.... -.. 11 j- if- - y 1 .,. r . . 5 , ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE J o o .tier j o G 7 ;j's , i ;-- .'".. ' " ' '' ' T TT ,1 nl.i1j : :i ! o i 'v u I ,i t ? . j j -rr - - . - (. :! -. jrfi3 otO ,tj- -..t t fc4 SMUif " 186e:f3sfiffished-:i 1866. TflE WEEKLt ElTTIftPRISE. Business Many the Farmer And iht FAMILY CIRCLE. f pxBi.isiiiiu every Utcuda . AT THE . , . . OFFICyCornerot Pirra nd Main streets Uregos Citj. Oregon. u , 5 Z. C. IRELAND, Proprietor. ! THE WEALTH 0PS 0BD0ON slialt Vail times constitute the paramount interest to which iif columns jrjll feederot4. Every "memtf fo; e good 1 gtatif he'ther of pHri&or ju$iciftfJltirrt&pe:tW of - party,, will flad In us an advocate and cfe- feuder, to the extent of or ability. We S&t ta "raot F TOPt'LATION AND MOSEY BeeWng profit able placed, to thatchaunel whif.h U now making this the Jioci of the--gIobe. nd ren dering Oregon with other Pauinc States.the f raneries ol the world, with a centre of trade second to none. -AUUICULTURE will continue to receive that attention which it merits, at the hands of very Intelligent Journalist. " Tht Farmer ftt.deth, alt. inn MARKETS will be watched carefully, and tuch information as we shall be able to compile will be published. 24 A X U F ACT U HERS are earnestly requested to inform us with respect tt those various interests, to the end that we may be able to iaKe the Entekmusk as near an encyclo piedU of the business of Oregon as can be. TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION': Single Copy one year $3 00 " Six mouths 2 00 " Three months 1 uO CLUB RATES : Five Copies. 1 year, $2 50 each $12 60 ST In which case an extra copy will be sent to the person forming the Club, and as art inducement to such persons, with a view of extending onr circulation, One Dollar and lecnty-Five Cents Will be allowed as Commission on each addi tional fire Subscribers. Thus any person who will interest himself in the matter, may secure the paper free and receive a liberal compensation for his services. Afi- Remittance to he made at the risk of Subscribers, and at the erpense of Agents. TERMS of AD VERTISIiXQ . Transient advertisements, incli'mg nil lutal notices. sq. of 12 ' Vne"3, i w . $ 1 50 For each subsequent ir-rj0n 1 00 One Column, one Vt-sr iixif .; Quarter . liusiues, Card, I sqnare one year. . .$120 00 . 60 . 40 . 12 . J500A ASD JOB PRINTING. ,The Enterprise office is supplied with Ibeauiiful. annroved styles of type, and mod' rn MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable the Proprietor to do Jb Punting at all times Neat, Quirk and Ckeap ! &r Work solicited. D.C.Illi'lf.ANB, Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS' JR. F. 11 ARC LAY, JfTJK aOL C2 3C9 (formerly frurgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.) , OFFICE At Ucsidcuce, Main street Ore jfrtrl City, Oiegon l. W ATKINS, M. D SURGEON, PouTi.ixn, Orkgox. OFFICE9S Front street Residence cor ner of M-iu and Seventh stret-ts. JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. 5Keep conetantlv on hand ftn sale, flour Midlinjrs, l?ran and Chicken Feed, Parties fMirchmg feed mut furnisn tue sacas. M. liROUOUTOX. Contractor and Builder, Main St.. OREGON CITY. 1- Will attend to all work in his line, con sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner work framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly attended t . D AVID SMITH, Succtttor to SMITH & MARSHALL, Black-Smith and Wagon Maker, Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. M-niacksmithing in all its branches; Wag on making and repairing. All work warrant ed to give satisfaction. JOSIILAND BROTHERS, PORTLAND AUCTION STORE, 91 First st., Portland, Next Dotr to Post Office. Importers and Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, drain bags. Burlaps, furn Ifhing tloods. , We pav the highest cash price lor Wool. Furs, and Hides. RMES & DALLAM, IMrORTBRS ANn JOBBERS OF Wood and "Willow Ware. Brushes, Twines, Cordage, etc., AND MAKCFACTrRKRS OF Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Washboards, fyc 215 217 Sacramento st., San Francisco. 113 Maiden Lane, N. Y. City. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1849, at the old stand. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches. Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Uiocss. an oi wnicn are warranted to be as represented. Repainogs uone on snort notice. und tbanktui tor pasnavcr. CLARK GREENMAN, City Drayman, OREGON CITY. . All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, willbeexe C'ted promptly and with care. Jolui Nestor, Architect, OFFICE IN CARTER'S SU1LDING, Front at., Portland Oregon. fIRST-CLA SS RESIDENCES, Business Houses, Halls, Churches, Tenements, Cottages, Suburban Residences, and AM. DESCRIPTIONS O BRICK AXn RAK Buildings Designed and Planned With accuracy, and scrupulously and faith fully nuperuitended. "Owners' interests considered paramount. TOB lIUVriN NEATLY EXEt'VT- eu St tue L.'lt-ui nioiuiiivn. BUSmESS CARDS O1- FERRY, - JBROKEE Poktlak p. Qkeqos, , tt " ; 1 CW Front and IVazAington Sft, Agent Nortfi British and Mercantile Insurance Company, an! Marjhat tan Life Insurance Compaby? TOorernment Securities, Stock,Bonda ana ivcai tsmie Dougbt and sold on Com mission. V. C. JOHNSOI. , .., ff Q. M'COWK. ;-;-.. - NoUry Public. JOHNSON & McCOWlV, Oregon City, Oregon. MOT Will attend o alf business entrusted to onr care In any of the Courts of the Sjate, Collet rt'eyNegotjate loans, seJi real eAate etc. Particular attention given to contested Land cases. , ( J. II. MITCHBLL. J. N. DOLPH. JL. SMITH. Ttfitclir; Bolpk 6f Smith, "4 . Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc- tors in A'lrniraltv t3f Office o"r the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. A. C. OIBBS. C. W. PAHRISH, Notary Public and Com. if Deeds. GIBBS & PABBJSH, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Portland, Orego.v. OFFICE-Qn Alder street, in Carter's brick block. JOHN M.BACON, Justice of the Peace t City Recorder. Office In the Court House and City Council Room, Oregon City. SST Will attend to the acknowledgment of deeds, and all oilier duties appertaining to the business of a Justice of the Peace. " Dr. J, H. HATCH, Late Mack 4 Hatch, JJ IN 1 1 ST, The patronage of tliose desiring Fimt Cms Operation, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. li. Nitron Oxyde adminiMfcd fov tue Painless Extraction of Tcc-ih. Orrics Corner ofVashington and Fron streets, Portlan.. Entrance on Washington street. iNTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my 'our of two years n the Eastern States I have spared neither time nor money to make mvse'f per fectly tamtliar with and master of my pro fession. Those desiring the best work that the ntiture of the case will admit of can find me at my office, 107 Front street, two doors above Mccormick's Book Store, Portlaud, Oregon. DR. J. G. GLENN. CHAUNCEY BALL, HuccexKor to O radon - Co., MANUFACTURER OK Wagons & Carriages, 201 and 203 Front st., Portland, Oregon. 0C7 Wagons of every description made to order. Genera -I Jobbing done with neatness and dispatch. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books'. H ?ROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE- tv and Various oilier Publishing Houses I For sale by the subscriber, on Jeflerson st. between 2d and 3d, Portland, Origon. G. II. ATKINSON, Secretary. .'2.1 y and Treas. Orerou Tract So c JAMES L. DALY, (Late Daly & Stevens,) G EN Eli AL AG EN T, Officb No. 104 Front street, Portland, Will give special attention to Collecting and adjustment of accounts, bills and notes; Negotiating Inland bills; effecting loans; buying, selling and leasing real estate; house renting, and to the geueral agency business in all its branches. A. H. BELL. K. A. PAKKKK. BELL & PARKER. DRUGGISTS, AXD DEALERS IX Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, And every article kept in a Drug Store. Main Street. Oregon City. A. J. MOXROE. W. A. K. XKI.LEN. MAliBLE OKK. MONROE & MELLEN, Dealers in California, Vermont, and Italian Marbles, Obelisks, Monu ments, Head and Foot stones, Salem Oregon. Mantles and Furniture Marble furnished to order. i-Ti t J.F, MILLKR. J. w. siiAlTLCk. J. F. MILLER 8t Co., MANUFACTURERS OF AXD PKALER3 IV Hoots siimI SIiocs ! At the Oregon ' City Boot and Shoe Store, Main street. THE BEST SELECTION Of .Ladies', Gents', Boys', and Children's Boots and Shoes, ou baud or made to order. ANDREW WILLIS. WM. BKOIGHTON WILLIS & BR0UGHT0N. Having purchased the interest of b. Cram, in the well known LIVERY STABLE One door west of Excelsior Market. Oresron City, announce that they will at all times keep good horses ard carriages to let, at reasonable rates. Horses bought and sold or kept by the day or week. Oregon Seel Store ! R. E. CHATFIELD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden and Field Seeds of all Kinds. PUODICE AND COMMISSION. First street, Portland Ortgon, Near the Western Hotel EMOVAL ! THE JEWELRT Establishment of J. B. Miller VAS SEEN REMOVED To iVo. 101 Front st., corner of Alder Carters lew JSimding, I'artland, In Chas. Woodard's Drug Store fjj? Where he will be ready to attend to all manner of workmanship in his line. Watches and Jewelry repaired in ths most t workuianjike manner. J. B. MILLER. OREGON IK FELIX, ST A ISAACS -JgXKKS. 'bere is tb promise of my years j . Once written on my brow t Ere errors, agonies and tears Brought with them all that speaks In tears, Ere 1 had sunk beneath tny peers ; ."Where Bleeps thai promise now ? Naught lingers to redeem those boars, Still, still to my memory sweet I ,.- The flowers bloomed in sonny bower Arcwithered all ; and Evil towers ' Supreme above her slater powers Of Sorrow and Deceit. , I looH along the eohtmned years, ' And see Ufe'a rafeh fatie, ' ; J ust where It fell, amid the jeers, ' irft; zw:-r7rs. ircnrnfnl Iiti! riinA mopL-tno- HnaM m 7 V . , J: : 11 ' " To break the sleep of pain. I can but own my life is vain ; A desert void of peace ; I missed the goal I Bought to gain. I missed the measure of the strain That lull3 Fame's fever in the brain, And bids earth's tumults cease. Myself! alas for theme so poor ; . A theme but rich in Fear ; I stand a wreck on Error's shore, A spectre not within the door, A houseless shadow evermore, An exile lingering here. HOPE. The night is the mother of the day, The winter, of the spring , And ever upon old decay The greenest mosses cling, Behind the cloud the starlight lurks ; Through showers the juabeams fall ; For God, who loreth all his works, Hath left us Hope with all. THE MORALS OP THE YOUTH OP OUR STATE. Grown up people may or may not be able to take care of themselves; the judgement of the youth is seldom competent to guide their steps into the better path. The foundations of those .governments which at e the aiost propitious to men rest in the highest appreciation of moral reason, and the contiuuance of the stability and pros perity of nations is commensurate with the duration of an advanced moral standard. This is particularly true of our American institutions. In truth the lessons of the last few years oitght to teach us upon what bisis to f'onnd our hopes for the per petnity of the Republic. True rea- son, and an unaverted- eye, measure I men by their moral worth, and the force of diameter by the impetus which it gives to virtue and Christi anity. The loftiest purpose that can engage the soul, the noblest triumph that the heart enn win. is to live a virtuous and a Christian life. Judging by thee premises, and we think they arc correct, we have little of auspicious hope with which to so lace ourselves, for the generation that must next succeed us in Oregon. Some of us indeed, may live to wft- ness many of the transactions, both moral avid political, of the incoming generation, but if that were the only reason for a ftmher extension of life, a hajf score of years might well be dispensed with. By the returns of the school census, it appears thtt fully one fifth of those who should be found at the reports of instruction , are marked as absent. When we correctly view this fact, as well as the mode of life pursued by those who have advanced to years of manhood, yes, and to years of wo manhood, we are not so greatly at a loss to discover the true cause of so much juvenile crime. It is a mistake when the Superintendent reports 30 per centum of the youth of this city as non attendants of the PublicSchool many, fir too many, are in daily attendance at the schools of vice and debauchery. Too often is the atten tion of the hasty reader arrested by paragraphs that announce the arraign ment of persons who have not attained their majority, for the most immoral and criminal offences. Young per sons in Oregon, when not attending places of proper instruction, are not much accustomed to the pursuits that gain an honest livelihood. Shoplift ing, and the crime of larceny, is too often fastened upon those who must in the nature of things take part in the future concerns of the community, and who are still in their nonage. And furthermore, in that class of crime which eventually disturbs the moor ings of all virtuous societv, the of cers of the law are too often called upon to look with alarm and solicitude at the youtbfulness of the criminals. The fondhearted parent will look with increased devotion of soul upon a deformed child, and love it the more for its deformity; but when it ia pos sessed with all the natural accom plishments, can he look with a sense of pleasure upon its deformed and wretched morality? We woald not wound ths generous feelings of any, CITYj OREGON, ATimiAYV JANUAR bnt if. we, would have oar children to take care of, U8, when tre are in the sear'aod yellow leaf, We had bet ter take care of them while ihej are In the bud. .. " ' J ,.....7. Upon this subject the Sacramento liicord has the following which we wish oar readers to carefully perase, uot regarding it as a batch of words produced by some penny -a liner as a means of subsistence, bat as being an article more precious than gold. The Reord says: 1 No one who feels an interest itl the present or - future prosperity: of our ComWon Wealth can fail to feel a deep interest Jr the proper train nir of oaf T?r 1 T V"i rk t Via A7ttirk o 3 i fa Tr u a : . .. . v teMpotjo?smct pair, oUc heart beat high vri gh with noble emo lion for the safety of oar blood-purchased liberties. War is not at all times calculated to weaken a Govern ment of any stability, but often makes it more powerful from the fact of bringing out its latent energies. Our country has passed through an ordeal of immense trial of strength and that too by our young men. It then be" comes us as a people, in State and Nation, to look well to the proper training of our youth, for in preserv ing the Nation in the futnre as in the past, we must depend upon an educa ted, virtuous and strong armed youth as being those only who can combat the country's enemies. We appeal to parents to see that our youth of boih sexes are properly trained in morals, and that a good common school edu cation at least be given them. Pa rents appear to think that they neith er oe an obligation to the State or the United States in training up their children. As we wander through our Greets from day to day we feel heart ily sorry to see dozens of the youth who are allowed to lounge around the dens that abound in this city. Some parents say: "I cannot control my son; he does as he has a mind to and I am not responsible for his acts." To such parents we will say that'yw and you alone, are responsible to Godt to your country and to your fellow men. It is your right and bonnden duty to see to it that your children obey your commands; but you will tuifle with them, let them have their own way until they become the mas trs and yon the servants. This is all wrong, aud will sooner or later disgrace you. A strict and riirid dis cipline should be enforced while very young, and followed up at least to that time when your sons nnd daugh ters Income of azc which in our verv fast nge take3 place at from trii to twelvp A t tllp !hnv nnrind nf limp vnp sons hav ,)fin flfll.lltfiri hnw . ' profane the name of God Almighty in the most approved modern style; they have learned how to puff a cig ir and to stpirt tobacco juice almost any distance with the greatest preci sion. They have formed theacqunin tance of most if not all the courier zans in the city, are versed in all the low vulgarisms which obscene and vul gar associations have brought them in contact with. They have commit ted to their memories the devils commandment, which reads: " Chil dren disobey your parents in all things, respect not their gray hairs, and bring them with sorrow to their graves for in so doing you will endear yourselves to that portion of the com munity who have no fear of a here after, and whose chief ambition is to destroy the good and great." At the above age they have been educa ted in the system of guzzling down cock-tails, brandy and whisky straight and lager be r spiced. Thoy cannot write their nams, although an excel lent system of common schools offer them one of the best opportunities to become men of education. They are opposed to their resent positions, and would, if their age would allow it, become prominent candidates for office. The " female women " of ten years of age could not wash a pocket handkerchief, or the dishes on which they have eaten their breakfast. They rniyrht chatter French and mur der Spanish, but could not cook a meal. A large waterfall would be come them in the eyes of their mam mas, but they couid not sew a button on their husbands' shirts, nor hem a pocket handkerchief, and yet they seek to be wives and mothers. Whose fault is it, that such girls are pnt forth on the world to raise men for the future protection of the country? It is the silly action of their mothers, who bring up such children so assume the responsible position of mothers of our commonwealth. We would hke to see fathers and mothers pause and think of the awful responsibility they are under to God, our country and our fellow men. A lady correspondent of a me tropolitan journal in a good sensible letter, among other things, says the following : Oh, that we might have " City Mothers f and, oh, that were one of them, would not I pass a dog ordi nance quickly 1 No dog would I allow upon the sidewalks or streets ; and every man who would persist in keeping one should be fiued one hun dred dollars, and be compelled to lay Bixty feet of good pavement at his own expense. And any woman seen upon the streets, with her baby in a cart, and a sore-eyed poodle ia her arms, should pay a fine of fifty dol" lars, and be sent to the calaboose for twenty-four hours. A splendid' show case for sale cheap Apply at this office. LETTER FROM HOOSlEft. " ' ' Washaxoto Ckrt,' 01 . Dee. 0tb,1868. ) . Enterfkisc r , ' 7 Since my last letter to yo I ha made a four mouths .tear of .Europe. I think I hare read in your paper that you ' hate, Qotoati Forney's "Letters from Europe," published by Peterson Bros, of Philadelphia. If you have it not get a copy j and by advising your readers to gat it you will be doing them and yourself a 6ervic. I endorsa Forney's letter, and they are much better than I could write for yourcolumlji, if I had tiise, and yon the fbacr for them. .....tI .... w s vMiU, I will give yoo -feW leaves Artm my memorandams, however, penned when I was inthat most interestmg region of the Rhine, between Mayence and Cologne. Through the whole of this region the mountains on each side rise from near the river so that the towns are confined to the narrow spaces at the foot; the ruined castles are very nu merous, the early history of each is preserved in romantie legends. The first mountain we ascended was the Drachenfels the highest peak of the group known as the " seven moun tains." It rises almost perpendicu larly from the banks of the river a thousand feet, making a magnificent view. The course of the river is here to be seen for some thirty miles each way, with many towns and cities. At the foot lies the valley like a map, with its many colored fields. At the top is a mined castle, of which but little remains. The next height we ascended was a short dis tance below Bingen. Here is situat ed a castle once ruined, now restored by a Prussian Priuce. It is intend ed to represent the residence of a Knight four hundred years ago, with a collection of ornaments and furni ture of that date. From Bingen we ascended the picturesque valley of the Nabe into a region little frequent ed by tourists. Here we found -a little town with only one street, there being room for one more, with a church literally built in the rock hundreds of feet above the town. At Manheim, we found the first reg ularly built town we have seen in Europe ; it seemed almost as though we had suddenly been transported home, as we looked at streets cross tug each other at riht angels. While at Bingen, I saw a practical illustration of the manner in which Germans work. In the course of an evening walk on the mountain side, I came upon a man sitting quietly at the road side smoking his pipe and watching a pair of cows yoked to a wagon half loaded with hay ; looking dovu I discovered two women climb ing np a steep path, each with an immense bundle of hay on her head, which they deposited in the wagon. In the towns I find that the dogs are harnessed and used to draw loads. Indeed, from what I have seen, I conclude that the women, cows and doo-s, three classes that in America do little or no work, here do it all, while the men perform the arduous duty of carrying a sword or musket and smoking a pipe. The tendency to swindle Ameri cans of which much has been said, certainly exists. Many errors oc curred in making bills and in giving chano-e. never in favor of the traveler. To one who keeps an even temper, it is simply amusing. An incident of this character occurred in August, that is, perhaps, worth relating. A party went by rail and diligence to Schwetzingen where a park has been laid out by a German prince a very beautiful place, with immense old trees, fine statuary, fountains, ponds, &c., upon alighting from the dili gence we made particular inquiry as to time of its return, and were in formed at quarter to six. We com pared watches and proceeded to the park. Returning at the exact min ute we found the diligence had left at 5:40, its card time. The wrong information was given to force us to employ the diligence agent to convey ns at a charge of four or five times as much as the fare. Tie didn't suc ceed. We found an old man with an old two horse carriage to which he attached an old horse, who took nine of ns to the railroad on time. Before leaving Prussia I will re peat an anecdote of the Crown Princess. It is said that soon after her marriage she directed a dress maker to come to her apartments Upon her arrival, the Princess in a friendly manner aiked her to be seated. The yonng worjjan having oerer been in the presence of royalty, 16,1869. was much embarrassed and hesitated. The Princess again spoke kindly and familiarly lo .re-assare . her, at the same time moved a chair toward her and. bad her be sealed. One of the ladies of the Coart, horrified at see ing a Princess thns waiting npon a common person, remonstra(ed. To thla the Princess replied, " I have of ten seen my mother do the same, and she is Queen of England.' I was indeed glad to get back to America, and witness the go ahead customs of oar : 6wn peoplef so strikingly lof contrast to the habits of the 4wellers-of the Old World. They re centuries behind America io eterything.' And yet -America is but of one century. ,. . :? : While in New York City week before last one day, I heard it stated that Rev. Dr. Atkinson would ad dress the Chamber of Commerce upon Oregon, and the northwest coast. I attended, and was highly pleased with his remarks. They have had a good effect I am sure. Men of influence and the highest standing, in this country, have had their attention directed to Oregon by the ardent impulses and deep devo tion of this Reverend gentleman. He is not a politician, and from this fact, his efforts are the better appreciated. Congress is in session. Your State is down low in the scale 1 can assure you. The demands of your legislature to have your Senators re sign, they being considered two of the very best men in Congress, has had a very bad effect upon members and Senators. The natural disposition of mankind is such that if I call you a " d d pup'' you would not willing ly grant me a favor for it. Would you 1 Well, that is about the way Congress regards the Oregon Legis lature. Testerday, as if to " cap the climax," the President of the Senate presented . a communication from your Governor, transmitting a reso lution of your blessed Democracy, rescinding, or pretending to rescind, the action of Oregon in ratification of the constitutioal amendment. The most striking feature of these things is found in the fact that at about the same hour speaker Colfax laid before the House numerous memorials from the same Oregon Legislature, asking favors of Congress. Can comment npon such subjects be necessary ? I think not. There is one very important Rail road bill np, granting some millions of snbsidy to Oregon interest, which, if it fails to pass may in part be at tributed to your own State Legisla ture. Aid for a line of railroad in contemplation from Charleston, South Carolina, to Lake Erie, in my esti mation, stands a better prospect than the Oregon bill. The course which your State has taken also has an in fluence to invite ex-rebels there. They love to emigrate to a Demo cratic State, and such is now the rep utation Oregon has, all over the world. Yours Truly. HOOSIEK. Napoleon, undeterred by the historical fact that Charles X. and Louis Philippe precipitated their downfall and exile by persecution of the Parisian journals, has brought the editors and proprietors of several papers before the correctional tribu nal of the Seine. They have sever ally been convicted, and sentenced to imprisonment and fine. Their crime was that they published lists of sob subcriptions for erecting a monument in the Cemetery of Montmartre to the memory of M. Baudin, represen tative of the peopla in ld51. This is considered (at the Tuileries) as an offence against the Empire and against public order. Public sympathy is warmly expressed in favor of the journalists. There is a general im pression, among all but the decided imperialists in Paris, that Napoleon is 4 losing his head." Certainly, the older he is the less prudent and wise are bis actions. The effect of earthquakes on wa ter is very singular. It would be presumed by persons without experi ence that a movement of the earth's surface sufficient to throw all the water oat of a wash-bowl would be sufficient to knock down a brick house ; but'bowls ia brick houses have often been emptied and the buildings were not injured. In the earthquake of 1857, the water was thrown oat of the beds ot the Mo kelamne and Santa Clara rivers, and out of a well at Santa Barbara, the surface of the water in which was foar feet below the snrface. Kern river eveo ran up stream for a short d'ttaace. OTJR OWN OUEGO.V. Some time since the directors of the Oregon. State Agricultural As-' sociation appointed the President of the Association, Mr." At J.'Dafur, chairman of a committee whose duty it should be to collect from the most reliable sources statistical aud- geo- graphical informatiou of the iMttaral 'f aed, artificial resources of the State of Oregon. That committee-, has commenced its labors, and Mr. Dufur baa given the Commercial th;e first of a series of Communications, jn;;wbkb, when, eoocludad, . will le ,fondt "a truthful deseripticKVof the. surface, soil and climate, and the agricultural and commercial advantages of t he "Slate of Oregon. 'No "pains wil bts spared; to collect facts and figures, and to this end the leading men of each county in the State have been ad dressed and requested to furnish a statement of the resources aud the natural advantages which' their county holds oat to the settler. Some idea of the value of such a series of papers may be gathered from the one which appears below to day. The county of Clatsop, coming first on the list, is shown to contain a much larger proportion of arable land than the majority of even our citizens supposed ; beautiful valleys, a delightful climate and fruitful soil lie shut in from the view of the trav eler on the public thoroughfare, the Columbia. Its capacity for stock raising has also been much underrat ed. Our entire State can be made to blossom and bloom like the rose, under the sturdy and honest hand of the farmer, thus increasing our wealth, increasing our popalation,and our political power in the councils of the nation. When the series of pro posed letters shall have been com pleted it is the order of the Society that they be published in pamphlet form, when they will be scattered as far and wide as the resources of the association will permit. We bespeak for Mr. Dufur's com munications the careful perusal of all, both citizen and stranger, and, can assure them that the information thus dessecuiuated will be cotrecaud re liable. " f curt own 0REG0-10. 1. Agricultural and Geogi ophical Stat'S tics, by A. J. Da fur. Clatsop County This county is located in the northwest part of tins State, its entire western border being washed by the Pacific Ocean, wiii'e its northern boundary is the Colum bia River, making it easy of access by water, and well adapted to trade and commerce. Astoria, the shiretown of this county, is located on the Columbia river, above twelve miles front its mouth; and is the great business point in this connty, and a plice where the immigrant or settler can obtain all kinds of supplies necessary for an outfit with which to commence life in a new country. Astoria has a fine harbor, capable of accommo dating ocean steamers of the largest size, and sailing vessels of the heaviest tonnage from any part of the world. The improvements made by Gov ernment at Point Adams and Cape Disappointment, near the mouth of the Columbia river, for lighthouse, forts, etc., have a'ready amounted to several hundred thousand dollars, nnd the demand for supplies on Govern ment works in this vicinity, together with the necessary outfit of fresh provisions for sailing vessels, ocean steamers, etc., make a ready market for all kinds of farm productions at remunerative prices. There are also valuable and exten sive salmon fisheries in this vicinity, employing a capital of two or three hundred thousand dollars, and in creasing in importance every year ; in fact, this branch of industry, when fully developed, bids fair to richly re ward any who may invest capital in the business, and will doubtless be a resource of great wealth to this State. As you approach this part of the State by water, the face of the coun try has a rough and forbiding appear ance. A range of high hills and bluffs along the river come almost down to the waters' edge in many places, while lofty peaks of the Coast Range Mountains greet the eye of weary immigrant from an ocean view. Pursuing the most frequent route of travel, the immigrant too often passes lovely and fertile valleys, capa ble of making homes fur thousands of the weary and landless operatives in the over-crowded eities and manufac turing towns of the older States, and after a hasty search of a few weeks, or at longest, of a few months, re turns home discouraged and dis heartened, abandons all bis former hopes of independence and a happy home of his own (which, in fact, were almost within his grasp, and re quired only a few hours walk and a few years work in some of the unoc copied valleys of Oregon to be reabz ed), and contents himself to labor the remainder of bis days, for a bare sub eistance, lo add to the already over- fi-iisg coffers cf laud monopoly euJ , KFMBER10. monied aristocracy of the dd-'WtftTd,, - 5 The soil of this county - along ititf creek and .1 iver bottoms, and through: the swajls and .valleys;, is a .'rich alv luvtal deposit, nd well adapted to the growt b-ef grs, graimad Vge tabW of all kinds. ' " Apples, pears, quinces,5 plri'rns cherries, grapes, I and HbeV-difrVbt varieties of small fruits." 00" extraof- dinkry well' where ' cultivated, and also'the-proch w hn- planter! hr: lo calities sheltmd from the sea breeze The climate is mild .and .healthy. f the thermometer seldom rising' abovd seventy-fire degrees ta, sunimer..7or falling below fifteeu degrees' Freribliti in winler jA , delightful ; settf breeze in summer makes'this county the Te- Psort!of the invalid' in'searph of healttt from many parts f the Statefever and agnetbeiug unknowrflfi this lo-" cal'tp ..... 4 -....j, "7 . ' The water'is pore and soft, jbern : supplied in abmulanee from creeks, springs and brooks from the adjoin ing hills and mountains. A recent survey of the interior of this county, made by Gen. Joel Palmer, shows that there are thousands of acres of excellent larrdj in the valley cf the Nehaletn river and along its tributes ries ; also, along the branches of Young's river and other smaller streams, emptying into Young's Bav. Extensive tracts of thi land are still unoccupied, -not having yet been claimed or even surveyed, and onlv waits the magic tench of industry to-convt-rt its rich soil into fruitful fields and happy horas. Tiie timber in this counfy is a mine of wealth to the enterprising lumber man, being composed of the different varieties of fir, cedar, spruce, hem lock, ash, maple aud alder ; and when converted into the different k'nds of lumber, and hauled or floated to tide water, on Young's river or bay, ean be shipped in sailing vessels to any part of the world. jr. good system of common school education is established in this county, together with churches for religious worship, wherever settlement of any importance have been made. Irt fact, this coun'y lv-lds out good in ducements to the industrious, inttl liyent, persevering, laboring man in whatever branch of industry he may wish to engage, combining a mild and healthful climate, with fertile valleys, pnre water, broad and tensive tracts of timber of the most useful kinds for lumbering purpose, numerous exceilVn.. water-power, with advantages tor comnereinl in tercourse with the whole world. There are three or fonr laTibr mills, with a comliinpd capital of two or three hnnrirad thewrrnd dol lars, doing a profitable and flourish ing business, manufacturing and ex? porting lumber to snpply the increas ing demand of foreign markets. Coal and iron ore are known to exist in this region, but the mines have not yet been fnlly dvelop-d. The avcrago price of farm Pud, partly improved, is frora two to five dollars per ncre, vlsi!e Go'ver m-nt land of go d quality, 'an 1 in f-ufficieut quantities for flourishing settlement', can still be obtained. John Q, Ad.ims of Massachusetts, in the course of his visit to the Soath, just before the late election told the Southern people a few wholesome truths. Coming frorrj a Democrat, we trust tley will con sider them well. He told the rebels that the North regarded four points as having been established by the re sult of the war beyond all further controversey, and that they would not sufK-r any one of these points to be overruled or di-tnrbed. They were, (1) that sece.-sion is imposu-i hie : (2) that sdavery can never ex ist in this country ; (3) that the en franchised slaves m jst be protected in all their rights, and must have th political power to protect themselves;? (4) that absolute freedom of travel, of residence, and of speech, must bt guaranteed to every citizen of the United States. Whenever the rebels bring themselves to a full acquies cence in these position, a pew era of prosperity and happiness will dawnQ upon them The Emperor, at the usual New Y'ear's reception of the diplomatic corps, replying to the address of the Representatives cf fore'gn Powers, said he realized with much pleasure the conciliatory aspect among Euro pean Governments which enables them to quiet animo.-.ity and to sootho international difficulties as fast as tbey arise, thus insuring continual peace. He confidently hoped the year 1SG9 would close as satisfacto rily as the year which had just clos ed, and that the course of events may dissipate unfavorable apprehension and consolidate the peace so neces- 1 sary to the welfare and progress of the civilized nations and people. The Helena Herald says a lady 0 friend of ours, who has suffered mnch " with sick headache, says she finds relief in the following simple pre scription : Two teaspoons ful of finely powdered charcoal in half a tumbler of water. It ceres :t ic fiftn c!n St?9- 0 O o 0 1