-Or. V 6 O 0 o . . O o i falwc leaves. They are falling, slowly falling, Thick upon the forest side, Severed from the noble branches. Whre they waved in beauteous pride. T&J fcre falling in the valleys, Where the early violets spring. And the birds in sunny spring time First their dulcet music sing. They re falling, sadly falling, Cloe beside our cottage door ; Palo and faded, like the loved ones, They have gone forever more. They are falling, and the sunbeams Shine in beauty soft around ; Xct tb faded leaves are falling, . Falling on the mossy ground. They are falling on the streamlet, Where the silvery waters flow, And upon its placid bosom Onward with the waters go. . .. They are falling In the churchyard, Where our kindred sweetly sleep; Whore the idle winds of summer Softly o'er the loved ones sweep. (They are falling, ever falling, When the autumn breezes sigh, When the stars in beauty glisten Bright upon the midnight sky. They are falling, when the tempest Moans like ocean's hollow roar. When the tuneless winds and billows adly sigh for evermore. They are falling, they are falling, While our saddened thoughts still go To the sunny days of childhood, In the dreamy long ago. Aud their faded hues remind us Of the blighted hopes and dreams Faded like the falling leaflets Cast upon the icy streams. THE NEAVSPAPEll SUITS : The well known cases of sundry newspapers against the city of San Francisco for damages alleged to have been sustained in consequence of mob violence, have been concluded, with one exception. Below will be found a statement of the cases de cided, all of them being in the Fourth District Court, Sawyer, Presiding Judge : Ain't Am't Ara't Claimed. Offerod. Itecov'd Marriott vs. City. . l9,0u0 $3,000 $i,800 N'unan " . . 13,000 500 200 Derdec " .. 50,000 2,500 7.000 Chainon " .. 25.000 2.500 2.500 Montgomery .. IS, 000 2,500 2,500 Brady ' .. 13.000 2,500 4.200 Mos .. 42,000 10,000 10,000 Fine " .. 2.000 ..... The Agricultural College Uill. 3Vew Advertisements. , l-M 1ST CLASS MAGAZINES FOR Arthur's Home Magazine, $2 a year. Once a Month $2 a year. This is a new Magazme.embracing the naoro popular .features of Jhe Atlantic and Living Ag. I hi C hudren s Hour. . . 1 2 a a year. J63"A11 of these magazines $4. A Specimen of either, 15 cents. Address, T. S. Arthur & Sous, Philadelphia, Pa. VTOOCLSpeeCL S j PES, Lines writ ten with one pen of Ink. No Plotting. One dozen assorted samples sent for 25 cts.A gents make $1( a day. Address Goodspeed & Co., 37 Park Row, N. T. City. fH7C PER WEEK, U rarranhd. Business H I O new, Circulars free. Address J. S. Hays, Great Falls, N. II. AN ACT to secure the location of the Lands donated by Congress to the State for an Agricultural College, and to es tablish such college. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon : Ser-. 1. That J. F. Miller, J. EL Douthit, and J. C. Avery, are hereby constituted a board of commissioners, vrith power 1. To locate all the lands to which this State is entitled by act of Con gress for the purpose of establishing an Agricultural College ; and as soon as such locations are made, to report the same to the Secretary of State ; 2. To take into consideration the further organization and perfecting of a plan for the permanent establish ment of such College, in accordance with the requirements of the act of Congress making such donation, and report the same to the Governor by the first day of. August, 1S70 ; 3. To fill all vacancies in the Col lege by appointment that may occur iin any Senatorial district under the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. That, until other provisions ore made, the Corvallis College is hereby designated aud adopted as the Agricultoral College, in which all .students sent under the provisions of this act shall be instructed in all the arts, sciences, and other studies, in accordance with the requirements of the act of Congress making sueh do nation. Sec. 3. Each State Senator is here by authorized and empowered to se Uect one student, not less than sixteen jears of age, who shall be received by the faculty of said College and in atjructed by th era in the manner pro vided in this act, for the space o two years, unless such student shall be discharged for misconduct: Pro vided, however, That this act shall not . be binding until the Trustees of said College shall adopt a resolution and file a certified copy thereof with the Secretary of State, assenting to and agreeing on their part, to faithfully carry out the provisions of this act, Sec. 4. Upon the certificate of the President of the Corvallis College that any student so appointed is in attendance at such school, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, at the middle of each quarter, to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer in favor of the said college for the sum of $11 25 for each student so at tending. And it shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to pay such war rants out of any funds in his hands not otherwise appropriated ; and a separate account of such funds shall be kept, and designated the " Agri cultural College funds." Sec. 5. All funds paid out in ac cordance with the provisions of the foregoing sections, with interest there on at ten per cent, per annum, shall be refunded to the State Treasurer from the first interest that shall accrue from the proceeds of the sale of any lands located for such college. Sec. 6. The board of commission ers hereby created shall make all the reports required by law ; and shall each receive a salary of five dollars per day lor the number of days actu ally employed, to be paid upon the sworn statement of such commissioner. Whereas, it appears that unless an Agricultural College is provided by law at this session of the Legislature, the grant by Congress will be lost, therefore this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. Approved October 27; 1863. Totals. $187,000 $23,500 $31,300 lhe only other case pending is that of Beriah Brown vs. the City of San 1 ranciseo. This is for $50,000, and still stands acainst the citv. but a motion to strike out the greater por tion of the complaint is pending in the Fourth District Court, and under the rulings of the presiding Judge, in the cases just decided, this motion will undoubtedly be granted, as Mr. Brown's claim, as stated in his com plaint, is one of a personal nature, and not for damages to real or per sonal property. The language of the statute under which these suits are brought limits the action for recovery to property, and it is thought that the cose of Brown vs. the City of San Francisco will fall of its own weight. The suit of Moss vs. the City, in which the recovery is the largest, is one in which the city admitted the amount recovered $10,000. This admission was made by Mayor Mc Coppin, who inserted the amount in the answer, though City Attorney Hastings and Judge Lake, counsel for the city, endeavored to have the Mayor amend the answer, and iusert a less amount, probably feeling cer tain that not over 4,000 or $5,000 could be recovered the Mayor, how ever, declined to amend. . His Honor also chose not to amend the answer in Marriott s case against the city, wherein the amount inserted by him was $5,000, but the city's attorneys procured the consent of the couusel for the plaintiff to an amendment of 83,000. It will be seen that the dif erer.ee between the amounts claimed and those recovered is $155,700, REDDiNQ'S RUSSIA SALVE, The universal remedy for Barns, Scalds, Bruises, r.it iLHhUinn. damned Jfaiuls, lUhing PUes, Ih fib Wounds, Scrofula, JjOtcft UrupTions, jl viwnvu luie f- fttSiSSS-'. J-.rupnons i oisonvu- KirKvg I"tes. A purely vegetabh LUtSftl fTUM ointment, lieen in use fit 01UCJ tvyeurs Sold bv ever: storekeeper in California and Oregon.' REDDING & CO., Boston, Mass. GREAT EXCITEMEST S -r-?r ruMf iON Oil THE P. T. COMPANY'S STEAMERS, AND THOSE OF IH E OP P-0 S ITXO IS7 LINES ;-r oitt prrvNivn ixr ADDITION TO WHICH 7 PORTLAND BUSINESS. DIIRIECT ofioirrA.Tioxs . . . T T , v-VT TT A TiT-nt MM T I I . VV A 1 I j A ItO. WILL CONTINUE TO BRING THE LATEST STYLES OF 'NGOoSs ANbTHE BEST QUALITIES TO ACKERMAN, AT THE OLD STAND, MAIN Sr., OREGON Cil. o T DESIRE TO SAY TO THE PUBLIC THAT I II AVE ONE OF THE COMPETEST STOCKS OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO THE MARKET, WHICH I AM GOOD& ln CHEAPEST ! BLOOD. MA . HOOD N oth-ino- so impertunt. 72 oases on the Spin! twn stimtis tor sealed -whole subjeut. vr. VV hittiku, connaeuiuu physician, 017 St. Charles st., St. Louis, Mo., stands pre-eminently above all 'other in his specialty. Mo matter who failed, state yenr caae. Patients treat'ed by mail in every State. Pacific Agency of the American Clock Co., "SVe invite the attention of the trade to tV.e establishment of a branch of our New York House in San Francisco. "We are sole Agents of th'3 E. N. Welch Manufacturing Co., Scth Thomas Cluck Co., New Haven Clock Co., and Scth Thomas' Sons & Co. V.'f Yiavp lQt.pl r received a full line of Clocks KeKulators,Caleiidar,Mantie Clocks in bronze and Marble, and Clock Materials, which we oiler at verv low rates to the trade. On impli cation, dealers will be provided with catalogue aud Price lists of all our poods. AMEL'ICAX CLOCK COM , 310 Sansotne St., Sau Francisco. II. MOLIN'FATX. Agnit. Gko. H. PARKER, Traveling Agent. -O- T will ,av COME OXE, COME ALL, and satisfy yourselves that it is so. 1 nave r 1 1 or' of the largest stocks ever brought to this market . anticipating: a brisk tail rade' aiid 1 am determined that the goods shall be sold. My stock consols in part of a t ne 'Y)Tl-:S DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, FURS of various descriptions ; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KU) 'GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERS BROWN XD BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths: BOOTS VXD SHOES: HATS AND CAPS ; CLt FIXE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIM ERE SUlTh: SURER lOR B EAV ER SUITS ; BOYS' XD YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes am v SUIT THAT WILL SUIT !NYBODY all on Also a lanre stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. OT1IING d qualities. the most reasonable terms. GROCER1ES- m- All kinds of Produce Bought.- A well selected assortment. At Cliu.i-itiu.ji. Waiiur'H oll Stuixl. t--RAGS WANTED. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES -OF- Bed-Room SUITES. Just received and placed in the wareroems, OF HURQREN & SHiNDLEB ! 1GG, 1G, 17U, 173 First street, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND' BUSINESS. .GEO. V. SNKLL" CHAS. HODGE. .CHAS. E. LALtl HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AKD YIXDOW GLASS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS Materials, ana, jjrugijistJ Sundries. ' D7 Front Street, 55.) Portland, Oregon. HOME MA NUFA C TURES. PARLOR SETS IN TERRY, IN FLUSH, AND IN II AIR-CLOTH. New Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment f HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ! Lounges and Spring beds. JJ1LDBUIIGII, BROS., & Co. J). H. HILDBURn n, J , , LOUIS EINSTEIN, (Portland. B. HILDBURG H , tan r ranciseo. Importers and ll fuI'aie Jjetuir All Kinds of Coffiiacs ! Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Rum, Gin, Domestic Liquors, Wines, ' d-c, S-c. PORTLAND Opposite Failings. Front Street, next door to A. II. Bichardson s. REMOVAL ! THE JEWEIJVT The trade supplied with goods hi original packages, on reasonable tenns. liURGREX SI1IXDLER. TO THE TRADE. The Pan Francisco Percussion Match Com pany nre now delivering to the Trade a Supe rior Brand of Family and Saloon Matches, lust Premium awarded by the Mechanics' Institute for these best California matches. 3- Send your orders for the S. F. Percus sion Matches, to any of the Wholesale Grocers or Tobacco dealers, or to cur oilice, it5 Front street, San Francisco. Yy HOTELS. RESTAURANTS, &c. THAT C1IEKU llOUbLJ. Nos. 120, 125 and ISO Front street. Portland, Ouegon. Mink Rooks, Paper and Stationery, Playing Cards, etc., at Reduced Prices. AX-Parties wanting to purchase Stationery trould do well to examine our large stock. Our coeds are of the be.-t quality, .-nd prices low. JOHN G. HODGE Sf Co., S-jy and 331 Sansoine st.. i 4tnG cor. Sacramento, nan riauuw. REDUCED RATES! The undersigned having taken this well known house, solicit increased pat ronage from the traveling public. The House has lately been refitted, and the proprietors are now'ableto offer additional inducements to their patrons. The table will be furnishe.. with the best market affords, and be under the immediate sunertision of the proprietors Rooms well furnished and wull ventilated. A lar-e lire-proof safe for the deposit, ot valuables. Baggage taken to the hotel iree of charge. Board per week Board and lod-mg " . . . .S'i to 8 00 (According to the room occupied.) Nothing will be left undone, winch is m the power- of the proprietors to render guests comfortable. LYONS, LEONARD &. Co., xi.tll Proprietors. BREAD. CRACKERS. CAKES. PIES, GROCER I ES. CONFECTIONER Y. J. J?. Jones & Co., STEAM COFFEE, AND SPICE TgssrrtsiiBiil-. i And FAMILY GROCERY STORE, Corner Second and Main Streets, ' Portland, Oregon. Sit ! Tc:t:,Lli-climRnt of J. B. Miller M vvw.w--'- : HAS UK F.N REMOVED To No. 101 Front st., corner of Alder Carter's New Building, Portland, In Chas. WoodarcVs Drug Store ry" Where he will be ready to attend to all manner of workmanship in his line. Watches and Jewelry repaired jn ths most workmanlike manner. J- B. MlLLhlC. JOHN II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., Main Street, Oregon (Jittj, jS Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in bin line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an-, examination of ljs ptock be made before buying elsewhere. J. I". MIU.KK. J. W. SUATTL'CK J. F. MILLER & Co., VI .rtCTCBEUS OF AXI) DEALERS IN Hoots znnl S!oes ! At the Oregon City Boot and Shoe Store, Main street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies', Gents', Boys', and Children's Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. WILLAM E T T E IRON WORKS COMPANY I rrygw"- iNorth rout ana xu sis., Portland. Oregon.- Iron l?ouiiiclcrs, STEAM ENGIlfE i i it i - - Sixteen Years in Oregon. which is considerable of a tailing off. ?rAll citizens of Oregon who - desire to inform their friends in the old States of the condition and progress of this State, can have no more complete and compre hensive volume of facts to send them than by subscribing for this journal, and h.iv nig ns mail it weekly to their menus, mail it as directed. We Cash Drug House of H DRUGGIST S H O LIEU 02s HOUSE. ESTABLISHED 1 S'.T. JACOB B0E1IM, Proprietor. Main Street. Oregon City. Trices at the above house are as follows : Board and Lodginp p week . . without l.oiigm.vr and L'xlsing day. . . .$ . . 1 1 1K Pncw Firm! Diller & Miller! Proprielors of the long established LINCOLN BAKERY! AVt-st Sile Ulain Street, Oregon City Oregon. Talc pleasure instating to the public that I hey have fanned a copartner ship for the purpose of belter Accommodating their Fatrons 1 And that they ivill continue the Mann facture of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers, t'C. c. tfiT Are prepared to supply their customers with the Barest and freshe-t COH LL and SPICES FOR FAMILY USE ii?ee is always neni wnen j- invited to try our aru:ie S. i. Pioneer fcl'GORMICK, the G round d and the public are San Francisco & Sacramento, Cab. arid o 1 Piatt Street. X. Y. 'LAUGULIX HOUSE. J. F. Killer & Co., Proprietors. 3IA1X ST11EKT, 0:u:gon Citv. instead of purchasing old and stale importation Particular Attention Given to the Wholesale Trade! RS- Orders from dealers throughout the city and county respectfully solicited, aud thev will receive immediate attention. J. F. JOXBS A Co. Portland, Oregon. OUPv STOCK OF GROCERIES, Has been Doitlht Increased by this changt, and -trill ba kept complete In Every Department. O The etory of tbe Princess de Met. ternich having nursed the babe of her former maid at her breast, reminds an Austrian journalist of the fact that the Empress of Austria, in 1S50, did the same thing with the babe of the widow of a soldier, who had been killed at Solferino. Ilis wife lived At Luxemburg, and the news of her husband's death threw her upon a long sick bed, so that she was unable to suckle her child. The Empress, who knew her and came to visit her, found that the poor mother could cot nurse her child, and took the lit creature to her own breast until a Vet nurse, for whose services the kind Elizabeth paid, had been pro vided, . t It : TCSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip J tioa, for eaie at the E.ntewwsii eite J?' Now is the most fitting time to pay our holiday respects to the book market. Books arc tho holiday staples after all. Toys and knick-nacks break; flowers fade; bon bons melt ; dress wear.-, out : jewelry changes fashion ; but books survive as joys throughout the mortal forever think also, what a prolongation of a holiday re sults from the gift of a years subscription to a newspaper. Christmas and New Year repeat themselves weekly, upon such preseuts being bestowed. For Sa 00. paid in advance, wo mail two copies of the fcx teiut.isk one year, as requested, bend the paper to friends in the Eastern States. Two copies one year .$" 00 Four copies six months '. . . . 00 Eight copies, three months 5 0 - jSsr- Newspapers, by enhancing; me value of property in their neighborhood, and giving the locality in which they are published a reputation abroad, benefit all, particularly if they are merchants or real estate owners, thrice the amount yearly of the sum they pay lor their support, re sides, every spirited eitizen has a laudable pride in having a paper of which he is not ashamed, even though he should pick it up in New York or Washington. A good looking, thriving, live newspaper helps to sell property, gives character to the lo cality, and in all respects U a desirable public convenience. If, from any cause, tho matter in the local or editorial columns should not be quite up to your standard. do not cast it aside and pronounce it of no account, until you are satisfied that there has been no more labor bestowed upon it than is paid for. If you want a good read able sheet, it must be supported, inc local press is the " power that moves the people." . Don't Believe in Advektisino. The following from an exchange upon this sub ject expresses our sentiments, and we therefore give it to our readers in full : The man who ' doesn't believe in adver tising' is all the while doing what he de precates, lie hangs coats outside of his door, or puts dry goods in Lis windows that's aduertisina. He has printed cards lying on his counter that's advertising. lie sends out drummers through the coun trv. or puts bis name ou his wagon that s advertising. He labels his articles or his manufactures that's advertising. If lie has lost his cow, he puts a written notice in tho Post Offices, or tells his sistcr-in-law and that's advertising, too. He has his name put up in gilt letters over lus door what is that but advertising? He paints his shop green or red : or if a tailor, he wears the latest styles ; if a doctor, he has the boys call him out of church in baste ; if an auctioneer, he bellows to at tract the attention ot passers-bv : if a heavy merchant, he keep a huge pile of boxes on his sidewalk in front of his store and all for advertising. " A man can't do business without advertising, and the question is, whether to call to his aid the engine that moves the world the printing press, with its thousands of messengers working night and day, the steam engines adding to its repeating capacity untold power and miraculous speed ; or. reject ing all these, to so back to the davs when newspapers, telegraphs and railroads were unKnown. "lint advertising costs money!" bo does evervthin'T that i v -,. ;rr If advertising cost nothing, all the second, third and fourth class petty shops would stand an equal chance with the most responsible house. If you want to prove to the world that yours is a first-class es tablishment, advertise!' EUREKA HAIR MATRESSES DEFY COMPETITION. ffs" This Hotel was named in respect to I ...to Hr. Mrl,4i-;ni.!N. It was first open ed as a Public House early in the spring of j Q00s -Hl be Delivered in the City, 10, and was soon after taken charge ot by the present proprietors, since wnieii tune ,t has been enlarged by the construction of a large two-story wing, making n a cnmmoui- i ous and convenient hotel, all newly furnished, j Guests will find the M'L.u-;nLis in all j respects wnrthy of their patronnre. Free of expense, to purchasers, and or ders from a distance will becnrefuly filled and promptly dispatcicd. 373 Mission street, San Francisco. SEVIN, VINCENT & Co., Groicers, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in . $'V3'a2'AZI2J2lZ2&sS) No. 005 Sansome St., San Francisco. Fields at San Antonia, Alameda Co. Orders by mail from the country promptly filled. . ftOAAA A YEA It AND EXPENSES to agents to introduce the V il.-on Sewing Machine. Stitch alike on- ri ids. Samples on two week's trial. Extra inducements to experienced Agents. For fur ther particulars address the Wilson Sewing Machine co.. Cleveland, O.; Boston, Mass.; or St. Louis, Mo. QSWEGO HOUSE. OSIVEGO, OREGON, JOHN SCHADE, Proprietor. Is now prepared to receive and entertain all who mav favor him with their pat.ron-a-re. The house is new and the rooms are newlv and neatlv furnished. The tabic will be supplied with all the delicacies of the season. The house is situated near the steamer landing. The proprietor will at all times endeavor to give entire satisfaction to all who mav favor him with a call, and would respectfully solicit the patronage ot the traveling public. Hoard per week 5-' f" lioard and lodging b '' Single meals. . JLl1z !' We Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest ! Call Examine, and PRTCE ovr stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. The. highest Cash j'iccs paid for coun try produce. L. THLLF.lt, A. V. MILLLIJ. WALTE Jew AiSPETI?iS VELVETS, EETJSSELS, THE, EE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, P A PEE -HANGINGS, LACE-CUE TAINS, &c, &c. We Would Call the attention of par ties fitting ?p houses, or being in u cd of anything in. our Hue To our Stock, which is ONE OF THE COMPLETEST On the Fsicilic Cosisl! Our Goods being specially selected at 'the Factories in England and the Eastern States, ice can sell AT THE LOWEST SsiiiUFrsiiicisco Prices. Eooksellcr and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers ( and as many new onus as may not be acquainted with the fact; that he still continues to operate at the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland. (exactly oprosiTE mount noon) Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOONS, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, INSTRUCTION BOOKS for all kinds of AXD BOILER BUILDERSV rpHESK WORKS ARE LOCATED OX the" I bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for tFi ing out machinery promptly and elliciently. "We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, wliwe ex pcrience on this coast for fifteen years gives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MIXING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! .-LOCKING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &C, &C, &C., Manvfartuii awl Repair Marhineri of all l i,U. IRON SHUTTER WORK at San. Fr"u-ico -ortand freight. II heeler d- Ran -J'dl's J'aUnt Grinder enti Amalgamator. IvnMr' ertd Steven's Self Adjusting Patent Piitton, Pnt'kitg, either applied to old or new ft earn eilinders. ipiartz Stampers, Shoe and dl,if 'tLe bext hetrd iron,. S:l CHANGE OP NAME ! ' A MERICAX EXCHANGE. TOBACCO AHTiDOTE. W.RR XTED to rmom all desikb 'for Tohcnxo. This great remedy is aii ex cellent appetizer. It ruutriES the blood, invigorates the svstem, possesses great nourishing and strengthening power, en ables the stomach to digest the heartiest food, makes sleep refreshing.and establishes robust health. Smoker and Chewer or Sixty Yirs Cured. Price Fifty Cents per box, post free. Can be sunt any distance by i ,..-.tu T.,r,f.t safety. A treatise on tbe injurious effects of Tobacco, with, lists ot references, testimonials, Ac, sent lree. Agents wanted. Address Dr. i. K. At JJOTT, .Terser Citv, X. J. . . (Tate LINCOLN HOUSE,) X. S I Kioiitn(i t, l'oi-Ha ml Or gon. L. P. W. QLTIMliY. FuoriUKToK, Late of 1 1 'extern Hotel. ) This bouse is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be tho en deavor of the proprietor to make his guests comfortable. The Haggage Wagon will al ways be found at the landing on the arrival of steamships and river boats, carrying bag gage to the house free of charge O II E G O X 4 - ""V I 3 K-V- TLOOD PURIFIER AND RE NOVA lk r.r vtm. A certain and sate Made lrom the uativo cure tor ail uiseae. herbs of California. 11. li. .MCUU.N AIjI' v.. Druggists and Agents, ban i-ranciseo Sacramento. QOSMOPOLIT Formerly An AX HOTEL. rigoni s, JPOETLAND, Oregon. jG a The undersigned respectfully an nounce that having' purchased this widely known and well kept hotel, they are now prepared to oiler superior accommodations to the traveling public at greatly reduced prices. This hotel is located nearest the steamboat landings. The hotel coach will be in attendance to convey passengers to and from the house free of charge. W. It. .EWALL, GEO. 15. COOK, Proprietors. and The Great American Button Hole, Overseaming and Serving Machine. ' Is the onlv machine invenled doing every kind of Sewine. besides making most beautitul and perfect button holes on any material, and DeVformin" together 13 varieties of work. Price "ilyS,'0.g Send for sample, iand cjrcu lars. A. JL Suplee, sole ageat, 20b Kearny street. San Franci,co. - -Holiday Journal New No Free. For the Holidays of 18 c staining a ClJristmas story. Parlor pUys Magic sooUs F. 0PITZ, PROPRIETOR, FIR S T S TREET, POR TLA ND, Bet. Washington and Stark sts. MAXrPACTtUKR OF ALL KINDS AND QUAI.ITlF.S OF CEACIvEES! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QRACKERS Will always be sold below San Francisco prices. All oiders prompt tv attindea to. OREGON P. KKRY, Ilrxl t.., Portland. Oregon. KAST & C A UAL IN. Musical Instruments. CIIl JtCli ?IUJ1C IJOOJvS, B VSS VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS. MISCELLANEOUS LOOKS, CI1 E A FPU 15 LI CAT IONS, .NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOISES, TRESSES. TENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article m the above line. 1857 ESTABLISHED j 1857 l3 s.-.) WALTER I5OS., No. 89 Front street, between Alder and Washington, Portland, Oregon. L. A. CODARU. J. U. LAKE. No. 90 First Street, Portland, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, Grass and Flower Seeds Odd 'rVr Xms&Co., Publisher. 25 ..rr,tield street. Boston. Mss. illustrated. Sent s, 'la 4 tvS HOME J, MANUFACTURE. IGS' FEET. FRED. MILLKR, BT Offers to the citizens of Oregon 5.000 rouuds Soueed Pigs' Keet, (put up by him self) in lots to suit. Apply at No. 23 Wash ington, street, betweeu First and Second Portland . ' Country trade supplied in any desired quantity, A liberal discount to the trade. E. PATT0N, ..r.A-c- .r. nn 11 f A VI". Successor to Uiu uno n No S Front Street, Portland, Oregon, U noiv manufacturing a supeHor article of Chemical, Olive. Pale aud Brown rum,, which he will sell at San Francwco pnecs. 5 This soiipjsjvuijjii - 7g. WALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery- OllKGOMAJN, BUII-DIJio, jo. 5 AVaihington PORTLAND, O.KEGON. BLANK LOOKS RULED and LOUND to .4.- .v . J nottarn. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS THPFRS Etc.. bound m every variety ot stvle known to the trade. Orders from the country premptly at teuded to, " "yyESTERX HOTEL. Corner of First and Morrison streets, " Foim.AND. Okkgox. Ths best and most comfortable Hotel in the State, where every want is anticipated, and cheerfully supplied. Warm and cold Baths attached to the house. This Hotel is located near the steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will be m at tendance at all the Landings, to couvey passengers and baggage to and from the . house free of charge. JON It C. PORCY, SAMUEL D.HOLMES, s;jf-j Proprietors. J7ASHION SALOON. MAIN STREET, Uregon Uity. IPi, The Fashion Saloon is now well sup plied with every celebrateu nranu oi Aies, Wines and Liquors iu ue. together with a choice lot of cigars, to which the attention of the public is directed. 3- Two excellent Billiard tables, for the accommodation of patrons. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection ih the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Benkert's, Tirrell's, Foirjr's, Houghton & Coolidge's. Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of gents' and boys' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberlicb's, Purl's, San Fraucisyo aud custom-made ladies and children's wear. CODARD & LAKE. Nos. Ill and 116 Second street, cor. Morrison, Portland. llavincr Coucht out and Refitted J THE OLD BENNETT & WHITE Liver j, Sale anil Feed Stable Are now prepared to receive all the old customers, and as many new patrons as may see fit to give us a call, wc will give Particular attention to Farmers stock! We are satisfied that wc can give entire satisfaction to our friends and the pviblic and we shall do so, OUR LIVERY IS ATX NEW ! BOTH AS TO CARRIAGES AND HOUSES ! And we shall take pride in turning out as nice an outfit as any establishment on the coast for the same money. rf We will also be prepared to urr all the pood horses that come to this market, at better prices than anyone else can pay, as we have a connection below superior to any other parties in Sau Francisco, in this line of business GODARD & LAKE. All Seed.s from this estalilir-hmeiii Are Warranted Fresh aud Cenuine, Foreign and Domestic Plied Fruits And Vegetables. Forr-itni and Domestic Creen Fruits and Vegetables. Vegetables and Fruit Packed with care for ship meat. JX'7S Pea Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Wal Nuts, Filberts and Almonds. GROCERIES A selected stock of Choice Groceries, bought expressly b Family Use. All of which is offered for Cash at cash prices. Orders solicited. JOHN O'CONNOR. Xo. to First street, Portland Oregon. BIEItCADO fc COMPANY Successors to MERCADO & SEULLY, Have been obliged, forthtir own protection au-.l tiie safely of the public, to change the name ot tatir celebrated iiit ters to Mercado's Native California ine miters t. We subjoin the following aSduxit in an injunction suit formerly pending between Mer cado & Seu'.ly plaintiffs, and G. A. Simon, de fendant. P. Sainevain, be duly sworn, .-ay. ; "That the article known as Sainsernin's California I Vine Hitters, teas mw-.vfadure-l bi Mcreato Svelhj. aUmt month of ilunh 1S()1. without the said Saiiwevain, Brother hnriicr any concern in i7te manufacture there of. That deponent ha ahcuvs known, aid considered said, Mtrauln Seully atthi k Pi oprittors of thjJ Sainstivain L'aHj jnt-f) ll'ine Bittern' Notwithstanding the above a&I.iTit th said T. Sainsevaine is putting up a expound uuder the name ot Sainsesraiu's Wine liitu-n.. representing it t be the same as our ceirbrat ed Hitters, which ve have been manuhct ur ine and selling in immense quantities l k'hii Ua afSxinor a nearly similar k&el to that need on our genuine Wine Hsttewl Bo not Iliceired. Sat J-for McrcuM Native California Wine BUlers . And you will obtain the same opnlar h?m aye so favorably known since IsOt). Ik ot Count irfvits. Purchasers of our Wine lers are requested to observe the familiar u.4 vellow lahfi, and see that the words Mtrcc Seulhj, Seen Francisco, are engraved on tlie Goverunieiit stamp, pasted over the coiket each bottle. This is the only effectual secuiity against the counterfeit imitations. DEPOT :Mi and 50 Jackson street.m Francisco. 2:nml MEKCADO & C. AriNC PURCII SED THAT valuable tract of laud containing TIIE PORTLAND Homestead Association : II ONE HUNDRED ACRES suitable for Unilding purposes, with a front age of nearly half a "mile on the McAdamissed road, situate about one fourth mile south ol PORTLAND CITY LIMITS. Are now prepared to issue stock receipts fo shares in the same. Shares limited to -"so, payable in small monthly instalments, with out interest. TITLE ISEXCEPTIOVABLE. Full particulars, with printed copy of the Constitution, etc., to be obtained on applica tion to either R. E. Chatiield Secretary, or Walter iloilltt Treasurer, Portland. s g HADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET, Oregon City. O ThealAvu named popular re sort has been thoroughly renovat ed and repaired dnrincr the past season and is now open to the public, fully complete in all its appointmets. Two of the Bet BILLIARD TABLES in, OREGON Have been introduced' and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR I S S UP PLIED . With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch. Trish and Bourbon already famous, for hot Whiskies aud Punch. 2T Families supplied. HOT COFFEE AND OYSTERS, At all liouio -for the convenience of patrons. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Loots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constautlv on hand. Philadelphia Boot and Shoe Store, 112 Front Street, opposite Barman Bros., Portland, Oreou. OREGON CITY BREWERY! 133 IIEMIY11U3IBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform tbe public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, As eood as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. JJELVIDE RE SALOON. Messrs. James Mann & M. Brown, Having associated themselves together uuder the linn name of MANN & BROWN, give notice to the public that they shall spare no expense nor effort to make the BELV1DERE a popular place ot resort. FREE L UNCH DA II Y, And the very best qualities of Wines, Liquors andCiirars. JS?" Figs' Feet, Tripe, Herring, Oysters auu caiuiucs cuuiiauuv ou uauu. . II. UlY-EKS, PLDIBI!VgAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, 5To. 110 First Street. . . Portlai4 Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot.' Water Boilers, Marble- Top Washsfands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES. ELBOW, RETUBNBENDL NIPPLE, BUSHINGS, th-., for Steam, Water and teas. -ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Guages, Whistles Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves, Guae Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds' ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, Ac. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi-'" deuces heated with the latest improvements m steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has beeti selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wauts of this market. C- H. llYLKi. EUSSDGRFFER BROTHERS Offer their entire stock of II VT.S, C APS, Hat Materials, and Store Fixtures, FO R SA LEA T COST UNTIL DECEM BER, to close the store they now oc cupv.and after that date will re-open corner of Front and Morrison streets, in White's New Building! The prettiest Hat, store ever opened on the Pacific coast. TIIE FALL AND WINTER STYLE FOR 1868 In Silk aud Cassimere Hats, is now ready. "Wc receive, in addition to our extensive stock, by every steamer, all the latest styles. JftsT" (live us a call now, if you wish a bargain. 72 Front trre,, Portlnml. Until December 1st, ls5$. B. L. STONE, French fried ica! Office Dr. JULIAN PERRAUL'I Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty if Paris, Graduate of the Uui ver sify Queen's College, and Physician of the St. John, Baptiste Socufy of San Fr ant' sen. Dr. Fekravlt has the pleasure to inform patients and' others seeking confidential medical advice, that lie caa be consulted at his office, Ai-mmjfv HaM Building. Nonhead corner Montgomery aad Sacramento streets, San Francisco. Rooms No. 1', U, 11, &rst tloor, up stairs, eitiaie either co 5Iovt gomerv or Sacramento streets. Iu. Peukai-lt's studies have been almost exclusivelv devoted to the t-wre of the vari ous forms'of Nervous aud Physical Debility, the results of injurious habits acquired a vouth, which usually terminate in impotence "and sterilitv, and permanently mduce all tbe concomitants of old age. Where a secret in tirinit v exists, involving the happiness ot a life and that of others, reason and nior ahtv dictate The necessity of its removal, for it is a fact that premature decline of the vi 'or of manhood, matrimonial nnhappiness. compulsorv single Hfe. etc.,have theirsources in causes, the germ of which is planted in early life, and the bitter fruit tasted long af terwards ; patients, laboring under this com plaint, will complain of one or more of the followiuc symptoms: Nocturnal emissions, pains iuthe back and head, weakness of m-niory and sight, discharge from the Uie tha outgoing to stool, or making water, the intellectual faculties are weakened, lo-sof memory ensues, ideas are clouded, aud there is a disinclination to attendto business, or even to reading, writing, or society of friends, etc. The patient will probably comp'ain of dizziness, vertigo, and that, the sight and hearing are wcakeued, and sleep dis- turrbed by dreams, melancholy, sighing,, palpitations, coughs and slow fever; while some have external rheumatic pidns, and numbness of the body. Some of the most common symptoms are pimples in the face., and aching in different parts of the body. Patients suffering from this disease should apply immediately to Dit. Pekuaci.t, either iu persons or by fetter, and he will guaran tee a cure of seminal weakness iu sU f eight weeks. Patients suffering from venerialdjscase in anv stage. Gonorrhea Gleet, Sticttire Bubo Ulcers, Cutaneous eruptions, etc.,'" be treated uccessfullv. All Svphillitic sou Mecurial Taints entirely removed from tU system. ' " Du. Peuuai'Lt's diplomas are in his office., where patients ran see for themselves, thai tlu-v are under the care ot a regularly educate;! practitioner. The best references given reouiitd. Patients suffering under chronic disease, can crll and examine for themselves. invito investigation; claim not to 5in even-thing, nor to cure everybody, but do claim that in all cases taken under tie- -mcnt, we fulfill our promises. We rar,,u ' larlv request those who have tried this hoas tor, and that advertised physician, " ut and discouraged, to call upon us. o o '. o 2f. FIXE 3U W ATCHES.jfv: Z AXD CHRONOMETERS Adjusted aud Repaired iu the best Manner, and Warranted. . , No. Ill Front st., Portland. JOK PHIXT1XW XEATLY KXECI T vd at tw rNTi-nriiiiE orrict. iail or xprv becurelrom cuir cured fc ohstrnetions in females. tm g5 these pills will be sent by ma to anv part of the world, tecui' ositv or damage. . Persons at. a aisiam." - i, kai'-t; home by addressing a letter coruer of Sacramento and Montgonu.' rooms!, 10 and 11, or box ti.-i, 4i Francisco, stating the case as imnutu possible, general lbit ot living, twn, etc. . fd ('not worn out and discouraged, to call Low charges aud quick cures. . . Ladies suffering from any comp.aini dental to their sex, can consult the with the assurance of relief. K MM ALE WONTHLT mM; f-lifo' I). PEi-.RAi'fcT is the only agent " ' nia for Du. Biot's Female t"0""," hti't Their immense sale has estblwca reputation as a female remedy anapL r e and tar in aavauce oi eieir . other suppressions ana lrregui- ceipt of O fd G li