The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, December 26, 1868, Image 1

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The Weeioy Enterprise.
as ixDEerJxpsyr paper, :
Business Man, the Farmer
1 ' AT TUP. '
)mer-Cnmer of Fifth and Main street,
Oregon Cg.v,, rrfpWrfor.
i.. ..n very well re
ft!!- FATH i J l-1' .. .
reived daring tit . Slate
,,y gentlemen of distinction iu the State
who recommend it m a journal valuable for
i mn Saeb Ave shall endeavor
Kastern circulation- :mk--.
IMTWnr Site . -
LPS constant the paramount interest to
ehoarroiuiuns will te devoted, livery
'rr. -rtr4or the
irtor J'uVic- if'rf, irrespective .of
'of p f
ir I iinu 111
an advocate anu a oe-
lender, to
tlie extent u u" j-
to attract t!ie attention of the
r hhall aim
I uii!li"iirf of . ,. ..
i I'OI'I-L VTION' AND MONTA sceing profit-
I aWr places, to that channel which U uw
I ,,kin- tlii- the or the -lobe, and ren-
' derin" W..H wilh other l'aritto Stutes.the
I crranen'es of the world, with a centre of
I 7.... i .-i t..,-on(l to none.
I . ,.,.t,-t-r TP1M-: will continite to receive that
I J Itlnxim which it merits, at the har.d of
rvrrv intelligent Journal. " The tarmcr
.-...rlll, nil.
I thi-' MUKKTS will be watched cafnHy,
iind surh lnioniiAuou -
,.m,,ne will be publushet.
M XrFACTUlU-:i:S are earnestly i-questev
' to inform m with respect t those varions
imere-ts to the end that we may be able to
the KNTi:itt-KiBK as near an eiioj'clo-
pit.lU of the business of Oregon as cau be,
3 06
Rnglc Cfy "ne year
Six months - u '
'J'hree months 11,11
C.t'; KATES:
Five Copies. 1 year, ?. Si 30 each.. . .212 0
fij- In which case ofc extra copy will be
P..iit to the person forming the Club, and as
a,i indiieenient to snrh persons, with a View
rir extt'iuinir our circulation,
Ow' Dollar tind Tm-nty-five Cehfs
WW. b.- allowe-l as Commission on each addi
tioii'al fiv" SubKcr.h'rx. Thus any person
who will interest himself in the matter, may
,-ure the paper freeand receive a liberal
Oomjieiuati.m :r his services.
ItrmMancrs be mode it the risk of
Snhcrihr, and at the expend of A genii:
Transient advertisements, including all .
notices, v' so,, of Pi lines, 1 w.5 - 50
Krr each subsequent insertion. . . .
Ote Column, one year
Half - '
Quarter " "
Harness Card, 1 square one year.
i oo
$120 00
The Enterprise office is oiipplied with
hatuii'ul, approved styles of type, and mod
ern MACHIXK PRESSES, which will enable
the Proprietor to do 3h Piinting at all times
Xaat; Quid; and Cheap !
Ki Work solicited.
i). c.jnr:r.Axn, rnpr;tnr.
cr .-. -C-" "-'.n" hsl9
Oregon Ci1 Oregon.
OFFICE hi Chavmau'.s P.rick Rlock, up
J ) 11. F. BARCLAY,
JBlSl.a -- "! 9
(Formerly surgeon to the lion. II. 15. Co.)
nFFICI--M P.enideuce, Main street Ore
rf'in City. Oieoii.
YH- WATI-INd, M. D.,
SL'RGEON. Pi)i;xr.A.Ni, Okkgox.
OFFICE-?: Front street Residence cor
nvr of Main and Seventh streets.
Savier LaHoque & Co.,
on eg ox ci fv.
t.Keep constanth' on hand foi sale, flour
M.diias. 'Uran and "Chicken Feed. Pal ties
pnrcliiay fccil nvist furnish the sacks.
Contractor and Builder,
M iiu st OREGON' CITY.
, f Will attend to nil work in his line, con
siiuK in inirt of Carpenter and Joiner woik
framiiijj, bui'.Jini;, t-tc. Jobbing promptly
UeiM t ,, o i i j
avid smith;
.iuccwor to SMITH MARSHALL, .,
Nad-Smith and Waaoii Maker,
Corner of U'm aud Third streets,
Orcgou City Oregon.
Ps-niacksmithin-in all its branches; Was:
Mi iiuiktng and repairing. All work warrant
! to Hive :itistaction.
07 First st., Portland,
Next Door to Post Office.
ffi Importers ;,nd Jobbers of Staple and
fancy Dry Goods. Grai bass. Burlaps, furn-
1'?, V- We P"v the highest cash
PJeJor.,oI, Hides.
UMES tfc DaYlaM
Wood and Willow Ware.
brushes, Twines, Cordage, etc.,
Pails, Tubs, Washboards, $-c
-cramento st., San Francisco.
. Jj; -Maiden Lane, X. Y. Citv.
J AMlvS L. DALY, "
(bate bah- i stov
,-tnis t
GEXEi'ir , r-rr
v. FlCE o- I'M Front street, Portland
':ll cive sdccikI n,.,; !
""'djusttnerTtor , lJ?cUn
Inlaw I Wig; effecting loa
John Nestor. Arnhitorr
iru St., Portland Oregon.
Li y.v ),,.. it '
Ifvlls, .Churches,
tenements. c.nitnnP, c.. '
Collages., Suburban
Jesidcnces, and
gildings Desisned and Planned
full v surtntI'l8 rupnJously and faith
faiiid p.r ,'v, IPwners interests
BANKERS, Porttxd, Oregon-.
"Will rire prompt attention to collections,
and other business upper-mining to Hanking.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange
On San Francisco and the Atlantic States for
jjde. Government St-curiiie bought and
FK 11111",
BROKER. 1'orti.avd. Ohesonv .
Cor. ftwit and Washington titt.
Agent North British and Mercantile
Insurance Company, and Manhat
tan Life Insurance Company.
f"Governnii:nt Securities, Stocks.Bonds
and Real Estate loaj;lit and sold oa Com
mission. ,
vr. c. joujjsojr. k. o. m'cuws.
-.-.- XoUry Public.
BC-ju'Sk 'W""Sr333!3l'--iSi
Orrgoii City, Oregon.
Will attend to all business entrusted to
our care in any of the Courts of the State,
Collect money .Negotiate loans, 'sell real estate
etc. Particular attention given to cuiit-ted
Laud cases.
Mitchell, Dolph k Smith,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Laic
' Solicitors in Chancery, and Froc-
tors in Admiralty
IT Office o' er the old TostOtfice, Front
street, Portland. Ore-iron.
. C. G1JJUS. fiitUliH,
Xiitary Public and (Aim. j iMtdj,
AtlSrtnvs and Counselors at Laic,
I'outlanp, Oregon-.
OFFICE On Alder rtreet, in Carter's
brick block.
Justice of ike Peace t Cilj Recorder.
Office In the Court House nnd City
Council Room, Oregon City.
65- Will attend to the acknowledgment of
deeds, and all other duties apoertaining to the
business of a Jutice of the Peace.
Dr. J, 11. HATCH,
Late Mack 4- -Hatch,
Trie patronajre of tnose defil ing First Claim
'Oj-'craid)", is respectfully .solicited.
Satisfaction in all cases iinrautced.
iS'. IJ. Xifro-im (Jxydt administered for the
Painless ExtVacti'oii" of Teeth.
Offk:k Corner of Washington andFron
streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington
E NT A L N OT 1 0 E .
Burins; my 'our of two years
in the Eastern States I have
spared neither timt n o r
nioiiev to make mvso'f per
fectly tamiiiar wth arid nia.steof my pro
f'eshion. Those tlesii iii!; the best work that
the nature of the case will admit of can find
me at my office, 1"7 Front .street, two doors
above MeCormick'd Rook Store, Port laud,
tS;-'cc'- to O'r'iJoi- it Co.,
Vagons & Carriages,
01 and 2ij'- Front st., Portlaud, Oregon.
(K?" Wagons of every description,
made to order. General Jobbing done
with neatness and dispatch.
Sunday School and Gift Books !
A ty and
Various other Publishing Houses!
For sale by the subscriber, on Jellerson it,
between" id and :.:d. Portland, Oregon.
G. 11. ATKINSON, Secretary, an. I Treas. Oregon Tract So c
?x. City Drayman,
i .
! 2. All orders for the delivery of nierchan
1 di.-e or packages and freicht of" whatever des
cription, to any part of the city, Hill be tSe
cu.ed promptly and with carti.
Established since lSl' the old stand.
Main Strict, Oregon. City, Oregon.
An Assortment of Watches, Jew
elrv. and Seth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of uhicll are warranted
to .e as represented.
Repai rings done on short notice,
i md thankful for past favors.
A. U. BI.I..
BEIilj &l
5 BFGdrlSTS,
Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints,
Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes,
And every article kept in a Bmg Store. Main
street. Oregon City.
Dealers in California, Vermont, and
Italian Marbles, Obelisks, Monu
ments, Head and Pool slones,
Salem Oregon.
Mantles and Furniture Marble furoiihed
to order. .t
j Baving purchased the interest
of S. Cram, in toe wen mioh u
r.m:hAr STABLE
One door west of Excelsior Market. Oregon
Utr announce that they will at all times
keeo ood horses ai d carriages to let, at
reasonable rates. Horses bought and sold
! Oregon Seed S
K. e. chatfield,
Wholesale aud Retail Dealer in
Garden and Field Seeds of all Kinds.
First street. Portland Oregon,
Near the Western Hotel.
Robinson & Lake
, Y V Tin-ware trde as tunil, at the titio
Corner Fntnt tih'l fi'i?n,i.
J-art Ainu, I'l-fi i'i.
' Look not mournfully into the Past,
J t comes not back again.
Wisely improve the Present,
It id thine."'
O why should we sigh lor the Fntnre,
, Or the Past fo wrinkled and grey.
While the golden hours of the Present
Are rapidly flitting away ?
The Past is a thing to dream of.
And the Future none may know ;
But the bright substaatisi Present
, Is ours wherever we go.
She offers us priceless treasures
From the boundless mines of thought,
And points io her glowing pages,
With thejkir'e of jfges fraught.
Many live in the Past and Future,
And traverse aerial ground,
Unheeding the gems which the Present
So lavishly scatters urouud.
And while they aimlessly trifle
With Imagination's foils,
Comes knavish Procrastination.
And snatches the princely spoils.
The Past is a beautiful phantom.
That brings us both pleasure and pain ;
The Future is shrouded we cannot
One glimpse of her featuies obtain.
The wandering step will falter,
Pursuing her mystic trail ;
And the eyes grow dim with striving
T6 peer through the murky veil.
As well might w'e strive to follow
Life's last faint flickering breath.
Or fathom the shades that hide from
Our vision the vale of death.
Then why when the Present is fleeing,
With steps no mortal can stay.
Should we fritter, in idle dreaming,
lis priceless moments away?
Jlr.--. H. A. Dcmlng.
Antctlote uf .lluila mc- Alljonl.
When Mndame Alboni "vns in
Oerlin, the Director of the Theater
Delia Scala, at Milan, determined to
engage her for a week or two. . He
accordingly set out for Berlin, fn a
village near Innsbruck, some part of
his carriage was broken, and the Ini
presgaria W;is obliged to halt. In a
very bad humor he set out for a
promenade through the village while
his coach Vras being repaired ; saun
tering listlessly along, he suddenly
heard delightful, charming singing ;
never had he heard so sweet, so clear,
so heavenly a voice. He approached
the house from whence the music
came, and soon found himself in the
presence of the songstress, She was
a htndsotne Tyrolean maiden, of un
common grace and dignity, nnd was
singing to three children, who were
intently listening to her. lie apolo
gized for his intrusion, and begged
to know if the fraulein understood
music. The director drew from his
pocket some sheets of " La Fille du
Regiment," which he chanced to have
with him, and requested her to sing
a few passages. The Tyrol ese com
plied with as much good nature as
talent. ' Mademoiselle," exclaimed
the enraptured director, " I was on
my way to Berlin to make an engage
ment with Alboni, the great Euro
pean celebrity, but I have found you
and will go no farther. Alboni
could stilt tne no better than you do.
I offer Von 2,000f per night, and en
gage you for twelve representations."
'How much would vou have oiL-ied
Mme. Alboni ?
'Mine. Alboni J Oh, that is d if-
ferent. I should have given her nt
least 5,000f. But consider, she has
au unrivaled name and fairn;, while
you are wholly unknown."
" Yet you told me that Mme. Al
boni could suit you no better than I.
Am I not, then, entitled to the salary
you intended for her T'
" ihat is impossible, MadenjoueUe.
Will you accept 3,000f ?"
,l No."
" Four thousand ?"
" No."
" Then, Mademoiselle, adieu. I
can give you no more, for you are
entirely unknown; I risk everything,
vou nothing. You might make your
fortune and that of your family ; you
refuse. Adieu.
The director reached Berlin, aud
inquired for Mme. Alboni, and was
told that she was in tne country.
Where ?"
" Iu Tyrol."
In Tyrol I At what place ?"
n jnj ; two hours' ride from
Returning, lie sought Lis peasant
" Madame," he said, yoo are no
long-er unknown, lou have played
me a nrettv trick."
" I ? Listen, Monsieur, you know
me ; but as you were this morning so
unwise as to resign me for the peasant
maid, I now refuse to enter into any
encngement with you.
The director was in despair. He
fell at her feet ; bm Mme. Alboni did
not relent until after the most earn
est solicitation, and a promise 01
G,000f per night.
Olive. Logan thinks that any wo
man who can protect herself iu a
horse car is qualified to trote, and
exclaimsr ' Now,, girls,- be men !'
iNevcr conhue secrets to rour
rslstivts bl-j' d will tell.
Peter Cooper's name is a familiar
one all over the country on account
of his persevering efforts to educate
and elevate the poor and laboring
classes, and , the erection of the
Cooper ..Institute for' the instruction
of the workingmen of the country.
Cooper was born in New York City
iu the winter of 1791, and is of the
Revolutionary stock bis father and
grandfather , having served as officers
during the war. His father was a
hatter at the, close of the struggle,
Und Pttof assisted Kim in Abe shop,
and had a hard experience, as his
parent was in straitened circum
stances aud had a lorge family to
support. The boy was very anxious
to learn, but lie was unable to attend
school more than half of each day
during a single year, which was all
the regular education he ever re
ceived. When seventeen he was ap
prenticed to a coachmaker, and he
followed the trade for some years.
Ie afterward engaged in the manu
facture of patent machines for shear
ing cloth ; then of cabinet ware, and
at last he entered into the grocery
jusiness in Burling Slip. He con
ducted the grocery business fur some
years with profit ; but retired from it
to embark in the manufacture of glue
and isinglass, which he has carried
on ever since a period of more than
thirty years. He has been interested
for many years in iron manufactures,
and in his works near Baltimore he
built, after his own dfsigns, the first
ocomotive ever constructed in the
United States. lie has shown much
nterest in the extension of the tele
graph, and is a stockholder nnd an
o flicer in the Atlantic Cable Com
panies, lie has served in both
branches of the New York Common
Council, and, what is extraordinary,
he proved himself a most honest ami
lonorable member an exception
that few have been tempted to imi-
tate since his titnr. The difficulty he
iad m obtaining an education made j
him solicitous of securing advantages
for others, when he had become rich,
and C'oper Institute is the hue rc-
suit of a self-promise, made forty
i , -. . . .
years oeiore us erection. 1 tie lnsti-
tute embraces a school of design for
women, evening courses of mstruc
n for mechanics and apprentices,
.t ,. .
especially ns respects the application
of science to the practical affairs f
de ; a free reading-room, galleries of
art, collections of models of iuven-
Hons and a polytechnic school, the
building co-t $o00,000, which is not
far from half of Peter Cooper's fur
tune. He is still healthv and viiror-
ous, and no one would believe he was
near his eightieth vear. He is a
peculiar looking and noticeable per
son, under the medium size, with a
sharp, thin visage, a profusion of
brown hair, very little grey eyes, al
ways wears o!d spectacles, and
seems as amiable, kind and generous
as he reallv is. No one ever doubted
Peter Cooper's honesty. He is pon-
ular with all classes, and is never
seen in public without eliciting ap
plause. He has lived a true life ; the
renuine Republican, the earnest frieud
of the people.
A very different mau is George
Law. Once a famous personage, he
has so sunk out of siht of late years
that the great public has almost en
tirely forgotten him. He was born
in Washington county, New York,
and his parents being poor, he went
to the metropolis to st ek a livclihooJ.
It is said he worked for his passage
and arrived there penniless. He was
iu his first teens then : but being !
very stout and hardy, he worked on
the docks and in warehouses for sev
eral months. At the end of that
time he had saved $100. With that
sum be began to barter and trade,
and soon iucreascd it to $1,000 the
hardest amount to get, millionaires
tell us, though the statement is not
always true. He had a talent for
making money out of other people ;
but he reniaiued in obscurity till he
was fully thirty. The first known of
him by the public was his appearance
as contractor for the building of the
High Bridge for the Croton Aoue-
duct. He made the job profitable,
and soon obtained other contracts
from the city that rendered him pros
perous. He purchased an interest
in different ferry and street railway
companies, and became an operator
in Wall street, where his shrewdness
served him to advantage. Ho was
not a bold speculator, but had the
sagacity to buy and sell at the right
time, and rarely lost.
At one time the Herald in the
campaign of IS53, we think nomi
nated Law for the Presidency, and
gave him the sobriquet of " Lire
Oak George," which long adhered to
hira. No one except Law imagined
for a moment the journalistic weather
cock in earnest ; but he was greatly
flattered bv the nomination, aud re-
ally cherished aspirations for . the '
White House. I
. During the Lopez expedition, in !
Cuba he bought a lot of muskets.and
placed them on board the Grapeshot.
The vessel was seized while lying in
port, on the charge that the muskets
were intended for the filibusters,
which no doubt was true. Law made
a fierce protest against the seizure,
nnd appealed to the Courts. While
this case was pending the attempted
revolution failed, and Lopez was gar
roted. The firearms afterward proved
of very little value, and if they had
been used in Cuba, would have beeu
moro destructive to their bearers
thauto the enemy. A great deal
wassfCl and written at the time
about the George Law muskets, and
their worthlessness grew to be a
proverb. That venture was one of
the very few in wTuch he was not
successful. He has the reputation of
having made money out, of whatever
he touches, and he ought to make it,
for he is totally regardless of the feel
ings or comfort of others. He is still
a large owner in ferries and railways,
one of the most unpopular men in the
metropolis, a fact he cares nothing
about so long as his coffers are full
and his digestion is perfect. His
conscience is easy, for it lies in his
bank account. The good he does
must ho in secret, since it rarely be
comes known.
Law has a handaome house in Fifth
Avenue, and is probably worth
$5,000,000, though it wotiii not be
imagined from his appearance and
manner that he would be admitted to
his own house, or that his income
was $1,000 a year, lie must be
about live and sixty now j has a
strong constitution and muscular
frame, nnd promises to be active and
interest calculating fur thirty years
yet. lie is very large vertically aud
horizontally ; dresses shabbily ; has
coarse features ; resembles a carman
more than a millionaire, and is per
sonally known t few. He is fre
quently to be seen walking aud driv
ing about on his private business ;
occasionally appears nt Fulton Mar
ket in quest of oysters, which he swal
lows voraciously, as if he were more
savage than hungry ; and now and
theu (inures as a vice president of
some public meeting, which lie never
attends. Such is Live Oak George
i who, as has been said, is a self-made
man, and worships his creator.
j i-etei: n. sweeney
ir..-e r,J n,..m;nn
! , , ,
i na tuc -rcat NIo?lil of ?my
1 1 ,. ii T I :,i l ..
i icoubiucicu as cue vi iu;
shrewdest of Democratic politician: ;
makiiir nolitics his trade, and thrives
j , Tr . e T . .
U till IM, lil J.kl.ii LAUUtHVll,
. . ,
i uwugn native nere, ana seems to oe
a man or lorce more than limitless.
i He is a lawyer bv profession : but he
has quitted law for more lucrative, if
not more honorable, pursuits, within
the magic circle of the City Hall.
He is the present City Chamberlain,
and has made himself famous by pay
ing over to the municipal Govern
ment certain monthly sums of inter
est ihat have heretofore been kept by
the incumbent of the office. Such a
proceeding was so unprecedented that
few New Yorkers have been willing
to believe that any man who would
do such a thing acted from disinter
ested motives. Until recently a bank
president has usually been made the
Chamberlain, and the bank has re
ceived the deposits of the city without
interest. The balance to the credit
of New York is often $"20,000,000,
and it is estimated that the interest
on the account is not unfrequcntly
-$200. OOD per annum. It is alleged
that Sweeney does not give more
than one third of the interest to the
Treasurer ; but that he pays any
proportion of it voluntarily, and when
there is no law to compel him, should
certainly be interpreted to his credit.
Asa wirepuller, caucus controller
and manager of men, he is said to
eclipse many of his astutest prede
cessors, lie is the power behind the
throne in the City Hall, and certainly
the champion of the rinir. No Demo
cratic body in that region Can get
along along without Sweeney ; and
no Democratic caucus is complete
without him. lie is steadily in
creasing his influence, fnd in the
stronghold of the unterrified will find
it to his advantage to stay. lie is
wealthy probably 81,000,000 would
not cover his fortune in the prime
of life ; small, dark haired, dark
eyed, swarthy complexion ; feels
proud of his political importance, and
may long to have engraved on his
marble monument in Greenwood,
' Here lies the late leader of Tarn
manv Hall.''
I Beer was iuvented by the Egyp-
' tians, and was calied the Pelagian
liquor, because it was first made at
Pelusinnij, a city near the mouth of
the Nile, j he invention is supposed
to have taken place about 1,200
years before the Christian era. The
intoxicating drinks of the northern
nations were made from honey, and
were known under the names of mead
metheglin, the latter bearina the
same relation to mead tbat small beer
does to XXX ale or porter. Ihe
climax of a Scandinavian warrior's
glory and happiness was to drink
mead from a cup composed of his
iailen foe s ekull.
: .
" Jones, that must have been
Brown that passed : Wonder why he
didn't speak? Oh,.t remember I
lent him to the Ia-jt time I saw biuj."
The following is sublimely splen
diferous, and we recommend it as a
model to letter writers :
Mr Dear Miss F. Every time I
think of you my heart flops up and
down like a churn dasher. Sensa
tions of unutterable joy caper over it
like young goats over a stable roof,
aud thrill through it like Spanish
needles through a pair of tow linen
trowsets. As a gosling swimmeth
with delight in a mud puddle, so
swim I in a sea of glory. Visions of
ecstatic rapture, thicker thau the
baits in a blacking brush,- and bright
er than the hues of a hurrtming bird's
pinions, visit me in my slumbers j and
borne on their invisible wings, your
imagfi stands before me, and 1 reach
out to grasp it, like a pointer snap
ping at a blue bottle fly. When I
first beheld your angelic perfections,
I was bewildered, and my brain
whirled around like a bumble-bee I
under a glass tumbler. My eye
Rt.onn nnon lL-p ro up Hnnrs m n (nnh.
. . , , T , .
j jfVju, anu j. iiiieii uu ir:y cms 10
silvorv accents nf vnnr
. j
tonirue refused to war,
... D , tl .
man swalloweth a tumbler of hot
whiskey punch. Since the light of
your face fell upon my life, 1 some
times feel a.s if I could lift myself up
by my boot straps to the top of the
Presbyterian steeple, and pull the
bell rope for singing school. Day
and night you are in my thoughts.
When Aurora, blushing like a bride,
lisen from her saflren couch ; when
tne jay Dim pipes ins tuneiui lay in i
the apple tree, by the spring house ; j
when the chanticleer's shrill clarion I
heralds the coming morn ; when
awakened pig arise th from his bed
and grunteth, and gocth for his
morning refreshments ; when the
drowsy beetle wheels his droning
flight at noon-tide, and when the low
ing cows come home at milking time,
I think of thee ;aud like a piece of
gum elastic, my heart seems to
stretch clean across my bosom.
Your hair is like the mane of a sor
rel horse, powdered with gold ; and
the brass pin, skewered through your
waterfall, fills me with unbonded
awe. Your forehead is smoother
thau the elbow of art old coat. Your
eyes are glorious to behold. In their
liquid depths, I see legions of little
Cupids, bathing like a cohort of ants
in an old army cracker. When
their fire bit me upon my manly
breast, it permeated my entire anat
omy like a load of bird shot would go
through a rotten apple. Your nose
is from a chuuk of Parian marble,
and your mouth puckered with
sweetness. Nectar lingers on your
lips like honey on a bear's paw, and
myriads of unfledged kisses are there
ready to fly out and light sornewhere,
like blue birds out of the parient's
nest. Your laugh rings on my ears
like the wind-harp's strains, or the
bleat of a stray lamb on a bleak hill
side, The dimples in your cheeks
are like bowers iu beds of roses, or
hollows in cake of home-made sutjar.
I am dying to fly to your presence
and pour out the burning eloquence
of my love, as thrifty house-wives
pour out hot coffee. Away from
you, I am as melancholy as a sick
rat. Sometimes I can hear the June
bugs of despondency buizing in my
ears, and feel the cold lizards of de
spair crawling down ray back. Un
couth fears, like a thousand minnows,
nibble at my spirits, and my soul is
pierced through with doubts, as au
old cheese is bored with skippers.
My love for you is stronger than
the smell of Coffy's pateut butter, or
the kick of a young cow, and more
unselfish than a kitten's first cater
waul. As the song bird hankers for
the light of the day, the cautious
mouse for the fresh bacon in the
trap, as a lean pup hankers after ntjw
milk, so I long for thee.
Vou are fairer than a speckled
pullet, sweeter than a yankee dough
nut fried in sorghum molasses, bright
er than the topknot plumage in the
head cf a muscovy duck. You are
candy kisses, raisins, pound cake, and
sweetened toddy altogether.
If these few remarks will euable
you to see the inside of my soul, and
me to win your affections, I shall be
as hafpy as a woodpecker on a
cheery tree, or a stage horse in a
green pasture. If yon canuot recip
rocate my thrilling passion, I will
pine away like a, poisoned bedbug,
and fall away from the .flourishing
vine of life, an untimely branch j and
in the coming years, w hen the shad
ows grow irorn the hills, and the
philosophic frog sings his cheerful
evening hymns, ydu, happy in anoth
er's love, can come and drop a tear
and catch a cold upon the last rest-
injr place of
Jtt.its Er.tMiN'JMAi MtutiiN - -
How' Monkeys ake Takes in (
Dartour. Monkeys are pretty com-
toon, yet as all the faraib are re-
markably canning; has it ever Occur-
red to the reader bow tbey are ta- j
ken? Pitfalls will take alien, and
the farrrished mouarch of the forest
will, after a few days' starvation, dart j
into a cage containing- food,- and thns
be secured. But how are monkeys j
caught ? The ape family resemble
man. Their vices are hurratt. They
love liquor, and fall. '. In Dartonr
and Sennaar the natives iriake n fer-
rnented beer of which the monkeys
are excessively fcfnd. Awarei of this, j
the natives go to the parts of the
forests frequented by the monkeys
and set on the ground calabashes full
Of the enticing liquor. As soon as a
monkey sees and tastes it he utters
lottd cries of joy, that soon attract
comrades. Then an orgife begins,
and in a short time the bertsts show
1 all
of intoxication. Then
the negroes appear. The few Who
The drinkers are too far gone to dis-
' J
(rr lctrrror cnonipj fif tbfJr Anl rrpniK I
-r .... b.....
. J, - - I
immediately begin to weep and cOv-
ei iiicui viLii luuuuiiii ii lieu l
. . I . - . . t.iAi.rf ,n I - . 1 . 1.An I
a neprro takes one bv the hand to lead
. . - -
him off,
the nearest monkey will
cling to the one who thus finds a sup-
port and endeavor to go off also.
Another will grasp at him, and thus
I iH turn til! the neSf a stagger-
ing line of ten or a dozen tipsy mon
keys. When finallj got to the village
I they are securely cdred aud gradu
j allv sober down : but for two of
three davs a gradually diminishin
supply of liquor is given them, so as
to reconcile thpm by degrees to their
fctrltft fif r o n 1 1 7 t t v
U...vw v. v.,... .
Josephine Gallmeyer is a charm-
ing soubrette, and when starring in
Hamburg she attracted the attention
; of an enthusiastic young man, Whom
she allowed to visit her saloon. The
acquaintance ripened Until the eve of
her departure, when the young man
paid her another visitt She-saw that
something lay heavy on his heart.
What ails you, my friend" the
asked, in, the most encouraging tone,
and the youth replied hesitatingly,
" I wish to ask a favor, which you
coma easily grant me. .just wait a
moment : I will hasten home and
fetch the casket." The soubrette
awaited his return in eager expecta-
tion. " Is he so timid." she said to
herself, " as not to venture to present
a souvenir to hie?'' A few in i n utes
afterward her friend re entered the
room. He held a verv neat little box
! in his hand. "Look,Miss Gallmeyer,"
he said, opening the lid, these are
the finest Bremen cigars ; you have
many distinguished acquaintances in
Yienna ; please take these cigars as
samples, and recommend them to the
Yienna cavaliers. I am a cigar dealer,
and win give you ten per cent, dis
count on all you sell."
The Solar Eclipse next Summer
On the 7th of August next a total
of the sun will be visible in a part of
the United States. The eclipse will
be partial throughout the Union, but
(nt..i : i o,.. .i in- ,
lulttl " "" cnirai ,amois outl--
' V iennessec' Kentucky
anu ,ortn .aronna-loliowing a line
,um. w u,ves l souuieasc' DpSn-
ning in owa, between 4 and 5 p. m.,
and ending on the Xorth Carolina
cutisi) u ie uiiuuics nasi it. inestin
.,, , , . 1 7
iu ou iicuii au us greatest distance
from the earth, and the moon at its
least, so that the obscuration will last
longer than usual. There hare been
only two total eclipses tisible in any
c .i -t- -. i c. j
large part of the U nited States dur-
. . ,
eclipses wave uwmeu, -uo ui -UK
u . i ,e t.
most remarkable of which was that
of 1833. In the Atlantic Almanac
for 1S09, Charles S. Pierce gives full
tables of calculations showing the
path of this eclipse, and the time of
its duration at different points. The
average duration of the total eclipse
phase will be about two minutes.
At central points like Springfield and
Bock Island, in Illinois, Terra Haute,
in Indiana. Louisville and Frankfort,
in Kentucky, Abingdon, in Virginia,
and Ilaleigh and Wilmiugton,in North
Carolina, astronomical observers will
probably gather to witness the phe
nomecon. Scientific expeditions were
sent to Africa and ludia to observe
the eclipse of this year, and the ob
servations there made will be of ser
vice to the Americaii astronomer
next year.
The Bonrbous left Spain, and a
deficiency of twenty-five thousand
pounds iu the treasury at tne same
1 tun-- , -
Flax SEErThere ' without
donbt be ai large ntimbef of ttcres
gown in lias the coming season, ood
it becomes interesting to' determine'
wbt kind of seed to sow. The past
year there were two varieties growrt
in this valley the common Amen
can and the Darabay flai. Wherei
fibre is desired at the expense of the
seed, the American variety is con
sidered by far the best,- as the stalks
grow much taller j but vr be re seed is
desired, the Bombay variety is supe-
rior.- The seed grairt3 are about a
third larger than those of the com
mon Tarittt, and craseqiiently tbo':
same bulk of seed will produce motd
oil. Crops my be harvested with
greater ease and less shattering, ns
the horse rake can be thed without
breaking the seed bells; In clenn-
ing; the seed being heavy ia not wast-
by being blown hwbt. It has aft
advantage in threshine over the
common taiiety as the straw
shorter h is thought to be moro
I' u-j.,
Last summer in one experiment, front
F"u"u v' '-'-VJ ou"" ?
f t.t .. t,r 111 t....l.l r
Wl Ja.iU vi uuailclo U4
J- "
siring seed for mowing Can procure it
J I Llll. II '1 I L II ,,11 V It I 1 I 111 1 V , tr.l. Ill I
r j
Winter Evenings. Wiatet etren
ghou,a be deroted t0 te&&att
and familv intercourse. The neWs-
mner is ;ndisnenSabl in tnakinLT th
fireside chet;rfljI. Oet enc!y in
tho mornilKP rinhh Vnur dnv .0rk
before supper-timcj and devote the
j j -
ming to mental culture and thd
nqnisition of knowledge. The family
newspaper is the farmer's schot
book, and the Winter evetmigs his
school tima.
. ... . ,
uescriuing an impromptu wen1
ding, the St. Paul Pioneer sV9 :
" Judge Barnard, nothing loth, United
the loving pair in Hymen's fetter
aud a general scramble occurred for
the bridal kiss, the chief of police be
ing the fortunate individual Who first
Succeeded in kissing the maiden's
chefry lips, and Col. Flint the second,
The bridegroom took it all la goad
humor, saying that ' if that was tho
custom it might for that time,
but he'd be ' gol-dafhed if he didn't
want to do the balance Of the work
himself.' "
Adelaide Itistori recehllv said
to some friends in Venice, that during
her sojourn in America, she received
evert dav several love-letters i but
I the sentimental gentlemen who ad-
J dressed them to her, were probably
ignorant of the fact that her husband
nnoned all her lettrrs. find that the
billets doux always exhilarated the
, ,
fimilJ at lhc breakfast table.
A recent medical wtiter states
that the vices of the American char
acter may be briefly summed up as
fellows ; First An Inordinate pas
sion for riches. SecondOverwork
of the mind and body in the pursuit
of busiuesSi Third Undue hurry
and excitement in all the affairs of
life. Fourth Intemperance in eat
ing, drinking and smoking. Fifth
A "eneral disregard of the true laWs
of life antl liealtu
I "
" How do you like the character
of St. tauir asked a parson of hi
,andladjf dluing a conversation about
the apostles. "AM he was a good
oId fof he once saidj kn0Wt
that we mtJSt eat what u sct before
I t , .,
us, a,d nsk no questions, for con-
science sake. I always should like
him for a boarder.
A lit tie boy, on coming home
from chufch where he had seen a
person performing on an organ, said
H , . ,
rto his mother : " Oh ! mamma, I Wish
I ...... I 1 I .1 .U thm
I tun ; a man was ntiintmrj music out
- ' . ' " r- o
ot an old cupboard.
Sometimes in obituary notices,
the newspapers give us the causes of
death. "Why not the causes of mar
riage ? Wc should be vastly more
entertained. For instance t "AfU-r
a lingering flirtation, Joe Smith to
iss Kate Fling.
Mr. Peter Cunningham, whose
Shakespearean forgery, in the shnpe
of the lleVel s Hook,' has exciteu
so much attention in England re-
cently, is a son of Allan Cunningham,
the Scottish poet, the friend ot Mr
Walter Scott, and the neaa wur-
man of Chan trey, the sculptor.
A stingy husband accounted fof
all the blame of the lawlessness of hia
children in company by saying;
" his wife always gave them their own
way," 'Poor's all I have to
give them," was her prompt reply.
Are men ucessarily grammatfs
cal when, they are iu the icipcrati vi
mood iT