G O O CI)ciUcckhj Enterprise. TOWX AXD COtXTV. L. 1'. Fisher, io aud L'l New Mer chants' Exchange, is our only authorized ngent in San Francisco. For Eastern Ad verting, Mr. Fisher is represented by S.-M. rettingill & Co. of New York and Boston. Typhoid fever is prevalent in portions of this county. a ' i -j,e gun has fclione so pleasantly tfiis winter in Oregon that new com- beia:n v .a 44 When wi winter commence ' There will be no ice for skating this winter. None has yet irozen, thicker than a sheet of flat-cap, in this cotinty. m 'Clark Lewis, son of John W. Lewis of this city, we understand lost a fager on Tuesday last, by the ao cidental discharge of a pistol iu bis liatids. Mr. Charles Cutting brought a fthe lot of dressed pork into the city on Wednesday, which sold readily at $7 00 per hundred lbs. The steamer Ann has been tied tip by process of law, upon a civil suit for the recovery of $300 00 by Capt. Kvans, who bus been in command for some months past. A chicken was recently f-langh t'ered at the " Enterprise Market." in this city, which weighed 4 lbs. The average weight of a chicken is about two pounds. Mr. John M. IJacon of this city lias received the appointment of Post master, vice Mr. John Fleming re signed. The appointment is the best that could possibly have been made. "Renewed efforts have proven positively that a Temple dedicated to Jdd Ft'l'owship will be erected in this city during the year I8b'9. Three-li'ths of ail the stock necessary has bec:i subscribed. -"Surveyors are here now, locating ?taker for trestle work on the O. C. 1i. Ji. between this city and the Clackamas both mills in this county will be in full operation this month. About two hundred hands are em ployed by t bo contractors during the winter months. It is expected that a track laying mat-lime, iron, and tank locomotive for construction use?:, will be on the grounds of the company at K tst Portland, early in March. . Mr. Henry Hedges, after an ab sence of several weeks, turned up on Tiftsdiiy l st and paid us a short call. He has bt en over to the Sound, and conies home favorably impressed with the prosptcls of that locality. The steamer Wcnat struck a rock, in the whirl this pidc of Mil waukie, on the 1st, which caused her t' fill and sink. She was heavily freighted, and considerable damage resulted, but she will soon be again .afloat, and be of profitable service to her owners. jrr-Thc friends of Mr. Win. II. Marshall, of Canemah will be pleased to learn that perhaps he will not en tirely lose his eye, recently so badly injured by a flake of iron fnun a boil er upon which he was at work. . Dr. "Valkiii, of Portland, has had the case under treatment for some weeks. A " mammoth cnve:' was dis covered on Main street in this city, on Saturday last, pooii after persons j in the vicinity of the M. E. Church property had been startled by the shock of what appeared to be an earthquake. A portion of the stone vvall, facing the Jots of the church ltaving fallen out with great force. Damages can be easily repaired. A frightful accident occurred, to the little son Henry, of Mr. A. J. Marshall, in this-city on the 1st. lie was playing about his father's house, and fell from the roof of a shed, Ptrikinjr his neck upon tho point ot a sharp fir picket, cutting a terrible jxash, touching the jugular vein. IV. Barclay was summoned, and im mediately closed the wound, and it is hoped that the little fcullerer is now out of danger. Officer H. H. Samsom, of Marquam's Precinct in this county, Was in the city a few days since after " the papers" for a man named An drew Long, who is charged with adultery, and had eloped with his aulccna, Miss Oderine Dilley, for parts unknown, leaving a wife and three children, a care to her parents Long must be a vagabond. It is said that he buried a child but a few days before Lis departure. Any scholar iu the city semina ry,, under a recent regulation, in ref erence to obtaining certificates, can receive a certificate of honor upon passing a creditable examination in any one of the classes studied. Six certificates of honor will entitle the holder to a seminary diploma, and nine certificates of houor will entitle to a graduating card. This regula tion, it is calculated, will create emu lation among the scliolars, and a greater decree of interest in the studies. We consider it a much" bet ter system than that cf awarding prizes. American millers are invited, through our diplomatic officers, to take part in a great fair, m be held ia Lipsic, Ueraiany, ucxt May, -A man named Welch, of this county, was arrested on Thursday nip-lit in this citv, and taken to Fort land yesterday to stand an examina tion on the charge of seduction, said to have been committed in Umatilla county, . -. . Alfred Howland, a lad of about eighteen years, accidentally cut off two fingers of his left hand, with a feed cutter, at the farmer of Mr. I 4 I TUT . i ' : Aimur . uruer near iuis cuy, on tue nil inst. Farr & Brothers, meat peddlers in this market, have rigged up a newj neat, and convenient wagon, for the better service of their customers. They retail as good meat as can be found in the market. Mr. George A. Haas of this city ha3 now two of the best billiard tables on this coast. The one re cently set up is a mate of one of the same make exhibited at the Paris Exposition last year. J. (. Von Blonay, a noted European of this city, has taken his departure for the Old World. If the Baron would abstain from in temperate excesses he might become a useful citizen he having commaud of considerable wealth. The steamer Success will here after probably make two regular trips weekly to Cprva'lis, and not go above that point, as her owners have so far only done so for the accommo dation of shippers, who do not seem to appreciate the blessings of an hon est competition for business ou the river. The address delivered at the in-, stallation of officers of Multnomah Lodge No. 1. A. F. and A. M-, in this city by llev. I. 1). Driver, is pronounced by Masons to have been the most intelligent discourse upon the subject that they have ever yet listened to. It was delivered off haud. Mr. Baltimore, agent of the Commercial, called on Tuesday, en route up the valley on ;i business tour. The Commercial Is the Democratic pa per of Oregon, so long as Col. J as. C. Dow has anything to do with it. lie is a regular spinner, of political yarns. The printer is a lair type of the present financial age. He does busi ness on a metallic basis, yet delights in paper currency and an extensive circulation. lie profits by the credit system, and favors the broadest lati tude iu exchange-. Mayor IJarcIty desires that all who feel an interest in the organiza tion of ti Hook and Ladder Corripuny, and Hose Cuinphnv, in this citv meet at the Court IIowsr on Monday cve- nitii; next lor t he pnrnose of orraniz- n 1 ' - . ! - , Vv" 1 1 v' . 7 i intr -Kncii. e tiave the best of pro- i . r - i 1 tectton Frotn hres in the waterworks, ; .-" ku ii win mams (.;-. ihii'i , unt, a Hose Company and a Hook and Ladder Company pro indispensable, if we would convert the Water Works to profitable account. We regret that we were unable to comply with a request to partake of a Christmas dinner, ou the 25th nit., at " Mill Camp Xo. 3," O. C. 11. 11., in this cotinty, a.s v e are well aware that it was a merry occasion. We intend to drop in casually, upon the kind hearted caterers in that vi cinity, as .soon as possible, however, and then will partake of tin ordinary meal, which we know is excellent enough. Just as we were about to iro to press Mr. J. M. Bacon handed us the first number of the Willamette. Wit ness, published in Salem by llev. P. S. Knight, late of this city. The paper is a twelve column monthly, and filled with religious and literary matter. Tiiq, editor promises to pub lish the paper so long as it pays ex penses, Mr. Knight has had some experience as a newspaper writcr,and he will, no doubt, niako this candi date for public favor an accrptible visitor. The terms are one dollar per year. - -- 1 , We haveeceived 2so. 2 of The Annual, is-ued in January, 1869, the second year, by the M. E. Church for which patents have been applied Sunday School of . -Salem. It is aJor, and which have irithstood practi- neatly printed paper of 12 columns in j four pages 12 by 22 inches in size. 'rinted by A. L. Stiuson. The An nual is a good idea. It is a record of the school, containing statistics aud subjects of interest to every member of the school and is calculated to inspire a greater degree of unity than anything else we have ever seen in matters of this kind. We venture to "ay that The Annual for 1870 will be looked forward to with renewed interest. fiS?A good House with six or wen Kooms, near .the Congregational iLrpu lor ale low. 1 t,i,tv -.t ; . , v -frthCrl,nformation.'1P oJlc,d fur -i at SPEC1AB XOTJCBS. ul t noniiili I-otljje Xo. 1, A. K. a i.ci A M UoIds ts regular communi- XXC"tiCnS0Q the n'-tail Third Sat V ur.Jw m each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2oth of .September to the 2oth of .M.ircb, and 7 A o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 20th of September, brethren in "ood standing are invited to attend. liy order of 'vr. M. Ort g"on Loilge A'o. 3, I. O. or O. K.-- 'S'- Meets every Wednesday even- ing at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, Main street. Members of tUe Order are inrltad to attend I'v order. A".' G. Willamette Lolge Xd. 15 I. O". Ci. T Meets every Saturday evening, at' the roorn3 S.E. corner of Main and Fifth i-treet.--, et 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are i'jvj'ed to atteud. liy oidfcr of W. C. X. Eastern Papers. The last two mails, from the - mi lasteru States must have flooded thn news dpnnt. r.f Maior Jack ft fx?-1 -nan nf Washington Street, San Francisco, and for fear of another earthquake he sent packages a flying. We are in debted to him for an immense bundle of news and illustrated papers from nearly every section m the United States. JRa?" A splendid show .case for sale cheap Apply at this office. Railroad Item. While some men are trucks to bear tho burdens of the earth, or furnace grates to bear the fires and to be consumed in obscurity, others are driving wheels which give life and motion to all with whom they are connected., Kohn.it Fwhel. the -leading dry goods merchants of Port land are the driving wheels of trade in that city. They conceived and carried an to com pletion a , work nobler than the Pyramids, grander than the gardens of Nineveh, or the walls of Babylon ; ,for their work is not a monument for the dead, neither the gratifica tion of a luxuriant fancy, but it ia a new pathway for purchaers, a link to bind the chain of families and the hearts of men. Not a Subject of Doubt. That XeweU's Plumonary Syrup is the most ef fective and never failing remedy for affec tions of the throat and lun-s. " Is Time ok Peace Prepare for War." So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Balm, an unojualed preparation for Dysentery, Diarrho-a and. Cramp. The instantaneous relief of it urns, Bruises and Sprains. Electro Siucox.-This curious and valuable substance is confidently claimed to be the best article ever, discovered for cleaning and polishing Cold, Silver and Plated Ware, and all smooth metallic., .sur faces, of whatever description. .including kitchen utensils of tin, copper, brass, steel, etc. CIIL'KCM SEUVICKS. 1st Congregational Cu Seats Free. Morning Services, 10.4, Sithjvct. ' Duties of Christians in regard to the Religious Wants of the World." Sabbath School, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services, 7 o'clock. Kkv. E. Gihky, Acting Pastor I'lUVER MKKTINGtf. Sunday evening ,r o'clock Tuesday evening 7 o'clock. o M. E. Church .Seats Free. tO..')0, . . .7 o'clock. Morning Services,.., Evening Services,. . . social mi:ktin;-'. Claws Meeting following Moniing Services. Prayer Meeting Thur.-da y evening 7 o'clock. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. Communion Services to-morrow. Ukv. C. W. Tui!, Pastor. OR EG 0 X (; I T Y 1 J IS I X ESS. GANG PLOWS. As the age in -which ivc live demands progress in Farming Implements as well as in all other branches of indus try,! have entered extensively upon the Manufacture oj the Celebrated Fie II ?:siar Flow ! Better known in Oreann as ilif IV OL GAMOT PLOW." This Plow com. hi nes all the desirable point of a per jtct iinphvtcnl, being simple in con st ruction, cheap, durable, and of light tlrrrtt rVi,n rnln Prn'Hip '. A i , ,i i, , , , awarder! in (iium I'lninx nf Ihn nrrnt awarded , T , Implemei i .., ; nt trial at Muttoon, Sept. 4, eli of Illinois, were awarded to this Plow. The following is an extract from the Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, for the year 1300, and may bit found on page 2 1(5 of that re port : "The G:in2 Plow made by J. C. Pfeil, Arenville, Cass cotinty Illinois, isieceived wj.th no litjle favor in the west. Almost in credible stories are told ot its excellence and elliciency in plowing the prairie lields of Illinois and other States. t " The depth of the furrow is regulated by the craak-axie,. which is so arranged that the ploughs ca:i be driven deeper or shal lower at the pleasure of the driver, when thn team is moving. by means of the lever. " a uUo mtmi fact it ro sulkey plows for small boys, or intirm persons who are unable to manage a team of three or four horses. This gang or sulkey plow, will cut a fur row from 'J. to 10 inches deep. "The committee who tested the draught of this plow w ith a tynamcmeter state, that it ran lighter by l-t pounds, than other plows when running at the sama depth, and held by the plowman while ou foot.'-' Willi this Plow one man can do more xvork than two men can do witll 7valking Plows, and the same amount of team. Ilvnee, it will be seen that it will more than pay for itself in one season's plowing. I will aho manufacture the WEB-F00T GANG PLOW! A XI) T H E Web-Foot Walking Plow ! Both patterns of my oicn invention, cat tests with the Oestresulls.receivtng flattering testimonials wherever seen or tried. E3f jVoic, the Banners of Oregon are invited to give the Oregon City Manufactory a trial. Do not purch ase a Ploic of any description until you have examined my make and prices, as I am determined to sell at less than importer's rates, by giving you a more durable arlicle,diid a guar antee warranting thi same. For further information address JOHN W. LEWIS, ORF.GOV CITY. nS.tf J L O G U S fc A U 15 It I G II T EXCELSIGRIBL MARKET! Corner of Fourth and Main streets. OREGON CITV. Keep constantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt meats, such aa BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, TEAL, COLNED BEEF, IT A MS, PICKELED PORK, LARD, And everything eUe to be found in their line ot business. jtarpJ & brother:. BUTCHERS & MEAT VENDERS. , - Thankful for pat favnrs of the public wpectrnlly ask a continuance of the same. Wc hhall deliver to our pntmcs all the bct qualititb of Ikef, Mutton. Fork, I'oultry eis., ia usual twice a week, on Tuesdays and .Saturdays f OREGON CITY BUSINESS. joht m. BACOX, 7. Succeor to JOHX TLEMIXG, Masonic Building, Main Street, IMPORTER AXD DEALER IX IMS 5T3 Ii-iig.-fs, etc, TTflLL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox HAND J T T a i;u.ne ana wen. selected stock ot Uooks Stationery, and Drugs, comprising in part Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Books, Theological and Relig ious Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Bay School Books, I II GREAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Every Style, JJass Books, Memorandum Bonks, and Time Books, JJraiving, True- and Tissue Paper, . 1'ort folios, and PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds, Maynard C JVoycs,' and jjcit id's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Jfnsic Paper, and JVotc Books. All of Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. -1 General Variety of Drugs and J'atint Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. &S' School Teachers, and parents of Schol ars will funl it to. their advantage to inspect my stock and prices, before purchasing else where. &'h Hooks Imported to Order. Orders res pectfully solicited nd promptly. tilled. Agent for the California Time, and Eastern periodicals, and papers. JOHX M.BACOX. JACOB VOStTMAN. THOMAS R. FlELItS Wortman & Fields, Oregon, City, Oregon. di:.i.e::s in" ismil.y (iJi'occrics Provisions of all Kinds ! Wines and liquors ! Confectionery. Spices ! Canned Bruits and Meats And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Ei?Tic highest market prices 2aid for con n t rg produce. JPi5.i2Bl i nju-, I :a i nil nix HOUSE, AND Steamboat Painting Gratifing, Gilding, China Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds Wood jiinl MhtIIvI Krerufed as u-ell as can be dime on, the Pacific Cimxt. Examine our work and Judge fur youriclvifs. 5Every order attended to with. rare and expedition. C;. K. MUJiliA Y, West Door Kalston's I'.rick. Main St., Oregon City. WILLAMETTE The following Varieties of Choice Fruit Trees. Shrubbery it I'lants, Are uow Ready for Shiiiment to Order : o . Cherries, Prunes, Plums, Pears, and Berries, Voolittle's Black ,Cap Hasptherry, Wilson'' s, the Agriculturist, and the Triunrph di. Gare Strawberry. . Our trees have the best reputation of any iu the State. Send for Circular, djf. G. W. WAbLING ,t Co. Oswego. C! ickaunis County, Oregon. Orders left with P.&rlow fc Fuller, Agents at Oregou City, will receive prompt attention. JAMLLY DYE COLORS. PiiltntfdOctohcr 1863.' PERFECT FAST COLORS. o Black, Bark Green, Black Silk, Light G:een Bark Blue, Magenta. Bight Blue, Maize, French Blue, Maroon, Claret Brown; Orange, Bark Brown, Pink, Light Brown, Purple, Yellow, Bight Fawn Drab, Fawn Drab, Violet, , Light Drab, Solferinn, .. Bark Drab, Slat:, Snuff Broicr", Royal Purjde, Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, c, dx., c. FOIt DYEIXCi SII-Iv, "Woolen and Mixed floods. Shawls, Scarfs, Dresse., Ribbons, Gloves, Bonuets. HatM, Feat hers, Children's Clothing, and all kinda of Wearing apparel, A Saving of Eighty per Cent. 63 For 2S cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five time.-- that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is .simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect aucceas. . Rii" Directions in English, French and Ger man, outside of each package. no in: 4- stevexs; 3nfi Broadway, Ebstoau TOR sale by . . Smith Davis. Wholesale Druggists, Portland. Oregon. etl.$- parkf, Or-girt Citj. frj n m rn m im m r?w OliEGON CITV BUSINESS. Celling a!t Cost TO CLOSE BUSINESS ! And no IIU3IBUG ! TItc Entire Sfcock! DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BLOTS AND SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Hisses and Children' HATS AND CAPS.' Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to le sold Regardless of Price! ej To convince yourself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SEi.l.I.VO. South of Pope - Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon, City. J. WELCH, Permanently Located at Oregon City, Oregon ROOMS With Dr. Saflarrans, on Main ft. AXD Life Insurance. JOHNSON & McCOW.V APE THE Local Agents in Oregon City, ot the Pacific INSURANCE Company, The best doing business on this coast. This Company is the only one in Oregon that is sues policies and Adjust losses without refer iny the case to San Francisco. Also: Agents of the North America Life Insurance Co., Presenting the inot desirable features, having its policies guaranteed by the State of Xew York. Don't delay attention to these matters until your property is destroyed by tire, or until you are xick. when j'ou cannot be injured H:2s Call immediately. C. W. POPE & Co., m: ale r.s IN STOArES, Pumps, Lead Jipe, Hose, etc. And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a j-r Kl assortment ot Cookinsr. "Purlor. Air 'l'i.ur!:t. and oilier stoves, suitable to this mar ket, which are being Offered at Portland Prices ! Our a-soi tnxnt in .this line i.s huge, nnd embraces almost any desired pattern, includ ing the BUCK, IIEXRY CLAY, HEARTHSTONE, WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, Ac. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to ol der, in a manner that cannot tail v suit patrons, in addition to the above may be found a good aisoitrnent of liurd waie, H'oodeuware, etc. t. W. POPE & Co. NEV LIGHT! NEW LAMP! A.ND BEST NIGHT LAMP IN UStf ! - Its ?Iaiy A1 vmit jigos t FIRST It ?. Xon-Erbl'ttlne, and entirely free from, smoke or qtfenxiee odor whiu burning. SpOO.iIt gives a Soft, Clean, Vhiie Light. THIRD It i CHEAPER than, a-ly ether Ftuid or Oil. LUCINE BURNING FLUID For burning in the above Lamps, outrivals all otherFli;Td;i for LUilLT and ECONOMV.; it will not Stain or Grease Clothes, Carpets Tables, etc. LUCIKE LAMPS AND THE FLUID CAN I!E II AO OP C. W. Sc Co., OREGON CITY, DEAI.KKS IN . . Stoces, Tinware, Lump", Oils, Clnmneyx, Lantern. fv.. dvr. n4:tf CITY BAIvKIlX! MA IX STREET, OREGON CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors .to Wortman & Sheppard,) Keep constantly "cn hand CAKES! PIESI BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds! Orders in this Line will meet with PR03IPT ATTENTION BARLOW & FULLER Also keep ca hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAMBOAT STORES! And all Articles uted for Culinary Purposes ! BARLOW & FULLER J?ell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody elso sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! r.ir In snort, Firmer- aid the pnblic gen erally, are invited to call, at She City Bakery, wbere the truth will be made apparent that onretoek ia comtdete. and our prices reason- ab!e All kinds of ir-du ce tskenia excbange MISCELLANEOUS. -1 WELL KNOIVX Clftsii'maii Sfc Bros. HAVE FOR YEARS had at a motto that A NIMBLE SIXPIJJSCB Was Better than -A SLOW SHILLING: AXD UPON THIS principle of QUICK SALES AimI Smsill Profits Continue to do Business at the Old Stand, Oregon City. FALL AND WINTER STOCK Is Complete in Beery Department. A LARGE STOCK OF MENS'& BOYS' CLOTHING, All Styles aud Qualities, -ri Low Prices for CASH! BOOTS & SHOE -s FOR LA LIES, GE.XTS, MISS"Zp-BOVS. CHAPMAN A IJPO Oregon City. PORTLAND DAILY And Weekly Commercial. o T IIi: PORTLAND EVENING C0MMER- jiolitics, and now steps forth as an advocate of sound, old-Cushioned Democracy. The Constitution and Union ns they were," shall be our motto. We shall be bound or guided by no clique, and shull labor lor the reorgan iat.ion ot the Democratic party on a basis that will insure success in the future. TKlt.MS : Daily for one year f.'i 00 " six months C ot " " three months 2 oi.t "Weekly one year, f i f.e; six months, 1 t0 o Let every true Democrat consider himself an agent lor tlje ( 'ommkucial, aud forward his own name and those of bis im mediate friends. ,lAMi;S t'. DO W, M. P. HULL, Corner Washington r.nd Front .ts.. f'i."rn Portland, Oregon. AV. A. ALlie.H'H. J . C. t I.I; ill LI.. JOHN M CltAKKX M'CRAKEN. MERRILL& 60. SnilTING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Mcrcliants, AGENTS Ot THE ,. CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oiegort Packet Line.. Importers of San Quentin .and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Collet, Rice, aud Pulu. Agents for Provost's & Co.. Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. . Dealers in I-lour, (Jrair., Uacon, Lu:d &. Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase. Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or J'rodure in New York, San .Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDKICH. MERRILL Ac CO., Nos and 2'Jti California Street, San Franciico. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL A CO., 1 North Front Street, Portland. " AM ERIC AN WailhamJVVatches Proof of their Sujieriorlty. Pfniisjivjiniii II jiil 1 :i(l Coiiija ny. Orricu or toe Gknkiial Svperixtendext, J Altoxa, 1a., Dec. 15, lbG7. f Gentlmen J The watches manufactured by you have been in use on this Railroad for several years by cir enginemen, to whom we furnish watches , as part of our equip ment. There are now some three hundred of them carried on our line, and we consider them good and reliable time keepers. In deed, I have great,, satisfaction . in., saving your watches pivc its. less trouble, and hve worn and do wear much longer without re pairs than any watches we have ever bad in use on this road. As yo-.i art aware we for merly trusted to those of Engli.-h manufac ture, of acknowledged, good reputation, but a.s a class they never kept time as correctly, nor have they done as good service as yo'ii s. In these statements 1 aui sustained by my predecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose experience extended over a series of years. Respectful!-., EDWARD WILLIAMS, .. General Superintendent. American Watch Company, Wu.ltha.in.' ... . iTf! "Pork Central Hallroad. Locomotive Iiepirtmcni, WtUrn. I'llr'ution, ) Ji'iM'hcftcr, Ih'f.l ISM. i Gentlemen : I have no hesitation in saying that I believe, the great majority of locomu tiye engineers have found by experience that Walthatn Watches are tb most satisfactory of any for their uses.- Thov run "trith the greatest accuracy and. st'eadin.esxc?iotw:tIr-. st-.tnd'tng the rcdgi riding of an engine, and, as. I have never known one to wear out, they must be durable. .-. I. hope -to Kee the time whea railway companies . will generally, adopt your watches, and furnish them to all engineers and conductors. In my opinion it would greatly tcud to promote regularity and safct3. Yours respectfullv, CHARLLS" WILSON, G. Chief Engineer, Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineer. . ,, . , American Watch Company, Waltharn. Every Watch fully Warranted. .Fpr.aafe by all first-class cealcrs in tbe United States. Bobbins S- Appleton, So. Jirrxidirrty, ' ' ; ' General Agents. K. li. Gray Co., San Fti ncUco, i'Ajn Agents frr California. ouT:goxT STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S ISTOXIGE. BOATS OF THE COMPANY WILL leave Portland as follows" FOR DALLES CITY: DAILY, Sundays excepted,) at 5 o'clock a. vi. FOR UMATILLA AND WALLULA: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, At o O'clocii A. M. inn- Ipave Wall ii la on Monday ! Wednesday fc Friday, tottching at Umatilla. FOR ASTORIA: . Monday and Friday, at 6 o'clock d. m. FOR MONTICELLO Daily, (Sundays excepted,) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, al 6 a m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 7 o'clock a. rn. , - -T Boats" for the transportation of stock iu"rcadines5 when bnstness offers J. C. AIXSWORTH, Yt es.k-ut O. S. N". Comp-uy, Ferti-.i-d.. Ort-goe. lF,b lNii TON 4- CO S Column. STOP THAT COUdHING oin op voc cavt. ad xvr. pjtv ' you. Ymi have tii-jit rrr remeiiy Uut the ON K iesiuu'd, I'V iu iutriliic intra, to supi-rviUi" all iui lur I'rvjinrntHitn. It i not surpnsitig ; Khnti;t tm i-lir-tant to try omothinif after thu many Winnii.-tits you Unvn Inui!: of trayhy rii.xjouj3 visUU 4,u tiio I'ubiio as a ct Ttaxi curw; Lut SO Pulmonary Syrup ! rc-illy th VERY P.f.ST r-rior!r or tin- curs et' Cuncti.--, i nl. 'iV Ttiriot. Jsihuva, iVhou-jiriiC Cough. Uruiu liiuaml Cok.siiik-iIou. Tk-'U-3Tii! (.1' miiJa m CulifornU arnl Oreon lmve hucn ilrcaiiy bnUiiiillcJ by surpi 11113 curulivu puttui NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup md with nne accord' five It llieir Bniali!'.l iipp'o kIiioii. AVo now atr?5 Hiirs'-lvos to nil who are k.11 irquaintit'J with this, thn gn atust I'anacea i.f th ape, V,r tho licsliu pt" iill 4lj.,i;ass f the Thrui u4 i.unj'ii, as.-uriai j u that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup corcJ thousanils ond it will cur Tot" if you trj t. Tliis invaluable moiieino is i!fas.int to tie inrtm otUini;, hfiilin- and strfD-rthouiug in it eflcct-i; inJy fre froHi ull jjiromni or tielrteriotis tirut-s, iu i perfTtly hnrnil-w HtiuVr all riroum -tauct-i;. C'jrtitlrnirs from many jr,miufM cilueiii of Sv Trauciscu accouijiuny 4ivery bottle of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup r.nWYCTON' & Ji-rmi, San Fraccisco. ALWAYS SAFE ! Always Enectiml. Fever and Apne is Sfieedilr and ef fectually cured by Dr. E. COO"ER"l Univer sal Magnetic Palm. "PRO BONO PUBLICO!" 4j, .tvV"-1 111VLY A ITGLTABLE P Rli PA TIO X. None genuine without sinatuie of NV.R. Stronc. , RKDJNGTON ,t CO... . HC and 418 Front j.t., San Frarci.-co fole and exclusive Apeuts. Redington & Co's Florida Water ! US.K NO OTHER. Unexcelled for Toilet Use aud for the Bath. REDINGTON&CO.'S ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger. t . This valuable- preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger, i has become one or the most popular domestic remedies Ur all di.ea.s t-Siiof. the stomach aud digestive organs. .Asa tonic.,-it wjli.be found invaluable to al! persons recovering irora uebihty, whether produced by fever or.othcrwise; for while it imports to the system1 ail the glow and vigor that ca.u h" -produced by wine or biandy, it is free from the reactionary eilects that follow the use of spirits of anv kind, . . . .. i. i It is also an ercellent remedy ifor females who sutler from difficult menstruation, giving fclmost.. immediate relief to the spasms that to trea'tentiv acctanpanv that period. It Pives immediate relief to Nausea, canned by riding in a railroad car, or by sea-sickness or otner causes. , . , , It is also valuable- as an external application lor uout, liaeumat;sn. -Seiimigi. etc, , IlEI)L GTO. & Co.. 41G and 418 Front st, Sau Franci3Co, Use Electro Silicon, , . . i. ; ( OrMacie Hrilliant. , . REDINGT0N & Co.fs t ' For - Handkerchief. This article, possessing fic most delicate fragrance or V lowers. Is unequalled as a per fume for the Handkerchief. . FO It THE VAT II! 1 erirv to tie svtein and cives that softness k n so much desired by al! - " IT RKMOl L j it'it7j(, J', ;icnx.v.9 J " Diluted with water it makes an elegant aen- tifrice. imnartintr near! v whiteness to the teetu the mvwtnc to tt)S jreal.ll. and leuucn - - , 4 - gums hard and of a beautirul color. It should always be used after shavmg dilut ed with water. a it relieves all innammauou , REDLSGTOX Co. 416 and 413 Front f-t., Sau Francisco. ELECTRO SILICOX, - on - if rtsric Urilliniat I Direct from Nature's Labralory. The Best article evr discovered forrlean-in-i and Poli-dinig Gold. -Sdver aud PUted ware, ami al smooth Meta.'ic SHrfaees. of whatever description, inciuuing iv.i-;iieu uicu- sils of Tin. Copper. iJ.a-s. t. Tr. Joa.-f ters and V 01 kers in Gold and Sil ver Plate the Electro-Silicon is of inestimable value ; tbe time save a, ana xne vexation pre sented IV Its use. Will lorfvni-ciHirariia imiuo to ail who have, bad evidence of its merits, REDIXGTOX 4 Co. Sole Agent, San. Francisco. l?0n FLAVORING,, REDIXG TOX 4" Co.'s EXTRA C TS Are the best. O O MEDICAL. PROPERTIES ... OF N.. IIOSTTTJEI'S STOV!ACJfB!Tf ERS Lj;T IT BE DISTINCTLY B0RNR IN ' mind .that ilOSTETTER'S BITTEKH is a MEDICINAL PREPARATION, not a beverage, and that it is entirely free from the attributes which create. and fofrter a. pas-i sion for stimulants, aud which beloDg to .all the distilled and. fonientefl HquofS. of com-j rnerce. Its alcoholic element is derived, from -sound r-e, a grain which, according to tbe testimony of the most distinguished najj.ti cal chemists, yields a more nhojesomc tiLrit than any other known t-ubstante. liuttjie QUINTESSENCE OF RYE employed ia tLe manufacture of the Bitters, must iiotbe con founded with the rye spirit .sold in the mar ket as Bourbon ana Mouongahela Whisky. The very best brands of those liquors pro cured for hospital inc, and preferred by the I eJical Stall's of the Army and Navj to any other liquor, are not to be compared ia ex cellence with tbe article used in the concoc tion of the GREAT: STOMACHIC. It is subjected, in the first instance, to a process which deprives it of the. pungent and acrid elements proved by chemical test to exist in even what are deemed the incst imported and domestic spirits, and after being thus purified, is- kept on, hand long enough to give it mellowness before bcing medicated. The chief yirtue of the preparations is not," however, in its spirituous basis, but. in tho juices of the tonic, aperient, corrective and antibilious vegetable products so largely") intermixed with it. .. Perhaps, it may be urged, that if they inn part to the alc.oholic fluid its preventive and remedial qualities, water impregnated witk the sa-ie ingredients would answer tbepnr po.se as well. . Nothing but profouud igao rance.of the laws of physiology and patho logy can excuse such an error. Only by r. diffusible stimulant can the medicinal con stituents, that are to fortify the system agant disease, or counteract .diseased ac tion, be conveyed directly to their destina tion. The stimulant rapidly pervades the animal structure, carrying tvith.it to the points whcre.it is needed,,-, the required anti dote. r Water wiil not do this. , It has, com paratively speaking, no propelling or diffu sive power. Nor is this all.- Nothing but alcohol will preserve the medicine) piopcrfy of vegetable extracts in a iltiid state. Mix t;iem with water and the compound will fermect, turn sour and become worse1 than valueless. - . .... It is claimed that IIOSTETTIR'S. .BIT-j TER.S commend themselves to the special favor of tho. Temperance Physician, as the only difhi'-i-re timnlant which he can pre scribe without danger of pnduly exciting tii brain pf his patient, and of creating tjiat morbid thirst for alcohol which doses of ifn medicated spirits arc so apt to engender.' , . To argue vith the .dogniAtistj why assrrti that stimulants are always unnecessary and. pernicious, would be a waste of time. The most eminent lights of Medical Science have settled that. question, and .it is. not. worth while to,haveta oqur-versy 4vijh te, rush Lgh. The leading champions of temper ance In the United States, Ifo'racfe Greelev; among the number, have annoinced that they , are pot in favor of prohibitipg the em ployment of ipirrtr.oiib liquors as medicine.-. So muih far 'he nioral clairis ct the art-'-cle under the temperance code. The ground being thus cleared, and , it is hoped,, to the satisfaction of every rational champion of sobriety, the specific application of the Bit ters to the prevention and cure of the " ills that flesh is heir to," comes next rn order. Pcaons whose lives are peculiarly sensi -five are said to be of a 'bilious habit." The. morbid inlhtences which affect others, in ' general way, seem in their cases to operate directly aud mainly upon, the biliary orjan. Many wIk) are tints predisposed to an over flow of bile are subject to periodical attack- of biliousness, accouipanied, by pain in the. right side, languor, pain between tbe should ers, gloomy feelings, and that peculiar tinge of the complexion which indicates that a portion of the bjle'which should have passed off through the bowels, has been misdirected, to tbe venous system, and is present fn the superficial bloodvessels To- overt these symptorr.s, and the, general disorder ot the internal organs, which they involve, it is, ad visable for individuals of a bilious habit to take nt least two doses of Ao.?f ETTEK'S' BITTERS daily at such times as fbey have reason to apprehend an attack. Indeed, all who have a constitutional ami temperamen tal tendency to liver complaints wruIJ do well to take a' dose of this admirable! ANTI BILIOUS STOMACHIC every day,.,.Wker the great secretive gland i.s seriously disor dered, the medicine usuallv 'resorted to js mercury, which, iinlcs administered with very great c.-ntion, is .infinitely, jnore dan gerous than the disease it . is intended to subdue. In a largo majority of the cases tr-'atea with calomel, or blue pill, the anti bilious and alterative properties of the Bit ters would produce the desired effect. . And let it be borne in mind that, whereas mercury in every shape is; an' insidious poison. ;tho medicinal ingredients of this preparation consist exclugivcN of wholesome vegetable' extracts,, which. are diffused through . h; svstem Tr mean-i of the purest and mildest of all known stimulants. . .,, A iVu.riiig to Comitcrfc-f Icr anit m Caution to Purthtm-rii. No expense will be5pared. no fega! means of punishing fraud will hs je2)eot(rd,. i-i the ,r:T..rt to prevent the count rfeitn-got LlOs TETTER S STOMACH BITTERS. CAUT10.V Vot t0 pr,rchase any aj-tiel a purporting f hp HOSTETrER S SIUJlAUt r.nii 'authenticated 5r tbe r-andiorno Government stamp. spceiaHy engraved for proprietors, and also by their supers new label, with a beftiUHul yigne ire, iv ,enting the conflict between St Geoige and ..... r.,., .. . . tbe.Dragou at the tpp. ana a u, - -of handTgaed Htstctter 6 muiUi, at t.ic foot. ,f V B Tbe genuine Bitters arc mm- bottles only. All persons j-- r.r the .-allon or barrel, ate sell inc aniv-.i- .y fr-ris a worth- impostars,un.a Ue u terfi:rt. less and, preaawy, vi:FPAREDAXDS0LDBY Hostetter & Smith, Proprietors, PlTTSUUKt x-a. psi- For sale bJT-11 V??' r'f?. and shopkeepers iu.s, - agent roa obecok : Hodge, Calcf k Co., ,-,!e Dru-rzh-t!!, Portland, Wholesale Dru Orcgotv. wta. yT!i!'iP' "'3!' " ' '"" S- 1 C0TJRT3Sy OF BANCROFT LIBRARY,