The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, December 19, 1868, Image 2

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OxagonCily, Oregon,
Dec. 19, 1863.
The Gazette ,has apologized to
Dr. Bailey.
There are but two Republicans
in the Idaho Legislature.
Senator Williams has introduced
a bill to establish a uniform rule of
His Accidency is catching than-
der from Congress, on his proposition
to repudiate the national debt.
The leading Republicans of Walla
Walla county have devised measures
to secure the publication of a Repub
lican paper in that county.
Mrs. Jennie Perry, once a con
Jignnle of prominent government offi
cials in Washington and New York,
threatens unpleasant developments in
a sunt she has commenced against
Gen. Phil. Sheridan is working
wonders toward civilizing hostile In
dians on our western frontier. The
Albany Ijemocral says he has essen
tially lessened their affection for the
liair on top of a white man's head.
-Abbot, of the Stale Eights
Democrat, thinks 4 the negro as a
race incapable of using the ballot
aright.' -We suppose the individual
niggers who used their ballot for Sey
mour and Blair, command his highest
respect, says the Oregonian.
The Republicans of this State
and of the whole country will gladly
learn that the movement to detect
-and expose the gigautic frauds where
by the vote of New York City was
so monstrously falsified is being pros
ecuted with vigor and resolution.
'They may rest assured that it will be
pushed on to the end.
It seems that Lower California
lias become the theater of the most
calamitous visitations from not only
earthquakes, but other forms of pes
tilence scarcely less terrifying. From
.an exchange from Mazatlan, we learn
that a most destructive hurricane had
Tecently swept over several counties
m the lower portion of the State.
The Copperhead press of Oregon
begin to wince and wiggle very much
because of the course pursued by
their party in the last Legislature.
. The Albany Democrat concedes that
the Democrats might have passed an
appropriation bill ; and that it was
their fault that one was not passed ;
that a giant wrong has been perpe
trated, and that the people of Oregon
urb the victims of the outrage ; but
in the same article says the question
i not now - Who has inflicted this
wrong T'but " How shall the wrong
bo remedied ?" and proceeds to argue
for an extra session. We hope that
Governor Woods will continue his
leGance of the secession hordes who
now assail him. He has borne to bo
burned in effigy by them ; has heard
their threats of violence let them
.sail in !
The counsel for the United
States, General Cushing, has Cled his
argument in the matter of the Puget
Sound Agricultural Company's claim
beforo the British and American
Joint Coaituission, which has been in
session for some years past. The
opening arguments for the claimants
have been submitted by Charles D.
Day and Edward Lander, counsel
for the Hudson Bay Company and
the Paget Sound Company, and Mr.
Cushing will soon file his argument
in the matter of the Hudson Bay
Company. The two claims amount
to $r,,000,000 in gold. Four printed
volumes of evidence have been taken
on the part of the United States, and
two volumes on the part of the
Damages suits Beem to bo the
order of the day all over the country
the present writing. The Sacra
niento Reporter says the latest, a
most amusing case, is commenced in
Lander county, Nevada, by one E
anderlip, from Argenti) ingt
Wells, IM6o& Co., for violation of
contract to carry him to Austin, lay
ing the damages at 5,000. It ap
pears that on the passage of their
. . '7 cuu 10 AHSti. the
piamuii uaa an outside seat in com
mnn WltU IWO fit hot- rr r 1.
- ' "w 01 ordinary
size ; that one of them exchanged his
seat (the middle one) with an inside
passenger of large Bize and swathed
in blankets, by whom he was ren
dered very uncomfortable, an(j was
compelled to bold on with all his
might ; that he appealed to the driver
frequently, but received no help, and
was finally obliged to dismount and
find his way to Antin a? he bet
There is now a general desire to
criticise the course adopted by our
present Minister to England. The
excitement of the Presidential elec
tion and the just and natural devo
tion of the press to that conflict, in
some measure diverted the public
mind from the discussion of the course
pursued by him in the settlement of
the Alabama claims. Nor was the
press prepared to enter upon such
criticism then, however much the
publicity of the Minister's action and
its unusual manner may have in
vited it. There is no wish in America
to humiliate England, says the Wash
ington Chronicle, but there is in
America a very general and firm de
termination that the settlement of the
Alabama, claims shall be so made as
completely to atone for the sayings
of British statesmen, which were not
only insulting, but positively aggres
sive to this Republic, when engaged
in the suppression of a powerful and
causeless rebellion. These sayings
were the remote root of the audncity
in private individuals which created
these claims. When Mr. Gladstone
spoke of Jefferson Davis as a man
who had " created a nation,'' we can
not wonder that Mr. Laird saw less
harm in makiog money out of that
" nation" than he would have seen
had he been told by the same high
authority that Jefferson Davis was
heading a rebellion organized to per
petuate and extend human slavery.
The election of General Grant to the
Presidency of the United States is,
in America, the final statement of this
fact by the great majorities of its
people the payment ol the Alabatna
claims vi. Ill be the recognition of the
same fact by England. That recog
nition this nation is fairly entitled to.
By whatever coarse Ileverdy John"
son attains it, that is the result he is
expected by the people to achieve. He
has had almost complete freedom
from popular dictation, his unusual
method of diplomacy has scarce been
even reviewed ; but he may rest as
sured that if he fails to achieve this
result, he will be held to strict ac
couutability by the American people.
A bill was introduced into the
Senate, by Morton on the 14th pro
viding for the redemption of green
backs and currency. It is a volum
inous document, we judge from the
following abstract :
Section 1. Prohibits the sales of
goi by the Treasury Department,
and directs all gold not necessary for
the payment of interest on the public
debt to be reserved and set apart for
the redemption of U. S. notes.
Sec. 2. Directs the Secretary of
the Treasury, after July 1st, 1871,
to pay all notes presented for redemp
tion. Sec. 3. Provides that after Janu
ary 1st, S72, national banks must
redeem their notes in coin, and shall
retain in their vaults all coin received
by them as interest on stock after
January 1st 1870.
Sec. 4. Directs banks to replace
reserve legal tender notes with coin,
and equaling them, hold reserve-coin
as they are now required by law to
hold their reserve legal tender uotes.
Se. 5. Authorizes the Secretary
of the Treasury to cancel all notes res
deemed under the provisions of this
act to the extent his judgment may
deem necessary for proper limitation
of currency."
Sec. 5. Provides that after Janu
ary 1st, 1872, greenbacks shall cease
to be'Ieual tenders, but be receivable
for government dues as now pro
vided. Sec. 7. Authorizes the Secretary
of the Treasury to sell bonds of the
United States due in 30 years and
redeemable after ten years, bearing
7' per cent, interest ; principal and
interest payable ingold, to an amount
necessary to carry into operation the
provisions of the secend section.
The following particulars of the
death of Mr. Ilarvey, we find in the
Mountaineer :
On last Saturday evening, Mr.
Daniel Ilarvey, aged sixty-four, an
old and respected citizen of Oregon
City, who was on a visit here for his
health, died in an apoplectic Gt, at
the Empire Hotel in this city. At
the time of his death, he was sitting
in the office conversing and playing
with his son, a lad about ten years
old. His little son had gone to the
door to see the coach that had just
arrived from the steamboat landing,
and when he returned be found his
father speechless and dying. Medi
cal assistance was immediately called,
but the spirit had fled, and nothing
could be done to recall it. Ilia re
mains were removed to the residence
of Mr. llobert Pentland, from whence
after a short and impressive cere
mony, on Sunday evening, by the
Rev. Thomas Condon, they were re
moved to the . boat, preparatory to
leaving on Monday rooming for
Portland. Every attention and as
sistance was rendered to the bereaved
wife and son, by a number of our
good citizens, that was in their pow-
I er, and the tears of many were min
gled with theirs m sympatny wiui
them in their sad bereavment.
One of the Democratic papers
speaks of a precinct in Tulare county,
where Seymour received one hundred
and thirty votes and Grant one; and
remarks that it would be " a good
place to live in." We'll bet hat
t .7 ;T -scbol house tbat
Several cases of sm.ii r,- i,..
! occurred at the mill on ruget youna.
On Saturday, Judge Deady, of the
U. S. District Court, announced his
decision in the case of H. C. Coulson
and wife vs. The city of Portland.
This was a suit brought by the plain
tiffs to enjoin the city authorities from
issuing interest coupous to the West
Side Railroad bonds, and from levy
ing and collecting taxes upon the
property of plaintiffs to pay such in
terest. The decision is against the
city and pronounces the ordinance
providing for the payment of such
interest, void by reason of being in
conflict with provisions both of the
State Constitution and the charter of
the city. The opinion of the Court
is too lengthy for our issue of to-day,
but perhaps we shall publish it in a
future number of our paper. We
have frequently referred to the ille
gality ot such aid furnished to the
West Side Railroad Company, and
it is a matter of record that one of
the members of the Ilouse, from
Clackamas county, at the fourth bien
nial session of the Legislature, op
posed the measure pledging the faith
of the State to pay interest upon cer
tain bonds of the company which was
recognized by that body, for such
purpose. The Oregonian says :
No doubt the interest that is felt
by the people of Oregon the on gener
al subject of lending the credit of the
State, of counties and of municipal
corporations to aid internal improve
ments, will cause the opinion of Judge
Deady in the case of . C. Coulson
et ilx. vs. The City of Portland, to
receive very general attention. This
is the first judicial decision in which
the validity of the recent acts to lend
the public credit in this way has been
discussed, though Judge Boise, of
the Supreme Court of the State, in a
decision rendered some months ago,
plainly intimated that he regarded
the proceeding wholly unconstitu
tional. We apprehend it will now
be generally conceded that these at
tempts "to pledge the future pros
perity or labor of the country to the
payment or guarantee of stocks or
bonds of private corporations, form
ed for building railways and the
like," are failures, aicl that nothing
can be done in this line at least till
the Constitution is changed. True,
the Supreme Court of the State lias
not yet had occasion to pass upon the
subject, but there can be little doubt
what its decision would be. The
opinion of Judge Deady is wrought
out with much labor and learning,
and will possess an interest for the
Oregon public such as rarely attaches
to a judicial decision.
The Evening Commercial, which,
as the Herald says, may have been
influenced by " certain subsidized in
terests1' in west side stock, says
" The parties interestel will not
accept the opinion of Judge Deady
as a final determination of the case,
involving the validity of the ordinance
guaranteeing the interest on two hun
dred and fifty thousand dollars, of the
bonds of the west side railroad com
pany. The case is in the Circuit
Court of the United States, and Judge
Field, of thn United States Supreme
Court, is the proper Judge of the
.Circuit Court, and also the Judge
who rendered the decisions in a sim
ilar case in California, upon which
decisions (as also some decisions by
the Supreme Court of Ohio) the le
gality of the Portland ordinance is
based. It is contended that Judge
Deady, being a tax payer in Port
laud, and therefore interested, had
no rights to decide this case. Steps
will be taken to take the case before
Judge Field, and if need be, to the
Supreme Court of the United States."
The Oregonian, upon this, points
out two errors, as follows :
" In the first place, Judge Field is
no more the " proper Judge of the
Circuit Court" 'than is Judge Deady,
and in the next place, the case can.
not be taken beiore Jucige xuiu
Circuit Judge, unless he should hap
pen to be present when the case shall
be finally determined. The Circuit
Court has no " proper Judge." It is
a middle court over which either a
Judge of the Supreme Court or a
Judge of the District Court may
preside, or both may sit together.
There can be no such thing as re
moving a case determined in one cir-
..:. .i,r tinr ran a case lie
termined by a District Judge be re
ferred to a Supreme Judge sitting a3
Circuit Judge. The one is in every
respect the equal of the other. I he
case may be removed by proper pro
ceedings to a higher court, but not
to another circuit, except n"be scut
there before determination."
The city of Portland escaped
prosecution for damages resulting
from defective sidewalks a long time,
but at length is mulcted in $2,000.
The Oregonian says : Some mouths
ago, Mrs. O'llara, while passing
along one of our streets, stepped into
a hole in the sidewalk and broke her
leT j whereupon she and her husband
brought suit for damages, alleging
negligence on the part of the city ;
and the jury, after a few moments ab
sence from the court room, returned
a verdict for 2,000 in favor of plain
tiff's. It is almost miraculous, con
sidering the number of traps and
" manholes" to be met with every
where, tbat accidents are not more
numerous. This case having been
settled against the city, it may be ex
pected that similar redress will be
sought in the future by those who
may be unfortunate enough to fall in
to the city's traps.
Dr. Chas. B. Brooks, of the
Dalles, has wedded Miss Nellie Cat
ton, of Hood river. What have
yon, and your bachelor clqbj to sy
to that, Bro- Hand l
The Unionist is of the opinion
that Congressmen will act upon the
scriptural plan of doiog good to them
that hate you, if Oregon gets any
favors at "their hands. True, Oregon
turned her back upon freedom, law,
and justice.last June and in Novem
ber sneakingly took a stand against
the progressive moral spirit of the
age, reuounced the idea that the Al
mighty has a hand in rearing the
temple of our liberties but there are
men here, who, as true as the com
pass needle, will yet lead the un
shaven Ku Klux into the light of the
new day, and we trust that Congress
will not refuse us a shoulder to the
wheel on account of anything the
Oregon Herald, Col. J. C. Dow, or
the mobocrats of the Legislature may
The Yreka Journal says : The
surveying party establishing the Cal
ifornia and Oregon boundary line,
have passed Cole's Mountain Ilouse,
and are now at Hungry Creek. The
line passes just a quarter of a mile
above the' lower Cole's, which has
always been in dispute, though claimed
in California, being about eight miles
from Cottonwood. All of CoJe's
ranch is in California, and Sterling's !
is just over the line on the Oregon
side. It is expected that Hungry
Creek is in California, aud Grouse
Creek undoubtedly iti Oregon. The
surveying party intend making the
line through to the coast this winter,
if they can possibly get through. The
boundary line is marked on the stage
road by a monument about a quarter
of a mile above Cole's house on an
unfenccd piece of laud between Cole's
and Sterling's.
Capt. Simpson, of the Occident,
informs us that his vessel, which has
now been detained at the mouth of
the Columbia for over twelve
consequence of the prevailing strong
head winds, was but three days and a
halt in her passage from San Fran
cisco to where she is now lying. We
merely mention this circumstance to
show that the detention is hot occa
sioned by any fautt of the crew or by
the fact of her being a slow sailer.
There is no steamboat on the river
r which can bring her up against the
current ami winds. The tune occu
pied in the voy age so far, is nearly
equal" to ocean steamer time. -Com
When Oregon demands a shipping
equal to California, it may be found
tbat Portland is too far inland.
We are pleased to learn that
the new factory of Mr. J. P. Walker
is so nearly rebuilt that steam will
be raised to d.-ty and it is expected
that alt the new machinery will be
running within the next two weeks.
Mr. Walker has risen grandly out of
the ashes, with a structure which is a
credit to the city, says the Oregonian,
with better machinery than even that
destroyed by the fira last,
and with business prospects which
must be gratifying alike to him and
his many friends. Jjonglivein Ore
gon, such men of energy and perse
verance as Mr. Walker.
At the first rehearsal of the sea
son by the members of the Philhar
monic Society, of Portland, Dr.
Hatch was elected Musical Director
in place of Mr. Wyatt, who some
months ago removed from the city.
It is the intention of the Society to
crive a "rand vocal and instrumental
concert son, at their new hall. Ihey
have one of the finest pianos on the
At a regular communication of
Harmony Lodge, No. 12, F. & A.
M., the following officers were elected
for the ensuing Masonic yer W.
H. Bracket, W. M.; W, II. D Joyce,
S. W.; W. A. Daly, J. W.; J. L.
Atkinson, Treasurer ; W. D. Carter,
Secretary, and A. G. Wallincr, Tyler.
Installation will take place on the
27th inst., in conjunction with Wil
lamette Lodge, No. 2.
J. B. Underwood writes that
Ben. Holladay says that he does not
propose to cross the "Wallamet with
the O. C. R. R. at all ; that he was
not going to Eugene City, etc. " J.
13.,'' be it remembered, is prejudiced.
The Brownsville woolen mills
were bid off by John Isom at $."5,430,
but even at this figure he failed to
come up to time with the cash, and
the Register says the property is to
be sold agaiu.
-The Blue Mountain Times will
resume publication to-day. Glad to
hear it. There are a few reliable
Union men in that region who will
not sit idly by and let the rebels do
as they please, without saying some
thing about it.
Hurgren & Shindler, the leading
furniture dealers of Oregon, have
those beautiful and new styles of
parlor suits now used so extensively
in the East ; also, rare articles of or
nament for the parlor and sittings
John Wilson is opening one of
the largest and finest stocks of goods
ever brought to Portland. His table
linens, dress goods, silks, domestics,
and in fact all he has are of the finest
aud best quality.
Col. J. C. Dow, editor of the
Commercial, spent an hour very
agreeably in our ofilce on last Sat
urday. Col. Dow is raakjng the lit
tle daily a lively concern. Sorry he
is so rank a Copperhead.
Hyman Abrahams, of Canyqn
ville, who lost his leg by the upset
ting of the stage, north of Canjonville
last August, has commenced suit
against the company for $100,000
The Superintendent of Indian
Affairs, at Salem, wants to buy 16
mules and 20 yokes of work cattle
no stags.
Our Correspondents.
Ed. Enterprise :
Kuowing that many disadvantages
must attend yoa in the discharge of
your office duties, and feeling that the
public are indebted to you very much
for the interesting paper you furnish
for us I as one in this community
prizing the Enterprise, have resolved
to render you such assistance as I am
capable of, by way of jotting down
home incidents for your columns; oc
casionally, which you are at liberty to
use according to your own judgment.
In my observation upon real estate
transactions in Clackamas county, I
notice that the value on property of
all descriptions is advancing. I hear
of advances of 25 per cent, over prices
of a few weeks since, and holders are
by no means auxious to sell. There
appears to be a demand for real es
tate, especially lor manufacturing
purposes, by monied men, and the
vision ot our future Lowell seems not
so far iu the dim distance. .
There is no finer opening in the
country than here, for all kinds of
manufacturing establishments, but I
am specially prompted now to call at
tention to the demand for a descrip
tion of machinery for working up the
flax being raised in this valley. Such
an enterprise would yield a golden
harvest to its projectors. Oregon
consumes an immense quantity of
bagging, and her upholsters demand
a vast amount of burlap; besides all
of which, coarse lines and cordage
leading staples could be made in the
same establishment with slight addi
tional machinery. Competent ma
chinists inform me that the cost of
machinery for such an establishment
would not be apt to exceed 10,000.
It seems to me that there must be in
Oregon plenty of men with capital
who would be willing to embark in
such an enterprise, if they would only
consider the advantage offered in this
city, respecting the field for a concen
tration of industrial pursuits, the ben
efits of business arising from railroad
communication and river transporta
tion, coupled with a water-power un
surpassed by any in the world.
The People's Transportation Co.
have at this time some f00 tons of
down freight in their warehouse, con
sisting chit'fly of grain and flour, and
the Wallamet Steamboat Company
is also crowded with business. The
river is now on the rise, and steamers
will be able to go loaded full both
From the appearance of a fine look
ing money vault en route to Dayton,
marked Col. Chris. Taylor," I judge
that Yamhill county is prosperous,
and that our former fellow townsman
is preparing to store some of the grand
cah of that section. The friends of
Col. Taylor would be glad to have
him return and put his surplus balan
ces into some kind of machinery for
manufacturing purposes.
I also observe, in the warehouse, a
boiler destined for some part of the
valley. If the owner would dump
it into the Wallamet and come here,
he could supply its place with a frac
tion our immense water power for
J about one-half the cost of the fuel
to run the machine.
The bridge contracted for by the
County at the September terra of
Court, to be built across the Molalla,
by our fellow. townsman D. II. Good,
has been accepted by the Commis
sioners, and pronounced by them as a
substantial piece of work, performed
to their entire satisfaction, it is a
very cheap bridge to the county being
100 feet long, without the aprons,
(they making 132 feet more,) 14 feet
width, at a cost of but 82.GS5. The
county has not a toll-bridge in it.
More anon, OCCASIONAL.
SALEM, Dec. 11th.
En. Enterprise :
I expressed doubt as to whether
there would be anything done toward
locating the lands granted by the
State for the benefit of an Agricul
tural College. I am now happy to
inform yoa that at least two of .the
Commissioners appointed by the leg
islature, Hon. J. II. Douthitand Hon.
John F. Miller have determined to
make the effort to locato the lands.
They will meet at Albany tomorrow
(loth inst.,) to consult about prelim
inaries, their first field of operations,
etc., etc. It i3 probable that Mr.
Avery will also be present.
It will be remembered, by readers
of the Enterprise especially, that
Mr. Douthit is one of the earliest and
most active friends of this important
interest. He was placed upon the
Commission by those who changed
the original bill, as I before stated,
and which, by the way, he assisted
in drawing np solely because they
were afraul to leave him out, as I be
lieve. The political sentiments of Mr.
Douthit agree with the majority of
the legislature.
There are but few political readers
in the State who are not familiar with
the name of John F. Milled Mr.
M. canvassed the State for the office
of Governor iu 1862, and was defeat
ed by Hon. A. C. Gibbs. There is
nothing to find fault with in the char
acter of Mr. Miller, unless it is his
intense political bias in favor of the
wrong side Democracy. If he will
carry the same tact and energy into
the work now in his hands that he
Las iu the management uf his qwu
business affairs, he and Mr. Dootbit
alone would constitute a good com
mission independently of the third, but
Mr. Avery bears the reputation of
being greatly devoted to our inter
ests'' and that nick name bestowed
upon him by the defunct Oregon
Statesman, would indicate him to be
a man of some parts besides, he is
an old Surveyor, having been seen as
long ago as 1S4G, laying off town
lots upon the bluff at Oregon City, by
Ed. Entkkikisk :
SILVRTOX, Dec. 15.
Perhaps an item with relation to
this place would not be uninteresting
to some of the many readers of your
valuable paper.
The town is located ou Silver creek
in Marion county, about fifteen miles
north east of Salem, in the midst of
a beautiful and fertile region, is pros
perous, and bids fair to become quite
a city.
During the past season there has
been built, by Messrs. Davenport &
Wolford, a substantial two story brick
building. A dozen or more frame
buildings have also been constructed,
some of them very fiue aud creditable
to the place.
Silverton has now three store?,
.three harness shops,two wagon shops,
three blacksmith shops, two drug
stores, an Odd Fellows Lodge, Ma
sonic Lodge, a large flouring mill and
carding machine, a sash and door fac
tory, a hotel and livery stable, a
Lodge of Good Templars, and a half
starved grocery or " dead fall'' o its
last legs. There is also a good school
being taught here.
G. W. Hobart, of this place, has
invented a nice machine for stufliing
harness collars. I saw it working
to-day, and it does the stuffing up
linely. He has applied for a patent.
More Aausi.
The Pb re no logical Journal for De
cember contains a great variety of inter
esting matter, iDnstrated unf otherwise,
the -4 U tli volume commoners with the next
number. Terms, $'.' a year, c-r 30 cents-a
number. AdJress S. II. Wells, i89 Broad
way, New York.
The December number of TJaUou's
Monthlj Magazine, is received. We d
it filled with that ch.irming varietv of il
lustration and interesting matter so well
calculated to keep it t the head of the
cheap Magazines of the country. The hu
morous pictures are uncommonly good,
embracing four different subjects, illus
trated by six engravings designed by
Rogers. The publishers announce for
18(i!l a new serial by the charming Miss
Camilla William, also an original story for
boys and girls, to run through the year.
It is sent to subscribers at $1.50 per year,
or in clubs tor $1.25. Elliott, '1 homes &
Talbot, i'ublishers. Boston, Mass.
Charity A large class of people
professing to be virtuous, on many ofcasions
forget that to be charitable to a fellow being
is the greatest virtue a person can possess'
It is not always by piving money to the poor,
or assisting ihe afllicted, that a person can
only show their charity. Good advice is ofen
better than nionoj'. For instance: meeting a
person who wishes to buy a common, or fine,
suit of clothing, or any other article in that
line, would it not be considered a charitable
act to recommend them to go to Kohn & Fish
el, you being certain that at that house they
can purchase at the lowest rates, and receive
good powls, and where, also, the most partic
ular can be satisfied ?
If you want to buy any holi
day presents, or other goods cheap, please
call at the store of I. Soiling, where you will
be certain to get the value of vour money.
Mrs. Annie E. Lasswell d.ie4 at the resi
dence of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
l'ope, in Oregon City, oa the evening of
Nov. 25th, 18f3, aged 23 years.
She accompanied her parents ta this
coast at the age of five years, at which
tim they settled in this city, where they
have resided for the most part since. She
was blessed wilh pious parents and a gen
tle heart, that freely yielded to their godly
precepts and examples. At '.he age of 13
years she joined the M. E. Church, to.which
she proved an ornament in Christian
fidelity and labor. She was endowed with
fine musical talents, which she cheerfully
dedicated to the service of llin who
abundantly sustained and comforted her
in life and in the dying hour. Many ot
her associates well remember her gentle
Christian counsel that now recurs to the
mind as the teachings of a guardian angel.
She was married April 2d, J 80S, and
two months later accompanied her hus
band to Canyon City, as the place of her
luture lesidence. She found in that city
no religiows organization or services.which
she much lamented ; but true to her early
education ami habits, lor she had from in
fancy been a regular attendant at Sabbath
School, she resolved by the blessing of
God to have a Sabbath School in Canyon
City. With the co-operation of her bus
band she extended a liberal invitation to
the community at large to join her in the
enterprise. The children und vouth so
unanimously responded to her'call that
the success of the undertaking quite ex
ceeded her expectations. Subsequently
$150 was obtained for the purchase of a
library. After an absence of about four
months she returned to this citv in appar
ent good health, but soon took cold, pro
ducing slight hacking cough, that percept
ibly increased from week to week, but was
not regarded in any way alarming until
within two or three days of her death.
I shall not forget her first attendance on
public worship during this her last visit;
she seemed to enjoy it with, such a relish.
In the class meeting that followed she
stated that she had hungered lor religious spirit of the Psalmist, when
he says : How amiable are thy taber
nacles, O Lord of hosts ! My soul longeth,
yea even fainteth for the courts of the
Lord." The morning before her death
she said. " for myself 1 am willing to die
but for family 1 desire to live.-' Little
was said to her about the stale of her
heart : all were satisfied.. Her perfect pa
tience during intense suffering and an oc
casional ejaculation. LTessod Jesus."'
lully indicated genuine spiritual health
Her life was a perfect success; fhe-fotio-ht
the good fight, kept the faith ;;' received
the crown. Karely are husband and wife
so perfectly wedded of heart, or brothers
and sisters so fond of each other, or par
ents and children so gentle, kind and lov
ing as id the case of this bereaved family
but husband, brother, sister, mother
rather, weep not because the daughter
of music is brought low," the '"filvertjord
loosed," or because the " golden bowl is
broken." She is discoursing sweeter mu
sic on her harp of gold, and holds you by
a stronger tie : the infinite moil A irxcr Kqn.l
, - ....v..,.,
will re-cast in immortal boantv thnt. .-hi,-h
i U broken.. u. W. Toitw.
Weekly Commercial lie-view.
Enterprise Orrici, - I
Oregon City, Dec. IS, 186S. J
New York, Dec. 14th.
California flour nominal at $7,12.
.Wheat quiet but steady at $2 202 25.
The Liverpool quotations for California
wheat are steady at 12s.
Tacific Mail, 113.
Sax Francisco, Dec. 14th.
Flour We quote Oregon brands at
$5 505 75, for extra.
Wheat Market quiet at $1 701 80,
for fair to choice. At the close, 60U sacks
choice, $1 85. The market continues
quiet and prices firm with but few lots of
fering. 1,4;U sks. uregon per jane ji.
Falkinburg. full figures.
Oat 650 sk.3 choice California $2 25 ;
quotable at S22 25; 500 sks Oregon
white per Continental. $2 15 ; 1.500 sks
Oregon black per June A. Falkinburg,
S2 05 ; Oregon descriptions range from
$2 05 to $2 20.
PonTLAxn, Dec. 16th.
Apples, green box 751.00. Wheat.
bushel GoR.lO. Oats, "ft bushel 43,45.
Bacon. $ lb"l313i. Hams. 18. Shoul
ders 67. Lard, in tins 1313i. Lard,
in kegs 1H,12. Eggs. ft dox 50.55.
Butter. 3035. Chickens, young. doz
52 503 00. Chickens, grow, $ doz
$3 003 50.
The La Grande Se7itinel says:
A survey over the route by Col.
Hudnutt, of the corps of engineers of
the" Union Pacific Railroad Company,
has demonstrated the fact tbat the
Meacham road over the Blue Moun
tains is nearly 900 feet lower than
the 11 jckel i Thomas road. It is
now thought the line of railroad will
pass through Pyle canyon, across
Grand llonde valley, and then follow
up the river for six or seven miles,
whence it will cross the mountains.
If John William I5ailey is in
Oregon he will hear of his brother
James, by addressing S. J. McCor-
mick, Portland.
Xcw Advertisements.
The firm of Lewis & oIramot doing a
manufacturing business in Oregon City, is this
day dissolved, by mutual consent. I lie buss
ness of the late firm will tie continued at the
old stand as usual by JOHN" W.LEWIS, who
i.s authorized to collect and pay all bills of the
said tirm of Lewis olgamot .
Oregon Citv, Dec. 14th, 1SGS. 6:4t
As the age in which we live detnands
progress in Farming Implements as
well as in all other branches of i?idvs
try,I have entered extensively vpoti the
Manttfaclure oj the Celebrated
Ffeii (i;iu Plow !
Better known- in Oregon as the WOL
O A MOT PL O W. This Plow com
bines all the desirable points of a per
fect implement, being s-imple in con
st ruction, cheap, durable, and of light
draft. The only Premiums which icere
awarded to Gang P'lows at the great
Implement trial at Maltoon, Sej)t. 4
1 1SCG. by the State Agricultural oci-
I ety of Illinois were awarded to this
Plow. The following is an extract
from the Report of the Commissioner
of Agriculture, for the year 186G-, and
?7iay be found on fMge iilG of that re
port :
"The Gang Tlow made hr J. C. Pfeil,
Arenzville, Cass county Illinois, is received
with no little favor in the west. Almost in
credible stories are told of its excellence
and efficiency in plowing the prairie fields
of Illinois and other States.
" The depth of the furrow is regulated by
the crank-axle, which is so arranged that
the ploughs can be driven deeper or shal
lower at the pleasure of the driver, when the
team is moving, by means ot the Jever.
We also manufacture sulkey plows for
small boys, or infirm persons who are unable
to manage a team of three or four horses.
This gang or sulkey plow, will cut a fur
row from 2 to 10 inches deep.
"The committee who tested the draught
of this plow with a dynamometer state, that
it ran lighter by 140 pounds,than other plows
when runnipg at the sam depth, and held
by the plowman while ou foot."
JG- JVitli this Dldi0, one jnan can do
more work than two men can do with
walking Poics, and the same amount
of team. Hence, it will be seen that
it ifill more than pay for itself in one
season's plowing.
I will also manufacture the
WebFoQt Walking Plow J
Eotk "patterns of' my own invention,
for which patents have been applied
for, and ichicK have withstood practi
cal tests with the best results ,rt ceiving
jlaitering testimonials wherever seen
JBg5 Now, llie Farmers of Oregon
are invited to give the Oregon City
Manufactory a trial. Do not purch.
ase a Plow of any descrijylion until
you have examined my make and
prices, as I am determined to sell at
less than importer s rates, Ly giving
you a more durable article, and a guar
antee warranting the same.
For furtder information address
And Weekly Commercial.
cial has abandoned its neutrality in
politics, and now steps forth as an advocate
ot sound, old-fashioned Democracy. The
Constitution and Union as they were," shall
be our motto. We sha'i be bound or guided
by no clique, and shall labor tor the reorgan
lzation ot the Democratic party on a basis
that will insure success in the future.
Daily for one yerr ?5 00
" six' months 3 fo
" " three months -1 00
Weekly one year, 2 ou; six months, if 1 Si)
tT" Let every true Democrat consider
himself an ant lor the Co mm ehci al, and
forward his own name and those of his im
mediate friends. JAMES C. DOW,
Corner Washington and Front sts..
fi.Sm Portland, Oregon.
All persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to rne, must settle their accounts before
the first of January, to save costs. Mr. J.
M. Paeon, at the Post Office, is authorized to
receipt for the same, as I have sold my tem
and am going awav. D. J. SLOVER,
Dec. pjtb, 16(3.-6.t
A. II. Richardson,
Corner of Front and Oak streets, Pertland,
Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merck an
dise and Horses,
Every Wednesday and Saturday
A. B. Richardso.n, Auctioneer?
English refined Bar and BHndle Iri -
English Square and Octagon Cast steel ;
Hoi se shoes. Files, Rasps, saws ; '
Screws, Frj-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron
also : '
large assortment of Groceries and Liquort,
A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer.
Santa Clans'
Where my Head-Quarters have been
Established for the Post Seven
Years, and where I will
My Annual Festival
That all may observe the
I Herewith Issue my Annual
Dear Parents and Children! once more L
And wish you oood Christmas, amlXfif-p'
X'ic Year!
I've brought you glad tidings I v opened'
once more !
My Jludgel tf 'ndcrs--ixb JftGormick's
Dock Store !
I've spread out my treasuras, so give me
a call
And view the nice GHTS I've procured
for you all.
In F ' reseii t s this year we've conveyed to
the town.
By Jlercer's ne-c clij)er, the swi't SaUle
The stock's moit complete! The assort
ment comprises
Curiosities rare; of all shapes and all sizes!
I've IhAHes that l-aik I've habits that
(Some, very handsome. I purchased in
I've Fish that cua swim I've Jlmsttrs
who strive
To cvow so like nature, you'd think they're
alive !
I've Guns, and I've Ginnon I've neat
&ivinijs Banks.
And Soldiers that look very neat when in
I've Fuzzles. and Fistols, their Christmas
to keep.
I've Candles, Ttfjlectors and llgacktls
heap !
I've beautiful Baskets, (a nice gift for Ma.)
And handsome Cigar Stands just suited
for Fa ! -While
there's nothing so welcome to uncle
or aunt,
Asa beautiful portrait of President Grant!
I've Work Boxes handsome as ever were
With ladies' utensils all nicely arrayed.
I've nice setts of China I've Vasts of
And Musical Boxes that play at all hour-..
I've !irnitvre. Vdlages, Steamboats, and
That gav little joker, called Jack-in-the-'
B ox !
I've Tables, and Dressers, for China or
I've nice Solitaire, that you play by your
self! I've new Magic Ijantvrns a beautiful
To make all good children merry at night.
For girls at school I've a nice Skippi"9
Jivpe. ,
Ar.l for family fun I've the new Zoetrope
I've Games that instruct, "aDd Books that
For Gifts to good people I never refill
In fine, Fve got all that each heart could
To name them, all over your patience I'd
tire ;
Hut call on me early, or call oh me late.
I'll visit your houses all over thin State
In Washington's eliaae in young Idaho
I'm sure to find ehildren -wherever I go I
I've traveled for years you all must re
tuembet I'll be Sixty-nine at the end of December,
My hair is all white, and my body doth
To the latest sensation the new Grecian
IWnd !
On Christmas Eve night,, as in bed you all
With pack on my back lawn ewh chimney
I'll creep ;
I'll lay out my presents, but oh ! 'twill
shocking, -' . ,
Should I find a bole in anv one's stocking
So, for Holiday Goods lor Dolls sweet
as hone v. , ,f
Go to MCCORMICK'S you'll save nail
your monev !
Xice Fresents or Gifts any kind you n-
YouTl finTait'the " Fba.vlin" (the nam
ber inquire.)
On Front street, near Alder 10a,
In fact you can't miss it and when JO'"
arrive. .
Don't ask goods at cost, for you'll flnd-
toh try, ..
That goods sold ' at eoat'' always cot"
very high I .
But to pm-ebasera all, thissiaxim Fdg1Te
Live well rourself, and let others live.
. . Given at mv Palace, in WondT
:.. s. land, this 7th day of tbe twelfth
( J month . being the second year a
the rcigu of the third George. m
the land of Webfoot-
Keeper of the Great fceaL
Permanently Lpcat'A at Oregon City urtJ
ROOMS Willi Pr. SaOarraus, on Uia c"
s .