New
Vork or St. Thomas i desired an
of JtlO or .) will beadrunced with'th'
above ordofsv Holders of 'orders will bo re
quired to identify themselves to the Agents'
in England: ' r
FofmercloiTdise and freight for New York
and way pot ts, apply to Wells, Fargo 4 Co. .
No Freight' received after p. m. of the
dav piie to depiu-turei ' - i !
Fr piassase-and all other inlormaf'ion. -,
plj at the P. M S.S; Co.'s ofjice, corner of
Sacramento nnfMeidesdui tf sts
. ;5.HVKR ELDKIDCi; Agent.
e harinn 4hi.TdaT sold t M. Wortheim
er our entire stock-of iiivniturc, tools and
merchandLseall parties owing the under-'
sjgned, will calf immediately for settlement,.;
as 'aff Xutst.Timi accounts at tfie end' of 8"
daj-gwill be- placed in legal hufcda for collec
tion. 'All parlies having any clainis againstf
the undersigned will hand them in iihniedi-
al?' "prtheimer for payment, as af
tjr j0 days nou-witl be allowed. j -i -"..'
" ' f rt-v' t irc-iiKTirif '-. .
Oregon City, Dec. SCtU-lSiii.
1 9.4